White British cat. Such different and beautiful British cats: we sort out the colors. Are there white British cats?

They have always been especially popular. How can you resist such a beautiful snow-white fur coat and piercing eyes? This is impossible. White color cats of other breeds are also very popular among cat lovers. Wherein British white is one of my favorites.

It is worth considering that all cats that we call white have wool color can have different shades. But the British White differs only in its snow-white coat, on which there is not a single dark or red hair. Yes, everyone british cats The coat color is uniform throughout the body, with no lighter spots on the belly or at the base of the tail. Naturally, the British White is no exception to this. The short coat of a white British cat cannot have any reddish or cream spots that would spoil appearance exhibition animal.

Thus, the breed standards state that a white British dog cannot have any spots on its coat. Small spots on the animal's forehead can only be observed in kittens. These spots will disappear over time, leaving behind a snow-white coat. By the way, the color of the spots on a kitten’s forehead can tell you what color cat was used to produce offspring.

If you are going to breed your cat to produce offspring, remember one main rule: both animals must not be white. For mating, a cat of a different color must be used. If both animals are white, then their offspring will be deaf.

White British cats are also distinguished by their eyes. Outbred white cats have green eyes. All British cats have orange or copper eyes.. But the white British cat can also boast of having blue eyes. Blue-eyed white British cats are very rare, as they are not used in breeding. It is believed that white cats with blue eyes are deaf from birth. This does not mean that the cat will not hear you at all. The animal can catch certain sounds, but the cat will not hear the squeak of kittens calling for their mother.

All British White kittens are born with gray-blue eyes. After two weeks, eye color begins to change. By the intensity of the coloring pigment, already at this age, experienced breeders can tell whether the kitten will have blue or yellow eyes. Due to the rules of mating cats, white kittens with blue eyes are very rare, but they are in very high demand.

There are also white British cats that have eyes of different colors. One eye is orange or copper in color, the other is blue. Such cats are also very rare. And among cat lovers there is an opinion that a cat with different eyes brings happiness and good luck to the house.

The British White cat's coat is very easy to care for.. It is enough to comb the animal to remove all loose hairs, although the cat itself will take good care of its fur. If you are going to take part in exhibitions, then caring for your cat's fur should be more thorough. A week before the exhibition, the cat should be purchased. When the wool is completely dry, it should be powdered with baby powder. Then thoroughly comb the animal with a brush. Before the exhibition itself, any traces of powder should be removed from the fur, so the animal’s fur is rubbed with a silk scarf.

The British White is distinguished by its undemanding character. This is a calm, very affectionate and friendly animal. True, the British White is very picky when it comes to food. The diet must include meat (raw and scalded), which is cut into cubes. Thanks to this form of food pieces, the muscles of the cheekbones develop, from where the round cheeks characteristic of all British cats appear.

British plush cats - the pride of Great Britain - have been winning the hearts of cat lovers for many years. Their popularity is growing day by day. truly English: they are characterized by aristocracy, intelligence and self-sufficiency.

Many people imagine the British to be of only one color - blue. However, like Scottish, British cats can have a wide variety of colors (see photo below). Today, more than 250 varieties of colors are known, and this is not the limit. Rare combinations of shades are highly valued both among professional felinologists and among ordinary breed lovers. Even a cat couple with a classic monochromatic color may have a kitten of a rare color. To organize the variety of colors of British cats, they are divided into types and groups according to the main color, pattern and type of pigmentation.

Cat breeding has been going on since the late 19th century. From this time on, serious work of breeders began to breed animals as various colors, and breed varieties. So, initially these cats had short, thick hair with the same thick undercoat, but crossing with Persians made it possible to breed semi-long-haired pets. Colors of British cats with long hair correspond to the colors of shorthairs. Despite this, the British are a natural breed that has not undergone too many changes in type.

If you want to know in more detail what the color of British cats can be, a photo and description will help with this.

