5 of wands relationship tarot. Five of Wands Tarot: meaning in relationships. Questions to ask when drawing a card

Each to the expectant mother I wonder who will be born to her: a boy or a girl? To find this out I use .

Hello, dear reader of Lenormania!

First technique the simplest. To start fortune telling, shuffle the cards and let the fortuneteller move them once with his left hand. Now turn over the top card of the deck and place it on the table. It is by this that we will determine the gender of the child.

Example: card 14 (Fox) is drawn. According to the meaning of the card there will be a girl.

Second technique. It's a little more complicated. For this you need to know the date of birth of the expectant mother. First, add up all the digits of your date of birth and get a number from 1 to 36. If the sum of the numbers is greater than 36, then subtract the number 36 from it until you get a number from 1 to 36.

Example: a woman was born on April 15, 1984. Add up all the numbers: 1+5+4+1+9+8+4=32. We see that we immediately got a number up to 36. We count the 32nd card. Card 20 (Garden) came out. It will be a boy.

AND third technique. Need to know how much full years The expectant mother turned 10 at the time of the fortune telling. As in the second method, you need to get a number from 1 to 36.

Now we count the cards one at a time, starting from the first, until we reach the required card.

Example: at the time of fortune telling, the woman was 37 years old. We see that the resulting number is greater than 36. We subtract 36. We get 1. We count out 1 card. Card 9 (Bouquet) fell out. So it will be a boy.


The cards are interpreted very simply. If the picture shown on the card male- there will be a boy, if female - there will be a girl, if medium - there will be twins or twins.

If plural, then we do it in singular and determine the gender. For example, the stork card. In the singular, it is a stork. So it will be a boy.

The meaning of the cards.

1. Boy

2. Boy

3. Boy

4. Boy

5. Twins or twins

6. Girl

7. Girl

8. Boy

9. Boy

10. Girl

11. Girl

12. Girl

13. Boy

14. Girl

15. Boy

16. Girl

17. Boy

18. Girl

19. Girl

20. Boy

21. Girl

22. Girl

23. Girl

24. Twins or twins

25. Twins or twins

26. Girl

27. Twins or twins

28. Boy

29. Girl

30. Girl

31. Twins or twins

32. Girl

33. Boy

34. Girl

35. Boy

36. Boy

If we calculate the ratio of boy cards to girl cards, we will see that there are slightly more girls. But, according to our statistics, girls are born more often. Twins and twins are also sometimes born. There are five such cards in the deck.

I hope you like it.

The number "five" is associated with the irrepressible and rapid energy of yang, uncertainty, the planet Mercury, the signs of Virgo and Gemini, and the Hierophant card. Mercury is a symbol of change, freedom, movement, flexibility and adaptability, diversity. The rival or warlike forces of the Five of Wands sometimes indicate involvement in struggle, quarrel, competition, litigation with many obstacles. The willingness to be firm and stand up for yourself will help you defend your interests and lead to positive results. Fives in Tarot layouts foretell recognition in society, career advancement, travel, relocation, adventure, nervous shock.

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      General value

      The Tarot card Five of Wands symbolizes a feigned fight and the saying “much ado about nothing”: it shows five men fighting among themselves. Despite the visible vigorous activity, there are no significant results. Perhaps their competition is to interfere with each other with wands, is fun, but has no final goal.

      • People's efforts are dispersed in different directions; they lack clarity and strategy to achieve an overall positive result. If their strength is directed to a specific task, the plan will be achieved. The goal should be clear and understandable, and outside support will be appropriate.

        One of the meanings of the 5 of Wands card is uncertainty. The querent will have a chance of being involved in some kind of struggle. Sometimes the card describes events such as a trial, domestic quarrels, etc. A fortuneteller may face many obstacles, but the willingness to defend one’s interests will help one get out of a difficult situation.

        Additional card meanings are described in the table:

        Sphere of life Description
        Sports, martial arts, sports competitionsThe fight in this case has nothing to do with harming a person or killing. The call to measure strength is what is typical for her
        ConsciousnessA problem, a riddle that will help move forward; a variant of a teenager’s dispute with a mentor, during which the ideas imposed on him are replaced by those developed independently. Tarot 5 of Wands indicates the presence of stress, to which the fortuneteller is highly susceptible. It is necessary to restore clarity of thinking and mobilize internal reserves, to pay attention to emerging opportunities, despite the fact that they resemble a challenge. Any problem can be considered as a source of valuable experience. The card sometimes has the meaning of a riddle or problem that needs to be solved. You will have to make every effort, but the solution found will bring a person closer to the goal
        PersonalityFans of discussions and competitions; referees, people interested in sports and martial arts. Sometimes the card represents a literal enemy or an overt rival; in an inverted position denotes an implicit competitor, one of whose qualities is anger
        RelationshipDisputes, conflicts, clarification of feelings, struggle for leadership in a couple
        JobThe task ahead will require tension; you have to perform a new, unusual task; work requiring dexterity and intelligence; a competition that requires a playful attitude
        SituationIn the scenario of enemies threatening the client, the card means empty troubles and the impossibility of causing him harm. The fortuneteller should not fear defeat - he has everything he needs to win. But the 5 of Wands does not guarantee magic; it all depends on the person’s activity. The emerging situation is not dangerous; it is more reminiscent of a search for truth than hostility. Constructive discussion is possible, participants can benefit from new ideas and get rid of social stereotypes of thinking. The task will be unusual, including in terms of volume. Requires agility and intelligence
        HealthImmunity impairment; colds, infections
        DriveIt may be canceled due to sudden problems

        Card advice: do not lose the chance that will promote the manifestation of unique qualities and the achievement of interesting results. Passivity in this moment can only do harm. It is recommended to direct energy to exercise, you can arrange a day active rest with friends.

        The reversed 5 of Wands symbolizes harmonious state in all areas of life. New opportunities should be taken as a test of strength, but in general the situation will be stable. The card also means an end to the conflict, a truce, a successful resolution of the issue.

        Love, relationships

        The meaning of the Five of Wands in a relationship scenario is that partners like to argue, there is competition between them in some way, but they retain feelings for each other. Their life is never calm, but without heated arguments it would not be interesting. It is possible that the map describes only a separate period of the couple’s relationship.

        The struggle can be joint and directed at a third person or the prevailing circumstances. Additional value there is a need to win the favor of a loved one or fight an enemy, the fight for a trophy.

        The situation is characterized by the saying: “Together it is difficult, but apart it is difficult.” The conflict grows from minor disagreements to major scandals. Everyone tries to prove to the other that they are right, which leads to protracted confrontations. In the absence of negative cards, a strong union is quite possible. Otherwise, it’s a couple of despots: resentment, dissatisfaction, jealousy, and unwillingness to give in are present in the relationship.

        In a situation of divorce: squabbles, pettiness, struggle, destruction of emotions, energy expenditure without results, tension is released through conflict, sad consequences.

        When this card appears, you can say that the relationship needs to be restored. For single people, there is an internal conflict: a person craves a relationship, but is accustomed to his free lifestyle.

        Card of the day

        In the “Card of the Day” layout, the Five of Wands has the following meaning: a call to be in shape, since the situation will require confirmation of qualifications or skill. This event can be a test or an exam. With honest behavior, victory is guaranteed, but even if the first place does not go to a person, he will be pleased with his participation in the struggle.

        You cannot avoid worry and emotionality, so you should take care that this does not harm the psyche. We must not forget about prudence, but we must not retreat at the first difficulties.

        Card advice: do not perceive the situation solely as a test for inconsistency with something. Perhaps it will be a useful experience.

        Card warning: before entering into a conflict, you need to think about its causes. If they lie in your own complexes, it is better to start working on yourself, otherwise desired result can't achieve it.


        Combining the Five of Wands with other arcana gives more detailed description the current situation in the life of the questioner.

        5 of Wands with major arcana:

        • Jester - Ignore other people's opinions.
        • Magician - manipulate the team.
        • The High Priestess is a competition of experts in a particular field.
        • The Empress is a solution that suits both.
        • The Emperor is a politician.
        • Hierophant - getting rid of uncertainty.
        • Lovers - show competition in relationships.
        • Chariot - to get bogged down in disagreements.
        • Strength is to stay within the limits of what is permitted.
        • Hermit - internal conflict.
        • Wheel of Fortune - test.
        • Justice is to find a loophole in the law.
        • Hanged Man - feverishly looking for a way out of the situation.
        • Death is a change of beliefs.
        • Moderation is a balanced approach.
        • The devil is an evil twist of fate.
        • The tower is a loss in competition.
        • Star - errors in the natal chart.
        • The moon is a deception of the opponent.
        • Sun - get around the enemy.
        • Judgment - truth comes in dispute.
        • Peace is winning the battle.


