What is the Akashic Records? Universal Data Bank. Stage: Concentration on the heart chakra. Working with the past

You can touch the secrets of your life with the help of the Akashic Records.

What is the essence of the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records is a vast world that lies beyond our consciousness. A world that is impossible to see, like we see the stars in the night sky, or hear like an opera in a theatre.

Chronicles are a world of information recorded on the subtle plane of our existence.

The world that is all around us. A world that many sought to know, but not everyone was given access to it.

The Akashic Chronicles have been mentioned over the centuries under different names: the Book of Life (Bible), the Collective Unconscious, the Cosmic or Universal Mind, the information field. The name doesn't matter. It is important to understand the essence of what they, the Chronicles, are. And they are a huge repository of information.

The Chronicle is a constant and unceasing record of everything we do, think and feel. Everything that we have ever done, everything is reflected on the subtle plane in the form of energy vibrations that can be translated into our human language. Those. presented to us in the form of pictures, words, emotions and sensations that our mind can perceive.

Thus, the Akashic Records is a place that contains vast stores of knowledge about anything and everything. And most importantly, this knowledge can be extracted from there, “read” by a person with the appropriate abilities.

What does the word "akasha" mean?

"Akasha" in Sanskrit means "original substance". The term was used in the theosophical movements of Hinduism.

Since succeeding generations always accept the knowledge of the previous ones and develop them to the best of their abilities and capabilities, the theosophical movement already in the 19th century began to use the term "akasha" to name the common "ethereal library".

The idea of ​​Divine Revelations from above has always been present in all religions of the world. And, of course, only the will of supernatural forces could transmit such information to the chosen ones. What actually took place. In the sense that only a select few got access to the "records".

And here we come to the principles of obtaining information from the Akashic Records.

What are the principles for obtaining information from the Akashic Records?

1. We receive information only to the extent that we can perceive, for which our consciousness is ready.

2. We may receive information about ourselves and other people.

3. It is believed that we can obtain information about other people only with the consent of these people. It is required to obtain the consent of the "Higher Self" of the person.

4. Information may be closed from the one who requests it, either in whole or in part.

5. The reader of the Chronicles himself may have restrictions on access to information.

What information is contained in Chronicles?

This is a repository of physical and spiritual experience, both of all mankind and of individuals.

This is knowledge about all things, events and phenomena.

These are records of all talents.

It is a universal recording system of actions, thoughts, words and emotions.

It is the past, present and future knowledge of all things.

Accordingly, it is possible to work with the Akashic Records in completely different areas of our life. And receive information about past lives, advice for real life, valuable tips for creativity and work.

Who can work with Chronicles?

There is only one principle - one must be mentally prepared for what the Chronicles are, what they give, what they contain.

And you need to have an inclination for such work. If you do not accept the very idea of ​​the Chronicles, then you already have a limitation for the perception of both the Chronicles and everything that is contained there.
In other words, you need to be open to what they offer you.

How to access the Akashic Records?

There is different systems who offer to teach how to connect to the Chronicles.

There are reiki that open the way to the Chronicles through their symbols.

There are hypnotic and trance states that are evoked through meditation.

There is a method of prayers, a set of special words that create a connection channel to the Chronicles.

Either way, you are putting yourself into an altered state of consciousness.

All ways to connect to the Chronicles are good. And it is recommended to choose the one that suits you best, to which you feel a predisposition inside yourself.

For example, I am not close to the Reiki system, and I use either a trance state or a method of saying a prayer.

The key is practice and more practice.

Long ago, Indian sages expressed the essence of the great identity of cosmic and individual reigning in the Universe with the help of the famous saying "you are that". This identity is ensured by the existence amazing energy system, Akash - ether, penetrating the entire Universe from the moment of its inception.

Record of all that was

Hindus believed that Akasha (translated from Sanskrit, this word stands for "heaven") is fundamental principle of nature, a unique substance, that gave rise to the main basic primary elements which subsequently formed our Earth. The ancient Greeks correlated with this concept the term " apeiron", endowing it with similar characteristics.

Several thousand years later, already at the end of the 19th century, our compatriot Helena Blavatsky in her theosophical writes about Akasha as a great the matrix of the universe, the cosmic soul, giving rise to all things. It is this soul that is the very thought base that radiates living logo(which is available to the elite for deciphering and reading) - and is an indispensable agent of every magical ceremony.

Thus, Akasha is not a formless chaos boiling in a cosmic cauldron, but, on the contrary, wonderful chronicle, in which all chronicles of the present and the past. Touching the chronicle of the Akashic chronicles, one can (with a certain level of personal awareness) partake of sacred knowledge, which contains information about every word ever spoken, a thought that arose, or a perfect action.

world soul

It is now known that the Akashic records were once joined, according to their own statements, using the method astral projection, and an English Freemason Charles Leadbeater, and American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, and the German philosopher Rudolf Steiner. Many mediums have used contact with the "cosmic soul" to help thousands of people. get in touch with the great truths of the past.

Being monument not only human existence, but also the existence of the universe itself, the Akashic records can capture the traces of any personal effort that creates specific vibrations in the Universe. The Akashic records can also be compared to multicolor space-time yarn, spun by the rulers of fate-moiras: after all, the smallest facts from the life of each representative of the human race are woven into it.

To date, rich, continuing relentlessly change and rewrite the chronicle of the Akashic Records still delights the elect with integrity and harmony. Even though we can't imagine by whose design humanity was born on earth, we can say that the Akashic records contribute to individuation and transformation each of the human souls - thereby taking on the role of the Creator and Creator, who, as the Scripture says, declared: "Let us make man in our image and likeness."

rev. dated February 10, 2010 ()

The Akashic Records - or the Book of Life - is a repository of information about every person who has ever lived on Earth, about all his feelings, actions, thoughts and intentions. It is also information about past lives and the future of each of us. And it is available to anyone who wants it!


The records that need to be made have already been made...
Then a natural question arises: From what source and how does the reading of the past take place?
Imagine a computer capable of recording every event, thought, image, or desire that ever happened on earth. Imagine also that instead of compiling records of words and data, this computer system has countless video tapes and pictures, allowing the viewer to see everything that happened in any historical period. Finally, imagine that this huge database not only contains information obtained from an objective perspective, but also reflects all the individual points of view and emotions of individuals. While this all sounds unbelievable, this description pretty accurately captures what the Akashic Records are all about.

Edgar Cayce, revered as the most documented medium of all time, as well as the preeminent mystic of the 20th century, has been able to help thousands of people through the use of his remarkable intuition. For more than forty years, Edgar Cayce has been conducting readings using the Akashic Records as a primary source.
Casey's main talent was his ability to receive and present the information contained in these Chronicles - the kind of information that made it possible for people to know the main goal of their life, as well as to discover the root cause of the problem, which seemed to them insurmountable. Edgar Cayce argued that this source of information is available to everyone.
Trying to explain his thought, Edgar Cayce compared the tuning of a person to the Akashic Records with how radios are tuned to different wavelengths. Although the Chronicles are not physical in nature, each person, having tuned into them, can "hear", "read" and "experience" the information contained in them. To illustrate his point, Edgar Cayce once told an eighteen-year-old girl that the Akashic Records are like a movie theater in physical world. The film can be repeatedly shown in order to understand what each person experienced at one or another segment of an individual life or at a particular period of history. With this data, a person also receives information about the lessons learned, the opportunities lost, the vices acquired and the accumulated experience. In addition, the Akashic Records contained records of a person's "true life", his true intention, despite the fact that his actions could be misinterpreted in the physical world.
When Edgar Cayce gave a reading for a twenty-year-old moving agent in 1934, he went even further in his attempts to explain the nature of the Akashic Records. Here he discussed not only what they are, but also tried to explain how they are written and how a person gets access to this information.

Of course, any effort - thought, desire, action or deed - creates special vibrations. Each such vibration leaves a mark on what Cayce called "the yarn of time and space" and is identified with the corresponding individual. This invisible ethereal energy is as obvious to a feeling person as a printed word is to a sighted person: When a thought or bodily activity arises in a certain environment, this activity leaves an imprint on the soul...

As for the records created as a result of such activities, they are applied to what is called space and time; in many ways they have the form and character of messages familiar by nature to the body in its present activities. Just as the means of recording are used, the activity of the expended ENERGY leaves an imprint on the etheric wave, which records between time and space what is DESIRED.

