Business plan for a flower kiosk. Is the flower business profitable? What else can you sell?

Financial condition society is to some extent determined by the demand for flowers and this is a fact proven by the results of research. Economists say that the richer the region or city, the more flowers sold per capita. But still, this statement cannot be called one hundred percent, since mentality plays a certain role in this issue.

It should be noted that the sale of flowers is among the top five most popular types of business in the world. This phenomenon not surprising, because flowers are needed in many life situations; they are a kind of art that gives people positive emotions, joy, and smiles.

Is this flower business profitable, what are the reviews?

Naturally, for a business to generate income, it is necessary to understand the intricacies of caring for and growing flowers. If a person likes to tinker in his garden, grows magnificent indoor plants and knows a lot about high-quality seedlings, he needs to turn his hobby into a business.

This means that the personal preferences of the entrepreneur play a huge role, because when a person’s activity brings spiritual pleasure, then the family budget is steadily replenished.

To answer the most important question, is the flower business profitable, we should remember the rush during the holidays, for example, before Valentine's Day and before International Women's Day. These are not all holidays, so if everything is organized correctly, you can make good money.

In addition, flower arrangements are popular as gifts for relatives, friends, loved ones, and business partners. They are purchased not only on major holidays, but also on weekdays for decorating bars, restaurants, hotels, and spas. Without flowers, a wedding celebration will not be complete, and they are extremely popular at anniversaries.

On the eve of the holiday, the cost of flowers increases, for example, if we consider March 8, prices increase on the sixth day, and on the immediate day of the holiday they reach their apogee and bouquets cost 2-3 times more.

Therefore, we can confidently say that flowers are a hot commodity, and according to financiers, the turnover of this market in Russia last year amounted to more than a billion dollars.

Many people starting a flower business do not create it from scratch, but buy a ready-made one. This, if the business being purchased is “working”, in some cases it is even better than starting from scratch. To do this, you need to look for a suitable option on various resources for private and business advertisements.
Search the Internet for something like:

– I will buy a flower business;
– opening a flower shop business plan;
– buy a flower business;
– sale of flower business;
– selling flower business;
- cheap flower shop.

There are many offers and you will definitely find something that suits you. But we repeat once again: you need to be careful here, check everything carefully before purchasing, so as not to buy a pacifier! Or problems instead of profits.

Flower business from scratch. Retail flower business formats

Of course, selling flowers is a profitable and risky business. Creative people who understand botany open retail outlets, wanting to simultaneously realize their abilities and earn money.

But not everything is as smooth as it might seem at first glance, because in addition to the positive aspects, that is, aesthetics and profitability, there are also unpleasant ones, such as the fragility of products and associated losses.

The retail flower business is conventionally divided into four formats:

  • – pavilions located near the metro and in passages;
  • – small shops that are located in shopping centers, in crowded places;
  • – specialized boutiques located on the busiest streets of the city center;
  • – in addition to the existing flower shop, it is advisable to open an online store – virtual reality is extremely relevant today.

Flower pavilion – huge competition

Today, small flower pavilions are found literally everywhere, because there are such retail outlets near every metro and in all passages. True, there are many potential buyers, since these are very busy places.

A good location is considered an important key to the development of such a business, because flowers are a perishable product, so good turnover is extremely necessary.

The basis of sales in the small pavilion are cut flowers, the assortment of which amounts to 15-20 items. But packaging acts as an additional percentage of income.

Flower shop – great opportunities

Unlike a small pavilion, a flower shop has a good sales area, that is, the range of products offered here is wider.

In addition to cut flowers, the store can organize the sale of composed compositions, potted plants, souvenirs, gifts, as well as various soils and similar related products.

Due to the fact that the assortment includes not only perishable goods, business owners can reduce costs, and this is already a significant argument.

As for profit, it does not depend solely on turnover, because you can sell a smaller number of flowers, and receive the rest of the income from the sale of ceramics and potted plants.

Of course, if a store is being organized, great attention should be paid to personnel selection. Friendly, competent sellers who understand flowers will be able not only to sell the product, but also to give the buyer advice on this or that issue. The ethical component is also important, because just by praising a client for his excellent taste, he can turn from a casual customer into a regular one.

A flower shop requires significant investments, which cannot be compared with opening a small pavilion. It pays off more slowly, but the undoubted advantages of this format include stability, and all thanks to the rich assortment and the presence of regular customers.

Florist boutique - a newfangled trend

Florist salons are truly a wonderful type of business, because absolutely everything here is beautiful: the design of the room, the flower arrangements created by real masters, and the aura in such a room is special. Competent salespeople are also relevant, because profitability depends on them.

To open a store of such a high level will require a tidy sum of money, but despite the high costs, you can receive an excellent percentage of income in the future. This promising business, because having a florist boutique, you can reach corporate clients.

For example, the design of just one corporate banquet brings in a profit that is comparable to a week of work at a flower shop. Alternatively, in the future, when the business is established, you can open a whole network of salons, covering all areas of the city.

Online store - modern business or flower shop around the clock

Today, life moves very quickly, so many people do not want to waste their precious time going to flower shops and specialized boutiques. For this reason, nowadays it is impossible to do without an online store.

The costs of opening it are not very large; for example, the simplest online store will cost a thousand dollars. But, as they say, the game is worth the candle, because clients can, without leaving the office or at home, place an order for flowers in a boutique or in a store.

This is a wonderful sales channel, thanks to which income increases significantly. But you also need to be aware of additional shipping costs and take into account the very possible possibility of returning the goods.

And yet, if there is no regular store selling flowers, you should not open an online store, because this is a very risky undertaking, the goods are perishable, and initial stage there won't be many clients.

Subtleties of opening a flower pavilion

There is always a demand for flowers: someone is in a hurry to go on a date, someone is rushing to a birthday... To open a flower pavilion, you need to consider the following important points:

  • – register yourself as an entrepreneur;
  • – hire one or two salespeople;
  • – the pavilion must be placed in a “busy” place: transitions, stops;
  • – have contacts with flower suppliers.

Now let’s look at these points in more detail to present a clear picture of the opening of a small flower pavilion. Basically, create entity in this case it is not necessary, that is, registration as an individual entrepreneur is quite sufficient.
This process is carried out at the tax office at the place of registration.

If we talk about sellers, their payment can consist of either a salary and a percentage of sales, or entirely from a percentage of sales. It is also necessary to understand that the flower trade has a specific nature, so the pavilion should open early and close closer to midnight, because people buy flowers at any time. This fact indicates that it is necessary to hire two workers, not one.

An important factor in the success of any small retail trade is the choice of location: on the one hand, it should be accessible (close to a bus stop, metro station), and on the other hand, there should be no competitors nearby. As for the pavilion itself, it can be purchased or rented.

Contacts with suppliers are equally important. Alternatively, you can negotiate supplies with a flower greenhouse. But to keep your risks minimal, it is better to conclude a deal like this: the seller pays for the flowers that were sold, and the unsold goods are returned to the supplier.

When opening a pavilion, you should remember that flowers in such places are bought by people with low salaries, so they always want to save the money they earn. Thus, it turns out that you should not buy professional stands, expensive decorative shelves and other delights, because due to their insolvency, this category of the population does not like “pretty”.

You don’t need to invest a lot of money, all your strength and soul into the pavilion, because then it will look like a real store. This will not lead to a good result: buyers will think that they are charging exorbitant prices for unnecessary beauty, that is, they will not buy flowers.

