If you dreamed that you were drowning. Why do you dream of drowning according to Freud’s dream book? A drowning man in a dream according to the interpretation of various dream books

    I dreamed that we (6 people), a group of friends, went to my dacha, and there was a building made of huge concrete slabs, supposedly 5 floors, but 2 floors were flooded by a pond that looked like a swamp. In principle, the depth of 2 floors is small, but in the dream it was huge. And so, 2 girls stood on the slab and were jumping on it for fun, and then suddenly this slab came unhooked and began to sink, followed by the slab on which the rest of the girls were standing along with me. We all got scared, started swimming towards the steps, everyone swam on the surface, and I dived, and when I dived into the depths, I was stunned by what I saw. I saw some huge and strange various fish, some mutants. Many had 2-3 heads, several eyes, they were very huge in size, and they all started swimming towards me. I got scared and swam to the bridge. There was a narrow bridge, and there was a wide crevice in it, like a hole. I crawled out of the green muddy water. But even more terrible is the last fragment of the dream, which I remember most of all. I’m standing on the edge of this bridge, I see girls running away from this building with frightened faces, but something in my mind tells me that I need to dive one more time, and from a jump, I dive upside down into this crevice in the bridge, I dived very deep, you can see how the bubbles (big and small) go up, I start trying to float up, move my arms and legs, but something doesn’t let me in and the water sucks me down and to the side, I think to myself in my sleep, “Well, how can this be, really now I’m going to die, what should I do?” and then I suddenly wake up. That is, the water still pulled me in. I woke up in shock and fear. In life I am a very good swimmer and can dive up to 10 meters deep. It’s very cool in the pool, I always liked swimming, but this dream... Real horror, it feels like I now really know how a drowned person feels, terrible, just terrible... Why this dream, I also don’t know (((

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    Hello, I would like to share my dream. I was driving my own car, I don’t know where or why. Suddenly I found myself near a river. A car was driving in front of me, you could say I was following the train in its tracks, so we ended up near the river. In front of us there was a small puddle with dirty water, and behind it a sandy island. The first driver calmly drove by, and I, following in his footsteps, first sat on the belly of the car, while somehow I stood with my bare feet on the wet sand, as if there was no bottom to the car, I gave the gas a little, the face of the car began to sink sharply, I For some reason he reacted quickly and managed to get out by opening the door. The water underwater is not cloudy. They started coming up to me and offering me a flashlight so that I could dive for the documents. But the first driver did not leave me alone; he looked at me from under his forehead. And in front of my face I saw a large hook (tee) with a large piece of fish on it without a tail and head. He started casting, trying to catch something in the river. And I woke up. Maybe he was waiting for me to dive?

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    I dreamed that my husband and I and my son were walking where she was near the water, I turned away for a moment, when I turned around, I saw that my son was swimming at first and then began to flounder in the water and went to the bottom, I began to scream for my husband, he saw and swam to that place at that By the time I had already managed to jump after him and the water was so clear that the whole bottom was visible, and now my husband grabs his son and pulls him up, I take him in my arms and we go ashore, I carry him and he starts coughing, I ask him what he swallowed, yes, and he tells me no and I wake up.

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    Just recently I had a dream that my uncle and two cousins, the elder (24 years old) and the younger (14 years old), went to the playground for some reason kindergarten. My uncle and older brother were skiing, my younger brother was skiing, and I just went. And so I ask the younger one to ride on the worms, I drive on the ice, along a narrow path, and just suddenly fall into the hatch. Then I woke up abruptly and even jumped on the bed slightly. I always dream that something happens to me(((why is this, why...


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    I dreamed that my husband and I were going somewhere (my husband was driving and I was sitting in the back). Suddenly we drive over a hill and fall into a river. I look out the window and see the car quickly sinking into the water. Realizing that I won’t be able to open the door, I try to break out the glass and begin to choke. They still knock out the glass, water begins to fill the car, but I can no longer swim out - the air has run out and my vision is starting to get dark. The last thought is that maybe the husband will be able to get out. So I woke up from a wild lack of air.

