Why did you dream of swearing in a dream? Why do you dream of a quarrel: in reality you will find out the relationship with your friends and loved ones

In an article on the topic: “dream book dad swearing” - presented actual information on this issue for 2018.

Dream interpretation dad. Why do you dream about dad?

A father in a dream is a symbol of support and protection, as well as an objective assessment of the actions and actions of the sleeper. If the father is not a projection of thoughts and memories of him, then:

  • the father looks happy or praises in a dream - to success in business, to increased authority in the team, to receiving praise or privileges from superiors, to professional and other successes.
  • a strict and swearing father - the likelihood of making a mistake in reality.
  • a crying father - unfortunately or remorse for something.
  • a sick father means financial difficulties.
  • arguing with your father in a dream means being under someone’s painful influence in reality.
  • hugging or kissing your father in a dream - in reality you should be careful in friendship and love.
  • accident with father in a dream - getting into difficult situation in reality.

If dad was killed in a dream, the dream book speaks of the need to break stereotypes. Or an unrealistic desire for independence in life turns into an aggressive act in a dream. This is a symbol of a personality crisis, the need to change.

Looking for dad in a dream means loss of ideals and guidance in life. The planned business will fail. The search for a father symbolizes the search for a new authority, a new business, new foundations in life.

Why do you dream about a drunk dad? The motive is the same as in a dream about a drunk mother. Strong dependence on the father and admiration, the desire to be like him in everything destroys a person’s personality and individuality.

A quarrel with your dad or a fight with your dad in a dream can warn of problems with the law. In a woman’s dream, such images also indicate a denial of the masculine traits of her character, demonstrative femininity, uncertainty, and capriciousness. So, it follows real life show more independence. For a man, such dreams may indicate that he will have to compete with stronger competitors and defend his rights.

Often the appearance of a deceased father in a dream is associated with an upcoming important choice or fateful decision. In this case, you should listen to your father’s words in a dream, as they can serve as advice. You may also dream about your deceased father on the eve of an important life event or change, but if he does not enter into dialogue and does not express any emotions, then, unfortunately, it is very difficult to predict the nature of these changes.

Why don’t you dream about your dead dad? The absence of any family member in dreams, especially persistent ones, actually speaks of a strong unconscious attachment to this person. Perhaps the psyche is thus protecting itself from a traumatic event. For a man, this may mean an unconscious fear of homosexual desires.

Why do you dream about the death of your dad - such a dream speaks of the collapse of authority, the previously immutable laws in the dreamer’s life no longer apply, a new independent life begins.

Why does the deceased dad dream - in any dreams with deceased relatives, it is important to listen to what they said, often mystical in nature, these dreams warn of dangers and troubles. The dream can also speak of feelings associated with loss. Perhaps the deceased is asking for prayers for himself.

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Quarreling with father according to the dream book

Did you happen to quarrel with your father in a dream? Expect major troubles, disappointments in love and bad luck in business. Why else do you dream about the dream scene? The dream book will help you find the most accurate decoding.

According to Miller

Did you have a dream about a scandal with your father? In a dream, he hints: in order to avoid the consequences of a difficult situation, you need wise advice from the outside.

General interpretation

An experienced dream book advises starting with the interpretation of a dream general transcript. So, any dream conflicts indicate increased nervous tension. You have put off solving current problems for too long, and now you are forced to reap the fruits of your optionality.

A parent in a dream is usually associated with power, self-affirmation, pride, patronage, and professionalism. If you happen to quarrel with your father, then difficulties will arise in business, and disagreements will arise in relationships with others.

Decline or happiness?

Why dream if you yourself started to quarrel with your father? In reality you will experience a very unusual event. The same plot indicates participation in an extremely risky scam.

Did you dream that it was your father who started the scandal? In fact, you may be making a fatal mistake. Unlucky to see your dad come home drunk and you scold him in your sleep? Prepare for illness, betrayal, loss of spirit.

If the parent was only weakly indignant in response to reproaches, then serious conversation. The dream book reminds us: sometimes inversion comes into play, and then grandiose showdowns promise equally great happiness.

What are you afraid of?

What else does it mean if you had to quarrel very strongly with your father? You are clearly dependent on the person you are afraid of.

Did you dream that you had a big fight with your daddy, but you couldn’t see him? This is how it is reflected internal contradictions, mental discomfort. The dream book believes that you were literally arguing with yourself.

If in a dream you listened to your parents screaming at each other, then you will take part in a scandalous event in reality.

Decoding actions

To establish exactly what the described plot is about in a dream, you need to decipher the main actions of your opponent.

  • Beats - internal protest.
  • Fighting - good relationships, family holiday.
  • Accuses - high position.
  • Humiliates - wealth.
  • Sends joy to mother.

If you dreamed that a nightly quarrel in a dream ended in reconciliation, then the dream book states: in reality you will experience complete satisfaction, make a profit or achieve peace of mind.

Think about it...

If a young girl dreamed of having a fight with her late dad, then she will be deceived and disappointed in her lover.

Why do you dream of a conversation in a raised voice with a deceased man? Listen to the advice of the dream book and take a closer look at your colleagues and business partners.