Starting your own business with a high-quality online store franchise is the best solution for beginners:

The optimal design option for a flower pavilion: wooden shelves, ordinary plastic buckets, vases, table-counter, racks for bouquets. The buyer will immediately see that the people here are friendly and there are no exorbitant prices. The assortment must be dealt with accordingly; it should not be too multifaceted, since buyers cannot afford rare and expensive flowers.

For example, you can offer clients the following choice: 5-7 varieties of Colombian roses, 2-3 types of medium-sized Dutch roses, 4-6 varieties of chrysanthemums, and, of course, lilies, gerberas, irises, tulips and some greenery. There should also be 5-6 ready-made bouquets available, several of which are in red and white colors.

And one more important point - you don’t need to keep flower vases half empty. The point is that clients think very unconventionally: many believe that a product in demand has long been sold and the most unclaimed flowers remain.

And some people think that a half-empty vase is evidence of the insolvency of the owner of the pavilion, because the vases are not bursting with flowers (of course, the buyer will take flowers from the most filled vase). This mistake should not be made, so you need to resort to tricks by mixing the ending flowers with other varieties and removing the empty containers away.

Yes, finding a good place for a store today is difficult, since the best places are already occupied, and if it becomes vacant, you need to be prepared for high rental rates.

Of course, setting up a store and choosing an assortment is a more complex task than designing a pavilion, but knowing the subtleties and nuances, you can do everything as correctly as possible, providing yourself with a normal profit.

general information

A flower shop should look cozy, comfortable, attractive, and it should also have modern renovations. In addition, you should purchase neat floral stands, display tables, exquisite shelves made of wood veneer, chrome, hanging racks for packaging, metal or glass vases/flasks for flowers.

In addition, you need to have:

  • – coolers;
  • – knives and pruners;
  • – computer, printer, internet.

There should also be business cards on the table (not necessarily the best ones, inexpensive instant printing is also suitable), it is advisable to equip the entrance with a warm curtain, and the store should have air conditioning and a glass refrigerator.

It should be said that clients of flower shops are completely different buyers: people come to the store because they no longer accept pavilions and are ready to pay money for sellers to adapt to their tastes.

Naturally, these are still far from being clients of florist boutiques, because buyers study price tags, choose and demand something.

As for the assortment, it should be extensive and varied. For example, this option is good: ten to fifteen shades of roses, eight to ten types of chrysanthemums, four types of lilies, gerberas and a wide selection of spring flowers.

Exotic and tropical flowers, such as orchids, strelitzia, hydrangeas, anthuriums, are welcome, but they need to be purchased in small quantities. This is due to the fact that customers want to have choice, demand it, but still rarely use it, preferring traditional colors.

As already mentioned, you should diversify your assortment with potted plants, soils, ceramics and similar products. For example, if we consider potted plants, the business should be developed in two directions: plants that bloom in the appropriate season, and more unpretentious plants (ficus, cacti, dracaenas, monsteras).

Choosing a name for the store is the main point

As one famous cartoon character said, “whatever you call the yacht, that’s how it will sail.” This statement is beyond doubt, so this aspect needs to be given special attention.

The name of the store should give people joy, it should sound beautiful and somehow flowery. Also, the name should be easy to remember and not be associated with things that are inappropriate for the topic: jewelry, perfumes.

Plus, you should conduct a thorough analysis of the consumer category, observing competitors near your outlet. After the age of potential buyers has been determined, you should filter out previously invented names, leaving only those that will attract people from the target audience.

A short step-by-step guide to opening a flower shop

So, to summarize the above and supplement it with new arguments, you can draw up the following action plan:

  • – to begin with, it is advisable to get a basic education in the field of flower business: for example, enroll in florist courses. You also need to read specialized literature, do not forget to monitor news on the Internet in order to keep abreast of events and understand modern trends;
  • – business registration – if knowledge in this area is not enough, you can seek help from law firm. Employees of such an organization will provide competent advice and help prepare a package of documents for a fee;
  • – the store premises must be located in a place with a high degree of traffic, and it must also be open to view;
    – acquisition of necessary equipment and tools;
  • – the choice of suppliers is no less important. On at this stage you need to study the lists of organizations from which you can purchase flowers (greenhouses, agricultural farms). You should also inquire about the quality of the products, find out the terms of delivery and look for reviews about the supplier;
  • – equipment and decorative design of the store. Here you can use your imagination and knowledge acquired in florist courses. IN mandatory the window must be attractive so that people passing by will want to enter the store;
  • – additional benefits will always come in handy – this could include delivery, creation of creative and original congratulations. Such options have a positive effect on expanding the audience of buyers;
  • - the advertisement is engine of the trade. This rule has not been canceled, because it is extremely effective.

Anti-wilting remedies are a separate topic

A guide to starting a flower business would be incomplete without mentioning special products that are added to water and prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Belgian powdered probiotics, as well as antibacterial preservative additives, are often used to combat harmful microorganisms. As for the cheapest options, these are ancient and, one might say, “penny” means: acetylsalicylic acid, potassium permanganate, citric acid.

If you have big plans to develop a promising business and want to acquire regular customers, you should not get carried away with special products, that is, preservatives and probiotics, because such substances disable the plant’s immunity to bacterial background.

The result is obvious - the buyer brings flowers home, puts them in ordinary tap water, the bouquet is extremely quickly affected by bacteria and fades.
Fast-fading plants are best used to create floral paintings and dry bouquets, rather than imitating a living appearance until the minute of sale, deceiving the client.

Florist boutique - the pinnacle of the flower business

What do you need to do to open a flower salon?

The very first step is finding a suitable location. But now you should take into account not only the location, but also be guided by the possibility of carrying out repairs and radical redevelopment.

It is much better if the premises are owned or, as a last resort, it can be rented for a long time. The fact is that a florist boutique is a promising business, but its development will require a certain period of time.
The basic principles to be applied in practice are:

  • – careful maintenance of customer databases, confidentiality;
  • – the boutique owner must regularly attend exhibitions and read a lot of literature;
  • – flowers are purchased only from trusted suppliers, even despite high prices;
  • – it is necessary to hire only professional florists with a name, good experience work;
  • – the owner of the salon is obliged to understand all the details himself, starting with the storage conditions of certain varieties of flowers and potted plants, and ending with the intricacies of creating unusual compositions.

Florist salon

- This is not only the sale of flowers, but also the provision of a wide range of additional services: for example, working with exotic plants that are brought to order. In a word, the salon knows each client by name, serves him tea/coffee, takes into account tastes and wishes, and sells these services for big money.

It should also be noted that there is no need to deceive customers - if it is not possible to deliver a specific type of flowers on time, it is better to say so directly, since customers of this kind primarily value the level of service.

As for the actual design of the room, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail. For example, a separate room is needed to store auxiliary materials, and packs of unprocessed flowers in buckets do not need to be displayed.

For boutique equipment " mediocre» you should purchase:

  • – good floral stands;
  • – glass refrigerator;
  • – a couple of tables, chairs;
  • – it is advisable to hang tulles and curtains on the windows, avoiding the use of blinds;
  • – at least one computer and a full set of office equipment. As for the program, the most preferable option is 1C, because it is ideal for the needs of an accountant, storekeeper, and client manager.

Thus, we can make an unambiguous conclusion: the salon should be decorated stylishly, but only in a non-minimalistic way, because it sells emotions and, of course, flowers...

But what about the assortment? It should satisfy any request, striking in breadth and variety. Suddenly a client wants purple roses, and the answer is “we’ll bring it from Holland soon, don’t worry.”

A significant advantage of a florist boutique is the fact that there is no need for wholesale purchases of large quantities of flowers. The reason is clear - buyers understand what the “bring to order” service means, since they encounter similar procedures every day.

