Characteristics of a Cancer man - Rabbit (Cat) from A to Z! Zodiac sign Cancer born in the year of the rabbit Best compatibility with men

(from 01/25/1963, from 02/11/1975, from 01/29/1987, from 02/16/1999)

He comes across as a soft guy, however, this is not entirely true. He is quite capricious and spoiled, always striving to find entertainment. The main thing in his life is freedom, for which he is ready to chase to the ends of the earth. At the same time, he is too romantic and sensitive, so it can be difficult for him to find a suitable match due to high requirements. He puts all his experiences and emotions first.

Characteristics of a Cancer man - Rabbit (Cat) in LOVE

He is quite contradictory in love. On the one hand, he seeks to subjugate his partner so that she acts only at his direction. On the other hand, he strives to find care and material wealth in her. Such contradictory requirements often lead to the fact that he simply cannot choose suitable woman. He wants to get a partner who will also have a strong life position and ambitious plans.

He puts his desires first at the very beginning of the relationship, so it happens that his girlfriend rarely meets all the demands and cannot live up to his dreams. And all this makes the union impossible, or the relationship stops at a certain point without the possibility of future development. He can keep it if he just lowers the bar, but even for this he will need to work hard and for a long time on himself.

Cancer born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) in BED

He loves everything sophisticated and unusual in the intimate sphere, so he will enjoy the preparation for the action itself. This could be a certain surroundings, as well as simply the caresses of his woman. She can offer him bold and unusual experiments, which he can refuse only if he is in a bad mood. In general, he always perceives sensual experiences positively and is happy with all the proposals of his beloved.

He is too freedom-loving to restrain his impulses. That is why his intimate life is still in early age full of different events. He may be a puritan, but this happens when he is strong enough not to seek guardianship from a girl. In addition, he can be picky in relationships. That is, it is quite difficult to predict his attitude towards bed; everything is decided individually.

Horoscope of a Cancer man - Rabbit (Cat) in MARRIAGE

He can become a good husband if he is interested in this. His wife usually does not demand much from him, since she understands that he is too capricious for ordinary duties. He can build good, even relationships with children if they do not bother him too much. It should be noted that he is a homebody, but the type of homebody who would like to devote time only to himself and his concerns.

He always knows what his future wife should be like. Therefore, he always strives for a certain ideal. But his ideal is too contradictory in nature and this creates difficulties when choosing a spouse. But in the end, he makes a choice that suits him to some extent. He can establish good relationships with his family if he fulfills at least some of his duties.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

He must become more responsive, since too selfish tendencies can destroy his relationships with loved ones. In addition, he must become responsible in order to make his family and home in which he wants to stay for a long time. He should also be more self-possessed, since bright outbursts of emotions and experiences do not always have a positive impact on his career, family and health.

According to the eastern horoscope, the sign of the Rabbit (also known as the sign of the Cat) is a calm and wise sign. People born between June 22 and July 22 and with the zodiac sign Cancer have similar traits. Their combination is considered one of the most favorable. People born during this period are very harmonious and balanced. We can say that a woman born in the year of the Rabbit under the auspices of the Moon is very lucky. Famous Cancer Rabbit women are Bridget Nelson, Gina Lollobrigida, Valentina Ponomareva and Mary Macalesi.

Description of character

The Cancer-Rabbit woman is a wonderful partner and friend. She is open and sociable, has a great sense of humor and style. The rich inner world of Cancer is rich and varied, as are her hobbies. She is interested in everything from the basics of thermodynamics to knitting. Unfortunately, laziness is the Rabbit’s main vice, so she abandons many of her tasks without finishing them.

Looking like an affectionate cat, the Cancer-Rabbit woman loves affection and attention, she is very capricious, but compensates for this with high sensuality and a willingness to give her affection.

In family

Kota women walk for a long time on their own and are in no hurry to enter into marriage. They are slightly cold with partners and relatives, and always take care of their own interests first. Cancers can offend loved ones with frequent remarks and nagging, but they more than compensate for this with their care and support.