        • two - lost opportunities;
        • three - self-realization;
        • four - come to an agreement, compromises;
        • six - win; subdue; rise up;
        • seven - protracted conflict; long-term difficulties; dissatisfaction and nagging; upholding beliefs;
        • eight - the conflict is coming to an end; fast reaction; bustle;
        • nine - the need to be alert; nervous anticipation and analysis of possibilities, gaining experience;
        • ten - a battle that exhausts one’s strength; loss; give in to competitors; removal from office;
        • Page - compromise, reflection on the situation;
        • Knight - inflaming passions, worsening conflict;
        • Queen - streamline the situation, move to a more advanced level in relationships;
        • King - constructive decision, victory over disagreements, building a strategy, taking responsibility;
        • Ace - seize the initiative, catch luck by the tail.


        • two - conflict, work on relationships;
        • three - a quarrel among friends;
        • four - avoiding conflict;
        • five - to have weak sides in front of rivals;
        • six - a conflict originating from the past;
        • seven - useless struggle;
        • eight - avoiding the fight;
        • nine - to have the pleasure of victory after making maximum efforts;
        • ten - quarrels in the family;
        • Page - fight for someone's attention;
        • Queen - a quarrel with a woman, who is represented by a card;
        • King - a quarrel with a man, the King of Cups;
        • Ace - love rivalry.


        • two - challenge to a duel;
        • three - verbal skirmish;
        • four - retreat;
        • five - insult, invasion;
        • six - to hide from persecution;
        • seven - diplomatic approach;
        • number eight - complexes under the influence of others;
        • nine - nervousness due to conflicts;
        • ten - uncertainty of relationships, turning into separation;
        • Page - conflicts with a teenager;
        • Knight - serious confrontation and struggle;
        • Queen - conflict with an intelligent woman;
        • King - argue with superiors, an authoritative person;
        • Ace - fight to win.


        • two - strife with the debtor;
        • three - competition among professionals;
        • four - fight to establish rules;
        • five - struggle for survival;
        • six - take part in the competition;
        • seven - it is necessary to consider a strategy of behavior;
        • eight - competition of professionals;
        • nine - battle for profit;
        • ten - argue about inheritance;
        • Page - conflicts regarding money matters;
        • Knight - experience in business;
        • Queen - feuds with a business woman;
        • King - fight for control over finances;
        • Ace - conflicts based on money.

        Tarot 78 doors

        The meanings of the card in the Tarot deck of 78 doors are ambition, composure, readiness to make any sacrifice for the sake of one’s intention.

        Description: a man is about to hit a doorway blocked with bricks with a sledgehammer.

        Characteristics: a person who ignores reality in order to achieve his goals. Neither people, nor norms and decency, nor circumstances are important to him. His end justifies the means. If the impossible is required, a person will be happy to do it, including changing principles.

        The card also portends significant efforts to overcome obstacles. At home - men's work around the house; repairs with metal tools and carrying heavy loads.

        Additional values:

        • Business: high competitiveness; the businessman is ambitious in his plans; uncompromising management; efficiency at work; harsh working conditions; production process associated with physical labor; overcoming serious obstacles, for which you will have to “go over your head.”
        • Job: disputes, chaos, vanity are destructive to the work environment; success is hampered by selfishness and stubbornness; idealism is opposed to financial issues.
        • Finance: disputes regarding resources, ideas, rights, activities, financial contributions; advice to be practical, given problems due to inattention.
        • Relationship: one is ready to do anything for the other; readiness to get the desired person as a partner at any cost, including stalking and modeling situations.
        • Love: disagreements give rise to quarrels, confrontations, both partners are selfish, stubborn in their preferences, are not ready to show flexibility, accept the position of the other, and do not strive for cooperation.
        • Personal growth: advice to leave behind narcissism and stereotypes that hinder development; The card indicates daydreaming at a time when you need to deal with problems.

        Card advice: prepare for hard work, full dedication; make sure that the end really justifies the means. In an inverted position: there is a lot of noise, but the result is unfavorable.

        Waite Tarot

        Astrological meaning: Mars in the fifth house, symbolizing competitions, games. Title: Lord of Struggle. Five is also a symbol of gaining important experience and reconsidering priorities.

        There is an opinion regarding the image that people are not fighting, but trying to form a pentagram or competing.

        General meaning: struggle, competition, competition, clash of interests of people of equal opportunities, but different opinions. The 5 of Wands is a challenge, an invitation to competition, a test. There is a chance to use force, so there is no reason to fear defeat, unless a number of circumstances coincide. Don't miss out on chances to prove yourself in your abilities.

        IN upright position The Five of Staves means liberation from burdensome connections, acquaintances, and speaks of secret resentment or enmity; indicates the emergence of new opportunities in a certain field of activity.