For example, you can buy flowers in a pack, but there must be at least fifty species. In addition, the ratio of roses to other flowers is significantly reduced, because the assortment includes Dutch gladioli, lilies of the valley, and daffodils.

But this is not all the advantages of a business of this format, because clients do not require long-lasting color durability. If the bouquet lasts for three days, that will be enough for them. What does this give? The secret is that great opportunities open up in terms of performing various weaving and stringing techniques.

It turns out that although the bouquet will not last long, it is a real work of art, original and unique.
When opening a high-level flower boutique, you should remember that the more services you offer, the better. People buy houses and apartments, and the task of florists is to create a pleasant atmosphere there, conducive to relaxation. These can be freshly cut flowers, potted plants, candlesticks, vases. All taken together creates a special microclimate in the room, improving mood and filling a person with vital energy.

The same applies to office workspaces, because people spend a lot of time at work. For example, you can decorate the walls with paintings or magnificent panels of dried flowers. Here the flight of imagination is unlimited; if you have talent, then the business will go up.

Do you know how to achieve success in business thanks to the experience of successful entrepreneurs?

In addition to creating bouquets and compositions, designers design events, developing an individual approach to each client. Today, floristry has reached its peak, since flowers can be used to make unimaginable compositions on walls, garlands, and stunning wedding bouquets. It is also possible to create combined flower baskets, for example, from dried flowers and living plants.

Clients for florist salon You can either search on your own, or you need to get connections with wedding firms and interior design organizations. Of course, you will have to deduct a certain percentage from each order received, but there will be no shortage of customers, that is, the business will actively develop.

Concerning winter period, at this time of year there are fewer holidays and celebrations, but this is not a reason for relaxation. For example, in winter you can be busy with interior design, selling accessories, and flowers in pots.

Creating an online store is a rational solution

It's a new century, web resources are in great demand today, because they are the future. For this reason, you should seriously think about creating your own online store based on a functioning business.

For example, if a flower shop is already open, you need to look for sources of direct sales. Not every entrepreneur can open an entire chain of stores, and one outlet does not always provide a sufficient number of customers. What to do? How to find buyers? Some business owners prefer passive actions, relying on third-party factors:

  • - quality;
  • - service;
  • – attractive price of the product.

This is the wrong path that you should not follow if you need to achieve certain heights and earn good capital. Innovative technologies are now developing rapidly and it is difficult to do without them. This means that opening an online store is not a whim, but an urgent necessity.

If an online store was created on the basis of a florist boutique, you should simply promote it and make a profit. In addition, the site must be reliably protected so that competitors do not copy photos of your works and then pass them off as their own. But it is advisable to supplement the business card website with video recordings of master classes on making flower arrangements.

You can go even further, because such master classes can develop into floristry courses. Such courses today are in incredible demand both among those who want to grow professionally and among those who simply want to master a beautiful hobby. That is, by creating such a resource, you can not only increase income, but also prepare potential employees.

It is unlikely that you will be able to create a highly profitable online store on your own, because absolutely all aspects must be taken into account. For example, if you consider a design, you can order an individual version or use a ready-made template. The main thing is that it is attractive, inviting, and memorable for buyers. As for excessive decorativeness, it is important not to overdo it so that the client does not forget why he came to the site.

As for the choice of hosting, it all depends on the space that needs to be allocated for the store - there is no need to save on content, because you will have to place a lot of photos of bouquets and arrangements. One of the main indicators of the good operation of an Internet resource is its availability at any time of the day, and this requires high server speed.

The domain name should not only match the activity, but also be easy to remember. It’s great if the number of characters in it is minimal. In fact, it is difficult to find a suitable option, but there is no need to give up, because the domain name is chosen for a long period.

In a word, the process of creating an online store is a painstaking task, so it is much better to take the help of qualified professionals so that everything works like clockwork.

We understand that to create a successful business: “Law Agency” you need to have special education and experience. But you might be interested in the guide:
Creating a successful business is important, but achieving success in your personal life is equally important:

It is also possible to do business in such a way that an online store does not have a basic foundation. How does this actually happen?
The bottom line is that a bouquet workshop is being equipped that sells bouquets exclusively via the Internet. This approach to doing business has its advantages, because you don’t need to:

  • – look for a landlord;
  • – hire staff;
  • – spend money on repairs and equipment of the store;
  • – buy equipment;
  • - fight zealously with numerous competitors.

In principle, clients do not visit such a workshop, but still the possibility of such meetings should be provided for, for example, if a large customer comes across. From a financial point of view, the most the best option– renting an office in an inexpensive building.

The office should have a reception area, combined with an office containing equipment, and, of course, a workshop: florists work there and couriers await orders.

There is no doubt that the office must have a well-thought-out communication system, both mobile and local, since several calls can be made at the same time - each of them is very important, because this is the only source of income.

To be honest, in Russia this way of doing business cannot be called highly effective, so it is better to have retail outlets and create a virtual resource on their basis.

We think it’s wrong to create an online store that sells exclusively flowers. The online store also sells other related products very well. For example, you can create an online store for indoor flowers, an online store selling flowers in pots, an online store for artificial flowers, an online store for flower seedlings, an online store for flower vases, etc.

There are a lot of related products and even flower directions for which you can create several small online stores or combine them all into one mega online store.

The main secrets of competent organization of a flower business

If you are ready to open a profitable but risky business, check out some important aspects, which, in fact, will be discussed further.

Thorough study of the nuances of the market

There shouldn’t be any special problems for starting a business: you need to rent a retail outlet, register Required documents, order flowers from suppliers and you can begin your development. But still, first you should think through everything carefully, analyze the situation, find out whether there are many competitors and how strong they are.

Formation of the most popular assortment

Large turnover is the most important component of the flower business. Alternatively, the assortment can be traditional: roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, gerberas, tulips. Due to this “gold reserve”, the owners of this business cover monthly expenses, that is, taxes, rent of a retail outlet, and staff salaries. Why are roses the most profitable to sell?

Here we are talking not only about the subjective preferences of clients, but also about economic and biological factors. In simple words this is easily explained: a rose bush blooms without replanting for several years, but chrysanthemums have to be planted every year.

For a novice businessman, such knowledge will be very useful, because economic efficiency depends on it.

Good place for a retail outlet

The profitability of the flower trade directly depends on the location of the pavilion, store, or salon. Retail outlets near the metro, in underground passages and other places with a high degree of traffic are the fastest to pay for themselves.

Also, flower trade to some extent is of a momentary nature: a man walked past a store, saw flowers of extraordinary beauty, went in and bought them, although he had no intention of doing so.

Correct storage conditions for flowers

Flowers are a specific product; they will not wait long for their buyer and will simply wither. The period for their implementation is not very long, so in a short period of time they must go from the supplier to the client’s apartment.

The path begins with the fact that freshly cut flowers are cooled to a temperature of 0-8 degrees - this is how they slow down chemical processes, plus, flowers can be treated with drugs that slow down the decay process. They are also placed in a nutrient solution of ascorbic acid or glucose, carefully packaged and delivered to the airport (of course, if we are talking about overseas deliveries).

While the plane is in the air, a customs declaration is completed; after arrival, the cargo is inspected by customs officers and phytosanitary services, and after their approval, the flowers are released for free circulation.

In the first stages of doing business proper organization supplies and sales are the main tasks of a novice entrepreneur. This is where the main drawback of the business lies, since the maximum sales period for most types of flowers is a week. This means that an entrepreneur must calculate possible risks and order only the volume that will be sold on time.