Many Rabbits have well-developed intuition, so such wives and mothers help their husbands and children choose the right direction of development. Being quite soft and feminine on the outside, Cancer keeps her family within strict limits, the family perceives her as the permanent leader.

Treats children with tenderness, but considers punishments the best method raising a child.

In career

Most often, the Cancer Cat woman achieves significant success in her career. Reluctance to tie oneself into marriage at a young age allows the young girl to fully concentrate on work. If they have an achievable goal, they achieve it despite all obstacles, especially when the work involves active work and the need to make important decisions alone. In the absence of prospects, routine and conflicts in the team, the Cancer woman may become bored, become lazy, or run away from work to join her family.

According to the characteristics, this sign is best at working with finances and documentation. Excellent lawyers, managers and heads of various departments and departments are made from single women of Cancer Cats who are devoted to their work.

In childhood

The Cat-Cancer girl is a fidget with a motor. She is noisy and active, loves active and intellectual games, music and sports. At the same time, her inner world is fragile and sensitive. It is easy to offend her not just with a word, but even with the tone of conversation. Such children cannot tolerate physical punishment and will harbor a deep grudge against the parent if this happens.

Little Cancer Rabbits perfectly sense the emotional atmosphere in the family and deeply experience discord in their parents’ relationships. Since childhood, loving honesty about themselves, such children are virtuosos of deception and cunning.

You cannot follow their lead, so as not to raise a neurotic and an egoist - you will have to explain the motives of your actions and decisions in order to prohibit the Cancer Rabbits from this or that action.

What kind of man does she need?

The Cancer Rabbit woman imagines her ideal chosen one as an honest and noble knight. He should be conscientious and faithful, filled with romance and caring for his partner. The Rabbit sign requires leadership, and the Cancer sign is looking for a patron, so a man who is too soft, or too authoritarian, will not be able to keep this capricious partner for long. Such a woman is looking for a strong and accomplished man who will not fight with her for power in a relationship, but will kindly allow her to decide everything herself important questions. At the same time, such a man will always be there, will always insure and protect his beloved.

If the goal is a serious and long-term relationship with the Cancer Rabbit, then you should never be rude or ridicule her. You shouldn’t even try to criticize her work, parents and friends, because the capricious Cat believes that she has everything the best. The Cancer woman has a hard time with long separations in relationships; insincerity and obvious lies can drive her crazy. She herself may be disingenuous and hold back, but if we love our partner, then Cancer will not directly lie to him.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

It is quite difficult for women born under the zodiac combination of Cancer-Cat to build harmonious relationships, since their selfishness and unwillingness to give in to their partner can ruin even the strongest union. However, if such a lady falls in love with any of the signs, she will be able to find a compromise between her selfishness and respect for her partner. According to the eastern horoscope, the Rabbit has the best combinations with the Goat, Tiger and Pig. The situation is a little worse with the Dog and the Horse, but the likelihood of building a strong friendship or excellent business relationship is very high. The Monkey, Ox, Snake and Dragon will butt heads with the Rabbit woman and constantly provoke her into conflict. The same thing will happen when two Rabbit-Cats come into contact.

Relationships with the Rooster and the Rat will absolutely not work out, since these signs will not understand each other’s motives and desires at all.

According to the Western horoscope, the Cancer woman is best suited for Taurus, Libra and Capricorn. You can also build good relationships with Scorpio or Cancer. For comfortable work or friendship, it is better to choose Aquarius, Gemini or Leo. Aries will be an excellent friend for Cancer, but their love relationship will not bring satisfaction to both. The worst matches for a Cancer woman are Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Conflicts in this case can simply arise out of nowhere.

The Cancer Rabbit woman should pay more attention to the spiritual qualities of her partner, and not his material component. She needs to trust her intuition and listen to her inner feelings. Having understood himself, his character and his aspirations, the Cancer Rabbit will be able to build a harmonious partnership with any zodiac sign and in any area of ​​his life.

You will learn more about the Cancer woman from the following video.