Colors of British cats: table with photos

Color code (BRI)
Color code (BRI)

W - numbers from 61 to 64

Plain (flat, solid)

Tortoiseshell (tortie)

Smoky (smoky)

NS/AS/BS/CS/DS/ES - numbers 22,23,24;

FS/GS/HS/JS - numbers 11, 12

Shaded silver color

NS/AS/BS/CS/DS/ES - numbers 11,12;

FS/GS/HS/JS - number 11 and 12

Golden shaded

NY - 11.12

Patterned (tabby)

N/A/B/C/D/E - numbers 22,23,24;

F/G/H/J - numbers 22,23,24

Silver patterned

NS/AS/BS/CS/DS/ES - numbers 22,23,24;

FS/GS/HS/JS - numbers 22,23,24

Golden patterned color

NY - numbers 22,23,24

Bicolor, van and harlequin

N/A/B/C/D/E - numbers 01,02,03;

F/G/H/J - numbers 01,02,03


N/A/B/C/D/E - number 33;

F/G/H/J - number 33

Colorpoint with a pattern

N/A/B/C/D/E - number 21 and 33;

F/G/H/J - also number 21 and 33

Solid colors

The solid color of British cats is uniform, without spots, patterns or any white hairs. The coat looks and feels plush, thick and soft.

The following solid colors are available:

Blue or gray color

Classic and most common. It is this color that comes to mind when it comes to British cats. The coat of this color should be uniform, while the undercoat may be slightly lighter than the main color, but whitish hairs are unacceptable. The lighter blue color is especially valuable. Kittens are allowed to have stripes that disappear over time. The color of the iris in British babies is gray or blue, but with age it becomes a rich amber color.

Black color

This is a rare color, it is difficult to obtain and is considered “capricious”. It often happens that a kitten born black changes its coat color to chocolate as it ages. The pigmentation of the coat, undercoat and skin is rich. In this case, the color of the undercoat and coat should not differ. It is believed that the more unbleached colors the ancestors have in their pedigree, the richer the black color will be. The rule of mating like with like, without experiments, so as not to harm the breed, applies here.

White color

The white color of a British cat's coat should be pure, without yellowness or spots. Kittens may have blue or black stripes on their foreheads, but they disappear with age. Eye color coding is indicated by a number, so 61 is blue (or) blue eyes, 62 – orange, 63 – odd-eyed, 64 ? green. I wonder what the name itself is “white”? It’s not a color, but its absence, which is why in the group of solid shades, white stands alone. It is quite difficult to breed animals with perfectly white fur, and obtaining such a color is associated with a high risk of producing unhealthy offspring. Yes, the parents white there is a high probability of producing offspring with deafness. Since 1997, breeding work with white color has been stopped.

Cream color of British cats

This is a bleached red that is produced by the presence of a bleach gene. This shade of coat is one of the oldest types of solid colors, but recently it has become rare in breeding. The cream-colored British must have a clear (pastel) shade, intense color, and color i.e. "hot" cream is considered a disadvantage. Kittens have a tabby pattern, while residual tabby markings are acceptable for adult animals. The nose and paw pads are pink. In terms of wool quality, cream British are not inferior to blue and lilac.

Chocolate color

Should it be rich and deep? the darker the shade, the better. This color is called differently Havana, or chestnut.

Recently, breeders, as a result of careful selection of offspring, i.e. future manufacturers, have achieved High Quality wool, in no way inferior to classic blue. The fur of such cats looks like a mouton. For the British, the standard recognizes all shades of chocolate: from light milky to dark “bitter”. The eye color of the chocolate-colored Briton is dark orange or copper, with rich colors being a priority. The nose should be the same color as the coat: chocolate or light chocolate.

Lilac color

Lilac color British cat hair? this is a combination of gray, pink and blue flowers and it looks like clarified chocolate. The animal's nose, as well as its paw pads, match the tone of its coat. Eyes orange-copper shades. The lilac color is presented in various variations: from cold lavender to warm pink-gray. The undercoat of cats of this color may be slightly lighter in tone than the outer hair, but a pronounced contrast is not acceptable. Kittens often have a residual pattern (moire) that disappears with age. The quality of the wool of lilac British cats is similar to blue mink coat, to the color of which a little pink paint is mixed. The nose, paw pads and lining of the mucous membranes are pink-purple in color, which darkens slightly with age.

Red (red, gold)

The red color of the Briton was introduced from Persians and other exotic cat breeds that have a red tint to their coat. These cats often have tabby markings on their foreheads. The eyes of British cats with red fur have a rich orange color. The shade of the nose and paw pads is red, brick. A significant drawback of the red coat of the British is the uneven color distribution; for example, a cat's tail often has a lightened tip, so it is quite difficult to meet a Brit with a uniform red color. In view of this, the standards allow for a small, weakly defined tabby pattern.