Flexible pricing policy

Offering clients exclusively expensive and exotic flowers is inappropriate, because not everyone has the same financial capabilities. It’s good when the client can purchase a cheaper option, for example, buy flowers wrapped in wrapping paper. But richer people buy arranged bouquets, and then pay additionally for the services of a florist designer.

The fruits of activity must be visible

What does this mean? Of course, we are talking about participating in various exhibitions: on the one hand, you show what you are capable of, and on the other, new clients are attracted.
If the business is already well developed, you can act as a sponsor at some event - designers decorate the hall, make bouquets for presentations, thereby advertising their skills.

Flower business– a serious activity that requires maximum attention, knowledge, and skills. Practice shows that the costs pay off in about a year and a half, so with a sound mind, you can achieve good results. Luck favors brave and determined people, and those who don’t take risks don’t drink champagne, this is a well-known fact.

You might be interested: Video – THE ART OF BUSINESS: Making money on flowers:

The business of selling flowers is one of the most profitable and promising, because its profitability is guaranteed by a series of regular events that are guaranteed to occur in the life of every person. Weddings, holidays, awards and even funerals... the list goes on and on. According to experts, the annual turnover of Russian flower shops is more than one and a half billion dollars. Isn't there a reason for aspiring entrepreneurs to take a closer look at this field of activity from a large list of different business ideas? It is also safe to say that our dear women will enjoy this type of activity.

Flower business pros and cons

Of course, selling flowers as an income is not ideal - it also has its own advantages and disadvantages that should be voiced.


  • Low threshold for entry - it is quite possible to start a flower business with 6-8 thousand dollars, which is quite reasonable prices for trading business. Moreover, the costs are recouped very quickly.
  • A large markup is a flower that can be purchased in some Holland for a purchase price of one dollar, then can be sold for two, three or even five dollars. The main thing is to feel the right moment.


  • Living goods quickly deteriorate, so there is a certain deadline for sales that must be met in order not to incur a loss (it is even customary for florists to immediately take into account the percentage of products that cannot be sold).
  • In a transported batch of flowers there is always a certain proportion of defective goods that cannot be sold in any way.
  • Earnings from the flower trade have a pronounced seasonality - flowers sell well in the summer and on holidays, but in winter there is a serious decrease in demand.

Flower business business plan

Opening a flower shop is not such a simple process as it might seem at first glance. To achieve success, you should calculate every step before starting, take into account a number of nuances and little things. Let's try to figure them out.


The first thing you need to do, otherwise your income will not be legal and may entail a bunch of fines and other problems. It is best to choose an individual entrepreneurship model and a simplified taxation system. All received documents must be certified by a notary, making several additional copies.

Selecting a location

This issue is on the priority list, as it significantly affects the success of your enterprise even before its official opening. It is necessary to select a place that is sufficiently crowded, with a large number of pedestrians passing by. It is most profitable to be located near metro stations, on the outskirts of markets, near railway stations and other transport hubs. It would also be nice to grab a “tidbit” near some registry office, but such places have all been occupied for a long time. If your budget is very limited and there is not enough money for a real retail outlet, I advise you to start by organizing your activities online. Create an online flower delivery store, fill out the price list and start selling. I'm sure it will be in demand.

What do readers think about it?

Indeed, on February 14 and March 8, people are very active in buying flowers, but the rest of the time it can be a little tight with customers. Therefore, think three times whether it is advisable to take large volumes and open a large retail outlet. Sometimes a small stall in a busy place will be enough.
By the way, it is not necessary to sell flower corpses - you can sell live plants in pots, seeds and seedlings for the garden.

The business is profitable, but very competitive. It will be very difficult to get in here; seasoned flower sellers, I think, won’t let you turn around. Personally, in our market where they sell flowers, there is no place at all. Well, it’s true that the market is not big.

This whole business, in essence, boils down to the scheme “bought in one place cheaper - sold in another and “in time” (March 8, September 1 and other dates) and more expensive.” 6 thousand bucks in quality starting capital for him, even a lot: from the experience of selling flowers to a friend, I can say that to buy a batch of flowers, 25-30 thousand rubles are enough, plus transportation costs and food on the road - another 7 thousand rubles. The total amount received from the sale of these Krasnodar flowers in Tver is about 100 thousand rubles. The “exit” is very good, but, as a friend himself says, it is only possible once a year, so it’s unlikely that it will work as an extra income or as a permanent business...

And the product is perishable. The best way is to grow it yourself and sell it to order. However, again, flowers are a seasonal product; there is no stable demand throughout the year. If you have extra money, you can try, if you have borrowed money, definitely not

AlexUkr, this business is one of the most profitable. Flowers are selling out quickly, the main place. And it doesn't matter what season. Both in winter and in summer, in short, people always have weddings, every day thousands of women have birthdays, young people buy a lot of flowers for their girls every day. What seasonality are you talking about?

I also don’t consider this business to be seasonal. There are certain months, or rather days, when the revenue is simply crazy, this applies to holidays, but if your flower shop creates good name, that is, so that you always have a high-quality product and, accordingly, a beautiful one, you can earn a lot a large number of regular customers.

The flower business is seasonal. Flowers are bought well on holidays and in summer, with a decline in winter. Pricing policy also has its own characteristics. The times when the profitability of flower sales reached 300% are long gone. Now profitability fluctuates between 100-140% and it is “eaten up” by possible defects, broken flowers and fluctuations in trade

AlexUkr, aren’t people celebrating holidays every day? What a seasonality, every day someone has a wedding, birthday, etc. Guys buy flowers for their girls on dates, both in winter and summer. Of course, on March 8 you will sell more flowers, but this is simply not a big bonus. It is profitable to trade flowers, and it is simply stupid to argue with this.

And you think that a profitability of 100-140 percent is small. I think that many people would like to receive such profitability. I completely agree with Yura123 that people have a reason every day to buy flowers at any time of the year.

I agree that 100% good profitability, but this does not take into account defects, flowers that were not sold in time, rent, salaries, taxes. In general, I think this business is very risky. If you are ready to suffer losses and then possibly earn something, then try it

An interesting idea for a business, of course. It's worth even taking a closer look at it. But I watched a program on TV in which there were 20-year-old businessmen and millionaires, and there were also adults there. One adult man, quite respectable and not stupid, failed in this flower business and became bankrupt, so with this idea you need to be more careful and carefully calculate and plan everything.

Apparently you don’t yet know what smart seasoned flower sellers do with marriage. I personally know that, for example, flowers whose leaves have fallen are taken and simply glued together, and the top is covered with ordinary varnish with glitter so that they keep their shape. Many may have seen when buying flowers that there are some with sparkles, so similar flowers are made in a similar way.

Well then, these are swindlers and not sellers who live one day at a time. You should not look up to them because they are not businessmen. There is an unspoken rule: a client will tell four friends about a good purchase, and ten people about a bad purchase (having bought low-quality flowers). So such would-be businessmen won’t work for long

Well, you've already gone in the wrong direction. This is a business, and in business all means are good. You think only in the business of selling flowers, but no, in every business they try to sell marriage. Even in those stores, spoiled chicken is rolled in various spices, marinated, and sent to barbecue, and then this kebab is calmly sold without remorse.

The flower business is very profitable only if you know a lot about flowers, or you can hire a very high professional in this field. Here you need to understand rare plants, you need to sell not only flowers, but also planting material, as well as flowers in pots, and most importantly, minimize leftovers.

