Character of the Siberian Husky dog ​​breed. Description of the appearance and character of a husky. How tall is a husky dog?

Today, the husky's character has changed somewhat, although in the past they were considered only as sled dogs. Huskies are excellent companions, have a good time with children, participate in races and exhibitions. The breed has become famous all over the world thanks to its human-improved appearance. It is one of the most beloved and popular among many peoples. What types of huskies there are, with whom they can be easily confused, and other issues related to the care and education of representatives of the breed will be discussed below.

Through the efforts of breeders, color options and other characteristics of the breed have become more diverse. Knowing these nuances will help you decide on choosing the right pet for your home.

All species diversity of the breed comes down to the following varieties husky:

The listed types of dogs are united by the description of the Husky breed - character, external features, behavioral attitude. Each variety may differ slightly in its individual characteristics.

The Samoyed and Akita Inu are not husky varieties. These are completely different breeds. Yes, outwardly they have a lot in common with each other, just like the husky varieties.

Alaskan Malamute and huskies - luxurious snow dogs with a massive build, similar in their aesthetic characteristics. Without knowing the difference between a malamute and a husky, it is not difficult to make a mistake in identifying them. Few people will be very upset about this, because both breeds are the real personification of the snow miracle.

Upon closer examination and comparison of the Alaskan Malamute and Husky breeds, the difference will become more obvious. In dogs different story and origin, distinctive character. Someone even combines these two independent breeds into one, calling them huskies. They are wrong. Malamutes, huskies and huskies - 3 various breeds. And the first two of them were bred as sled dogs, while the husky’s mission is hunting.

Basic characteristics of breeds

Huskies are smaller in height (no more than 60 cm) and light in weight (from 15 kg to 30 kg). They are mobile and easy to climb. General characteristics of the husky: a squat dog with dense hair. When you feel the fur, you feel its softness, but there is no fluffiness. The paws are naturally strong and light at the same time. The tail is usually curled or raised. Unlike the Malamute, the color of the Husky can vary, and it is often:

Acceptable eye colors are blue, yellow, brownish. Distinctive features The Husky breed lies precisely in this trait. Blue eyes- Husky business card, they are most common among representatives of the breed.
Blue color Eyeliner creates an amazing impression. The standard does not prohibit eyes of different colors, which are not considered a defect and have no effect on the thoroughbred. The husky's nose is black or brown; less often you can see a “snow nose” with pinkish streaks.

The Husky is not the result of selective breeding. The origin of the breed is due to the harsh climate of the Far Eastern region of our country.

This dog is direct evidence that nature is an ideal breeder.

The handsome Malamute was bred in the harsh conditions of snowy Alaska. This breed is ancient, but selection, coupled with the consolidation of the main character traits, took place in the recent past. Malamute is nothing more than a mixture of a wolf and a husky dog. What determines the high growth standards (above 60 cm), the massiveness of the paws and some clumsiness.

This is a wolf dog - the breed is visible in its powerful and slightly square body and wide head. In particular, the Malamute's eyes are distinguished by their striking black rims. The nose and lips are also black. Dark places are very reminiscent of a “mask” worn on the face. Malamutes are presented exclusively in gray and white colors.

At the same time, strict standards are put forward regarding eye color: exclusively brown. The presence of blue in the eyes in a litter is considered an indicator of defectiveness. Even if all other characteristics are suitable, breeding for such dogs is prohibited. A characteristic inherited from wolves is the tail. More often it is bent downwards. It rises when the dog needs to greet someone.

When breeding the Malamute, breeders were guided by the goal of creating a dog capable of carrying large loads. The malamute's speed is a little lacking, but it can cover many kilometers of paths without visible signs fatigue. Husky is considered a fast dog. But transporting heavy loads is not her thing.

Distinctive character traits

The differences in appearance between a husky and a malamute are just the tip of the iceberg. While the description of the husky's character sheds light on the presence of more serious differences between the breeds. Despite the friendliness and affection, a husky’s self-esteem cannot be taken away. When a child with a diagnosis of hyperactivity grows up in a family, parents should take a closer look at this dog. The little child will certainly make friends with the new pet. The latter will be a permanent partner in active entertainment. He will never show unreasonable aggression towards people or other animals. To know how to raise a Husky, you need to take into account the independent nature of these dogs. It is this that often becomes a stumbling block that interferes with training.

Malamutes are nicknamed “intellectuals”. Because the owner can easily guess the mood from the facial expressions on their faces. The Malamute may not become a caring nanny, but it will definitely be a family friend. There is no need for him to bark; usually the dog is silent. But it is common for a Malamute to make sounds reminiscent of a human grunt.

Mandatory education and training

Unquestioning obedience of an animal in any situation can be achieved only when the education of a husky is in the hands of a confident, strong-willed and persistent person. In addition, Husky training must be competent and consistent. Since training a husky is not easy, without all of the above it will be even impossible to do.

It is important to focus training on the commands: “come to me”, “lie down”, “fu”, “near”, “sit”, “place”, “fetch”. With daily pronunciation, the dog will master their implementation to perfection. The “fetch” order is important specifically for huskies, which helps to take this energetic animal for a walk.

Raising puppies should be based on instilling correct behavior at home and in the pack. The dog must navigate what the owner prohibits and what he allows. The speed of mastering these skills is determined solely by the owner’s ability to clearly convey their understanding four-legged friend.
Parenting is not difficult. They quickly begin to understand what the owner wants to instill in them. The husky begins to ask to relieve itself outside early, and also quickly learns to jump up on its owner with its paws when meeting, pick up garbage from the ground, bite hands in play, and take treats from strangers.

