Boerboel breed characteristics. The South African Boerboel is the unspoken calling card of the Republic of South Africa. Nicknames suitable for Boerboel

When choosing a pet, you should definitely take into account its character, size and required living conditions. If we are talking about, then when choosing, first of all, proceed from the requirements for it.

For example, the South African Boerboel described below will be an excellent choice for people who need not only a protector, but also a good companion, and in order for the dog to live well with you, it is enough to know a few simple rules for keeping it.

History of the origin of the breed

The history of the origin of the breed originates from Asia, although Africa is considered its homeland. At the same time, there is information that in the ancient Assyrian state these dogs served as soldiers, and they even had appropriate armor. Later, thanks to Alexander the Great, the ancestors of modern South African Boerboels came to Europe, and after some more time they began to be bred out of them as guard dogs.

The restoration of the purity of the breed began in the 17th century at the Cape of Good Hope, where Boerboels were bred as farmers' pets. Over the years of genetic selection, it was possible to obtain strong and hardy animals, which is how we see representatives of the breed in the modern world.

It must be said that the increase in the number of cities until the 80s of the twentieth century almost led to the complete disappearance of the breed, but starting from that time, centers for breeding and restoring the purity of blood of the South African Boerboel began to appear in South Africa.

Did you know? One of the paintings presented in the British Museum (which is a copy of an ancient painting dating back to 1400) depicts Prince Charles and many, among which stands out an animal that strongly resembles a modern representative of the mentioned breed.

Description and appearance

It is very difficult to call the South African Boerboel an average dog, because its height (at the withers) reaches 55-75 cm, and its weight ranges from 80-90 kg. A powerful skeleton and well-developed muscles with a rectangular body and a large head make representatives of the breed excellent defenders, each movement of which shows not only strength, but also lightness, which is not always typical. Of course, females are somewhat smaller and more graceful than males.

Breed standards

Each breed has its own standard appearance characteristics, in the case of the South African Boerboel they are as follows:

  • head- stands out well, harmoniously combines with the size of the body and is one of the main characteristics of the breed (muscles stand out on the cheekbones, and the parietal part is square and flat);
  • distance between forehead and muzzle- well traced, moderately smooth and inclined, the furrow is shallow (a sharp straight transition is unacceptable);
  • muzzle- deep and wide, well combined with the skull, fuller under the eyes and tapering towards the nose, the total length of this part is approximately a third of the length of the head (in females about 8 cm, and in males - approximately 10 cm);
  • nose- black, with large nostrils that are widely spaced (the lobe and lower jaw form a right angle);
  • jaw- slightly narrowed in the front part, but wide and deep;
  • teeth - white, maintain correct rowing, very strong (a small undershot is allowed, but undershot is considered a deviation);
  • upper lip- quite massive and barely covers the front teeth and lower lip(according to the standard, the lower jaw should not close);
  • underlip- does not have excessive jowls;
  • eyes- dark brown (although other shades are allowed), look straight, are medium in size, slightly rounded and widely spaced on the head (there are strong, well-pigmented eyelids to protect the eyeballs);

  • ears- characterized by a V-shape, placed close to the surface of the skull, but set wide apart (wider near the base and rounded edges);
  • neck- strong, muscular, with a pronounced scruff, middle length, it smoothly passes into the withers and seems to be one with the shoulders and head (a light dewlap that becomes less and less noticeable in the direction of the sternum is considered a normal option);
  • torso- rectangular and strong, with well-developed muscles (back straight, lumbar region stands out a little with a convexity);
  • breast- deep and wide, like the rest of the body, distinguished by well-developed muscles, shoulders fit well;
  • small of the back- straight and short, slightly narrower than the chest and croup;
  • sacrum- strong and muscular, harmoniously combined with the rest of the body;
  • front legs- in the lower part they are rounded, strong and large (the pads are hard and thick), strictly vertical (if you consider the dog from the front), have strong bones and healthy joints, elbows are pressed well to the chest and are parallel to it;
  • hind legs- smaller than the front ones, but also rounded and directed forward, and when looking at the Boerboel from behind, their outline will resemble an inverted “U” (the knees point straight forward).

Important! In many ways, the appearance of any breed depends on nutrition and living conditions, so even puppies with a good pedigree with poor care will not grow into dogs that meet all descriptions of the South African Boerboel breed.

Coat type and color

All representatives of the described breed have a short, thick, smooth and shiny coat, the color of which varies from completely fawn or red to brindle. In the latter case, it consists of vertical, black asymmetrical stripes applied to a red or fawn base. The presence of tan or any other coat color does not meet the standards and is considered unacceptable.

In most cases, the color of the dogs is uniform, and no dark or light spots stand out. The only exceptions may be the dark color of the tips of the ears and white spots on the chest. In addition, something like a mask is allowed on the face.


Despite its impressive size and somewhat menacing appearance, the African Boerboel has a calm disposition and a stable psyche, and in addition to these advantages of the breed, one should add the high activity and mobility of the pets. True, this means that you will have to run with the dog regularly, taxing it physically.
Boerboels expect constant attention and care from their beloved owner, although these massive animals are not distinguished by increased capriciousness, and proper education she will know exactly what is allowed and what is not.

It's not only excellent security guard for the whole family, but also a good nanny for children, with whom there are no conflicts. Boerboels enjoy playing with the smallest family members and even protect them from everyday dangers.

Excessive viciousness or incomprehensible aggressiveness are alien to representatives of the described breed: when good upbringing There should be no conflict situations with other pets.

At the same time, when choosing a Boerboel, you need to understand that, first of all, it is a person who is characterized by certain characteristics. Males are prone to dominance, they are self-sufficient and independent, so if they are not raised correctly in adulthood, behavior correction may be necessary.

