What's wrong with Mercury retrograde? Mercury retrograde meaning for you. How many times a year does Mercury retrograde await you?

Mercury retrograde symbolizes the processes of individualization, the growth of independence of the intellect. Human thinking becomes an independent process, divorced from what is happening around. Mercury retrograde is one of the indicators of introversion. This does not mean that Mercury retrograde is “bad” or “malefic.” It gives people strong intuition, deep intelligence; Although children born with Mercury retrograde may experience difficulties in learning, it seems that they already know everything, without teachers, that they draw knowledge from some bottomless internal piggy bank that they brought into this life from a past incarnation. They are characterized by a mysterious irrational wisdom, and for this reason, it can be difficult for such children to communicate with their peers, “normal” children.

Retrograde Mercury can mean interest in the collective unconscious (traditions, customs); it can create a predisposition to clairvoyance, perception of the thoughts of other people, and the study of occult sciences.

But more importantly, Mercury retrograde has a surprise in store for its wards. Sooner or later, dramatic changes occur in the lives of owners of such Mercury. The dam that separated them from those around them turns out to be broken by the accumulated mass of internal knowledge, and these people become hyper-contact, super-curious, super-communicative. Since such a breakthrough often occurs at the age when a person chooses a profession, formerly withdrawn children often choose such work for themselves in order to be in the thick of events and people - they become journalists, writers, reporters, and businessmen.

Mercury does not move further than 28° from the Sun, therefore it can be found in the horoscope in two positions - in front of the Sun (Prometheus, rising before the Sun) and behind it (Epimetheus, rising after the Sun). Paired with direct and retrograde movement, we get four states of Mercury, forming four types of thinking.

  1. Intuitive type of thinking. On the one hand, a person tends to actively seek answers to questions that arise in his mind, to obtain knowledge, and on the other hand, the most important direction of searching for knowledge in this case is through himself and within himself. The principle that applies most clearly here is: “Learning is remembering what we already actually know.” In order to understand the world around us, a person must first understand himself. The difficulty is that a person with this type of thinking, receiving new information, is faced with unfinished old questions that he once did not answer and which are repressed into the unconscious. And he tries to answer these old questions with the help of new information that has not yet acquired images and symbols, and therefore thinking occurs very intuitively. A person receives new information that does not fit into the framework of the images and stereotypes that he had. Therefore, he lives in colossal tension. Such Mercury very often disrupts mental and somatic connections. Moreover, the closer it is located to the Sun, the greater the disruption of relationships. These people, to a fairly high degree, can find themselves in situations of mental and physical stress or failure.

Persons: Robert Burns, Agatha Christie, Georges Simenon, Mikhail Bulgakov; Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, also happened to be here, testing the effects of medicines on himself.

  1. Reactive type of thinking. The owner of such Mercury likes to feel the power of his own intellect; he directs his thinking to interesting phenomena in the external world and obtains information that feeds his curiosity. In order to understand himself, it is important for this person to understand what is happening in the world around him. Distinctive feature Such people are the ease with which they project the results of their mental activity in images and symbols. Whatever they think, they can express it. The closer Mercury is to the Sun, the higher the speed of information processing. Sometimes such Mercury provokes the symptom of “strange questions”. For example, during a lecture a person asks questions that seem to be in no way related to the topic. In fact, the questioner has long understood the lecturer’s thought, knows in advance the course of his reasoning and asks a question related to future material or something that is not intended to be discussed in this course. If the orb of the conjunction with the Sun is less than one degree, then such a person may experience a mental revolt, a protest against the very idea of ​​​​the unknowability of the world. In their depths thought process lies approximately the following motive: if the world is arranged intelligently, then the human mind is capable of comprehending it.

Persons: Gogol, Gorky, Kant, Freud, Pushkin, Lomonosov, Newton, Kepler, Byron, Kulibin, Vernadsky.

  1. Adaptive type of thinking. Holders of this type of Mercury build a mental model of the world from bricks obtained by more specialized Prometheans. It is very important for them to discover some structure in the universe, since they are like creatures with an external skeleton: their own structure is due to the presence external structure and is its reflection. They notice patterns in the outside world and then adapt their lives to them. On every issue, such people have their own, thoughtful opinion. The mental and somatic connections for which Mercury is responsible are quite stable and stable for this type of person. Most of these people strive to socially realize their mental capabilities. Understanding the world and exploring the providence of the Lord God sometimes takes a central place in their lives. Burnt Mercury indicates high excitability and slow inhibition of all connections. Unconscious images that swarm in a person’s head often put pressure on consciousness, giving rise to various kinds of neurotic reactions. The fact is that Mercury has just overtaken the Sun here, it is in its glory. But no one appreciates or understands this. Therefore, underestimating his mental capabilities irritates and excites a person. The combustion of Mercury can manifest itself in such a phenomenon as unconscious perception and total absorption of any information (reading everything indiscriminately), which goes into the unconscious in images, from where it then emerges again in the form of images and manifests itself in the form of meaningful symbols. Therefore, in almost 100% of cases, these people are convinced that they have strong intuition. With dominant Mercury, a person is inclined to perceive his fate as fate, inevitability, predestination.

