Stories of how dogs accomplish feats. Dogs who accomplished the feat. Bull Terrier Stubby is a true warrior

For some dogs, saving and preserving human lives is a common job, for example, for guide dogs and dogs from rescue teams. However, there are many famous cases where ordinary domestic dogs saved the lives of their owners.
A blind dog named Molly saved 7 people, as well as 4 cats and 2 other dogs from a fire.

“Our house caught fire at 2am in November 2016. Our dog Molly woke us up and thereby saved the lives of seven people, two dogs and four cats. She was blind and doctors gave her only 2 months to live 4 months before the fire.”

“2 years have passed and she is still alive and kicking. Every week we take her to the vet to have fluid drained from her lungs. She's still happy and wagging her tail."

Laika - heroic military dog, which despite 4 shots from close range from an AK-47 was able to attack the enemy and save the life of her partner
She underwent a 7-hour surgery and was recently awarded a medal for her heroism.

“This guy barked at me for 30 minutes last night, so I had to go outside with him. It turned out there was a gas leak in our apartment and he just wanted us to leave the apartment."

An 8-month-old dog named Geo saved a boy named Charlie Riley from death under the wheels of a truck. The dog pushed the boy out of the way, falling under the wheels instead of him

Abby saved little Benjamin by letting his mother know that the baby was suffocating in his sleep.

Frida saved 52 people from the earthquake in Mexico

A woman took home this pit bull just hours before he was scheduled to be euthanized at the shelter. Less than a week later, he returned the favor by saving the life of her 4-year-old son.
In the evening, a pit bull named Tator Tot began barking and running back and forth from his owner to her son. At first she thought that Tator was just playing, but the dog did not stop doing this until the owner followed him into the boy’s room. Entering the room, she saw her son, who was barely breathing. Tator jumped onto the boy's bed and began licking his face.

A dog saved its owner's life by lying on him for 24 hours in the cold
A man who broke his neck in the cold and lay in the snow for almost 24 hours remained alive thanks to his dog, which lay on him and barked tirelessly calling for help. The man was dressed in a light tights, T-shirt and slippers, because going out in -4 °C he did not plan to be outside for a long time. He slipped, fell and broke his neck. A 5-year-old golden retriever named Kelsey lay on the man trying to warm his owner, and kept licking his face and hands, keeping him from falling asleep.

As soon as a guide dog named Figo saw that its blind owner was about to be hit by a bus, he jumped between them, taking the brunt of the blow.

A dog named Maggie escaped from the kennel at night to calm the whining foster puppies

“Every time I’m sick, my dog ​​treats me with hugs.”

A wild dog named Rex was rescued and adopted by Ed Gernon. While walking, Rex found a dying hummingbird and refused to leave the tiny bird. Ed ended up taking the hummingbird home and they cared for it together. He named the bird Hammer

A dog named Storm saved a fawn from drowning

“As I walked by, I saw my pit bull named Akasha, who had never had a puppy, caring for a stray 4-week-old kitten that I had rescued. Nature is amazing"

When Jerry Flanigan was attacked by two pit bulls, his beloved dog Katie May jumped on him, protecting his neck area with her own body. According to veterinarians, she could have died if one of the next bites hit her neck

A dog named Kabang lost half his face after being hit by a motorcycle while saving two children from an accident.

"Today is my best friend turned 12 years old. She flew helicopters, saved me from dozens of bears, and visited the hospital as a volunteer therapy dog ​​at the local hospital. I think she definitely deserves a day off."

On a cold winter night, this dog found an abandoned child in a field. She took him into the pen with her puppies, where she kept him warm all night
On December 12, 2008, in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, a dog named China was awarded the Shining World Hero Award for her bravery and motherly love. On a cold winter night, China found an abandoned girl in a field and took her to the pen with her newborn puppies. The whole night China kept the girl warm along with her puppies. In the morning, her owner heard the baby's cries and took her to the local hospital. At the hospital, the girl was named Esperanza, which means “Hope.”

Illinois State University awards degree to service dog who attended classes with his owner

One night, a pit bull named Baby saved his family when a fire broke out in the house while everyone was sleeping. She not only saved the whole family, but also went back into the fire to save 5 other dogs
She even returned one more time to save one scared rooster from a burning house.

Brittany was the last service dog from the 9/11 search and rescue team. She was 2 years old during the 9/11 rescue and lived to be 16 years old.

A dog named Duke ran into his owners' bedroom, jumped on the bed and began shaking uncontrollably.
A man and woman decided to check on their 2-month-old daughter in her crib and discovered something terrible - she was not breathing. If Duke hadn't been so scared, they would have just continued sleeping.

