Ready project for opening a kindergarten. How to open a private home kindergarten? What is kindergarten

Production bakery products and sweets is an excellent investment for investors, despite the fact that there is fierce competition in this market segment. If you correctly draw up a business plan for a confectionery shop and apply original ideas for baking cakes and pastries, then an initial amount of $400,000 is enough to open a business from scratch. Already in the first months the profit will reach 30%.

Opening a confectionery shop may mean setting up a cafe with a production line for cakes and cookies, or a bakery with a store. Let's consider both options.

How to open a cafe-confectionery?

For achievement best result The business plan for a café-patisserie must contain the basic concept. As a rule, this is a catering establishment where parents and their children, old friends come to drink a cup of coffee and taste delicious pastries, cakes or pies.

Therefore, a cafe-patisserie should not be located in a large room. 30-40 sq.m. will be enough. m. The furnishings and interior design must correspond to the purpose of the establishment. Comfort, homemade cakes, drinks and hospitable staff will attract visitors.

Each confectionery shop has its own signature recipe for dessert or drink. When opening a cafe, you need to learn the intricacies of confectionery and master one or two dishes that will be served only here.

When drawing up a business plan for a café-patisserie, you should consider the possibility of buying sweets for home and making cakes to order. For these purposes, you can organize a small counter or trade counter.

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For small cafe You will need tables and chairs for 20-30 people. There is no point in making a large hall, otherwise the cafeteria will turn into an ordinary dining room.

Cafe-bakeries can be opened even in residential areas. If you open the establishment early in the morning, no doubt, residents of nearby houses will reach out for fresh bread or pies for breakfast. A good example Türkiye could serve. Local bakeries start working at 6 am. By this time, you can buy hot pastries and bread in pastry shops. Naturally, it is not easy to get up at 3 am every day, but it is not for nothing that Turkish confectioners are among the wealthiest people in the country.

It is most profitable to open a confectionery shop near schools, universities, offices and shopping centers. An additional advantage would be open space under a summer cafe. In the heat, eating cakes in a stuffy environment, washed down with hot coffee, is not very pleasant.

As a rule, confectionery shops are subject to strict supervision by the Rospotrebnadzor authorities, in other words, sanitary and epidemiological stations. The premises of confectionery shops must meet the following conditions:

  • availability of ventilation, running water and toilet;
  • equipped with a fire safety system.

These circumstances also need to be taken into account and items on the costs of their implementation must be included in the business plan.

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Equipment and personnel for a cafe-bakery

The purchase of equipment and kitchen utensils is the most expensive item in a confectionery business plan. Here you can use various tools for business development: lending, leasing or your own funds.

For the future bakery you will need:

  • electric stove;
  • dough mixing and molding machines;
  • sifter;
  • dough divider;
  • cabinet for melting dough;
  • rounder;
  • refrigerators.

In addition to the above equipment, it is necessary to purchase mixers, packaging machines and coffee machines, computers, furniture for staff, display cases, shelving, billboards and a sign.

The specifics of the bakery’s work are such that it is impossible to achieve business development without a high-quality baker-pastry chef.

The pastry chef will need at least one assistant. For the cafe hall you will need to invite a seller and an administrator.

There is no point in hiring an accountant and driver - it is better to use their outsourcing services.

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Start-up business expenses

In order to open a confectionery shop in Moscow with a cafe hall and a small store, the business plan must include the costs of:

  • rental of premises - 150,000 rubles per month;
  • equipment - 2,000,000 rubles;
  • employee salaries, including insurance premiums and taxes, - 200,000 rubles;
  • repairs and arrangement of the premises - 300,000 rubles.

Thus, the minimum start-up capital for is 2,650,000 rubles. With an average check of 300 rubles and at least 100 customers per day, the monthly income will be 900,000 per month. Confectionery shops pay for themselves in 1-1.5 years.

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How to open a bakery-confectionery?

Before drawing up a bakery business plan, you need to decide on the assortment. It is one of the main components of successful confectionery business. Will it only be baking bread (regular or according to special recipes, for example, from whole grain wheat) or will the bakery produce not only bread, but also buns, pastries, cakes, muffins and other sweets.