As numbers and letters are written for communication between people, so the soul makes a record on the pages of space and time. Continuing the theme of the possibility of understanding and working with these records, Edgar Cayce explained to his wife, Gertrude, that when they are read (by a medium, a feeling person or the entity itself), the information can be misinterpreted. Understanding the Akashic Records is certainly hampered by the mental experience and life history of the person trying to get information UNLESS their intent is completely selfless and the desire to help another is not completely pure. In other words, two people can interpret information from the same source in completely different ways depending on their upbringing, worldview, experience, and personal motives. Here is how the subjective nature of the Akashic Records was explained during readings given to a thirty-eight-year-old physician: Thus, interpretations may vary somewhat depending on the phase and approach. In the same way, entities, experiencing the events of the material world, are forced to offer THEIR own version in accordance with the reaction to their ideal and in accordance with the goal of the individual who sees the same. The same person was told that any experience that a person has can leave either a good or a bad imprint on the Akashic Records. Obviously, each incident has both destructive and constructive potential, depending on how the person will use their experience. Different decisions will leave different imprints on these records.

Because these records are so complete, precise, and individualized, a logical question arises: What is the primary purpose of the Akashic Records? Simply put, the purpose of the Akashic Records is to monitor and assist in the development and transformation of each individual soul. And yet, in order to adequately understand and discuss Edgar Cayce's perception of the Akashic Records, we must first obtain an adequate basic knowledge of what may be called "Cayce's cosmology." The main idea of ​​this cosmology can be formulated as follows: God is primordial love, and the universe is in absolute order. Behind this concept is the premise that each individual was created as a soul for the purpose of becoming a comrade of the Creator.

We can find confirmation of this in Scripture: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" (Genesis 1:26). That's why our natural state is spiritual. Our life does not begin from the moment of birth, we existed in the spirit earlier, before the physical manifestation. God gives every soul complete freedom to find its manifestation - to find itself, so to speak. Since souls are created in the imagination of God, only in the process of gaining personal experience(one decision leads to another, and another to a third) God's creatures can gain their individuality by being a part of Him, and yet remain themselves. Having learned about their own individuality, they will again return to becoming His co-creators and co-creators.

From Casey's point of view, our bodies are only a temporary abode. Just as the owner of a car throws it away, deciding that it is no longer useful, so a person says goodbye to his own body when it has fulfilled its function.

We don't eat physical bodies endowed with souls. We are spiritual beings who have come into physical existence. If this is true and we are originally spiritual beings, then we should ask: What are we doing here? According to the information received by Casey, initially we collect experience.

It follows from the readings that the soul is creative in nature.

The soul yearns for self-expression. In essence, the soul must constantly ask the question: Who am I? This question is asked in every way, and each soul chooses for itself all kinds of experiences. In this way, the soul not only gains direct knowledge of itself, but also learns how different decisions lead to different trials. The soul, gaining knowledge and enriching its own experience, becomes wise. Wisdom inevitably leads to compassion and love.. At this moment, the soul learns about its individuality, as well as about its relationship to God. Here the soul comes to the understanding that its essence is the same as God's - LOVE: Thus, in the very nature of the essence lies the desire to experience something new. It is good if it is known that the foundation is built on the truth. The law in any country is the same - the truth. And love is the law, the law is love. Love is God. God is love. This is the universal consciousness, the desire for harmonious expression and goodness for all, this is the heritage of man. If this path and method is accepted and used first as a spiritual goal and then as a mental application, material success will be a joy to all. The training of the soul in introspection is carried out through a process of cause and effect. The profile of causal development has been explored in almost two thousand Cayce readings on the topic of reincarnation. Not being a fatalistic process, the influence of the personal past becomes the framework of potentials and probabilities. These possibilities are recorded in the Akashic Records. The decisions made by the individual, his actions, and the free will he is now exercising determine his present experiences. For Casey, it did not really matter who this or that individual once was (even what he once did). The most important for him were the opportunities and trials that awaited a person in a given place at a given time. Here's how it sounded in the language of the readings: When exploring, know WHERE you're going to... discover that you only lived, died, and were buried under a cherry tree in your grandmother's garden, which doesn't make you one iota a better neighbor, a citizen , mother or father! But the knowledge that they spoke not kindly and suffered because of this, and now you can improve by becoming virtuous - THIS is worth something! "Because a person, by attuning himself to what was acquired, even for a MOMENT, increases his ability to KNOW even that which WAS familiar through [past] experience."

Naturally, questions arise that relate specifically to the experience of this entity about how records of the entity's stay in the realm of space are created, so that a person gets the opportunity to read and interpret them. Are they written in letters? Are they pictures of the essence's experiences? Do they take the form of signs or icons, symbolizing certain influences or activities related to the Earth? Oh yes, all this, my friend, and something more, for they are nothing but the yarn of life itself, the expression of divine power emanating from God the Father himself, manifesting in forms that become manifestation in material experience. For verily, to be out of the body is to be with those infinite factors and forces which act or are acted upon by the emanations of the divine factors of influence, which may be either visions, as depicted, written in the signs of the various influences by which such entities achieve communications - either in ideas or in signs symbolizing these ideas in their expression in relation to each other. All forms of communicative influences from one entity or soul to another - in a look, in the expression of certain parts of anatomical factors or forms, or in words or in the turns or shape of the eyes, in the shape of the mouth, the arch of the eyebrows, or in any other form of communicative factors - these things are either necessary for the exaltation of one's own motives and impulses, or they are the expression of that purpose and desire to which this manifestation, soul or essence is called. These are the forms and ways by which they are written in the Book of Life and can be read and known by people. Life, at its core, is an adventure in which one is challenged to become a better person through experience. The trials themselves do not define a person's personality, rather, their personality is revealed in how they respond to these trials. In the perspective of reincarnation, the development of individuality is primarily determined by how it behaves under certain circumstances and uses the opportunities that are provided to it in Everyday life.

Unfortunately, the idea of ​​reincarnations was most often misinterpreted - instead of seeing individuals as active "co-creators" traveling through different lives, they looked at reincarnations as a fatalistic path, and the experiences and trials that fell to the lot of people were attributed " karma." This approach assumed that the decisions made in the past were carved in stone, and the future and life are just a process of movement. Of course, such a view of reincarnation and karma was completely alien to Cayce, who believed that every life carries with it almost limitless possibilities. Edgar Cayce once stated that such approaches give rise to a "karmic scarecrow" - a complete misunderstanding of how these laws work. From his point of view, people are very active participants in life's journeys, and not just unwitting bystanders.

The word karma in Sanskrit means "action", "work", "deed".

This term can also be interpreted as "cause and effect". Cayce's readings, consistent with this concept, made an invaluable contribution to philosophy: the definition of karma as memory was given. There are no past life debts to pay, good and evil deeds of the distant past do not necessarily create the conditions of life of the present. Karma is just a pattern of memory. A huge amount of information in the Akashic Records passes into the present thanks to the work of the subconscious. There are positive elements here along with those that appear to be negative. For example, a kindred feeling that suddenly arises to to a stranger, is just as "karmic" as unconscious hostility towards someone else. Make no mistake, subconscious memory determines how we react, what decisions we make, and even how we look at the world! However, the free will component is always with us.

In certain respects, the idea of ​​"karma as memory" can be further developed. This refers to the desires that we have brought into our lives today from our distant past, to memory in the context of situations that should be experienced, and even to memory in the context of stereotypes that we choose to re-enact. But, simply put, all this can be defined as memory. And although the memory lives in us, we always have the freedom to choose the path of life. We must know that we do not always understand why we have to face this or that situation, and this does not matter much - what really matters is how we respond to it.

There is no doubt that the development of the soul can occur even when it makes a "wrong" decision. For example, in one case, a certain woman certainly accepted wrong decision by marrying her ex-husband. However, this decision allowed her and her husband to get rid of the stereotypes they created a hundred years ago. Although in any case they would have to deal with the memory (karma) of past lives, this process could be more complicated. It is curious to note that readings often suggest that it is often better to make "wrong" decisions than to remain an indifferent witness to events, since spiritual development is possible only through movement, growth, activity.

In Cayce's cosmology, all the wealth of experience accumulated in past lives is stored in the subconscious memory of a person. By activating this memory, manifesting itself in such things as desires, feelings, tastes and fears, a person can overcome his shortcomings and vices and develop abilities and talents.