Did you have a chance to quarrel with your father, who is no longer alive? Listen less to other people's opinions. If a quarrel with the deceased escalates into a fight, then you will be happy.

Forget it already!

Did you have a serious argument with a deceased relative at night? Alas, you will miss a rare chance. It’s good to see that the loud showdown with the deceased ended in general reconciliation. This means that in real life you will be able to avoid a serious mistake.

Why else would you dream if you happened to quarrel with your father who is already dead? The dream book advises to pay attention to the signs that fate will give in the near future. If quarrels and conflicts with a deceased person occur regularly in a dream, then some memories literally poison your present.

Dream Interpretation, dream meaning: father in a dream

In everyone's life, a father is one of the main people. Even if a person was raised without a father, the image of his father as the embodiment of wisdom and strength is still preserved in his subconscious. This is the breadwinner and protector, the head of the family, who always has the last word. It is impossible to say unequivocally what the father is dreaming about, since it is important to take into account the nuances here: the age and gender of the dreamer, as well as whether the dreamed father is actually alive or no longer alive.

Seeing your father in a dream: Miller's dream book

According to the psychologist, the dream in which dad appeared represents difficulties in the sleeper’s path. They will be difficult to overcome, but the wise advice of a parent will certainly help to cope with all obstacles.

If you dreamed that your father died, then in reality there will be problems in business - you must be careful when conducting business.

When a young woman dreams of her dead father, this is a sign that the chosen one is lying to her or will lie to her soon.

Why does a father dream according to the modern dream book?

  • Seeing dad in a dream means difficulties at work and strong pressure from the management.
  • A dreamed conversation with your father promises problems in life that can only be overcome by listening to the words of a wise man.
  • If a deceased parent appeared in a dream, then this is a sign that the sleeper is standing on the threshold of some important discovery, and dad shows his support in this way.

Experts modern dream book they say that parents generally often visit our dreams, regardless of whether they are still alive or have already passed away. Only the dreamer himself is able to accurately understand the meaning of such dreams, since only he knows about his true relationship with his parents and can assume what they want to convey to him in a dream.

Esoteric dream book: dreaming about father

  • If you dreamed of a dad who is alive in reality, this is an indicator that the sleeper needs his support, since he does not have a sense of stability in life.
  • If a parent said and advised something in a dream, then it is worth heeding.
  • A dream about a cheerful and young father indicates that life has already given the dreamer a lot from the very beginning, while a sad and old dreamer does not have an initial base, but will be able to advance further in life than his parents.
  • When dad scolds in a dream, this is a warning that you should listen less to the opinions of others, and be guided by your own.
  • If the father praised him in a dream, then the sleeping person, on the contrary, neglects the interests of loved ones when making certain decisions, and this can be dangerous. It is necessary to find a middle ground.

Father in a dream according to Loff's dream book

Psychologist David Loff says that dad is a very interesting image in dreams. It can have different incarnations and its appearance evoke mixed feelings. The dreamer’s perception and, as a consequence, the meaning of the dream will depend on his attitude towards his father. Overall, this image can represent strength and warmth. If you dream of a sick parent, then you will soon have to solve difficult life problems.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation: Why Father Dreams

The esotericist believes that a conversation with dad in a dream promises dramatic changes and joyful events. If the parent who appears is silent, then misfortune is coming. A dream in which the father appears sick or deceased does not bode well. For a girl, a dream with her father’s presence symbolizes a successful marriage. For young man a dream in which he himself becomes a father foreshadows the finding of a soul mate and a wedding.

  • If a girl sees her father who has passed on to another world in a dream, it means that her lover will soon cheat on her.
  • If you dreamed that your father was dying, you need to be careful in business matters.
  • If you saw your father in a dream, it means that your affairs are not going well and in order to improve them, you need someone’s wise participation.

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Dream Interpretation: Why Father Dreams

Interpretation of sleep Father in the dream book: Dream Interpretation Sonan‎

Father in a dream– A sick, exhausted father dreams of sadness.

A cheerful, healthy father in a dream will bring joy and good luck into your life. Your family hearth will be filled with warmth and comfort, your household will pleasantly surprise you with their successes.

Seeing a joyful, cheerful father in a dream- to the good news.

For a young woman (bride) to see a father who is no longer alive in a dream means possible betrayal or deception by her chosen one.

If you dreamed of your father's death, be very careful in your affairs. Don't make hasty decisions. A careless attitude towards your health can also lead to certain difficulties.

If you dreamed that you were arguing with your father, this is a sign of failure.

If you dreamed that while talking to you your father fell silent and did not answer questions, it means that he may soon become seriously ill.

If you dreamed of your father being dead, this means illness or a quarrel with relatives.

If in a dream, in the role of a father, a completely stranger, then keep in mind that help in Hard time will come unexpectedly and from where you did not expect to receive it at all.

If in a dream you buried or are burying your father, it means that misfortune will soon befall you.

If in a dream he scolds you- to change in better side.

If in a dream your father pities you, hugs you, approves or praises you, it means that in reality your affairs will improve, the right decision will be made, there is someone to take care of you and support you in difficult times.

