What does the Egyptian eye mean? Eye of Horus tattoo: the secret meaning of the ancient Egyptian symbol. Is it suitable for women

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Eye of Horus

Wadjet is an ancient Egyptian symbol, representing a falcon's eye, knocked out from Horus during his fight with Set. Symbolized the moon, whose phases were explained by damage during the legendary battle. Personifies various areas world order, from royal power to fertility.

The Eye, or Eye of Horus, which is also called Atshet or the All-Seeing Eye, the Eye of Healing, has always meant hidden wisdom and clairvoyance, personified protection, healing from illness and resurrection after death. One of the legends tells about the case when Set killed Osiris, Horus resurrected Osiris by letting him eat his eye, cut into pieces by Set, which the god Thoth spliced ​​and revived.

The Eye of Horus is depicted as an eye with an eyebrow and a spiral. Many researchers explain this part of the Eye as a symbol of energy and eternal life, eternal movement. The Eye is often depicted in color using blue, blue-green, green and red.

Amulets in the form of the eye of Horus were worn by both pharaohs and simple people. They were placed in a shroud with mummies so that the deceased would be resurrected in the Afterlife.

The surviving ancient Egyptian texts have brought to us different versions myth about the eye of Horus. According to one of them, Seth pierced Horus’s eye with his finger, according to another, he stepped on it, according to the third, he swallowed it. One of the texts says that Hathor (or Tefnut) restored her eye by feeding it with gazelle milk. Another says that Anubis buried the eye on the side of a mountain, where it sprouted shoots in the form of a vine.

Horus used the reborn eye to resurrect his father Osiris. After Osiris swallowed the eye of Horus, his dismembered body grew together in the same way as the eye itself. Intended to help with resurrection, images of the eye of Horus were applied to Egyptian mummies at the hole through which their entrails were removed. Every month in the temples of Egypt, rituals were held to “restore” the Eye of Horus, associated with the lunar cycle.

“Isis conceived Horus from the dead Osiris, killed by the desert god Set, his brother. Retiring deep into the swampy Nile delta, Isis gave birth to and raised a son, Horus, who, having matured, in a dispute with Set, seeks recognition of himself as the sole heir of Osiris.

In the battle with Set, the killer of his father, Horus is defeated - Set tore out his eye, the wonderful Eye, but then Horus overpowered Set and deprived him of masculinity. Horus allowed his wonderful Eye to be swallowed by his father, and he came to life. After defeating Set, the eye of Horus grew again. The resurrected Osiris handed over his throne in Egypt to Horus, and he himself became the king of the underworld.”

The hieroglyphs for the divine eye in Egyptian writing are translated as "eye" and "to protect". Thus, the general meaning of this sign is: “guarding eye.” Apparently, the outline of this symbol reflected both features human eye, and the features of a falcon.

In one of the elements of Wadjet, scientists see a symbolic image of a falcon - the embodiment of Horus.

In Egyptian arithmetic, the components of Wadjet were used to write fractions from 1/2 to 1/64, and were also used to measure capacities and volumes.

Proportions of the Eye of Ra:

Proportions of the divine eye:

most of the eye: 1/2 (or 32/64)

pupil: 1/4 (or 16/64)

eyebrow: 1/8 (or 8/64)

smaller part of the eye: 1/16 (or 4/64)

teardrop: 1/32 (or 2/64)

falcon sign: 1/64

Wadget: 63/64

The Eye was depicted on Egyptian tombstones to help the dead in afterlife. Often, the Eye amulet also depicted a king cobra guarding it. Wadget was also depicted on the bow of boats to prevent them from going astray. The Eye of Horus served as a prototype of the painted eyes that were inserted into statues and masks of the dead in order to “revive” them and infuse them with souls during the ritual of “opening the lips and eyes.”

“Your soul descends upon the sacred sycamore, you call upon Isis, and Osiris hears your voice, and Anubis comes to call you. You receive the oil of the country of Manu, which came from the East, and Ra rises above you at the gate of the horizon near the sacred doors of Neith. You pass through them, your soul is now in the highest heavens, and your body is in the lower ones... O Osiris, may the Eye of Horus forever convey what blooms in it to you and your heart!” After these words were spoken, the ceremony was repeated again. Then removed from the body internal organs they were placed in the “liquid of the sons of Horus” for impregnation, the corresponding texts were read over them and placed in funeral vessels.