Speaking about personal relationships, Edgar Cayce argued that there are no chance meetings and that we never establish emotional bonds (both positive and negative) with other people the first time.

Relationships are a continuous process of learning and gaining experience. In other words, each time we enter that stage of relationships with another person, at which they were interrupted last time.

The idea that the constant reference to the memory of previous relationships is not karma between both people, but only karma for each of them separately, seems very interesting. This pattern of behavior and memory is stored in individual records. However, the conceptual difficulty is that people most quickly come to terms with their own karmic memory or "meet themselves" when interacting with others. It is through this dramatic process of "meeting oneself" by getting to know other people that one often comes to see "them" as a threat and cause for concern, instead of feeling one's own responsibility.

And yet, despite the fact that karma belongs to him alone, a person experiences a constant attraction to certain individuals and groups that allow him to meet himself under special circumstances. These same individuals and groups, in turn, are drawn to certain people in order to come to terms with their own karmic memory.

The concept of cyclicity that exists in the behavior of groups and individuals was convincingly confirmed by Cayce's contemporaries. The previous lives of a number of people for whom Cayce gave readings could be traced along the following lines: Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, Persia, Palestine, Europe, Colonial America, and then Cayce's contemporaries in the first half of the twentieth century. Thanks to this drawing and the number of people who asked Cayce to give them past life readings, many individual relationships could be traced back millennia.

In trying to understand the dynamics of group karma that can play out in our own lives, we can gather information about other people's past experiences. The experience of these people and the development of their relationships over a long period of time can help us understand how the Akashic records affect the present and trace the dynamic relationship between freedom of choice and karmic memory. By examining other people's biographies and comparing them with their soul histories, we can follow karma in action. The process of life and death, rebirth and individuality is common to all of us. Studying other people's soul records and histories allows us to make more conscious decisions as we come to terms with our own karmic memories and stereotypes from the past.


From the point of view of Edgar Cayce, the Akashic Records contain an unlimited amount of data about the past. Past lives of certain individuals, unwritten history ancient civilizations- all this information is stored in the Akashic Records and is available to anyone who accesses the database.

According to Edgar Cayce, our lives cannot be ruled by the planets just because we were born in a certain place at a certain time. Rather, we were born on Earth - surrounded by planets - at a time and place that materially represents our spiritual essence. In other words, Casey argued that "the universe froze in place" at the time of the birth of the child. It is at this moment that the planets create a unique physical (astrological) symbol of the innate qualities of the soul. For this reason, Edgar Cayce believed that the study of astrology can give a person a fairly accurate indication of the qualities, character traits, opportunities and trials that will be inherent in him and his life. This information is in many ways similar to that which can be obtained by reading the Akashic Records themselves. But given that free will is the single most influential factor in a person's life, astrology cannot be used to predict the direction a person's life should take. In the language of readings, it sounds like this: ... the influence of no planet or phase of the Sun, Moon or other celestial body can prevail over the free will of Man - over the power given to man by the Creator initially, when he became a living soul with the right to free choice. Another interesting concept that Casey got from the Akashic Records was that between earthly physical lives the soul experiences a "planetary sojourn in consciousness". This sojourn allows the soul to experience certain lessons (such as selfless love) before returning to Earth with a supposedly expanded awareness. This does not mean at all that souls travel to other planets. solar system rather the reading indicates that the planets are simply the physical symbol of the corresponding state of consciousness.

People who received life readings from Edgar Cayce learned what planetary factors influenced them prior to their present earthly incarnation, as well as the impact these states of consciousness had on their inner characteristics. According to the readings, this "being conscious" manifests itself as a strong unconscious influence on personality, character, desires, urges, habits, and even tastes.

We find that the sojourn on the planets between material or terrestrial manifestations was partly present in latent urges, as is the case with every entity.

It is true in the astrological aspect that the entity has rejected some of the manifest urges. But know that no impulse, no emotion and no sign can overcome this birthright - WILL - that factor that determines the human soul, the human personality, DIFFERENT from all other earthly creatures, from all manifestations of God's activity!

For he, man, was created like that, yielding only a little to the angels and capable of becoming ONE OF THEM! But not to merge with the whole, not to lose your individuality in the one, but to become more and more individual in ALL individual consciousnesses of the Creative Forces, thus entering into ever greater unity with Him, while maintaining awareness of one's own Self.

From astrological factors we determine the following: Jupiter - positive influence, indicating that the activity of the entity, directed mainly towards its fellows, was APPLIED INDIVIDUALLY, affecting individual relationships, and not masses or groups of people.

Consequently, the individual activity of the entity on the material plane must deal in all respects with the emotions of people, with their activities, and only then with things. Although it is quite possible that BY means of things the entity will be able to achieve greater expression - either in the demonstration or in the activity AS a seller ...

Mercury - this influence is manifested in the manner, character and way of thinking. Although the essence has allowed itself to move somewhat away from the ability to make decisions ... Awaken your own Self so that it can "think directly" about conditions, about objects, about activities; but not so much in a speculative manner - as there were periods when things seemed to be going well; even while here, remember that you only have to meet yourself - and things are not so good...

Neptune - due to being there, influences are determined that indicate a mystical nature. Hence the tendency of the essence to speculative thinking and to speculations that cannot be called wise.

But IF activity is connected with relationships between people, deals with changeable things or transient or unstable things, then harmony in activity will be found much easier ... but if speculative influences are resisted.

Both good and bad influences flow from astrological travel, BE SURE; but their outcome depends on what is the ideal relation to things, to people, to goals, to spiritual expression.

Over the course of forty-three years of reading practice, Edgar Cayce became convinced of the boundlessness of the information contained in the Akashic Records. However, access to this information often seemed to be hindered by specific principles and parameters. In addition to the fact that the interpretation of individual Akashic records may be obscured by the intent, purpose, or religious beliefs of the person concerned, Cayce suggested that the medium could have easier access to information pertaining to the historical past of a particular soul if that medium had been on earth. in the same period as the corresponding soul. A reading given in 1934 explains this principle as follows: Then this body through which the information comes is attuned or subject to consciousness and becomes a channel through which the record can be read.

The interpretation of information depends on how good a reader the body is, and also on how finely tuned the entity is to the various experiences through which it seeks to find its own past - or records made by the soul. Therefore, if the records refer to an experience that both souls have gone through, they can be read much more accurately than those referring to a world alien to these souls.

According to Edgar Cayce, apart from dreams, there is a very strong correlation between the imagination and intuition of any person. In fact, he claimed that every person who has imagination also has intuition. Sometimes a thought or idea appears to a person, as if from nowhere, about which he can say: "It's just my imagination," when in fact it can be accurate information coming from the Akashic Records.

Therefore, each person consists of the total experience of all his experiences, fragments of memories from past lives that float to the surface of consciousness in everyday life. Often, however, people are unaware of how common such experiences are - such as the momentary feeling of hostility towards a new employee or the children's unexpected discussion of topics that are alien to their usual environment. While heredity and environment help explain the similarities that exist between family members, reincarnations help explain differences. Each of us feels a craving for a particular occupation, person and place. As mentioned earlier, people reconnect where they left off the last time. Often family ties only indicate the closeness that existed between people in past lives.

In addition to the analysis of dreams and spontaneous visions, the methods of obtaining information from the Akashic Records are hypnosis, personal telepathic readings and meditation. Because of the variety of factors that influence an individual's reading of the Akashic Records, Edgar Cayce advised always carefully weighing any information obtained from reading, comparing it with what was previously known to the client. Just because information is "telepathic" does not mean it is accurate. However, if the information helps someone become the best person It means she's worth something.

First of all, the Akashic records of the past provide people with a base of potentials and probabilities in the present. Such a base exists for every person. It is not necessary for a person to recognize the possibility of reincarnation in order for the Akashic Records to have an impact on his life, relationships, thoughts and activities. All people constantly attract to themselves the memory of their previous activities, recorded in the Akashic Records.

From the point of view of Edgar Cayce, when working with the past, one should attach importance not so much to the fact who a person was in the past, but to what he was in the process of his formation. The past simply provides us with a database to work with. What a person does with this data is a matter of his free will and enters the Chronicles forever.


According to Edgar Cayce, the Akashic Records give us a glimpse of those adventures and encounters that we most need at the moment.