If a young woman’s father appears in a dream, this may serve as a warning that her lover is taking advantage of her trust, trying to deceive her, cheating on her, or seeking profit from a relationship with her.

If an unmarried woman dreamed of her living father, this good sign: she will find love soon. Godfather dreams of care from loved ones.

If he dies in a dream, it means that you will soon commit an act that you will be ashamed of.

If the father is sick and silent, losses, misfortune, losses, and sadness will soon await you.

If your father gives you any advice or warns you about something, be sure to listen. Otherwise, difficulties and troubles in real life will overtake you.

If you dreamed about your father, you can rest assured that you are protected from adversity and difficulties.

When in your dream you see your father saying something or advising you, then in reality be sure to take advantage of this hint, otherwise trouble will inevitably happen.

Seeing your father dead in a dream means that you need rest, a break from business. Give yourself an extra weekend, get a good night's sleep, go for a walk fresh air, otherwise you risk damaging your health through overexertion.

Dreaming of a revived father brings joy from good news.

A father in a dream is a symbol of strength and unquestioned authority.

The father is a symbol of the breadwinner and protector of his family. Therefore, when he appears to you in a dream, you should take it seriously.

Arguing or arguing with your father- a dream will bring loneliness, disappointment, melancholy and hopelessness into your life. Perhaps this is your share of the blame. Chasing illusory goals, you completely forgot about those who needed you.

Arguing or arguing with your father portends trouble or making a serious mistake. You will be shamed and judged by the people around you.

Arguing with father- the dream suggests that you have stopped appreciating people who care about you and help you. In reality, you take for granted the self-sacrifice and concessions that your family members make.

A stern, silent or sick father who visits your dream predicts misfortune and loss.

Run away from father– you are trying to avoid responsibility, you are afraid to make a choice that will change your life. Sooner or later you will have to gather your courage and take control of your destiny into your own hands.

Seeing both parents healthy and happy in a dream means well-being in life, success in business, family happiness, warmth and care for you from others.

Seeing your dead father in a dream means that you should be more careful in risky endeavors and take your health more seriously.

Seeing a holy father in a dream- to deception on the part of relatives.

To dream that your father, who is alive in real life, has died means the collapse and collapse of your projects and endeavors. You should be extremely careful not to bring harm to yourself and your family. Otherwise, there may be problems with the law and justice.

Seeing your father in a dream foreshadows a responsible assignment in real life, a difficult choice on which not only your well-being, but also the fate of loved ones will depend.

A deceased father visiting your dream is an indicator that in real life you need to listen to the advice of an experienced person, seek help from a professional or a competent authority. Otherwise, you risk getting bogged down in your own problems and worries.

Kissing or hugging your father in a dream– to gain valuable experience in reality, to learn a skill. After such a dream you will feel confident and protected.

A father who appears in your dream and is in health and good spirits means he cares about you and wants to help your problems.

Why do you dream about Father?, interpretation of sleep in other dream books

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Interactive online dream book. Interpreter of dreams and visions. Find out what your dream was about.

Why do you dream of arguing with your Father?

If you quarrel with your father in a dream, then in reality your significant other will be in trouble, and these problems may affect you as well. Take a closer look at your loved one, try to predict future events. If you quarrel with your late father in a dream, problems will affect your work, personal life, love relationships.

Get things in order at work, check current projects for errors. do everything necessary to eliminate the possibility of trouble.

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I dreamed of arguing with my Father, but necessary interpretation is there no dream in the dream book?

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Dream Interpretation Father, Dad dreamed of why Father, Dad dreams in a dream

Everyday dream book

Why does a father dream according to the dream book:

Father – Dreaming about your father is a dream that suggests that you are in a difficult situation and need advice. If you dreamed of a father who actually died, then such a dream serves as a warning that you may be in danger - you should pay close attention to this sign.

If you dream that you were talking to your father, then listen to him carefully and try to follow his advice as closely as possible.

If a young woman had a dream in which her father appeared to her, then such a dream should be taken as a warning that you should pay attention to your lover - most likely, he is not who he says he is and has completely different goals than you.

If you had a dream that your father died (but in fact he is still alive), then your business is under threat and, most likely, you will suffer large losses that can lead to ruin.

If your father fell ill in a dream, then in reality you will be disappointed due to your inattention. You should take more seriously not only your work, but also those around you - your family, your loved ones, friends, and so on. In this case, you will be able to avoid many of the troubles that your father warned you about in a dream.

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

Why do you dream about Father, Dad? Interpretation of sleep:

A father in a vision is a dream that suggests that in real life you are under the influence of people who use you to their advantage. Such a dream tells you that now is the time to correct the situation and start making decisions on your own. Father scolding you in your sleep bad sign, indicating that you will have to face problems concerning your children. Your constant busyness will have a detrimental effect on your relationship with your children. At one point it will turn out that you know absolutely nothing about their life outside the home, and then it will be too late to solve the problem. The dream in which you became a father foreshadows your profit. Also, such a dream tells you that now favorable time to bring long-standing plans to life. You will be able to bring the work you started to its logical conclusion and, undoubtedly, will be satisfied with the results of your labors.