K-9 officer Casper protected his partner from being shot.
On May 12, 2017, police responded to a report of a shooting in the town of Jupiter. A robbery suspect opened fire on police during an arrest. A K-9 dog named Casper, an explosives detection patrol dog, was wounded during the shootout after catching a bullet that was intended for his owner. After surgery After the bullet was removed, Casper returned home, where he continued his recovery.

This cat was attacked by two coyotes, who grabbed her neck and tail when pit bull Jack stood up for her and forced them to retreat

“Today I met a real hero. Meet Sam, a dog who recently retired after 10 years and more than 300 searches in search and rescue.

The dog is the most true friend person. It’s simply amazing how much humanity there is in them, sometimes even more than in you and me. I never cease to be amazed at their loyalty and self-sacrifice. Today's top includes 10 of the most amazing hero dogs.

Laika is the first astronaut dog. Laika is in 20th place in the top because flying into space was not her choice. But she, having sacrificed her life, made an invaluable contribution to the development of astronautics. Unfortunately, the dog died during the flight for reasons that could not be identified for a long time. However, her example proved that people can conquer space.

9. Bobby

After getting lost during a trip, Bobby traveled 2,800 miles to return to his owners. His owners were stunned to see their beloved Bobby on their doorstep after six months of searching. The dog was extremely exhausted, but still returned home, having covered a huge distance in the cold winter time. Bobby lived with his owners for three more years, and died at home, close to the people who loved him.

8. Apollo

Apollo is 911's first canine K-9 agent. He is an example to all rescue dogs and has been awarded the Medal of Merit. The brave dog almost died during the first task, but completed it with honor. This heroic dog is the standard of a brave and devoted service dog.

7. Old Shep

Old Shep lived at the station for six years waiting for his master to return. Shep's owner died, his body was loaded into a carriage and sent home, but the dog was left behind. Poor Shep waited every day for his owner to return until he died under the wheels of a locomotive. Hundreds of people, inspired by the dog's loyalty, gathered to bury him, and a local carpenter even made a wooden monument to him. In 1995, the feat of the most faithful of dogs was immortalized in bronze.

6. Nemo

Nemo is a military dog ​​who took part in the Vietnam War. During one of the attacks on an American base, Nemo was seriously wounded, receiving a bullet in the eye and nose, but despite this, he remained to guard the bodies of the soldiers. It was thanks to his selfless actions that several wounded were saved.

5. Jackie.

This dog went down in history as one of the most successful trolls. Having learned to raise his paw in the Nazi salute, he expressed contempt and hatred for the Nazis. Naturally, not your own - but that’s already a lot. The Nazis considered this a mockery, but were never able to officially accuse the dog and its owner of anything.

4. Lukaniko

Loukaniko is a revolutionary dog ​​present at every Greek protest. The dog expresses the indignation of citizens with all his behavior - he runs, barks, bites Monovites and pees anywhere. On this moment he is a true symbol of the Greek resistance.

3. Gender

Gender was a dog that entertained children, but after one child was injured, Gender was sent to serve in the army. During World War II, he accomplished a real feat - when a Japanese grenade fell next to his comrades, he took it in his teeth and... carried it back.

2. Barry

Barry is the symbol of all rescue dogs. This heroic St. Bernard saved about 40 people. Trying to save one of the victims, Barry was seriously injured - a man, distraught with shock, mistook the dog for a wolf and wounded him with a knife. However, both the dog and the man survived. Barry died a few years later of old age, warm and comfortable.

1. Chips

Chips was listed as inventory, but this did not diminish his heroism. During the war, this dog saved more than one life, but the most significant incident occurred when, during machine gun fire, he made his way to the side of the enemy and single-handedly forced him to surrender.

During the Great Patriotic War About 68 thousand dogs were drafted into the army, among which were not only shepherds, but also other breeds: for example, large mongrels. 168 teams were formed from dogs, which fully helped people in the fight against the enemy.

For example, signal dogs delivered 200,000 combat reports and laid 7,883 kilometers of wires.

Tailed sappers cleared more than 30 mines major cities USSR and Europe, having found more than 4,000,000 units of landmines and mines. Ambulance dogs carried approximately 500,000 seriously wounded Red Army soldiers from the battlefield.

Medical instructor Kolesnikova E.F. evacuates a wounded soldier from the battlefield on a dog sled. 1943 Location: Volkhov Front. Photographer: Losin

The most famous are dogs that, hung with explosives, threw themselves under enemy tanks. They were called “saboteur dogs.” They say that at Stalingrad, German tank crews, noticing the dogs jumping out of the trenches to meet them, turned back.