Whether we are destined to experience these adventures and meet these people (who may seem "positive" or "negative" to us) depends only on our free will. Every decision we make in the present affects the material of the next series of possibilities and probabilities we attract into our lives. In the language of the readings, it sounds like this: "So, day by day, every soul must make decisions." Some decisions can lead to development, transformation, happiness, while a number of others can lead to problems, disappointments, personal difficulties. And while we may not be aware of the fact that everything we face in our lives can be fulfilled deep meaning and meanings, readings suggest that this possibility is always present.

For example, two people may be faced with the same life situation - say, losing a job - and yet each of them may behave differently from the other. One of them may spend a lot of energy and energy cursing life and becoming angry at people, while the other will see in everything that happened a great opportunity to “start all over again” and do what he always dreamed of doing. And although the situations are very similar, each person reacts to it in a different way. The nature of the reaction to the created situation determines the next cycle - the next life crossroads. It's very simple - each of us is experiencing multiple cycles at any given time.

And each of these potential realities originates in the Akashic record store.

Whenever Casey gave readings, he always carefully chose the information contained in the Akashic Records. The fact is that not only certain lives have a huge impact on the current state of a person, but there are also impulses and emotions (both latent and manifested) that constantly affect a person’s consciousness, by no means always in a positive way. These urges may wax or wane depending on the choices made by the individual and on specific experiences. The Akashic Records work like a huge computer database of memories that can be accessed at any time.
Among these Chronicles are both positive and negative stereotypes of behavior. According to Casey, these stereotypes are re-recorded and developed by our current thoughts and actions. Free will allows the soul to become both holy and monstrous. Since one can just as easily continue to develop both a positive and a negative stereotype of behavior, the readings often contained advice to the individual to create an ideal for himself - a purposeful, positive intention that is a model for potential thoughts and actions. This method of comparing everyday life with a certain spiritual ideal has been defined as "the most important experience for this and for any other entity ...".

Perhaps it is worth emphasizing the fact that, despite the various motives, tendencies and subconscious memories of past lives, the readings have always focused on how the individual deals with his present life, current relationships and opportunities, since this was the main thing for each person. For Edgar Cayce, reincarnation was never a religious system or philosophy; rather, they were a real process of personal development, allowing a person to reach spiritual maturity and become a loving, selfless creature. For Casey, only the present mattered. He was less concerned with what the individual did in the past than with what he did in the present.

Throughout the forty-three years of reading, Edgar Cayce never tired of repeating that the information he chose from the vast mass of data that opened up to him was required only in order to help people best overcome the difficulties and use the opportunities that they encountered along the way of life. In a number of cases, when entering an altered state, Edgar Cayce was aware that he was passing through the "Hall of Records", where he met with an old man surrounded by many books. The elder handed him a book with notes about the man with whom Casey worked. Being in a conscious state, Casey selected the information that could help a person at the present time.

Often in the readings, people were explained why certain experiences fell to their lot, and also - without encroaching on free will - indicated the best ways to solve the problems that they encountered in their current life.

Once, giving information about the Akashic Records - "records marked on time and space" - as well as their location and interpretation, Casey stated: As for the location of the Records - there is such a place - it's everywhere. For this information to become individual, it must come from a certain source in a certain form in order to be interpreted in the light of the experience of the seeker...

Then the record is yours. How, you ask, could the individual you call Edgar Cayce interpret it? How do I know that this interpretation is correct? Where did reading come from? How do these interpretations of everything that happened on the physical plane, associated with material goals and desires, exist in an environment that has a completely different language for interpreting connections and activities? Where does that knowledge come from for one person, which allows him to interpret records about another with all the variety of forms and experiences?

Only thanks to the gift received from Him, who said: "If you follow my path, I will love you, listen to you and give you the memory of ALL things that have happened since the creation of the world."

And since the source can give full knowledge, the answers must be in full accordance with the law - they will be in yourself. In reading 254-67, Edgar Cayce said that the Akashic Record can be read by a medium, but it can also be read by a person who has made the record himself. When asked how this happens, the reading replied that the Chronicles are everywhere and can be manifested through the human consciousness through the five senses. In other words, our type and our abilities can be manifested through what we say, write, and also want to see and want to hear. According to Edgar Cayce, all these things, like our thoughts, are affected by the "shadows" cast by the Akashic records. The clarity of the information obtained primarily depends on the reason for seeking this information.

Traditionally, much of the information contained in the Akashic Records relating to types of human behavior and experiences has been symbolized in literature, art, Scripture, fairy tales and legends. Casey argued that these stories often reflected the origins, development, and destiny of mankind. Sometimes they explored truths or archetypes so deeply that they resonated with people at the soul level and became classics.

For example, about the history of the soul: from the very beginning, the soul was with the Creator. Of our own free will, we have chosen to go through experiences that allow us to develop a sense of individuality. However, at the same time, we are trying to restore our original relationship with God.

This relationship is our destiny. To put it simply, we were together with the Creator at the very beginning, then we moved away from Him, but ultimately we must return to our home. This image - containing our collective past, present and future - is in the Akashic Records database. It is this theme that we can find in the Parable of the Prodigal Son, in Dorothy's journey in The Wizard of Oz, and in the adventures of Christian, Bilbo, and Pinocchio in The Pilgrim's Progress, The Hobbit, and The Adventures of Pinocchio, respectively. The closer the story, character or situation is to the archetype stored in the Akashic Records, the more it captures the human imagination and becomes mystic.

According to Edgar Cayce, the Akashic Records continually provide people with the experiences and relationships they need most at any given time in order for their souls to develop to their highest potential. In each of us there are many needs, stereotypes and conflicting emotions that must be resolved in the process of soul education and in the search for an answer to the question "Who am I?". Whether these lessons will be learned is a matter of human free will. But if they are not learned, they will appear before each individual again and again, in various forms, until they are memorized.

From the perspective of the readings, Earth is nothing more than a school of "causation" where each individual is given the opportunity to meet their own Self and apply spiritual principles to the material plane.

Although the process of meeting oneself is by no means easy, it becomes less painful if a person creates a spiritual ideal or spiritual intention in his life. The universal computer system literally looks after our interests. The Akashic records are designed to enable individuals to discover their true selves, to define their relationship with God and their relationship with each other. And to make this process more accessible, Casey reminds us, "Chronicles are everywhere."


Edgar Cayce has always argued that the Akashic Records provide individuals with a store of data, factors, stereotypes, talents, unresolved issues, familiarity with which is necessary for personal development. Knowing the history of the soul of an individual, a person is indeed able to foresee what can happen in the present, but one can never say with certainty what should happen in any situation, since there is free will. Expressed in the language of readings, this idea sounds like this: "NO EXPERIENCE, no aspiration, no environment is more meaningful than the WILL of the essence" .

Casey believed that whenever an individual changes his life direction (in a positive direction), he can overcome difficulties of any kind and literally change his life. And although the process of meeting with oneself is constantly controlled by the Akashic Records, the achievement of personal awareness depends only on the person himself. However, as already mentioned, personal lessons are destined to be repeated until they are learned.

This premise is played comically in the movie Groundhog Day, where Bill Murray plays the role of a man who wants only satisfaction in life.

Suddenly, Bill finds himself stuck in a period of his life when every day becomes the same "groundhog day" - the day when the groundhog comes out of his hole. But while every day remains the same day, Bill soon learns that the content and nature of each variation of that day depends entirely on his decisions and behavior with others.

After a series of mistakes (both accidental and deliberate), the film's hero finally decides to "make things right" and take care of others all day long.

Having done everything right, he breaks out of the day in which he seemed to be bogged down forever, and can continue to live a normal life.

According to Edgar Cayce, in our pursuit of spiritual growth, we often come to situations that appear to us as life's crossroads. In these situations, we are faced with decisions, conditions, experiences, and even people who help us complete what is the next item" curriculum", created for our soul. Depending on the decisions we make, we are approaching new life crossroads, fraught with a new set of experiences. These crossroads correspond to the cycles of our possible development. The experiences that we attract to ourselves (and the lessons contained in these experiences) , depend on the decisions we made earlier that led us to this point.

When reading, Edgar Cayce argued that the Akashic Records are those "imprints that the entity leaves on the law of cause and effect in the spiritual interpretation of its relationship to possibilities and individuals during experiences on earth." In another reading, Edgar Cayce spoke of this information as "records on the wings or on the wheel of time itself."