If in a dream you dreamed of a lifeless father who is healthy in real life, your close relatives will face a disease associated with either the blood or the heart.

Offending your father in a dream means that you will have difficulty getting out of a difficult situation by taking advantage of wise advice older friend. For a young woman to see such a dream is a bad sign, foreshadowing betrayal on the part of her loved one. Do not escalate the already difficult situation between you; with your suspicions and nagging, you will lead everything to a scandal and quarrel, as a result of which you will lose everything.

Seeing your father getting married - such a dream means that your financial affairs are bad. You will have to face hostility from your loved ones due to envy of you caused by your success in love.

A dream in which you see your father as a child also portends difficulties for you in reality. You will commit a rash act, despite the advice of your family, which you will regret later. And the main test for you will be the feeling of guilt before your family, because... this decision will affect their lives as well.

If you dream about Father, Dad, what is this for:

Father - If you dreamed about your father, then soon you will need advice to resolve a difficult issue, and it is best to turn to family traditions. If your father speaks to you, this is a sign of immediate happiness; seeing him sick is disappointing; dead or dying - to family squabbles, complications in business; for a young woman - to her lover’s betrayal. Talking in a dream with a father who actually died means the need to remember him; arguing with him means a decline in business. Dreaming about father and mother together means good luck.

Dreaming about Father, Dad? See the following interpreter.

First of all, you should understand that if you have to swear in a dream, then you don’t necessarily have to do it in reality. You need to know why you dream about swearing in order to be able to correct the situation in the real world.

To understand how to correctly interpret dreams in which you have to swear, you must take into account with whom the conflict arises. It is also important emotional condition the dreamer, as well as what caused the quarrel.

Most often in night dreams the dreamer has to quarrel with relatives. As a rule, such dreams are always significant, so you need to know how to decipher them. The exception is when you dream of swearing in a dream after a quarrel in reality, in this case the dream is simply a reflection of reality.

Why argue with mom?

Very often the question arises: why do you dream of arguing with your mother or father in a dream? If you live with your parents, then most likely when you conflict with them in a dream, this indicates that for some reason you have remorse.

But in another case, a quarrel with your mother may warn that there is a high probability that you will make serious mistakes that will negatively affect your entire life.

When a young girl quarrels with her mother in her night dreams, the interpretation of the dream depends on the plot of the dream:

    If the cause of the discord was a young man, then this foreshadows a disagreement with your lover in reality. When your mother scolded you for excessive financial spending, then in real life you can expect real financial failures. If your mother did not like your appearance, then you may soon get sick. If the reason for the quarrel is poor academic performance, then in real life there will be conflicts with colleagues.

Quarrel with mom and your departure

When in storyline Night dreams show a quarrel with your mother, followed by their departure from home, then this foreshadows radical changes in real life. Moreover, such changes can affect any sphere of life. After such a dream, you can change your place of residence or job, in addition, such a dream can be a harbinger of a big win in the lottery or in a casino.

Arguing with parents

If in your night dreams you quarrel with both your mother and father, then this foreshadows separation from your parents due to a long trip or change of place of residence. Moreover, if you swear very emotionally in a dream, then the departure will be without the consent of your parents. And if this is a minor squabble, then most likely you will be able to explain things to your loved ones and part ways peacefully.

Miller's Dream Book

According to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, when you have to quarrel with a drunk mother in your night dreams, this is a harbinger of illness. Moreover, the more severe the intoxication loved one, the more serious the disease will be. After such a dream, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination as soon as possible.

Fight with father

When you have to quarrel with your father in a dream, this is a warning sign. In the near future you will meet a person who will strive to manipulate you. Therefore, try to take a closer look at your chosen one and draw the right conclusions.

A dream in which, according to the plot, you quarrel with your brother or sister is also significant. Such night dreams contain a warning that you may break your promise, and this will negatively affect your relationships with other people. They will no longer respect and trust you. Such a dream is always associated with serious life disappointments.

You dreamed that you were arguing with distant relatives

If you quarrel with one of your distant relatives in your night dreams, this means that in real life you will soon be left alone with your problems. After such a dream, perhaps a person will appear in your environment who will constantly drag you into conflict situations.

If in a dream you have to quarrel with your grandmother, then you should consider the following:

    For a girl, such a dream indicates that she will fall under bad influence. For a guy, the dream is a harbinger that he may fall into the network of insidious seductresses.

Arguing with mother-in-law in a dream

If a woman had to quarrel with her mother-in-law in a dream, then this indicates that in her immediate environment there are tactless people, communication with whom is simply unbearable. Of course, it is better to break off relations with them, but if this cannot be done, then you need to try not to react to their attacks.

A very common question is why you dream about arguing with your husband. This dream belongs to the dreams of shapeshifters. That is, if you quarrel with your husband in a dream, then in real life family life will develop very calmly. But in order to correctly and accurately interpret such night dreams, you should remember all the details of the plot.