Persons: Lenin, Marx, Herzen, Descartes, Karamzin, Darwin, Kasparov, Tal, Alekhine, Zhukov and Daniil Andreev. The following people had burnt Mercury in this phase: E. Blavatsky, N. Roerich, A. Men, M. Lermontov.

  1. Conservative type of thinking. For these people, the structure of the inner world is more important. They assimilate information obtained by other people in the outside world, but in order to apply it primarily to themselves. And if you managed to restore order within yourself, what is happening outside also becomes meaningful. A striking example this type is a follower of several directions at once spiritual development or self-healing, taking a little from each specialized area to create its own concept. People with this phase of Mercury react slowly or weakly to new information. Images and symbols are not formed when confronted with new experiences, but emerge from the unconscious. In the mental activity of these people, deep human archetypes occupy a central place, and momentary conclusions and mental constructions are of no interest. Particular troubles arise with children who have this phase of Mercury. The fact is that they are usually quite deep in their knowledge and very unusual in their thinking style. They initially pay attention not to information, but to the deep knowledge with which it can be associated. They are either interested in something or not. If they reach any results in their thoughts, they do not consider it necessary to share this with others. Psychological connections in such people have a cyclical, repeating nature. If they are offended by something, they will repeatedly return to this episode, furnishing it with more and more new images and symbols. If a person becomes interested in a problem, he does not let it out of his sight for a long time, which gives the impression of an obsession.

Persons: Paracelsus, Dostoevsky, Alexander Blok, Fet, P. Kapitsa.

Mercury is one of those “fast” planets whose movement affects us fully. Its position at the moment of a person’s birth is reflected in the speed and acuity of the individual’s thinking, and in Everyday life it affects our perception of information, trade and diplomatic processes, and readiness for constructive dialogue.

Retrograde (retrograde) Mercury is a separate issue. They fear him and attribute various terrible events to him. However, in reality everything is not so scary. The retrograde periods of this planet are a kind of blessing. Now we’ll tell you what this means and what you shouldn’t do while Mercury is “moving back” back.

Pros of Mercury Retrograde

When Mercury goes backward:

  • We clearly see all our previous mistakes, and most importantly, we have the opportunity to correct them or at least make their consequences least noticeable.
  • There is a chance to restore the relations that we ineptly “merged” and successfully bring to an end negotiations that have reached a dead end.
  • Completing previously started projects becomes quick and enjoyable.
  • What requires adjustment manifests itself; there is no need to look for shortcomings, they “float out” on their own.
  • Next to us appear those of our acquaintances with whom we are truly closely connected - by affairs (past and future), interests, hearts and souls.
  • We begin to understand what was previously inaccessible to us. The next stage of personality formation and maturation is taking place.
  • There is a desire (and most importantly, the opportunity) to return to “shelved” matters and “frozen” projects and bring them to an effective conclusion.
  • Our past achievements begin to work for us with triple force; Our long-term professional (business) reputation attracts new profitable offers to us.

What to do while Mercury retreats

The period of Mercury retrograde is a time for special things that are necessary and give best result. So, what should be included in your action plan:

  • A visit to a psychotherapist - all phobias and manias are treated quickly and successfully.
  • Proofreading manuscripts, checking and analyzing information, working with archives - texts and information are perceived in a completely different way, which allows you to grasp the essence.
  • Scheduled meetings with people whom you often come across by chance or who deliberately remind you of themselves by sudden appearances are a chance to figure out what they need from you, and most importantly, to understand whether you need it.
  • Sorting out old things, photographs, letters, documents and bills - by mercilessly throwing away everything that has become obsolete, you open the way to the new and beautiful.
  • Sessions of “soul-searching” and reflection – when Mercury is retrograde, you can afford all this, since there is a chance not only to learn a lot of new things about yourself, but also to get rid of what is gnawing at you.
  • Meditation, passive rest, reading books that provide food for the mind.
  • Computer cleaning, software update, preventive work, saving all important files to additional alternative media.
  • Fulfillment of promises that were never reached before, repayment of material and moral debts.