        Additional direct position values:

        • Personality: Black and white thinking; insolence, arrogance.
        • Events: conflict, getting rid of unnecessary things, renewal.
        • Relationships: A family of wranglers, loving friend friend; Italian passions; divorce; struggle for leadership; development through pain.
        • Work: clarifying relationships with colleagues.
        • Health: struggle within the body, elevated temperature, exacerbation of the disease, inflammation, minor injuries.
        • Advice: stand up for rights, use your aggression, open up to conflict.
        • Caution: the tendency to conflict will provoke the involvement of others in resolving the issue.
        • Answer: “No” - resistance from the outside; the need for battle; the matter will be resolved through struggle.

        In an inverted position, the card speaks of injustice, rigidity of thinking, and ignoring life lessons. Symbolizes the inconsistency of relationships, uncertainty in social status.

        Additional meanings of inverted position:

        • Personality: overly cautious; frustration; hidden enmity disguised by courtesy.
        • Events: quarrels, discord, which can be useful; secret rivalry; rudeness.
        • Work: fruitless team activities; crop failure; problems that arise during the work process (misunderstanding, competition, claims from colleagues); profits don't come easy.
        • Health: setting the body against itself; long struggle for recovery.
        • Relationships: unresolved conflict that is getting worse; prolonged uncertainty in choice; uncertainty social status; no one can yield to another.

        Card tip: get out of the fight; stay away. Warning: the possibility of witnessing a fight, being involved in the process against your will.

        Thoth Tarot

        The Five of Wands in the Thoth Tarot deck has the following meanings:

        • limitation;
        • unfulfilled desires;
        • fear;
        • vain aspirations;
        • struggle, fire of argument;
        • aggression;
        • call;
        • ambition;
        • going beyond possible limits.

        Description: The central rod appears weighted. A disk with wings, which could mean an upward flap, carries the star down. As far as symbolism goes, the snakes of rebirth are slow and sleepy, all-seeing eye lost clarity of vision; creative power is blocked; there is stagnation of energy. The small wings at the end of the staff continue to work in an attempt to lift the weight.

        Instruction: in the situation there is a high probability of coming to terms with the circumstances. As the planet Saturn reminds us, we must not allow ourselves to despair. You need to look at the flame that continues to burn behind the rod, regardless of the difficulties. The card appears as a sign that the person is ready to face difficulties head-on and work on them.

        Questions that the querent should ask himself: what obstacles exist between him and the realization of his goals? What kind of pile-up of his responsibilities does he have? Recommendation: go through the path step by step; don't take the situation too seriously; draw an additional card.

        Statement: “I am capable of new expressions of feeling and creativity in my work.”

        Additional card meanings:

        • Profession: competition; contrary intentions; maintaining their positions; ambition.
        • Consciousness: internal experience - inside the querent feels the aggression of fire, which encourages conflict.
        • Relationships: clashes and reconciliation; violation of contradictions.
        • Advice: take a risk; experience something new; take the challenge.
        • Warning: inflated self-esteem, narcissism; unjustified vanity.

        Tarot Manara

        In the Manara Tarot deck, the dropped 5 of Wands indicates that contradictions do not provide peace of mind, the questioner is overwhelmed by various aspirations: two lovers; two wishes; two ways. There is a fear of being left without the attention and love of others, a fear of being unworthy. It is not known which of the two directions is truer and better. Stress leads to aggression and psychosomatic diseases. A crisis requires a choice, but it is difficult to make it, since there is no strength to follow a single direction.

        Description: two women attack a man in a fit of passion. He behaved improvidently and himself provoked a situation in which victims could not be avoided. The unusual thing about what is happening is that women are not competitors. Each of them is focused on a man, and they are capable of destroying him.

        Meaning: a person is under the power of two desires, contradictions do not allow him to come into balance; internal conflict affects life. Trying to please everyone, to please everyone leads to rivals uniting and tearing a man apart.

        Sometimes the card means a triple alliance, when identifying oneself with another serves to strengthen attraction.

        Additional values:

        • Condition: contradictions reveal a person’s nature; it is not necessary to have a third wheel - the person drives himself into a dead end.
        • Relationships: love triangle; destructive tendencies; tension in the situation; attention is directed to clarifying internal conflicts, rather than focused on the partner.
        • Feelings: superficial passion with bewilderment and devastation; love is replaced by hatred, adoration is replaced by indifference, then by the desire to continue the relationship; opposites are observed simultaneously, it is not easy to deal with the problem on your own.
        • Health: breakdowns, aggression, destructive processes in the body.
        • Caution: loss of integrity, in which unnecessary connections are formed; waste of energy on resolving internal conflicts.
        • Advice: use the energy of contradictions and direct it in one direction.