So, in accordance with the interpretation of Miller’s dream book, if your husband showers you with insults according to the plot of your night dreams, this means that you will establish an absolute trusting relationship with your spouse, based on respect and love. It should be remembered that after such a dream some difficulties may arise in your personal life, which the spouses can easily overcome.

Many women are interested in the question of what it means to have a dream in which they had to quarrel with their husband because of infidelity. This dream emphasizes your suspiciousness and indicates that you are inventing problems for yourself that do not exist in reality.

Depending on the intensity of the quarrel with your spouse, the following interpretations of night dreams can be distinguished:

    A trifling quarrel without emotions - to pleasant and good news. A heated argument on any occasion - life changes associated with new prospects. A scandal of medium strength - some circumstances may be clarified. A quarrel with minor assault is unexpected happiness. A quarrel with a serious fight is a harbinger breakup of relationships.

Very often women ask what it means to quarrel with ex-husband. Most likely, this is a sign that, despite breaking up, something continues to connect you with this person. Maybe these are common children, and sometimes unfinished relationships. It is very good if in a dream you finally quarreled with your ex-spouse. This means that finally an atmosphere of peace and harmony will reign in your life. If you dream that you seem to be split in two and are watching from the side as you quarrel with your ex-husband, then this indicates that you will soon be offered a difficult job that will bring you great profit.

Why dream of arguing with a guy

Of course, in dreams you often have to quarrel not only with relatives, but also with other people. Such dreams are not always a sign that something is going wrong in life. They may simply reflect the situation in the real world, but in any case, you need to learn to interpret them, listening to your own intuition. Of course, a dream in which you have to quarrel with a loved one can hardly be considered pleasant. But, nevertheless, despite the ambiguity of interpretation of such night dreams, you should not get upset in advance. In most cases, arguing with a guy in a dream means for a girl that she is not satisfied with her own life. Therefore, you need to try to look at the situation around you from the outside and try to change your life in accordance with your requirements. Moreover, it should be understood that mental anxiety most likely affects the sphere of relationships with relatives. Such a dream is a hint and indicates how important compromises are in life for building successful relationships.

In a dream, quarrel with your loved one or loved one

Arguing with your loved one in your dreams can also mean that you have problems that she cannot solve on her own. After such a dream, you should definitely consult with a person you trust. Moreover, such advice cannot be ignored. Young guys also often ask about what it means to quarrel with your beloved. For young men, such a dream always foreshadows financial expenses. Moreover, they will not be connected in any way with their beloved girl. The reason for financial waste will be ill-considered actions, short-sightedness and frivolity. At the same time, the stronger and more emotional the quarrel seen in the night dreams was, the greater the troubles will be.

If, according to the plot of your night dreams, you happened to quarrel with a stranger, then this foreshadows a successful undertaking in reality. In addition, such a dream can be a harbinger of a new useful acquaintance. Also, such a dream often indicates that a person will have a new hobby in life.

When you dream of arguing with an acquaintance or girlfriend

When you dream of arguing with a woman you know, then perhaps she needs your help. When you dream that you are arguing with a friend, this can be interpreted in two ways. Sometimes such a dream is a harbinger of travel, and in other cases it predicts the arrival of guests. If, according to the plot of night dreams, a stranger appears in a dream with whom you have to quarrel, then this predicts the activation of ill-wishers in the immediate environment. In the coming life period You need to be careful to avoid getting into unpleasant life situations.

Dreaming of quarreling with a dead person or deceased

Very often, dreamers wonder why they dream of quarreling with the deceased. In most cases, such a dream foreshadows quarrels with relatives in reality. For the dreamer, arguing with a dead person in his night dreams means that he will have to endure great worries and anxieties in reality. For correct interpretation dreams in which you have to swear, you need to pay attention to the emotions during the quarrel. It is believed that screaming and crying in night dreams is a positive omen. Most likely, events will happen in life that will fill it with positivity. But in addition, there are negative interpretations of such dreams:
    There is a high probability that many minor troubles will happen in reality. You may have to take part in a big feast, which will not end very well.

Arguing with a man or woman

In addition, if in night dreams you have to quarrel with a man or woman very emotionally, then this indicates that the dreamer is very unhappy with something in real life. Also, such a dream can signal that in reality a person is busy with something other than his own business and this is very annoying to him. You need to think about changing your field of activity. Emotional abuse in a dream often indicates accumulated internal tension person. Therefore, you need to somehow distract yourself from the surrounding reality, otherwise in real life a huge scandal or hysteria cannot be avoided over a trivial matter.

Swearing in a dream is a warning sign. It indicates a high probability that you will make a wrong decision in reality and, as a result, big troubles await you. Often such a dream signals that a dark streak is coming in real life. If in a dream someone swears at you, then this foreshadows a huge family scandal in reality. But if in a dream you swear at a person you know, then soon the relationship between you will improve. Often such night dreams, in which you have to swear, are dreamed of by people with a calm and balanced character. This is due to the fact that they subconsciously forbid themselves to resolve conflicts in reality in this way. In such cases, such a dream may indicate that you will be able to resolve the situation peacefully in reality. But if you fail to find a compromise, then the psychological stress will reach its limit and lead to a big quarrel in real life. If you dreamed that you were arguing with someone in a dream, then you need to carefully analyze the situation around you. After this, you need to look into dream books and try to find a decoding there that can give you a hint. With this approach, listening to your own intuition, you can easily understand what is going wrong in life. This will allow you to choose the right course of action to correct the situation and avoid negative consequences.