How to choose the right puppy

Whether you get a dog with all the characteristics described largely depends on your responsibility at the stage of choosing a puppy. So, if you really need a bright representative of the breed, then buying him through an advertisement and from an unverified breeder is not the best thing. The best decision, because no one can guarantee that it will correspond not only external standards, but also to the character traits of African Boerboels.

It is best to focus your searches on nurseries or bypass trusted breeders who, without unnecessary persuasion, will provide you with documentary evidence of the pedigree of the chosen baby.

If you buy a dog older than 1.5 months, then it should already have a brand, veterinary passport and puppy registration, and if any of these are missing, this is already a reason to think about the integrity of the breeder. This is especially important in the case when a puppy is purchased with the prospect of further participation in exhibitions, and in this case it will be useful to get acquainted with the achievements of its parents.

By the way, it would be nice to see adult dogs in person, because in addition to external data, you will be able to evaluate their character (a balanced bitch can pass on her temperament to her heirs).
If it is difficult for you to choose someone in particular, ask the breeder to tell you about each puppy individually, because already at this age they have certain character traits. Most likely, any of them will run towards you, but even in such a situation, you can notice differences in their behavior.

Important! Good socialization of babies is another evidence of the seriousness of the breeder and his responsibility in raising young animals.

When examining your potential pet, pay attention to some criteria for its appearance: good conditions keep the coat of small Boerboels smooth and shiny, and there should be no weeping ulcers, pimples or rashes on the skin in the abdomen, the inside of the ears, in the folds on the paws and face.

The slightest redness of the skin can be a sign of development, although even in healthy puppies, moderate lacrimation is considered normal (tears must be transparent and without pus).
Healthy and promising Boerboel puppies should not be overly plump or very thin. A bloated belly is a sign or result of improper feeding, which, of course, may not be reported to you. At the same time, slight clumsiness in movements with a harmonious and proportional body structure is quite acceptable.

Based on the above description of the breed, it is not surprising that South African Boerboel puppies are rarely found on sale, which means good dog you will have to pay a decent amount of money. Children without documents will cost a little less (about 200-300 dollars), but for a high-breed representative you can pay more than $1000.

Did you know? An adult Boerboel is capable of pulling a cart weighing up to 500 kg, which, by the way, is more typical for the average horse.

Training and education

It is better to start training any dog ​​from the very beginning. early age, but when it comes to Boerboels, this recommendation becomes especially relevant.
Already at the age of four months, your pet will have quite an impressive size and rush headlong around the house, knocking down everything in its path, which means that in order to avoid material waste, it is better to accustom it to basic discipline. Therefore, you can start from the very day he crosses the threshold of your home.

Besides general rules obedience, you can soon begin training and special commands, which will be easier for the baby to get used to in a familiar home environment. The command “nearby” deserves special attention, because if a five-month-old Boerboel decides to run somewhere during a walk, then keeping him on a leash will be extremely problematic.

If necessary, buy a strict one, but only for training purposes. Constantly driving your pet in a “strict” condition will cause him to get used to the discomfort, and he will simply stop reacting to it.

An equally important point in the education of these dogs is the suppression of aggression towards others, hostility towards which is inherent in Boerboels at the genetic level. If you do not explain to the puppy that it is forbidden to rush, then significant problems may arise with an adult dog: it will simply be impossible to keep it from attacking. When training a puppy or an adult pet, as a reward for obedience and correct execution of commands, you can use some other treat that your pet will never refuse.

In general, representatives of this breed are quite smart and have a good memory, so obvious sabotage when executing commands by an adult dog indicates that you were unable to become an authority for it, and many mistakes were made during the training process. It is unlikely that you will be able to correct the situation on your own, so it is better to immediately contact a competent dog handler.

In puppyhood, African Boerboels are playful and active, and are happy to play with. However, you shouldn’t leave everything to chance, because spending time together will help you better establish contact and understand the needs of your pet, especially considering the great dependence of this breed on human contact.

The South African Boerboel is a very resilient breed that easily adapts to any type of climate. In African countries they live on the street, but in our country, due to harsh winters and short hair, they are often kept indoors.

True, if you equip your pet with a warm and spacious place outside, then he can calmly survive the winter there. Bitches with puppies or those expecting a litter should be kept in a separate protected place. In particular, drafts should be avoided.

When kept in an enclosure or apartment, free walking is a prerequisite, since these dogs simply need sufficient exercise for good physical and mental well-being.

The breed was bred to perform protective functions (guarding the owner and property), so if you keep your Boerboel in a large private area, it should constantly move around the perimeter, marking its territory.

As for the issue of care, thanks to its tight and short length, it will not take much of your time. To maintain a well-groomed appearance of your dog, it is enough to brush it several times a week, removing dead hair from the body. In addition, a soft comb massages the skin well, thereby improving blood circulation.

Did you know? Dogs of this breed are considered excellent therapists and psychologists, which is why they are often used in nursing homes and hospitals.

A properly formulated diet is the key to the health and well-being of your pet, especially if we are talking about a purebred dog. It cannot be said that the South African Boerboel is very picky about food, but the price of improper feeding, in some cases, can be his life.


When choosing food for your pet, you can go in two ways: either make your life easier and accustom your puppy to ready-made and balanced food, or prepare natural food, which will undoubtedly be much more problematic.

Among dry food, it is better to give preference to class products, since at this stage of the life of the South African Boerboel they contain maximum amount everyone essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, the packaging of food for puppies usually has special markings: “Baby”, “Pappy”, and after five months you can also use “Junior”.
If you decide to accustom your baby to natural food, then keep in mind that to achieve the optimal combination of all important for him useful elements it will be a little more difficult. For example, milk can be given only up to 2-2.5 months and no more than 100-150 g per day.

At an older age, these dogs can no longer absorb milk sugar, therefore, only sour milk or other fermented milk products may be present on the menu. Their part in the general daily menu should not be lower than 25-30%.

Of course, any dog ​​needs meat, and we are talking about puppies, so beef, horse meat, goat meat and poultry (whole necks and backs will do), although the latter is best introduced after three months of age.

