Thank you letter to plants stencil frame coloring. Thank you letter: example text. Letter of thanks for assistance provided

A thank you letter is considered a type of business document. It is drawn up at the favorable end of an enterprise, event, interaction, and so on. Also thank you letter can be sent before any special event. In the first case, it will be of an initiative nature, and in the second, it will serve as a response to an invitation or congratulations. Let's look further at how to compose the text of a thank you letter.

In what cases is such paper needed?

The reasons for drawing up this document may vary. So, for example, they often write a thank you letter kindergarten. This could be on the occasion of the team’s participation in some cultural event, competition, competition. It is not uncommon to write a thank you letter to the teacher. The time a child spends at school is of particular importance to him. Of course, many parents strive to express their gratitude to teachers.

As a rule, the paper is prepared for the graduation ceremony, at Last year stay at school. At the same time, the teaching staff can write a letter of gratitude to the parent for his active participation in the life of the class or school. In business circles it is also customary to send such documents. This is considered a sign of good manners, a sign of respect for partners. The head of one enterprise can send a letter of gratitude for cooperation to the director of another organization. In addition, it is customary for companies to notice achievements and Good work specialists. In such cases, the manager can write a letter of gratitude to the employee, noting and encouraging his work.

Content Features

How to write a thank you letter correctly? First of all, pathos should be avoided. When writing a letter, there is no need to be hypocritical or exaggerate the actions of the addressee. It is also advisable not to use empty and loud phrases. The greatest value in this case will be sincerity and simplicity of presentation. For example, if a letter is being written to a teacher, then it should be noted that his activities have left good memory One can also say about him as a person that he contributed to the formation of the personality of his students.

The teacher will also be pleased to read about specific instructions that helped him make an important decision at the right time. The letter should be thanked for the knowledge that the teacher gave, for his reverent attitude towards the students. At the same time, when expressing your thoughts, you should avoid arrogance - it will give negative reaction. In the letter, it is important to make it clear to the teacher that only warm feelings and respect remain for him.

Important point

It should be remembered that a thank you letter is always welcome. Not many people find the time to note the activities of this or that person or enterprise in this form. For example, an employee of an organization will be very pleased to receive a letter of gratitude for his contribution to the development of the company. This will indicate that the specialist’s activities did not go unnoticed and actually contributed to the achievement of some important results. In general, a thank you letter is not that long and voluminous in content. But even a few lines will give the recipient strength and make him happy.

Thank you letter: sample

Usually the presentation is carried out in any form. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that this is a business document. In this regard, certain standards should be observed when drawing up. The company may have its own form for such documents. For example, if the management of a preschool educational institution or school decided to send a letter of gratitude to the family of the pupil. In such cases, the form contains the details of the organization. The structure of the document should be:

  • A cap. It should indicate the addressee. This can be an enterprise or a specific person to whom, in fact, gratitude is expressed. However, this item is considered optional.
  • Appeal.
  • Content. The essence of the letter should be reflected here.
  • Information about the compiler.

Let's consider these points in more detail.


Enterprises traditionally use the wording “Dear...”. Such treatment indicates a respectful attitude towards the addressee. When composing a letter, it is not recommended to use the phrases “Dear” or “Madam (Mr.)”. If, for example, an employee is being encouraged, then such an appeal will look somewhat awkward and even insincere.

In the end, such wording does not correspond to the norms of official business style accepted today. First name and patronymic after the address “Dear” will be appropriate for personal gratitude. If the document is addressed to the team of the enterprise, then the phrase “Dear colleagues” is more suitable here. Further in the content it will be possible to clarify which team the appeal is addressed to. If the letter is sent to another company, it is addressed to the manager. The content expresses gratitude to the entire company or a specific team.

Information about the compiler

It is more advisable to indicate who exactly expresses gratitude after the appeal. The initiator can be both the management of the enterprise and a structural unit. For example:

  • "LLC (name) thanks...".
  • "Management of the company (name)...".
  • “Accounting of the company (name...”, etc.

In this case, it should be taken into account that on behalf of the enterprise they usually thank another organization as a whole for providing any opportunity, supplying a product or providing a service. If the document is sent to the team or an employee of your own company, then you need to state the essence on behalf of the management:

  • "We sincerely thank..."
  • "We are grateful..."
  • “On behalf of the entire enterprise I would like to express my gratitude...”