Quite a rare, highly desirable color, the name of which is translated from English as cinnamon. The shade is similar to a lightened chocolate color. Cinnamon-colored kittens are born quite rarely, because... The gene for this coat color is recessive. Cinnamon Britons always have pink paw pads and noses, but brown or milky ones? no longer cinnamon.


No less rare and desirable color for breeders. Looks like bleached, faded cinnamon.

It was recognized as an independent color in 2006.

The color is very interesting for breeders because of the possibility of breeding even lighter colors. The cat's belonging to a faun is confirmed by a DNA test. Individuals with a similar, but not confirmed color are classified as blue, cream, or discarded.

Tortoiseshell colors

Tortoiseshell variety of color? These are combinations of spots of solid color that leave a mosaic pattern on the cat’s fur in various combinations. Intense solid colors? black, chocolate and cinnamon? goes with red, in turn, diluted options: lilac, fawn and blue? with cream. This type of coat color is characteristic only of cats.

The tortoiseshell coat color appears gradually. A newborn kitten may have a few spots, but as they grow, the number will increase. Young British cats may have a gray undercoat or a somewhat muted red tint, but the final color develops by the age of one year.

Tortoiseshell cats are rightfully considered the queens of any cattery, because... they can produce offspring that are diverse in color scheme.

Variants of tortoiseshell colors of British cats:

Black turtle

This is a harmonious combination of proportional red and black spots of different shades. The hairs are dyed evenly. Black color should be saturated, and red, accordingly, bright and intense. Both shades should be present on the paws and head of British tortoiseshells. According to the standard, mixed spots are acceptable. A red “tongue of flame” (scorch mark) on the muzzle would be desirable. It is not desirable to have patterns on red spots.

Chocolate turtle

It is a combination of chocolate and red shades in identical mosaic proportions. General requirements, as in the previous case: intense, saturated color, harmony in arrangement, evenly colored hairs, tan on the face and lack of a pattern.

Cinnamon turtle

This is a combination of cinnamon and red spots on the coat. The color requirements are the same as for black and chocolate turtles.

Blue or bluish-cream turtle

Combines blue and cream spotted pattern, the spots should also be proportional. The tone of this color can be either light cream or medium blue. Creamy tan markings on the face of this type of color are welcome.

Lilac (option: lilac-cream) turtle

This is a uniform combination of lilac and cream shades, respectively. Colors must be clear. A cream-colored tan leading to the nose is desirable.

Faun turtle

Combination of fawn coat color and cream spots. The basic requirements are the same as for other British tortoiseshell colors.

Tabby colors

Tabby colors include brindle, merle, and spotted patterns on the agouti-type coat. Tabby color also implies the presence of the following important elements:
  • Ticking? the presence of zonally colored hairs that make up the background, and the hairs of the pattern are painted in the same color almost to the very base.
  • The so-called “sign of the scarab”? pattern on the forehead in the form of the letter "M".
  • The presence of a light spot, similar to a fingerprint, on the auricle.
  • The outlines of the mucous membrane of the eyes and nasal planum are in the main color.
  • A necklace on the chest (at least 3 stripes), curls on the cheeks and rings on the tail and paws.
  • There are 2 rows of double spots on the belly.
  • The pattern is clear, saturated, not blurry, painted in any primary color or mosaic (for tortoiseshell Britons), contrasting with the main background, which is several shades lighter.

Types of tabby colors

The tabby pattern does not depend on the main coat color; it is a dark color pattern on a light background. There can be as many color variations as there are colors in general.

