White color of British cats (bri w). Colors of British cats with photos and descriptions British kittens black and white

Everyone knows that British cats are the most plush, mustachioed creatures you can imagine. They are beautiful, plump, playful and you always want to snuggle up to them and cuddle them. It is impossible to pass by the British dogs, which come in all kinds of colors, without stopping to look at him. In this article we will talk about the white British cat.


Features of white color

Some people may think that the colors of British cats can be counted on the fingers of one hand, and some only highlight the blue color, however, a true connoisseur of this breed can distinguish more than two hundred various colors. Today we will talk exclusively about British snow-colored seals, how and how they differ and about their features.

First of all, I would like to note that British snow cats are incredibly beautiful. Snowy- White color combined with their plushness makes them incredibly beautiful animals. Their fur is completely snow-white, and inclusions of other colors are excluded. Now, this cat is gaining great popularity among lovers of these cats.

However, breeders face some problems during breeding. At birth, cats may have defects such as loss of hearing, loss of sense of smell, blindness, etc. In addition to physical defects, it is not always possible to obtain an absolutely snowy color in an animal.

White adult British cats are divided into three categories:

  1. Category BRI W 61 (White with blue eyes).
  2. Category BRI W 62 (White with orange eyes).
  3. Category BRI W 63 (White with heterochronic eyes).
  4. Category BRI W 64 (White with green eyes).

Due to genetic problems, it is very common to be born with deafness. Whisker breeders cannot yet do anything about this defect. Cats with different eye colors usually have one eye. blue color, and the other with an orange tint. There is an opinion that animals with heterochrony bring good luck to their owner.

During the breeding of white British dogs there is certain rule– do not cross white individuals with each other. Usually one individual of a different color also participates in breeding.

Coloring of kittens

At birth, British kittens are not completely snow-white. They have gray stripes, which completely disappear by 1 year and the baleen becomes completely white. This situation is normal, since an individual of a different color is involved in the crossing, and according to the rule of breeders, it is prohibited to cross white cats with each other. Otherwise, kittens may develop physical defects.

The stripes and spots mentioned above can tell about the origin of the furry kitten. If the kittens were obtained from blue Britons, then the marks will be of the corresponding bluish-gray shade, if from black ones - black. Over time and age, these marks disappear, so they are absent in adults, but are quite acceptable in children. They say that white British people have their origins written on their foreheads.

Color of adult cats

The color itself adult cat should be uniform, clean and uniform in color from root to tip of the hair. Adult White British cats should be free of stripes, shading and spots. The fur should be snow white. There should also be no yellowing, which is most often found around the eyes and at the base of the tail. The nose and paw pads should be pink. It's worth noting that British Whites are not actually squid-colored, but that the coat color is actually hidden by the W gene.

Features of the color of fold cats

Scottish cats are relatives of the British Shorthair. There are also many different colors, but let us single out the snow color as the most spectacular, and among all other cat colors, white looks the most aristocratic.

Scottish Folds are an independent breed, and judging by the name, these cats originated in Scotland. The first mentions of these cats appeared in the 19th century. It is worth noting that the Scots are not a variety of the British, but are an independent breed. However, many are mistaken and consider the Scottish Fold to be a type of British shorthair and call them the British Fold.

Although Scottish Folds are a breed in their own right, with the exception of some minor features, they are very similar to British Shorthair cats. White Scottish Fold mustaches have the same snow-white fur as their British relatives. Also, these cats did not escape the defect associated with deafness. As described above, deafness in both the British and Scots is associated with the W gene, which hides the other color by highlighting white.

The eyes of fold-eared white cats come in the same colors as those of British white shorthairs. Everyone's favorite blue-eyed mustaches most often suffer from deafness. However, blue eyes and snow-white fur are the most sought after. Also very beautiful white folds with heterochronic eyes, they have one blue eye and the other copper color. No less beautiful tartans with copper eyes.

The Scottish coat is soft and plush to the touch. All the softness, density and plushness of kittens’ fur can be felt even in photographs. The main feature of white Scots is the presence of flat ears, but otherwise the absolute snowy color and blue eyes are valued as a priority. Otherwise, the color matches the white British ones.

Photo gallery

Video “A bright representative of the white shorthaired British”

In this video, the snow fluffy demonstrates his carefree life to all lovers of these animals.