All you need to do is register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur. There is no need to create an LLC.

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Features of opening a bakery

A bakery can be located in any area of ​​a populated area. Placing the bakery shop together with the store will be a big advantage. Firstly, this will save the businessman from transportation costs, and secondly, the buyer will always be able to buy hot, freshly baked products.

If the store is located separately from the bakery, it makes sense to consider purchasing a two- or three-room apartment on the ground floor of a residential building, possibly on credit. Then the residential premises are transferred to non-residential status, a separate entrance is made to it and appropriate repairs are made. Rent 40-50 sq. m will be 50-70 thousand rubles per month. Approximately the same amount will need to be paid on the loan. The benefit is that in the end the entrepreneur will own the premises and will subsequently be relieved of rental costs.

It must be taken into account that the bakery should open early in the morning and close late in the evening. On weekends and holidays you need to prepare for a large influx of buyers, therefore, increase the number of products.

The bakery will need exactly the same equipment as the cafe, the only addition is the purchase of a convection oven, special pastry blades and bread baking pans. The list of other tools is given above.

And in the candy store you should additionally purchase:

  • showcases, shelving, refrigeration equipment;
  • cash registers;
  • terminals for reading bank cards;
  • telephones, computers with Internet and programs for them, office equipment.

Typically, confectionery shops are equipped with alarms, air conditioning and fire safety systems.

We should not forget that the business plan for a bakery-confectionery must include activities for advertising, making outdoor signs and decorating shop windows.

The beginning of a new economic crisis or a round of the old one became the basis for the government to adopt another package of measures designed to make small and medium-sized businesses an attractive activity. Including creating promising areas in the service sector. Such as opening your own cafe or pastry shop. It is the confectionery that experts in the field of small and medium-sized businesses call actually the most successful type of startup. To create such a production, a minimum amount of equipment is required, and its delicious products are sure to be popular.

Is it worth conducting a competitor market analysis?

At the very beginning of a mini-confectionery business plan, it is worth assessing in advance the popularity of this type of activity. To do this, you can simply walk around the area on your own and see how many bakeries, sweet shops and places selling cakes and pastries are located there. The confectionery business is in demand, but in situations of oversupply on the market of this kind of small and medium-sized enterprises, they will have to either select their own completely unique line of activity, or choose another line of work.

It is worth considering that often all these numerous stores produce virtually similar products. In this option, a simple market analysis will help evaluate those areas of production development that will ultimately show maximum profitability. You also need to consider whether the confectionery will be combined with its own store or cafe, or whether it will become an enterprise specializing in the supply of finished products to retail outlets.

Registration and taxation

A mandatory point of the confectionery production business plan is also the choice of registration method and taxation system.

To register a confectionery shop, you will need to register its owner as a PBOLE. This registration option makes it possible to carry out work on the principles that reduce the amount of documentation that will need to be prepared for the branches of the Federal Tax Service of Russia at the end of the reporting periods. After receiving a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur, you will need to register with the social insurance fund and pension fund.

Significant moral costs also come from obtaining all the mandatory permits required to carry out work related to food production. This will also require permits from the fire control service and the sanitary station.

Work can only begin after obtaining a final permit from the prefecture or other local authority to conduct the activity and approval of the product certificate, including approval of detailed recipes.

So, you decided to open a confectionery shop. Where to begin?

Selecting a room

When choosing a place where the confectionery shop will be located, it is important to consider several factors.

First of all, it is the ability to connect to a constant source of electricity, which will guarantee the preparation of delicious products and their further storage at the optimal temperature.

The room must be spacious enough and have a good ventilation system to ensure that each employee has the opportunity to work successfully and safely in a comfortable environment. In the spacious hall it is convenient to place tables or trade displays and chests. When opening a confectionery production combined with a cafe, you will need to submit it to the inspection structures detailed plan placement of places for receiving visitors, a fire evacuation plan, confirm the possibility of equipping the cafe area with a bathroom or several sanitary facilities, depending on the expected number of visitors.