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    But in my dream the very fact of drowning was not present. I was just sailing to the corbvlk with some other people, for some reason it was the Titanic. Then it turned out that we were drowning (although this was not visible, it was just a fact). And from this sinking titanic we transfer to another ship and sail away from this place. But no one is happy. Everyone has the same grief in their souls as at approximately the end of the film itself ((and especially me. I woke up with such a terrible feeling

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    Hello, please help. I dreamed that my dad threw me into the lake and started drowning me, he did it as if as a joke, but my pendant twisted around my neck and I couldn’t breathe. My dad started drowning me, I screamed for him let go! But then he let go of everything and the two of us were already lying out of breath on the shore, I said that I hate him because I almost drowned,

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    I really long sleep I dreamed about it, but in one passage I was drowning! I was swimming in some body of water, then I saw a sorcerer standing on the shore, our eyes met, his face was somehow evil, then he began to cast a spell, the weather changed, the water began to rage and I felt bad, I began to choke and go to the bottom, but someone unexpectedly saved me!!! What is it for?!

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    I dreamed of something strange... at first I fell and rode along the road on a soft place... when I tried to get up again I fell and rolled into a ravine... there was mud in the ravine... I fell into it and began to drown... and very deeply... but at the same time I was breathing... trying I couldn’t get out on my own... but I didn’t give up... and I woke up... ???!!!

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    I dreamed that an apartment was on fire (like on the 9th floor), and there was a little girl in the window. she jumps out of the window to escape the fire and jumps into a beautiful clean pond. begins to sink. I stood on the shore and saw it all. then I immediately swam to save her in the depths, although in life I am very afraid of water. saved

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    I dreamed that I was drowning, or they were drowning me, only my face was in the water, it was painful, scary, I wanted to wake up, but I couldn’t, I tried and tried and it still worked, I slept with sounds and drowned, like... as if reality. I woke up and I was scared, I couldn’t catch my breath

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    I was drowning, trying to swim out, started to inhale, and I managed to inhale, then I realized that you can’t breathe under water and the white light in front of my eyes means that I’m dying... I didn’t want to die, panic and fear began and I woke up))) is this bad?

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    I dreamed that we were sailing on a warship, and an enemy ship was going to attack us, and from somewhere in the depths our submarine torpedoed the enemy ship - and I saw how it was sinking, and we remained afloat, why would that be?

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    and I dreamed of drowned little boys. I’ll be afraid all day now that something bad won’t happen! Damn why did you look!?

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    a ia umerla i bistro prasnulasi..u menai son vsegda sbivaetza posle 2 weeks....budu nadeiatza sto etot ne sbudetsa!

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    I had a dream that I was watching a movie about a girl drowning and her man saving her from the bottom and pulling her out alive. Why is this?

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    M, I saw a child drowning, but I didn’t save him, it was as if I tripped on the shore and drowned myself.

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    I saw the Titanic drowning with people, and I stood on the side with some person and looked at what was happening.

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    And if I breathed under water and led an active life, can this be regarded as “being saved”?

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    Elenka... the same thing happened to me before I drowned... did something happen to you later?

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Some dreams are usually called nightmares. In them, the dreamer has to encounter terrible phenomena or simply find himself in terrible, frightening situations.

It is sometimes difficult to come to your senses after such dreams - but, fortunately, they happen infrequently. On the other hand, such dreams come for a reason - and the help of a dream book is needed to understand exactly what the dream promises.

After all, frightening or unpleasant events can be omens of something very important, sometimes they promise happy changes, sometimes they warn about dangerous situations. Such dreams need to be interpreted.

Probably everyone has drowned in dreams at least once. Of course, it’s a lot of stress to experience something like this in a dream, but if you calm down and look through the dream book - why do you dream of drowning, he will answer accurately and in detail. And after that it’s worth drawing conclusions.

There are many answers in the dream book; they depend on various factors. After all, you can drown in dreams not only in the sea or any clean water, but even in the mud, swamp, or anywhere. The options are as follows:

  • Save yourself from drowning in a dream.
  • To save someone drowning in water.
  • Seeing someone drowning in the sea or river.
  • You were rescued by being pulled out of the water.
  • Drown in clear water in your dreams.
  • Get mired in a swamp.
  • Drowning in mud in a dream.
  • Drowning while swimming in the sea or ocean.

