Why do you dream of a feast, and is this such a good sign? Why do you dream of a feast: stability and financial well-being await you

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Why do you dream of a Feast in a dream according to 6 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Feast” symbol from 6 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Maly Velesov dream book

A feast is for good.

A feast where there are many women- gossip and tears.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Feast according to the dream book?

Dreaming of preparing for a feast- peace and prosperity will reign in your family.

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If you are among the guests at a dinner party- you will communicate with pleasant and interesting people.

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Did you dream of a Feast, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Feast in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I dreamed that I was walking to a richly furnished table at which people were sitting and waiting for me as the hero of the occasion. I walked to the table feeling as if I was late and as if I was apologizing in my heart for the fact that people were waiting for me. then a man came up to me and seated me at the head of the table. I had a dream on the night from Thursday to Friday - what could this mean?

    • the feast is festive and somehow I was late for it and join those remaining at the table among them old friend and his ex-wife and I see on the table a fish dish with rice and caviar in white sauce. and before that, that same night, I saw my late Father in a dream and his palms were stained with something gray

    In a dream, a woman whom I had not seen for a long time came to me, I was very happy about her and began to prepare the table for her, but she said that she was in a hurry. And I packed her bag and put cabbage, potatoes, carrots in it. I was very worried and there was no light in the room. I gave her the food, she left, but I was worried that I didn’t give her enough. When I was looking for food for her in the gas stove, I saw a beautiful cake and thought what the cake was doing there. It was a little eaten but almost whole. I didn’t touch it. I thought that the cake had probably gone bad.

    Hello! today from Saturday to Sunday I had a dream a strange dream, as if we: me, my mother and my brother were sitting at an uncovered, empty, round table and at my work, it was some kind of twilight and I remember we were talking and everyone was laughing. Why is this? We have problems in our family; my brother and mother don’t communicate. Svetlana.

    I'm driving in a car, 2 very fat women sat next to me, the door barely closed, my dad is driving, I see through the window a series of trees with huge multi-colored flowers, the likes of which I have never seen, one more beautiful than the other.

    I dreamed that my wife and I came to a bar that we had recently rented for work, and saw a feast there. Local residents were sitting at the table; the tables were not covered with tablecloths, but there were a lot of dishes on them. What does this mean?

    I sleep with my husband, I clearly feel him. I wake up alone in bed, I see that my husband is not next to me and the door to the apartment is wide open. I get up, close the door and the doorbell immediately rings. My parents and my godmother came to us. Then I see that there is a table in the room, richly set, many people are sitting at the table (who came and also my friends, whom I have not seen for more than six months). I pour the wine, lay out the meat, and treat. Children still unknown to me are sitting at the table.
    Next to the table there is a Christmas tree (not the same as the one we actually had), and on it I find a landline phone and explain to everyone that it was my husband who put it there and turned it off so that the call wouldn’t wake us up. I feel the presence of my husband next to me, but I don’t remember seeing him at the table.

    Good morning! I dreamed that I came to a friend with my children, and we were preparing for a feast, waiting for her husband and guests, the dream was colorful, I very clearly saw the bright upholstery of large sofas, burgundy and gold colors. My children were there - I have three sons, and her children, she also has three daughters. When her husband came, he was not happy with something, and why was he in a police uniform (although he is a businessman), then other guests came, mostly men. I felt somehow embarrassed that we came at the wrong time.

    I had a dream, a handsome middle-aged handsome man came and immediately began to hug and undress and began to lie down in my bed, I was in bed but dressed, then the former director came home from work, hugged him very joyfully, then two women we knew and we began to collect treats on the table, everyone was smiling, it was good and joyful, after I woke up for a long time I could not get rid of the fact that this was not a dream.

    I meet guests in my grandmother’s house (it’s been demolished a year ago), some grandmothers come to me, but they pass by without noticing me, then my late grandparents come in, my grandfather begins to say that he was given a small apartment in the city and he is very worries that he will be deceived with her, they go to the table, some children are already sitting there, and my son and grandmother sat down with a dissatisfied look, because the children ate the treat, for some reason I felt ashamed that she did not have enough smoked sausage... .

    the dream is that I live with a guy, and suddenly my relatives come to us, everyone sits down at the table. I introduce the guy to all my relatives, including my father (but he died 13 years ago, but his father meets him and immediately disappears). then the hubbub begins, noisy conversations on various topics, but my boyfriend is slightly unhappy with the situation, but doesn’t show it.

    I'm at the table with strangers, or rather, I can’t distinguish faces at all; the only people I know are my mother and sister. I don’t remember what was on the table, but it was richly laid out. there are no drunks. Apparently I had already eaten and I was interested in the dancers, I watched them. I had no desire to go out and dance. all this takes place in an open setting by the sea. the sound of the sea, music, dancing, I feel so good, so relaxed and have no desire to go anywhere. I don’t even react to the fact that my sister wants to stay the night or go somewhere else to a party. Usually I would interfere, she is underage. I see that she’s crying asking her mother for permission and somehow I don’t care. In general, in a dream I just sit and watch everything.

    I was preparing herring under a fur coat, I couldn’t choose a plate for a long time, I kept shifting the herring from one plate to another, frying onions, I was very nervous, in a hurry, I didn’t have time because the guests called that they were already leaving and I still only had one salad and it wasn’t finished

    I dreamed that a woman invited me and my friends to her place, I only know her in absentia, we were sitting at a table covered with food, and our friend was also with us, then he soon left because she told him that she had to go somewhere, then my friend and I ended up at her place I was sleeping in bed and she woke me up saying that we had to go because she was leaving

    Last night I dreamed that I was in big house There were a lot of people among relatives, friends, and as if there had been a big feast, but it was already over. I didn’t see the feast itself, I already saw tables with dirty dishes, leftover food, a lot of garbage on the floor, a complete mess, things were scattered and I collected it all, my hands were dirty and sticky, when I woke up the feeling was not pleasant.