They entrust the training and education of a husky to a child when he reaches the age of 12 years. If a child has difficulties and a parent notices this, the latter should provide all possible assistance.

Suitable care and maintenance

A more comfortable lifestyle is created for the animal in a private home.

However, a comfortable apartment can also become a habitat, provided that it is sufficiently physically loaded. In addition, the description of the Husky dog ​​breed indicates such a behavioral trait as cleanliness. You won't notice any odor from their fur. Huskies shed twice throughout the year, so the fur should be combed out from time to time with a brush. The dog is not washed often - a couple of times a year. Systematic hygiene is mainly due to washing paws after an active walk.

For the most part, the whole issue of care comes down to giving the dog a full walk. On active walks, you should use the “fetch” call more often, which will allow your pet to quickly expend its charge of physical energy. Instead of a stick, you can throw a tennis ball, and a slingshot purchased for this purpose will help you throw it. So the ball can fly as much as 200 meters.

These dogs are not picky about their diet. Two meals a day is quite capable of satiating an adult. Huskies are fed from a set of the same products that make up the diet of animals of other breeds.
Even before a new member arrives in the house, they think about what they will feed him constantly - dry or natural food. Mixing these two types of food is contraindicated.

The owner must understand that when introducing a natural nutrition system, a lot of time will be spent preparing dishes for the pet. But precisely in natural feeding you can track the quality and quantity of products used. If, nevertheless, the choice weighs in favor of dry feeding, the food is chosen based on the ingredients in the composition. But not on the popularity of this or that brand. Super premium food is mostly of the highest quality.

The situation with feeding the Malamute is different. This “lover of tasty things” can resort to deception and cunning in order to get a tasty morsel. However, due to the specific purpose of this dog (sled), it is better not to overload its diet. Otherwise, gastric volvulus will not take long to occur. You don’t have to try very hard to take care of your Malamute’s appearance. Once a week you will need to comb the fur and trim the nails. By analogy with a husky, it is preferable to keep a malamute in your own home.

Miniature Husky variety

The variety appeared in America in the last century (70s) thanks to Linda Spurlin, who decided to breed a miniature look from an ordinary husky. The selection had results only 20 years later. And before us appears the sight of a small, beautiful and playful breed of husky dog; this species will leave few people uninterested.

Such a devoted friend can move not only on his “fours”, but also placed in a bag. He tolerates trips and large gatherings of people well. What attracts attention about this dog is its good-natured character and endless energy.

General description of the husky dog:

  • height - 33-39 cm;
  • average weight - 7 kg.

Toy Huskies are even smaller in size - height is less than 33 cm, body weight is about 4.5 kg.

Externally, the compact Klee Kai resembles its large relative, but has its own characteristics. The eyes are expressive with green, blue and brown tints; they may also have inclusions on the iris. The head is proportional to the dimensions of the body. The shape of the muzzle is wedge-shaped, tapering towards the nose. The lips differ from the main color and are cast in different shades between black, brown and red. Triangular and covered with hairs, the ears are erect. Life time is up to 14-16 years.

It is difficult to find a more peaceful, social and intelligent animal. Husky is somewhat stubborn and willful, but she is an individual that you simply cannot help but fall in love with.

She gained her popularity primarily for her unusual wolfish appearance and friendly disposition. Many people would probably like to buy such a puppy. However, according to experts, due to some character traits, this breed is not suitable for all dog breeders. In any case, caring for a husky must be done correctly.

A little history

The Husky breed was developed naturally, for thousands of years, by the inhabitants of the Far North - the Chukchi. According to physiological characteristics, it is a relative of the well-known species (but not its variety). Huskies were used by the Chukchi mainly as sled dogs.

Unfortunately, unlike the husky, after the 17th year this breed was recognized in our country as having no prospects. And therefore, no attention was paid to her at all. The only thing that saved the husky from extinction was that even before the revolution, several of these dogs were taken from Kamchatka by the Americans. That is why the breed was registered not in Russia, but in the USA.

How to choose a pet

They buy Husky dogs whose care and maintenance at home require some knowledge, usually at the age of two months. Of course, it is quite difficult to determine whether a puppy meets the standards at this time without proper experience. However, it is, of course, imperative to pay attention to the animal’s bones (it must be strong), the correct bite, and the position of the neck and tail when purchasing.

The color of a husky can vary. World standards allow 15 different shades. But in Russia they are recognized only with brown, black or gray. This should also be taken into account when choosing a puppy.

The eyes of these dogs usually have a rich blue color. It is this feature, along with the “wolf” appearance, that causes genuine delight in most people when they see a husky. However, the standards do not regulate the eye color of this breed too strictly. Brown, golden, olive, in any case, are not considered a defect.

When choosing a husky puppy, among other things, you should pay attention to its face, paws and back. Representatives of this breed must wear a light “mask” and dark “glasses”. A hunched back and splayed paws, as well as a sharp coat, are considered defects according to the standards. The nose of this breed can be black, pink or even striped.

In the future, a husky will be simpler if, when choosing, the owners pay attention to the character of the baby. The dog should be active, strong and not too aggressive. Perhaps before buying you should not only examine the puppy, but also take him for a short walk.

Character traits

Husky is a very peaceful dog. TO to strangers Representatives of this breed are friendly. Therefore, it will not be possible to use such a dog as a guard dog. This breed is not suitable for those who want a cute “sofa” dog at home.

Caring for a husky consists, first of all, of frequent walks. These dogs are very active, and without proper physical activity they begin to misbehave. If such a dog is kept in a city apartment, it is advisable to walk it three times a day. Otherwise, chewed furniture, scratched doors and floors are guaranteed for the owners.