The wise Cancer-Rabbit knows how to create the most favorable impression. He seems to be such a sweet, calm and charming person that it is difficult to suspect him of anything unworthy. Although he is quite capricious, self-willed and selfish. He considers himself right in any situation, therefore he expects understanding and respect from others. The cautious Cancer, in combination with the sensible Rabbit, becomes even more suspicious and suspicious. He perceives even the smallest defeat as a great tragedy, and sees trickery and deception everywhere. However, he will not openly be indignant; he values ​​​​his role as everyone’s favorite too much. The Cancer Rabbit does not seek to change the world; it exists perfectly in the given circumstances.

Characteristics of Cancer Rabbit

This person with well-developed intuition rarely makes mistakes in people, but always doubts himself. Cancer-Rabbit perfectly reads the emotions of friends and acquaintances and easily tunes into the general wave. However, he is not always able to understand the motives of his own actions. This is an extraordinary personality, full of contradictions. The character of the Cancer Rabbit can only be understood by a person close to him in spirit. And for others, he is a sweet companion, a pleasant companion. He likes communication and likes to gather people around him. Craves compliments and cannot stand criticism. He is prone to rapid mood swings and often does not understand the reason for his tears and anxiety. I am sincerely grateful to those who help him calm down and gain self-confidence.

Cancer-Rabbit strives to find inner peace, seeks peace. Although the leader lies dormant within him, he is unable to control his nature. In a circle of close people, he does not hesitate to show his not the best best qualities: hysteria, eccentricity, selfishness. He likes to command, longs to subjugate those around him to his will. Moreover, it is difficult to discern the features of a despot in him: the influence of the gentle Rabbit is evident. This gentle, courteous person knows how to please people. He has a strong creative side, which is why he is so interesting to others. Cancer-Rabbit is smart, has a broad outlook, and is never boring with him. Responsive and kind to people, he is quite capable of forgetting about his own selfishness. Although a lot depends on his mood.

The cautious Cancer-Rabbit does not like surprises. In an unfamiliar environment, he feels uncomfortable: he gets lost and begins to get nervous. Too unsure of himself to be comfortable with change. Strives for stability, loves comfort and coziness. The Cancer Rabbit is not indifferent to material wealth, although he understands that they do not guarantee peace and well-being. He prefers to lead a measured lifestyle, sometimes he becomes so immersed in himself that he begins to be lazy and idle. Not inclined to have confidential conversations. Carefully protects his inner world from outside interference, does not like difficulties and complications. He can flare up if others decide to harass him with questions.

Cancer Rabbit Compatibility

The attractive, charming Cancer Rabbit enjoys increased attention from the opposite sex. Even his capricious and unpredictable character is not an obstacle to feelings. Moreover, he does not immediately demonstrate his eccentric disposition. He gives the impression of a gentle, sentimental person, capable of romantic actions for the sake of love. Expressive, emotional Cancer-Rabbit knows how to make an impression; every date with him is a holiday.

Although Cancer-Rabbit is the leader in relationships, he expects support from his partner. Easily panics and has a hard time withstanding troubles. Therefore, he gratefully accepts the help of his soul mate. I’m not at all against practical advice and true tips. She is not burdened by family life and does not look for adventures on the side. He is a wonderful owner: he knows how to save money and furnishes his home with great taste. Rabbit-Cancer, regardless of gender, manifests itself as loving parent: Dotes on children.

Cancer Rabbit Career

Each of the Cancer Rabbits has numerous talents, so they easily find their place in life. He is well versed in art and has good aesthetic taste, which is why he most often chooses creative professions. Among the Cancer-Rabbits there are many actors, artists, and designers. Although obsessing over what you love distracts you from pressing problems, it can also lead to mental exhaustion. Therefore, Cancer-Rabbit should not get carried away in the pursuit of high earnings.

The hardworking Cancer Rabbit knows how to achieve his goals. Capable of reaching enormous heights if he stops getting nervous over trifles. He is sociable, has amazing intuition, so he skillfully avoids difficult moments. He can make a good leader if only he learns to listen to advice and comments. Although it can be difficult to work with a Cancer-Rabbit, his colleagues value him for his high professionalism, and they prefer not to notice small shortcomings.