British cats, whose breeding began at the end of the 19th century, are to this day the true pride of Great Britain. Big cats with plush fur, according to legend, they inherited their smile from the Cheshire cat. The first snow-white beauty belonging to this breed was officially presented at the exhibition in 1987. To this day, the colors of British cats are of particular interest to cat lovers. Fold-eared Britons do not exist, this anatomical feature characteristic of Scottish cats.

Since then, the popularity of the breed has been steadily growing. The British attract not only their intelligent character and plush fur, but also a huge variety of colors, of which there are more than 25 types. A table with photos will help you study the colors of British cats, as well as a description of the types and types of colors of this breed. Among color range There are very rare combinations of wool that are extremely highly valued by both professional breeders and breed lovers. Let's figure out what colors British cats come in.

Types of colors

Selection work on representatives British breed with the involvement different bloods led to a diversity of both colors and breed species. If initially the British had short hair with a thick undercoat, then crossing with Persian cat made it possible to obtain semi-long-haired animals. The colors of British longhair cats correspond to the colors of shorthair cats.

Many people only imagine the British as smoky, blue or tabby cats and they don’t even realize what a variety of colors the breed has. Even a pair of quite ordinary parents can produce a kitten of a rare color.

To organize the variety of colors of British cats, they are divided into types and groups according to color, pattern and method of pigmentation.

Types of colors of British cats:

  • solid (or plain);
  • typed: smoky, veiled, shaded;
  • gold;
  • silver;
  • tortoiseshells;
  • color point;
  • particolors: harlequin, bicolor, van, mitted;
  • tabbies: spotted, striped, marbled, ticked.

A table of the colors of British cats will help you imagine all the diversity.

Blue solid

This is the color that comes to mind when thinking about the British, so we'll start with it. It is often called classic, or simply gray. The coat should be a single color, the undercoat may be lighter, but white hairs are not allowed. A lighter color is considered valuable. U little kitten There may be stripes that disappear with age. The beautiful rich amber eye color of blue Britons develops with age, although kittens are born with gray and blue irises.


In addition to blue, there are six more solid colors: black, white, chocolate, lilac, red, cream. The color is uniform and uniform, without white hairs, spots or patterns. The wool is soft, thick, plush.

Charcoal black plush Britons look extremely impressive, they have rich pigmentation of the undercoat, fur and skin, but purchasing such a kitten is not easy. This is due to the fact that in adolescence kittens can change their coat color to chocolate.

The fur of a white British cat is snow-white, without yellowness or spots. In kittens, blue or black stripes on the forehead are acceptable, which disappear without a trace with age. It is difficult to obtain kittens with perfectly white fur, and breeding cats of this color is associated with the risk of producing sick offspring. Since 1997, breeding work has not been carried out with this color.

In warm chocolate color, richness and depth of shade are appreciated. The darker the color, the better. This color is called havana, or chestnut.

Considering the solid colors of British cats, lilac is the most difficult to imagine. This color is a combination of pink and blue. The paw pads and nose are colored to match the fur. Obtaining this color is the result of professional breeding. The gene responsible for lilac color, does not exist. The goal is achieved by a rare combination of parental genes. Kittens are born a delicate, almost pink color, and the color of an adult animal resembles a latte.

Red British cats are most often called ginger cats. The wool is uniformly dyed, without stains or patterns. The nose and paw pads are brick red. Intensity of color is valued.

Delicate creamy Britons are often called beige or peach. Their nose and paw pads are pink.

Rare colors of British cats

Today, relatively new and rare uniform colors stand out - cinnamon and fawn. Dark colors of British cats are dominant, so light-colored kittens are rarely born.

Cinnamon is a very rare and desirable color, its name comes from the English cinnamon, which translates as cinnamon. The color is similar to lightened chocolate. The gene for this color, discovered 50 years ago, is recessive, so cinnamon kittens are born quite rarely.

Fawn is an even rarer color, which is a bleached cinnamon. It was recognized quite recently, in 2006, and is of particular interest to breeders, as it makes it possible to develop new lightened colors.

Fawn-like kittens, i.e., fauns, and cinnamon cinnamon kittens are classified as cream and blue at birth. To identify a rare color, a DNA examination is carried out, which confirms that the animal belongs to a rare color.

Silver and gold

Silver color is one of the most popular among British cats. It can be of the following types:

  • shaded;
  • veiled;
  • smoky;
  • tabby

Golden color is also not found in pure form. This bright color is one of the most expensive among British cats. It can be represented by the following types:

  • shaded;
  • veiled;
  • tabby

Ticked tabby, shaded and veiled colors are called chinchilla. It is the representatives of golden and silver colors that are called chinchilla and golden chinchilla.