Well, we are not talking about knowledge, it is already clear that if you decide to start any kind of business, you must be well versed in this area and know a lot of various nuances. The main question now is different: the flower business is profitable at any time of the year, or only on holidays.

I think you can make money from this; you won’t even believe it, I once worked in almost this field. In my youth, together with my mother, I worked in a greenhouse, where we grew roses, there were also orchids, but they were looked after by a specific person who rummaged through them, so I realized there that this business was really profitable.

I saw online flower shops that deliver a bouquet of roses right to the house of your beloved girlfriend, wife, mother and any other female person.) Let's say you live in one country, and your former classmate (well, as an example) in another - and here An online flower shop with payment via PS couldn’t come at a better time. Just a flower shop - banal.

We need to support the flower business, and make it mandatory for all guys to buy flowers for their girlfriends every evening. Otherwise, sometimes they show up without flowers, and business suffers.
But seriously, according to my observations, this is very profitable business. Flower shops all around. There are not only fresh flowers, but also indoor flowers in pots, and they also cost a decent amount, and, what’s important, they don’t fade.

The idea of ​​starting your own business has probably occurred to every person. And the flower trade is considered a relatively profitable business, because it’s hard to imagine the holidays without them. What is selling flowers? A business plan must take into account even the smallest details. So how to start trading and make it profitable?

Selling flowers: business plan

Of course, first you need to sort out some little things. In particular, you need to draw up an accurate and detailed business plan:

  • Research the sales market.
  • Choose a place to purchase goods.
  • Complete the necessary documents.
  • Find a place to rent.
  • Purchase the necessary equipment and goods.
  • Hire staff.
  • Calculate the amount of starting capital.
  • Conduct an advertising campaign.

If you are interested in how to start selling flowers, then you should know that when creating any business, every little detail is important. This is the only way to make it truly profitable.

What documents are needed to trade plants?

It should be noted right away that a license to sell flowers is not required. Therefore, you just need to register in tax service either an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. Sole proprietorship is suitable for you if you intend to work exclusively with individuals. This option has some advantages, such as a simplified accounting system, as well as lower taxes.

If you are not the sole owner of a store and plan to expand your business and cooperate with different companies, it is better to register a Limited Liability Company.

Where to rent a room?

If you are planning to start a flower selling business, you should know that the location of your store is extremely important. Therefore, it is best to rent a room somewhere in a busy place, for example, in the central part of the city, in a tourist area, in a shopping center, etc.

Naturally, premises in a busy area will cost more. But a favorable location largely determines the success of trade.

After all, quite often people buy flowers impulsively, without planning it in advance. Therefore, it is important that your store is on the path of a person who is going to purchase a beautiful bouquet.

As for the store itself, it is desirable that it be spacious. Then buyers will not have to crowd into a tiny room.

Try to arrange the flowers so that they are visible from anywhere in the store - this way the client will have the opportunity to independently choose the best plants.

What equipment do you need to get started?

As already mentioned, flowers are a product that quickly deteriorates. Therefore, you need to raise money in advance for the necessary equipment. After all, without it, selling flowers is simply impossible. The business plan should include the purchase of the following materials:

  • To begin with, you will need a refrigerator, since in the hot season it is important to keep the flowers fresh.
  • But in the winter months, the main threat to the product is cold. Therefore, you need to purchase a special thermal curtain.
  • A store full of flowers must have an air conditioning system, which will help create optimal temperature conditions at any time of the year.
  • Don’t forget about stands, tables for florists and other furniture necessary for creating bouquets of furniture.
  • Most likely, in addition to fresh-cut flowers, you will sell some other products - these will also require furniture, such as racks and shelves.
  • To preserve flowers, buckets, vases, sprayers and some other devices are needed.
  • By the way, make sure there is enough water in the store.
  • You will also need cash machine. By the way, as your business develops, when there are more and more regular customers, you will probably need a computer and special software. They will facilitate the process of tracking sales, and also simplify the work of the accountant.

This is a list of basic purchases. You can buy the rest of the things you need for work after the store opens.

Basic consumables: what to buy?

Naturally, the main thing in your business is fresh, fresh-cut flowers. Today, their market in our country is sufficiently developed; only 45% of products come to us from abroad. You just need to find a company that grows or delivers flowers and draw up an agreement with it. By the way, many organizations use a flower franchise.

Many novice businessmen ask what plants to buy. According to statistical studies, roses are the most popular.

Chrysanthemums take second place, and carnations take third place. Therefore, these flowers must be present in your store’s assortment.

Naturally, you can purchase almost any plants that are useful for creating bouquets. And don’t forget about the so-called seasonal ones - for several weeks (or even days) a year, snowdrops, anemones and tulips become especially popular.

Of course, selling flowers is a profitable business. But in order to increase your income, you should think about creating compositions. For this purpose, it is best to hire an experienced, talented florist. He will create original bouquets from ordinary flowers - compositions are usually more expensive. In this case, you will need some materials: gift wrapping, paper, ribbons, bows, rhinestones and other decorations.

By the way, selling flowers in pots is an interesting and profitable idea. Such plants are more expensive, but with proper care they can be preserved for months. In addition, indoor flowers are popular gifts because, unlike cut flowers, they do not fade.

We hire workers

A flower selling business can become truly successful, but only if the right approach. It's no secret that the effectiveness of trading largely depends on the quality of service. Therefore, when interviewing future employees, first of all pay attention to such qualities as communication skills and politeness.

To begin with, you will need a seller, and a little later, a florist. If you cannot do accounting, you will have to hire someone for this position (perhaps on a part-time basis). Additional staff may be needed when expanding a business such as selling flowers. The business plan in this case has its own characteristics.

About some nuances

As already mentioned, the sale of plants is often seasonal. Naturally, people buy bouquets every day, but there are times when flowers are in great demand.

This is mainly observed on special and holiday days, for example, first and last call, prom, March 8 (don't forget to buy tulips, snowdrops and other spring flowers), as well as Valentine's Day, etc.

Always be prepared for such holidays, buy more flowers, create inexpensive bouquets in advance, and offer discounts. In short, do everything to attract customers.

Weddings are another source of good income. Let your florist create bouquets for the bride. Boutonnieres for the groom and bridesmaids made from fresh flowers are becoming increasingly popular - offer this service too.

Ideas for additional income

Selling cut flowers and original bouquets is a profitable business. But business, and therefore profits, can always be raised to a new level. For example, over time you can create a flower delivery service. This service is very popular among people who do not have time to go shopping, as well as among buyers who want to surprise a loved one.

Along with indoor plants You can always sell pots, fertilizers and other small items. Quite often, flower shops offer customers souvenirs. These can be figurines, boxes, photo frames, paintings, watches, artificial flowers and other gifts.

Selling flowers: advantages and disadvantages

When you start a new business, it's always a little scary. Therefore, many people are interested in the question of whether it is profitable to sell flowers. Yes, there are a number of significant disadvantages in this matter. To begin with, it should be noted that flowers are a product that deteriorates relatively quickly, so if not too successful trading losses can be quite high. And the flower business is seasonal.

On the other hand, there are also important advantages. In particular, some stores sell flowers with a markup of 200 or even 300%. In addition, such a business does not require large start-up capital, any specific skills or extensive experience. With the right approach, selling flowers can become a truly profitable business.

The flower business is an area of ​​retail trade in which, more than in other types of activity, risk and prospect are intertwined, since the demand for flower products can serve as some barometer of people’s well-being.

According to experts, the volume of bouquets and arrangements sold directly depends on the level of financial well-being of the region, but the mentality of the nation also plays a certain role in this matter.