The purposeful Cancer-Rabbit man has sufficient willpower to achieve his plans. He is very careful in business, prudently avoids risky situations, and easily compromises. But he is a little lazy and prone to mood swings. It's more like darling a pet, how wild animal, driven by instincts. He will be glad for any help, he needs support, especially in the understanding of loved ones. A man of this combination of signs is a romantic, sensitive to his partner, striking her with his reverent attitude. A sea of ​​flowers, compliments, night walks - these are all manifestations of the gentle soul of Cancer-Rabbit. But he is so attached to his chosen one that he tightly controls her life. At the same time, he is a good family man, a devoted, loving husband.

The Cancer-Rabbit woman has refined manners, appearance always impeccable: beautiful outfits, neat hairstyle, natural makeup. Refined, refined taste is evident in everything, she is especially good at designing rooms. She is looking for a worthy companion, her dream is a real man, a devoted knight. She is a little capricious, but has the right to inflated demands: she herself is perfection, the standard of a woman. She tries to be perfect in everything, including at work. An intelligent, insightful person is very careful in her statements and actions, therefore she has no conflicts with colleagues, and her superiors always use her as an example. But she is subject to the influence of emotions and is indecisive, so the ascent to the heights of her career does not go entirely smoothly.

The Cancer Rabbit man is a very wise, comprehensively developed person with an excellent upbringing and refined manners. In this astrological combination, the qualities of the zodiac sign are enhanced by the eastern patron. What personal characteristics of this person deserve special attention?


The main qualities of a Cancer Rabbit man include charm, sophistication, sophistication, sensitivity, calmness, and also philosophical wisdom. He is also characterized by caution.

It should be noted that this person is endowed with excellent taste, manifested in all areas of life - from clothes to interior design. Because he loves to be surrounded by beautiful things. This person values ​​money, but also believes that emotions are much more important than them. Therefore, he spends money on things that give him impressions.

The Cancer Rabbit man is clever man, by nature a practitioner, logician and realist. He may seem very sincere, fragile and vulnerable. This is true, however, but at the same time, this man knows exactly what he wants and always achieves what he planned.

Personality characteristics

It should be noted that the Rabbit-Cancer man understands absolutely everything with his mind. This is a very educated, developed, intellectually savvy person. However, in his case, any thought is a reason for emotion. And, further, for discussion.

This person hates unexpected situations. That’s why he always tries to keep his life under control. Confidence in the future, predictability and stability - that's what he needs. Although sometimes he does spontaneous things. But only for fun. This is not the case.

A man representing this zodiac combination has a rich inner world. He has an excellent memory and many talents and abilities. This is a very ambitious person who has enormous potential and a love of freedom, and therefore hates working within a limited framework or obeying someone.


Before we talk about the compatibility of the Rabbit-Cancer man, we must make a reservation that he simply loves when the world revolves around him. This person is very kind, sensitive, sympathetic and sociable, but he is quite capable of ignoring other people's needs.

Almost every man of this zodiac combination has an attractive and pretty appearance. It is not surprising that he is spoiled by attention from girls.

And it works to his advantage. Courtship, flirting, romance, expression of feelings - all of the above brings him pleasure. Being in a state of love, he is even capable of performing non-standard, unexpected actions.

Many may think that this is ideal man, and partly it is. However, in love relationships he shows his temper. He will not obey under any circumstances, he will even try to command his “other half”.


The Cancer Rabbit likes everything unusual and sophisticated. He loves everything to be beautiful - a romantic setting, erotic surroundings, a relaxed atmosphere, long sensual caresses. He also likes various experiments, during which he can gain new sensory experiences.

This man is not used to restraining his impulses. Because intimate life Many representatives of this zodiac combination start early. On the one hand, this is a plus - having found “the one” at a more mature age, the Cancer Rabbit will not cheat, since he will know for sure that he has found the best of the best. He will already experience new feelings and sensations with her.