In the Battle of Kursk in the summer of 1943, 12 German tanks were destroyed with the help of just such dogs.

Guard dogs worked in ambushes, staying awake at night and in inclement weather to detect the enemy. These clever four-legged creatures only by pulling the leash and turning their torso indicated the direction of the impending danger.

Soviet border guards in secret on the banks of the Danube Newspaper “Izvestia” No. 146 (7522) dated June 22, 1941

Sometimes even seriously wounded dogs carried out their combat missions. Thus, the German sniper shot through both ears of the liaison dog Alma with the first shot, and shattered the jaw with the second. And yet Alma delivered the package. Famous dog Mink for 1942-1943. delivered 2,398 combat reports. Another legendary dog, Rex, delivered 1649 reports. He was wounded several times, crossed the Dnieper three times, but always reached his post.

And this, by the way, service dogs Karelian Front. It’s immediately obvious that they worked tirelessly.

The Leningrad collie Dick is also famous. In his personal file it is written: “Called up for service from Leningrad and trained in mine detection. During the war years, he discovered more than 12 thousand mines, took part in demining Stalingrad, Lisichansk, Prague and other cities.

Dick accomplished his main feat in Pavlovsk. An hour before the explosion, Dick discovered a two and a half ton landmine with a clock mechanism in the foundation of the palace. After the Great Victory, the legendary dog, despite multiple wounds, was a repeated winner of dog shows. The veteran dog lived to a ripe old age and was buried with military honors, as befits a hero.

Man has long understood that a dog is the most devoted friend who will always help out. We decided to talk about the seven most outstanding dogs.

Saint Bernard Barry

Today the St. Bernard breed, in the form of a fluffy lop-eared dog with a barrel of intoxicating drink around his neck, personifies canine devotion and heroism. She was bred in the monastery of St. Bernard, which is located high in the Swiss Alps. There they first came up with the idea of ​​using dogs to rescue people from avalanches. The thick skin protected from the cold, and keen sense of smell helped find victims under deep snowdrifts. The most famous St. Bernard was Barry, who served at the monastery in early XIX century. During his life, he saved forty people, especially the case of a boy whom he pulled out of an ice cave, warmed and brought home. According to legend, Barry died from a bullet from the forty-first survivor - a Swiss soldier who mistook him for a wolf. Although, another version says that after completing his service, Barry was settled with a Bernese monk, where he quietly lived out his old age. His example became a tradition; after Barry’s death, one dog of the monastery must bear the name of the good fellow.

Balto and the Race of Mercy

Who doesn't know the story about Balto, the famous sled dog, the savior of an entire city? In 1925, in the snowy town of Nome, Alaska, a diphtheria epidemic began, and local hospitals lacked toxoid. An ice storm and storm prevented planes from taking off, so it was decided to deliver the serum to the nearest point of Nenana, and from there (1085 km) by dog ​​sled. During the last crossing, when the city was about 50 miles away, the driver lost consciousness. The leader of that team, Balto, independently, through a snowstorm, took the medicine and the half-dead Gunnar Kassen to the dying Nome. Diphtheria was stopped - the city was saved. This event was called the “Race of Mercy”, and in Alaska, dog racing is still held in honor of this event.

Pavlov's dog

It would be unfair to leave aside the feat of “Pavlov’s dog.” Even if “she” didn’t pull anyone out of the snow and didn’t save the city, she became a victim of science and conditioned reflex for the benefit of humanity. The image of Pavlov’s dog is a collective one – there were many experimental pets, not all of them survived the experiments. But, in fairness, it should be noted that the scientist tried to alleviate the suffering of animals as much as possible; many of the academician’s dogs died a natural death, having lived a calm old age. Nevertheless, continuing to feel guilty, at the end of his life, Pavlov insisted on erecting a monument to the Dog - man’s faithful friend.

First cosmonaut – Laika

Another victim in the name of the future was the famous Laika, the world’s first cosmonaut. Her flight proved that a living creature can survive launch into orbit and the state of weightlessness, which means that the entire Universe is accessible to man. Unfortunately, the dog's fate was predetermined even before the launch. Sputnik 2 was not equipped enough to return to Earth. But Laika had everything to live in outer space at least a week. The experiment was not completely successful. “The loneliest, most unfortunate dog in the world,” as the Western media called it, died four hours after launch from stress and overheating due to a failure of the thermal regulation system.