    Hello. Last night I had a dream. It’s as if I quit my job and moved to another one on the eve of my birthday (it’s in December). At the same time, I decided to celebrate my birthday and “sign up” at work on the same day and in a restaurant. I called my colleagues and friends. The restaurant was unfamiliar to me. Everything is in dark colors, gloomy, black tables without tablecloths, unserved. Twice as many people came as I invited, and mostly all strangers. Everyone is beautifully dressed and combed, I’m the only one in ugly jeans, a turtleneck, no makeup and fat. There were food overlays all the time. All the time I was running and arguing with the administration. Everyone was unhappy. In the end, the administrator and I argued about payment; I refused to pay the bill in full.

    I had a dream: a feast on the occasion of my birthday, but without my presence at the table, because... For some reason I was angry with someone present; I had this dream from September 5th to September 6th, almost in the morning.

    I dreamed about the late dad being alive, as if he had arrived, a feast, a conversation with him, there were a lot of men around, fun. They laughed and talked. We were going to go somewhere with him - he called, we waited for a long time for the car in the house where we were sitting, in the end the car broke down, the trip was cancelled, I tried to give him money, but he didn’t take it. then he disappears from my dream, I walk around the house looking for him, disappointed that he is not there, I opened the door to the basement, where it was light and there was a wooden staircase down, without stepping over the threshold of this basement I throw in 1 thousand rubles, with one bill.

    the laid tables were huge and long, with a lot of different delicious food, one could say that the tables were laden with abundance of food, there were two tables at one where all living friends and relatives sat, and at the other a little further away all the deceased friends and relatives, mother and grandmother were so beautiful, and my mother always wanted to feed me fried potatoes, and my grandmother gave me and my deceased child cake with chocolate, I felt so good and happy, I woke up in a good mood, but I can’t understand what this dream was for

    I dreamed that they were going to fire me from my job, they brought a young girl to my place, but I was not going to quit. Then a table with colleagues where I discuss why they are going to fire me and where I say that I will not leave. Then my male colleagues in some kind of uniform look like they are going to hunt

    Hello Tatiana! My name is Sergey, tell me, I’ll be very grateful, I dreamed that I was sitting at the table, my mother was sitting, me and three grandmothers were unfamiliar to me, and I was sitting in the same place, I drank a martini and was finishing off the vodka, it’s a shock to me that I rarely drink, and never in front of my mother.. some kind of party, I was drinking in one person and almost died from this condition, but everything worked out and I had a premonition that someone was warning me about something, and one granny had big blue eyes like in an anime cartoon they are big and a little square, but I didn’t pay much attention to it, I thought that’s how it should be, there were three fat grannies, they were about 60. and 2 sleeps, I got on the last bus and they didn’t walk anymore, it was late, I was there 1 it was dark there but a light flashed by, the driver is on his way to the depot, I agree with him that he is driving me along the way and will take me to my stop, here I sat down not far from him, he was old and gray-haired, I take out small change from my pocket and begin to defend it, and then he turns to me he says to me.. excuse me, can I turn on the music, but you young people don’t listen to this.. he names some singer I don’t remember and starts flipping through the songs, I recognize them all, these are modern hits, but I heard one once and it interested me, I ask him I have to turn it on again.. but in my head I have why I did it, it shouldn’t be like that, or maybe it should be.. he scrolls back and a song about prison started playing, I’ve heard it many times, it’s famous.. it wasn’t the song I wanted but she was in that place...he turned to me and said something. I felt scared, panic seized me, I woke up. %with great respect Sergei.

    Feast - wedding of relatives. My partner and I are invited guests, but for some reason we were seated at different tables and our exes were invited (my ex-husband and his ex-wife). the tables are richly set, everything is there... I’m wearing a beautiful long green dress.

    There was a lot in the dream different people, and everyone was preparing for a big feast, everyone was doing something, I was cutting raw meat with a large sharp knife, I was unpleasant because my hands were very oily. Before slicing the meat, I rubbed a lot of salt into it. I saw a huge table with many different dishes, the table was covered with a white tablecloth. On the threshold of this house, where the feast was being prepared, there were a lot of shoes. This was not my home, an apartment completely unfamiliar to me.

    in the house deceased grandmother I and my team were preparing for the holiday. for some reason it was clear that we were going to meet New Year. my colleagues prepared a gift for me. Meat was being fried on the stove. the tables were set

    I was sitting at the table on one end, me and the other guy who I like. In the middle there was some girl’s face, you couldn’t see her face. The guy took cookies and candy from her. I don’t have any, even though I offered it, but I took out his favorite candy and he took it. Then we had a nice conversation

    I dreamed that I had a wedding with my wife, although we haven’t had a wedding for many years. My wife and I have a lot of guests, we run between the tables, treat the guests, serve treats, we didn’t sit at the table ourselves, I don’t remember anything else

    Good afternoon A feast at work, like a corporate party, was reconciled, everyone ate, there was plenty of food on the table. The head of our department came, but there was nothing to treat him with. It turned out that everything had already been eaten. Sat at an empty table

    Big celebration my husband and I set the tables, he makes salads from sheep and tomatoes in large salad bowls, the building has 3, 4 floors and all floors we set the tables with abundant food, a lot of food and people, some kind of holiday is going on

    I dreamed of a feast. It was organized in my apartment. I organized it in honor of my birthday. But it was not my holiday, I still didn’t understand whose. In the hallway there was a long table, just along the length of the corridor. The table was set at home. Soon guests arrived. These were my former classmates.
    They ate and told each other stupid stories. But I was not busy, I didn’t even talk to my friend.
    Then we cleared the table together and the guests suddenly disappeared.