        In another meaning, the Five of Wands card is a game as a prelude Serious relationships. Women don't take a man seriously. The choice is difficult for the man himself, or he does not know how to refuse, while both partners are patient. For a couple, the card can mean stimulating the partner's sexuality through conversations or behavior.


        Despite the feeling of pressure, the fortuneteller should use internal reserves and restore clarity of thinking. It will be useful to respond to the challenge and consider new opportunities to solve emerging difficulties.


Five of Wands in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - unsportsmanlike behavior; ignore other people's opinions.
With the “Magician” card - manipulation in a team.
With the “High Priestess” card - a battle of psychics.
With the “Empress” card - find a mutually acceptable solution.
With the "Emperor" card - a politician.
With the “Hierophant” card - overcome doubts.
With the “Lovers” card - rivalry in relationships.
With the Chariot card - drown in disputes.
With the “Strength” card - do not go beyond what is permitted.
With the Hermit card there is a conflict with oneself.
With the "Wheel of Fortune" card - a challenge of fate.
With the “Justice” card - take advantage of the imperfections of the judicial system.
With the Hanged Man card - a feverish search for a way out of the situation.
With the “Death” card - a change of heart.
With the “Moderation” card - moderate views.
With the “Devil” card, fate played a cruel joke.
With the Tower card - lose to a competitor.
With the “Star” card - incorrect Natal chart.
With the Moon card - deceive your opponent.
With the “Sun” card - win the tender; get around your opponents.
With the “Court” card, truth is born in a dispute.
With the “World” card - win the battle.

With the Ace of Wands card - seize the initiative; don't miss your chance; snatch luck.
With the “Two of Wands” card - loss of opportunities; failure that pushes you into the background.
With the Three of Wands card - self-affirmation; overcoming difficulties; undergo hardening.
With the Four of Wands card - achieving agreement; finding a compromise.
With the Six of Wands card - gain the upper hand; subdue; advance.
With the Seven of Wands card there is a protracted conflict; prolonged difficulties; constant attacks and nagging; stubbornly defending one's beliefs.
With the Eight of Wands card, the conflict is moving towards a resolution; fast reaction; turmoil.
With the Nine of Wands card - the need to remain alert; intense anticipation and analysis of possibilities; gaining experience.
With the Ten of Wands card - bullying that has exhausted you; loss; lose to competitors; removal from office.
With the “Page of Wands” card there is an emerging compromise; careful weighing of the situation.
With the “Knight of Wands” card - add fuel to the fire; inciting passions; inciting conflict.
With the “Queen of Wands” card - putting things in order; transition to a more mature level of relationship.
With the “King of Wands” card there is a constructive conflict; overcoming disagreements; strategy development; accepting responsibility.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Five of Wands (Staffs) in an upright position with the Major Arcana

Magician pr and per - “Going to great lengths” to achieve the desired goals
Priestess - Success in extrasensory perception, occultism
Empress - Profit
Emperor - Promises a great career in politics
Priest - Reverie
Lovers - Qualitatively new choice
Chariot - Successful solution the task assigned to you
Justice - Attempt to evade punishment
Hermit pr and per - Controversial attitude towards abundance
Wheel of Fortune - You have the strength to take on the challenge of fate
Strength - Profit
Hanged Man - Losses, unexpected
Death - Atheism/change of belief
Moderation - New position, moving to a new location is possible
Devil - Devil's Challenge
Tower - Losing money
Star - Doubt about paternity
Moon - Illegal gains
Sun - High position
Court - Karmic addiction
World - Test of strength
Jester - Doping, withdrawal from competitions

Five of Wands (Staffs) inverted with the Major Arcana

Justice - Punishment
5 of Wands (per) + Tower + 2 of Pentacles - Bad luck, collapse of existing affairs

Five of Wands (Staffs) in an inverted position with Minor Arcana

4 of Wands - Winning a case, luck
9 of Pentacles (trans) - Theft cannot be avoided

Five of Staves – Minor Arcana

In the astrological field, the Five of Staffs corresponds to the first decade of Leo, as well as Mars, symbolizing sports competitions. V At home.

The previous Arcana, illuminated by Aries, launched the internal energy that is present in the person himself, but now the time has come for Leo to take over, who replenishes this energy from the outside. Under the influence of Leo, a person will have to reveal himself as an individual, learn to take care of his internal energy potential and manage his emotions so that circumstances do not dictate his line of behavior.