Husky on the street

Representatives of this breed should only be walked on a leash, at least for the first time. These dogs (especially at a young age) tend to wander and can easily run away. They never attack passers-by, but at the same time they can simply run up to someone out of excess energy to “get acquainted”, and greatly frighten the person. After all, these dogs are quite large in size. In addition, in appearance they resemble wolves, which most people associate with aggressiveness.

Huskies, whose care and maintenance in an apartment require frequent walks, can also feel good in the yard country house. In this case, an enclosure with warm booth. It is not recommended to allow huskies to roam freely, even in a suburban area. Otherwise, the dog may decide to go free hunting and hunt the neighbor's rabbits and ducks.

Husky care: how often to bathe

Dogs of this breed almost never emit an unpleasant dog odor. This is considered one of the advantages of the Siberian Husky. But the cleanliness of the fur of these dogs should be monitored as carefully as possible. During a walk, you should not allow your dog to climb into puddles or run through the mud, much less roll around in it.

The fact is that experienced dog breeders do not recommend bathing huskies too often. These dogs should take water treatments no more than once a year. If the husky does get dirty during a walk, the paws and contaminated areas of the body just need to be thoroughly wiped with a soft, damp sponge.

Caring for a husky in the house and apartment: what to do with the fur

Small puppies of this breed should be brushed at least twice a week. Their fur is very soft and thin, and therefore quickly falls into tangles. You can increase the time between combing to a week only after the husky is 5-6 months old. At this age, puppies' fur becomes a little coarser.

During shedding, caring for a husky in an apartment should consist of daily brushing. If this procedure is carried out less frequently, pieces of matted dog hair will very quickly fill the entire room. And remove them from the carpets and upholstered furniture it will be extremely difficult. If the dog is kept in the yard of a private house, brushing during shedding can be done 3-4 times a week.

It is better to care for a husky's fur not with a regular comb, but with special rakes, which you can buy at a pet store. This device has one important advantage. Rakes, unlike combs, do not tear the beautiful undercoat of dogs of this breed and do not break individual guard hairs.

What to feed your husky

Caring for a husky includes developing a balanced diet. This breed does best with natural products. At this menu pet should be as varied as possible. The dog should be given beef, chicken, sea fish, liver, heart, vegetables, etc. Of course, the food should be heat-treated before feeding. Otherwise, the dog may catch worms.

Pork and lamb should not be given to Huskies. These types of meat are too heavy for their stomach. Be sure to include porridge in your diet - the daily menu should include steamed oatmeal and buckwheat. Eating porridges of this variety stabilizes the functioning of the intestines and stomach of dogs of the described breed. At the same time, semolina and pearl barley are completely unsuitable for Huskies.

Just purchased little puppy Experienced dog breeders advise putting dogs on a rice diet for a week. In the future, small pieces of white poultry meat or sea fish should be gradually added alternately to this porridge.

Features of training

Proper upbringing from an early age is something that Husky dogs definitely need. The care and maintenance of these large, intelligent dogs requires training. If enough attention is not paid to raising a puppy, it will grow up completely uncontrollable. Love of freedom and the desire to lead in everything and everywhere are literally in the blood of these northern dogs.

When getting started, you should remember that a husky is, first of all, not a service dog, but a working dog. For example, she will happily take children or even the owners themselves on a sled on her own, without any training. But at the same time, it will not be possible to develop aggressiveness towards strangers in a dog by any means.

Most often, husky training begins at 2-3 months. The training program is chosen so that the dog’s training is as interesting as possible. Huskies should not be punished for not following commands during classes. Much better results with these dogs can be achieved using praise.

When training, the commands themselves should be given to the husky in a clear, authoritative, calm voice. You should be persistent during training. However, we must not forget that these northern dogs They respond much better to requests than to orders.

Proper care of a husky puppy requires punishment only in the following cases:

  • manifestations of aggression towards the owner;
  • committing actions that are dangerous for the dog itself;
  • manifestations of aggression towards other dogs.

Under no circumstances should you hit a husky. The following technique is usually used as punishment:

  • the dog is picked up by the withers;
  • they press her to the floor so that she cannot move;
  • After the dog stops resisting and relaxes, he is released.

You should definitely use some treats as a reward during training. You should praise dogs in an even, soft voice. These dogs absolutely cannot stand shrill intonations.

What mistakes should not be made?

This is how Siberian Huskies are trained at home. Raising and caring for the dogs described presuppose, as you can see, compliance certain rules. When raising a puppy, you should try to avoid making mistakes that are typical for beginners. These include primarily:

  • prohibitions on communication with other dogs;
  • carrying the dog in your arms (especially belly first);
  • retraining (the husky will not carry out an already learned command without apparent reason several times in a row).

Among other things, a dog of this breed should under no circumstances be allowed to play with household items - old socks, unnecessary slippers, etc. Otherwise, in the future the dog will do the same with new things. Moreover, it is unlikely that it will be possible to wean him from this.


Caring for and feeding a husky, as well as training this breed, are relatively simple procedures, as you can see. Pay more attention to your pet, take him for walks on time, show maximum patience, and this dog will definitely thank you with his love and boundless devotion.