    I dreamed about my parents’ feast. At the same time, my mother has not been with us for 5 years. It is clear that she is very drunk and anxious, it seems more like a dad. In the dream, it felt as if a big secret of my father’s friend (uncle) had come to light, as if he had a relationship with a young girl, and he told everyone about it. Now mom feels bad for dad. And dad tries to justify himself, and reads poetry for his uncle, his own composition

    Good afternoon I often dream of a feast with dead friends. Yesterday I dreamed of a group dance like sirtaki, me on one side, my husband on the other, strangers in the middle. Yesterday I dreamed of my long-dead father asking me to change 500 rubles. She didn’t take it, she took small bills out of her wallet and gave them to her

    hello, today I had a dream about a wedding, but I’m not in a dress, but in a tracksuit, they sing songs, have fun, but in the end they win prizes, apartments. And I’m looking for a husband and he’s with his mistress.

    I had a dream today - where there was a “feast” - 2 tables and some of my relatives and a guy with whom I would like to be with for a long time... but for some reason this does not happen - but we have been maintaining a relationship for 4 years! so here are two different tables - my relatives and his are sitting at the table - the table is not empty - there is a lot of food and treats! supposedly they met and decided something! he hugged me and everyone smiled

    A bright school canteen (where I studied), 2 large tables covered with a snow-white tablecloth (it made a ripple in your eyes), a lot of dishes, bright plates with dishes. BUT I was sitting at the second table and the division was visible, my husband and my aunt were sitting to my right, and my ex-husband(He and I keep in touch as acquaintances, although there were disagreements during the divorce). And at the first table, immediately to my left, sits a girl who studied with me at school and her two children, my friend with her husband and one of the children, my mother and other people, and at the head is my classmate, who fell to his death in 2012. He smiled, made some kind of speech and raised his glass, he looked good as if alive and everyone perceived him as alive, he was dressed in a snow-white shirt. And he looked young, almost as I remembered him in the first years after school. I began to dream about him often. Thank you.

    feast, fun in the territory of what a rich room, everything smoothly transfers to the territory of the church, a lot of people. my mother is nearby, cheerful. they bring a dead man in a coffin, unknown man, took him out of the coffin and set him up, he’s standing! Dead! in a gray suit, aged, heavily built! definitely a stranger! they tell my mother that she needs to sing the funeral service for him! she explains that she never did this and who she is! but in the end he agrees... and I wake up

    I had strange dreams today! The first one was sitting at the table in the company of people with whom I have not communicated or seen for more than 3 years. And here we are sitting celebrating and the former father-in-law is fussing and there are a lot of people at the table, but I only remember my former relatives. My father-in-law and mother-in-law and their middle son are alcoholics in life. I haven’t talked to them for so long, and then suddenly I dreamed about them! And the second dream was that I discovered that a family of rats was living under the bathroom. I opened the door to the stairwell and kicked all the rats out of the apartment, but they didn’t even resist, but left one after another! These are the dreams I had today! What are they for? ?Thank you if you can explain! Anna.

    I dreamed of a feast with women I didn’t know. The food is plentiful and plentiful. At the end of the table is an elderly woman in dark clothes. In another room, a dressing room, there are a lot of clothes scattered around. The girl gives me pajamas as a gift, I thank her and hug her. There is a dish with plenty of food, the hostess, that is, the lady in dark clothes who was sitting at the end of the table, says that she needs to take it to apartment 89 or 890.

    I dreamed of a feast, but the table was empty except for alcoholic drinks. But again, I didn’t see any bottles, only full glasses and glasses of various drinks. Cognac was poured into glasses and wine was poured for me - I remember that for sure.

    I returned home, and in the yard there was a long table, at the table were friends whom I had not seen for a long time and some other people. The table was already eaten and my mother (who had died) was busy at the table, clearing away the dishes. I hugged my friends. I was worried that there was nothing to treat , except for lard. And then I fried eggs with lard in a huge frying pan. I saw how I broke the eggs into the frying pan.

    Hello! I’ve had the same dream several times already... feast, familiar people, but it seems to me that they are acquaintances, but now I don’t know them for sure... and from all considerations I understand that it’s a holiday... I don’t know what else to describe, but I'd like to know what this is for

    Hello, I dreamed that I supposedly came to visit my sister’s homeland and was going to visit my cousin, but I don’t know where he lives and I start looking for a phone number to find out their address, in the end I come to visit them and they have a feast is planned, I’m sitting at the table with them and my phone rings, I pick up the phone and talk to my husband, during the conversation we quarrel and after which I hang up and say that as soon as I get home I’ll file for divorce and I’m crying, they’re visiting me They calmed me down a little, after which I changed into different clothes and continued to walk further. I dreamed about how we went out into the street, where a car hits me and I accidentally touch the chain that was connected to the gas machine and it lights up, after which the police detained me to clarify the circumstances, after which I woke up. The dream was colorful and bright. I just didn’t understand what happened during the feast.