These dream scenarios may seem similar, but the dream book offers completely different meanings. And it’s true – there is a difference between being in mud or a swamp, in the sea or in a lake. In addition, the actions and emotions of the dreamer are important in a dream - they also adjust the meaning. Let's see what dreams of drowning mean in each specific case.

What to expect from a bad dream?

In fact, after looking through the dream book, you can be relieved to discover that dreams of such content almost never promise trouble. They sometimes warn about the possibility of a wrong step, hint at mistakes, but nothing more.

In addition, water is a symbol emotional sphere, and everything connected with it in a dream can be associated with this sphere. For example, just being in clean water cannot promise trouble, but, on the contrary, portends a lot of joy.

But being in a swamp, mud or puddle in a dream should always be regarded as a danger. The interpreter will tell you in more detail.

1. Such a dream, where you had to drown, but managed to escape by getting to land, promises success - problems in reality will go away. Even if now it seems like they are completely hopeless and unsolvable. Soon you will get rid of difficulties and a good period will begin.

2. Saving someone else in your dreams is a great sign; it portends happiness. In reality, you will be able to help people, receiving maximum satisfaction from this, and in addition - universal recognition and love, an excellent position in society and a feeling of complete happiness.

3. Seeing a drowning person in water in a dream is just a warning. You are facing a dangerous adventure - and it is very important that you have time to understand, notice it, and determine that you should not get involved in it. Don't take risks.

4. A dream in which the dreamer happened to drown, but people saved you - this is a clear sign that in reality there is a very reliable friend nearby. In general, you are not in danger of experiencing loneliness; you have someone to rely on. Appreciate it!

5. As the dream book says, drowning in dreams in pure and even clear water(in any body of water, even a bathroom) - this is a sign that in reality you will soon be overwhelmed by streams of emotions.

You are probably about to fall in love without memory! Try to control your feelings, but do not deny them - falling in love and passion can bring many happy moments.

6. Getting bogged down in a terrible swamp in a dream is a hint that in reality, in reality, you are obviously not leading a completely correct way of life. This may concern both bad habits, and behavior.

In any case, after such a dream you should seriously think about your life, behavior, and habits. Maybe it’s worth adjusting something, changing something, giving up something, starting new habits?

7. Unpleasant dream where you had to drown in the mud, indicates that the dreamer will have toin reality find yourself in an unpleasant or unworthy society. This can lead to some trouble - so if possible, try to avoid being in bad company.

8. Well, plunging into the sea or the endless ocean, feeling like you are drowning - this can directly indicate that in everyday life you are unable to cope with your own feelings. This, of course, will not lead to disaster, but it is worth learning to navigate your own emotions.

Firstly, understand and distinguish between them, and secondly, try to control and manage them, at least partially. Because being a hostage to your feelings is dangerous.

9. In addition, where exactly you drowned in your unpleasant or scary dream, and what happened to you, the sensations you experienced are important.

If, finding yourself in a similar position in your dreams, you did not feel fear or anxiety, but only calmness (and maybe even joy) - rest assured that nothing terrible will happen to you in reality. If the dream book describes negative meaning sleep, then you will probably be able to avoid this.

But if in the dream the emotions were strong and unpleasant - fear, panic, anxiety - then be on your guard. You should be careful and avoid dangers.

One way or another, it’s up to you to decide whether to believe the interpreter, or just forget horrible dream. After all, the dream book does not decide fate - people themselves control them. And dreams are just hints, and we decide for ourselves whether to take them into account or ignore them... Author: Vasilina Serova

There are probably no people in the world who have not had a nightmare at least once. Anything can happen in a dream - a zombie attack, the seizure of earthly civilization by aliens, fires, floods, shootouts, fights... It often happens to drown in a dream. Let's see what the dream books say about this.

From a psychological point of view

Should you be afraid of such a dream or, on the contrary, should you prepare for something good to happen? Omniscient psychologists say that drowning in a dream means that subconsciously such a person is too restrained and sometimes calculating. Perhaps he lacks inner liberation, emotionality, freedom in expressing feelings. He cannot correctly assess what is happening to him in this moment. You need to delve into yourself and put things in order in your head, set priorities. Think about what makes you choke and feel like you’re drowning. After harmony is restored in life, such visions will disappear on their own.