It is the source of everything that individuals do during their existence in the universe, as well as the factors that affect the present.

Here is what Edgar Cayce wrote about own experience work with the human aura: For as long as I can remember, I have always seen colors associated with people. I can't think of a single instance where the human being I encountered didn't show up on my retina in the form of red, blue, green colors flowing smoothly from his head and shoulders. It was long before I realized that other people don't see these colors, it was long before I heard the word aura. And I learned to use this phenomenon, which was something completely ordinary for me.

I never thought about people apart from their aura. I see them change in my friends and loved ones as time goes by; illnesses, dejection, love, success - all this is reflected in their aura. It seems to me that auras are weathercocks of souls. It should never be forgotten that people do not necessarily need to see auras or visit mediums in order to determine what the Akashic Records say about this moment their lives. Here is what was said in one reading: Whether you are in Hartford or Sing Sing or Kalamazo or Timbuktu, nothing changes. The Lord is always the God of our universe, wherever you are! For every soul finds itself in the place where it is now only by the grace of God. And use it today, during this period. If it is used correctly, then you will be shown the next one.

Regardless of our present relationships and problems, the Akashic Records manifest all the same experiences. Our actions in the current situation depend only on our free will, but there is always an opportunity for spiritual development. The readings say that if a person is aware of what he is doing now, then the Chronicles will provide him with what is the next item in his spiritual program.


When an entity is given what may be useful to it at the moment, too many plans may be presented, for there are too many factors in the written pages that affect the operation of the entity. They are given as the interpretations recorded here, which - if applied to the experiences of the entity in question - will lead to the manifestation of those things which will assist the entity in its development. Imagine that a computer program has been created that allows you to predict with incredible accuracy the outcome of each decision or a perfect deed. Thanks to this program, it becomes possible not only to predict your personal future, but also to analyze the consequences of your decisions and the impact that your decisions have on the people around you. Imagine also that this program is thought out to such an extent that it can accurately predict how the slightest change in your thoughts, actions, or decisions will affect all possible futures. Finally, imagine that all this endless process of calculating probabilities is required to bring people and events together so that the former are best able to learn the lessons necessary for personal transformation and spiritual growth.

From the perspective of Edgar Cayce's materials, it is precisely this complex calculation of unfolding probabilities that takes place in the Akashic Records. However, their goal is not so much to predict the future, but to analyze and create individual collective conditions for spiritual growth. The future is not something fixed and predetermined. No, it is a series of probabilities and possibilities leading from one to another. From this point of view, human "fate" is predetermined only by how a person uses his free will in relation to the huge amount of data received and all available information.

Whenever Edgar Cayce conducted his readings, he did not forget to warn his clients that he would choose only the information that would help them best perform the task for which they came to earth: "For every soul receives every experience for development" . Undoubtedly, the soul desires this development. And yet each person has such a complex set of conflicting emotions and behavioral stereotypes that the final result depends entirely on the individual.

The journey of the soul through time and space is a way of developing the consciousness of individuals. The main thing in life is how a person took advantage of the opportunities that were provided to him by the Akashic Records. Casey once told a client that although he was able to apply some spiritual truths throughout his soul's history in 1472 in India, he still "lost" the potential for development due to an inability to continue to apply these spiritual principles when faced with any kind of violence.

If he cannot overcome this tendency in his present life, he will be given the chance to do so in the next.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the readings conducted by Edgar Cayce, a person was not considered as a person who began his existence from the moment of physical birth and ends it at the age of seventy or ninety. Spiritual growth was a continuous process. In the reading, the person was asked to continue doing the same work to which he devoted himself, in order to get closer to the Creative Forces in the next life. Talents, feelings, needs and habits continue to be part of the individual in the next life. The soul constantly meets itself. An individual can always decide to overcome his shortcomings, develop virtues in himself and devote himself to work for the benefit of others - this is free will. In each new life, the individual "finds" himself where he was in the previous one.

The Akashic records draw to us circumstances, people, and events that have the potential to help us come into greater alignment with the Creator. What we do in our lives may not matter much if we are not also helping others in their process of becoming. This thought becomes more apparent in the light of Edgar Cayce's past life readings. Speaking about the past personalities of the individual, Edgar Cayce focused on what his soul had learned, and not on those achievements in public life that a person has achieved at a given time.


The changing nature of the future man is depicted in relief in the movie "Back to the Future - 2" with Michael Fox in the title role. Foke plays a young man named Martin, who suddenly finds himself in some kind of terrible future, very faintly resembling the life he was used to. Martin soon begins to realize that the "future" he finds himself in is based on a series of events from his past. In order to change the future, he must return to the past and correct his mistakes. Fortunately, the young man has a time machine at his disposal, and therefore he manages to travel back in time and remake his life. Having finished with this, he immediately discovers that the "terrible future" has ceased to exist.

But even without a time machine, the future can always be changed. Because of the role that free will plays in our lives, no other statement can compare to this. Nothing is predetermined except the tendencies, talents and aspirations of the soul. Although these aspirations can direct a person in one direction or another, but the final result depends entirely on his will. The Akashic records only provide each soul with the maximum opportunity to succeed.

Edgar Cayce never tired of reminding people that they can succeed - in terms of spiritual growth and personal transformation - if they just do what they themselves think is best. Most often, people are aware of those factors that will help them become more perfect. More often than not, however, there is a gap between knowledge and its application. During the readings, clients were often told: "... Do what needs to be done, and the next step will be prompted to you." In other words, spiritual growth depends not so much on a person's knowledge as on his actions based on this knowledge. In the language of the readings, it sounds like this: "... Everyone is aware that all of us - in any particular experience or at any particular time - are the combined result of what we have done for our own ideals!" .

Simply put, an ideal is the motivating factor behind the intention (or why a person does what they do). The focus is on the intention of the person. Instead of intellectual exercises, Cayce urged people to choose ideals that would enable them to exercise such qualities as love, compassion, understanding, and willingness to serve others, continually improving in the process. After all, it is the spiritual ideal that encourages people to take care of others. At the same time, a person thinks first of all about others, and not about himself.

Awareness of one's own intention and the choice of a spiritual ideal allow a person to understand what exactly he does and what records he makes in the Akashic Records. As for readings, the future of each person contains the possibilities that he created in the past and constantly creates in the present.

Since fate can change, many people want to know how to look into their own future. From the perspective of readings, there are at least two facts of which one can be certain. The first of these is that human soul destined to develop and eventually awaken to realize their relationship to the Creator. It is this idea that they try to bring to the attention of the client at all costs during the readings of the Akashic Records. Casey once asked the question, "Can the will of man continue to deny his Creator?" In terms of the future, the second obvious fact is that a person must constantly attract a certain lesson to himself until he learns it.

Cayce foresaw the promising Age of Aquarius, which he called the "Age of Lily". In the readings, this collective future is described as an era of purity, when people will finally understand their true relationship with the Creator. In this historical period, each person is aware of his responsibility towards other people. Regardless of nationality, "great concern for each individual will be shown, each soul will be the keeper of his brother." Such concern will lead to what Casey called "equalization", when humanity realizes that everyone is equal and each person "will live for his fellow man!".

The difference between the present conditions and the future that Cayce saw in the Akashic Records existed due to the inherent desire for power in people at the expense of spiritual development. During our journey through time and space, we forgot about our spiritual essence, about our true relationship with God: Man's answer to everything is POWER - the Power of money, the Power of position, the Power of wealth, the Power of this and the Power of that. It has never been pleasing to God and will never be pleasing to God. It is better to learn step by step to think about each other... But how to achieve this inevitable transformation? In 1939, Casey pointed out the way: And then there will be a need not to observe this or that ritual, this or that form for certain peoples or nations, but for the individuals of EVERY nation, EVERYWHERE, to turn to the God of the fathers, not for indulgence in one's weaknesses and not for the exaltation of one's own Self, but for ever greater self-denial.

And may each of you give God a chance to show how He blesses those who love Him. This does not mean that you or someone else will be forgiven for everything you have done. For know, His law is unchanging - "What you sow, that you will reap."