    Hello! Please interpret the dream. I dream of a feast of many people, and as if this feast is in honor of my marriage with a handsome and unfamiliar rich man, I in a beautiful white dress, well, it’s more of an evening dress, I look at my right hand, there’s a ring on my ring finger and I see it’s somehow unusual, when I look closely it turns out to be caramel, I feel like I’m licking it, it’s so tasty, and under this caramel is a wedding band gold ring and at the end I took it off White dress and the caral section and also very beautiful, unusually beautiful!

    Write your dream here for

    I dream of a feast of many people, and as if it’s a feast in honor of my marriage to an unfamiliar handsome and rich man, I’m in a beautiful white dress, well, it’s more of an evening dress, I look at my right hand, there’s a ring on my ring finger and I see how unusual it is Well, when I looked closely it turned out to be caramel, I felt like I was licking it, it was so tasty, and underneath there were caramel wedding ring golden, and at the end I took off a white dress and a coral trim and it was also very beautiful, unusually beautiful!

    A corporate party type feast. Many oval tables for 8-10 people each, with exquisite table settings, crystal glasses, beautifully dressed, I don’t know anyone, people. To the lady opposite, I give something, at her request, or rather, I offer it. And, by chance, I touch it, it breaks, a crystal glass. At this time the waiter is trying to remove my device. I stop him... In my beautiful oval dish there is radish salad with sour cream, and on the table there is the same salad but thicker. I take it, and at this time the waiter creeps up from the side and directly with his hand scoops the salad out of my dish. I stop him again. I really want salad. And then everyone starts to disperse. I take, I don’t remember exactly, some kind of drink, perhaps wine or coffee, a crystal glass and something else and go to the room... On the way I drop the glass, it flies into some gap in the ground and breaks... In my sleep I think that Over the course of the evening, three items broke, and that’s fortunately...

    My husband and I are sitting at the dining table, eating. menu as usual. simple food - borscht, pasta with meat, tea, jam. I see that the new oilcloth that I recently laid on top of the tablecloth seems to be damaged in places, probably because they put hot food on it, I thought. I need to buy a new one, I told my husband. “buy,” he answered.

    In the dream, I attended a large feast organized in the courtyard of the school where I once studied. there were a lot of people, and next to me was my mother, who has not been in this world for 8 years, she smiled and told me something. And then I raise my head and look at the sky - and there was a flock of storks circling. On one of the trees I saw a large nest with a pair of storks.

    Hello. I see a noose from the ceiling after the Entity is in it, then a white-gray (dirty) rat jumps onto the floor, then a brown mouse runs after the rat. I’m scared (feeling) then we (me and the entity in the form of a woman-grandmother are sitting at the table, I see that in the church there are candles everywhere and in front of the priest and It pours vodka into glasses and pours its own back into the bottle and the bottle is back full. I woke up in sweat I'm scared and there's a noose in front of my eyes. Time 03.45

    a lot of people came to my house as if I were providing services for receiving guests and preparing tables for eating food, some person came to me first to negotiate whether we could receive them in such a number. I asked who are these people? They opened the door and showed me, I answered, come on. People came in, but everything was not colored, but in dark colors, even black was present, but there was no funeral. People simply dined like travelers.

    I had a dream. how my husband and I and our family sat at the table, laughed and talked. the feast was at my husband's house. we sat with him in an embrace. his relatives were his parents and my parents and my brother.

    I had a dream where there was a feast, there was my late father, my mother, my friend and me. I put the same beautiful large plates on the table for everyone, and my father took a small one, but as clean as a saucer. Then I put glasses for everyone, but there was no vodka. And she said that I need to go and buy it. The table was full of food. And my father was eating, he was helping himself to something. Then my husband joined and he was wearing a new brown leather jacket. I don’t know what this dream is for. Could you explain it to me? Dad died 25 years ago. I am having difficulties with my husband now.

    My dream is incomprehensible, I come home and there the house is open, the gas is on, well, there’s nothing getting ready, I turn it off again, it turns on home, I go there, strangers are sitting and waiting for my mother to talk about selling the house, I call my mother, she says that she is not waiting for anyone further there, behind the room, my 2-year-old is crying the niece and her eyes were black and scary, and after that another cousin came, her eyes were burning, they were dark and scary, I put her to bed, she was without panties, but what kind of blouse was on top, then friends came and invited me to the club, one of them had a birthday, we were in a quarrel with her and there we made up woke up My sister became crazy and in my dream I read ykylas 3 times and fatiha 1 time and she came to her senses then my mother arrived and I told her to call her friend, he heals people, a healer, I don’t understand strangers didn’t care and didn't leave our house

    Two or three guys and I were sitting at my house with friends. They drank vodka, the table was set very poorly. But we laughed and had fun. I really liked one guy before and he was released from prison and he also came to us and we continued to walk. But not in a dream, but in life, I love this person very much, but we had a very strong fight with him and do not communicate

    I dreamed that all our relatives were celebrating something, the table was set, everyone was drinking. At the table there were people who were unknown to me and people who had already died (grandmothers, grandfathers), but in the dream they were alive.

    I dreamed that I was helping to set the tables with food, kind of like in my school building... long tables... a lot of food. I decorate the jellied meat with parsley. I don’t know people...I won’t screw them. I run from the first floor to the second, and here and there there are abundantly laid tables. But of all the blue, I only remember jellied meat.

    Two of my employees and I are setting the table for a banquet and waiting for two more of our colleagues to come. I didn’t see the table itself or the dishes on it in the dream, only the feeling that we were setting it. The dream is colorless.