Like any other, the flower business has its own specifics, which are dangerous to underestimate. The country, for example, has not yet established standards for discarded flowers, although, according to professional florists, this figure is close to 10%.

But even with such obvious losses, the flower business has a decent profitability (from 50%), so there are enough people who want to try their hand at this business. In addition to good profits (the average markup on flower products on the domestic market is about 200%), it also brings aesthetic satisfaction.

This type of business is also attractive for its relatively small amount of start-up capital, which depends on the type of outlet and its location.

Where to start a flower business


The registration procedure is probably the easiest stage in this business. Register individual entrepreneurship in accordance with 52.48.32 OKVED " Retail flowers." You also need to decide on the taxation system (UTII or). If a businessman values ​​time more than money, you can entrust this stage to intermediary law firms.

After registration, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is acquired by the tax authorities. Self-effort takes two weeks. With the service offered by cash register sellers, the entire process takes up to 3 days.

It is worth remembering about printing. can work without it. However, there is one caveat: suppliers do not always agree to sell products without a stamp on the documents.


A point of sale of any format must have documentation available to customers:

  • Trade permit (this can be obtained from municipal authorities in accordance with federal law No. 381-F3).
  • Conclusion of the SES.
  • Review book.
  • Price (optional).
  • Bill of lading (not important for buyers).

Other papers ─ cash register, lease agreement, KKM registration certificate ─ are also better to keep in the store at all times. Personnel are hired only with health certificates (Order No. 302 N); badges with a photo and name are made for employees.


Certificates in the flower business are not required, but there is one condition. These documents inspire confidence in buyers, especially since this formality costs the business owner the cost of a photocopy. After all, many reputable suppliers undergo voluntary certification, and partners should ask them for a copy of the certificate when purchasing.

Flower business formats

Conventionally, the flower business is divided into four formats:

Small flower tents

Most often they are located near the metro or transport interchanges. The competition here is high, but there are also buyers making the right choice there is enough space.

In order for a small pavilion to generate good and regular income, we must take into account that flowers are a fragile and short-lived product, so first of all you need to worry about good turnover.

In this format, the basis of sales is cutting. The approximate range of mini-pavilions is 20 types of colors. Important role packaging plays.

Small flower shops

They are placed in shopping centers and other busy places. Here, compared to a tent, there is a larger trading area, which means there is the possibility of expanding the assortment.

In addition to traditional cuttings, they also offer ready-made florist compositions, potted flowers, ceramics and souvenirs (mass-produced and original), gifts, flower soil, plant care products and related products.

By increasing the assortment of goods with a long shelf life, there is a good chance to balance all costs. In such a situation, it no longer so clearly depends on the volume of turnover, which will allow selling fewer flowers during periods of decline in demand, receiving a stable profit from related products.

This format requires appropriate investments - at least $20,000. The payback time for such a store also depends on the opening season, but in any case it will have an obvious advantage - a stable business with a wide assortment and a regular customer base.

Floristic online store

It is best to create with real experience working in an existing flower shop. The modern rhythm of life has turned flower delivery into a highly demanded service. In addition to stationary boutiques, this type of service is provided by online stores where customers place orders without leaving home.

Of all flower business formats, the last option is Requires minimum start-up investment. Without experience in selling specific perishable goods, established partnerships with suppliers and a client base, the likelihood of a successful start in this type of flower business is low.

Flower specialty boutiques

They open in a separate built-in room on the first floors of the red line of houses, in shopping centers and other crowded places. Such boutiques allow you to show all the aesthetic value of the flower business.

Everything here must be beautiful - from the room design developed by stylists to exclusive compositions created by master florists.

Experts estimate the cost of opening a salon to be at least $80,000. With the right investments, such a business promises to be stable, give people joy, and have good prospects for development.

Experts estimate the profit of salons at $5,000 per month. And if he is located near a business center and has regular corporate clients, designing all their events, his profit will be even greater.

Selecting a location

Finding an ideal location for a flower shop is a primary and not the easiest question, because there is high competition in this business, and if there are tempting offers from tenants, then the rental price will be appropriate.

Average price in central regions for a retail space with a high flow of customers is $1000-2000 per sq. m. m per year. And since the key to success in the flower business largely depends on the choice of your chocolate place, you need to pay attention to this point, inviting, if necessary, specialists with a city trade map for consultation.

A retail outlet can be set up:

  • In a tonar - a small “house” - a caravan.
  • The pavilion consists of modular sections.
  • In a separate building (if you're lucky).
  • In a built-in room in houses on the red line.
  • In the mall.

The most profitable rental- in shopping centers, in pavilions a little more expensive. The fate of a flower shop is largely determined by the choice of location.

Underwater rocks

A metro station wouldn't necessarily be another plus. The direction of flow is important: people are going home or vice versa.

Good flow near the highway. If the place is closer to the center, then powerful traffic occurs where the direction of movement is towards the region; when located in residential areas, the center is chosen as a reference point.

Among the nuances - for a quick start, you need to keep an eye on duplicate competitors, as well as the possibility of parking in the store area.

When discussing terms and executing contracts, check whether utility bills are included in the total rental amount - another significant expense item. You need to check whether there is a waste removal agreement, otherwise getting rid of the packaging containers will be problematic.

For repairs, furnishings, and window displays, you can ask for rental holidays - a standard need for a trade organization. It is also worth clarifying whether the architectural plan provides for the placement of outdoor advertising.

When concluding a contract, it is advisable to use the help of a lawyer. This is not so expensive, and only a specialist can see all the pitfalls, right up to the end of the land allotment period from the lessor. After all, if in six months the building is demolished, such savings will come to nothing.

Depending on the size of the premises, the type of store, layout and equipment of the sales area, warehouse, and other office premises are chosen.

Arranging a florist's workplace in an area accessible for viewing his work will be an additional advantage.

You shouldn’t skimp on designer renovations of the premises so that the atmosphere and interior create a wonderful backdrop and conditions for sales.

Video - practical advice on the flower business:

Choice of equipment ─ according to clothes


Point of sale equipment

To set up a flower shop of any type, you need special commercial furniture and equipment. Catalogs of ready-made kits for different retail spaces can be found on the Internet on the websites of manufacturing companies and wholesalers.

Purchasing furniture and equipment from famous brand, you can count on high-quality installation and warranty service. Give preference to suppliers with the possibility of serial packaging.

In addition to standard models of display cases, shelving, counters and refrigeration equipment of different prices and from different manufacturers, you can make a custom-made set that is ideal for the chosen area and the general concept of the establishment, because not every universal-purpose industrial refrigerator will look great in the sales area of ​​a flower shop.

In any case, the selected kit must be checked for strength and environmental safety. If the salon is VIP-level, the specifications of your equipment can be sent immediately to all available supplier companies, waiting for their commercial proposals. Careful selection of a potential partner allows him to understand that it is made on the terms of the tender.

It is dangerous to open without a refrigerator, even in a favorable season. It is inconvenient to purchase a ready-made refrigerator. If you make it for yourself, there is no need to rush to suppliers. It is advantageous to first build a camera, backside which will be “deaf”, and the others will be plastic “showcase windows” made to order. Doors are required.

After arranging the box, a cassette split system is installed. Full price special refrigerator ─ 120 - 200 thousand rubles..

In mini-shops you can install (for the price of installing an air conditioner) a split system with a winter option.

Flowerpots and flower stands are required. Large refrigerators have racks with shelves on which glass vases are placed. Special designs will cost 4 thousand rubles. per unit, plastic flasks - 80 - 150 rubles.