Without subdividing into types of patterns, we can distinguish colors:

  • brown tabby? The main part of the coat is copper-brown in color, and the pattern is rich black.
  • blue tabby distinguished by a background light blue tint and deep-colored markings blue color
  • For chocolate tabby The coat is characterized by a bronze shade and a deep chocolate color pattern.
  • lilac tabby It is distinguished by a lilac pattern and a beige background shade.
  • red tabby: dark red color pattern and intense red coat tone.
  • cream tabby? pattern in rich cream shades, coat color is warm pale cream.
  • silver tabby colors, or silver tabby: silver black, blue, chocolate, red, lilac-silver, creamy silver. The pattern is a deep, rich shade of the main tone, and the area outside the pattern has a silver or pale silver tint to the main color (for example, silver cream or silver blue. The letter “s” is added to the pattern code).
Tabby colors, depending on the pattern, are divided into:

Tiger (mackerel) tabby

This color is considered an ancient natural pattern, and is quite widespread among cats. Along the spine, from head to tail, a narrow solid stripe of the main color is visible. And along the entire surface of the body there are vertical parallel stripes. The more there are, and the narrower they are, the better. They must be clearly distinguishable from the main background. A Briton must have the letter “M” on his forehead. A continuous line leads to the back of the head from the outer edge of the eye. There is a “necklace” on the neck, narrow stripes on the cheeks, double button-like spots on the cat’s belly, and even narrow rings on the tail and limbs. Despite the fact that this color is one of the dominant ones in the group of tabby colors, British breed it is quite rare, and real British "tiger cubs" are highly valued among professional breeders.

Spotted Tabby

The basis of the spotted pattern is a tiger pattern. In spotted Britons, under the influence of polygenes, the stripes are interrupted, forming small round spots on the coat along the entire body, which can be different sizes, but always of the same shape and evenly spaced. The scarab sign, as in the previous version, is required. There are intermittent stripes down to the neck and along the back. In kittens, a continuous stripe on the back is allowed, but with a tendency to form spots. There are open and closed rings on the chest, neck and tail of the cat, and a colored tip of the tail. There may be rings and spots on the paws. On the cheeks? stripes.

Marble tabby color

It belongs to the classic, popular designs. Essentially, this is a mutation of the striped variant. The pattern resembles a cut on marble. All its elements should be contrasting, symmetrical, and have a rich color. There must be an “M” mark on the forehead. From outer corners Narrow stripes run from the eyes to the back of the head, and from the back of the head a “butterfly” pattern begins, spreading to the neck and shoulders. On the cat’s cheeks there are narrow rings twisted into a spiral. Three parallel lines run along the back from the shoulders to the tail. There are pronounced stains on the sides, and a “necklace” on the neck and chest. Are there “buttons” located in the area from the chest to the stomach? two parallel rows of spots. The paws and tail have clear, evenly spaced rings, and the tip of the tail is dark.

Thorby color (short for tabby and torty)

This is when a tortoiseshell-colored animal combines, in addition to a spotted mosaic, tabby patterns that cover the entire body of the cat and have all features. If the color is uniform, there are no stripes and characteristic features tabby, the cat has a normal tortoiseshell color. The color of the torby is distinguished by the expressiveness and clarity of the tabby pattern, which goes evenly and appears above the tortoiseshell (both red and black) color.

Abyssinian or ticked tabby

The color is named after Abyssinian breed where it is most pronounced. With this color, the hair should be evenly colored with stripes of dark main and, accordingly, light background shades. This is called tikkig. Each hair has double or triple ticking. Moreover, there should be no patterns, stains or designs on the wool. Markings are only allowed on a lightened belly. The presence of a “necklace” on the chest should be minimal.

Smoky colors

The smoky coat colors of the British are quite common and numerous. The peculiarity of this color is that, under the influence of an inhibitor gene, the guard hairs are colored only on top, and the hair from the roots and undercoat is devoid of pigment. This zonal staining is called tipping. There are 2 subgroups in this group: smoky type and chinchillas.

The smoky should not be confused with the agouti color. Smoke type cats have a completely colored nasal surface and should be free of body patterns. The tipping of the hair is quite deep: it should be painted over 4/5 of the total length. The main characteristics of the Smoky British are: pronounced contrast, the undercoat is as close to white as possible, and the tips of the coat are rich in color. The photo does not fully convey this color of British cats: at first it seems that the cat has a solid color, but only in person can you appreciate all its beauty, since when it moves, “silver” appears, which is hidden under the plush fur.

Varieties of smoky color

Black smoky

Coat of contrasting shades: from smoky black to silver on the sides. The undercoat is whitish, with black specks visible on the back and sides. The muzzle and legs are black, without patterns or marks.