Maspero G. “The Ritual of Embalming” (“Le Rituel de I’Embaument”) is an ancient Egyptian papyrus containing a description of part of the ritual of “opening the lips and eyes.”

The left hawk's eye of Horus symbolizes the Moon, the right - the Sun, the spiral - eternal life. The left eye was damaged in the fight with Set - and this explains the lunar cycle and the unstable phases of the Moon. All Seeing Eye The mountain was also associated by the Egyptians with the North Star, as a symbol of illumination. Eye and eyebrow - strength and power, left and right eye - North and South, Sun and Moon, celestial space.

Eyes of Horus

Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, called Wadjet the main solar instrument, believing that every soul has an Eye that knows the truth. The Eye of Horus is intelligence, protection, mysticism, vigilance.

This text is an introductory fragment.

The Holy Eye of Horus symbolizes wisdom and strength, which can protect a person from any aggression and actions of enemies. The most powerful influence is exerted by talismans that are constantly with people - in the form of a tattoo or decoration. A patch on clothing or bed linen someone who wants to achieve their goals and open the veil of the mysterious world.


What does a talisman symbolize and its types in different cultures?

Eye of Horus different nations may symbolize the following:

  1. In Russia, Ujad is an eye enclosed in a triangle (other peoples may have no frame). It has been used since the 17th century to protect against harm.
  2. In China and Japan All-seeing eye personifies the past and future of humanity.
  3. In Greece, Udyat is considered a symbol of Apollo and means light and warmth.
  4. IN North America The Watchful Eye combines knowledge about the past and the future.

The interpretation of Udyat in various religious movements is as follows:

Only the Celts had the Eye of God negative meaning, personifying anger and envy.

Egyptian amulet

The meaning of the amulet in Egypt had a sacred meaning; priests used it in their rituals, associating the keen eye of a falcon with powerful insight.

The ancient Egyptian god Thunder was healed with the help of the Ujad talisman after losing his left eye and descending into the world of the dead. Another ancient deity, Osiris, resurrected after death with his help. From that moment on, the image of the eye was recognized as a protective amulet, endowed with the power of healing and restoration.

Egyptian image of the Eye of Horus

Sun and moon symbol

In Scandinavian and ancient Egyptian mythology, Ujad had the following interpretation: the right eye is a symbol of the Sun, the left eye is the symbol of the Moon. The night luminary personified feminine energy associated with the unconscious and darkness. With the loss of the left eye, the gods fell into the mystical hell of their own subconscious and acquired wisdom. This happened due to a change in the perception of one’s integrity.

The All-Seeing Eye of Horus in the Modern World

Currently, the talisman is endowed with such properties as:

  • assistance in recovery;
  • development of spirituality and intuition;
  • luck;
  • the ability to see and predict your future using dreams;
  • success on the path of finding purpose and understanding yourself.

Meet the image of the Eye of Horus in modern world Can:

  • in US dollars;
  • in Ukrainian hryvnia;
  • inside the Egyptian pyramids;
  • in icons;
  • on the pediments of Orthodox churches.

Image of the symbol on US dollars

How does the All-Seeing Eye help?

Regardless of the religion and gender of its owner, the eye of Horus helps in the following:

  • change fate in better side;
  • open the veil of the mysterious;
  • improve mental abilities;
  • strengthen the will;
  • to avoid negative influence and the evil eye;
  • look at the problem detachedly and find the right solution;
  • achieve a position in society;
  • advance along career ladder up.

Long-term use of the talisman helps its owner become perceptive enough so that he cannot be deceived.


The talisman helps women:

  • protect the family from ill-wishers;
  • learn how to allocate money wisely;
  • avoid unnecessary costs.

For men

The All-Seeing Eye gives representatives of the stronger sex confidence in their abilities and helps:

  • pass tests with dignity;
  • achieve material well-being;
  • take a high position at work;
  • avoid dubious transactions.

Use of the talisman

The most common use of the All-Seeing Eye is:

The video covers magical properties Egyptian talisman Wadget. Taken from the channel “Magiya s Koldovstvo”.

In the form of a pendant

The most common type of amulet is a pendant visible to everyone. of blue color with a white eye depicted on it. It can be used as decoration or used to decorate a living space.