Cons of Mercury Retrograde

The influence of Mercury retrograde on our existence is quite extensive. During periods of retreat, the following not very pleasant events occur with enviable regularity:

  • Equipment malfunctions and even breaks down: phones, computers, televisions, radios and players - in general, everything that has anything to do with receiving and transmitting information.
  • We stupidly initiate changes for which we are not ready physically, morally, or financially, and then we pay for our impulsiveness.
  • Ridiculous deals are often made and unviable alliances are formed.
  • People with an unsettled fate unite in asocial communities and try to destroy the world of those who are more fortunate and successful.
  • Old grievances “resurface”, and conflicts that were considered resolved flare up with renewed vigor.
  • Are escalating chronic diseases, especially of a mental nature, people acquire new phobias.
  • Secrets come out, not only those that we deliberately carefully keep, but also those that we have conveniently forgotten about.
  • They disappear somewhere necessary documents, things get lost, letters (regular and electronic) often do not reach their recipients.
  • Ridiculous numerical and semantic errors creep into official documents, author's texts, and monologues.
  • A lot of unreliable information appears, most often with frightening and sad content.
  • History is being “rewritten”, supposedly newly discovered facts emerge, miracles begin to happen with long-verified information - they are questioned and declared fiction.

Naturally, we are not able to influence all of the above and not everything can be avoided, however, with proper behavior and some adjustment of actions, it is quite possible to reduce Negative influence Mercury retrograde to a minimum.

What not to do while Mercury is “backing away”

So, in order for the retrogression of Mercury not to cause much damage, during these periods it is not necessary:

  • Use unverified information.
  • Start new long-term projects and your own business, invest.
  • Making promises, hope, free rein for emotions, borrowing money, a reason for quarrels and jealousy.
  • Plan for the distant future and radically change your established life.
  • Buy equipment, including a car.
  • Take on new obligations, mortgages and consumer loans.
  • Go on long trips to unfamiliar places.
  • Start building a house, purchase real estate.
  • Be frank, even with those whom you think you can completely trust.

In conclusion, we will designate the periods of Mercury retrograde in 2019, and also note the complete cycles of the retrograde and direct movement of the planet, when it leaves one zodiac sign, “travels” through the previous one and returns back.


    • From March 5, 2019 to March 28, 2019,
    • From July 8, 2019 to August 1, 2019,
    • From October 31, 2019 to November 20, 2019

And let us remind you: Mercury is a “fast” but wise planet, so instead of being scared, take advantage of the moment of its retrograde and correct what you consider wrong, plunge into memories and weed out, and then delete those that cause pain. And most importantly, be more loyal to those without whom you cannot imagine your existence. In general, take care of yourself and your loved ones.

The planet Mercury is one of the fast planets in the solar system, the movement of which significantly affects human life. Position of the planet at the time of birth human personality influences the acuity and speed of an individual’s thinking, and in everyday life affects the perception of information flows and the resolution of commercial and diplomatic processes. The planetoid often influences mental and speech moments in a person’s life, and without the blessing of Mercury it can be impossible to enter into a constructive dialogue. The power of Mercury affects education, speech and commerce.

During retrograde Mercury, you need to be patient, because the planet will provide a lot of opportunities to correct mistakes, and will also test your body’s resistance to stress. The celestial body will subject people's consciousness to mental stress, so it is necessary to be prepared for sudden changes. People who cannot stand it will try to speed up the inhibited processes of the universe, which will entail a series of unfavorable consequences. Be ready!

Retrograde Mercury - what is it?

Particular importance is attached to the retrograde movement of the planet, that is, the opposite movement, return. Retrograde motion represents the apparent path of another planet from the surface of the Earth. The secret of retrograde is called optical effect, as a result of which Mercury seems to move backward, which is explained by the difference in the speeds of the two astronomical objects relative to the Sun. As a result retrograde movement the celestial body passes its path through the same signs of the zodiac through which it has already passed its path in direct motion.

Returning Mercury affects the astronomical speeds of the planets solar system, as a result of which the values ​​of magnetic fields, the force of attraction and the near-axial velocity of the planets change for a short time. The retrograde movement of Mercury distorts and slows down the functions of the planet and small objects of the solar system, significant impact this process affects living organisms. There is an opinion that retrograde Mercury affects global processes in the life of humanity and other planets, influences the course of catastrophic and destructive actions in the solar system, in particular on Earth.

From an astrological point of view, the retrograde movement of a celestial body is a return to the past, a rethinking of accumulated experience, a return to the ancestors and the primitiveness of the universe. Terrifying things and facts are attributed to the retrograde period of the planet, but in reality everything is so deplorable: the return of the planet is a kind of benefit, which still should not be abused.

Positive Qualities of Mercury Retrograde

The retrograde movement of the celestial body begins to use the previously accumulated internal energy of the planet, slowing down its external functions and activating introspective processes. As a result, the flow of processes in the universe will slow down, which allows you to deal with the accumulated rubbish both outside and in your own consciousness, as well as eliminate problems and troubles. The retrograde movement of the planet causes a lot of positive processes that can be used to your advantage:

  • During the movement of a celestial body, all of its previous mistakes become visible and it becomes possible, if not eliminated, then to minimize their consequences. Planetoid will allow you to start everything from a clean slate in the book of life.
  • An opportunity is provided to restore previous relationships and return a loved one, reversing feuds and quarrels. There is a desire to return to unresolved matters and eliminate the accumulated problems, bringing them to an effective conclusion.
  • The retrograde movement of a celestial body triggers in the human consciousness the processes of self-development and personality formation, which represents a new stage in the development of the individual’s mind and mental stability of the mind.
  • The planet will allow you to solve unfinished tasks and bring important negotiations out of impasse. During the retrograde of Mercury, completing unsolved matters and started projects will become easy and pleasant, and completed tasks will be distinguished by high-quality and productive execution.
  • In addition, Mercury enhances accumulated achievements with triple strength. A positive reputation or work result will surface, attracting profitable and productive offers. The retrograde of the planet is the moment when your actions will begin to work for you.