Blue smoky

Wool of contrasting colors: from smoky blue to silver. The muzzle and paws are blue, without any markings. The undercoat is closer to a white shade, and the fur on the belly, chin, and bottom of the tail is silvery-white. The Chocolate Smoky has a smoky chocolate-colored coat that fades to silver on the sides. The fur on the chin and underbelly is silvery-whitish. The undercoat is close to white, the muzzle and paws are the color of chocolate, without markings.

Lilac smoky

The shade is distinguished by its lilac color in contrast with the white undercoat. The sides fade to silver. The chin, belly and underside of the tail are silvery white. The muzzle and legs are lilac without markings.

Red smoky

implies a red tint to the coat with a white undercoat, the chin and belly are silvery-white. The muzzle and legs have a uniform red hue. Tabby fur is not allowed.

Creamy smoky

With a creamy-smoky color, the predominant white contrast in the area of ​​the sides with transition to the stomach and bottom of the tail. The undercoat is white. Paws are cream colored and tabby patterns are not allowed.

Tortoiseshell smoky colors

Do they look like mixed shades with a combination of derivatives of the main ones? black and red? colors. Tipping can be of any intensity. The predominant color of the undercoat is white. The collar, ears and sides are silvery.

Silver colors: typed and shaded

These types of colors develop on a genetic background agouti.

Silver shaded (shading color)

This color is characterized by 1/3 coloring of the hair. It is characterized by a white undercoat and black tipping. Tipping in the head and tail area is mandatory. The areas of the chin, chest, bottom of the tail and belly should have a predominant white tint. The coloring is uniform, which gives the impression of a dark cape. The cat's eyes, nose and lips must be edged with black. Let's allow a light pattern (open rings) on the tail and legs. Eye color can be green or green-blue.

The following colors are available in the silver-shaded version:

  • shaded silver-blue;
  • silver-lilac;
  • silver-red;
  • silver cream;
  • silver chocolate;
  • tortoiseshell shaded.

Silver Chinchilla (Silver Veil)

A color in which the pigment is distributed over only 1/8 of the hair's entire length. It is characterized by a predominance of white undercoat. There is black tipping on the back, tail, head area, sides and ears. The main requirement for silver chinchillas is an even distribution of tipping. The areas of the chin, chest, belly and underside, tail, and mustache are white. There is a dark rim on the lips, nose and eyes. Eyes in this color are green or bluish-green.

For black color, the name chinchilla is used, and for the remaining colors of the silver line, the main color is indicated: blue chinchilla, red chinchilla, etc. For the silver colors of British red line cats, the name “cameo” is added: smoky cameo, veil cameo, shaded cameo.

The deep, pronounced tipping in silver color types allows the pattern to emerge, which results in the appearance of silver tabbies with different patterns (spots, stripes or marbles). So, for example, silver marble (blue, black, etc.) are the well-known so-called “whisky” types.

Golden colors

The golden series of colors of British cats is divided in the same way as the silver. This type was developed relatively recently, which explains many controversial issues in the classification. In the golden variation there cannot be red and cream shades of wool.

The undercoat of golden cats is not white, like silver cats, but a rich, warm cream or apricot color. The hair has black (optionally: brown) tipping on the head, back, tail and sides. The cat's chin, ears, chest and belly are soft apricot, nose? brick, paw pads dark (brown to black). The tipping on the tail is deeper than on the rest of the body. The eyes must be green. The mirror of the nose is reddish in color. Tabby markings are acceptable on kittens. In adults? the letter "M" on the forehead, as well as closed rings on the legs and tail and an open necklace.

Color point

The color of British color point cats is distinguished by special colored markings.

The British inherited this unusually attractive type of color from the Siamese. The coloring is most intense in remote areas of the cat's fur, but in other parts it is lighter, but not pure white.

Accumulations of pigment (markings) are called “points”, and the overall color in relation to the main body is called color point. The Siamese color gene is recessive and in order for it to appear in the future, both parents must have it. The gene is also linked to blue eye color. Breeding British color point dogs is difficult. Kittens are born pure white or close to white, so it is unlikely that you will be able to find a color point in a photo of British kittens of all colors. The marks begin to fade over time.