A pendant with the All-Seeing Eye will protect the owner from any troubles and illnesses. In many European countries it is used to protect newborns from the evil eye. This talisman protects adults from poverty and failure.

At home

In an apartment or private house, it is advisable to place the talisman where the family most often gathers together. If this is a hall or kitchen, you can install a talisman or hang an image in the central part of the room. This will protect family members from misfortune. To protect your home, Ujad must be placed above the front door.

In the office

For a successful solution the following questions The image of the Eye of Horus is placed in the office on the desktop or in its drawers:

  • success in negotiations;
  • transactions;
  • signing contracts;
  • consideration of financial projects.

In the form of a tattoo

A tattoo with the Eye of Horus helps:

  • become bolder;
  • commit unusual acts;
  • achieve success in self-development.

To implement the main protective function talisman, it must be depicted in a triangle. In this case, the tattoo symbolizes God, who looks after the person's life.

If a person is engaged in magical practices, he should depict Ujad inside the pyramid. This will help unlock potential and allow you to establish contact with other worlds. For this purpose, many shamans and magicians made similar tattoos.

  • on the left - protection from witchcraft and anger;
  • in the chest area - protects against love spells and passions;
  • on the right - good luck in financial matters.

The photo shows a tattoo with the All-Seeing Eye

Material and activation of the talisman

The following materials are used to make the talisman:

  • stone;
  • faience;
  • clay;
  • wax;
  • leather;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • paper.

You need to activate the amulet by sequentially performing such actions.

One of the symbols that literally permeates the entire mythology and history of Egypt, and is related to many gods and pharaohs, is Wadget in its two main forms - the Eye of Ra and the Eye of Horus.

Eye of Ra

Eye of Ra, or the Solar Eye, personified power and authority, fire and light, vigilance and speed of reaction and was capable of burning any enemy. It was usually depicted as a Uraeus-cobra, quite often winged (apparently in honor of the goddess Nekhbet), sometimes with a solar disk.
The Solar Eye was identified with Wadjet (one of the few goddesses whose serpentine nature is beyond doubt), Nekhbet, Maat, Hathor and with all the goddesses depicted as a lioness: Tefnut, Sokhmet, Mehit and others.

As a prototype of the uraeus, the guardian of Ra, Wadget, was often presented in the form of a primordial snake spewing fire and poison - the sun's eye, burning his enemies with its fire. The image of the uraeus, according to some sources, was based on the southern Egyptian cobra - gaya, according to others - the asp.

Uraeus was a symbol of royal greatness, the power of life and death, the ability to rule and destroy the enemies of Ra. It was an integral part of the headdress of the pharaohs in the form of a vertical forehead snake, worn on a diadem, and from the Middle Kingdom - on a crown. The crown of Amun was topped with two uraei.
Images of the uraeus as protective signs were included in the sculptural decoration of buildings (the cornice of the chapel in the ensemble of the pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser in Saqqara, 28th century BC, etc.), paintings of tombs, drawings of the “Book of the Dead”, etc.

They are also widely represented in the architecture of some European cities.

In the predynastic era, Egypt included two warring regions - Upper and Lower (along the Nile). After their unification around 2900 BC. Pharaoh Men or Narmer into a centralized state, the country continued to be administratively divided into Upper and Lower Egypt, and was officially called the “Two Lands”. These are real historical events are reflected in many myths, according to which Egypt from the very beginning of the universe included two parts, each of which had its own patron goddess.
The southern part of the country was under the protection of Nekhbet, a goddess in the guise of a female kite, while the northern part was under the protection of the cobra snake Wadjet. Nekhbet and Wadjet were considered the daughters of Ra and his Eye.
The gods and pharaohs, under whose supervision and protection state power was in Egypt, wore the “United Crown of the Two Lands” - the “Pschent” crown. It was a combination of crowns

Upper and Lower Egypt into one whole and symbolized the unification of the country and power over it. On the Pschent crown a uraeus was depicted, rarely two uraeus: one in the form of a cobra and the other in the form of a kite; sometimes - papyri and lotuses tied together (emblems of Lower and Upper Egypt). Occasionally symbols united

The lands were represented by two cobras, crowned with red and white crowns.
The supreme deities also wore the atef crown - a headdress of two tall feathers, usually blue (heavenly) color - a symbol of deity and greatness. Amun was always depicted wearing the atef crown.