Tortoiseshell cats are a favorite among breeders. From these mothers you can get a wide variety of offspring. Their unique color, also called torti, combines two groups of colors at once - red and black, and this is possible only in females. Tortoiseshell cats can only be born as a result of a genetic anomaly - mosaicism. Such animals are infertile and have the XXY genotype.

The tortoiseshell color consists of black and red spots evenly distributed throughout the body (or derivatives of these colors, for example, blue and cream, chocolate and cream, lilac and cream, etc.).

There are a huge number of British tortoiseshell species:

  1. Classic turtle (black-red, chocolate-red, lilac-cream, fawn-cream, cinnamon-red, lilac-cream).
  2. Smoky turtle (black and red smoky, chocolate red smoky, etc.).
  3. Tortoiseshell tabby, or torby (black and red tabby, chocolate red tabby, etc.).
  4. Tortoiseshell color point, or tortie (tortie point - black tortoiseshell, blue cream point - blue tortoiseshell, etc.).
  5. Bicolor tortoiseshells or calicos (black and red bicolor tortoiseshell, etc.).
  6. Bicolor tabby tortoiseshell, or torbico (marbled, striped, spotted bicolor tortoiseshell).

A tortoiseshell kitten can be born from parents different groups colors, for example, mom is red, and dad is black.


The patterned cats resemble wild ones in color. They have spots, stripes, rings on the body and paws and the obligatory letter "M" on the forehead. Tabby color also has several types:

  1. Spotted, spotted, or leopard print is the most common tabby. Cats of this color look like miniature leopards.
  2. Striped, mackerel, or tiger. Narrow frequent stripes should not be interrupted or intersect with each other. After a year, the brindle color may turn into leopard if the stripes begin to break up.
  3. The merle color is very impressive, bright and the most complex of the tabbies. The stripes on the back are straight, but on the sides they form clearly visible circles and rings.
  4. The ticked color stands apart - it has no pattern and looks like a plain one with “spraying”. Resembles shaded or veiled. Each hair has its own stripes.

Color point

Color-point Britons have a light body color and dark markings on the face, ears, paws, and tail - points. This color is also called Himalayan or Siamese. The color of the points corresponds to one of the main colors, and the body color is in harmony with it.

Types of color point:

  • solid;
  • shaded;
  • veiled;
  • bicolor;
  • smoky;
  • turtle;
  • tabby

Colors with white

The combination of any basic, patterned or tortoiseshell color with white is called the general name bicolor - these are colored spots without white fibers, with clear boundaries. There are several groups of this color:

  1. Bicolor - from 1/3 to 1/2 white - muzzle, chest, paws, belly. Colored - one or two ears, head, back, tail.
  2. Harlequin - only 5/6 white - collar, neck, chest, paws.
  3. Van - main color - white. Colored spots on the head, but the ears are white, colored tail, colored spots on the back are allowed.
  4. Tricolor, or calico, is a tortoiseshell (i.e., two-color) color with white.
  5. Mitted - is not recognized by the standard and is considered a disadvantage. There is little white, no more than 1/4, the head, neck, collar, belly and paws are white.

Now you know what the colors of British cats are. The table with photos helped us understand the variety of types and types of colors.

Every connoisseur of the cat family knows well and can easily recognize a British cat. However, sometimes they are completely different from each other. All because of the diversity of their appearance. Therefore, let's try to find out what colors of British cats exist in nature today and how to identify them.

A little about the breed itself

Cats of this breed are short-haired and have a characteristic face. They are mainly distinguished by their kindness, strength of character and intelligence. At the same time, their body sizes generally correspond to medium or large; the animals are called strong and strong.

They say that the British are direct descendants of the well-known Cheshire cat.

External features of animals

If you take into account the coat color of cats, you will notice that their appearance has certain patterns. These include:

  • Round head and wide cheekbones;
  • Short and rough neck;
  • Short and straight nose,
  • Small and low-set roundish ears;
  • Big eyes;
  • Grounded, massive body;
  • Short but fairly thick paws;
  • Thick, medium-sized tail;
  • Short, soft, but very thick coat.

Character and behavioral characteristics

The main difference between Britons is that they are very independent from their owners. It is convenient to have such animals for businessmen or those who like to travel, because the cat will not be too sad during separation.