The growing body of puppies will benefit greatly from muscle and cartilage tissue, which is very important in the formation of their skeleton and ligaments. But these products should be given raw and only after the main meal. Being hungry, the puppy is able to eat a lot of tubular tissue, which, in turn, will cause intestinal blockage.

Important! There is no need to cook cartilage, because when cooked they become less valuable, and the bones harden and can even injure the intestines.

No less useful for Boerboel puppies will be raw eggs, but they should be given no more than twice every 7 days, one at a time, however, if you have quail eggs, then you can feed them to your pet at least every day.

Buckwheat, rice and chives are ideal for making porridge. Oats, wheat and other grains are not cooked, which means they simply pass through the digestive tract and are not absorbed. You should not cook too much porridge at one time, since the freshness of the prepared food plays no less a role than its quality.

For small puppies, it is preferable to cook cereals in water, since broths have a negative effect on the kidneys and liver. When cooking, you can add a small spoon to the porridge. vegetable oil or vegetables stewed in it.


By and large, adult representatives of the breed should be fed according to the same principle as puppies: either natural food or ready-made balanced dry food. However, do not forget that in addition to the character traits, the description of the South African Boerboel also indicates a tendency to quickly gain extra pounds, so try not to overfeed him, giving him food twice a day.

When choosing ready-made food, you can buy both “Superpremium” and “Superpremium” products, but without saving on them. Poor quality nutrition can easily undermine a dog's health.

Important!When feeding dry food, your Boerboel should always have clean water in his bowl.

When using natural food, focus on lean meats (mentioned turkey, horse meat, veal, chicken), among vegetables, choose carrots, cabbage, zucchini, and among cereals, rice and buckwheat are considered the most healthy, but only in small quantities.

It is advisable to feed the meat fresh to the dog, after chopping it into medium pieces. Liver, on the contrary, is given only after boiling, and a couple of times a month it is useful to exchange the meat for boiled sea fish, thoroughly cleaned of bones.

It is advisable to give fermented milk products in the morning, after a good walk.

Health and genetic possible diseases

Unfortunately, every dog ​​breed has its own weak sides, in particular, represented by health problems. The following diseases are hereditary for the South African Boerboel:

  1. - is explained by a violation of cartilage and connective tissue, which is why the dog begins to limp, and over time, without proper treatment, stops moving altogether. Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure the disease, and all that remains is to slow down its development.
  2. Gastric volvulus- usually this happens due to the carelessness of the owner himself, when a well-fed dog goes for a walk, actively frolics and plays, which is why the stomach is literally twisted. If surgery is not performed in a timely manner, the animal will die.

South African Boerboel refers to breeds that are not recognized by the largest international cynological community FCI. In addition to this, some breeders sculpt stamps such as “tailless mastiff” or “half-breed.”

In fact, Boerboels have mastiffs as relatives, but they certainly cannot be called half-breeds or mestizos. This is a separate breed, the roots of which are directed to the distant past.

Battles involving them are described in historical references dating back hundreds of years. The dogs, described as similar to Boerboels, were participants in gladiator fights in Britain.

Towards the middle of the 16th century, animals began to spread across the lands of the Republic of South Africa. People who settled on the Cape of Good Hope took many dogs as guards, so the island sheltered different guard breeds from Europe.

It is difficult to say with certainty who exactly is the progenitor of modern Boerboels. In addition, dogs performed the functions of farmers - tending herds and flocks.

By the end of the twentieth century Boerboel breed, it was, completely disappeared from the face of the earth - the process of urbanization and the no longer need for protection and conservation led to this. However, dog handlers realized it in time and quickly began to restore the breed.

There were breeders, kennel owners and several African enthusiasts who were able to achieve the breeding and distribution of dogs throughout to the globe.

The dogs quickly began to gain popularity due to their independent and balanced character. But at the same time, it is important to remember the ancient instincts of a protector. A dog can easily attack a person and even bite someone who encroaches on someone else’s territory.

It is important that the dog is socialized from puppyhood and raised among people. He is easy to train and train. However, a leash and muzzle will be required for walks.

Breed standard

Males grow up to 66 cm, females - up to 61 cm. The head is considered the hallmark of the breed - it has the shape of a rectangle, developed muscles, including chewing muscles. The stop is smooth, slightly inclined, the furrow between the eyes is not too deep.

The wide muzzle tapers towards the nose. The nasal lobe has widely spaced nostrils. The powerful and deep jaws are equipped with a row of white, strong teeth with a regular, scissor bite. At the same time, underbites are unacceptable. The upper lip slightly covers the lower one.

He looks at the world with round eyes of medium size, straight and wide set. Any shade of brown in color is acceptable, but the darker the eyeballs, the better. The dog has a smart look. Triangular ears are located close to the head, have a wide set, and their edges are rounded.

The powerful neck is equipped with a well-defined scruff, smoothly blending into the withers. The body visually resembles a rectangle. The chest is wide and deep, has powerful muscles.

The lower back is straight, the groins are moderately tucked. The animal's tail is thick and set high, and may be densely covered with hair. This part of the body of dogs is usually docked at the level of 3-4 vertebrae. But undocked variations are also possible.

The limbs must be strong and properly formed, have strong bones and pronounced muscles. If you look at it from the front, the paws stand vertically, parallel to each other.

They are large and strong at the ends, rounded, with curved toes and thick paw pads. When walking and running, the dog is characterized by powerful, purposeful movements.

The Boerboel is equipped with thick, but not tight-fitting skin; there may be a slight sagging on the neck. The coat has black pigmentation in the eye area, nose, paw pads, nails and genital area.

The short coat is thick and smooth to the touch, shiny. Possible colors include solid fawn or red, as well as brindle. Sometimes white spots on the chest and legs are acceptable, but not above the wrists.