    The Eye of Horus (Eye of Ra, Wadjet) is a unique artifact of antiquity that protected a person from evil forces and spirits. This sign was promoted many centuries ago as a tool of protection and healing. The Eye of Horus was an integral part of talismans and amulets. The ancestors of the Egyptians believed in the strength and power of the deity, who became the ruler on Earth and legitimized the power of the pharaohs.

    Origin story

    According to ancient manuscripts, Horus was the son of Osiris (lord of the underworld). The inhabitants of the Nile Delta many centuries ago believed that the Son of the God of new life had unusual organs of vision.

    One day, the son of Osiris partially lost his unique gift. The reasons for what happened are described in ancient sources, but they vary. According to one legend, the God of war and chaos, Seth, personally gouged out his left eye, and according to another, the patron of disorder, personifying evil, stepped on the organ of vision, symbolizing the Moon, and then squeezed it out.

    There is also a version that Seth simply swallowed the “divine” eye. Does this mean that Horus will forever be without an eye? Some manuscripts report that the God of Wisdom (Thoth) helped return Horus’ organ of vision to its place. Some ancient Egyptian sources say that the healing occurred thanks to the Goddess of Love, who gave the victim gazelle milk to drink.

    After some time, a version arose that the eye of Ra was placed in the ground by Anubis (patron of the dead) with a special ritual. Then a vine appeared in the place where the eye of Horus was buried.

    Despite the magic of the artifact, the ancient Egyptians did not immediately believe in it. magical power. The amulet with the image of Wadget began to be made after one mythological incident, when Horus healed his own father with the help of his eye. But the amulet of the eyes of Horus also appeared later; initially, a symbol of protection and healing adorned mummies. Soon the Egyptians began to tattoo the Eye of Ra.

    Meaning of the Eye of Horus Symbol

    It should be noted that the left eye of Horus, which was restored, began to symbolize the Moon, and the right one - the largest star on the planet.

    An eye with an eyebrow means power and greatness, and the spiral depicted below is interpreted as a powerful flow of energy, the power of which is limitless. Often the eye of Ra tattoo design is complemented by a papyrus scepter (an amulet for resurrecting the dead) or a Coptic cross (the key of life).

    It is noteworthy that Horus, depicted with white eyes, was a symbol of the world of the living, and the black eye personified the world of the dead.

    Wadjet was significant evidence and a serious argument in favor of the fact that the people living in the Nile Delta are obliged to obey the will of the pharaoh (supreme ruler). However, other peoples also realized divine power artifact. But they depicted the eye of Horus in a triangle, which personified:

  1. light and wisdom among Buddhists;
  2. goodness and the divine principle among some Christian peoples;
  3. beauty and wisdom among the Greeks.

For Masons, the eye had a special sacred meaning, which combined such categories as wisdom, vigilance and the power of the Creator.

In cathedrals, chapels, temples and other architectural monuments you can often find an image of the Eye of Horus. However, the Christian religion rejects the theological nature of the All-Seeing Eye. That is why Orthodox people do not wear a pendant with his image.

Today, in some countries, the symbol of protection and healing continues to be used in everyday life. In particular, the artifact is depicted on a banknote and the US state seal.

For a man

Some mediums are confident that representatives of the stronger sex who want to gain financial independence, build a successful career and achieve high results in business are simply obliged to have the Eye of Ra talisman with them. With its help you can achieve all of the above. The amulet increases a man’s business intuition, thanks to which he will be careful when investing in dubious projects and increase capital in promising ones.

For the magic of the artifact to work, you need to hold it in your hands and at the same time recite the mantras: “I easily achieve my intended goal!”, “I am a conductor of success!”, “I attract material wealth to myself.” The right eye of Horus is considered the personification of the masculine principle.

For woman

Protects the eye of Horus and the fairer sex. The one who wears the magical talisman of the ancient Egyptians will have wisdom in managing the family budget.

It is very important for women to have protection from ill-wishers and envious people, as well as the ability to build a general strategy in solving the problems of close relatives. The all-seeing eye will be the main assistant in her true purpose: to keep the hearth and hearth. The left eye of Horus positions the feminine principle.

The meaning of the symbol in the tattoo

In a craft whose essence boils down to applying a permanent pattern to the body, the meaning of the interpretation of Wadget has remained unchanged for many centuries. Owners of a tattoo depicting an ancient Egyptian artifact consider themselves protected from the evil eye and damage, and also feel like they are part of the divine universe.

In addition, the image of the eye of Ra on the body gives a person the opportunity to delve more deeply into the essence of things happening on the planet. However, there is a version that if the owner of a tattoo with a drawing of the eye of the god Horus becomes a person filled with anger and envy, then he can cause a lot of trouble to others in the form of illnesses, deaths, failures in business and personal life.

Individual meaning is placed in the eye of Horus by those who are serving their sentences in “places not so distant.” If the All-Seeing Eye in a triangle is depicted on the wrist or hip, then its owner belongs to the LBGT community. The prisoner, who wears a symbol of protection and healing on his back, is believed to be in close contact with the prison administration. If the artifact is located on the eyelids, then its owner is a secret observer of everything that happens around.

Scope of application

Not only the ancient Egyptians wore an amulet and got a tattoo with the eye of Ra, which was supposed to protect the owner from the cruelty and tyranny of the supreme rulers. The eye of the god Horus is still considered a powerful apotropaia, which will not allow any catastrophes, troubles and troubles to occur to its owner.

It is believed that long-term wearing of an amulet or pendant with an artifact provides a person with good health and material well-being: you just need to believe in its miraculous power. Psychics and witches of today continue to insist that the eye of Horus can give everyone sharpness of thought, attentiveness and a positive attitude.


Currently, the eye of Ra pendant or talisman is made of metal, wood, clay, wood, and stone. Anyone who believes in the mystical power of the artifact can wear the amulet.


Ancient Egypt is often called a place of miracles. The Egyptians had a huge amount of knowledge, which allowed them to do many interesting and inexplicable things. The most popular talisman of this country is the Eye of Horus. It is usually brought from Egypt by travelers. What it means and how to use it correctly will be discussed below.

The Eye of Horus (also called the All-Seeing Eye) is. This is a symbol of God's eye, which observes everything that happens on earth and protects people.

The talisman is depicted as an eye with a spiral line enclosed in a triangle. This line represents energy that is in constant motion. An eyebrow is often depicted nearby, symbolizing power. The triangle signifies endless divine energy and the Holy Trinity. It is impossible to cognize these energy flows with human senses.

In Christianity, this symbol is found in chapels, temples, and cathedrals. Christians do not have a cult of worshiping him, but he is considered an amazing talisman with special miraculous powers. He reminds a person that God watches his actions, forcing him to live honestly and correctly.

The eye is distinguished between white and black. The right eye is called white, symbolizing solar energy, daylight hours, our future. The left eye, which is black, represents the moon, the night and everything that happened in the past.

The right one is more often used as a talisman; it will help attract more positive things into life and change it for the better. With the help of this talisman you can achieve your goals and get what you want. It brings success in everyday affairs and is more suitable for those who would like to establish a connection with the world of their ancestors in order to ask them for protection.

Amulet "Eye of Horus"

Various world religions use this symbol.

The Greeks call the symbol Apollo or the Eye of Jupiter.

For several centuries now, the Eye of Horus has demonstrated its power. In addition to patronage and protection, it helps a person become wiser, changing his attitude towards life, and makes the spiritual component of life especially valuable, and not just the material benefits that most of us strive for.

It is thanks to its uniqueness and strength that the Eye of Horus has not been lost and proves its power in the modern world.

Eye of Horus Tattoo

Eye of Horus Tattoo

Tattoos with special protective symbols applied to the body are quite popular. The secret symbol will be with the owner constantly, it cannot be forgotten or lost, which allows you to be protected all the time. By resorting to the help of experienced image painting artists, you can get not only a very effective sign, but also a rather beautiful decoration of your own body.

Tattoo Eye of Horus "Wadget" in Lately very popular, it is translated as “protecting”. This is a fairly simple and harmonious talisman, which is at the same time very a strong talisman. It conveys enormous strength and wisdom to its owner. It is better to refrain from applying the symbol to exposed parts of the body. He is depicted away from prying eyes on areas, covering with clothing or on the neck under the hair.

By following all the above recommendations for activating and wearing the Eye of Horus amulet, you can be confident in its magical help.