In essence, a person has to control his own destiny. In this case, other people with their own opinions, views on life and intentions can serve as an obstacle, which can lead to conflicts.

Leo is directly influenced by its ruler, Saturn. It muffles creative energy, preventing Leo from fully revealing himself, but at the same time, he allows Leo to remain himself and rebel against everyone, without demanding recognition of his merits or even tuning in to them.

Other names for the Five of Staves: Five of Wands, Five of Sceptres, Five of Spears, Lord of Struggle.

Brief description of the Arcana: Competition, Rivalry, Struggle, Competition.

Description of the Five of Staves

The lasso represents the struggle of five daredevils with staves, but they are clearly not in a militant mood. This is not a war in the full sense of the word, but only a competition where the strongest will be the winner.

This is a struggle between equals and equals. In the classical view, there are no defeated people, everyone fights with equal strength. In the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, although one of the fighters was defeated, he did not give up the fight, but continues to defend his right to victory.

The sacred meaning of the Five of Staves

To understand the sacred meaning of the Arcana, you need to look back a little - to the Four of Staves. What did we see there? Stability, a state of peace and harmony, inner satisfaction and relaxation. It is clear that this cannot continue for long, because life does not stand still. And now comes the phase of the Five of Staves - revolutionary renewal.

From the previous Arcana we see that a person, driven by the impulse given to him by the Ace, walked alone towards his achievements. People joined him, but they were like-minded people who aimed at his success. When he achieved certain results, it turned out that he was not going to them alone, and the time had come to face his rivals. Now the moment has come when he needs to prove that he is worthy to bear the title of winner, and he will have to prove it in a dispute with people like himself.

But this dispute is not only with external conflicting parties, but also with oneself: a dispute between the desire to continue to remain at rest and moving forward. But this debate is unequal, because remaining in a state of rest can lead to the dominance of laziness and stagnation in development. Hence the revolutionary spirit.

If everything goes smoothly for a person, then victory awaits him - the Six of Staves, but for now all that is required of him is actions to achieve this victory. This is not a war, as such, it is a challenge to yourself and your environment.

Mythological correspondence of the Five of Staves

In mythology, the map is very well revealed by stories about Olympic Games, about participation in them, about victories and conquests.

The meaning of the straight Five of Staves in the layout

The Five of Staves indicates the need to defend one’s own interests among equal rivals. It says that a person has to compare his capabilities and abilities with the capabilities and abilities of other people. The nearby Arcana will help you figure out how much of a fundamental conflict a person has with others.

It should be understood that the Five of Staves indicates a rather unconstructive dispute: everyone does not agree with each other, competition develops, sometimes discussions can acquire an aggressive nature, which requires self-defense, but this is far from a war, but only a small conflict that has to be resolved. It cannot be said that this card has a negative connotation, because very often the truth is born in disputes. It is from such a dispute that the only correct constructive solution can emerge. The card can represent a kind of brainstorming, in which each of the equals tries to establish his point of view.

This is a card of quite healthy competition and constructive criticism, although not without the fact that it indicates the presence of a certain tension. A person will have to pass the test of his willpower, talent, experience, skills, ability to find mutual language. You may even have to show courage and courage, fight to the limit of your strength and capabilities.

The Five of Wands also appears in situations where attention is required large quantity people, although this is very difficult with such a map: everyone follows their own line, not trying to listen to the leader, rivalry and conflict are in the air, the situation speaks of disagreement. If favorable Arcana are nearby, then we can talk about successful disputes and the ability to convince your opponents.

When surrounded by unfavorable Arcana, the Five of Wands will indicate unattainable goals, not fully thought-out decisions, unrealistic plans and persistence in a cause that is obviously losing.

However, you should not paint this card in negative tones. Problems that arose in currently, will be resolved very quickly, and without causing any serious damage.

The meaning of the inverted Five of Staves in the reading

If the straight Five of Staves speaks of ultimately constructive competition and a fair fight, then in its inverted form it indicates a game without rules, when the opponent can strike on the sly or stab in the back. This is unhealthy competition and unfair struggle.

The map shows intrigue, serious conflicts, disputes, litigation and problems with the law. Such a struggle cannot pass without consequences; then we will have to count the losses and lick the wounds.

The Five of Wands also appears if a person has a chance to gain some benefit from someone else’s conflict. Sometimes, when the stronger ones fight, the weaker one manages to snatch a piece for himself.