The following phrase will look very solemn and unconventional:

“As the director of the company, I would like to express my gratitude with all my heart...”

This option is used in exceptional cases. For example, if you should note a contribution that was of great importance to the enterprise.


You can thank one person, a team, a department, or an enterprise. Individual appreciation sets an employee apart from the entire staff. This is how management notes his professionalism, skills, abilities, and achievements for the benefit of the organization:

  • "Thank you…".
  • “On behalf of the entire company I would like to express my gratitude to you...”

If the letter is addressed to the manager with gratitude to the entire enterprise for services provided, goods supplied, and so on, then the content needs to clarify to whom exactly it is expressed:

  • “Company (name) expresses gratitude to your organization...”
  • “We sincerely want to thank the team of your company...”

If a manager addresses the team of his company, it would not be superfluous to list the employees:

“Dear colleagues! I, as a director, am sincerely grateful to the team of the accounting department of our enterprise, namely...”

If in structural unit there are many employees, it is not worth listing their names. Here it is better to contact the head of the department:

"Dear colleagues! I, as a director, express my deep gratitude to the accounting department under the leadership of...".

What are they expressing gratitude for?

Always thank you for something. The message should not express gratitude “for everything.” In this case there is nothing specific; it will be somewhat unclear to the addressee. A person should know what exactly he is grateful for. You can be grateful for various things. For example, if an appeal is sent to an employee, then one can note his professionalism, vigilance, and perseverance shown in some situations:

“We express our gratitude for your creative work, dedication to the company for 20 years, loyalty in your work, and we also want to note your high professionalism, dedication, and leadership qualities, which contributed to the achievement of significant successes and allowed the company to take a leading position in the market among its competitors.”

Business partners can be expressed gratitude for timely support, provision of equipment, services, and so on:

"OJSC (name) sincerely thanks LLC (name) for the opportunity to participate in the exhibition dedicated to...”.


It would not be superfluous to detail in the letter what specifically turned out well. It is this moment that gives individuality to the entire appeal. You should also remember that a thank you letter conveys positivity. Therefore, it is advisable to look into the future when addressing:

"We wish your enterprise prosperity."

Before the traditional conclusion, one should also express hope for continued cooperation. At the end of the address they usually write: “With respect (position, full name).”

One form of business correspondence is a thank you letter. Moreover, this type of correspondence has some peculiarities. For example, there is no communication component. The text only expresses the appreciation for cooperation expressed by one partner to the other. The opposite answer is not implied in principle, although it is desirable.

It is customary to deliver by courier service. You can also submit the completed form through company employees. Rules of business etiquette do not recommend handing a letter directly to the director of a partner company, but in certain situations exceptions can be made.

When is a thank you letter for cooperation written?

You can thank your counterparty in different situations. You should express your gratitude and say “thank you” for the speed of work performed, the reliability of the partner, and the long-term cooperation. In some cases, gratitude to the company is also expressed through one-time joint actions. For example, legal organization carried out and established his unpleasant reputation (lawsuits, debt on loans, taxes). Naturally, common affairs with such legal entity should not be conducted. It is for finding out the ins and outs that it is worth saying “thank you” to the management and employees of the company.

Features of writing a thank you letter

When writing a document, you should adhere to certain basic principles and principles. At the same time, the text of the message itself should be expressed in a business style, without familiarity and the use of slang. All documentation of this type follows a strict structure, for example:

  1. Addressing the addressee.
  2. Initiator of the message.
  3. Aspects of interaction.
  4. Wishes for the future.
  5. Signature.

Important: at the end of the letter, it is advisable, in addition to the signature of the management, to put the seal of the organization. This will make the thank you message more formal.

There are also some nuances that need to be paid close attention. They should be discussed separately.

Method of treatment

It is customary to use only the addressee's first and middle names. Addressing a correspondent by last name is considered bad manners in Russian business etiquette. If gratitude for cooperation is expressed to representatives of a foreign company, then it is better to use the last name.

What about “you”?

Linguists have broken many copies regarding pronouns in correspondence (personal and business). In Russian, in a letter, especially in a letter of thanks, it is customary to address the correspondent with “Vy” with a capital letter. However, a number of scholars argue that it is possible to use a form written in regular font, without emphasis. The essence of the appeal is identical. Usage classical method writing will emphasize a respectful attitude towards your partner, so this is the best way to express gratitude for cooperation.