The color gene of the Siamese is combined with all the colors of the British breed. If it “works” with solid colors, then it is called color point, if in combination with tabby colors it is links point, and the combination of the pattern on the points with silver? has the name silver lynx point, respectively shaded colors? This is a shaded point.

Solid color points are characterized by a diamond-shaped face color, and the color of the markings should be identical in color with pronounced borders at the transitions. The rest of the body is painted in light colors, and the lighter the better. The muzzle mask should not extend to the back of the head in any way. The paw pads and nose are completely consistent in color with the main color of the markings.

The number of colors of color points is the same as for solid ones:

  • seal point (markings are dark brown);
  • Choklit (all chocolate shades);
  • blue point (bluish markings);
  • lilac point (warm lilac shade);
  • red point (warm red markings);
  • cream point (cream markings);
  • cinnamon point (golden cinnamon markings);
  • fawn point (beige-sand markings).

Tortoiseshell color-points

In these colors, in most variants, the color of the markings repeats any of the main shades, and the spots on it are red or cream shades. The coat color is light cream or beige. The pads and the nose are in the main tone of the points.

The following colors of tortoiseshell colorpoints exist:

  • seal-torty-point;
  • blue cream;
  • Chokli-torti;
  • Lilac cake;
  • cinnamon cake;
  • faun-tortoise.

Tabby point (links) colors

They are distinguished by the presence of a tabby pattern on the points: the letters “M”, a pattern around the eyes, pronounced spotting in the whisker area, spots on the ears. The body of the links is heavily lightened, without drawings. On the cat's front paws there is a pattern in the form of open rings running from the toes upward. There are stripes on the thighs and hind legs to the hocks? solid shade. Paw pads and area around nose to match markings. Lynx-point colors are presented in all the variety that only tortoiseshell and point colors can have.

Silver color points

IN this group Color point colors include smoke point and silver tabby point. The colors differ from other variations in the lighter shade of the body and markings, as well as the presence of a whitish undercoat. The requirements for this line are the same as for color points, but the contrast is not as pronounced and intense. Smoke points may have shadow stripes, which is not a fault.

Shaded point and chinchilla point color

It is quite difficult to distinguish a point chinchilla from a chinchilla color, but it is quite possible: a point chinchilla is characterized by blue or blue eyes. Also, the tipping tone is slightly lighter in relation to the points. The requirements for these types of colors are the same as for tipped ones. The contrast between the point markings and the rest of the body is not so important.

Interestingly, golden colorpoints are very rare, so their description is controversial.

Colors with white - particolors

Particolor colors in the British breed are distinguished by their originality and uniqueness.

The group of particolors includes all colors and their combinations with varying degrees of white. Particolors should be distinguished from bicolors: if the former have colored spots of a non-solid color and/or patterns, then the latter are distinguished by monochromatic colored spots. Following the standards, at least 1/3 and no more than 1/2 shades of white are bicolors (minimum 1/3 and maximum 1/2 white of the total body surface) and particolors; more than 90% white? Harlequin cats (about 5/6 white) and Vans ( maximum amount white).

For bicolors, it is ideal when the cat’s chin, chest, abdomen and inner surface paws are white. There should be a closed white “collar” on the neck, and the letter “L” on the muzzle. The top of the animal's head, shoulders, tail, etc. are painted. “cloak” on the back, which should not have whitish inclusions. Approximately this distribution in the standards is desirable and more preferable.

At the Harlequins on the white back, head and thighs there are clearly defined large or medium colored spots different shapes. Ideally, the neck, chest, belly, paws and chin areas should be white. The tail is completely painted.

British cat color van distinguished by a large amount of white. Two spots on the cat's head are required, separated by a whitish line. In this case, the ears should be white, the tail should be colored. In the color of the bathtubs, 1-2 small colored spots on the body are acceptable.

Tricolor turtle with white is gender-linked, so only cats can be tri-colored. This color has the following feature: the black and red spots are not mixed, as in the tortoiseshell color, but are isolated and outlined.

Mitted- This is a color not recognized in the British breed and is therefore considered a fault. In such animals, white spotting occupies no more than 1/4 of the total surface. Also characteristic is a white stripe down the chest from the chin, a white groin and belly, the so-called. "socks" on the paws.