According to the psychoanalytic one, he dreams that he is drowning, is confused and in real life cannot find a way out of the current situation. He experiences psychological discomfort, he is overwhelmed by emotions that he cannot cope with.

Family dream book

This interpreter assures that if you had to drown in a dream, it means real life Some kind of accident or unpleasant incident awaits this person. However, it all depends on how the dream ended. If the one who was drowning eventually got out of the water, then this indicates that in reality he will advance along career ladder, good health and, of course, respect from loved ones. When a person drowns in a dream, and the one who sees this dream comes to the rescue, then this is happy life. Also, such a night vision indicates that this person is reliable, you can rely on him in any situation. But if a girl or young woman dreamed that her lover was drowning, this does not signify a very successful personal life.

Tell me, gypsy...

According to gypsy dream book Drowning in a dream means that you will experience shame in real life. But if someone else is drowning, this means a strong quarrel.

English dream interpreter

According to the old English dream book, drowning means that in reality such a person will suffer misfortunes and troubles, which will all fall upon him in a powerful wave at once. Perhaps despair or even ruin awaits him. However, if in last minute there will be someone who will save you from death - this is good sign. Therefore, all trials will end happily.

More options

Next, let's see what drowning means, according to Miller's dream book. The interpretation of the dream is as follows: this foreshadows the loss of property, a collapse in business, or a series of unsuccessful transactions. However, if the dream ends with the fact that you managed to somehow swim out, then in real life such a person will still stay afloat.

Esoteric dream book

But the esoteric dream book claims that to see a dream in which you happen to drown means health problems for this person. Perhaps he has a deficiency or some kind of infection. It is worth checking with a doctor.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

This source approaches the interpretation of a dream in which a person had to drown in a philosophical way. He breaks down such a dream into its component elements. Water in a dream means cold, the emotions experienced in such a dream are horror and panic. And the organs on which all this is reflected are the kidneys and bladder. Therefore, such a dream speaks of a state of internal cold and emptiness, as well as problems with the kidneys. After all, they are responsible for the circulation of fluid in the body. That is, the dream is clearly unfavorable, and people who believe in the veracity of such dreams should better consult a doctor.

Interpretations of new times

What does it mean to drown in water in a dream? the latest dream book? Just a successful conclusion to the case. But if a married lady dreamed that her husband was drowning, this means treason. If similar dream dreamed of by a student before the upcoming session - this means that he is too worried and thinks a lot about exams, during which he is afraid of falling asleep or drowning.

Slavic dream book

By Slavic dream book drown stranger in a dream - to profit. If, on the contrary, someone drowned the dreamer, it means losses and damages. But watching someone else drown for some reason marks a triumph in real life and happy, joyful events.

Small Veles dream book

But in his interpretations he starts from the body of water in which the sleeper had to drown. So, if it was a clean, deep-water river with transparent waves, then this portends minor troubles. If you dreamed of a viscous, sucking swamp, serious problems have to be solved.

There are different, sometimes polar, interpretations. And whether to believe them or not, let everyone decide for themselves.

It happens that we are visited not only by pleasant visions. We should not despair when we see “bad” dreams - they can foreshadow joyful events or warn us about what needs to be done to turn events in our favor. If you happen to drown in a dream, you need to understand the exact meaning of your vision.

According to Velesov's dream book, drowning in or the ocean - that is, in a large, clean and open water- means that there is a little business concern ahead. Trouble in business may arise if you resolve official issues not with a “cool head”, but with a “hot heart”. The dream suggests that in the near future you need to act calmly and thoughtfully.

The gypsy dream book, on the contrary, believes that drowning in clear water in a dream means a quick increase in cash receipts. But this is only if in the dream, despite its plot, you do not experience negative emotions.

If you dreamed that you were drowning, suffocating, and at the same time you were scared, this is already a reason to turn not to dream books, but to doctors to check your respiratory organs and heart. After all, very often our body gives us signals about some kind of “problem” precisely in our sleep.

You will have to gather your will into a fist and hold back your feelings in order to cope with the current situation in business and family circumstances - this is what you dream of drowning in. flowing water- this is a symbol of life movement, a change in circumstances, and the interpretation of the vision depends on how you behave in a dream when you find yourself in a river.