Other colors are not acceptable. However, among non-professional breeders and admirers of the breed, it is very popular black boerboel. It was popular until the mid-80s, until breed standards they did not exclude him from the herd.

The black gene is very strong and dominant, but at the same time it is quite easy to remove - it is enough to exclude this color from breeding, and it will be eliminated in one generation.

Today, the popularity of anthracite and coal shades is returning. Perhaps soon dog handlers will reconsider their attitude to color and include it in the breed standard.

Care and maintenance

Boerboel in the photo looks big dog, which has powerfully developed muscles and strong bones. This is achieved through proper nutrition and proper care of the dog. The breed is distinguished by the fact that it easily adapts to various conditions.

Accordingly, the dog can live both on a country plot in a cottage and in a city apartment as a full member of the family. In addition, the pet can live outside if it has a sufficiently spacious and warm enclosure.

If the Boerboel is kept in an apartment, then it needs to be walked at least twice a day. The dog is not a breed that requires intense physical activity and long walks. But Fresh air it will be useful to her. In the apartment, the dog should have its own furnished place with bedding. It is better if it is a corner without drafts.

The dog's short, dense coat does not require complex combing procedures. It is enough to wipe it with a mitten from time to time and wash its paws and belly in slushy weather. These dogs do not require bathing, so you can get by with bathing procedures once every six months.

Your teeth will require the most meticulous care - it is important to brush them several times a week. It is worth examining the dog’s ears and wiping the eyes with a swab dipped in clean water room temperature. Sometimes it is worth trimming the claws with special devices. An alternative option is to take your dog to the groomer from time to time.


Boerboel dog refers to large breeds Accordingly, food will be provided based on the needs and size of the dog. For example, you will definitely need a stand under a bowl of food so that the dog does not lower its head low to the floor, thereby bending the cervical vertebrae.

It is better if the stand is long and can accommodate several bowls at once, including water and dry food if the animal is mixed-fed.

There is still no established opinion among breeders as to which type of feeding is best. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, natural food is natural, a natural source of vitamins.

Dry factory food is a balanced product, enriched with microelements in the proportions required for the breed. Is there some more mixed type feeding, but it is used much less frequently, and also has limitations: it cannot be used if the dog is prone to allergies.

Boerboel puppies receive food 5 times a day for up to 4 months. Up to 5-6 months, feeding occurs 4 times a day, then up to 9 months - three times a day, and after that - twice a day. In this case, the volume of portions increases as the number of feedings decreases. Adult Boerboel can eat up to 1.5 liters of food at a time.

If we are talking about natural food, then the basis of the diet, as is the case with other breeds, is made up of protein-containing products - meat and fish. All this should not be fatty, and it is better to exclude pork from the diet altogether - its fat is poorly digested by a dog’s stomach.

By-products are also suitable, and sea or ocean fish is preferable. It is important that the meat (beef, lamb, veal, horse meat) is raw. You can cut it into pieces. You can’t give minced meat - it lingers in the dog’s gastrointestinal tract and comes out not completely digested. If your four-legged friend refuses raw food, you can scald it with boiling water.

You can give eggs a couple of times a week, preferably raw yolks. It is not necessary to feed protein, as it is poorly digestible. For dairy products, the best options would be cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt and kefir.

Moreover, you can prepare cottage cheese yourself. Bones are prohibited and are suitable only as an auxiliary material for teething. Cereals are not recommended for this breed.

At least, they definitely won’t become the main food. From time to time you can give finely chopped vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, and zucchini. You can put a spoonful of sour cream or a drop of vegetable oil in them.

When training, cheese and dry fruits are suitable as rewards. Don't forget about vitamins. They must be given in addition to the main portion.

Possible diseases

African Boerboel is considered a dog with stable immunity and good health. There are practically no closely related matings in his blood, so there are a minimum of genetic deviations. However, there are some diseases that are specific to this breed.

First of all, we are talking about dysplasia of the joints - elbow and hip. This disease occurs in every second large dog. Unfortunately, large breeds Few are insured against it. Even with high-quality prevention, sometimes it is not possible to avoid joint problems.

In addition, as they get older, many dogs suffer from degenerative myelopathy, which can be diagnosed by the animal’s gait: rear end dogs fall in different sides, the pelvis begins to wobble.

Another disease that affects Boerboel bitches is vaginal hyperplasia. Because of this, dogs are not allowed to be bred. Osteomyelitis, which occurs due to infections of staphylococcus and fungi, is susceptible to boerboel puppies. And hepatopathy can affect both young and adult individuals. It manifests itself in the form of liver failure and a decrease in the functions of this organ.


Dogs of this breed were first brought to our country in the late 90s of the last century. Since then, they have continued to gain popularity among Russians. And all this against the backdrop of the fact that animals have still not been recognized by the largest FCI community.

So there's no problem with buy a boerboel, does not occur. Four-legged pets are sold in any large city, both at bird markets, and from breeders or in nurseries.

However, when choosing a place to buy, you need to proceed from your own priorities. If there are no special requirements for the dog, then why not save money and buy it on the market.

Of course, the buyer must take into account the risks he is taking - the breed is not purebred, the dog’s possible illness, including serious illnesses. The same applies to purchasing dogs from unofficial breeders.

The best option– purchase from a nursery. Certainly, boerboel price in this case it will be slightly higher, but still not so much that you can risk buying a pig in a poke.

If an animal costs from 7 to 10 thousand rubles, then in a kennel, with a full package of documents, including a pedigree and certificates of deworming and vaccinations, the dog will be sold for 35-50 thousand rubles.

The price is indicated for the pet class, that is, representatives of the breed “for the soul”. If you buy a four-legged pet for breeding (breeding class) or for breeding and participation in exhibitions (show class), the cost will be much more expensive.