For man can only begin with himself. Of course, when a person looks at the world situation, he feels his own helplessness in the ability to influence the future of the planet even in the slightest degree. In the face of such insurmountable difficulties, what can one person do? Yet it is clear from Cayce's readings that whenever a man finds himself, he can set to work. This work is predetermined by his previous experience and skill. This work is in no way superior (or inferior) in importance to any other work. In addition, the Creator desires the completion of this work in order to bring closer the transformation of each individual soul that lives on earth. Here is what Casey said about this to one man: ... whatever the position of a person - whether he occupies a dominant position or a reliable position, and whatever the nature of his activities - everyone should be aware that this position is given to him in order to glorify Father with his work for the benefit of his brothers!


For more than forty years of his mature life, Edgar Cayce could enter a special kind of trance at will and give people accurate information in response to almost any question. These sessions were called "readings". In this state, he could see the primary sources of information, which he called "Akashic Records" or "God's Memorable Book". In the process of reading, Edgar Cayce described the procedure as if he himself became part of the Chronicles. By making contact with the Akashic Records, he could receive any information. This primary source, also called "The Book of Life", is a compilation of all the thoughts, words, deeds that have ever taken place in this world since its creation. All this made it possible for Edgar Cayce to comprehend the nature of the Universe as easily as to give answers to questions related to the life of people and their mission on earth.

The readings indicated that the Akashic records are not located in a certain place, but are everywhere. From Edgar Cayce's perspective, people could see the "shadows" of the Chronicles in the way they speak, think, and act towards themselves and others. Everything that has ever been done can be known. These records can be accessed through the subconscious mind through dreams, reflections and esoteric exercises. These records contain the prototype of the individual soul, which constantly manifests itself in every aspect of life. The Akashic Records not only accumulate and store all the data on the history of the soul of each individual, but they also serve as a guide for education, mentorship and transformation for each person.

During a lecture given by Casey in 1934, the reality of the Akashic Records was discussed: "And don't you dare think that your life is not written in the Book of Life! I found it! I saw it! It is still being written, and EACH OF YOU are its author!" In the same year, during one of the readings, it was said that the recordings were made on some kind of "ethereal energy", similar in nature to the energy of thought. Since these records are literally imprinted on this energy, Edgar Cayce suggested that in the future it will be possible to invent a machine that can "read" this information. And although this reading suggested that such a machine would only appear in the future, there are already ways by which individuals can read the Akashic Records.

Chronicles relating to the past of an individual are a repository of talents, experiences, inclinations and ambitions of the soul. Information stored at the soul level must be "read" by a person in the present - as it exists in the form of memory or "karma". This karma does not apply to another person who lived in a different historical period - no, the memory belongs to one's own Self and therefore must be worked out individually. In the language of the readings, it sounds like this: "So, the Chronicles of each entity are part of individual consciousness... It's not that individuals in different guises differ from each other - although they have different names and have different qualities - they are one ... ".

At present, the Akashic Records are the sum of everything we have ever been. They are trying to shape human consciousness.

They guide people to different experiences, giving them the opportunity to learn as much as possible from each other. According to Casey, wherever a person is in the present moment, there is meaning in it. Each soul experiences this or that experience for a certain reason: "For the birth on the material plane does not occur by chance, but by the will of the Creative Forces, it must manifest itself in this experience." Whether a person is going to use the present as a positive experience is a matter of his free will.

The Akashic Records of the Future embody an ever-changing range of possibilities and probabilities.. They are shadows of things that depend entirely on what a person does in the present and what he has learned in the past. They bring together possible events and situations from which everyone can draw the most useful experience. Eternally changing, they are integrally connected with the will and with what a person is going to do with his current possibilities: "... for the fate of every soul lies in what the essence does for the application of creative factors and forces in any environment" . The future of a person does not depend on what he knows, but on how he will be able to apply this knowledge..

Since 1933, Edgar Cayce has held twenty-three readings at the request of members of the Ecumenical Council, discussing the connection between the Akashic Records and the Book of Revelation. According to Edgar Cayce, Revelation written by St. John the Evangelist during his exile on the island of Patmos, was the first written document of the awakened consciousness. During John's meditations, the "seals" of the Book of Life were somehow opened and he was able to see evidence of his own rising awareness. Visions of St. John are rich in symbols, as are the interpretations of the Akashic Records. According to Edgar Cayce, the seven candlesticks, seven seals, seven churches and seven stars were associated with seven spiritual centers or "chakras" human body. These chakras contain the history of the soul that will awaken as people grow in their awareness that they are first and foremost spiritual beings - children of God. This awakening and growth of consciousness awaits any person on Earth.

Since the goals of spiritual experience on the material plane are such, the Book of Remembrance can be opened and each soul can know their relationship to the Creator. Edgar Cayce believed that each of us writes the story of life through thoughts, actions and behavior with other people. All this data is collected in the universal computer - in the Akashic Records. These Chronicles are part of the Creative Forces. They are the source of dreams and inspiration. They are the stuff of archetypes and myths, and are intimately woven into the pattern of human experience.

Being the receptacle of our ancient experiences. The Akashic Records have a strong influence on our position in the present. How we deal with our lives sets in motion the possibilities and probabilities contained in the Akashic Records. For this reason, Edgar Cayce has always believed that all the insights that come from the Akashic Records can provide us with information about our true nature and our true relationship to the rest of creation - information that is stored in the Real Book of Life itself.

You can learn to read your own Akashic records by tapping into your Soul knowledge, with more high point vision that can help you on your way. What it takes is the desire to do it, the practice of meditation to let it in, and the ritual that will unlock the records for you. Ask the messenger to appear as a Guide or Spiritual Master. You may be surprised that the Explorer can be an object, a color, or a waterfall, and not just some person, since all the pictures you receive have meaning and purpose. Ask while remaining receptive to the way in which the message arrives. Make sure you ask open-ended questions (no one-word answers) and see what shows up. Record your experience and enjoy the process of learning and discovery. The science of reading your Akashic records is vast and I will give you some tips to start accessing information for yourself from your Soul and Higher Self. The same method of reading your own records will apply to reading the records of others when you are ready. .

First of First: The Practice of Meditation

The first step to reading your notes is to practice meditation. I suggest that you break the rules about what meditation should be like so you can find a way that feels good for you. Try different ways to meditate and one of them will probably work for you.

There are so many ways to meditate, from guided meditations to just being in silence. You can lie or sit. I find the time between sleep and waking up to be the best time to get information, so try to meditate first thing in the morning or before bed. In such a case, a positive mindset for your day can be created if you meditate in the morning.

Keep playing with meditation, do it regularly and enjoy it. Do it for fun, not for any result, until you become more experienced, which will give better results. All this will strengthen your connection with yourself.

How the Akashic Records Begin

To begin with, you need to prepare to read the notes and request to see them - to get into the sacred space of meditation. Make sure you are alone, comfortable, and everything is quiet and calm. Do the meditation yourself, maybe start with ten mindful breaths in and out to relax and get comfortable. Usually I do it in silence, but sometimes I use music. For me it has to be music without words, as they detract from the message I'm getting. I listen to bowl singing music and today I found a nice energizing harmony video on YouTube to listen to while meditating. It has earth energy, as it is Do # - Resonant tone of the Earth.

  1. Begin with a prayer, such as the "Prayer of the Way" to enter the Chronicles. Linda Howe shares this in her book Reading the Akashic Records and you can find her online. This is a call to open records certain person(you use your name when you say it or read it to yourself).
  2. Imagine and feel yourself in the space of your heart, in meditation, as mentioned earlier. Once you're there, watch what happens next, or you're done. For me it happens spontaneously, but you can imagine any place as a launching pad if you can't see anything or aren't moving anywhere (yet).
  3. See yourself in the Chronicle room with folders or books. I see the light from above while I'm sitting on wooden chair, opening a file that has my name on it. Open the file and see what you find. Ask questions like I mentioned earlier. You may see words, or you may see images, or you may hear words, or you may feel something. Another place to read the Chronicles is the crystal cave. Crystals store information. The Akashic Reading may include text, symbols, and images. You may hear things as if they were being transmitted to you from the Source, or you may experience the feeling of a place as if you were there. If you are shown a picture of something or an episode, ask what it means. Think what this means to you!

As a reader of the Akashic Records, I see the Records as the Source field for us, and all that is, and everyone who reads sees it differently. You can learn this by practicing. To do this, you need to access non-physical and non-linear information with your intent and ask to remain open to whatever comes. Your Soul desires to speak to you and guide you. You will discover your soul-level magnificence that you can tune in to and manifest first, with a sense of guidance and knowledge.