    Hello! Today I dreamed that I was sleeping and the door was opened and my husband came in all happy, kissed, hugged and gave bouquets, about 5 bouquets. I’m not very surprised, but he tells me, thank you. Then we enter the hall, there is a table and strangers sitting there. They start congratulating me, well done, they say, I gave birth to a son, I’m standing there cutting tomatoes and saying I’m not even pregnant, what a son. Then they say, take away the tomatoes. Sit down. And I woke up.

    Hello.. I dreamed of a feast.. a lot of people.. a lot of tables set.. I was dressed in bright red clothes.. I was talking. with people. I tried to dance... then.. everyone got upset.. I was left alone.. I saw my own sister crying and turned away from me.. in the end I went to look for something (I don’t remember at the moment) and went into a large or closet (it seemed like a closet), (maybe a garage) everything was black there... and creepy...

    Hello, I’ve been having a dream for several days in a row where I’m surrounded by people I don’t know, celebrating something at the table. There are quite a lot of people and everyone says something, but I don’t know these people. I see that we are drinking and everyone is talking about something, but I can’t remember what. I dream too often and somehow put pressure on my brain. Thank you in advance.

    A restaurant in a place where in reality there is none, I’m alone at the table, they took my order, and told me what the surprise menu would be for the New Year (in my dream I realized that it was before the New Year), they said that our management was renting a room for everything team and the menu. They brought me my order, I don’t remember what exactly, but I remember that I ate very heavily, and ate according to all the rules, as in a restaurant. The table was not far from the company, I heard their whole conversation, noise, laughter, but I was alone and there was a dim light above the table, I was on a lunch break. I don’t remember anything else

    I’m in a group like a tour group, everyone drinks, eats, talks loudly, and I’m the only one who’s preoccupied with finding sneakers because I have to compete in a tennis competition. I find the room, it’s locked. They said who has the keys, but he mocks me and won’t let me, then I hit him in the face, but it’s very weak, as if no strength and I woke up

    A table full of holiday food, I greedily eat smoked sausage and can’t get enough. There are familiar and unfamiliar people around me. The friends look good, but they never dressed unusually like that. One friend asks to borrow a thousand rubles. I don’t want to give her money, but I do. I have a lot in my bag paper money foreign currency. The holiday is over, everyone cleans up, everyone leaves. I go outside and see myself half naked in a torn dress. I come home, and there is chaos and devastation. Someone else's dog and my two dogs are running. My husband and children are walking. We have different animals - hamsters and others. They lived on the closet and my son fed them.

    I was invited among many guests, including most men and a few women, to a meal in a large multi-story hotel on the ocean shore, the tables were without tablecloths and everyone was running around the tables, no one was sitting and everyone was quickly grabbing food and I saw how everything was empty but I they brought dishes so delicious that I had never tried, a man gave me some special seafood product rolled up in an envelope and I ate it while traveling and looking around the halls in which the men remained, the women went to other halls, and I saw how quickly the dishes were emptied, but I was still other men invited and invited new portions of unprecedented food and on the tables among the empty plates I was alone but full, while I was traveling through the floors of this hotel eating what was in my hands, on one of the empty floors a man soiled me (he urinated on me), then I returned to other men and empty plates, but they kept bringing me full ones!

    Hello Tatiana!
    In my dream, I was cooking and preparing to set the table in honor of my own birthday. And there were a lot of different dishes, the table was large, with a white tablecloth.
    And many people I knew helped with this, and they were looking forward to this event

    Hello. My name is Irina. I dreamed of a lot of uninvited guests in my house, they set long tables themselves, and in this I also saw my late beloved mother-in-law, and I dreamed about her for the first time in half a year. When I asked her what kind of people they were, she replied that they somehow followed her, but they were all strangers. In the dream, I cried a lot when I saw her, I asked my mother-in-law how she was doing, she said that everything was just wonderful and she was resting. Then I started kicking all these guests out, barely kicked them out.

    What could this mean, please tell me.

    I set beautiful festive tables, arranged like the letter G, on them were beautiful flowers in beautiful vases, delicious, beautiful, colorful dishes, a variety of dishes. How would they be prepared? different groups people, many of them are familiar to me. While the tables were being set, guests arrived. I kept thinking where I would sit, that I needed to choose a place for myself so that it would be comfortable for me to see everyone, and have someone to talk to, but when I finally sat down, it turned out there was nothing left to eat, it seemed everything was still bright, but essential there is nothing to eat, only fruit dishes. I even woke up hungry...

    I’m at a meeting of classmates and it seems like I owe money to someone, then we’re hiding from my ex-boss, then I think I want to cook for the relatives of my deceased husband and I put the food in one pot

    On the first day, in a large room there are large tables with food and a lot of people at the table. I didn’t see the food itself. There was no alcohol. In honor of what the feast is not clear. I’m like the organizer of a feast, I’m a little worried, thinking about the normal organization of a feast. I don’t know the people at the table, but the people are adults. At one point, my grandmother, who had died a long time ago, stood up and said a toast. I couldn't hear her because of the noise. The second day, a friend asked for baked red fish, fillet, beautifully arranged on a plate. I couldn’t unfold it for a long time, because... the plate was very big. And it seemed to me that she looked somehow different. And I rearranged it in different ways. Then they gave me another equally large plate. I was horrified and started all over again, placing it on 2 plates. In the end, I didn’t get it the way I wanted, but it was still beautiful. The friend muttered that she had been fussing for a long time and took it to serve it. There were many guests sitting at the table, I don’t know them and her mother-in-law. My friend began pouring tea, and I watched.