The price of KKM ranges from 9,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Related costs. There is no flower shop without packaging; first of all, this is transparent cellophane No. 1 ─ the most current packaging. You can start by choosing universal shades color range mesh, matting, felt, ribbon, sisal.

To design the compositions you will need tools and materials: gerbera wire, tape, tape, hot glue gun, pruning shears, scissors, special knives, wire cutters. This minimum set costs about 5,000 rubles.

Purchasing a cut for a small point costs about 40 thousand rubles. Fully filling a large store with goods ─ from 300 to 400 thousand.

Personnel selection – what kind of personnel and what do they decide?

The personnel issue in the flower business is as acute as in any other. The success of any type of flower shop business is created by talented specialists who are able to come up with designer bouquets and compositions of dried flowers, decorate any special event with flowers and plants, and advise the most fastidious buyer.

Florist designers with experience and a solid portfolio can count on high salaries. If it is difficult for an entrepreneur to pay for the work of four such professionals at once (working in turns and in two shifts), some can be replaced with student assistants with corresponding responsibilities, part-time work and an adequate salary.

In general, employee salaries should be made directly proportional to profits: the minimum rate, and the rest ─% of revenue. Sellers must also undergo professional training, on which the mood of buyers and the final result will depend.

To ensure that the seller’s salary does not exceed the owner’s income, it is necessary to establish strict control over their work - for example, organize video surveillance.

And yet, a creative, favorable environment for staff is very important, because this type of activity is simply filled with emotions from constant contact with beauty.

The functions of the manager can be taken over by the business owner; accounting can be transferred to a company specializing in such services. For a complete set you will need a driver and a courier to deliver flowers.

Assortment of flowers and related products

In which store, what flowers are best sold? If you have no experience, a win-win option is mono-bouquets of roses or chrysanthemums of the same color (white, red, variegated). This is especially true for small retail spaces. Potted plants are rarely sought out here, and they take up precious space to increase the assortment.

For toner

The assortment is minimal, as is the area:

  • Carnations (regular and bush) in basic colors.
  • Chrysanthemum (bush and single-headed) ─ three types.
  • Rose (regular and bush) - white and burgundy color ─ a must.
  • Gerbera - different.
  • Tulip (spring season).

For the pavilion

If the pavilion’s dimensions are not very different from the tent (up to 10 sq.m.), then the assortment will be the same as in the previous version. If over 18 sq. m, you can add orchids, anthuriums, irises, and other varieties of roses.

For the store

Potted crops (soils, pots, boxes) are sold starting from 30 sq. m. From 50 sq. m ─ full range:

  • The whole cut is in a spacious refrigerator.
  • Dried and artificial flowers. Potted crops, large-sized plants.
  • Pots of all types.
  • Soil, fertilizers, care products.
  • Vases: standard, designer.
  • Postcards.
  • Popular decor for indoor plants.

A large store must have a gift wrapping service. Designer cards made from dried flowers, beads, beads, ribbons, floral paper and the imagination of the master are welcome.

Designer compositions made from cut flowers with the addition of fruits, dried flowers, sweets, and souvenirs are very popular today. The combined option looks expensive, with cut flowers and potted flowers in one set.

Purchase of goods

The main rule is not to limit yourself to one supplier, even if he has the perfect product. In case of force majeure, you can lose profit plus expenses for staff salaries and rent.

The ideal option is to select three main suppliers. The following countries are widely represented on the flower market: Russia, Ecuador, Holland. If one has problems, two-thirds of the order will save the situation.

Colombian products are very accessible in Russia. This product is suitable for pavilions, since it must be sold quickly and cheaply. Russian flowers are always more expensive. Potted crops - Holland and Russia.

You will have to choose the remaining suppliers at your own discretion, focusing on the prices and quality of the goods supplied.

Have a good start and prosperity with the world of beauty!

Video - flower business, owner reviews:

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 216,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 47,600 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 358,300 rubles.
  • Payback – from 8 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

Description of service

IN this business plan considered a small flower shop. The entrepreneur himself is the manager, and his kiosk employs florists who understand flowers and know how to create beautiful flower arrangements. The business plan will also consider additional opportunities from which the entrepreneur can benefit and increase his income.

Market analysis

Before assessing the flower market, you need to decide on the format of the future store. It, in turn, will depend on who the main buyer will be. All this will ultimately affect the level and style of the future store. Today, the following formats of flower shops are especially popular:

  1. Small pavilions located in passages and at bus stops. This type is typical for the low price segment of buyers and does not require special expenses for decorating and maintaining the style of your own store. It is the price that attracts customers.
  2. Stores located in shopping centers and other high-traffic areas. These stores cater to the middle price segment. Buyers pay attention not only to flowers, but also to the appearance of the store and service.
  3. Flower salons and boutiques belonging to the premium segment. Such retail outlets are usually located near offices, in the city center or large shopping centers. Such stores must have excellent style, high level service and flowers of excellent quality.
  4. Online stores. They can be aimed at meeting the needs of customers of any price segment.

The latter format today combines perfectly with the second and third, increasing trade turnover and not requiring special costs. That is why we will consider a store created for consumers in the middle price segment. Additionally, an online store will be opened to serve visitors outside the retail outlet.

In any case, before opening we will have to pay attention to all the details, including compiling collections of bouquets that will be displayed in the online store and interior design.

Assessing the Russian flower market, one cannot help but say that it is characterized by seasonality, and a pronounced one. During the holiday season, prices for flowers rise due to possible profits.

When considering possible competitors, it must be said that the most important thing is the quality of the flowers sold, the sophistication and harmony of the bouquets. And in order for flower arrangements to turn out beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, you need to be especially careful when choosing staff.

SWOT analysis

Before opening your own flower shop, you need to assess the opportunities and threats. In general, all factors are usually divided into external and internal.

It is impossible to fight and try to change external factors. But it is very possible to adapt to the situation or extract your own benefit from it. External factors include:

  1. Possibilities:
  • occupying a specific niche in the market;
  • by conducting an in-depth analysis of the market situation, you can extract the maximum benefit associated with the seasonality of this business;
  • high profitability;
  • ability to cover a large market segment;
  • cyclical demand (from year to year people buy flowers at the same time, their mass purchase is associated with various holidays);
  • possible increase in overall demand;
  • increasing the relevance of the proposal due to an increase in the standard of living of the population;
  • the ability to offer and provide additional services;
  • no need to set up production, focus on selling purchased products.
  1. Threats:
  • high level of competition;
  • seasonality;
  • problems with suppliers are possible;
  • the need to find an alternative during a sharp decline in demand for products;
  • the presence of an expiration date on products, which makes it necessary to constantly forecast demand;
  • the need to obtain permits;
  • a large number of documents that need to be completed in a timely manner.

An entrepreneur can change and adjust internal factors to suit himself. These include:

  1. Strengths:
  • high markup on products;
  • highly qualified personnel;
  • a large assortment;
  • availability of services;
  • offering quality services to our clients;
  • Availability effective methods advertising and promotion of own products.
  1. Weak sides:
  • possible miscalculations regarding demand for products;
  • lack of experience in this area of ​​business.

Opportunity Assessment

Particular attention will need to be paid to choosing the location of the future store. It's better not to save on rent. Busy transport interchanges can bring considerable profit, and rental costs will be repaid in full.

It is better to choose a clearly visible place. This arrangement will increase the number of spontaneous purchases, thereby positively affecting overall revenue and profit.