I wish you all the best in your discoveries and research!

For sound is nothing but the translated symbol of the Logos - "Speech" in its mystical sense. In the same sacrifice ("Jyetishtoma Agnishtoma") she is called "God Akasha". In these sacrificial mysteries of Akasha there is an all-ruling and omnipotent Deva who plays the role of Sadasya, who controls the magical effects of religious action, and he had his own special Hotri (priest) in ancient times, who bore his name. Akasha is the necessary mediator for every Kritya (magic act) - religious or mundane. The expression "to arouse Brahma" means to arouse the power which is latent in the basis of every magical act; Vedic sacrifices are in fact nothing but ceremonial magic. This force is Akasha - in another aspect, Kundalini - occult electricity; in one sense, the Alchemist's Alkahest, or the universal solvent; the anima mundi on the higher plane, the astral light on the lower. "At the moment of sacrifice, the priest is filled with the spirit of Brahma - temporarily becomes Brahma himself." ("Raz. Isis.")


AKASHA- Literally, this word in Sanskrit means sky, but in its mystical sense it means invisible the sky or, as the Brahmins call it during the Soma sacrifices (Gyotishtoma Agnishtoma), the god Akasha or the god Sky. The content of the Vedas shows that the Hindus attributed to Akasha five thousand years ago the same properties that the Tibetan lamas attribute to it at the present time; that they regarded it as the source of life, as the reservoir of all energies, as the driving force of all changes in matter. In its latent state, it coincides exactly with our concept of the universal ether; in her active state she becomes Akasha, the all-directing and all-powerful god. In the sacrificial rites of Brahminism, she plays the role of Sadasya or presiding over the magical consequences of performing religious rites and had her own appointed Hotar (or clergyman) who was named after her. In India, as well as in other countries in antiquity, the clergy are representatives on earth of various gods, and each is called by the name of the deity in whose name he acts.

Akasha is the necessary agent of every Kritya (magical ceremony), whether religious or mundane. Brahminical expression "to stir Brahma" - Brahma jinuati- means to stir up the power that in a latent state lies at the basis of each such magical action, for the Vedic sacrifices are nothing but ceremonial magic. And this power is Akasha or occult electricity, she is the Alkahest of alchemists in one sense or a universal solvent, the same Anima Mundi like astral light. At the moment of sacrifice, the latter is saturated with the spirit of Brahma and for a time becomes Brahma. Hence, obviously, the Christian dogma of transubstantiation originated. As the most famous manifestations of Akash, one of latest writings in occult philosophy, The Art of Magic, for the first time gives the world the most understandable and interesting explanation of Akasha in its connection with the phenomena attributed to its influence by fakirs and lamas.

ETHER... Astral Light is only the seventh and highest principle of the earth's atmosphere, just as undetectable as Akasha and real Ether, since it belongs to a completely different plane. The seventh principle of the earth's atmosphere, as has been said, Astral Light, is only the second on the Cosmic ladder...

Source: Blavatsky H.P. - Theosophical Dictionary

Secret Doctrine

Occult Science has taught for centuries that Akasha (of which Ether is the grossest aspect), the Fifth Universal Cosmic Principle - to which the human Manas corresponds and from which is derived - is cosmically luminous, cold, transparent plastic matter, creative in its physical nature, correlative in its grossest aspects and parts, and unchanging in its highest principles. In creative terms, it is called the Sub-Root; in conjunction with radiant heat, it brings "dead worlds to life." In her higher aspects she is the Universal Soul, in her lower aspects she is the Destroyer.

< ... >

In its absoluteness, the One Principle, in its two aspects Parabrahman and Mulaprakriti, is genderless, unconditional and eternal. His periodic manvantary manifestation or primary radiation is also One, bisexual and ultimate. When this radiation begins, in turn, to radiate, then all its radiations are also two-origin, becoming in their lower aspects male and female principles. After Pralaya, both Great and Small, the latter leaves all worlds " in the status quo”- the first to active life wakes up plastic Akasha, Father-Mother, Spirit and Soul of Ether, or the Circle Square. Space is called Mother before its cosmic activity and Father-Mother at the first stage of awakening. AT Kabbalah it is also Father-Mother-Son.

Thus, “Veils” signify the noumenon of undifferentiated Cosmic Matter. This is not matter, as we know it, but the spiritual essence of matter, which is co-eternal and even one with Space in its abstract sense. Root-Nature is also the source of the subtlest, invisible properties in visible matter. It is, as it were, the Soul of the One and Infinite Spirit. The Hindus call it Mulaprakriti - Root Matter and claim that it is the Primordial Substance which is the basis, Upadhi, or Conductor of every phenomenon, physical, psychic or mental. This is the Source from which Akasha radiates.

All Kabbalists and Occultists, Eastern and Western, recognize (a) the identity of the "Father-Mother" with the Primary Ether or Akasha (Astral Light); and (b) its consubstantiality prior to the evolution of the "Son", cosmically Fohat, for this is Cosmic Electricity.

Sophia Ashamot personified the lower Astral Light or Ether. The Astral Light refers to the Akash and Anima Mundi just like Satan to the Deity. They are one, but visible in two aspects, spiritual and psychic - a super-etheric or connecting link between matter and pure spirit - and physical.

although Akasha, of course, is not the ether of science - not even the Ether of the occultists, who define the latter as only one of the principles of Akasha - she, together with her first-born, of course, is the cause of sound, a psychic and spiritual cause, but, in no case, material. The relationship of Ether to Akasha can be determined by applying to Akasha and Ether the words that are used in Vedah, speaking of God: “So he himself was, verily, (his own) Son,” one, being the offspring of another, and yet remaining himself. This may be a difficult riddle for the uninitiated, yet the riddle is very easily solved by any Hindu, even a non-mystic.

Ether - this hypothetical Proteus, one of the "pictorial fictions" of modern science, for a long time enjoyed recognition, is one of the lower "beginnings" of what we call the Primary Substance (Akasha in Sanskrit), one of the dreams of ancient times, which has become again the dream of modern science. This is the greatest, as well as the most daring, of the theories of the ancient philosophers that have survived to this day. For occultists, however, both Ether and Primal Substance are realities. Simply put, the ether is the Astral Light, and the Primary Substance is Akasha, the Upadhi of Divine Thought.

On the modern language It would be better to call the Divine Thought the Cosmic Thought Base, Spirit, and Akasha – Cosmic Substance, Matter. Both of them are Alpha and Omega of Being and only two aspect One Absolute Existence. Not only was the latter never referred to in antiquity, but it was not even mentioned under any name, except in allegory.

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What, then, is the “Primary Substance,” that mysterious thing about which alchemy has constantly talked and which has been the subject of philosophical discussions in all ages? What can she ultimately be, even in her phenomenal pre-differentiation? Even this is the All in manifested Nature and— nothing for our feelings. She is mentioned under various names in every cosmogony and in every philosophy, but to this day is the ever-elusive Proteus in Nature. We touch it and do not feel it; we look at it and do not see it; we breathe it in and do not notice it; we hear and smell, completely unaware of its presence; for it is contained in every molecule of what we, in our ignorance and illusion, regard as matter in one of its states, or cognize as feeling, thought, emotion. In a word, it is Upadhi or the vehicle of every physical or mental or psychic phenomenon. In the opening sentences of the Book Genesis and in the Chaldean Cosmogony, in Puranas India and in Book of the Dead Egypt - everywhere the cycle of manifestation begins with it. It is called Chaos and Water, fertilized by the Spirit emanating from the Unknown, whatever name this Spirit is called.

"From Reason (called Mahat in Puranas), in conjunction with the Ignorance (Ishvara as a personal Deity), with the help of his striving power, in which the quality of stillness prevails ( tamas, insensibility) occurs Ether. From Ether, air; from air - heat; from heat - water and from water - the earth, with everything that is on it.

“From this, from this Self, Ether originated,” say the Vedas.