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Father in a dream- A sick, exhausted father dreams of sadness.
A cheerful, healthy father in a dream will bring joy and good luck into your life. Your family hearth will be filled with warmth and comfort, your household will pleasantly surprise you with their successes.
Seeing a joyful, cheerful father in a dream- to the good news.
For a young woman (bride) to see a father who is no longer alive in a dream means possible betrayal or deception by her chosen one.
If you dreamed of your father's death, be very careful in your affairs. Don't make hasty decisions. A careless attitude towards your health can also lead to certain difficulties.
If you dreamed that you were arguing with your father, this is a sign of failure.
If you dreamed that while talking to you your father fell silent and did not answer questions, it means that he may soon become seriously ill.
If you dreamed of your father being dead, this means illness or a quarrel with relatives.
If in a dream a complete stranger appears before you in the role of a father, then keep in mind that help in difficult times will come unexpectedly and from where you did not expect to receive it.
If in a dream you buried or are burying your father, it means that misfortune will soon befall you.
If in a dream he scolds you- to change for the better.
If in a dream your father pities you, hugs you, approves or praises you, it means that in reality your affairs will improve, the right decision will be made, there is someone to take care of you and support you in difficult times.
If a young woman’s father appears in a dream, this may serve as a warning that her lover is taking advantage of her trust, trying to deceive her, cheating on her, or seeking profit from a relationship with her.
If an unmarried woman dreams of her living father, this is a good sign: she will soon find love. The godfather dreams of care from loved ones.
If he dies in a dream, it means that you will soon commit an act that you will be ashamed of.
If the father is sick and silent, losses, misfortune, losses, and sadness will soon await you.
If your father gives you any advice or warns you about something, be sure to listen. Otherwise, difficulties and troubles in real life will overtake you.
If you dreamed about your father, you can rest assured that you are protected from adversity and difficulties.
When in your dream you see your father saying something or advising you, then in reality be sure to take advantage of this hint, otherwise trouble will inevitably happen.
Seeing your father dead in a dream means that you need rest, a break from business. Give yourself an extra weekend, get a good night's sleep, take a walk in the fresh air, otherwise you risk damaging your health from overexertion.
Dreaming of a revived father brings joy from good news.
A father in a dream is a symbol of strength and unquestioned authority.
The father is a symbol of the breadwinner and protector of his family. Therefore, when he appears to you in a dream, you should take it seriously.
Arguing or arguing with your father- a dream will bring loneliness, disappointment, melancholy and hopelessness into your life. Perhaps this is your share of the blame. Chasing illusory goals, you completely forgot about those who needed you.
Arguing or arguing with your father portends trouble or making a serious mistake. You will be shamed and judged by the people around you.
Arguing with father- the dream suggests that you have stopped appreciating people who care about you and help you. In reality, you take for granted the self-sacrifice and concessions that your family members make.
A stern, silent or sick father who visits your dream predicts misfortune and loss.
Run away from father- you are trying to avoid responsibility, you are afraid to make a choice that will change your life. Sooner or later you will have to gather your courage and take control of your destiny into your own hands.
Seeing both parents healthy and happy in a dream means well-being in life, success in business, family happiness, warmth and care for you from others.
Seeing your dead father in a dream means that you should be more careful in risky endeavors and take your health more seriously.
Seeing a holy father in a dream- to deception on the part of relatives.
To dream that your father, who is alive in real life, has died means the collapse and collapse of your projects and endeavors. You should be extremely careful not to bring harm to yourself and your family. Otherwise, there may be problems with the law and justice.
Seeing your father in a dream foreshadows a responsible assignment in real life, a difficult choice on which not only your well-being, but also the fate of loved ones will depend.
A deceased father visiting your dream is an indicator that in real life you need to listen to the advice of an experienced person, seek help from a professional or a competent authority. Otherwise, you risk getting bogged down in your own problems and worries.
Kissing or hugging your father in a dream- to gain valuable experience in reality, to learn a skill. After such a dream you will feel confident and protected.
A father who appears in your dream and is in health and good spirits means he cares about you and wants to help your problems.

In our dreams, we often dream about things that were very disturbing in reality. Friction in a team or strained relationships in the family can lead to a person seeing scandals and swearing in a dream.

However, arguing with someone in a dream is often a good sign. You can find out exactly why you dream of arguing with your mother, father or husband, with a stranger or a dead person, only by turning to the context of the dream.

Swearing with your mother in a dream is a harbinger of strengthening your relationship with your mother, despite difficulties and problems. But for a woman, a quarrel with her mother can also mean an inability to behave rationally in critical situations.

If the dreamer quarrels with his mother and then apologizes for his behavior, even if he was right, the dreamer has an overly peaceful character, which can cause harm if the dreamer is kind to undeserving people.