Thank you and thank you

The words “thank you” and “thank you” are synonymous. However, the first address is more typical for colloquial speech. In a letter between counterparties, it is customary to “thank”, although the first way of expressing gratitude for complete fulfillment is also quite suitable. The text of the message itself will not change in any way.

Mistakes at work

Collaboration between two companies rarely goes perfectly. Everyone makes mistakes at work. It’s still not worth mentioning shortcomings in joint activities in a thank-you letter. The text of the message is compiled for a completely different purpose. It’s better to say thank you to your partner once again than to focus on the shortcomings.


The effect of expressing gratitude should not be “killed” with dry clerical phrases. Such a message will not attract the attention it deserves. From the counterparty's perspective, the letter will more closely resemble an ordinary circular. Stationery is more suitable for everyday business correspondence. It is in it that they will help express the main idea. It is best to avoid them in thank you messages.

Parts of speech

There are different ways to express gratitude for cooperation in a text. When composing a message, it is advisable to emphasize the importance of interaction with the counterparty and write about the fruitfulness of teamwork. In this case, adjectives and verbs will help you express your thoughts. There should be a minimum of nouns in letters of this type. The abundance of these parts of speech will make the text dry and unemotional. There is no point in hoping to achieve further correspondence expressing gratitude through this.


Composing a message of this type is not enough. It also needs to be formatted correctly. It is better to use in a thank you letter different ways text formatting. For example, an address to a partner should be typed in italics; key aspects of cooperation can be additionally highlighted.

Important: Body text should be written in normal font.


Many specialists know how to identify the reliability of a counterparty, but when writing a letter of gratitude they make a serious mistake in choosing paper. In messages of this type, you can use two methods:

  1. Print the text on company letterhead.
  2. Buy a ready-made certificate.

Plain white sheets of standard format cannot be used for thank-you correspondence. Such a message lacks “officiality.”

Letter of thanks for cooperation - text

The previously mentioned principles of a thank you letter for cooperation are basic. To simplify the compilation, you can use a ready-made form or compose it by analogy with the samples presented below.

Example No. 1

Dear Stepan Nikolaevich!

The management of Zarya LLC, represented by Director A.V. Tikhonov, expresses its gratitude to you for the fruitful mutually beneficial cooperation. Over the years of joint activity, you have repeatedly proven your reliability as a partner. We will be happy to continue working with you in the future.

Vast experience will only help improve the performance of our companies and increase revenue.

Sincerely, Director of Zarya LLC Tikhonov A.V.

Example No. 2

Dear Ksenia Alexandrovna!

Our company thanks you for the quality audit of our branch in Novosibirsk. The results of the work of your employees allowed management to determine the future development concept and improve the final annual financial performance. We hope that in the future your company will continue to serve our stores as an independent auditor.

Financial Director of Tekhnodetal OJSC Novikov S.P.

Example No. 3

Example No. 4

Dear Arkady Ivanovich!

The management of SMU “Trust No. 4”, represented by director P. N. Ivanov, expresses sincere gratitude for such a prompt fulfillment of contractual obligations. It was thanks to your efficiency that our workers were able to hand over the facility ahead of time and connect it to communications.

We hope that you will not refuse to cooperate with us in the future. For our part, we can promise that first of all we will consider your company as a supplier.

Director of SMU "Trust No. 4" Ivanov P.N.

Example No. 5

Dear Sergei Stepanovich!

The management of Istok OJSC thanks your company for conducting research into the quality of our drinking water. Your work has helped us improve chemical composition products and make them safer.

Our company plans to increase the range of products, so in the future we will again be happy to turn to your expert laboratory for help.

Quality Director of Istok OJSC Ipatov M.N.

Example No. 6

Dear Galina Anatolyevna!

I, the director of StroyProekt LLC, express my gratitude to you and say thank you for all the years of joint activity. During this time, our organizations were able to go a long way, in which anything happened. But we knew and know for sure that we can rely on you as the most reliable supplier of building materials in the region.

We hope that mutually beneficial cooperation will continue in the future. Together, our enterprises will be able to become industry leaders in the region.

Director of StroyProekt LLC Yakimenko S. T.

Example No. 7

Dear Alexander Viktorovich!

The management of Vostok LLC expresses gratitude for the prompt response to our appeal. After your company’s analysis of our counterparties, we were able to get rid of a number of unreliable partners. Your objectivity in assessing the solvency of our partners helped save us from further legal disputes.