  • Height at withers: Male: 54-60 cm; Female: 50-56 cm.
  • Weight: Male: 21–28 kg; Female: 16-23 kg.
  • Color : There are about 15 various colors, but in Russia only a few are officially recognized: white, black and white, brown and white and gray and white.
  • Varieties: depending on coat color. In addition to those officially recognized in Russia, these are absolutely black, gray, silver, copper, red, light red, fawn, wolf gray, sable, agouti, black and tan, and piebald. Huskies are also conventionally divided into three groups - working, racing and exhibition.
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years.
  • Other names: Arctic Husky, husky, Siberian Laika

Advantages and disadvantages

  • almost no conflicts with other dogs
  • bark rarely and quietly
  • show friendliness even to strangers
  • stubborn and willful
  • require serious training

Description of the breed

Siberian Husky - beautiful dog, whose cute face looks somewhat like a fox. The Siberian Husky is distinguished by its friendliness and exceptional loyalty, and has a huge reserve of agility. She is calm by nature, but when trained this can result in disobedience. Like all breeds, they have their own behavioral characteristics: they are considered quite lazy, since sometimes it is completely impossible to force them to do anything. Moreover, this is typical for all breed varieties.

Many people love these dogs for their light blue eyes and piercing gaze. A dog of this breed is a traditional participant in sleigh races: working in a harness is its main purpose, despite such a disadvantage as laziness.

If you take a dog of this breed into your home, make sure it gets plenty of exercise. Life in the backyard is not her lot. Children will only be happy with such an acquisition: they will have their own sled dog. In winter, your child will be able to learn how to independently drive a sled and even participate in dog races, if possible.

Siberian Husky breed standard

The breed standard dictates that the male should not look too massive, and the female should not look too small. Excessive bonyness, clumsy movements, a hunchback, splayed paws are extremely undesirable defects.

Purebred Huskies must have the following characteristics. The muscles are well developed, movements are easy and free. The color can be any, but with characteristic tan markings forming a light mask, glasses are of the most varied colors. The muzzle is narrow, but not raw, with a straight bridge of the nose. The nose can have different shades of black or even flesh color, and in winter it can become pink striped.

The most common representatives of this breed are blue-eyed dogs. Also, eye color can be gray, amber, olive, brown; in addition, there are dogs of this breed with multi-colored eyes. The tail is rich, lowered when calm, slightly curved.

Character and characteristics of the Siberian Husky

Husky fur is thick, middle length, lacks a specific odor, gives the impression of good pubescence. The guard hair is not too hard, so it adheres smoothly to the undercoat. This length and structure of the coat well emphasize the silhouette of the animal, giving it volume. Purebred dogs should not have protruding or excessive long wool. At the same time, the standard allows for some differences in the length of the coat of different dogs.

Since the Husky is a sled dog, too long hair can accumulate snow on itself, and this is unacceptable for a working dog. The fur cannot be trimmed, with the exception of areas in the lower part of the paws and whiskers. To make your pet feel comfortable during the hot season, it is recommended to trim the long hair between the paw pads.

The appearance of huskies, due to the peculiarities of their body structure, emphasizes their strength and endurance. Females look slimmer, but in terms of muscle strength they are not inferior to males. Huskies are characterized by a smooth gait - they move freely and elegantly.

Also, owners should take into account its hunting instincts - the dog is not always friendly towards other pets, although manifestations of aggressiveness are extremely rare. She doesn’t like to be left alone, which is why problems can arise when keeping a husky in an apartment, so small puppies, when leaving home, can be locked in a cage specially purchased for the pet, or you can leave as many different toys as possible so that the baby can entertain himself in your absence and I tolerated loneliness more easily.

In the summer, it is necessary to provide the husky with access to a cool place and water, otherwise it is possible that “underground passages” will appear on the territory of your country house, which will serve as a place for the dog to protect from the sun. It is strictly not recommended to walk your pet or work with your dog in the sun.

You can keep dogs of this breed in an apartment by equipping a separate corner with a soft rug for the pet, away from heating devices and not in a draft, but these dogs will be more comfortable in an enclosure, which must be equipped in advance. Remember that dogs are freedom-loving, energetic, active and smart, so arrange the enclosure or flooring so that the pet cannot get out on its own and go in search of adventure.

Caring for and maintaining a Husky is quite simple, so even inexperienced dog breeders can own dogs of this breed. It is very important to provide regular and proper coat care, especially if you keep your husky in an apartment. It is very important to ensure proper coat care, especially during the shedding period. From time to time it is only necessary to comb the coat with a stiff brush, a slicker brush and a comb with fine, medium-sized teeth. There is no need to wash your husky, unless your pet decides to refresh its coat with some natural “flavoring.”

If your dog lives in a private home, then you should monitor the condition of its coat more closely, especially if it periodically participates in exhibitions. Whatever living conditions you create for your dog, you need to take into account the fact that this breed needs increased physical activity. It is even recommended to arrange bicycle rides for the husky. Dogs of this breed are very energetic, intelligent, and inquisitive. Games for Siberian Huskies are one of the most favorite activities. Dogs can play tirelessly for hours with children or with their owner, so do not deprive your pet of this entertainment.

On average, you will need to walk your pet for 4-5 hours a day - this has a beneficial effect on its health. Unfortunately, not all dog lovers take this fact into account, and many representatives of the breed languish in apartments almost forever.

Before you decide to buy such a dog, evaluate whether you can make the dog happy and how well he will feel at home. Responsibility is also necessary if you want your dog to take part in breeding. Huskies are naturally strong creatures, but if you plan to adopt a dog, you need to prepare your pet for this in advance important event. With proper care, pregnancy and childbirth of a Siberian Husky proceed without any complications, but still, during this period of the pet’s life more attention and care is required. She needs increased nutrition, reduced physical activity and rest. But abruptly changing the composition of the diet is not recommended.

Mating a husky should take place in the dog's territory; human assistance is rarely necessary. Puppies are born on the 63-70th day after mating.

Feeding the Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky eats with pleasure and natural food, and professional ready-made dry food. Lack of appetite is a rare occurrence due to the high activity of these dogs. Huskies have a predominant protein-fat metabolism, so they easily digest fatty and protein foods.