Brief characteristics of the dog

  • Other possible names: Boer Mastiff, Boer's Bulldog, Boer Bulldog, Boerboel, Boer Dog.
  • Adult height: The ideal height for males is 60-70 cm, for females 55-65 cm.
  • Weight: The norm for a male is 60-75 kg, for a female 50-65 kg. It is not uncommon for dogs to reach 90 kg.
  • Characteristic color: solid shades of brown with a black mask on the face.
  • Wool length: short, smooth.
  • Lifespan: on average 12-14 years.
  • Advantages of the breed: instant reaction, hardy, smart, loyal, excellent guards.
  • Difficulties of the breed: wayward, dominant, there are outbreaks of aggression, they require constant physical activity.
  • Average price: a pedigree South African Boerboel costs from $500 to $800 or more.

History of the origin of the breed

Boerboel appeared in South Africa in the 17th century during its mass colonization. By this time, the continent had already had its own large and strong dogs Molossian type. And some arriving colonialists, in addition to families and belongings, brought with them their faithful dogs.

This happened in 1652, when the future founder of the Dutch colony, Jan Van Riebeek, landed at the Cape of Good Hope. To protect his property, he took with him from Holland several loyal Bullenbeisers, who became the founders of the breed, eventually crossing with local dogs.

There is another, rather entertaining, but no less plausible version about the origin of Boerboels. About three thousand years ago, large dogs came to Africa along with travelers and traders.

The Ethiopians, without thinking twice, tamed these dogs and got used to milking them. Apparently this is where another name of the breed comes from, which sounds like “kinomolga”, which means “a dog that is milked”. Dutch emigrants who arrived on the continent in the 17th century examined and appreciated the security and hunting qualities local dogs, calling them Boerboels.

From Dutch Boerboel is translated as Boer - peasant or farmer, and boel - bull. Eventually for a long time These dogs were called peasant bulls, and only almost three centuries later the name of the breed began to sound like “large farm dog.”

Later, the breed became interested in dog breeders in South Africa. They engaged in targeted breeding and made a unified description of these dogs, which is considered the breed standard. South African Boerboel breed not recognized by international canine organizations and is considered prohibited for keeping and breeding in a number of countries.

Purpose of the breed

Before the arrival of Europeans on the African continent, local tribes primarily used Boerboels as milking dogs. After the dogs were milked, they began to perform their guard and hunting duties.

Thanks to their endurance, strength and fearlessness, Boerboels, both before and now, take part in pack hunting for large animals. They can fight both an antelope and a powerful lion. And it's bright expressed feeling property makes this breed ideal guards who instantly react to danger, clearly distinguishing between an imaginary threat and a real one. Besides this, Boerboels are excellent bodyguards.

Description of the nature of the breed

The African Boerboel is a serious, dominant breed of working dog. They will faithfully serve only one master, but only if they see him as a strong leader. These dogs are not at all suitable for people who do not have much experience in raising and maintaining such breeds.

The Boerboel needs to be socialized and trained as early as possible. Even though they are considered dogs with a stable psyche, But there are frequent cases of unjustified attacks of aggression and attacks on people, including children and their own owners. As a rule, this occurs due to improper upbringing and lack of physical activity.

The vicious nature of the Boerboel usually completely excludes aggression towards humans. During the formation of the breed, individuals that showed such qualities were not allowed for further breeding and were immediately shot. There are different reviews from owners about the Boerboel breed. Some people like her and really like her, but others consider her cruel and unbalanced.

Boerboels are smart and have a good memory, but they also very stubborn and willful. Even if they perceive the owner as a leader, they still try to show their dominance and independence. From an early age, they are fiercely ready to defend everything that belongs to them, perceiving the master's family as their property, which they are obliged to protect.

To some extent, Boerboels can be called trusting and calm. And they also don’t have mood swings. Despite their strength and power, they are quite are kind to children and can be very good and gentle nannies.

They perceive other animals as competitors or objects of hunting, although sometimes they manage to get along well even with cats. Not worth it Walk your Boerboel where other dogs run.

Video review of the breed

By watching the proposed video, you can learn more about the South African Boerboel breed. As well as the subtleties of her character and advice on content.

How to choose a puppy

Any admixture with dogs of such serious breeds as the Boerboel is very undesirable. This may not always have a positive effect on the dog's character. It is better to buy puppies from nurseries, where they monitor the purity of the breed and compliance of pets not only with external standards, but also with the character and temperament of the dogs.

Go for a puppy only if you are completely confident that you will be able to raise a Boerboel, and not turn it into an unbalanced monster. And it’s better to do this when the puppies are 1.5-2 months old.

The sooner you bring your dog into your home and start training it, the higher the confidence that the puppy will grow into an obedient and obedient puppy. well-mannered companion. You also need to take into account that males are less flexible and more often show their restive disposition than females.

Healthy Boerboel puppies are plump, strong, covered with smooth and shiny hair. The paws should be strong and parallel, and the gait should not wobble excessively. A well-groomed puppy will have clean ears and eyes and no bad breath.

Since Boerboels are distinguished by their fearlessness, their puppies will also be curious and courageous, and not timidly hide in a corner from a sharp sound. Take the kid who will curiously run up to sniff the outstretched hand and will not hesitantly and cowardly back away.

Dog nicknames

A dog of such a bold, courageous and proud breed should have an appropriate nickname. She will be emphasize his power and endurance. It is desirable that the pet's name be monosyllabic, quickly remembered and not confused with commands.

For example, for a male Boerboel, nicknames such as Adar, Bert, Weiss, Dokoit, Zhigan, Croyd, Madge, Norvis, Ralph and so on may be suitable.
The bitch can be called Alko, Atika, Berna, Veysi, Hera, Cora, Neji, Ronda, Tinga and similar names.

All Boerboel care involves keeping the dog clean. First of all, this should be periodic cleansing of the eyes and... Do not ignore processing from , and . You should only bathe your Boerboel when absolutely necessary.