We will be glad to cooperate with you in the future. We can also recommend you to our own clients with honor.

Sincerely, Director of Vostok LLC O. V. Nikitina

As you can see, words of gratitude can be expressed to different situations. You need to say “thank you” to the counterparty individually. There is no point in drawing up general circulars and sending them to all partners at once.

Let's sum it up

A well-written letter of gratitude can motivate the management of another company to continue cooperation. When writing it, it is advisable to take into account all the tips presented earlier.

A well-written message and attentiveness to the counterparty will allow you to expand the boundaries of your business. Compiling such correspondence does not take much time, but sometimes it even allows you to establish friendly communication with partners.

A letter of gratitude for cooperation, the text and sample of which do not have a clear framework, refers to business documents.

It can be addressed to a partner company, an employee or the entire staff; this will be a good incentive and will have a positive impact on the company’s reputation.

After fruitfully completed work or high-quality service, the company can write a letter of gratitude for cooperation, the text and sample of which are described below.

Such a letter refers to business documents, which is reflected in the style of its writing.

A sample is provided to give you a rough idea of ​​the content. Based on it, it is better to develop your own text that suits the situation.

Basic rules for writing a thank you letter

Before you start writing a thank you letter for cooperation, you need to familiarize yourself with general recommendations on its compilation.

  1. The text must express the respectful attitude of the author.
  2. It is advisable to express hope for further cooperation and consolidate the partnership.
  3. It is worth using templates for writing letters. But you shouldn't just rewrite the text. You can add a personal touch by mentioning the details of a specific collaboration.
  4. It is appropriate to start the note with words of greeting and calling by name.
  5. Ideally, the text should combine formal and informal styles. Although a thank you letter is a business document, it should not be too dry. But familiarity is not appropriate here either.

It is worth noting that in terms of cooperation, a personal meeting will be more fruitful. Sometimes such a sentence is included in the letter.

What does a writing plan look like?

The outline of an official thank you letter for cooperation consists of the same points as other business documents:

  1. Appeal.
  2. Main text.
  3. Signature.

The letter can be sent to the entire enterprise or to an individual employee.

The appeal sometimes indicates (although this is not a rule) not only the full name of the addressee, but also his position.

To add politeness, the words “Dear” or “Dear” are placed in front of the name.

The main text is gratitude for working with the company. It is better to mention what exactly the employee or organization is being thanked for (for example,).

Often the letter contains wishes. It is worth including phrases expressing confidence in continued cooperation.

The document is certified by the signature of the manager and, who sends a letter of gratitude for cooperation.

Document preparation

As most experts confirm, a letter of gratitude for cooperation refers to business documents.

By definition, the closest thing to it is the diploma that is awarded to educational institutions for special achievements.

To write a thank you letter, the organization's letterhead is usually used.

It can be presented at a personal meeting or sent by mail.

Although writing thank you letters is not a company's obligation, it does have a positive impact on the company's reputation.

Therefore, such expressions of appreciation for teamwork should not be taken lightly.

Important: if the letter is addressed to an organization, the author addresses its head, for example, .

How to Express Gratitude to an Organization: Sample

Dear Anton Nikolaevich!

JSC Zarya expresses gratitude to the Final Consulting organization for conducting training courses for workers in the field of working with non-ferrous metals.

After completing the training, there is an improvement in the quality of work and an increase in labor productivity. This has a positive effect on the safety of the production process.

Now our employees have better mastered the theory of working with non-ferrous metals, gained skills in using the latest equipment, and began to use effective methods when performing individual operations.

JSC Zarya hopes to continue working with your consulting firm and advises other enterprises to send their employees to the courses you provide for advanced training.


JSC "Zarya" A.I. Petrov

The following text can be used as an example to format a thank you letter for cooperation with a company:

Dear Alexey Petrovich!

The responsible persons of the Stroy-montazh company note that for 15 years they have been closely and fruitfully cooperating with Detal OJSC.

It’s nice to see that during this time, not only business relations have been established between our teams. We are pleased with the mutual understanding and willingness to come to the rescue in conditions of fierce competition in the market and economic instability.

The Stroy-montazh company expresses its sincere gratitude for the long-term cooperation with Detal OJSC and hopes that the joint work will continue in subsequent years.


"Construction-installation" B.A. Shiryaev.