It’s always interesting to know with which zodiac sign a relationship can work out well. With whom do the Cancer and Rabbit men have prospects? A Cancer woman may be suitable if she is one of the following signs:

  • Calf. Thorough and economical, she also appreciates the comfort of home, just like him, and also loves intimacy, which Cancer likes.
  • Virgo. A woman of this sign is a godsend for Cancer. Yes, in this union there will be no romance and special tenderness. They will be replaced by real thoughts, plans, ideas and intentions, as well as business conversations. Both will be provided with both material and spiritual benefits. And it is in this union that everyone can open up internally.
  • Scorpion. Perfect couple! They have everything for true happiness - devotion to common ideals, loyalty, deep love and passion. They also serve each other as protection and support.
  • Capricorn. Here there is sympathy at first sight. But the relationship is developing very slowly. However, they are in no hurry. It's immediately clear that they have a lot in common. When getting married, everyone is 100% sure that they have chosen someone they can rely on.
  • Fish. Another perfect union. According to statistics, marriages in which people of these two signs are united break up less often than others. However, there is no reason for that. They have the same temperaments, lifestyles, views, values. In general, the Cancer man is truly happy with the Pisces woman.

Rabbit-Cancer compatibility will be even more successful if his chosen one is born in the year of the Goat. There are still prospects with the Dog and the Pig. But you definitely shouldn’t mess with the Horse, Tiger and Rooster.

Natalia Boychenko

People born under zodiac sign Cancer in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) differs from the rest in their sophistication and elegance of manners. They have a bright character and charming appearance and attract fans without making much effort. They love to flirt, know how to look after beautifully and easily agree to non-standard actions.

The caution inherent in the Cat (Rabbit) becomes several times more powerful under the influence of Cancer. Women and men who appeared during the combination of these two constellations have excellent taste in any area of ​​life. They know how to dress beautifully and decorate the house. It seems that only surrounded by beautiful things do they feel stable.

Money matters to Cancer-Cats (Rabbits), but they value emotions much more than material things

Possessing a deep spiritual world, these people well versed in the field of art. Talents are fully revealed in the theatrical, literary, and cinematic fields. It is difficult for them to be under leadership, so Cancer-Cats will most likely prefer “free swimming”.

Women and men of these signs understand what to expect from life, so their reasoning about the future is smart, logical and realistic. Cancers born in the year of the Rabbit try to keep any situation under control, as they do not like surprises. Unplanned situations can knock the ground out from under their feet and disrupt their state of mind.

In loving relationships with their partners, they love to show their character. Cancer cats will never obey and will try with all their might to drive their loved one under their thumb, and rarely compromise.

Cancer-Rabbits have a deep spiritual world

Characteristics of Cancer-Cats (Rabbits) men

The two signs of the eastern and western horoscope have similar influences and in the zodiac pair of Cancer and Rabbit (Cat) complement each other. The representative of these signs is careful in all matters. At the same time, the Cancer guy in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is hospitable, a kind person and a great friend.

The artistic principle is highly developed in him, so art becomes a successful area for his development. Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) knows how to combine colors and has a sense of style. He's always surrounded good things And chooses only exquisite and tasty food. In the same way, a man of these two signs chooses his society.

When choosing a gift for the Cat (Rabbit)-Cancer, be sure to ask what he wants so that your gift does not gather dust on the shelf

The men of these signs are surrounded by educated, intelligent people with whom it is interesting and useful to spend time. After all, the main thing for a representative of these two signs is not to waste time, even if it’s a vacation or just relaxation.

Outwardly, Cancer men in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) look impressive and confident, but internally they can experience depression. This happens when they work on something for a long time and do not see positive result. Cancers born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) do not like to spend time idle and are always busy with something. And if their business is not going so well, they begin to become despondent.

Cancer-Rabbit men are sensual and vulnerable natures

Having a versatile character, the Cancer-Cat man finds it difficult to get along with women. It is difficult for his significant other to understand what he wants: obedience or maternal care. Yes, he himself finds it difficult to answer this question. Successful relationship will be with the woman who has inner rod and knows what to take from life.