    Hello) I dreamed of a very luxurious feast. I also dreamed that someone took my cup, I looked for it for a long time, then I saw it in the man’s hands, and did not take it. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the details of the dream.

    I sat with very rich people I knew early on, the table was simply bursting with delicious and expensive food, we chatted, laughed, joked, the feast was very pleasant and lately my cousin came there, we get along very well both in dreams and in life, and then I, my brother and one of the most influential people whom, as I said earlier, I know personally, went for a ride on ATVs, they were this rich guy, he invited us to ride, well, and then we arrived on the lawn, just lay down on the ground, and continued the conversation, just nothing to joke about , jokes, in short, we had fun, and what I remember is that this influential person said, “Damn guys, why didn’t we communicate so closely before, you’re cool guys.” And I woke up, well, in general it was probably one of my best dreams since I very rarely see them.

    Hello. In the dream there was a feast, the table was richly set. I celebrated my wedding. And she cleared the trash from the table with her hand. There was a gold wedding ring on his hand. Actually I'm not married.

Someone, upon waking up, remembers dreams in detail and in the smallest detail, others remember only chaotic fragments of dreams. will tell you whether the dream was prophetic or not. If after a night vision you are puzzled by the question “Why do you dream of a feast?”, the most popular dream books – ancient and modern – will help you find the answer. Details will help you interpret the dream, so try to remember every episode of your dream.

What does the dream indicate?

    Miller's Dream Book

    Dream about a feast portends public speaking , during which you will have to be nervous, as you will hear not the most pleasant questions addressed to you.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer

    To dream of a magnificent feast in an unfamiliar place, and strangers sitting at the table - vanity lies ahead, in reality you will spin like a squirrel in a wheel, trying to simultaneously solve several important tasks and matters at once.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Positive dream about a feast in your home - a good sign foretelling prosperity in prosperous period in life.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    Dream about a feast portends a waking acquaintance with interesting people, from communicating with whom you will benefit. This will not necessarily be a material benefit; it is possible that you will receive practical advice or necessary information.

    Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

    Men have such a dream as a harbinger of success in society, while you will demonstrate your superiority and generosity; for women - on the eve of pleasant troubles.

Who were you with?

The advice to remember the details of a dream as carefully as possible is not at all idle, because they are the ones who will help you understand true meaning messages from the world of dreams.

The Wanderer's dream book gives several interpretations of a dream with such a plot, and much depends on the details:

  • A dream in which you are sitting at a richly laid table with relatives, portends pleasant communication with people in reality people you trust and whose opinions you value.
  • A dirty, untidy table with untidy dishes and leftovers, at which you sit with your relatives - this promises quarrels, resentments and claims, which lie in wait for you in reality in the very near future.
  • You sit at a generously laid table with your relatives, but don’t eat anything, in reality you risk being drawn into other people's games, they will try to manipulate you, and you will not immediately recognize these attempts.

According to Miller’s dream book, a dream about a feast with friends foreshadows easy, pleasant communication in reality, during which, however, you should not make frivolous promises, as you risk not fulfilling them on time.

A feast in a friendly company - such a dream, according to Miss Hasse’s dream book, has different meaning for people of different status:

  • To a married lady to see such a dream means innocent flirting and fleeting hobbies.
  • To an unmarried girl To see such a dream is a sign of a promising acquaintance.
  • To a respectable man to dream about a feast with friends means making a small but pleasant profit.
  • to the youth- for frivolous entertainment in real life.
  • To an elderly person a dream about a feast is seen on the eve of a successful outcome of a small but significant matter.

The dream book of Nostradamus interprets a dream about a feast with strangers as a message that in reality you should be more careful in your judgments, since because of your rash words you risk tarnishing your reputation.

Feasting at the same table in the company of strangers - in Gypsy dream book this dream is a warning that in reality they will try to deceive you. There are other interpretations of a dream about a feast:

  • A feast at a generously set table with friends– in a difficult situation for yourself, get the help you were counting on.
  • The table is sparsely set and you are sitting at it with relatives- you have to go through a difficult period in your family life; it is possible that you will be reminded of past grievances and old sins.

A magnificent banquet in the company of strangers - such a dream predicts situations in reality, when your irrepressible ambitions play a cruel joke on you, you will go to unjustified risk. This interpretation of the dream is given in dream book XXI century. An interpretation of a dream about a feast with colleagues is also given: this is a harbinger of rivalry in the business sphere, and luck will be on the dreamer’s side.

The Wanderer’s dream book also contains an interpretation of a dream about a feast with colleagues - such a dream promises profit, a gift, some kind of pleasant surprise, which will delight you and inspire you to accomplish new useful things.

Dreams in which you see people who have already died always raise many questions. A dream about a feast with the deceased is no exception. Detailed interpretation gives Esoteric Dream Book:

  • A dream in which you celebrate a holiday with the deceased in your home- in reality you will be haunted by memories of the past, you will regret something.
  • A dream in which you sit at festive table with the deceased in someone else's house- this is a message from secret world with a warning to be careful, not to trust strangers.
  • Sitting at a poorly laid table in the company of the deceased,- such a dream promises trouble, and you will not be able to have the desired influence on the course of events.

On the pages of Vanga’s dream book you can also find an interpretation of a dream about a feast in the company of an already deceased person - in reality you will be overcome by anxiety, and you should listen to the voice of your heart, this will help you avoid troubles.

Drinks at the table

In the Wanderer's dream book, a dream in which you drink pleasant-tasting alcohol foreshadows pleasure, leisure in pleasant company; drinking a bitter drink means disappointment and disappointment in reality, as you will not get what you want.