If we talk about the market and competition in it, then it must be said that online flower shops are becoming especially relevant today. This is due to the fact that people are increasingly using the Internet to make purchases, including flowers and bouquets. Today, flower shops sell not only flowers, but also baskets with sweets, wines, gifts, decorated with flowers. These gifts become especially relevant during the holiday season. In general, the period from late December to mid-March can be called the peak period - there are so many holidays nearby. Many flower sellers make more profit in these 3.5 months than in the rest of the year. Activity also occurs in May and September.

The flower shop will operate according to the following schedule:

Number of working hours per week: 84 hours.

Number of working hours per month: 360 hours.

To work in the store you will need 2 florists who will work in shifts. The delivery of flowers purchased via the Internet will be carried out by a delivery service, because hiring own employees at the initial stage it will be unprofitable.

It is very important to immediately find decent and committed suppliers who will deliver quality products on time. When searching, you need to read thematic forums, browse websites, compare prices and conditions - in a word, carry out serious and painstaking work so that later the work proceeds as usual.

After the store has developed, you can independently bring flowers from other countries or regions by establishing direct deliveries with the manufacturer. This will improve the quality of flowers and increase income.

At the initial stage, you will have to invest a large amount of money in your own online store. It's better not to skimp on this. The site should be bright, beautiful, attractive to potential customers. But that is not all. There must be feedback, contact information and visual photos of the proposed bouquets with prices. After work in the online store is established, you need to promptly replenish the assortment, inform your customers about promotions, discounts, and opportunities. All this will increase consumer loyalty and form a client base.

Organizational and legal aspects

When organizing your own flower shop, special attention must be paid to organizational and legal issues. It is very important to own everything necessary information and work according to the law to avoid various fines.

  1. Organizational and legal form – or. Don’t forget to indicate the OKVED codes:
  • 52.48.32 Retail trade of flowers and other plants, seeds and fertilizers;
  • 52.48.34 Retail trade in souvenirs, folk arts and crafts, objects of worship and religious purposes, funeral supplies;
  • 64.12 Courier activities, other than national postal activities;
  • 74.87.4 Activities in the field of design;
  • 74.87.5 Providing services for the design of premises, activities for organizing fairs, exhibitions and congresses;
  • 74.82 Packaging;
  • 52.61.2 Retail trade carried out directly through television, radio, telephone and the Internet.

Attention! It is not necessary that all of these codes will be needed in your specific situation, but if further expansion is planned, then it is worth considering all the codes that may be needed later. It’s easier to indicate everything you need at once than to re-issue documents and make changes later.

  1. An entrepreneur can choose either UTII. In the first case, two options are possible - simplified tax system “Income” 6% or simplified tax system “income minus expenses” 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  2. Availability required Industrial sanitary control programs. It is obtained only once - after approval by Rospotrebnadzor.
  3. It is mandatory to have contracts for deratization, disinfestation and disinfection.
  4. Ventilation and air conditioning systems must also be maintained and disinfected.
  5. A contract for the removal and disposal of solid waste is required.
  6. There are also requirements for internal store documentation. So, the organization should have:
    • journal for recording expired products;
    • disinfectant logbook;
    • assortment list of products sold.
  7. All products will require hygienic permits from the SES or appropriate quality certificates.
  8. Worth checking out Customs Code And resolutions of Rosselkhoznadzor that relate to plants.
  9. Please note that you do not need to obtain a license to sell flowers, but you will have to obtain a permit to sell flowers.
  10. If you accept payments from clients using bank cards, then you need.

Marketing plan

Many entrepreneurs, especially at the initial stage of their business, do not pay enough attention to promoting their own flower salon. Experienced businessmen working in this industry argue that it is very important to promote in the circles in which you are located. potential buyers. In our case, the price segment is medium. Therefore, most in effective ways promotions will be:

  • Pay attention to naming and branding. It is very important to choose a bright brand, something memorable. So that the consumer is tied precisely to the name, setting, and not to the address of the store and the personnel working in it. In addition, it is the brand that helps to inspire the trust of the buyer and develop loyalty to his own flower salon.
  • The use of outdoor advertising will dramatically increase the number of spontaneous purchases, so it also needs to be given special attention.
  • Be sure to distribute flyers to nearby homes. People on a subconscious level will know that there is a flower shop nearby, and if necessary, they will go there.
  • Internet advertising. Provided that the store has its own page, promotion on the Internet will be simply necessary. In this case, the salon website itself will need to be promoted in search engines and social networks.
  • Pay attention to the issue of discount and bonus cards, gift certificates, holding actions.

Price segment:

We have already said that our store will be aimed at the mid-price segment of the market. Therefore, prices must be set at the market average. On holidays and pre-holidays you can increase the price. Some salons practice increasing prices by 50-100% on such days.

Calculation of projected income

It is quite difficult to predict the income of a flower shop. We will take industry average market indicators. This data is provisional. In each specific case, you need to focus on the segment, region, competitors and other factors.

Revenue is an average monthly. Do not forget that there are months of calm and active purchases. When drawing up your own business plan, you need to forecast your monthly revenue.

The average markup in this market segment is 100-300%.

If the store sells related products, then the revenue will be higher.

Production plan

Having chosen a room, it is important to decide on the necessary equipment and tools. In a good flower shop you will need to buy:

  • refrigerator for flowers;
  • flower stands;
  • Desktop;
  • flower flasks of various sizes;
  • rack;
  • sprayer;
  • watering can with a narrow spout;
  • pruners;
  • device for cutting thorns;
  • knives;
  • staplers.

If the store also offers potted flowers to customers, then additional tools will be needed.

Both florists will receive a flat fee. Work schedule: 2 through 2. Salary (including taxes, insurance payments can be deducted from the amount of income tax paid by the entrepreneur) - 30,000 rubles for each.

Organizational plan

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax: 216,000 – 160,000 = 56,000 rubles.
  • We calculate the tax as 15% of the difference between income and expenses. In your case, a different calculation method may be chosen.
  • Tax: 56,000*0.15 = 8,400 rubles.
  • Net profit: 56,000 – 8,400 = 47,600 rubles.
  • Profitability: 47,600/216,000*100% = 22.04%.
  • Payback period: 358,300/47,600 = 7.53. Therefore, a flower shop will pay for itself in at least 8 months.


Before talking about possible risks, I would like to highlight a number of benefits from opening your own flower shop:

  • minimum initial costs:
  • high profit margins in the long term.

Risks include:

  • The fact that flowers are perishable goods. To avoid possible losses, you need to constantly monitor the market and forecast demand. All this requires a lot of knowledge and time.
  • Possibility of receiving low-quality and defective goods. Moreover, it is not always possible to return it. Here it is important to correctly draw up contracts with suppliers and choose conscientious partners who will also be interested in the timely delivery of a quality product.
  • Cyclicality of the flower market and episodic demand. It is almost impossible to combat these risks directly. But you can smooth out the consequences by opening up additional opportunities for the segment. So, today in flower stalls you can find Stuffed Toys, postcards, souvenirs and much more. You can design celebrations, which will at least partially help estimate the planned amount of profit.

I would like to say separately about the assessment of demand volumes. Flowers can be stored for no more than a week, but orders for their supply are placed much earlier. With all this, it is very important to have a wide range of products so that the buyer can make a choice. And a large assortment has a positive effect on reputation.

In this case, work experience is very important. The larger the pavilion, the more difficult it is to predict sales. Thus, small shops adapt to the operating format in 1-2 months. But large salons require more time.

An incorrect assessment of demand can lead to further disposal of 60% of all goods, which will be a disaster for the entrepreneur and will reduce all profits to nothing. That is why many stores sell related products. This helps to diversify the business and significantly reduce the level of risk.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!