Drowning in a river - such a dream is a warning that you should not “throw yourself away” on many things, otherwise you risk not completing any of them. If you saw that a person you know is drowning in the river, your subconscious gives you a signal: perhaps this friend of yours has already done something that will make you disappointed in him.

For a girl to see her boyfriend drowning in the river, she may want to break up with him because she considers his behavior unworthy. This interpretation is given, for example, by Miller’s dream book.

If a person sees a lake in a dream, dream books say, this speaks of the calmness and prudence of the sleeper. If you dreamed of drowning in a lake, says the Ancient Dream Book, in reality a critical situation awaits you, from which you can get out precisely thanks to your calmness and prudence.

Why dream of drowning in a shallow but clean body of water - for example, in a small river or stream? A clear mountain river or a talkative stream symbolizes the purity of the sleeper’s thoughts. But if you had to drown in them, and not through your own fault, you will have to face unfounded accusations - nevertheless, you will be able to repel all verbal and emotional attacks, the dream book interprets.

muddy puddle

If the water in which you had to drown in a dream suddenly turns out to be dirty and cloudy, then you should be wary in this case. Such a dream is a frank warning. And it is precisely such dreams that should be interpreted correctly so as not to make fatal mistakes in reality.

Dirty water is traditionally considered in dream interpretation to be a symbol of difficult experiences or illnesses. If you dreamed of drowning in dirty and muddy water- the dream warns that difficult things lie ahead life period, which must be passed with dignity: you can ask friends for help, but blaming others for your troubles is undesirable, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Dream books also warn: if you had to drown in the mud in your visions, in reality you should under no circumstances get involved in adventures, even if your friends offer you such a “gesheft”. Drowning in mud - such a dream warns that fate will test your moral qualities, and how you endure it will determine your future life.

But if the sleeper experienced during such a vision strong fear, is another reason to take care of your own health. Dirt, which causes fear and disgust in a person in dreams, usually symbolizes illness. And it is very important to identify them in time.

A swamp is often considered a symbol of stagnation, and getting stuck in a swamp in a dream means that some kind of stagnation has come in your life: you are acting according to an established pattern, but it does not bring you satisfaction. In order not to get bogged down in the swamp of everyday life, you need to at least change your schedule a little: for example, start walking in the evenings if you haven’t done this before.

Drowning in a swamp - such a dream calls on the sleeper to be extremely careful in deeds and actions. If in a dream you are drowning in a swamp, but see that the weather is beautiful around you, this symbolizes that you will be able to overcome all the difficulties of life thanks to your prudence.

Miraculous Rescue

When you dream that you are drowning, but you manage to escape, such a dream says that you will avoid the danger that threatens you. To get to the river bank - to receive an unexpected profit, to swim out of the sea - such a vision portends favorable changes in personal relationships or in a career, to get out of the mud or swamp - the difficulties that threatened you will pass you by.

If in your vision you are drowning, but someone saves you, most likely in reality it will be he who will help you cope with difficulties. If a person in a dream caused you to drown, the dream warns: in reality you should be wary of communicating with him.

To dream that a person is drowning, but you help him to save himself - in reality, your friend may need your help. Seeing a person or people drowning whom you are unable to help - such a dream calls for caution in financial matters.

Drowning in a dream portends an accident or loss of property. But if at the same time you are safely saved, then noticeable success awaits you - promotion, good health, respect from others.

If you dream of a drowning person whom you come to help, this promises you well-deserved happiness; In addition, you will help your friend in time, contributing to his rise.

If a young lady sees in a dream that her lover is drowning, this foreshadows her sorrows.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What do dreams mean: Drowning?

It is very bad when you dream that you are drowning. Such a dream means that you will be crushed by the troubles that will soon befall you: you will go broke and despair. If in a dream you are pulled out of the water, it means that there will be someone who will help you in Hard time.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

Dream about Drowning

Drowning - A sign of illness: pulmonary infection, heart failure, asthma. You or someone else drowns while diving - you will have a heart attack as a consequence of mistakes in finding solutions to problems.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What does it mean to drown in a dream?

If you happen to drown a person in a dream, it means that something will happen that will make you happy.

If you drowned yourself - after such a dream, be especially careful, because the enemies intend to do everything to deprive you of joy and well-being.

You drowned someone in your dream, which means you will have to show cruelty in reality.