Natural nutrition should be complete - make sure that the food contains everything necessary for the body nutrients. In order for your pet to grow up strong, resilient and healthy, special attention should be paid to feeding Siberian Husky puppies in the first year of life. When feeding a puppy at 6 months, and even more so at 1.5 months. It is important to follow the regime, that is, give food at a strictly established time. The recommended number of feedings per day for a particular age should also not change. Feeding should be at the same time, which in turn ensures the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Proper care and maintenance, a balanced diet is the key to good canine health and longevity. When choosing ready-made food for your pet, choose a diet designed specifically for them, or one whose formula contains a high content of proteins and fats. When creating a diet for a Siberian Husky, remember that the products must be of high quality and fresh. Give food only at room temperature and provide your pet with free access to a bowl of fresh drinking water.

Siberian Husky puppies

The best number of puppies in a litter is 4-5, but most often huskies give birth to more. The average weight of a newborn puppy is 500-600 g. In the first weeks, puppies feed on their mother's milk. If there is not enough milk, the puppies will behave restlessly, in which case they need to be fed.

It is advisable to immediately accustom the puppy to commands as soon as he appears in your home, but unobtrusively. This will make further training easier. Discuss the issues of raising and raising husky puppies with experienced owners of dogs of this breed or with dog handlers.

Training a Siberian Husky

As for upbringing and training, the Siberian Husky is very easy to train and follows commands with pleasure, but given the freedom-loving nature of the northern pet, you must be patient and persistent. Training begins immediately after the pet has adapted to new conditions and learned its name.

You can train a Siberian Husky at home and teach it the most basic commands. Basic commands that a dog should know: “Come”, “Fu” or “No”, “Place”, “Sit”, “Lie down”. Commands should be given in a strict intonation and you should always praise or reward your pet with a treat for following them. At 8 months, you should know the most basic commands and rules of behavior on the street and at home, since from this period dogs begin to show their freedom-loving character and disobedience, so do not miss the favorable moment for developing the necessary skills.

As a puppy, Huskies are easy to train, but because of their innate sense of independence, the owner often has to put a lot of effort and persistence in raising the puppy. How to raise a husky so that the dog grows up obedient and obeys its owner unquestioningly? First of all, you need to wean the puppy from doing everything that he will be prohibited from doing in his adult life. Otherwise, the dog will get the better of you, feel like a leader, and it will not be easy for you to change his character. A husky will require a lot of attention from you - only in this case will it feel absolutely happy, and you will always be able to control its behavior.

Good results They offer classes with an experienced dog handler: if you are not confident in your abilities, if you think that it is better to entrust raising a dog to a professional, contact him.

The Siberian Husky is a breed of dog with a very independent, independent character that seeks a strong leader next to it. At the same time, husky dogs are kind and friendly to both people and dogs, although primitive instincts may prompt them to run after a cat or other living creature running past. The owner must seriously engage in training and education in order to be able to always control the dog in any situation. Achieving this will not be easy with such a wayward breed, so the owner should be persistent.

A husky will fit into a family consisting of any number of people, as long as it is provided with a sufficient amount of exercise. The breed is very active and requires increased physical activity. Without them, the dog will be overly excitable, will become less able to obey the owner’s orders and will entertain itself with various pranks.

Breed standard (briefly).

Male weight: 21–28 kg.

Bitch weight: about 16-23 kg.

Male height: 54-60 cm.

Bitch height: 50-56 cm.

Siberian Husky price.

"By hand": up to $200.

PET class: up to $350.

BRID class: from $500 to $800.

SHOW class: from $800 to $1000 and above.

Difficulty of care: low.

Grooming: a little.

How many times to bathe: up to 2 times a year.

Preferred living conditions: in the courtyard.

Can they live in an apartment: yes, but active walking is required.

Lifespan: 12-15 years old.

Country Russia.

Date of birth of the breed: beginning of the 20th century.

FCI Group: Group 5. Spitz and primitive types of dogs.

FCI Section: Section 1. Nordic sled dogs.

FCI standard: 270.

Education and training:

Difficulty of education: average.

Difficulty of training: above average.

You can train your child with: 12-15 years old.

Purpose of the breed.

Initial purpose: sled dog.

Where is it currently used: Huskies are now popular as a companion dog.

Attitude towards living beings.

Strangers: good, friendly.

Children living in the family: good.

Animals: good to dogs.

Activity level and walking:

Need for activity: require a lot of activity.

Playfulness: Very playful.

Duration of walking: at least 2 hours a day.

Walking intensity: active games, running.

Description and character of the Siberian Husky dog ​​breed. Who is the breed suitable for?

The character of the Siberian Husky is willful and stubborn. Independent and independent, these dogs always have their own opinion about what is happening, and therefore the owner needs to be persistent and always achieve obedience from the pet. People of weak character should not own a husky, since the dog will definitely reach the top of the pack and will rule from the position of leader. To make it easier to control the temperament of such a temperamental breed, it is necessary, in addition to serious training and education, to tire the dog physically as much as possible. Having received such necessary activity, the animal will definitely calm down, become more docile, obedient and peaceful. Without a walk, the husky will probably direct his mental activity to all sorts of pranks and aggression.

The Siberian Husky dog ​​breed will fit perfectly into any family, even if there are many small children. The main thing is to provide the dog with the physical exercise it needs in full and take care of its upbringing from the moment it arrives in the house. Also, the breed loves to hunt for all kinds of small animals, therefore, any small animals located near your predator are at risk. It is quite possible to control any unwanted behavior, and even such a stubborn dog as a Siberian Husky will obey the owner in 100% of cases.

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Labrador breed description and general characteristics dogs. In this article you will learn about one of the the kindest breeds in the world.