White cats are each time a separate touching story about the majesty of snow-white fluffies. And if it is white, then not a single person is able to pass by these angelic creatures. It turns out that British white kittens come with different eyes, as you can see by looking at the photo, but often British cats are white and have copper or light yellow eyes.

In modern dream books there is a very ambiguous interpretation if a person suddenly dreams of white kittens. The authors of dream books advise people who saw white kittens in a dream to be careful when communicating with others. There is a high probability that ill-wishers want to interfere with your plans.

I am sure that the happy owners of a white cat, be it British white cats or ordinary white kittens, will never believe in such predictions, because if such a snow-white fluffy miracle lives in the house, all thoughts by default are bright and positive. Let's look and enjoy the white cats.

Cats with aristocratic roots were bred in Great Britain and to this day are the pride of the country. Large and medium-sized Murkies with short plush fur and a charming “Cheshire” smile are a British breed that officially appeared in 1987 and has won millions of fans. The first officially recognized representative was pure white. The desire to breed a large, strong, hardy, calm and intelligent cat has led to the fact that the colors of British cats include more than 25 species. Some of them are considered very rare and are highly valued not only in breed, but also in monetary terms.

Intensive work on popularization, attraction of other popular breeds to breeding, and obtaining offspring from cats from different continents has led to the expansion of breed species. The first Britons had a thick undercoat and short coat. Relationship with Persian cat gave birth to the semi-longhaired British.

Associatively, a British cat appears to be smoky or blue in color; many “cat lovers” cannot even imagine what colors British cats come in and how unusual kittens can appear in a family of two “standard” parents. The types of colors of British cats are divided into groups depending on the pattern, the predominance of color and the method of pigmentation.

Blue solid

The standard color of the breed, popularly called gray or classic. The British Blue's coat is monochromatic, without light hairs; the undercoat may be slightly lighter. The skin is exclusively blue. Representatives with a lighter tone are more valuable for the breed. Kittens are allowed to have a residual pattern, which disappears as the animal grows.

Myths about British blue cats!

№1. It is a common belief that Blue British kittens should have bright orange eyes - this is not true. Kittens of all breeds and colors are born with blue or gray “cloudy” eyes; the iris gradually gains color.

№2. If a breeder offers you an exclusive British Blue Fold, say “Thank you” and walk away. IN best case scenario you are offered a Scottish cat, or at worst a mixed breed. There are no shorthaired British Folds.

Golden color, suggests darkened pigmentation on 1/8 of the length of the hair, the rest is painted in a rich golden color. Gray tint or undercoat is not allowed. At the same time, the collar is light, often white, and the ear tassels are silver. Despite the light tone of the coat, cats predominantly have black paw pads, dark or black eyeliner and nose. “Home name” is golden chinchilla.


A prerequisite is an equal presence of tones, the absence of a pattern in red/beige areas. Red/cream spots on the face are desirable. The eyes are copper or orange. According to the laws of genetics, only females can have a tortoiseshell color, so obtaining the ideal color is painstaking work and calculated “for luck.” Tortoiseshell is a rare and difficult to obtain color that combines several colors:

  • black/brown/chocolate;
  • red/cream;
  • blue/lilac.

This is interesting! The birth of males of the correct tortoiseshell color has been recorded in the world. However, an error in the genetic code makes cats infertile.

Patterned, aka tabby

One of the colors allows a difference in the color of the fur at the base. British tabbies have a variety of body patterns, from stripes to large and leopard spots. Tabby is divided into silver, golden and color point subspecies.

Any breed has a certain standard, which includes different criteria. One of the most important is color. Sometimes determining it is much more difficult than it seems at first glance. This is especially true for British cats because they have the strictest criteria. Today, seven colors are clearly defined, and there are more than two hundred variations. With the help of our article, you can check your pet for compliance with the standard and find out a description of all the options.


Varieties and characteristics of colored Britons

If you decide to buy a kitten with a view to further participation in exhibition competitions, then keep in mind that the requirements for British cats are the most stringent. The term “color” is a general term, and consists of a combination of the following characteristics: eye color, coat, and coat pattern. Even the nose and paw pads are taken into account, the color of which is interconnected at the genetic level. Just imagine, if there is a gray spot on a pink pad, the cat's color does not fall under the cream standard. Therefore, when choosing kittens, it is very important to pay attention to all these nuances.