To be drowned yourself means that you will be able to avoid a very serious danger; the millstones of fate will not grind you.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

Meaning of the dream Drowning

Drowning in a dream means difficulties and obstacles. Such a dream also foreshadows the loss of property or an accident. If you can get out (escape) in a dream, then luck awaits you that you did not expect.

Saving a drowning man in a dream foretells you that your merits will be appreciated. If you dream that a person who is dear to you is drowning, then you will experience grief because of this person and disappointment in him.

Drowning in the sea in a dream foretells death far from one’s homeland. For lovers, such a dream predicts that they are overwhelmed by insane passion and have stopped seeing the obvious. After such a dream, you should avoid hasty actions or decisions. See the interpretation: by the names of the places where they drowned - river, pond, bath, etc.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream Drowning

To joy, profit // difficulties; deep, in clear water - minor troubles; in a swamp - bad; will save you - deliverance from danger; someone is drowning - joy, triumph; woman - success; husband will change.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

What does the dream predict: Drowning?

A dream in which you are drowning in a river or other body of water means that difficult financial times are coming for you. If you are thrown a life preserver, in reality you will improve your situation thanks to the support of your friends. Seeing people drowning while swimming means writing off gambling debts.

To drown in a quagmire that slowly but inevitably drags you into the middle of a deserted swamp - in reality you will have to fork out for a gala reception. Saving a drowning person in a dream means sad events in the family.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Meaning of the dream Drowning

Drowning in a dream is a harbinger of an accident or some kind of loss. If you managed to swim, promotion, good health, and respect from others await you. If you dream of a drowning person whom you come to help, this foreshadows the happiness you have suffered; In addition, you can come to the aid of a friend who is in a difficult situation. If a girl dreams that her lover is drowning, this portends her sorrows and disappointments.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Dream prediction Drowning

Life difficulties, obstacles; psychological discomfort; drowning husband betrayal; drown something in water to get rid of it (idioms: “drown or drown in exams”).

Interpretation of dreams from the Wanderer's Dream Book

Why do you dream about drowning?

whoever sees himself drowning in a dream will be tested or will commit a sin. Such a dream is a sign of warning from Allah that one should repent and follow the Truth. For a non-believer to see such a dream means that he has been given a chance to believe in the existence of the Almighty Lord of the Worlds.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

To see Drowning in a dream

The dream is unfavorable and means disappointment, health problems and troubles at work. If you dream that you are drowning in clear, calm water, and also in shallow water, your competitors will involve you in a dangerous adventure. If you are drowning at depth, danger awaits you where you did not expect it. If the water was cloudy, dirty, musty, you will become a victim of gossip. Rumors will ruin your business and deprive you of the trust of your loved ones. If someone drowns you, it means that a close friend will betray you, and your comrades will go over to the side of your competitors. If you dreamed that you were being pulled into a funnel, you are powerless in the face of circumstances. All your efforts will only worsen the negative state of affairs. If you dreamed that you wanted to drown yourself, you yourself will be the culprit of your failure. You have no right to blame others: your frivolity and laziness ruined the matter.

Imagine being rescued by a diving dog (see Dog). You reward her for this with a piece of fried meat.

Seeing someone else drowning and not coming to his aid means that in reality you will leave your friend in trouble, which he will never forgive you for.

Imagine throwing a life preserver to a drowning person and pulling him to shore.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does the dream of Drowning mean?

If you drowned in a dream, then in reality some accident may happen to you.

And if you managed to get out of the water, then success in your service, good health and respect from others await you.

A dream in which you come to the aid of a drowning person portends happiness. In addition, you will be able to provide necessary help to my friend.

A girl who dreams that her lover is drowning will not be too happy in the near future.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

To see Drowning in a dream

A sign of your inner insecurity.

The force that pulls you to the bottom: this is the burden of your unresolved problems and difficult experiences. It seems that in reality it doesn’t bother you to pull yourself together and sort out your affairs.

If, while drowning, you see yourself safely making it to shore: the dream suggests that the difficulties will soon end; if in reality you are able to gather your strength, then you have every chance of achieving significant success.

Seeing drowning people: foretells unforeseen complications in your affairs. Perhaps some extraneous problems will confuse your plans.

Interpretation of dreams from