True Japanese Hachiko

The dog Hachiko, whose film of the same name brought worldwide popularity, became a real symbol of canine devotion. This amazing story occurred in Japan, where in 1923 an Akita Inu dog was born, who was given as a puppy to Professor Hidesaburo Ueno. They were inseparable, Hachiko accompanied his friend to the station every day, and then returned there to meet him back. But one day, Ueno did not return - he had a heart attack at work, and the doctors were unable to save his life. Hachiko at that time was only 18 months old - a very young dog.

He kept coming. Every day, Hachiko stubbornly returned to the station and waited. The professor's relatives tried to pick him up, but every time he ran away and set time I found myself at the station again. He waited for the owner for nine whole years. No one will ever know what was going on in his heart. Did he think that he had been abandoned or did he understand everything... Hachiko died in his endless wait, not far from the station. The day of his death was declared mourning in Japan - by this time the whole country knew about the dog, who, like a true Japanese, was devoted to his master to the end.

Sapper Dzhulbars

At the historical parade of 1945, along with other branches of the military, units of military dog ​​breeders marched. The country's chief dog handler, Alexander Mazorev, walked ahead. He was allowed not to take a step or salute - he was carrying in his arms another war hero - a soldier of the 14th assault engineer brigade - a dog named Dzhulbars. The dog was wrapped in Stalin's overcoat. This was the order of the Commander-in-Chief.

Dzhulbas was an ordinary mongrel, but, thanks to his innate instinct, he quickly became an ace in the mine-hunting service, during which he discovered 468 mines and more than 150 shells. This saved not only human lives, but also priceless architectural monuments - St. Vladimir's Cathedral in Kyiv, Palaces over the Danube, Prague castles, Vienna cathedrals.


During the war, dogs served in many ranks of the army. Another four-legged hero of this time was a medical dog named Mukhtar, who during the war years pulled out about 400 wounded soldiers from the fields and saved his guide, Corporal Zorin, who was shell-shocked during a mission. The ambulance dogs of the Great Patriotic War were trained to determine whether a person was alive, and, if successful, to revive him and take him to a safe place. As they say: “All the angels were busy, they sent me.”

Dogs have been playing for centuries important role In human life. This is a faithful friend, assistant, protector and even a therapist, capable of encouraging, calming and supporting in difficult times with his very presence.

But there are dogs in world history who did even more than they could and won respect and recognition for their exploits. During the Great Patriotic War, service dogs that fought on both sides Soviet Union, performed many various functions: from signalmen and orderlies to saboteurs and intelligence officers.

There were more than 60 thousand such four-legged soldiers. According to official data, they blew up more than 300 enemy tanks and pulled out almost 700 thousand wounded from under fire. Also, thanks to their well-developed sense of smell and intelligence, dogs found 4 million mines and landmines.

This help turned out to be invaluable and indispensable for the common cause. All these feats deserved recognition and respect, and at the Victory Parade in 1945, front-line soldiers walked with service dogs along Red Square.

The history of the Great Patriotic War contains nicknames and stories about the incredible feats that dogs performed.


The ambulance dogs accurately determined whether a person was alive or dead. They crawled up to the wounded, exposed their backs, where they were lying in their bags. necessary funds, and waited for the soldier to bandage the wound. Many were rescued by paramedic dogs from the battle zone on their own. Among those rescued by Mukhtar was his guide.

Rex and Mink

Communication dogs Rex and Mink between them delivered more than 4 thousand reports. Rex received several wounds during the war, but did not stop serving. Each time he managed to overcome obstacles and get to the post. To do this, Rex even had to swim across the Dnieper several times.

Another brave dog Rick (breed collie) is known for being able to find and neutralize 12 thousand mines during the war years. He participated in the demining of Stalingrad, Lisichansk, Prague and other difficult military operations. In particular, it was thanks to Rick that the Pavlovsk Palace has survived to this day: the dog found a 2.5-ton time bomb in its foundation and saved the historical building. There was only about an hour left before the explosion. Despite all the difficulties, he survived the siege of Leningrad, after the war he was reunited with his family and owner, lived a happy post-war life and died at a ripe old age.


Anyone who has ever been interested in the contribution that service dogs made to the victory is most likely familiar with the story of Julbars. This fighter is a legend, because on his personal account he has cleared 7.5 thousand mines and 150 shells. This brave dog participated in military operations in the territories different countries as a sapper.

Dzhulbars even attended the Victory Parade in 1945. True, the dog was still too weak after being wounded to walk on his own, so he was carried in the arms of a guide. By the way, Dzhulbars is the only dog ​​in the USSR awarded the medal “For Military Merit”.