Job responsibilities of a cashier-operator. The profession of a cashier, or an irreplaceable person in modern trade

A cashier is a financial specialist who manages the cash desk in a bank or company and is responsible for receiving and issuing money and securities, working with plastic bank cards and electronic money. The profession of a cashier has long gone beyond simply receiving and issuing money; today, the position of a cashier is often combined in companies with the positions of an accountant, controller or other financial specialist.

For example, there is such a position as a cashier-operator - this is a bank employee who performs monetary transactions, communicates with clients, monitors changes in accounts and works with the banking database, making changes there when money is received or issued. In general, the list of what a cashier-operator does is quite wide: he must, among other things, check the authenticity of signatures on payment documents, study the possibility of issuing money from current accounts, and check the correctness of the design and completion of bank documentation. A separate position is a foreign exchange cashier who deals with currency exchange and other banking foreign exchange transactions.

But the profession of a cashier-controller is just a classic position in the understanding of most. Such a specialist makes monetary payments to the buyer, issues and sells tickets and subscriptions.

Places of work

Cashiers are needed in almost every organization and company: in banking structures, transport companies, entertainment and retail establishments.

History of the profession

The first cashiers were treasurers, tax collectors and clerks, who accounted for and distributed property seized by the army. In the form in which we know the profession now, it appeared in the 19th century, when the Americans the Ritt brothers invented the prototype of the modern cash register.

Cashier responsibilities

Here's a list of what's included job responsibilities cashier:

  • Carrying out monetary transactions;
    • Receiving and issuing money to the client;
    • Determining the authenticity of banknotes;
    • Working with plastic bank cards;
  • Cash accounting and control;
  • Maintaining cash records, preparing reporting documents;
  • Collection of money and transfer to the collector.

The functions of a cashier may vary depending on the specifics of the activity and the company. For example, the duties of a cashier-operator will look slightly different:

  • Maintaining, opening and closing current deposits and accounts of individuals and legal entities;
  • Issue bank cards, replenishing cards and withdrawing money from card accounts;
  • Registration of operations for receiving and issuing funds;
  • Maintaining daily reporting documentation;
  • Processing money transfers;
  • Checking the correctness of filling out bank documentation and the authenticity of the signature.

Requirements for a cashier

IN general outline The cashier requirements are as follows:

  • Knowledge of computers, 1C and office applications;
  • Knowledge of cash transactions;
  • Ability to fill out documents and maintain reports in accordance with laws and regulations;
  • Experience;

Sometimes employers make additional demands:

  • Availability of specialized education;
  • Knowledge of instructions and orders of the Bank of Russia;
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • Knowledge of English.

Cashier resume sample

How to become a cashier

Often, higher education is not required to work as a cashier; it is enough to graduate from a specialized college or cashier courses. Core specialties: “Banking”, “Economics and Accounting”, “Commodity Science and Expertise of the Quality of Consumer Goods”.

Risks of the profession

Cashiers are at risk of being attacked by robbers. In addition, they bear high responsibility, including financial responsibility, for the safety of the funds and accounts entrusted to them.

Cashier salary

How much a cashier receives depends on the region and the specifics of his activities. Wage cashier ranges from 18-40 thousand rubles. The average salary of a cashier is 26 thousand rubles per month.

Profession cashier

A cashier is a specialist who manages the receipt and issuance of money and securities, manages the cash register, and sells tickets. The name of the profession came to us from Western Europe, where, in turn, it originated from the Italian word cassa - “box”. Depending on the specifics of the work, there are bank tellers, currency tellers, sales cashiers, employees ticket offices, cashiers-accountants.

Since ancient times, there has been a tradition among a small group of people to appoint someone responsible for storing funds. IN Ancient Rus' there was the position of treasurer - a person who kept the treasury of private individuals, boyars and princes. In its modern form, the position of cashier appeared at the end of the 19th century with the invention of the first cash registers and quickly became widespread, which was associated with the development major cities and trade...

Without the profession of a cashier, it is difficult to imagine modern service and trade sectors. The cashier often becomes the first or last person with whom a person communicates in a theater, bank, or store, so it is he who determines the appearance of the entire establishment. Despite the abundance of terminals and other electronic payment systems, most of the money exchange processes still occur thanks to the work of the cashier.

The demand for cashiers in the job market is currently very high. The responsibilities of a cashier are extensive - in addition to serving and advising clients, he must carefully work with the cash register, maintain order in the workplace, and maintain cash documentation. High-quality performance of duties increases the chances of career growth, where the next step is the position of senior cashier, responsible for all cash registers, cash flow reporting and collaborating with cash collectors. A cashier's salary, as a rule, corresponds to the level of the establishment and the degree of responsibility for the cash register, and its level varies from average to above average.

To work as a cashier, you must be able to operate a cash register, and in retail outlets, also a conveyor; you must know the signs of the authenticity of banknotes, and be able to identify them both with and without an ultraviolet detector. A cashier works with a lot of people, so his essential qualities should be attentiveness, politeness, and communication skills. It is also important to be diligent, trainable and able to work in a team. The job of a cashier requires careful handling of money and resistance to stress. Cash register workers are potentially exposed to the risk of robberies, so they always need to be prepared for extreme situations and know the enterprise security system.

To work as a cashier, you do not need a higher education - it is enough to take a cashier course or graduate from a vocational school. Many large retail chains themselves offer educational services, training cashiers directly at their future place of work.

Employee point of sale, who directly accepts payment for the product, sometimes performs a product demonstration.


20,000–30,000 rub. (

Place of work

The position is in demand wherever anything is sold: retail outlets, supermarkets, markets, etc.


The cashier works at the cash register. Its main task is to calculate the total cost of the purchase, accept money, give change for cash payments and issue a check. Depending on the technical equipment of the retail outlet, goods can be counted manually or using a scanner.

When a certain amount accumulates at the cash register, the cashier is obliged to count the proceeds, prepare accompanying documents and transfer the money to the collectors.

Important qualities

In the profession, such qualities as honesty, accuracy, attentiveness, and the ability to work quickly and efficiently at the same time are important. Communication skills, tact and patience will not hurt.

Reviews about the profession

“Working as a cashier requires attention, perseverance, is characterized by high responsibility and develops a lot in a person. useful qualities, - This is true. With the only caveat that in this profession you constantly need to develop... history knows a lot of cases when a cashier grew into career ladder and to the position of financial director, and to the position of head of a department, department, deputy general director etc."

Victor Znamensky,
editor of the educational portal.

Stereotypes, humor

One of the most in-demand professions on the labor market. Most often, women are found in positions.


To become a sales cashier, you must graduate from a special college or technical school. Specialties: “seller of food products”, “seller of non-food products”, “controller” trading floor", "controller-cashier".


A cashier is a specialist who is in charge of receiving and issuing money or securities, managing a cash register or selling tickets. The word for the profession comes from the Italian “cassa” (box). The specifics of work vary among bank tellers and foreign exchange tellers, cashier salespeople and cashier-accountants, and ticket office workers.

The history of the Cashier profession How did the profession originate? How did the profession develop?

The tradition of appointing a person in a group who stores and, if necessary, issues funds, comes from time immemorial. For example, in Ancient Rus', the treasury of boyars, princes and other persons was kept by treasurers. Modern look the profession took over by the end of the 19th century, when large cities and trade rapidly developed, and the first control systems were invented. cash registers.

Significance to society Importance, meaning and social status of the profession

It is impossible to imagine the modern sphere of trade and services without a cashier. Often he becomes the first person a person encounters in a store, bank, theater, and he, as it were, determines the appearance of the institution itself. Although today there are many terminals, electronic payment systems, and non-cash ones, most of the money exchange processes occur when using the labor of a cashier.

Features of the profession Cashier Uniqueness and prospects of the profession

Today in the labor market there is a great demand for cashier services. His responsibilities, in addition to working at the cash register, include maintaining cash documentation and maintaining order in the workplace. Subject to high-quality work, it is possible to be promoted to the position of senior cashier, who is responsible for the smooth operation of all cash registers, keeps records of cash flows, and cooperates with cash collectors. Cashier pay can be average or above average. It depends on the level of the institution and the level of responsibility.

"Pitfalls" of the Cashier profession All the pros and cons of the profession. Difficulties and features.

To work as a cashier, you need to know the cash register and conveyor well, and be able to work on them. The cashier must know perfectly well how to distinguish a genuine banknote from a counterfeit one, and be able to check them with or without an ultraviolet detector. Since the work involves people, the cashier must be able to work in a team, be efficient, polite, neat, and sociable. You should be especially careful and attentive when working with money. The cashier must always be ready to emergency, know the security system of your enterprise.

Where and how to get the Cashier profession Where do they teach professions?

Higher education You don't need it to work as a cashier. You can simply take cashier courses or enroll in a vocational school. In many retail chains, cashier training takes place on the job.

Many organizations whose work involves receiving and servicing clients provide cashier positions. Cashiers are those people who manage cash registers, receive and issue funds, and carry out non-cash payments.

In many companies, cashiers are entrusted with additional functions: they simultaneously perform the tasks of accountants, administrators, controllers and some other specialists.

So, for example, the cashier administrator meets and directs visitors, informs about the company’s services, accepts payments and issues checks. An administrator-cashier can work in beauty salons, medical and training centers, in fitness clubs and other organizations. A cashier-operator can work in a bank, where he must communicate with visitors, conduct monetary transactions, work with a bank database and with working documents.

The most in-demand profession of a cashier in the retail sector, in stores and supermarkets. They employ cashiers-controllers - cashiers in the classical and usual sense of the word.

What functions does a cashier perform?

A complete list of responsibilities and functions of a cashier is specified in his job description.

Typically, the main functions include:

  • performing monetary transactions (carrying out non-cash and cash payments, receiving and issuing funds, working with payment cards);
  • keeping records of the availability of funds (daily at the end of the working day the cashier must check the balance of funds in the cash register);

  • maintaining cash records, preparing cash documentation;
  • drawing up an inventory of invalid banknotes;
  • working with weights;
  • issuing checks;
  • cash collection.

The cashier organizes the operation of the cash register in the division or department entrusted to him. If equipment malfunctions, he eliminates them independently or with the help of specialists. Also, often the cashier not only makes payments for the goods, but also talks about its main characteristics.

Cashiers who combine several positions (accountants, administrators, etc.) in addition to those listed, perform other specialized functions.

The work of all specialists in the organization is coordinated by the senior cashier. It is he who resolves controversial issues that periodically arise in the process of working with clients.

What a specialist should know

In order to get a job as a cashier, it is not necessary to have a specialized higher education. It may be enough to have a secondary education or a diploma of completion of specialized courses. Higher education may be required for employment in banks and some other organizations.

The most important thing that a cashier should know is the peculiarities of conducting cash transactions.

In addition, employers have the following requirements:

  • basic knowledge of computers and office applications;
  • knowledge of the rules for maintaining cash documentation;
  • knowledge of current legislation, including regulatory documents Central Bank of Russia.

Some employers may additionally require candidates to have work experience.

The cashier is essentially the face of the organization. He is the one who most often meets and sees off clients. Taking this into account, the cashier must be neat, polite and friendly, and must be able to control his own emotions.

Also important to him are such personal qualities as:

  • attentiveness;
  • honesty;
  • stress resistance.

Features of work

The work of a cashier, like any other activity related to money, is extremely responsible. Cashiers bear responsibility, including financial responsibility, for the safety of money.

The working conditions of cashiers in most organizations are similar: this work is sedentary and quite monotonous.

At the same time, it is associated with a certain risk - cashiers are periodically attacked by people who have problems with the law.

Considering that cash registers are being modernized today, and legislation obliges entrepreneurs to gradually switch to using online cash registers, the cashier must understand modern technology, quickly learn to work with the latest models.

At good performance a cashier can be promoted to a senior cashier, and subsequently, possibly to a manager or one of the leaders of the organization.

A cashier's salary depends on the region and the specifics of the company's work. The salary can vary between 20-40 thousand rubles.

In general, working as a cashier has the following advantages:

  • it is in demand, there is always a large choice of places to work;
  • It’s quite easy to get a job;
  • The job does not require significant experience.