They will not cuddle and bask in the arms of their owners. However, this does not mean that the British do not love their partners. The main thing for them is just to be nearby, and they also love to play and “talk”. At the same time, the cat will not escape from the hands, but will calmly withstand all the outbursts of tenderness of the owner. Such a British temperament in an animal.

Positive and negative sides

Like any animal, the British dog also has its pros and cons. The first is that he doesn't require much attention and can easily be left alone on long periods time. However, the negative aspects include the severity of upbringing, since they almost always have their own opinion about everything and their own vision of what they need to do.

Colors of British cats

Today, the colors of the British Shorthair are known in more than 200 variations. A small part of them has been known since the appearance of the breed in general, the other is a consequence of the painstaking work of breeders.

The very variety of colors depends on the combination of two components - the color of the animal’s villi and the presence of a pattern on their body.

Melanin is responsible for what kind of pattern will be shown on the British fur coat. At the same time, two various types substances can give a black or red base, which ultimately acts as a key in the formation of color. The combination of these two types of melanin in different proportions allows you to create very diverse animals according to appearance. In addition, it is worth noting that there are solid colors - when the wool is one color, as well as wool with a pattern.

Popular varieties

Speaking about the diversity of British cats and taking into account the components that were mentioned above, they can all be grouped into certain categories. It is in such groups that we will further consider:

  • blue;
  • monochrome and smoky;
  • Collor Point;
  • silver and gold shaded;
  • tortoiseshell cats;
  • Tabby;
  • Bicolor, Party-colors, Harlequin, Van.

Blue plain

Due to the great similarity of cats of this breed to the Scottish Fold, mainly those who want to have an animal think that the color must necessarily be blue. This color is indeed recognized as a certain standard. Quite often in colloquial speech they are called classic.

The fur of such British cats is mostly monochromatic and does not have any fibers. light color. The skin of animals is always blue, however It is the light shade of the coat that is much more valuable to specialists In addition, at the age of the kitten, some kind of pattern may exist, but with age it necessarily disappears.

Myths and their refutation

Although photos and descriptions of the colors of British cats can be easily found both on the Internet and on the pages of specialized magazines, many people quite often make mistakes in their thoughts. For example, most cat lovers think that a Briton of this category is born with bright orange eyes. But this is not so - British kittens of all colors appear with blue, and sometimes with gray eyes, the iris of the eye acquires a different color only later. Another mistake cat owners make is that they do not know about the existence of the British Shorthaired Fold.


Representatives of this group are considered to be those animals in which all the villi, the layer under the fur and the skin are strictly one solid color or even shade. Literally one small spot is the reason why a Briton is not enrolled here. This group includes colors:

  • Lilac;
  • Black;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Faun.

Lilac cat

Animals of this breed have a uniform color that combines blue and pink tones. It can be noticed that these animals have pink color lint that is difficult to explain in words. Therefore, before making a choice, you should first look at the photos of the colors of British cats.

Interestingly, adult cats are similar in color to delicate milk coffee. Of the entire set of color components, only the undercoat can have an excellent tone.

It is quite difficult to obtain an animal of this color, because quite often it is just luck and a consequence of the unpredictability of the actions of breeders.

Chocolate animals

This coat color is primarily a one-color kitten with increased pigmentation of the fibers. For them, there is one pricing law: the darker the color (shade) of a brown British cat, the more expensive it is. People can easily hear this shade called “chestnut” or “havana”.

Black color of the breed

These Britons are characterized by a deep and highly saturated black tone of the body, which covers the villi, undercoat and even the entire skin. These animals are very difficult to breed because their fur begins to fade at the age of seven months. Enough often, a kitten that was born black can turn brown in just one year. Such British people generally cannot have a silver shimmer. If it exists, then this means that the breeders tried hard to produce a kitten. And such a violation results in the animal being rejected on the list of rejected ones.

Cinnamon color

Shades of this light brown- rare colors of British cats. After all, at first they were light tones of a chocolate type color, but over time they were crossed by two carriers of this gene. Their rarity is manifested in the fact that a brown British cat can give birth to such heirs only after one generation, and sometimes much less often.


The coat color of this group of cats is very easy to confuse with cinnamon or cream. However, fauns belong to the category that is called “rare and expensive colors of British cats.” It contains shades of pink or cream.

White British

Such animals are characterized by a cold tone of the villi and a pinkish tint to the skin. In nature there is a British White cat with blue eyes, as well as multi-colored ones. Kittens may have a small spot, but it should definitely disappear over time.