Disadvantages of the sign

The great weakness of the Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) man’s character is his tendency to depression and depression. He would like to live peacefully and amicably with everyone. Taking the position of a non-conflict person, Cancer-Cat tends to relax and be lazy. This hinders progress in both personal life, and in your career.

Among the character traits, it is worth noting selfishness, when a man under the sign of Cancer, born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), begins to put his plans and problems first. There is nothing wrong with caring for your own interests, but you should remember that your aspirations in the size of the Universe are at the same level as the interests of others.

A Cancer man in the year of the Rabbit puts his plans above all else

Characteristics of Cancer-Cats (Rabbits) women

These are talented individuals from birth who, when the right approach will achieve a lot in the field of art.

She has clearly formed ideals and goals that she adheres to. Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) knows how to go long and persistently towards the fulfillment of desires

The desire for development and the search for good will lead to excellent results: Cancers born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) will have a favorite job, well-being in the family and finances. The opposite actions, or rather inaction, can lead to the bottom of life.

The main thing for her is the career she strives for. Only in her favorite work does the representative of the Cancer-Cat horoscopic union find peace. Astrologers advise setting larger and longer-term career goals for yourself so that you can fully enjoy their fulfillment.

In finances, everything is fine for Cancer-Cats (Rabbits) women, since take off by career ladder brings stability in this area as well. And how could it be otherwise if they use all their strength and energy for this.

Having a persistent and strong character, women born during the unification of Cancer and Cat strive to take the role of leader in relationships. They possess too great strength to give your significant other freedom. To develop relationships, women of these signs should be more tolerant and take into account the desires of their other half.

By character, the Cancer girl, born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), is a conservative who demands a lot from herself and those around her. In her demands, a woman of the Cancer zodiac in the year of the Cat is capable of becoming a despot. She rarely accepts someone else's point of view.

IN family life the Cancer-Rabbit (Cat) woman can behave as a tyrant and as an outside observer. Both options will lead to negative consequences. Astrologers advise listening to the opinions of loved ones and taking their views into account.

A Cancer woman in the year of the Rabbit can be a real tyrant in the family

Disadvantages of the sign

Main minus Cancer women born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) – inability to listen to their “I”. After all, it tells you how to behave in a given situation. Material well-being often becomes placed on a pedestal for them, which should not be allowed. The initially weak spiritual world should be developed, then harmony and mutual understanding with loved ones and colleagues will come in life.

Love compatibility of Cancers in the year of the Cat (Rabbit)

Problems for people of these signs begin at the very beginning love relationship, since they consider their desires to be paramount. It’s good if they understand themselves, or if their significant other helps them realize that this is wrong.

Good compatibility in love occurs at the moment when a representative of Cancer-Cats (Rabbits) begins to change for the sake of his beloved

This can happen to those born in the year of the Dog, Tiger, Pig, or Goat. Difficulties arise with representatives of the Snake, Ox, Monkey, Dragon, Rabbit and Horse. The Rooster and the Rat will not suit them at all.

Good compatibility between Cancer-Rabbits and Scorpios

Of the Western horoscope signs, Cancers have good relationships in love and family life with Scorpios, Taurus, Capricorns and Libra. As a colleague, the best partner or partner would be Aquarius and Leo.

Full characteristics of a Cancer child born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit)

This is a sweet, obedient child who is a real miracle for his parents. Baby Cancer-Cat (Rabbit) quickly grasps new knowledge and does not need to repeat everything several times. He always has many friends who can rely on him.

A Cancer girl and boy in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) are obedient, disciplined and attentive during school time

They learn easily and communicate well with students. Children of Cancer Cats have undoubted talents that should be developed. Their ability to observe teaches them how to bypass unnoticed difficult situations. Cancers born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) quickly understand how not to break and circumvent rules that do not suit them.

It is important to develop the numerous talents of Cancer-Rabbit children

Astrologers advise parents to help their child find support in life, which will allow him to own own emotions. Children of Cancer-Cats (Rabbits) are easily offended, so it is better to teach them from childhood to restore peace of mind.

May 28, 2018, 11:37