History of the breed (briefly).

Siberian Huskies were bred by the Chukchi, who live in North-Eastern Siberia. The history of the breed goes back several thousand years. More exact dates does not exist, since the Chukchi did not record their history and lived separately in places where civilization came relatively recently. This, in turn, helped preserve the purity of the breed.

At the beginning of the 20th century, after participating in dog sled races, American gold miners acquired several dozen Siberian huskies that they liked so much. It was the first dogs brought to America that helped preserve this beautiful breed. Because after the Bolsheviks came to power in 1917 and established Soviet power, the Siberian Husky was recognized as an unpromising breed and was replaced by other breeds.

The Siberian Husky was brought to Russia only in 1995 from Belgium and the Czech Republic. Of course, this is no longer the same sled dog of the early twentieth century, because when it was bred abroad, more attention was paid to the exterior, that is, to its external characteristics. Nowadays, huskies, thanks to their friendliness and divine beauty, are excellent as a companion dog, and that is why the Siberian Husky is rapidly gaining popularity among dog breeders.

The Siberian Husky does not require much care. Huskies shed twice a year and it is enough to brush them from time to time with a regular brush. There is no point in washing your dog often; 1-2 times a year is enough. True, the active nature of the husky will push it to seek adventure, and after walking the dog may come home too dirty. Then it makes sense to do water treatments. Actually, all care for a husky comes down to providing her with the most active walking possible. To do this, be sure to use the “fetch” command, which will help tire the dog out much faster. Also, if you get tired of throwing a stick, you can buy a special slingshot that can throw a tennis ball up to 200 meters, or make a sling that throws the ball even further.

Huskies are fed the same foods as all other breeds. From the moment a new life appears in the house, think about what you will give for food: dry or natural food. It is strictly not recommended to mix the two types of feeding. What to feed is up to you. Dry food does not take as much time as preparing natural food, but natural food will allow you to control the quantity and quality of food. In any case, if you decide on dry food, then choose not based on the brand’s popularity, but solely on the composition of the food. Most super premium foods are of good quality.

Raising and training the Siberian Husky.

Training a Siberian Husky is not for the faint of heart. You need to be a persistent, self-confident person to achieve perfect obedience in any situation. Otherwise, except for the sake of such a result, there is no point in training a dog. In general, the owner will have to work to achieve success. However, this is not so difficult if you work responsibly, don’t shirk from your studies and solve behavioral problems that arise in a timely manner. Focus your attention on teaching your dog such commands as “come”, “near”, “fu”, “lie down”, “sit”, “place”, “give”, “fetch” - you will use them every day, and the dog must know them perfectly. For a husky, the “fetch” command is important only because it will help such an active creature to walk.

Raising a husky puppy begins with establishing rules of behavior in the pack and home. The dog must understand what is allowed and what is prohibited by the owner. The speed of assimilation of these rules depends solely on the owner himself, on how correctly he explains the new rules to the dog. Raising a Siberian Husky puppy is not difficult, and this dog quickly understands what the owner wants to convey to him. Huskies easily get used to using the toilet on the street, stop jumping with their paws on the owner when they meet, bite his hands in play, pick up various nasty things from the floor or take food from the hands of strangers, and it doesn’t take long to get used to other animals from the family. You can entrust the upbringing and training of a Siberian Husky to a child, but not before he turns 12-14 years old. At the same time, the parent must come to the rescue if the child cannot cope on his own.

Want to know more about this the most beautiful breed? Then short video Below will help you learn a little more about the Siberian Husky.

The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized Northern Sled breed. Perfect for active people who will not be embarrassed by a playful and active pet. The ability of wool to self-clean, the absence of slobbering, the dog is practically odorless, qualities that have led to the fact that huskies are increasingly kept in city apartments.

in the photo a Siberian husky lies near the house

Description of the Siberian Husky breed and the FCI standard

Siberian Husky - medium size, with large bones, thick coat, harmonious build, attractive shape of head and ears.