At the same time, the British, in which yellowing still appears in specific places - on the paws, hair under the eyes, and also on the tail, are considered to be defective.

Collor Point breed

These animals include those in which there are two colors in color, but white significantly predominates. The second color can range from gray with a lighter shade to red. The most expensive representatives of the breed with a very rare Siamese type color with dark colored locks.

Silver and gold shaded

Representatives of this category are characterized by the presence of the main color on the ears, head, back and even on the tail. In this case, the silver shade should predominate on the collar, paws and belly. Quite often, all owners of this color are mistakenly called chinchillas. Among them are the colors of the coat:

  • brown or black;
  • blue;
  • chocolate;
  • cinnamon;

Silver chinchilla

If we talk about what colors British silver cats come in, then this category can be classified as the rarest. Thanks to the direct connection with representatives of the Persian breed, they have a more flexible and softer character.

At the same time, they have important feature- the hairs should not be silver more than one-eighth of the length.

Golden color type

In this group of animals, the base tone is necessarily dark, and the upper part of the hair is painted gold. A gray tint in this case is not acceptable, and therefore such cats are considered defective. People call them chinchillas.

Turtle animals

Owners of tortoiseshell colors are characterized by a uniform distribution of tones on the body, but with the condition that there are no patterns on the light parts. It is acceptable to have red or cream spots on the face. This type, due to genetic predisposition, is only real for females, which makes the breeders' job even harder. Another injustice is that the British in this category are infertile. For animals, a combination of 3 colors is important:

  • black or brown;
  • cream/red;
  • blue or purple.

Patterned (Tabby)

Another species that contains a color table british cats. What is characteristic of these Britons is that they can have excellent hair color at the very base. The pattern on the body can be striped or spotted. It is advisable to divide them into silver and gold types; sometimes a subspecies of the Collor Point type is also distinguished.

Snow (asymmetrical) leopard color

This type of tabby is characterized by dark large spots on light-colored wool. The pattern practically cannot be symmetrical, and the spots themselves are dark inside and less saturated along the contour. On the lateral areas of the skin there are thin stripes resembling marble. The kittens' eyes are large and copper-colored. The base tone can be anything.

Today there are a wide variety of varieties of British cats. Everyone can find their own among them pet who will give his love and respect. The white British cat is especially popular among lovers of this type of animal. There are more than two hundred of the most different colors Britons who look great, both in photos and in real life.

History of the origin of the breed

First option

According to historians, the Briton is one of the most ancient breeds. Surely, many remember that cats were especially popular in the Roman Empire for hundreds of years. Emperors, as a rule, had not one or three cats, but about a dozen pets. These cats were brought to Britain by Roman soldiers from Ancient Rome . The images that have been preserved from those times show that they were short-haired gray British dogs not only with large round eyes, but also quite sharp fangs.

Second option

Absolutely opposite to the first version is the second version of the origin of British seals. According to the second story, these wonderful animals appeared on British Isles thanks to the French sailors who took them on voyages with the hope that the cats would protect their ship from rats and mice. In France they were also used as rat catchers in wine cellars.

Popular British colors

British white

British white cats with blue eyes are among the most gentle and sweet.

Combinations of white and other colors are not allowed, since the coat must be evenly colored. The paw pads and nose must be pink. They get along very easily with families with children, because they prefer home house with a friendly atmosphere than an animal breeder's kennel. The peculiarity of British white cats is that at birth they may have one of the following defects:

  • blindness;
  • loss of smell;
  • hearing loss;
  • non-absolute white color.

Adult representatives have a white coat color and, depending on the category, the following eye color:

  • blue;
  • orange;
  • heterochronic;
  • green.


Newborn white British kittens have gray stripes that disappear within a year. This situation This is explained by the fact that when breeding these animals, individuals of different colors take part. If you do not adhere to this principle, then British White cat kittens may develop various defects(often deafness).

Since white British kittens are not pure white, it is possible to determine what color their parents were. Therefore, if one of the parents is a blue animal, then the spots will be bluish-gray. If one of the individuals was black, then the marks will be black. According to buyers, pets with different eye colors bring good luck to their owner.

Of course, what white favorites demand special care. The wool needs to be combed. You can use a special shampoo or dry shampoo if your pet doesn’t really like bathing in the bath. Representatives of this color take very good care of their white coat. as if they understand the importance of constant care for her. In order for a white cat to have a muzzle with a characteristic circle for this breed, it is necessary to give her diced meat, scalded with lightly boiling water, for lunch.