According to standard requirements, every hair on a cat's fur must have an even color from root to tip. Only silver and tabby varieties fall under the exception. This means that solid-colored kittens should have an even color without overflow. No one will argue that the silver tint on a blue cat’s coat looks impressive, but she will simply not be allowed to compete due to inconsistency. Unfortunately, only a few of our domestic cats fall under such a strict requirement.

Not only the colors of British dogs, but also the patterns on their coat are subject to strict restrictions. In accordance with one of the authoritative American standards, in bi-color or calico, as well as in smoky, solid and shaded colors, signs of residual pattern are considered to be a serious fault.

Behind long years existence, British cats have won the hearts of many furry lovers. Palm long time held by the blue British. Lilac kittens are a little behind, followed by silver tabbies and spotted cats. In a number of countries, brown-spotted kittens are popular, having pronounced chocolate spots on a light background.

The color of the coat should be as pure and uniform as possible. The presence of spots, white hairs and other shades is unacceptable. The coat of British cats is very soft, despite its thickness. It is for this reason that this breed does not leave anyone indifferent.

Colors of cats

The main colors of the British are divided into seven groups, each of which has a corresponding coding. A special table will help you understand in more detail.

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A little about whites

Cats with a white color stand out noticeably from others. Their eyes can be blue or orange. Some kittens may have different colour eye. The popularity of white British cats has been growing rapidly recently. This is facilitated by their incredible appearance, which eliminates the appearance of extraneous shades and yellowness.

Breeding White Britons is fraught with some difficulties: the offspring may have physical defects, problems with vision and hearing. The coat is not always exceptionally white, and some kittens may be born with barely noticeable markings, which usually disappear completely with age.


The tortoiseshell color has the following description: two-color spots are evenly distributed over the body. The most common combinations are black and red, cream and blue, cream and chocolate. Only females are genetically predisposed to tortoiseshell coloration.

The main requirement for color is the uniform distribution of spots over the body, that is, one color should not prevail over another. Small stripes on the muzzle are acceptable. According to the standard, the eyes should be copper or gold, and the nose and paw pads should be painted black or pink.

The fate of tortoiseshell cats is very controversial. For some, this color is unacceptable, while others are not even against such diversity. One way or another, British tortoiseshells are indispensable for further selection. Their offspring are so diverse that just look, in a few years another group will appear.

Blue British

British blue cats may have a silver tint, that is, the hair is not completely colored, but only its middle part, starting from the middle. Based on the ratio of the colored part of the hair to its total length, shaded, smoky and chinchilla colors are distinguished. Smoky kittens are the most closely related to silver cats. Their coat is dyed in the dominant color only a third of the hair size, and the lower part and undercoat can very often be almost white. The color of the paw pads of these cats is identical to the color of the coat, and the eyes sparkle with copper or gold. At first glance, it seems that the fur of smoky cats is completely uniform, but looking at the photo, you will understand that this is not entirely true.


They are shaded and look almost white, but upon closer examination you can see that there is a characteristic coating at the tips of the hairs. In shaded cats, this coating occupies 1/6 of the hair, and in chinchillas only 1/8.

Tabby or wild color

The greatest similarity with representatives wild world have kittens with tabby color. Their coat color can be anything, but according to established standards, only three patterns are recognized: spotted, brindle and marbled. At first glance, it seems that everything is extremely simple, but each type of pattern can be on the main color.

Color point

Kittens whose fur has more dark spots, fall into the category of color points. As a rule, these spots (points) fall on the tail, muzzle, ears and limbs. The color of the points corresponds to one of the six main color groups, excluding white.


Cats that combine any of the main colors with white are divided into a separate group - bicolor. This also includes tortoiseshells, and those with patterns that also have white inclusions. Among bicolored Britons, there are three main groups: harlequin (only 1/5 of the body is colored, large spots are located on the back and head), van (with two spots on the head and a colored tail) and bicolor (half of the body is colored, a white spot on the face and collar on the neck).

As you can see, Britons can come in a wide variety of colors. Perhaps this is where the incomparable magic of this breed lies.

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Video " British Specialty Show»

At exhibitions, British cats are always presented with high requirements. In this video you can not only see the variety of colors of the breed, but also find out the judges' requirements for them.