  1. Country of origin: USA.
  2. Application: Sled dog.
  3. FCI classification: Group 5 Spitz and primitive types of dogs. Section 1 Northern sled dogs. No operational tests.
  4. General Appearance: A medium-sized working dog with strong, well-developed muscles and free, elegant movements. The body is moderately compact and covered with dense fur, erect ears, and a bushy tail. The characteristic gait of the husky is smooth and relaxed. It performs well in harness, transporting light loads at medium speed over long distances. Body proportions and appearance reflect the basic balance of strength, speed and endurance. Males are strong, strong, not rough; bitches are feminine, but without weakness in structure.
  5. Important proportions:
  • The length of the body from the point of the shoulder joint to the ischial tuberosity is slightly greater than the height at the withers
  • The distance from the tip of the nose to the stop is equal to the distance from the stop to the occipital protuberance.
  • Behavior/Temperament: friendly, kind, efficient. Not prone to dominance or aggression towards other dogs. Discreet, smart, flexible with self-esteem.
  • Head: The skull is of medium size, in proportion to the body, slightly rounded at the top and tapering from the widest part towards the eyes.
    • Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): well expressed.
  • Nose: Gray, red and black huskies have a black nose; in individuals of copper color - chestnut; the dogs are clean white color let's say a flesh-colored nose. A “snow nose” with pink streaks is allowed.
  • Muzzle: Of medium length and width, gradually tapering towards the nose, not pointed and not square at the tip. The bridge of the nose is straight from the stop to the tip of the nose.
  • Lips: Well pigmented, tightly fitting.
  • Jaws/Teeth: regular scissor bite, upper row closely overlapping the lower. The teeth are strong and white.
  • Eyes: almond-shaped, moderately spaced, slightly oblique. Eyes brown or blue color; For the Siberian Husky breed, different eyes and partial coloring are acceptable. The expression in the eyes is attentive, friendly, and sometimes mischievous.
  • Ears: medium size, triangular shape, close and high placed. Thick, well pubescent, slightly convex on the outside, fully erect, with slightly rounded tips pointing vertically upward.
  • Neck: Medium length, arched, carried proudly when standing. When trotting, the neck lengthens and the head moves slightly forward.
  • Back: Straight, strong, of medium length, neither stocky nor weak due to excessive length. The top line from the withers to the croup is straight.
  • Loin: elastic, thin, narrower than the chest, slightly tucked.
  • Croup: Sloping, but not so steep as to restrict the propulsion of the hindquarters.
  • Chest: deep, strong, but not too wide; the deepest point is just behind elbow joint and at his level. The ribs start well from the spine but are flattened on the sides to allow freedom of movement.
  • Tail: Well-furred, fox-type, set below the topline, in an alert dog carried raised above the back in the shape of an elegant sickle. In the upper position, the tail is not curled on one side or the other, and is not spread across the back. When calm, the tail is lowered. The hair on the tail is of medium length and almost the same length on all sides, which gives the appearance of a round “fox” tail.
  • Forelegs: When viewed from the front, moderately spaced, parallel, straight. The bone is strong, but not heavy. The length of the leg from the elbow to the ground is slightly greater than the distance from the elbow to the top of the withers. The dewclaws on the front legs may be removed.
    • Shoulder blades and shoulders: The shoulder blade is well angled back. The shoulder slopes slightly back from the end of the shoulder blade to the elbow and is never perpendicular to the surface of the ground. Muscles and ligaments connecting the shoulder to chest strong and well developed.
    • Elbows: tightly pressed to the body, not tucked in or out.
    • Wrist joint: strong but flexible.
    • Pasterns: Seen from the side, slightly sloping.
  • Hind limbs: when viewed from behind, moderately spaced, parallel. Dewclaws, if present, should be removed.
    • Thigh: powerful with well-developed muscles.
    • Knee: with good articulation angle.
    • Hock joint: well defined, low located.
  • Feet: Oval, but not long, medium in size, compact, well furred between the toes and pads. The pads are elastic and thick. The paws are turned neither in nor out when the dog is in a natural stance.
  • Movement: characteristic gait for the Siberian Husky breed - smooth, easy, effortless. The dog is fast and light on its feet; in the show ring should move on a loose leash at a moderately fast trot, demonstrating good reach from the front legs and good drive from the hind legs. When viewed from front and rear, while moving at a walking pace, the tracks do not form a single line, but as speed increases, the limbs gradually converge until the pads are placed on a line directly under the longitudinal central axis of the body. When the paw prints match, the front and hind legs are carried straight forward, without turning the elbows in or out. Each hind leg steps after the front of the same name. While the dog is moving, the top line remains motionless and level.
  • Coat: The coat is "double", of medium length, giving the impression of good feathering, but not so long as to hide the clean outer lines of the dog. The undercoat is soft, dense, and of sufficient length to support the guard hair. The guard hair is straight, lies smoothly, is in no way hard and does not stand perpendicular to the surface of the body. The absence of undercoat during the molting period is acceptable. Trimming of hair between the toes and around the paws is allowed to give a neat appearance. appearance. Trimming hair on any other part of the body is unacceptable and should be punished.
  • Color: All colors from black to pure white are acceptable. A variety of head markings are common, including many patterns not found in other breeds.
  • Size/Weight of the Siberian Husky breed:
    • Height at withers: males: 53.5 - 60 cm; females: 50.5 - 56 cm.
    • Weight: males: 20.5 - 28 kg; females: 15.5 - 23 kg.

    The weight of a husky is proportional to the height at the withers. The dimensions mentioned above represent extreme limits for height and weight and no preference should be given to one or the other. Any manifestations of excessive bonyness or weight are considered a defect.

  • Faults: Any deviation from the above requirements is considered a fault and its severity is assessed strictly in proportion to its severity.
    • Skull: rough, massive, light head.
    • Stop: insufficiently expressed.
    • The muzzle is too rough or sharp.
    • Bite: any bite except scissor bite.
    • Eyes: excessively slanted or too close together.
    • Ears: Too large in relation to the head or widely spaced, soft ears.
    • Neck: short, thick or long neck.
    • Back: weak, sagging, humpbacked; sloping topline.
    • Chest: Excessively broad or barrel chest, flat or weak ribs.
    • Tail: Tail lying on the back or in a ring, excessive dewlap, very high or low set tail
    • Shoulders: straight, loose shoulder blades.
    • Forelegs: weak pasterns, rough bones; wide or narrow set of forelimbs; free elbows
    • Hind limbs: straight knee joints; cow stand, narrow or wide stand.
    • Feet: splayed, flat, too large and rough, too small and tender; markings or clubfoot
    • Movement: short, prancing or mincing step; movements are heavy, waddling, crossing or sideways.
    • Coat: Long, harsh or shaggy coat; rough or silky; sheared wool anywhere except where indicated.
  • Disqualifying faults:
    • Aggression or cowardice.
    • Males over 60 cm at the withers, females over 56 cm.
    • Any dog ​​with a physical or mental impairment shall be disqualified.

    Note: Males must have two normally developed testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

    Siberian Husky color

    Any color is acceptable:

    • white
    • black and white
    • gray-white
    • silver - white
    • brown - white
    • Isabella (very light coat color close to white)
    • marble
    • sable (copper or red fur)
    • agouti (black - red - White wool)
    • Peebold (white coat with spots of any color)
    • black and tan (tricolor)
    • black

    Siberian Husky character

    Happy Siberian Husky - photo in motion

    Main distinctive features The character of the Siberian Husky is cheerfulness, balance, good nature and energy. Thanks to these qualities, it is perfect for families with children. The breed gets along well with children of various ages and becomes for them good friend and companion. If you show affection and care, he will definitely reciprocate.