Fold white

The British are related to the Scottish White Fold. Many may think that this is their variety, but this is not at all true, since they are a separate breed. They also have white fur, which is soft and very pleasant to the touch. Unfortunately, they too can inherit deafness.

Black color

Breeding this type of color is quite difficult, since the black color of such a kitten can change to chocolate or brown within six months.

If they have light or white tan fur, they will already be considered defective.

Blue pet

No less popular color than white is grey colour without any gray tints. The fur coat should not have light fibers. Kitten is born with blue eyes, and then gradually they turn orange.


This type of color is extremely rare. These pets have eyeliner around their eyes, the tip of their tail, and their paw pads are colored black. People call them “golden”.


These representatives of the breed have a pale cream-colored coat. The presence of white or red spots is excluded. Their earlobes are pale pink. Eyes can be copper, orange or gold.

Of course, every cat breed has its own characteristics, and the British are no exception. The following facts are highlighted from the description of the British:

  • British cats are endowed with very acute hearing. They have this ability due to the fact that the nerve endings that are located in their eyes instantly transmit noise from external environment into their ears.
  • Representatives of this breed, unlike other pets, distinguish odors 14 times better, since the organs responsible for smell are also the antennae, and not just the nose, like other cats.
  • British Shorthairs have eyes without eyelashes. It is noticeable that their eyes are not very proportional to their body and this did not affect their visual perception of the world at all.
  • They have good health, are quite hardy, have short and strong legs, and also have very good hunting qualities.
  • 14-16 hours, this is the period of time a British Shorthair needs to sleep.
  • They meow extremely rarely, because they have a reserved, intelligent character, like real Englishmen.
  • If you care for them properly, their life span will be more than 20 years.


There are no marks or smoke marks on it. The nose, eyelids and paw pads are characterized by a pink tint. At birth, kittens may have a colored spot that lasts for one year. Characteristic– absence of yellowing on the paws, especially their inner surface, as well as at the root of the tail and under the eyes.

The eyes of white cats can have different colors:

  • White with blue eyes(BRI W 61) Cats of this color are characterized by blue eye color, which is characterized by significant intensity. Blue-eyed white cats are often deaf - this connection is established at the genetic level.
  • White with orange eyes(BRI W 62)
  • White with green eyes(BRI W 64)
  • White with differently colored eyes(BRI W 63)

This color is characterized by the presence of eyes that differ in color from each other. Usually one of them is blue in color, while the other has a predominantly copper or orange tint.

The disadvantages of white color can be called dark spots, which are present on the head of adults. Basically, they are only permissible for kittens at the beginning of their growth.

The active gene for this color is white dominant - W, in which the cat has a snow-white coat. The white color gene is unusual - it does not color the fur white, but reliably hides all other colors present in the cat’s genetic makeup.

Under the white color, several genes are successfully hidden, which are masked by the active influence of the predominant W gene. Under the influence of this gene, not only the color of the fur coat changes, but also the shade of the eyes. Blocking the processes of pigment formation leads, as a rule, to a predominance of blue eye color. These individuals blue possesses only one eye, while the other has a widespread shade. Usually this color is yellow-brown, copper-orange or yellow. This does not indicate that in the cells of the other eye the influence of the dominant W gene is completely absent. The predominance of traditional color indicates that its effect did not affect the iris of the eye. It is very interesting to observe what eye color white cats have. Some of them have an eye, half of which has a normal tone, and the other part has a blue tint. In some cases, various inclusions are found in the iris.

White, odd-eyed cats are classified as rare because the number of such individuals is small. It is because of their features that they are called “royal”. There is a belief that a cat whose eyes differ in color ensures good luck and prosperity for its owner.

There are certain conditions when breeding white cats. It lies in the fact that it is forbidden to mate cats that belong to the white color with each other. One partner must be of a different color. This is explained by the fact that when two white cats mate, the risk of giving birth to an animal homozygous for W increases significantly, which may have congenital deafness. However, there is an opinion that this condition is far-fetched, since most cat lovers have great love for individuals with blue eyes, and the Turkish Angora cat, with multi-colored eyes, belongs to the category of royal ones. This is a kind of memory of the hero of Turkey Ataturk, who had eyes different colors. It is worth saying that a white cat in Turkey can walk around the mosque without hindrance.