An important element successful activities There will also be a careful choice of the location of the confectionery shop or cafe. The best option is the choice of a building in the central areas of the city, where it can be visited by office employees and numerous tourists, as well as in residential areas - a cafe where you can taste a sweet and fragrant delicacy is sure to become a favorite vacation spot for adults and young visitors.

Equipment for bakery confectionery

A compact confectionery shop is attractive as a startup because it allows you to purchase a minimum amount of specialized equipment. Its set directly depends on the selected range of products. In particular, the following can be used in the work:

  • ovens with 1 or more baking chambers costing from 19,000 rubles;
  • baking ovens with 1 or several baking chambers costing from 20,000 rubles;
  • frying and baking cabinets costing from 35,000 rubles;
  • deck ovens costing from 400,000 rubles.

In addition, you will need flour sifters, proofing cabinets, dough dividing and forming equipment, scales, baking sheets and molds, and much more.

To obtain permission to successfully work with food products, you will also need to provide the inspection structures with the following equipment for a mini-confectionery: refrigerator(s), cutting tables and tools, equipment for storing finished products, including display cases with a cooling function for the placed goods. total cost a complete set will cost from 300 thousand dollars.

A mandatory element of equipment for a confectionery shop engaged in independent retail sales is cash machine. The cost of the simplest models is about 25,000 rubles.


If you already roughly know how to open a confectionery shop from scratch, you need to think about the employees. Often individual entrepreneur at the first stages of organizing activities, decides not to invite additional employees who will be involved in the sale and preparation of cakes, sweets and pastries. In reality, it turns out that he cannot do without helpers.

At a minimum, you will need to invite an experienced pastry chef who has a medical certificate and is ready to confirm the presence of culinary education and work experience. The minimum set of subordinates also needs to include an employee who will be responsible for delivering sweet products to stores.

In the case where the confectionery itself sells its products and does not offer delivery to customers, such a staff unit can be combined with an employee who will perform the functional duties of a supply manager. You will also need a salesperson who has experience working with a cash register.

All employees can be employed on temporary contracts. Providing documentation for tax services, social services, and pension funds can be conducted by invited representatives of specialized agencies.

What services can confectionery production provide?

Today, the most popular activity of such productions is independent baking with further sales through retail chains. The list of popular confectionery services includes the production of cakes and sets of pastries to order according to a basic template or according to an individual customer project. Such sweet pastries are ready to become the best gift at any special event. The café-pastry shop is convenient for holding family celebrations, which can become a source of income for its owner.

The influence of advertising on product sales

So, if you have already decided and most importantly know how to open a mini-confectionery shop, you need to take care of proper advertising of the establishment. Successful sales of even the highest quality products directly depend on the funds invested in its development and promotion. Often for a small confectionery it is enough to simply advertise in the local press or small advertising posters.

The type of notification selected that the establishment will be open or has already started operating is determined based on market research and the size of the potential audience.

The cost of opening a bakery

An approximate calculation of initial costs in a bakery business plan traditionally includes several required parameters:

  • cost of purchasing equipment - from 500,000 to 1,500,000 rubles;
  • the cost of renting premises for a confectionery shop and cafe - from 200,000 to 500,000 rubles;
  • carrying out marketing research— from 150,000 rubles;
  • funds required for paperwork - from 60,000 rubles;
  • cost of raw materials at the initial purchase stage - from 100,000 rubles;
  • remuneration for an invited interior designer who carries out a design project for products and a cafe when opening it in a confectionery production - from 100,000-200,000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the project;
  • wage staff - from 100,000 rubles.

How to open a confectionery shop and not go broke?

Profitability such a business increases significantly if there is an owner in the property confectionery business own premises, which meets the requirements of fire and sanitary-epidemiological services for opening this type of production.

Initial investments are attractive because they allow you to borrow the required amount. The payback of confectionery production, even in the first stages of activity, with competently conducted market research and a high-quality advertising campaign, is at least 20-30%. A successfully developing business is ready to achieve 100% profitability.