Arkan talks about fraud with the law, dishonest refereeing, and bribing a judge to resolve controversial issues. This is not a success card.

With the Ace of Swords, Arcanum will indicate very serious conflicts that will bring Negative consequences. With the Jester (I Arcanum) he will show a person who himself becomes an intriguer, bringing conflicts and disputes.


In career scenarios, Arkan speaks of total competition, destructive conflicts and disputes in the team. An atmosphere of endless mutual disagreement reigns here; work practically does not move, since it is impossible to reason with the disputants. Disagreements over production issues lead to the fact that the business freezes in place.

In addition, the Five of Wands indicates interference in business from outside, competition, and inconsistency in the actions of partners. Often it falls to a person who is experiencing some difficulties with integration into a new team or to a businessman trying to occupy his niche in the market.

If the balance is placed on the manager, then he will obviously have difficulty establishing relationships in the team, which will require a lot of trouble and time. In general, there are a whole bunch of problems at work, where they come from, and how to solve them, the nearby Arcana will tell you.

The card takes on a positive meaning when it comes to special training in the company. Then it shows competitiveness, healthy competition that promotes development, working through one’s own fears, and acquiring skills to get out of conflict situations.

The card takes on another positive meaning in layouts for athletes and people participating in some competitions, as well as for those who are going to defend a diploma or dissertation.

In addition, in a favorable environment, Arkan indicates the achievement of new opportunities through competition. Here ambitions can be satisfied, through effort you can climb up the career ladder.

The reversed Five of Wands speaks of unhealthy and unfair competition, human haste, which can lead to negative and even fatal consequences for business. These are unsuccessful negotiations, the inability to reach a common opinion, and inconsistency in the actions of partners. The card shows a lack of cooperation, completely unfounded criticism, unfair remarks, sabotage.

With such a card, there is practically no team: everyone tries to slander the other, set him up, make him extreme. Here, intrigues are destructive, and business practically cannot exist due to an unhealthy environment.

As for athletes and people who have to defend their interests before other people, the Five of Wands in an inverted position indicates dishonest refereeing, manipulation of facts, fraud and lack of fair decisions.

Direction of self-development

In self-development comes enough difficult period: A person will have to go through both an internal struggle and a battle with external rivals. Internally, he will overcome his fears and blocks, developing tenacity and acumen in order to achieve victory over any difficulties in life. In addition, in this struggle they will have to be tested for the truth of their goals and desires.

The external struggle will be with people who are trying to lead him astray, to impose their point of view, to put pressure from his position own experience, to belittle the merits received by a person earlier. This will require serious concentration of strength and energy, the ability to defend your rights, perseverance and the desire to achieve your goal at any cost.

An inverted Arcanum indicates an incorrectly chosen path of self-development, which will take place in an unfair struggle. This is a dead-end path, since the victory that man ultimately wins will be Pyrrhic. She will bring him neither benefit nor pleasure.

In this case, it is better to immediately leave this disastrous path, turning the Arcanum over and going through its difficult but necessary lesson.

Personal relationships

Relationships under the influence of the Five of Staves certainly cannot be called boring. They are constantly accompanied by various disputes, and their depth varies from small and short-term disagreements to serious conflicts and scandals. As a rule, even some little thing can serve as a reason, but they always turn into a desire to prove something to each other.

This brings its own discomfort, but the card does not indicate that scandals and quarrels lead to the destruction of the union. Rather, it is similar to a situation where people do not get along together, but cannot be apart. Oddly enough, all these swings still lead to the development of relationships, of course, if there is no nearby negative cards- they indicate that this struggle is simply for the sake of fighting, and not a militant way of finding compromises.

Arkan points out that in an alliance there is rivalry between equal partners who do not cede leadership to each other, there may be jealousy, as well as sexual dissatisfaction, although it may be the other way around - transferring the struggle from the category of “who will win” to bed. We can definitely say that partners are driven by selfishness.

If the layout is made for a couple facing the need for a divorce, then the Five of Wands will say that the process will not go smoothly. There will be a lot of noise around it, each side will pursue its own goals and achieve them by any means.

Sometimes this Arcanum has a conditionally positive character. This is the case if the relationship has turned into a routine, the partners have stopped noticing each other, and they need some kind of push. The main thing is that they get a shake-up, and then everything will be resolved and life will return to normal.

For a lonely person, the card promises an internal struggle that will be waged over a new relationship. On the one hand, the argument will be freedom, and on the other, the desire to find the other half. The Arcana in the neighborhood will tell you what will win this fight.