As can be seen from the examples presented, a letter of gratitude can be addressed after training courses conducted for employees.

In such a document, long-term and successful cooperation can be noted.

The main text mentions specific achievements and expresses hope for continued collaboration.

How to express gratitude to an employee for professional achievements

A thank you letter can be addressed to an individual employee.

The text can highlight his professional qualities, results achieved and services provided.

It is important that the text truly reflects sincere gratitude. This document can be used by the company's management as an additional incentive, along with.

For effort and achievement good result, you can write a letter to the employee with something like this:

Dear Natalia Andreevna!

As the head of the enterprise, I would like to especially note the high results that I have achieved new project under your leadership. This was a long-term job that required significant costs. Thanks to your efforts, the project was impeccably completed within the allotted time frame.

With your hard work, you have established yourself as a worker with the most the best side. I express my gratitude to you for this work. I have no doubt that you will cope with many more projects that will be planned by our company. I think that other colleagues will want to follow your example in developing professional skills. I am sincerely glad that we work in the same team.

Sincerely, Director of Chestnoe Slovo LLC Konstantin Belov

Expressing gratitude for your efforts - great way employee incentives.

As with a thank you letter addressed to a business, it is important to lay the foundation for continued fruitful collaboration.

How can an employer celebrate an employee's success?

Management can thank an employee not only for the work done, but also for the successes achieved.

Dear Ivan Petrovich!

I would like to convey to you that I am very pleased with your professionalism and approach to the assigned tasks. Your responsibilities within the company require strong personal qualities and enormous dedication.

Observing your work, I note that your professional skills and capabilities have a positive impact on the fruitfulness of our work. On my own behalf and on behalf of the entire team, I want to state that we are very pleased to work with you shoulder to shoulder.

I especially note your logical mind, determination and talent in this area. Every employee here is valuable, and we value real professionals like you doubly. I wish you further success and development!

Best regards, Sergey Likhachev

In a thank you letter it is appropriate to note strengths employee and pay attention to the results achieved by him.

You can add wishes for further professional growth and development.

How to formalize gratitude to the head of the department

A letter of gratitude can be addressed to any employee, including the head of one of the departments.

Below is an approximate sample on the basis of which it is convenient to compose your own text.

Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich!

I am very proud to have chosen you to lead our accounting department several years ago. As soon as you received this position, I realized that I had made the right choice. I would like to note your professional approach to accomplish this task. I don’t see any other employee in your position.

Your leadership qualities, ability to organize work and apply professional skills stand out especially. You manage to maintain a pleasant atmosphere in the team and help employees continue to improve in performing their duties. Your contribution to the development of our organization is invaluable. On my own behalf and on behalf of all employees, I express my sincere gratitude for your work.

Best regards, Alexey Gordeev

Although you can use this sample or some other example as a basis for creating a letter, it is worth adjusting it for a specific person and expressing gratitude for his efforts and results achieved.

How to thank company staff

A letter of gratitude can be addressed to an individual employee or partner company, or to the entire team as a whole.

Dear colleagues, employees of our company “Rassvet”!

On behalf of the company's management, we would like to inform you that the commercial plan for the current year has been successfully implemented! Each of us contributed to the success, and for all of us this is a reason to rejoice!

Throughout the year, you worked tirelessly to achieve the goal set for the team. And these efforts are rewarded, we have completed difficult task. Thanks to your spirit of mutual assistance and coordinated efforts, our company has become one of the most stable in the city.

We really appreciate your efforts and wish you further success and decent payment for your hard work!

Best regards, Mikhail Sokolov.

This way, appreciation for the efforts made can be expressed to the entire team at once.

The professional achievements and personal qualities of employees should be noted.

Expressing sincere gratitude will be a good incentive to complete the following tasks.

This is how you can express your gratitude to our partners:

Dear partners!

I express my gratitude for the fruitful cooperation with our company! The fruit of our common efforts has been the achievement of new heights in the business sphere! I am confident that our cooperation will continue and we will achieve even better results.

I wish you new interesting projects, conquering new heights and personal success!

Best regards, Dmitry Smirnov

A letter of thanks is drawn up according to the same principle as other business documents.

It begins with an appeal; the main text conveys gratitude for specific merits or fruitful cooperation.

Expressing gratitude will be a good contribution to creating a good reputation for the company.

4 Letter of thanks

4 Letter of thanks

Letter of thanks for cooperation: Text and sample business document