The size of the booth must match the size of the pet. But Boerboels it is forbidden keep closed at all times. From constant loneliness and without the opportunity to communicate with people, dogs become aggressive and cruel.

Such dogs require extensive and exhausting physical activity, preferably twice a day. It is best to walk Boerboels in closed dog areas with an obstacle course, taking a stick or ball with you. It is forbidden walk dogs of these breeds near playgrounds and without a muzzle.

Possible health problems

Problem areas for the Boerboel, like other large dogs, are the joints. Quite often they have hind or fore limbs. This is a hereditary and incurable disease that sometimes causes unbearable pain to the dog.

To prevent it, it is not recommended to give the dog various stimulants during the period of active growth and you should not get too carried away until six months. physical activity. You should also not overfeed your dog, causing it to become obese. This, in addition to stress on the joints, can cause heart problems.

Identify the disease initial stage Periodic visits to the veterinarian will help. He will also tell you about the necessary treatment for severe infectious diseases.

Nutrition for puppy and adult dog

Most of the Boerboel's diet should consist of lean meat, which is best boiled for feeding a small one. Meat can be replaced with offal, including cartilage, which is good for your dog's joints. Sometimes you can give boiled sea fish, as well as fermented milk products. As for cereals, it is better to give preference to rice, oatmeal or buckwheat.

You can feed your Boerboel with ready-made food, as well as alternate it with natural food. Such feed must fully satisfy the animal's needs.

The bowl should be removed after each feeding. Overfeeding is not very good for your dog's health. Therefore, you need to monitor the amount of food and feed your dog at the same time. Puppies are initially fed four to five times a day, and then gradually transferred to the adult diet and fed in the morning and evening.

Large dogs should not be fed from the floor. The bowl should be at chest level. To do this, you can purchase a special adjustable stand. And you definitely need to make sure that your dog always has a bowl of water.

Briefly about training

Raising a Boerboel must be done from a very early age. Such a dog should be a self-confident person with a strong-willed character who will become a leader for the dog. But even in this case, from time to time the Boerboel will show its independence.

This can usually be corrected by persistent daily training. But if the dog stops obeying, it means he felt insecure from you. Such a dog may become uncontrollable in the future, therefore you should definitely contact For help, contact a dog trainer and, under his guidance, continue training and guide your pet in the right direction.

Advantages and disadvantages

South African Boerboels menacing and powerful, but at the same time affectionate and devoted dogs. They love to play with children, especially if they play with a ball or a stick. For the most part they balanced and non-aggressive towards their family. And these dogs treat strangers with great distrust, and in some cases even with anger.

When getting a Boerboel, first of all you need to take into account the fact that this is a dominant dog that will always try to show dominance and independence in everything. Secondly, the owner of the dog must be a strong and adequate person. Thirdly, with this The dog needs to be taken seriously.

It is advisable to take special training courses with her. And fourthly, the Boerboel needs daily exhausting walks with physical activity. From lack of exercise and improper training, Boerboels can become prone to spontaneous attacks of aggression.

If you follow the rules for keeping such dogs, you will be surprised by their intelligence, devotion and affection. For you and your family, the Boerboel can become the ideal bodyguard companion, who will also become a patient nanny for your child.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Excellent for security and protection
  • Good health and longevity
  • Requires careful training
  • Has an aggressive and suspicious disposition
  • Working qualities require application; without training, the dog can become uncontrollable

Description of the breed

The Boerboel is a very powerful, not too large dog of the Molossian type. These animals have incredible potential for strength and endurance, which is genetically inherent in them. Boerboels originated from guard dogs South Africa, among which only the best survived. Despite their rather large build, the Boerboel breed is famous for its quick reaction and dexterity of movement - muscular legs allow them to move almost at lightning speed.

To ensure that the dog does not pose a danger to the owner and others, it needs long training and great physical activity. The excellent guarding and protective qualities of a pet without supervision will turn into anger and distrust. To create a trusting relationship with your dog, you need to devote a lot of time to it every day.

Boerboel breed standard

Modern description The Boerboel breed belongs to the KUSA organization.

    General form: big dog with a massive body and proportionally folded head. The body outline is rectangular. The movements are fast and dexterous, not expected from a dog of this size. Bitches are much smaller than males and more balanced.

    The head is very expressive, with a dark mask. Rectangular shape. The neck is muscular and short. The stop is smooth and clearly visible. The eyes are round, small, dark. The eyelids are pigmented black. The expression of the muzzle should be confident and smart. Anger or cowardice is unacceptable.

    The limbs are very strong, strong, with well-developed muscles.

    The skin is dense and mobile. The coat is medium thick, short, shiny. White markings on chest and paws are allowed. Stripes and spots of a red tint are unacceptable.

  1. The height of males is from 60 to 66 cm, females are slightly smaller - from 55 to 61 cm. Weight is from 50 to 75 kg.

Character and characteristics of the Boerboel

The Boerboel is an exemplary watchman. This breed was specially bred to protect property not only from people, but also from large animals, and is still very popular among those who need a protector, not a companion. The level of aggression is normal, but the Boerboel is always wary and does not like strangers. The dog needs a lot of space to run, so keeping a Boerboel in an apartment is difficult. It is best if he is given an area near the house that the dog can supervise. Representatives of this breed were also used as baiting dogs, which allowed them to develop passion and sense of smell. Today, breeders are trying to move away from past standards and cultivate moderate temperament in their pets.

It is interesting that heavy weight and a large build do not prevent the dog from making lightning-fast lunges, running quickly and carrying out commands with dexterity. Boerboels are truly tireless - a five-kilometer walk for them is considered an easy warm-up, which must be done in the morning and evening.

The Boerboel can run at any type of trot, from smooth, imposing movements to fast, sweeping steps. The gallop looks very beautiful. At the same time, the dog can develop amazing speed.