Quarrels with relatives reflect the dreamer’s reluctance to share his experiences with others and the desire to cope with problems himself. High level independence is an absolute plus in a person’s life, but dream books advise not to isolate yourself, sometimes an outside glance or the feasible help of other people brings something that a person simply cannot achieve on his own, no matter how hard he tries. Quarrels with relatives may also indicate the dreamer’s mistrust and tension towards those closest to him.

It’s not easy to say why you dream of arguing with your loved one in a dream. Usually such dreams reflect confidence in that person. Although they may also indicate that the dreamer is wasting his energy in reality.

Quarrels, swearing and fights with a loved one can also serve as a release valve for irritation that has accumulated during the interaction between husband and wife, so such dream plots are considered to have a beneficial effect on family life.

Swearing in a dream with a loved one in front of strangers means the dreamer is trying to beat his partner in reality. Dream books warn that marriage is not a struggle, but a community; one should not perceive a relationship with a husband or wife as an opportunity to dominate and control someone.

or husband symbolizes the incompleteness of the relationship, unspoken words, feelings that have not completely died out. Fighting with - the desire to renew the relationship, the inability to let go of the past.

Scandals, screams from ex-boyfriend, and then reconciliation symbolize getting rid of guilt, breaking with the past, focusing on the present and striving for the future.

Swearing at your mother-in-law is a waking sensation in the dreamer of the tactlessness of those around you. Dream books advise not to take into account rumors; they will not affect the life of the person who saw the dream. In addition, quarrels with one's mother-in-law in a dream that lead to a fight may reflect the dreamer's lack of confidence in acceptance and approval from others.

Who else did you have a fight with?

Scandal with by a stranger is interpreted by dream books as a harbinger of the start of a new business. A quarrel with an unfamiliar woman - such a dream reflects the dreamer’s feeling of existing in a close circle of people who are negatively disposed towards him.

A fight with a woman is the dreamer’s desire to prove that he is worth something, that he can do something. In general, quarrels with a woman are interpreted in dream books both as the dreamer’s lack of self-confidence and as lack of confidence in his social circle, so they advise talking less about your plans and not relying on the words of unverified people.

The meaning of a quarrel in a dream with depends on whether he is familiar, whether he is a relative of the dreamer, on the relationship that connected the dreamer with the deceased.

  • In a dream, quarreling with a deceased relative - the dreamer clings very much to his past, constantly returning to the mistakes of past years.
  • A quarrel with a deceased person who is unfamiliar to the dreamer foreshadows strained relationships in the team. To avoid conflicts and tension, the dreamer should act especially carefully.

Swearing symbolizes aggressive, superficial people who cannot cause inconvenience, but cause concern to the dreamer. If the dreamer himself swears, then it’s time for the dreamer to be more harsh with others, learn to answer “no” and defend his personal boundaries.

When the dreamer is cursed with obscenities, in reality one should think about greater expression of emotions; perhaps the dreamer is too closed, accumulates anger and discontent, and often acts contrary to his desires.

In dreams we can make a big scandal, but then be upset about it. The dream book interprets swearing in a dream and then crying from a scandal as grief from the hasty actions of other people. At the same time, crying because of a scandal caused by a relative or loved one means for the dreamer a desire for lightness, the disappearance of barriers. Quarrels with a girlfriend or boyfriend - ambiguities in a relationship in reality.

Any clarification of relationships in dreams leads to emotional release in the dreamer, therefore such dreams are useful and bring rest. Moreover, each dream can mean certain things that are not noticed by a person, but are very important.

For example, many plots related to scandals between close people who often interact with each other symbolize the friction and understatement that exists between them.

If you dream similar dreams, you should talk frankly with your friends, loved ones, relatives or colleagues. Honesty and openness are the key to success with those worthy of trust and respect.

Fights, arguments, swearing, in a word, conflict situations are seen quite often in human dreams. Such dreams cause a lot of anxiety in the dreamer, since many believe that a conflict will soon occur in reality. But is this really so? This article will tell you why you dream of a quarrel.

Fights, arguments, swearing, in a word, conflict situations in human dreams are seen quite often

The dream book gives the following meanings for this image:

  1. A dream in which a person has a conflict with someone indicates that he is too demanding of himself and others. The dreamer sets the bar too high, for this reason he often has a bad mood and health. The dream book recommends loosening your grip slightly and shifting some of the responsibility to others.
  2. A stormy showdown with a girl in a dream means mutual understanding with her in reality.
  3. A dream in which a woman quarrels with a man portends her strong love with him. If the day before of this dream If the dreamer had a quarrel with this person, then in the coming days they will make peace.
  4. If a girl argues with a guy in her dreams, this means that in real life he takes her very seriously.
  5. Swearing often dreams of good deeds. Perhaps a person will soon have a need to help one of his close friends or relatives.
  6. A quarrel with an enemy in dreams means reconciliation with him in reality.
  7. If the dreamer hears someone arguing or watches a fight between two enemies, she can expect news. Perhaps one of the distant relatives will invite the dreamer to a festive celebration.
  8. Arguing with a stranger means meeting your love. Also, such a dream can promise a person a passion for some interesting activity.
  9. Finding out a relationship with a friend in a dream means loss.
  10. Scolding a pet means illness.