Thus, it becomes clear that it is not this Ether that emerged during the fourth stage from radiation"Reason connected with Ignorance" - is the high Beginning, divine An entity deified by the Greeks and Latins under the name "Father, Almighty Ether" (Pater Omnipotens Æther) and "Great Ether" (Magnus Æther) in its entirety. An unfortunate riddle for all branches of knowledge is always the septenary gradation and the innumerable divisions and distinctions made ancient between the forces of Ether, taken collectively, starting from its outer limits of action, known to our science, and up to the “Weightless Substance”, once accepted as “ Ether of space”, but now almost rejected. Mythologists and symbolists of our day, bewildered by such incomprehensible glorification on the one hand, and humiliation on the other of the same deified Essence in the same religious systems, often fall into the most ridiculous mistakes. The Church, solid as a rock, in all its original misinterpretations, has made Aether the seat of its satanic legions. The entire Hierarchy of the fallen Angels is placed here: Cosmocrators - "Carriers of the World", according to Bossuet; Mundi Tenentes- "Possessors of the World", as Tertullian calls them; Mundi Domini- "The Powers of the World" or, rather, the Lords; Curbati or "Bent", etc.; thus turning the stars and celestial planets in their course into devils!

For this is how the church interpreted the verse: “Because our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.”

Further, St. Paul mentions "spirits of evil in high places (evil" in the English text) - spiritualia nequitia cœlestibus- Latin texts give various names to these "spirits of evil", innocent "elementals". But this time the church is right, although in vain she calls them all devils. Astral Light or lower Ether full conscious, semi-conscious and unconscious entities; only the church has less authorities over them than over invisible microbes and mosquitoes.

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Now we must exhaust the question of the mystical meaning of the Primal Chaos and the Basic Principle and find out how were they are associated in ancient philosophies with Akasha, mistranslated as Ether, and also with Maya, the illusion of which Ishvara is the masculine aspect. Next, we will talk about the Reasonable Beginning, or, rather, about the invisible, non-material properties in the visible and material elements, "arising from the Primary Chaos."

For, "what is Primary Chaos if not Ether?" - asked in "Isis Unveiled".

Not modern Ether, not the one that is accepted now, but the one that was known to the ancient philosophers long before the time of Moses - Ether with all its mysterious and occult properties, containing the beginnings of universal creation. The Highest Ether or Akasha is the Heavenly Maiden and the Mother of all being, of all existing forms, from the bosom of which "after fertilization" "by the Divine Spirit, Matter and Life, Force and Action are called into being." Ether is the Aditi of the Hindus, also known as Akasha. Electricity, magnetism, heat, light and chemical action are so little understood now that new facts are constantly expanding the limits of our knowledge. Who knows where the power of this giant Proteus - Ether ends? Or where lies its mysterious beginning? Who can deny the Spirit working in him and developing from him all visible forms?

Thus, we put forward an Occult Teaching which affirms the reality of the supersubstantial and supersensible essence of that Akasha - not Ether, which is only the external aspect of the latter - whose nature cannot be understood in its more distant manifestations, on the basis of its purely phenomenal series of consequences on this earthly plan.

The whole series of phenomena comes from the Origin of Ether - Akasha, for Akasha, having a dual nature, comes from the so-called undifferentiated Chaos, the latter being the primary aspect of Mulaprakriti, the Basic Matter, and the first abstract Idea that can be imagined about Parabrahman.

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Akasha, mistranslated as 'Space', was revealed in the ancient Hindu systems as the First Born 'from the One, having only one quality, 'Sound', which is septenary. In esoteric language, this One is God the Father, and Sound is a synonym for the Logos, the Verb, or the Son.

Inventor [John Warell Keely] produced miracles - the word "miracles" is not too strong - acting only through the inter-etheric Force, the fifth and sixth principles of Akash.

Isis Unveiled

Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning sky, but it also means the elusive intangible life principle- astral and celestial light, connected together; both together they form Anima Mundi, and constitute the soul and spirit of man, the heavenly light forms his νούς, πνευμα, or divine spirit, and the other his φυχη, soul or astral spirit. The coarser particles of the latter are used to build its external form - the body. Akasha- this is a mysterious fluid, called by scholastic science "all-penetrating ether"; it enters into all the magical operations of nature and produces mesmeric, magnetic and spiritualistic phenomena. ace in Syria, Palestine and India meant the sky, life and sun at the same time; the sun was considered by the ancient sages to be the great magnetic source of the universe. "The softened pronunciation of this word was Oh' says Dunlap, 'for from Greece to Calcutta, X. Oh there is Yah, Ao and Yao. God tells Moses that his name is "I am" (Ahiah) double Ah or Yah. The word "As", Ah or Yah means life, existence and, obviously, is the root of the word akasha, which in India is pronounced ahasha, the vital principle or divine life-giver and mediator. She is Jewish ruach and means "wind", breath, air in motion or "moving spirit", according to the Parkhurston Lexicon, it is identical with the spirit of God, moving over the waters.

Minutes of the Blavatsky Lodge

Akasha and Pradhana are just two aspects of the same

QUESTION - What is actually Akasha?

ANSWER - Akasha is the eternal Divine Consciousness, which cannot be differentiated, have qualities or be active. Activity is inherent in what is mirrored from it. The unconditioned and infinite cannot be related to the finite and conditioned. The Astral Light is the Intermediate Paradise of the Gnostics, in which resides Sophia Achamoth, the Mother of the Seven Builders, or Spirits of the Earth, who are not necessarily good, and among whom the Gnostics counted Jehovah, whom they called Ildabaoth. (Sophia Achamoth should not be confused with Divine Sophia.) We can compare Akasha and Astral Light by analogy with these prototypes. Or take the fetus in the stomach. The acorn not only contains the astral form of the future oak, but also hides the germ from which the tree will grow, containing millions of forms. These forms are potentially contained in the acorn, but the development of each particular acorn depends on external circumstances, physical strength, etc.

QUESTION - What do the Astral Light and Akasha have to do with memory?

ANSWER - The first is the bearer of the memory of the animal man, the last is the spiritual Ego.

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As esoteric philosophy teaches, the Astral Light is just a sediment of Akash, or the Universal ability to perceive and create ideas in its metaphysical sense. Being invisible, he is, nevertheless, a brightly luminous radiation of the latter, as well as an intermediary between it and human thoughts.

Student Instructions

the assertion in The Subtlest Forces of Nature that in the scale of tattvas the highest of all is Akasha (followed by [only] four, each of which becomes denser than its predecessor), if made from an esoteric point of view, is not true. For, since Akasha, an almost homogeneous and undoubtedly universal principle, is translated as ether, it means that Akasha is diminished and limited to our visible Universe, because, of course, it is not the ether of Space. Ether, whatever modern science sees in it, is a differentiated substance; Akasha, which has no attributes, except for one - sound,of which it is the substratum, there is not substance even exoterically and in the view of some Orientalists, but rather Chaos, or the great Void of Space. Esoterically only Akasha is divine Space, which becomes ether only on the lowest and last plane - in our visible Universe and on Earth. In this case, the word “attribute” serves as a cover-up, which is presented as a sound! It is by no means an attribute, but a primary correlation of Akash; its original manifestation is the Logos, or divine Ideation, which became In a word, and the "Word" is the flesh. Sound can be considered an "attribute" of Akash only if the latter is anthropomorphized. He is not a sign of her, although, of course, is inherent in her as much as the idea "I am I is inherent in our thoughts.

Occultism teaches that the Akasha contains and encompasses the seven Centers of Power, hence the seven tattvas, of which Akasha is the seventh, or rather their synthesis. But if one takes Akasha - which we believe was done in this case - to express only an exoteric idea, the author is right; because (for Akasha is omnipresent), following the limitation of the Puranas, he places its beginning - for better perception by our finite minds - only beyond the four planes of our earthly chain, and the two higher tattvas are as hidden from the mere mortal as the sixth and seventh senses are from the materialistic mind.

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So, the astral light is not an all-penetrating substance, but is related to our earth and to all other bodies of the system, located on the same plane of matter as it is. Our astral light is, so to speak, the lingasharira of our earth; only, instead of being its original prototype, as in the case of our chaya or counterpart, it is the opposite. While human and animal bodies grow and develop after the pattern of their archetypal counterparts, it is the astral light, generated by earthly emanations, that grows and develops in the manner of its prototype parent and in your treacherous wave everything reflects upside down(both from the higher planes, and from its lower solid plane - the earth). Hence the confusion with its colors and sounds in the perception and clairaudience of a sensitive who relies on his imprints, be this sensitive hatha yogi or medium. This is clearly seen in the accompanying table, which draws a parallel between the esoteric and tantric tattva tables in relation to sounds and colors.