  • A man drinks in a dream– in reality there will be situations of rivalry, during which you will try to defend your opinion, and you will do it quite successfully.
  • A woman drinks in a dream- you risk becoming a victim of temptation, the role of the tempter will not necessarily be a man, you may be flattered by unreasonably expensive outfits and other ladies’ whims.

In the 21st century dream book, when interpreting a dream about drinking, great importance is attached to details:

  • Drink wine from tall elegant glasses- to triumph in business, to achieving the desired goal.
  • Drink alcohol from dirty dishes - the dream warns that in reality, behind your back, envious people are spreading unpleasant rumors and you risk finding out about this under extremely unfavorable circumstances for yourself.
  • Drinking strong drinks from chipped containers- a harbinger of not the most favorable period in life, when you encounter financial difficulties.

The dream book of Nostradamus promises: a dream about a drinking feast is dreamed on the eve of adventurous, rash decisions in reality. Drinking bitter drinks from small dishes means in reality you will be faced with the need to prove something to someone and even make excuses.

Miller's Dream Book: drinking during a feast, feeling the taste of a strong drink - in reality you will act in the company of not the most reliable partners, which will cause you a lot of trouble, worries and doubts.

If you dreamed of a lot of booze that you see on the table during a feast - in reality you will encounter aggressive behavior to your address, they will try to touch your nerves and thereby provoke you into rash actions and statements.

Feast for various occasions

In the 21st century dream book you can find an interpretation of a dream about a feast for various reasons:

  • Wedding feast– the dream foreshadows a prosperous, successful period in life.
  • Celebration of a child's christening- such a dream promises long-awaited and pleasant news, while you will be sincerely happy for others.
  • Name day feast– in reality you will spend time in a pleasant company, enjoy communicating with people you are interested in.
  • Banquet in honor of a memorable date or event– in reality you will receive important news from trusted people.
  • Memorial event- to sadness and sadness in reality.
  • A feast in honor of meeting old friends- V real life receive important news from afar and begin to take active action.

Sleep helps us quickly absorb information large volumes If a person will soon have to go through an exam and the brain is exploding from the amount of new material, it is enough to go to bed. In a dream, all information will be reliably processed and assimilated, and an understanding will come of what was not assimilated in the waking state.

The Art of Cat Sleep

All cat owners know very well how their furry pets while away the days: they take a nap, eat, take a nap again, eat and go back to sleep. Yes, like that have a nice time and the instant falling asleep can only be envied. Why do cats sleep so much and do they have dreams?

Lucid Dreaming: A Simple Path to Your Subconscious

Answers to any questions, the fulfillment of even the most unrealistic dreams, self-knowledge and development of one’s personality - this is only a small part of the opportunities that the world can provide lucid dreaming. The ability to control your dreams is available to everyone, you just have to want it and find a path connecting the conscious mind with the subconscious.

Modern dream book - the key to solving mysteries

Why do we have orange dreams? Which good dream, and which one carries negativity? How to unravel the secrets of dreams? Modern dream book opens doors to amazing world dreams and allows you to decipher any dream you have as accurately as possible

Why do you dream about Feast?

Feast in a modern dream book

Success in all areas of life and happiness personal life await those who in a dream find themselves at a luxurious, expensive feast with cheerful and satisfied guests. If the feast was unsuccessful, and you ended up at a boring feast with a modest treat, then in reality a long series of failures and disappointments await you.

Feast in Miller's dream book

Preparing for a festive feast in a dream means a calm and measured life. Financial stability and prosperity await you. Unexpected problems await those who see a feast in reality, which in a dream causes concern and anxious feelings. Independence and independence are symbolized by a table without a tablecloth, at which you eat in a dream. If there is a tablecloth, but it is not clean, then in real life various troubles may arise with children or subordinates. Tables without food predict hard times and poverty. If you are late for the feast, then anxious and restless times will soon come. You should be careful in reality if in a dream you observe quarrels and scandals during a feast. Through fault strangers In reality, various misfortunes and troubles await you.

Feast in Vanga's dream book

The feast symbolizes well-being, financial stability and happiness. If a young woman dreams of a wedding feast, then she is destined to get married soon, and the richer the table in the dream, the wealthier she will be future husband. If there are few dishes on the table and the celebration is not magnificent, then the husband will be poor. Receiving an invitation to some kind of feast in a dream means the appearance of wealthy people in your life who will contribute to your career growth. Emotional turmoil and financial problems await those who in a dream found themselves at the end of a feast and saw the remains of a magnificent celebration. If in a dream a feast takes place among friends, expect profit. The people you eat with will somehow influence your business. Food in a dream symbolizes prosperity: the more of them, the more prosperous your financial affairs will be. An empty table symbolizes poverty.

Feast in Freud's dream book

The feast symbolizes health and everything connected with it. In real life, a man has problems with ejaculation if in a dream he sees a feast with a huge amount of food. If there is very little food, then expect to meet a frigid partner. If during a feast you cannot quench your unbearable thirst, then men should Special attention on their health, and women face infertility.

The best sleep is the one that, while healing us as a whole, gives life a new awakening.

Leonid S. Sukhorukov

If you dreamed that you were preparing dishes and setting the table for a festive feast- Your life will delight you with stability and prosperity.

If in a dream a feast causes you anxiety- in reality, trouble will come when it is least expected.

It means that in life you will meet sincere people.

If you dream that you are eating at a table without a tablecloth- it means you are a self-sufficient and independent person.