The inverted Five of Staves also speaks of scandals and quarrels. But if in the case of a direct Arcanum this is just temporary discomfort, then with an inverted one it is a real war that can bring destruction. As a rule, this is an alliance when one of the partners has a bad quarrelsome character.

Quite often, quarrels arise not because of disagreements, but because of irritability with each other. In such circumstances, it is difficult to say that the partners feel bad without each other; they simply long to break out of their shackles.

In an alliance, a thirst for revenge may arise, a desire to humiliate a partner, to suppress him.

Personality characteristics

The Five of Wands characterizes a person as ambitious, active, prone to internal contradictions, possessing a tenacious grip and aimed at success, for which he will always fight. In the soul of such a person there may well be a fear that he will not achieve the result he needs and will not be appreciated. But this fear serves as a flywheel for him, spinning up the mechanism of struggle. Through its influence, a person finds the strength to conquer his goals and passionately prove his importance.

Sometimes a person under the influence of the Five of Wands feels himself opposed to the whole world, then he begins to actively fight it. But often this is just the tip of the iceberg, and its basis is the internal struggle with one’s own contradictory aspirations and illusions.

Among the people described by the Five of Staves, there are often athletes or simply those who like to participate in various competitions or competitions, and no matter what talents push him there.

The qualities that cannot be ignored in a person of the Five of Wands are courage and desperate actions. He will always get into trouble, enter into various disputes with or without reason, actively prove his position, using all his eloquence, and if it is not enough, raising his voice. This is an adventurer and adventurer.

His credo is to revolve everything around himself, to bring disharmony not only into his own, but also into the lives of others.

The inverted Arcana shows, in essence, the same person as the upright one, however, there are more negative manifestations here. Such a person may stoop to dishonest play and illegal methods of fighting for his interests. He is no longer known as a debater, but as a troublemaker. Often, he chooses intrigues, sneaky actions, and stabs in the back as weapons of struggle.

He easily neglects the law, and achieves victories by bribery, incapacitating opponents, and slandering people. This person does not know how to lose and will definitely take revenge on the winner for his loss.


It cannot be said that with the Five of Wands a person is healthy. His immune system constantly has to prove its worth, as a person is pursued by various infectious diseases. This is the fight against infection by the antibodies of the immune system.

Inverted, Arkan speaks of serious problems With immune system, about her weak ability to resist disease.

Layout for the situation

In layouts for various situations The Five of Posokhov speaks of difficulties in resolving it due to the inability of all participants to come to a common point of view. The situation can be resolved only when someone can balance the disputants and reduce the conflict to “no.”

In order to achieve the desired result, a person will have to enter into a fight with rivals and win it. The nature of the struggle and its outcome will be indicated by the neighboring Arcana.

If the situation is a protracted conflict, then it is likely that it will have to be resolved with someone’s help, calling in a kind of referee who will separate the conflicting parties.

In real estate matters, this Arcanum suggests that some problems with housing may arise. In some cases, the card may indicate a move, especially if the Arcana symbolizing the road lie nearby.

In an inverted position, the meaning of the direct Arcana is enhanced with a negative connotation. The situation is accompanied by insoluble conflicts that are destructive. The Five of Staves indicates that one of the participants in the situation is capable of committing unseemly acts in order to achieve a result beneficial only for him.

Disputes and conflicts can turn into outright war and require resolution in court. Moreover, with such a map it is impossible to talk about a fair trial. Most likely, one of the rivals will simply resolve the situation in an illegal way.

Card of the day

It’s impossible to call this day pleasant. Conflict upon conflict, dispute upon dispute. It is very difficult to find understanding with others, because no one wants to hear each other.

On this day there can be not only disputes, but also competitions, competitions, interviews for positions.

An inverted Arcanum promises gross scandals and an outbreak of internal contradictions.

Card of the Year

A year of conflict that requires a fight for one’s place in the sun. This does not mean that there will be no victories, but they will not be easy to come by. This is a year of change that requires patience and endurance.

An inverted Arcanum promises a fierce struggle throughout the year with ill-wishers who will constantly try to unsettle you. The fight on their part will be unfair, but the more valuable the victory will be.

Arcana Council

If someone imposes a fight, then you should not shy away from it. It will help you toughen up, get organized and, ultimately, test your strength. Without a fight, weapons rust. The main thing is not to allow an unfair fight, because your strength will be wasted.

If you fight beautifully, you can easily turn your opponent into your ally, which will do a good job. The main thing is not to fight for the sake of fighting, but to fight for the sake of a goal.