    Despite the fact that the husky's character was formed in the harsh conditions of the north, they are easy to train - a husky can obey well, but there will be a degree of independence in the character.

    Gets along well both with representatives of its own breed and with many others non-aggressive dogs. Her character is wary of others, but what prevents her from becoming a real security guard is the fact that she lacks aggressiveness and suspicion of strangers.

    They love maximum attention to themselves, but if you often have to go on business trips, the dog will not be particularly bored, so you can safely entrust its care to your friends.

    Siberian Husky maintenance and care

    The ideal environment for keeping a Siberian Husky is a spacious enclosure in the private sector. But, as you know, the breed can also be kept in urban apartment conditions.

    Siberian Huskies are quite clean, so their fur and skin do not emit any odor. True, during the heating season and in rooms with dry, warm air, shedding is more noticeable.

    If you want to buy a Siberian Husky, remember that this is a sled dog that was bred to move quickly in the northern expanses, so it needs physical activity and long walks without a leash.

    If you plan to keep them in an enclosure, it is important to note that they love to dig the ground and can jump high, so take special measures to prevent them from going free without permission.

    During the shedding period, comb the undercoat thoroughly and regularly to help the process it will go faster and less noticeable.

    The most important point in caring for a husky is correct and proper care of the coat, because it conveys all the beauty of this breed.

    Siberian Husky pictured with a red tulip

    The coat of the Siberian Husky is characterized by thickness, due to which it has water-repellent properties. It is worth noting that a puppy needs more care than an adult dog, because babies require a lot of attention and affection.

    She is not cut; the alternative is grooming, which she is taught to do from puppyhood. Brush regularly, especially during shedding, to remove excess dead hair. When combing, it is important to take into account one feature - it is best to comb the tail when the dog is in a lying position, so it will be more comfortable. A bristle brush is suitable for grooming, which will clean the fur from dust and dirt.

    Bathing a Siberian Husky

    Photo of Siberian Husky puppy white with glasses around eyes

    Bathing, important point in caring for a Siberian Husky. Ideally, you can bathe no more than once a year, but in urban conditions they bathe as they become dirty.

    Many breeders use dry cleaning of wool.

    At proper care, content and balanced diet, they are distinguished by health and longevity. It is important to know that huskies cannot tolerate heat very well, so you need to constantly ensure that the dog does not overheat and does not get sunstroke.

    Siberian Husky food

    Photo of a Siberian Husky puppy with a surprised look

    The diet of a Siberian Husky puppy differs significantly from the diet of an adult dog.

    For small puppies, it is important to chop food into small pieces that he can eat without much difficulty. And upon reaching 9 months of age, the young animals are transferred to the diet of an adult dog.

    It is important not to forget that this is a very active dog, so the diet should be balanced and high in calories. In addition, the feeding time of a puppy, in principle, like an adult dog, should be regular, that is, at the same time. Mostly huskies eat little food, but there are also those who like to eat heavily.

    Nutrition must be balanced. Dry food can be used for this purpose, but huskies prefer natural products, do not mix dry food and food under any circumstances, this is harmful to health.

    1. If you choose dry food, keep in mind that in this case the dog needs to drink more water.
    2. When choosing a natural diet, it is important to diversify your diet: the basis of the diet should be meat (70%), preferably beef (scalded with boiling water or boiled), but chicken and rabbit are also suitable.
    • You can add entrails to food - hearts, kidneys, tongue.
    • Huskies enjoy eating boiled sea fish.
    • Vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, cucumbers).
    • The recommended cereals are millet, buckwheat, and rice. Don't forget about seasonal fruits.

    Make sure you have regular access to a bowl of clean water.

    Training a Siberian Husky

    Siberian Husky photo at competitions

    It is necessary to begin the process of training a Siberian Husky puppy at the age of 3 months. In general, huskies are highly trainable, since the instinct of obedience is inherent in their blood.

    You can train either independently or through a club with a dog handler. However, training in a club has its advantages - your dog will socialize with other representatives of the breed, plus professional education necessary commands. Training uses basic principles for all dogs.

    The main rule is not to allow the puppy to do anything that will be prohibited in adulthood.

    You need to start training with the basic commands “Stand”, “Sit” and “Come”. Knowing these commands is the key to your pet's obedience.

    Huskies, although stubborn, are diligent and obedient, and at the same time they grasp all commands on the fly. Commands should always be pronounced clearly and in an insistent, stern voice, so that the dog understands that you are not trying to command, but are asking to carry out a command.

    The exceptions are the commands “No” and “Fu” - these commands are pronounced with a threatening intonation.
    The key to successful training is rewarding with a treat as soon as the command is completed.

    Another indispensable command for obedience is “Nearby”.

    Once the puppy begins to understand the command and follow it, you need to move from treats to praise. You can also use various rubber toys - balls, balls or bones.

    Huskies love games, and this can be used in training. If you want to buy a Siberian Husky, remember that it is willful and character dog Therefore, it is important to be patient when training.

    Siberian Husky disease

    • corneal dystrophy
    • turn of the century
    • progressive retinal atrophy
    • cataract
    • glaucoma
    • atopic dermatitis
    • depigmentation of the nose
    • laryngeal paralysis
    • degenerative myelopathy
    • perianal gland adenoma
    • in males (testicular tumor)

    Video of Siberian Husky