Seeing a stained tablecloth on the table- means disobedience of children or subordinates. Seeing empty tables in a dream predicts poverty.

Eastern women's dream book

Prepare dishes and set the table for the festive feast- to stability and prosperity in life.

If the feast makes you anxious- know: trouble will come when least expected.

Be among the guests invited to the feast- means: many meetings with sincere people await you.

Empty tables- dream of poverty and misfortune.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Feast- to an entertainment event with drinking alcoholic beverages; sleep warning: you need to be very careful with alcohol, you can easily become drunk.

Islamic dream book

The theme of the feast is echoed by the story of one man who heard the following verse from the Koran read in a dream: “O Lord Our God! Send us a meal from heaven." He told his dream to the interpreter, who concluded that at the time of the vision the dreamer was going through a difficult period of life and he prayed to the Almighty to help him get out of it. Allah heeded his prayer, and the request was fulfilled.

Interpreters do not agree on the explanation of dreams associated with eating at the table.

Some argue that the feast- symbolizes a noble and generous person.

Sit down at the table- means the arrival of friends, and eat at the table- profit.

If the dreamer sees himself at a table in the company of other men- joy awaits him in friendly relations due to a fair resolution of the dispute between him and his interlocutors.

A large number of white bread and plenty of food on the table- indicates a strong friendship between the guests present in the dream scene.

They also say that a rich table- symbolizes the dreamer’s level of faith.

It is reported that a certain man once came to the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and said to him: “O Messenger of Allah! Yesterday in a dream I saw a green meadow, and in the middle of it was a laid table and a platform with seven steps. And I saw you, O Messenger of God, standing on the seventh step and calling people to the table!”
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explained this dream to him: “The table is Islam. Green meadow is Paradise! The podium and its seven steps mean the age of this world - seven thousand years. I am on the step that signifies the seventh millennium. As for my invitation to the table, this is my call to people to accept Islam and choose Paradise for themselves!”

Other interpreters believe the feast- is a symbol of agreement between the people of a city or home in matters of well-being.

And finally they say that the table- symbolizes a woman.

They say that a certain man saw himself at a feast. Every time he tried to eat something, a light-colored dog would jump out from under the table and take the food away from him. Then he asked the interpreter the meaning of this dream, to which he answered him like this: “This is one of your Slavic slaves, who shares with you your meal, your sleep, and your wife.” Then the dreamer conducted surveillance and discovered that the interpretation of the dream was true.

If a sleeper sees in a dream bread spread all over the table during a feast- this means that he will come into conflict with someone.

If at the table to which he was invited, the dreamer eats much more bread than usual- he will live a long time, depending on the time he spends at this table.

If he sees how they clear the table after the feast- he learns about his imminent death.

If he sees one or two dishes- he and his children will receive unexpected profits, according to the words of the Almighty: “Our Lord, send us a meal.”

Most dream books interpret dreams about a feast as a positive sign, promising well-being and stability in everything. However, when deciphering a vision, details should always be taken into account, so given value will not always be true. Why do you dream of a feast?

For correct interpretation After seeing what we see, we turn for help to the most popular dream books.

According to the psychologist, a feast is a dream of stable family relationships, as well as happiness and well-being. This general interpretation, which is also true for the vision where festive dishes were prepared by the hands of the sleeping person.

Particular attention should be paid to the emotions that the dreamer experiences in his dreams. If it is easy and pleasant to be at the table, you should expect to meet good people.

Anxious state speaks of impending disaster.

A dream in which a feast takes place with an empty table warns of impending financial difficulties.

What does Wang say about his dreamed feast?

A famous soothsayer interprets a dream with a feast as a sign indicating good harvest and profit. However, in this case the table should be full of dishes. If the feast is meager and there is little food, you should not expect various benefits. A completely empty table indicates the need to pay attention to your financial situation.

For a young girl, such a vision promises a wedding. A rich table will indicate a wealthy chosen one, a poor one will indicate a groom with modest income. For a married lady, a dream about a feast foretells the birth of a child.

The meaning of sleep according to Freud

Sigmund Freud associates dreams with a feast and a woman's sexual temperament. Thus, a dream of a rich table indicates high activity in love games. This will play a role in family life: a marriage with such a woman will be happy and fulfilling. An empty table speaks of a cold and indifferent attitude towards sex.

If the table in a dream was overflowing with all kinds of dishes, this is a sign indicating the presence of health problems and a lack of harmony in sexual life.

An invitation to a feast speaks of the desire of the sleeper to diversify and enhance sexual sensations.

Modern dream books

Many modern interpreters agree that a feast is a dream of favorable life changes. This general meaning of this vision.

A feast with close friends in a dream foretells success in financial matters. Only a vision in which the table turns out to be completely empty can be interpreted negatively. In this case, the sleeper will face numerous failures.

A feast with relatives portends disputes and division of something.. If the women present in this dream were wearing white clothes and the men were wearing black clothes, the dreamer should expect trouble.

Some modern interpreters believe that a feast in a dream predicts separation from a loved one. If the celebration in such a vision is cheerful, farewell will be very difficult. A calm or even sad holiday foreshadows a painless separation.

A feast with work colleagues speaks of a good relationship between them and the dreamer.

If the sleeper is one of the invited guests at the feast, this is a sign predicting a meeting with pleasant people. Also similar dream portends good luck life path and avoiding trouble.

A vision in which there is a a large number of alcoholic beverages, warns of the appearance serious problems with alcohol, if the dreamer does not stop excessive consumption.