The Boerboel has a distrustful character, but he treats his family with respect and trepidation. To raise a reliable guard, it is important to pay attention to the Boerboel and exercise it. Give your dog a job and he will happily do it. Only daily training can turn your pet into an efficient watchman and loyal friend.

At all times physical qualities These dogs were valued much more than their appearance. This helped to develop a trouble-free working breed that is not afraid of bad weather and is distinguished by colossal strength and endurance. At the same time, work is now being carried out to correct the behavior of Boerboels, thanks to which the dogs acquire a more balanced character.

The main thing in caring for a Boerboel is to give him the opportunity to show his qualities in action. Training, walks, long, exhausting work - all this is necessary for the proper development of the animal’s psyche.

Otherwise, caring for a dog is not difficult. The fur does not require significant attention; you need to bathe your pet no more than once a month.

Feeding the Boerboel

You can feed your Boerboel either dry food or natural food. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes they feed mixed, but this is not encouraged.

Dry food does not require additional processing, does not spoil for a long time, and is suitable for almost all dogs. To provide your pet with all the substances and minerals, it is important to give him high-quality premium or super-premium food. When feeding factory-made food or canned food, it is important to observe the dosage - when it enters the stomach, the food increases in size, and excessive amounts can cause problems with gastrointestinal tract, as well as obesity, especially in case of insufficient physical activity.

With mixed feeding, the share of dry food should be approximately 50%, 30% is allocated to raw meat, and the rest is supplemented with vegetables, dairy products, etc.

Now let's look at what to feed your Boerboel if you are against dry food. The main product in the diet should be meat. Beef is excellent, sometimes you can give lamb, poultry or lean pork. Also included in the menu are offal, raw tripe, vegetables, herbs, fermented milk products, and cartilage. It is very important that your dog always has a bowl of water.

Boerboel puppies

Boerboels grow quite slowly. Until the age of two, a dog can be considered a puppy, both physically and emotionally. In the first year of life, it is important that the dog’s weight is not too heavy - a puppy overloaded with its own weight will not develop properly. Too much stress on the joints will cause them to bend. Be sure to add vitamins and chondroprotectors to the main feed, because Strong limbs are the basis for a dog’s activity and health. Approximate weight gain schedule: approximately 5-6 kg monthly, reaching 55-60 kg by year.

A Boerboel puppy should not run on slippery floors. Laminate flooring should be covered with carpets or rugs. Walking on ice is not permitted. Before the age of one year, do not allow jumping from a height to avoid damaging the ligaments.

You need to raise a pet from the first days of its appearance in your home. If you would not allow something adult dog, don't let your puppy do this either.

You need to go for a walk an hour before meals. During a walk, it is important to contact other dogs and people, and accustom the puppy to society.

Boerboel training

Boerboels are dogs with a bright character. They are stubborn, independent and quite aggressive. To inspire respect in such a powerful beast, it is not enough just to feed it and take it for a walk. The Boerboel needs to be trained. Training is not just a whim or pleasure, it is the key to the safety of you and your loved ones. The dog's strong guarding qualities must be fully controlled, otherwise it may use them for other purposes.

Males have a clear tendency to dominate, so they should be raised by a strong and capable person. The dog's great physical strength can be a serious problem because it is very difficult to hold a Boerboel. To prevent your pet from causing trouble for you and others, it is important to train it from an early age.

A breed that was never recognized by the International Canine Organization, but received the highest rating from breeders and owners, is the South African Boerboel. Disputes about these dogs still do not subside; for some they are half-breeds, tailless mastiffs, for others they are real kings in the dog world. Why did the dogs find themselves in this position and why are they remarkable?

Boerboels are indeed close relatives; in addition, the breed is an African line of Molossians. But there is not a single reason to call these dogs mestizos, since South African Boerboels are a full-fledged breed with a long, interesting history.

Researchers suggest that the ancestors of these dogs came not from Africa, but from Asia. Later they entered the territory Ancient Egypt, from where, thanks to Alexander the Great, dogs penetrated into European countries. Here their further history is lost, however, it is believed that dogs are the founders of almost all European breeds.

But there is another theory: dogs from Europe entered the African continent and mixed with local dogs. But in any case, there is no doubt that the breed was formed through natural selection. Their external and characteristic qualities have remained virtually unchanged over time. This origin has contributed to the fact that today the South African Boerboel is famous for its excellent health, endurance and power.

In the 17th century, the Boerboel was recreated from European breeds. For the residents of the Cape of Good Hope, they have become reliable helpers in farms. They turned out to be excellent defenders, guards and hunters. In the 20th century, the demand for such qualities in dogs decreased, and the breed's numbers declined significantly.

The next revival of the breed dates back to the 80s of the 20th century, and it took place in Africa and was successful. South African Boerboels can still be found in different parts of the world. They have also received recognition in Russia.

What does a South African Boerboel look like?

Although the breed is not recognized internationally, it receives support from the South African Kennel Club. It was here that the standard of its representatives was determined.

In dogs, a gender difference is clearly visible - females have a more compact, graceful physique, and they are better at making contact. Although females look no less menacing than males. Indicators of body weight and size are quite different and are assessed only in complex, important condition– this is maintaining the proportions of height and weight.

Body weight varies from 60 to 90 kg, the minimum height for males is 60 cm (preferred 66 cm), for females - 55 cm (preferred 61 cm).