If children quarrel in a dream, then a conflict will arise between the wife and husband in reality.

Quarrel in the dream book (video)

What does a quarrel mean in Miller's dream book?

Psychologist Miller believes that the image of conflict in dreams always symbolizes problems, misfortunes and deprivations. Therefore, there is clearly no need to expect anything good after such a dream.

  • The dreamer is in for squabbles, gossip and bad rumors. Perhaps ill-wishers will want to denigrate him.
  • A young teenage girl will find herself in the middle of trouble. Perhaps misfortune will happen to her.
  • A married woman risks losing her husband's trust. The possibility of divorce cannot be ruled out.
  • Conflict situations in the dreamer’s family will arise regularly for a long time.

Psychologist Miller believes that the image of conflict in dreams always symbolizes problems, misfortunes and deprivations

If the dreamer watches someone he knows swear, this means that he will be disappointed in his work. Perhaps he will be demoted or have his salary cut.

Why dream of a quarrel with a friend, girlfriend, sister, wife?

The interpretation of this dream can largely be determined by who exactly the dreamer is in conflict with.

  1. Swearing at a girlfriend or friend means that the person will soon lose something important. We are not talking about the loss of material assets or things. The loss will lie in the qualities of the person himself. It is also possible that his circle of social contacts will shrink and he will stop communicating with certain people.
  2. If a man dreams of a quarrel with his girlfriend, this means that his relationship with her in real life will be as good as possible. If on the eve of such a dream conflicts arose in the couple, then they can be easily resolved. The long-awaited harmony will come in the relationship between lovers.
  3. A quarrel with a sister in a dream means happiness for the dreamer in reality.
  4. Arguing with your wife in a dream means receiving good news.

If a man dreams of a quarrel with his girlfriend, this means that his relationship with her in real life will be as good as possible

Why dream of a quarrel with a boyfriend, father, relatives?

Conflicts with relatives in dreams mean that the dreamer is not happy with the relationship with them. In real life, it is not always possible to solve problems in relationships, which is why such dreams come to the aid of people. From a psychological point of view, they have a very important function for a person - cleansing consciousness from negativity. However, arguing with close relatives and loved ones in dreams is always important.

  • A conflict with a beloved man, boyfriend or husband means for the dreamer an improvement in his relationship with him in real life. It is also believed that such a dream may indicate a person’s subconscious readiness to spend money. The dream book warns of the need for more serious attitude to money, otherwise spending it will have Negative consequences for the financial situation in the dreamer’s family.
  • Swearing at dad (or another loved one) means the dreamer’s not fully realized need to get closer to him in real life. Most likely, his relationship with his father cannot be called ideal. Dreams in which a person sorts things out with his parents have a negative interpretation. According to the dream book, such a dream promises losses, failures and stress.

Swearing at dad (or another loved one) means the dreamer’s not fully realized need to get closer to him in real life.

If a parent quarrels with his child in a dream, this indicates that he will soon encounter difficulties in his relationship with him. However, the dream book advises a caring parent not to panic, because such dreams always help to find Right way solving the problem.

Seeing a conflict with an ex-man in a dream

Dreamers have to sort things out with their ex-husband or boyfriend quite often. This can be explained by their recent, and perhaps even current, attachment to to this person. A woman thinks about her former lover, this thought is reflected in her dreams. What does such a dream mean?

Dreamers often have to sort things out with their ex-husband or boyfriend

The interpretation of the dream is in most cases positive.

  1. If the dreamer wants to make peace with this man, then the likelihood that this will happen is quite high.
  2. If the girl experienced a difficult breakup with this person, and their relationship deteriorated greatly, then this dream means a quick reconciliation.

Interpretation of this dream in other dream books

  • If two men are in conflict with each other, the dreamers will be very jealous of one of their friends.
  • Watching two women yell at each other means becoming the target of gossip and rumors.
  • To enter into conflict with a stranger yourself means to lose the support of loved ones.
  • If in a dream a crowd of kids are sorting things out, a lot of fun and joy awaits the person.
  • Spouses are quarreling - you should expect good news.
  • After such a dream, the dreamer will become the owner of valuable gifts.
  • Waking up in tears after a dream about strife means for a long time live without luck.
  • For married girl such a dream could mean family discord.
  • To be kicked out of your home after a quarrel with your family means to fail. The dreamer will feel inferior.
  • To sort things out with your ill-wisher means to become friends with him in reality.
  • To start an argument with an innocent passer-by means to get carried away by some interesting matter.
  • Annoyance and disappointment await the dreamer who dreamed of a trial. However, if the court was on his side, he should expect good luck in business.

Why do you dream of a quarrel (video)

It turns out that dreams about conflicts are a kind of “shifters”, and their interpretation for reality, in most cases, is positive. So if a person has dreams in which he quarrels with someone, sorts things out, or even fights, this is an excellent sign that foreshadows happy events.

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