Mercury backing away: negative aspects

However, it is worth remembering that any shifts in the universe also entail negative processes. The influence of retrograde Mercury has a significant impact on the entire functioning of the solar system, affecting the productivity and performance of equipment and human consciousness. Retrograde of a celestial body entails the following consequences:

  • Massive breakdowns and malfunctions of computer equipment or information transmitters occur. Extensive use of computers, televisions or radios will negatively affect the performance and service life of the equipment. Limit your time on technology and spend more time on fresh air or nature.
  • The retrograde movement of the planetary ball causes a hasty and confused initiation of life changes, which negatively affects the quality of life of the individual. Deciding spontaneously and without thinking various situations or problems, people will begin to suffer in the near future from the consequences of decisions and their own impulsiveness.
  • IN this period antisocial people unite in groups and try to destroy the world of the more successful and fortunate. During retrograde Mercury, mass unrest, outbreaks of famine or epidemic diseases, as well as aggravation of military-political situations or natural disasters are possible. When situations escalate, it is necessary to completely eliminate the sources of sources or capitulate, since even a banal quarrel with a loved one can have unpleasant and destructive consequences.
  • Old grievances surface, secrets are exposed, old grievances are remembered. Resolved conflicts may flare up with renewed vigor, which will lead to new, but more global, quarrels and grievances, the resolution of which will require more effort.
  • Exacerbation occurs chronic diseases, human fears intensify and new phobias appear, the load on the central nervous system increases significantly, and possible manifestations of anxiety and insomnia. Mercury retrograde is a period of increased stress on the mental shell of the consciousness of the human mind, and not every individual is able to painlessly survive the consequences of the planet’s reverse movement.
  • Travel, both long and short, has a negative impact on health. The trip may either not take place or present a lot of problems, without timely resolution of which new obstacles will appear. Of course, all of the above cannot be avoided, however, with the proper attitude and timely adjustments to actions, it is possible to minimize the consequences of the retrograde movement of Mercury.

What can you do during the planet's return?

The period of return of the planet is a favorable stage for the beginning of special tasks, the implementation or results of which must be completed in this moment. The most favorable activities will be those under the control of Mercury: working with information and documents, self-improvement of body and spirit, mental relaxation. To use the retrograde of a celestial body to your advantage, it is recommended to include the following tasks in your diary:

  • Visit a therapist or meet with close friends and family for a heart-to-heart talk. During retrograde Mercury, all fears and phobias are cured with proper treatment, strong connections are established with truly close people, and the emotional burden on the psyche is relieved.
  • Carry out work in archives, check and proofread documents, old letters and manuscripts. The essence of the planet will allow you to look at information differently and grasp it true essence, which speeds up the data processing process.
  • Disassemble old things, clean up the archives, or do a general cleaning in the house or at work. By throwing away unnecessary or unclaimed things, you open the way to light and everything new. While tidying up somewhere, a person will also put things in order in his own mind, putting everything on shelves.
  • Plan meetings with people you dream about or think about often. The retrograde movement of the planet will allow you to understand the very essence of the problem and find out what people need from you and whether you yourself need it.
  • It is also recommended to pay a moral debt, say goodbye or make peace with a person, take up fulfilling your promises, so that after the planet returns to normal movement, there is no heavy burden or unnecessary responsibility on the soul.
  • Conduct personal self-development sessions, meditate and be alone with yourself. The best solution would be long walks in nature and contemplation. Mercury will give you food for thought, allow you to deal with your internal problems, and get rid of what is gnawing at you. Having solved your problems, you can start life from scratch, because the planet will provide a comfortable and beneficial beginning.

Things contraindicated for Mercury retrograde.

The enhancing ability of retrograde Mercury can also negatively affect a person’s life and destiny. So that the planet does not cause significant time and negative consequences, it is not recommended to actually implement the following plans:

  • Start your own business, invest in something, start long-term relationships or contracts. The speed and impulsiveness of decision-making can play a cruel joke, the consequences of which will remind you of a wrong decision for a long time.
  • It is undesirable to make promises, borrow money or things, quarrel or be jealous, take out loans or mortgages, obligations to people. This is fraught with negative consequences for the mental shell of the mind, which will already be loaded with the influence of the planet.
  • Plan or radically change your life, look into the future, plan globally or dream.
  • Be frank and pour out your soul, even in front of loved ones and relatives you can trust. Excessive mental and psychological stress will negatively affect the relationship and life of both interlocutors.
  • Use unverified information, trust gossip or rumors, of which there will be quite a lot.
  • Participate in social life or be around large crowds of people. This is fraught with sudden calls of panic and unrest, which when large quantities people are doubly dangerous.

When is Mercury retrograde? Planet time.

The celestial globe is in retrograde phase approximately three times a year, remaining in a retrograde state for about three weeks each phase. Mercury will return to the retrograde phase four times in 2017, and three times in 2018. Mercury retrograde periods:

  1. from December 19, 2016 to January 8, 2017,
  2. then in the spring from April 10 to May 03,
  3. in summer from August 13 to September 5,
  4. in winter from December 3 to December 23,
  5. from March 23 to April 15, 2018,
  6. in summer from July 26 to August 19
  7. and November 17 to December 7.

The quality and well-being of life is largely influenced by the horoscope sign and the location of the stars, however, the ability of retrograde Mercury to enhance the astrological impact can cause both a series of favorable and negative consequences. Mercury, although fast, is a wise planet, so it is recommended not to be afraid of the turning period, but to use your chance to correct personal mistakes and improve your life. Be vigilant and use the full power of the space object to achieve your personal goals.

Transiting Mercury goes retrograde about three times a year. Since the speed of perception is influenced by the speed of the planet’s movement (and before the start of the retrograde movement and after its end, it always “slows down” its course), we can say that people with retrograde Mercury natal chart slower than those with a straight line.
Mercury retrograde in the natal chart indicates slowness of thinking, caution and caution in communication. People with retrograde Mercury make decisions after long and painful deliberation, and after some time they can review and change what they have made. People with retrograde Mercury know how to benefit from even the little things that people with “regular” (direct) Mercury may simply miss.
Mercury retrograde, if intact, indicates shallow-rooted negative traits character that can be corrected before the next retrograde movement and most often speaks of developed mental abilities. Position in front of the Sun promises wit; “in the rays of the Sun” – strong subjectivism; behind the Sun - a penchant for mysticism, occult sciences or vocal talent.
If it is damaged, this may indicate an ordinary mind and noticeable imbalance of character, attacks of laziness, negligence, carelessness, little creative ability, difficulty in making important decisions, or any mental or speech complexes. He also often talks about difficulties in studying, a lack of practicality, nervousness, instability, and a constant craving for movement. They are also characterized by restlessness, a very critical mind and a morbid concern for little things. It is difficult for a person to adapt to a rapidly changing situation.
On the other hand, the negative aspects of Mercury provide great mental energy, as well as a chance to fight with oneself, as it forces one to learn order, discipline, methodfulness, and the ability to finish what one starts to a victorious end. This position is precisely the source of energy that a person must use to atone or mitigate his karma.
Using the ephemeris, you can calculate how many days (by secular directions - how many years) the retrograde motion of Mercury lasts. The turn of Mercury from retrograde to direct in progressive charts marks a bright turn for the better, the end of a period of stagnation, liberation.
During the period of Mercury retrograde, negotiations may cease, the conclusion of agreements and signing of contracts may be postponed, and those that are signed will later be renegotiated. Important and serious decisions should be postponed until transiting Mercury has passed the degree from which it began its retrograde movement. It should also be noted that often affairs governed by retrograde Mercury are conducted secretly, as if from behind the scenes, until it resumes its direct movement and reaches the degree from which it began its retrograde path.

Retrograde Mercury has the greatest influence on those people who have it as the dominant of birth and who are engaged in “Mercurian” affairs, for example, journalists, correspondents, other press workers, writers, teachers, lecturers, intermediaries, accountants, doctors, people who are on the move due to their work.
If for people with retrograde Mercury in the natal chart in the Progressive Horoscope, retrograde coincides with the years of study at school or university, then we can say that educational process walks with difficulty, they learn reluctantly and are relieved to switch to labor activity. If, according to the Progressive Horoscope, Mercury retrograde falls in later years, then this is reflected in the sphere of communication, people become slower and indecisive. Unforeseen factors may also arise that will lead you astray.
If Mercury is direct (straight) in the natal chart, then things are different. As a rule, during a retrograde, people begin to manifest negative character traits due to Mercury specificity, therefore, for the entire period of the retrograde movement of transit Mercury, you should stop engaging in those Mercury activities that were in progress before the retrograde, unless there is no way to do this . For example, it is impossible to stop accounting activities, stop trading, and the like. But during this period, it should be remembered that more errors will appear in calculations than usual, papers may be drawn up incorrectly, errors and typos will appear in correspondence, and the number of problems with vehicles, communications and electronic devices, problems arise in production due to the lack of any necessary and necessary parts, production may stop altogether.

Retrograde Mercury in Zodiac Signs

Mercury retrograde in Aries
Here Mercury retrograde indicates that in past life this individual was engaged in dishonest work, acted with dishonest methods, and violated all the norms of ethics and morality. In this life, in order to atone or at least mitigate his Karma, he must work honestly and conscientiously, observing all articles and paragraphs of the law. It is necessary to combat self-praise, hot temper, impatience, aggressiveness, rashness, militaristic and extremist views and behavior that incite people to civil strife.

Mercury retrograde in Taurus
Mercury retrograde in Taurus gives a slow, calculating mind, a strong craving for money or other material values, as well as a pathological fear of not getting what is possible to get. By nature, a person with such Mercury is an extreme materialist. The main things in his life are money, material wealth, sex and good tasty food. Creative abilities are often observed.
Retrograde Mercury in the sign of Taurus indicates that in a past life the main goal of the individual was only money, material values ​​and profit. In this life he should give up extreme materialism. The best way soften your karma - service with full dedication in the field of art, service to society and the people, only in this way can you achieve the golden mean.

Mercury retrograde in Gemini
Gives an extraordinary mind and innate abilities - artistry and the ability to craft (“golden hands”).
Indicates that in a past life the individual was engaged in intellectual activity, but not entirely successfully. In this life, he should continue this activity, using the experience of the past and try to make previous mistakes, abandon previous misconceptions.

Mercury retrograde in Cancer
Promises good understanding with children, as well as knowledge of their psychology and behavior. But when communicating with them, a person with such Mercury should suppress his emotional outbursts, which can leave a deep mark on the child’s soul.
Mercury retrograde in Cancer indicates that in a past life big mistakes were made regarding the home, family life, raising children, their education. Now we will have to abandon selfishness and subjectivism, and devote our lives to our present family and children.

Mercury retrograde in Leo
Gives too strong a desire to dominate others. “Peacock pride” can greatly interfere with relationships with the outside world. The man’s motto: “I am a genius, I am the Sun!” and woe to anyone who refuses to obey this “majesty” and become his admirer and admirer. He wants to be the idol of his circle, but in order to gain real authority, he must suppress his painful pride, learn to listen to others and accept criticism of his own personality.
Indicates that in a past life, in relation to the world around him, he was a tyrant and despot. In the present life, an individual must suppress his lust for power, give up aggressiveness and “jamming,” and come to terms with the fact that he should not, at all costs, be an idol and an idol for everyone. He should be more lenient towards other people.

Mercury retrograde in Virgo
Gives a mania for perfection, excessive concern for one’s health and diet. Shiny analytic skills, but a passion for edification, a too sharp tongue, a tendency to criticize everyone and everything. Plans and intentions that are not fully implemented or “wrong” lead to a bad mood, a search for someone to blame, which causes deep disappointment and frustration nervous system(and if damaged, also the psyche). All this taken together can make a person unhappy.
Retrograde Mercury in the sign of Virgo indicates that in a past life the individual was too frivolous in relation to his health, led an immoral lifestyle, involving other people in it, was too critical and intolerant of the mistakes and mistakes of others. In this life, you need to more objectively perceive and analyze criticism addressed to yourself and criticize others less. Now reason must prevail over feelings.

Mercury retrograde in Libra
People with retrograde Mercury in the sign of Libra have innate artistic abilities, but they are prevented from putting their talent into the service of society as negative properties the essential nature of Mercury itself and the sign of Libra, as well as the lack of determination and integrity. If damaged - disloyalty, tactlessness, infidelity in marriage and business partnerships, a tendency to intrigue, squabbles, anonymous letters, etc.
Mercury retrograde in the sign of Libra indicates that in a past life the individual was very unfair and dishonest towards his partners. In this life, he must give up criticism of others, lies, slander, and intrigue. Now, through his behavior and activities, he must bring joy to other people. The best area for this is the world of art.

Mercury retrograde in Scorpio
Often sexually attracts frivolous, flighty, perverted and dissolute people.
Indicates that in a past life the individual not only sinned intellectually, but also led an immoral lifestyle, where sexual adventures were placed at the forefront of the stage of life, when dissipation and perversity ruled over the mind. Now he must atone for his karma by showing himself with the best side or working in the field of science, technology, or pedagogy.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius
The proverb is very suitable here: “He who hugs wider, presses poorly.” What hinders a person most of all is versatility, fragmentation in everything.
Indicates that in a past life the individual was so scattered that he could not concentrate on one thing. In this life, in order to have at least some success, he will have to learn to follow one specific goal, approach it seriously and in depth, and only after achieving it, take on the next thing.

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn
Gives a simple, ordinary, but insightful mind, attacks of laziness, often negligence, carelessness. Strengthens such negative traits as selfishness, envy, cunning, cunning, greed, avarice. It also gives a tendency to melancholy and depression. The ability to implement one’s chains, plans, and ideas is reduced or completely absent. Success is limited and happiness is invisible. A person with such Mercury does not follow the lead of others, does not accept other people's thoughts, ideas, views, opinions. He is cautious and distrustful, skillfully evading any suggestions and advice in order to personally think and analyze everything without unnecessary emotions and outside interference.
Retrograde Mercury in the sign of Capricorn indicates that in a past life the individual was too inaccessible to others, too sober, cold, selfish and selfish, lived only for himself and his wealth, despised everyone and everything that did not concern him personally. In this life, it is necessary to correct previous sins, you will have to serve for the joy and benefit of others, and, if possible, help everyone who needs help.

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius
Not a bad position with no harmful aspects. Gives you a chance to become a good inventor, designer, innovator, as well as the opportunity to use circumstances to find necessary funds, a wealthy sponsor or philanthropist.
Indicates that in a past life the individual, despite his excellent intellectual abilities, was for some reason isolated from society, which could be due to his own fault or the fault of others. In this life he is given every opportunity to become popular, even famous, and to realize those ideas that were not possible to realize in a previous life. But you should adhere to the laws of friendship, learn to conduct dialogues with the right people, be able to separate other people’s ideas into more and less important ones, rely more on your own intuition.

Mercury retrograde in Pisces
Indicates that in a past life the individual was apparently a dishonest individual. He was probably engaged in deception or fraud, throwing dust in his eyes. In this life, he should lead a righteous lifestyle, engage in activities that would delight the souls of those around him. This is an innate poet, but he must learn to implement his intuitive ideas, plans, intentions, master the techniques of oral and written communication, think more practically, concretely, show more criticality in the areas of love, sex, religious issues, help people in their suffering not only kind words, but also by deeds.

Retrograde Mercury in the horoscope fields

Retrograde Mercury in the 1st field
Frivolity, frivolity, selfishness, greed, low-quality curiosity, self-deception and deception of other people are possible. Great criticality. Often infantilism. Absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate on one thing, an abundance of unrealizable ideas.

Retrograde Mercury in the II field
Superficial, changeable character, too much craving for money and material values. The individual depends on the mood of the spirit and the rapidly changing mood. Usually there is no serious goal in life, a person is busy only with everyday affairs.

Retrograde Mercury in the 3rd field
Difficulties in relationships with friends, loved ones, siblings, neighbors and work colleagues. Too sharp a tongue, excessive criticality, intellectual and emotional failure. Lack of self-analysis, self-criticism, self-discipline, self-control, self-control.

Retrograde Mercury in the IV field
Difficult relationship with parents or with one of them. Noticeable immaturity. Unbridled emotions interfere with mental development and communication with family members. Too painful craving for the past, which prevents you from concentrating on the present, on reality.

Retrograde Mercury in the V field
Frivolity, frivolity, excessive interest in the opposite sex, extramarital love affairs, casual intimate contacts, illegitimate children. Poor relationships with children. The work is mediocre without much success.

Retrograde Mercury in the 6th field
Health problems or lack of mutual understanding with servants, bosses or work colleagues. Internal alarm, quick vulnerability, a critical mind in relation to oneself and others, self-doubt, excessive painful practicality, nervousness. Possible disability. Often futile work that requires cooperation with others. It is advisable to have a freelance profession or work at home.

Retrograde Mercury in the 7th field
In a past life, due to my own fault, there were problems in relationships with marriage partners and business partners. In this life, you should abandon frivolity and frivolity in relation to your partners, fulfill all your obligations, agreements, contracts honestly and conscientiously, avoid lies, infidelity, possible betrayal, in order to avoid discord in relations with partners.

Retrograde Mercury in the VIII field
To correct the mistakes of a past life and avoid troubles in this life, you will have to give up black magic, atrocities for the sake of money, from pure materialism and move to a spiritual way of life. In this life you will have to serve for the benefit of other people, contributing to their return to a righteous lifestyle.

Mercury retrograde in the 9th field
In a past life, a person could have been a member of an inquisitorial court or even an executioner. Now we will have to abandon religious fanaticism, sectarianism and all existing church dogmas. Our present life must be built on a strong spiritual foundation. The individual must set himself a high life goal spiritual character and strictly follow it. He is required to be practical, organized, respect for justice and the rule of law.

Retrograde Mercury in the X field
In politics, a person with such Mercury is an obvious opportunist, in business - a functionary, businessman, administrator. In a past life, he achieved heights in his career by going over the heads of others. Now he must serve others so as not to fall or fall into disfavor himself. You will have to atone or mitigate your karmic debt to one of your parents and to those who suffered in a past life because of his frivolity, frivolity, and dishonest actions.

Retrograde Mercury in the 11th field
In a past life, the individual was most likely a scoundrel towards close friends and like-minded people, guardians and other benefactors. He deceived them and cleverly used them to his advantage. Now you will have to atone for your guilt before friends, like-minded people and before others with honest service and honest attitude towards them. Now the individual himself must become their guardian, philanthropist, virtue and do everything to help them and direct them to the true path of life. Being promiscuous in your friends can lead to disastrous consequences.

Retrograde Mercury in the XII field
In a past life, the individual was captive of illusions, he built castles in the air one after another, lived by lies and deception. His slander, intrigues, and anonymous letters destroyed the destinies of many people. Now he will have to compensate everything a hundredfold. We must serve people, alleviate their situation, help them, and lead them away from an immoral lifestyle.

Historical figures with Mercury retrograde
Peter I (in Gemini), Ravel (in Pisces and the 4th field), Chopin (in Aquarius and the 5th field); Beaumarchais (in Aquarius), Sarah Bernhardt (in Libra), Chirac (in Sagittarius and the 10th field), Kissinger (in Gemini and the 12th field), Vladimir Dal (in Sagittarius), F. M. Dostoevsky (in Sagittarius), Alexander Blok (in Scorpio), Nikolai Gumilyov (in Aries), Anna Akhmatova (in Gemini), Boris Pasternak (in Aquarius), Osip Mandelstam (in Capricorn), Mikhail Bulgakov (in Taurus), Alexander Solzhenitsyn (in Capricorn), Mikhail Zhvanetsky ( in Pisces), Arkady Strugatsky (in Leo), Igor Tamm (in Cancer), Pyotr Kapitsa (in Leo).

Mercury retrograde usually does not promise anything good for people. When the planet begins to “retrograde”, a difficult period begins. But not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. Let's plunge into the world of astrology and try to figure out what to do during retrograde days.

How does Mercury retrograde affect a person's life?

Astrologers believe that Mercury retrograde directly affects people's lives. They may not know about it, but they will definitely feel the changes.

We share the conclusions and observations that expert astrologers have collected and accumulated over the years:

  1. The planet begins to retrograde 3-4 times a year, each period lasting about three weeks. The energy of Mercury, interacting with people, makes them less attentive and more distracted. The ability to concentrate and focus on one thing decreases, and the risk of mistakes is high. This phenomenon is most easily noticed in schoolchildren - academic performance falls, grades temporarily become worse.
  2. The planet has a very negative effect on any new business and transactions. Therefore, it is not recommended to plan or start anything during the retrograde period. Even new acquaintances are extremely undesirable, because they can bring a lot of troubles and disappointments into your life.
  3. Many people experience a period when they suddenly want to remember and analyze the past. If such a desire arises in you, that’s great. You can sort out all the mistakes you made earlier and finally learn important lessons so that you no longer find yourself in unpleasant situations.
  4. But you have a great chance to regain a long-lost relationship with a person with whom you quarreled or stopped communicating in the past. This is a favorable period for restoring old connections, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity.
  5. During the retrograde period, a person reaps the fruits of past actions and deeds. If he previously worked hard and his thoughts were positive, he will receive several times more. If he was lazy and harmed other people, “retribution” would overtake him.
  6. It is imperative to return to long-delayed matters and bring what you started to the end, complete all projects. Then they will bring a solid jackpot, and you will stop suffering from the fact that the burden of unfinished obligations weighs on you.
  7. During retrograde time, those people with whom you did not hope to resume communication may appear again and again in your life. Therefore, this is a great chance to understand whether you need them and return them if desired.
  8. All the mistakes that need to be corrected come to the surface and become visible. Therefore, you can easily detect and correct them, which helps change your life for the better.

Deterioration of attention and concentration, the appearance of people from the past, unfinished affairs and actions - this is what is clearly manifested during the period of Mercury retrograde. You need to be able to use all this.

What to do when Mercury is retrograde

Basic knowledge of astrology and understanding of the processes that occur in different periods will help you adapt to the energy of the planets. Which will ultimately improve the quality of your life.

  1. If you have been planning to go to a psychologist or psychotherapist for a long time, do it. Your traumas, negative attitudes, blocks and beliefs can most effectively be worked through during the retrograde period.
  2. Sort through archives of photographs, old papers, notes and letters. Throw away what has long ceased to be relevant. Leave the essentials and what brings back pleasant memories.
  3. Creative people who write poetry, books, articles are recommended to re-read their past creations. Inspiration may come to you and you will be able to improve your works.
  4. Do some general cleaning. Destroy all old, unnecessary things. Wash all the nooks and crannies, looking into every corner.
  5. Think about unfulfilled promises and debts. It's time to pay your bills and take responsibility for your words. During this period, it is very important to pay off obligations: both moral and financial.
  6. Fix broken electrical appliances, eliminate problems with plumbing, electricity, and solve all other household problems. You should try to put in order absolutely everything that surrounds you.
  7. This is a great time to engage in spiritual development: read books, visit a temple, engage in meditation and various practices in order to better understand your own subconscious and ask yourself all the questions that concern you.

The time of Mercury retrograde is an ideal period for soul-searching and dramatic changes for the better. Don't waste precious minutes and you will be surprised at the fruits your actions will bring.

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