From general description It can be noted that Boerboels are large dogs with a developed muscle corset and strong bones:

  • Head in dogs it is proportional to the body, when viewed in profile, its shape is rectangular, from above and from the front it is square. The frontal bone in dogs is wide, with a shallow groove in the middle. In the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, the skin forms folds, which are more pronounced during moments of concentration of the animal. Even on the dog's face the muscular relief is noticeable. The muzzle is wide, but tapers towards the end of the nose. The lips are dry, fleshy, the upper one covers the lower one, but does not reach the chin. The dogs have jowls, but they are not very drooping; their excessive formation is considered a fault of the breed.
  • Jaws The dogs are powerful, strong, with a strong grip. The teeth are completely complete and large. As a rule, there is a scissor bite, but a slight overbite is also allowed - straight or bulldog. The nose and lower jaw should be strictly on the same line. The nose is large, has correct form and wide open nostrils.
  • Eyes should be brown, darker shades are preferable. They are round, widely spaced, the eyelids are dense, with black pigmentation.
  • Ears triangular shape, small in size, have a high seat and are set quite wide apart when the dog is calm - they hang down and are not too close to the muzzle. If the dog is alert or interested, they rise slightly at the base.
  • Torso The Boerboel is powerful, strong, has a straight back without bending, and wide shoulders. The withers stand out a little, there is a smooth transition to the neck. There may be folds in this area.
  • Breast in dogs it is very wide, with pronounced muscles. The limbs, both hind and front, are smooth, the joints are large. Pets with straight knees or hocks do not meet the requirements of the standard.
  • Paws large, with gathered pads covered with thick skin dark color. The tail is set high and has a natural bend. It is dense, thick, reaches the length of the hock joints, and stops at the 3rd and 4th vertebrae.
  • Coat Boerboels have short, close-fitting guard hair that is soft and elastic. Skin of the nose, palate, lips, groin area has exclusively black pigmentation. The paw pads and claws are black.

The mask can be present in dogs of any color and does not refer to the disadvantages or advantages of a representative of the breed. The coat color is standard for mastiffs; brindle, red, and fawn Boerboels are also found. The standard also allows dogs with white spots on the chest and paws, but with the caveat that they are not recommended for breeding.

The appearance of dogs of this breed is quite aggressive and warlike, but does the character correspond to this type? In a sense, yes. Given their origins, you can understand why these dogs have a strong desire to dominate. The character traits of farm dogs are firmly ingrained in the genes - to subjugate the inhabitants of the farm and protect them from any danger. And at that time, not only a fox could encroach on the chicken coop, but also a lion could wander after the exotic inhabitants of the farmstead - deer, antelope.

Such living conditions led to the fact that dogs had to grow up early. Already at 3-4 months, the puppies had reasoning and the ability to make decisions on their own, otherwise it would be extremely difficult for them to survive. Therefore, if the baby begins to protect the owner, you should not be surprised. It is important for him to find out as early as possible who is “his own”, to become familiar with the territory, this will allow him to set priorities and continue to grow into an adequate dog.

The Boerboel has a positive attitude towards younger family members, but sometimes it can perceive other people’s children as small predators. He will not attack seriously, but he can at least frighten, at most push away and thereby cause minor injuries. Therefore, it is important to introduce the dog to strangers before they invade the territory.

The Boerboel is capable of protecting his family, literally, not for life, but for death. In this case, he makes the decision independently, and no commands will have any effect. Knowing that he will die, the dog will definitely try to take the offender with him.

How to care for your pet

Coat purebred dogs does not require special care. It is enough to periodically use a special massage brush or a rubber glove. Such actions will improve skin blood flow and rid the animal of dead epidermal cells and hairs. During molting periods, it is worth doing this a little more often.

South African Boerboel in the photo

Representatives of this breed are prone to hypothermia, so they are not recommended often. If possible, then bath procedures in winter it is better to avoid and remove dirt with a cloth or use dry ones. It is acceptable to wipe your pet with clean snow. For a Boerboel, two baths a year are enough; it is imperative to avoid drafts and walks until completely dry.

1-2 times a month using cotton swab. But they should be inspected regularly, especially after walks in the forest area. Healthy ears the inside is smooth, light-colored sulfur, odorless. Any discharge with an unpleasant odor is a reason to seek advice from a veterinarian.

eyes healthy dog clean, without tears or discharge. To prevent the development of infections, you need to wipe them every 3-4 days with a swab soaked chamomile decoction. The owner should be alarmed by reddening of the whites, profuse flow of tears, rapid blinking - this primary signs eye ailments.

South African Boerboel dog breed in the photo

Boerboels are best suited for keeping in an enclosure with the obligatory presence of an insulated booth. This is due to their love for large spaces, but the territory must also be limited. However, the dog feels good in the apartment only if he is provided with the necessary physical activity. He behaves well at home because he loves to sleep and can do so most of the day.

The pet requires two walks a day, each lasting at least 40 minutes. It is advisable to walk at a brisk pace, if possible, run and play with your pet.

More information about feeding the Boerboel:

Features of education and training

The enemy is an atmosphere of permissiveness; the dog can grow up willful and impudent. To prevent this from happening, a firm hand and strong character of the owner are required. All attempts at dominance must be immediately stopped, as well as manifestations of excessive self-confidence.

Toughness is required, but not cruelty. The pet must learn several prohibitions:

  • under no circumstances should you bite the owner, even during games;
  • Pulling on the leash is strictly prohibited;
  • you should not stand up leaning on people with your paws, as the dogs are quite heavy;
  • picking up garbage from the floor is prohibited; this is especially important for Boerboels, as they have a tendency to “gather”;
  • any conflicts with their own kind are stopped immediately, since dogs of this breed love to lead and are able to prove this in not the most humane ways; More often this quality is manifested in males.

The dog must be taught obedience as early as possible, introduced to the basic prohibitions and taught basic commands. The dog can learn all this by 4 months, since their early maturation has already been noted.

Photos of Boerboels

South African Boerboel puppies

Video about a Boerboel and a child

Cost of South African Boerboel puppies

You can buy a pet from your own hands without documents for 5,000, but experts do not recommend buying a puppy of such a serious breed where there is no normal selection. The average cost of a purebred puppy from a nursery is 40,000-50,000 rubles.

The South African Boerboel is a loyal dog, allowing owners to leave their doors open even at night. But they require attention, care and excellent training.

Boerboel nurseries

Boerboel nursery in Moscow:

Kennel in St. Petersburg:

Nursery in Ukraine: