Electronic evaporator ce4. Electronic cigarette set eGo - CE4, red. How and how long do different models charge?

Nowadays, the culture of smoking tobacco products is gradually disappearing. It was replaced by a new movement - Vape. “Steamers” - that’s what they call themselves. The product resembles a pipe larger than a cigarette, and instead of smoke when smoking steam billows out of it.

Electronic cigarettes: what to look for

A large selection of models makes you think, because this is not an ordinary cigarette, and you need to know many nuances for smooth operation device. To use a regular tobacco product, you only need a lighter or matches. Electronic device You will have to charge it, since its performance depends on the battery.

There are exceptions - these are disposable models, the viability of which is limited a certain number puffs.

Gadgets sold as a set, which includes:

  • the cigarette itself;
  • USB port;
  • The battery is half charged, so there is no need to buy anything separately.

All models have different types of batteries installed, which will determine how long the cigarette will last without recharging. In addition, the regularity of use of the device will be related to the frequency of connection to the network.

Battery charging methods

Many followers of the vaping movement(experienced and beginners) are asking this question. It’s a completely natural desire to buy such a device so that the power source will last a long time.

An important role for the further operation of the gadget is played by first charge. For the first time, the time allotted for it will be long: about 8 hours, and it will take a day to charge cigarettes with a strong battery. However, there is no reason to fear, this is only the very first time, then it will take about two hours.

Each electronic gadget is sold with instructions for use, so you need to read it carefully to know when your cigarette needs charging.

You need to understand exactly what sign your device is giving at low charge. You can estimate how low the charge percentage is by the sound signal and LED light. It will start flashing intensely when there is one third of the remaining power.

The total number of device recharges is limited from 300 to 500, depending on which model was purchased. Once a battery fails, it must be thrown away and under no circumstances be used again in the future. You can determine that the battery life has expired if the cigarette does not hold a charge or makes a popping noise while smoking. Have to replace element food for a new one. You can do this yourself or ask a consultant at the store for help. In the meantime, this moment has not yet arrived, we will study how to properly charge the device.

There are two options:

  • through a socket;
  • via USB connection.

To recharge, remove the outer element of the cigarette and attach the cable to the part located below. If everything is connected correctly, the LEDs on both the battery and charger will light up. Many batteries can alert about the end of charging time(the color of the indicator changes, or it is not illuminated at all - here, for example, is how to understand that the ijust 2 is charged).

How long should an e-cigarette be charged?

Charging time varies from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the capacity of the battery. The larger the capacity, the longer the vape will last to be recharged.

When purchasing a cigarette in a store, keep in mind what exactly first charge will affect the further operating condition of the device: how long it will work and how long the charge will last. Get to know this important component.

The first charge and the order of its implementation

Let's look at everything in detail.

  1. You can put the device on charge only when the battery is completely empty - the light indicating the charge status is off (needs to be charged).
  2. If the battery gives a low charge signal, wait two hours until it is completely discharged and only then connect the device to the network.

Be sure to follow these rules for another 2-3 charges. After all, after these procedures, the cigarette should serve you for quite a long time.

Second and subsequent battery charges

There is also a need to follow certain rules:

  • the battery must be disconnected from the clearomizer;
  • connect it to the charger;
  • connect to the network and make sure that charging has started.

Important details:

  1. Do not leave the device charging when you go to bed. This will negatively affect its service life. Charging should continue until the color of the indicator changes, after which the gadget must be turned off immediately.
  2. You shouldn’t charge your gadget for any reason or without reason, otherwise it will stop working.
  3. Do not store the device in cold or high humidity, otherwise it will quickly discharge.
  4. If you for a long time If you do not use a cigarette, remove the battery, otherwise repairs will be necessary.

How and how long do different models charge?

Each electronic model cigarettes has its own characteristics of the battery recharging process.

Ego Ce4

If the vape is purchased as a complete set, it includes two batteries, a USB cable and an AC adapter for it. The mini-kit contains only one energy storage device, which belongs to the class of manual batteries. This means that for the device to work, you need press the button(it is pressed and released only after tightening).

This type of battery, according to experienced steamers, is more acceptable than that of automatic models. The batteries in the line of this model have the same diameter - 1.4 cm. But the storage capacity varies. The battery capacity can be 650 mAh, 900 mAh and 1100 mAh.

The latter is enough for a day of use, provided that it is fully charged, and the frequency of use is similar to smoking one and a half packs of cigarettes a day. The output voltage is -3.3 V. The charging method is very easy: connect a USB cable. The light will flash red. After the charging process is complete, the green light will light up.

Approximately 3 hours - that's how long it takes to charge the Ego Ce4 electronic cigarette.


To recharge you need to have:

  • Charger;
  • adapter with USB connector;
  • a netbook or personal computer if there is no outlet nearby.

When starting the first charge, make sure that the cigarette is completely discharged. The waiting time for the first charge is at least 8 hours. However, after three hours from the start of the process, the device indicator may begin to show that the device is charged. Hold off on turning off. The 8 hour period should be must be maintained. After this, in order to put the device on charge again, you need to use it for at least 20 minutes.

Subsequent charging time is 3 hours. Evod electronic cigarette batteries are available in capacities from 659 mAh to 1900 mAh.


The instructions say that the device will begin to function after pressing a special button. Only after this pressing should you take a puff. The battery capacity for this brand of cigarettes can also vary, and the charge-discharge cycle period ranges from 300 to 500 times.

Charging procedure for Ce5:

  1. Unscrew the clearomizer from the battery, secure the charging cable to the thread and plug it into the mains. You can also connect via a USB cable to a laptop or computer.
  2. You are only allowed to use the “original” charging kit.
  3. The process of charging the battery is practically no different from charging the Evod device. The only difference is the indicator light. When connecting the USB port to the netbook, the light will light up blue, when connected to the network it will light up red, and during charging it will light up green.

Eleaf I just 2

It has a built-in powerful battery with a capacity characteristic of 2600 mAh. Of course, this element allows you to soar long time without connecting to the network. The output voltage when charging is 30-80 V.

The downside of this gadget is the dependence of taste on the percentage of charge. While the battery is fully charged, you can get the greatest effect from the vaping process. As the charge is reset, the taste of the steam changes. Therefore, in order not to feel the difference, you will have to charge the device very often.

Operation in active mode is 7-8 hours, and with rare use the battery lasts for two days.

The principle of charging is already known, but how do you understand that I’ve just charged? During charging, the LED glows red and turns off when finished. The peculiarity of this design is that after the first 9-hour charge, it must be completely discharged and charged for another nine hours. Subsequent procedures will be limited to three hours.

How to charge a disposable cigarette

The word “disposable” immediately raises the question: is this possible? Maybe! True, it won’t last long, but you won’t have to throw it away after the first time. This way you can save a decent amount in your pocket.

To charge, we take a syringe, tweezers, a cell phone charger, wire clips, a soldering iron, a tester and smoking liquid. Then:

  • We take out the filter and assemble the device without it;
  • cut off the phone charging plug and solder clamps to the wires;
  • Using a tester, we set the polarity of the device;
  • connect the device to the cigarette;
  • Based on the tester readings, we determine whether there is a charging current. Its presence indicates that everything is connected correctly.
  • if there is no voltage, the terminals are swapped.

The tester can be replaced with an LED. When connected correctly, the indicator will flash. Charging lasts three hours. After this, the device is ready for use. Liquid is pumped into an electronic cigarette with a syringe. Then the electronic cigarette is completely assembled.

Of course, this option is not very simple and takes a lot of time. However, the opportunity not to spend money on a new smoking device encourages craftsmen to use this method. It should be understood that you cannot charge a reusable cigarette in this way. Unless in exceptional cases when the original charger is not at hand.

Rules for using the device

In addition to the charging process itself, how to smoke correctly is also important. The vaping process is very important for long battery life. When tightening, it is necessary to exclude sharp breath- this will cause overheating of the steam generator. The gap between breaths should be at least 5 seconds, especially if you want to enjoy a bright, rich taste.

With frequent puffs, the steam does not have time to be produced. Constant vaping by heavy smokers will also lead to rapid wear of the battery. The optimal number of breaths for a steam generator should be equal to puffs regular cigarette. This is approximately 10-15 puffs followed by a break.

There are gadgets on sale with automatic steam supply, some with a button (to release steam, press the button). Disadvantage of automatic devices - high cost and rapid battery wear due to greater steam output.

Refer to the instruction manual often and you can extend the life of your vape.

Price: $6.07 - $6.60

Go to the store

Hello, friends. I'm new to electronic smoking(soaring). Therefore, I hope that my review of the eGo-T CE4 electronic cigarette will be useful to beginners like me, because it will be as detailed as possible in terms of using an electronic cigarette and, I hope, as clear as possible, since there will be no abstruse terms here.

First, I want to tell you in a few words what prompted me to buy an electronic cigarette. And he encouraged me. Everything there is described in a very “tasty” manner, which, together with the penny price of the cigarette, played a decisive role. In short, I, almost without hesitation, clicked on the “Buy” button. But only then I came across an eGo-T CE4 cigarette with a case and a bottle for refilling and with a price of only a dollar more than the Evod. I had to urgently cancel and order eGo-T CE4. By the way, I still don’t know what the difference is between the eGo-T CE4 and Evod MT3 besides the configuration. If you know, please write in the comments.

The first thing you will see when you open the package with the eGo-T CE4 electronic cigarette is the case. The cover has a zipper with two sliders, very high quality and quite dense. On the top cover there is the inscription eGo. The case is perfect for cases when you need to take with you, in addition to the cigarette itself, a charger and a strategic supply of smoking liquid.

Open the case and see the following.

Namely. Instructions for English language with pictures of how to unscrew what and what to pour where.

A bottle with a very thin spout for more convenient refilling of smoking liquid.

Charger 420mA.

And, in fact, the eGo-T CE4 electronic cigarette itself, consisting of two halves. Above in the photo is a clearomizer, consisting of a container into which the smoking liquid is poured, and a mouthpiece, through which, in fact, the vaping process occurs. Below in the photo is a block with a battery. The battery can have different capacities and, depending on the capacity, have different lengths. It is here that the liquid is heated and transformed into steam, which we inhale (hence the name of the process - vaping).

And this is the eGo-T CE4 electronic cigarette already assembled, suitable for vaping.

But before you start directly vaping, you need to do two things. First, refill your e-cigarette. To refill, unscrew the clearomizer mouthpiece and pour smoking liquid into a transparent container. You need to pour liquid along the wall so that it does not fall into the central tube, through which we will later inhale delicious steam.

And secondly, charge the e-cigarette battery if it is low. This is done very simply. We screw the battery pack onto the charger, and connect it to any USB port (I mainly used charging from a smartphone). The red light on the charger lights up.

If it turns green, the battery is fully charged. The charging process takes 2-4 hours, depending on the battery capacity.

And one more important point. The cigarette will arrive to you locked and will need to be unblocked first. This is done by five quick presses of the button located on the battery pack. Blocking is done in the same way. But I didn’t do this anymore, because I didn’t see much point in it.

Now let's talk about the vaping process itself. In order for the smoking liquid to turn into vapor, you need to turn on the heating element before each puff. That is, we press the button located on the block with the battery, after which (without releasing the button) we tighten for 2-4 seconds. The taste of the steam, as well as its quantity when exhaled, is somewhat reminiscent of a hookah.

I think it’s worth talking about taste in more detail. Especially for testing, I took three different flavors with different nicotine contents.

The taste when vaping is very good. And if you can’t confuse mint with anything, then my wife even identified melon from the second puff.

Now as for the similarity to smoking a regular cigarette. If you use liquid without nicotine at all or with a small amount of it, then when you puff you will feel almost nothing. In this regard, everything is comparable to a hookah. But when I took a drag from the menthol vapor, the sensation in my throat was quite comparable to that of a regular cigarette.

I can’t help but mention the emergency that occurred after about a week of using an e-cigarette. Electronic Cigarette I just stopped charging. When connecting the battery to the charger on the second one, the green light immediately came on.

I got very upset and started googling possible solutions Problems. The results were disappointing - it looked like some kind of circuit board had burned out in the cigarette. Thank God, I figured out how to unscrew the charger and discovered that one of the wires inside had come loose from the solder, and the other was held together by chewing gum.

I soldered both and everything worked again. So, if you have similar problems, do not hesitate to get into the guts of a cigarette. Because the Chinese are such Chinese, and the cigarette is very easy to completely disassemble.

And finally, I propose to talk about the pros and cons of an electronic cigarette compared to a regular one (if anything, please add me in the comments).


1. Saving money. The price of an electronic cigarette is 350-450 rubles. Her weakness- a clearomizer, which they say can “go bad” after 2-3 months of intensive use. Therefore, I immediately ordered a set of 10 clearomizers, they cost me almost 400 rubles and they will last for about 2 years. Well, a consumable material is liquid for electronic cigarettes. I buy it at a tobacco shop for 175 rubles per 10 ml bottle, which lasts me for a week. In online stores you can find the same liquid for 110-120 rubles. Now compare all this with the cost of cigarettes (1 pack per day - minus 100 rubles).

2. The inability to start a fire indoors, since here we do not have the smoldering of tobacco, but the transformation of a liquid into vapor through a heating element.

3. Absence unpleasant odor. After smoking an electronic cigarette, your mouth does not stink, your hands do not stink, and even in the apartment, if you feel anything, it is weak and incomparable to the stench from a regular cigarette.

4. You can smoke an electronic cigarette right in your apartment. Why? See points 2 and 3. By the way, it is for these reasons that electronic cigarettes can be smoked right at the table in various bars and restaurants. I even managed to check this already :).

5. Variety of tastes. I'm not a big cigarette connoisseur. But regular cigarettes are mostly mint flavored. There is, of course, a line of the same Kiss cigarettes, but even there there are only about 5 different flavors. Liquids for electronic cigarettes have a huge choice of flavors. Moreover, this is not only all sorts of fruits and berries, but also such exotic tastes as cola or coffee.

6. The harm caused by an electronic cigarette is much less than the harm caused by a regular cigarette. At least that's what they say. But even I noticed that after using an electronic cigarette, I don’t have a headache in the morning, unlike when I smoked regular cigarettes.


1. For some, all this fuss with refilling a cigarette and charging a battery may seem tedious. Personally, this doesn’t bother me at all. Both refilling and charging last me two days consistently.

2. Glycerin, which is part of the vaping mixture, can dry out the throat quite decently. This is true, and if you feel a dry throat after vaping, try to change the mixture to one with less glycerin content. The one that dries my throat the most is the nicotine-free pineapple mixture (which is why my bottle of it is still almost full). Maybe then someday I’ll smoke it completely, just washing it down with beer every puff :).

Well, that’s all I wanted to say about the eGo-T CE4 electronic cigarette and my first experience in vaping. The review turned out to be quite long, I didn’t even expect it. I hope I didn't bore you too much :) If you have any questions, you can always ask them in the comments. I will definitely try to answer.

Thank you for your attention!

Preparation for use:

 Charge the battery.
Attention! The first time the battery is charged continuously for 8 hours (even if the charge indicator is green). After the initial charge of the battery, the cigarette can be used for about 20 minutes, after which the battery must be charged again for 1 hour. In the future, the battery will be charged normally.
 Unpack the cartomizer.
 Unscrew the mouthpiece from the cartomizer.
 Fill the cartomizer: fill the cartomizer with liquid, being careful not to get into the central air duct, not exceeding the level of the upper mark of the graduation scale - 1.6 ml.
 Screw the mouthpiece into the cartomizer.
 Screw the charged cartomizer into the charged battery.
 The electronic cigarette is ready to use.

While tightening, press and hold the button on the battery. When tightening is complete, release the button. It is not recommended to keep the button pressed for more than 10 seconds to prevent the cartomizer from overheating.

3-click protection function
This model of electronic cigarette is equipped with a battery with a shutdown function, which avoids the risk of accidentally pressing the button and turning on the device. To do this, press the button on the battery 3 times within 3 seconds. Turning on a cigarette is done in a similar way.

During operation, the Electronic Cigarette signals that the battery is low by flashing the indicator light. The average battery charging time is 2-3 hours.

Precautionary measures:
 Do not charge the battery near heat sources.
 Do not charge the battery outdoors or in a damp environment.
 If the battery emits a foreign odor, changes color, temperature, deformation, or changes in charging time, immediately disconnect it from the power source or other parts of the electronic cigarette.
 Do not disassemble the battery.
 Do not use the charger of this cigarette model to charge other types of electronic cigarettes.
 Do not allow the cartomizer to overheat.
 Avoid exposure to direct sun rays And high temperatures to the device.
 Keep the Electronic Cigarette out of the reach of children and animals.
 Do not allow charged batteries to come into close contact with metal objects. Metal objects may cause a short circuit, excessive heat, or damage to the battery.
 Store all parts of the Electronic Cigarette in a dry place. room temperature.
 If the Electronic Cigarette is not used for a long period of time, do not keep the battery connected to the charger.

Caring for your electronic cigarette:
 Electronic cigarette requires regular maintenance. Regularly wipe the threaded connections of the cartomizer, charger and battery with a cloth moistened with alcohol to improve electrical conductivity.
 Replace cartomizers regularly.

The ego CE 4 electronic cigarette is suitable not only for experienced, but also for novice vapers. It is designed in such a way that you can release steam even during charging if a special mode is turned on. Like other models, the cigarette is quite reasonably priced.

General information

The smoking device includes:

  • clearomizer with a capacity of 1.6 to 2.0 ml;
  • accumulator battery;
  • charging device;
  • adapter for a network whose voltage reaches 220 Volts;
  • zippered packaging case.

During its operation, Clear managed to gain popularity due to its low consumption of smoking mixture and excellent transmission of taste. The refill lasts for the whole day. Periodically, the element needs to be replaced.

There are also certain disadvantages:

  • the clearomizer cannot be disassembled, the heating coil does not change;
  • Unpleasant leaks of the smoking mixture occur.

As a result, we can conclude that such a kit is an excellent alternative solution to tobacco analogues for a novice vaper. The device will completely replace a cigarette and eliminate the unpleasant smell of smoke. There are no difficulties in servicing.


This model of electronic cigarettes has its own distinctive features:

  • manual battery has high degree reliability and durability when compared with automatic devices;
  • the cigarette is capable of supporting batteries of different capacities;
  • an improved type of clearomizer is installed;
  • There is a USB cable for charging the battery.

The cigarette also features a stylish design solution. The product is made of stainless steel material, plastic and strong glass.

The metal body perfectly resists mechanical damage. The coating is matte, does not slip in the hands, is very pleasant to the touch, and does not become stained or scratched.

Main parameters:

  • length – 12.5 cm;
  • diameter – 1.4 cm;
  • recommended atomizer capacity – up to 1.8 ml;
  • voltage – up to 3.3 V;
  • Battery capacity – 650/900/1,100 mAh.


Its capacity can vary from 450 to 2,200 mAh. The number directly affects the operating time of the electronic smoking device from one full charge to the second. As the battery capacity increases, its parameters increase proportionally.

New electronic cigarette kits are equipped with the ability to block the battery for transportation safety purposes. The lock is removed by pressing the power button five times. With correct manipulations, the LED will blink three times, confirming that the battery is unlocked.

The first time you charge the device, you should charge it for at least eight hours, not paying attention to the fact that the green warning light may light up.

If the indicator starts flashing quickly during use of the cigarette, the battery needs to be recharged.

It must be remembered that a complete discharge of the battery can cause partial or even total loss containers. Before using a cigarette for the first time, the battery must be fully charged. If you refuse to use the device for several hours, it is recommended to unscrew the atomizer.

Disassembling and repairing an electronic cigarette

The main problem that happens with such a cigarette is that the heating element stops receiving voltage. It should be noted that if the steamer does not have certain knowledge in physics, minimal experience in repair, or he is a novice vaper, it is better to entrust the cigarette to an experienced specialist.

Attempts to independently solve the problem can completely destroy the device or cause harm to the body, which is much worse.

But if you decide to act on your own, you need to study the accompanying instructions and disassemble the cigarette. To check the integrity of the spiral turns, use a multimeter by placing one of its contacts on the body and the other on the center of the heater. Contacts are checked in the same way. Next, the device is switched to “constant” mode and the cigarette button is pressed. The multimeter should show no voltage.

Using a sharp blade, remove the cap made of plastic material from the battery, and the same one is removed from the contact group. You must work carefully so as not to damage the device.

Most likely, one of the wires has become unsoldered, so there is no voltage. After a couple of minutes, the cigarette is ready for use again.

Instructions for use

Let's look at the rules for handling such a smoking device.

Principle of operation

To control the cigarette, there is a convenient button on its body. Before each steam tightening, it should be pressed. This causes the smoking liquid from the clearomizer to enter the evaporation chamber. Heating occurs from the current supplied by the battery, and the liquid is converted into steam.


If the cigarette does not produce steam, then the battery is dead. There is a cable for recharging. The start of the process is indicated by a lit red light. As soon as the battery is charged, the indicator will turn green. Normal mode – up to three hours.

Once the battery is fully charged, the process will automatically stop. To disconnect the battery, you must press the button for ten seconds.

The battery is guaranteed to last for three months. If the operation of the device is organized correctly, the battery will last from one to one and a half years.


The cartridge is designed for a maximum of seven refills, after which it needs to be changed. It is not recommended to fill the entire volume with the smoking mixture.

Safety regulations

The smoking device has a reliable protective system, protecting elements from short circuits, overcharging and random switching on.

After use, the electronic cigarette should be stored in a place out of the reach of children.

Please remember that nicotine can be dangerous and can irritate the eyes and skin covering. Its overdose has a negative effect on general state smoker Liquid remaining after smoking and old cartridges should be disposed of.

Restrictions on use

Nicotine is highly addictive. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or alleviate specific conditions.

A smoker must be eighteen years old to be able to freely purchase and smoke an e-cigarette. If there are signs of allergies or hypersensitivity To nicotine, you should abstain from smoking. It is not recommended to use cigarettes for pregnant women and nursing mothers, asthmatics, heart patients and patients with diabetes.


If you decide to attempt a DIY repair, you should be careful. The smoker can not only break the smoking device, but also injure himself. If you have even the slightest doubt about your own abilities, you need to seek help from an experienced vaper.

If you comply with the requirements of the rules for operating electronic ego cigarettes CE 4, the product will last a fairly long period.

The eGo CE 4 starter kit can be used by both a professional vaper and an inexperienced beginner. Thanks to the design and components, you can only vape for pleasure and enjoy abundant steam and excellent flavor transfer.

Main features of the eGo CE 4 device

There are parameters that make this ES model competitive. Like other devices in the eGo line, CE 4 is an economical option due to the minimum kit. In addition, this is convenient for beginners who find it difficult to understand the mechanism of operation of parts of other models. A special button is responsible for turning the device on/off.

To operate the steam generator, the key is pressed and not released while the puff lasts. A manual battery, according to experienced vapers, is more reliable and durable compared to automatic models. All batteries in this line have the same diameter - 1.4 cm, but the length depends on the capacity and additional capabilities.

You can purchase a device with a battery capacity of 650, 900 and 1100 mAh. The last option will be enough for a day with a 100% battery charge level, if previously the smoker smoked 1.5 packs of cigarettes per day. The model has a universal CE 4-Turbo clearomizer with excellent steam generation, which is why heavy smokers appreciate it.

The clearomizer can be used for 2-3 weeks by those who have previously smoked about one and a half packs of classic tobacco products. The part is replaced quite easily. The basic package includes a USB cable that allows you to connect the e-cigarette to your laptop and charge it. This can also be done using an adapter that matches the specifications in the operating instructions.

The standard kit includes a battery, an evaporator, a USB cable, and instructions. Then there is the possibility of expanding the configuration, for example, e-liquids with different flavors, a battery with variable voltage, serviced by tank tanks. The main characteristics include the length of the assembled cigarette being 12.5 cm, the diameter is 1.4 cm, the clearomizer has a capacity of 1.8 mg, and the battery is 650/900/1100 mAh, the operating voltage reaches 3.3 V.

The mini package includes a battery with a capacity of your choice, an atomizer, an adapter and a charger. The complete set includes 2 batteries, 2 vaporizers, an adapter, a charger, a bottle with a 10 ml refill needle and a gift box.

Review of electronic cigarette EGO-T CE 4

The basic kit is quite convenient to use, and most people are happy with it. They respond positively to the model: purity of taste and large volumetric steam are present, as stated by the manufacturer. This option is ideal for those who have previously smoked more than a pack of tobacco products.

The starting configuration with a 1100 mAh battery and 3.3 V makes it possible to make about 900-1000 pulls on one charge. Compared to classic cigarettes, this is approximately 3 packs. Note that the battery is simply an ordinary battery, easy to operate even by a beginner. However, in addition to everything else, it has increased reliability.

The device was equipped with the ability to protect against short circuits, overcharging and accidental pressing. Key control makes it easier to inhale and release a larger volume of steam. And the included battery lasts longer than its automatic counterparts. The battery is unlocked/locked by pressing the key five times within 2 seconds.

If the procedure is correct, the LED button will give 3 short signals. Note that after the battery is fully charged, it will turn off on its own. Holding the button for 10 seconds allows manual shutdown. The metal body of the cigarette ensures strength and reliability of protection against mechanical damage.

The pleasant coating prevents the device from falling out of your hands. Small abrasions and scratches are invisible on it. There are no fingerprints left on the stainless steel frame. The matte finish is another plus of the design. When handled with care e-cigarette Ego CE 4 will be pretty good as new long period time. Charging the battery is quite easy: just screw it all the way into the USB device. The red indicator will light up. When the charging process is complete, the color will change to green.

Advantages of the CE 4 clearomizer

Vape lovers consider this version to be one of the most successful. The filament resistance value is high (1.8 ohms). In addition, the device is practical, affordable and easy to use. It does not require cleaning or rinsing. When the clearomizer has exhausted its reserve (about 5-6 weeks), it is replaced with a new one. Note that for most people who quit smoking, this time is enough and they do not need replacement at all.

This steam converter is convenient and practical. The manufacturer has done everything necessary to prevent liquid leakage: the internal seal removes the mixture from the mouthpiece. When you take it out to refill the clearomizer, the silicone nozzles prevent accidental spills. Owners of the previous version noted some inconveniences when filling the mixture into the tank.

During this process or immediately after it the liquid came out. As a result, hands and clothes became dirty with an oily consistency. Now engineers have eliminated this problem. The joints are reliably protected by silicone seals. This decision eliminated all worries and thoughts about leaks.

The algorithm is simple, since there is no need to unscrew the clearomizer from the battery. All you have to do is remove the mouthpiece. Refilling the clearomizer:

  1. to open the device, the drip tip is rotated counterclockwise;
  2. the smoking mixture is never poured into the middle of the atomizer;
  3. in the center there is an outlet - an air duct - the liquid should not penetrate there;
  4. The liquid is poured into the clearomizer strictly along the wall at an angle of 45°.

If you use and store the device correctly, this becomes a guarantee of the duration of its use!