How to set up iota on Samsung. Mobile Internet on Windows Phone. What to do before this

One of the main advantages of the Yota operator is automatic setup for connecting to the Internet. In some cases, APN Yota settings will need to be entered manually using special team. Each device will require separate steps to set up the connection.

It is important to emphasize that the APN will have to be configured in mandatory. If the access point was not created and connected automatically, use the simple instructions to activate it. If the setup is not completed, then access to the Internet will not be possible either on the computer or on any mobile devices.

Once connected to the Internet, network users will be able to use 4G/3G/2G networks, depending on the signal strength and configuration of nearby towers. The connection tariff is determined by the package and can be changed when contacting the operator.

Regardless of the type of mobile device - tablet or smartphone, you can configure the apn yota access point using one method. For such a connection, you need to enter several new parameters in the gadget’s network settings. It is important to save the changes after entering all the data so that the access point does not disappear.

To set up apn yota on Android, you must follow these instructions, performing all the steps exactly:

  1. Go to the smartphone settings to the mobile network tab.
  2. Selecting the appropriate menu and the “add access points” option. This item may differ depending on different versions operating system and devices. You must create, add or select a new access point to enter provider data.
  3. To configure the APN, you need to enter just one line in this menu - internet.yota. Also add the name of the new point - YOTA. Each letter of the provider name must be in uppercase.
  4. Check the APN type parameter, its value is default, supl.

It is important to emphasize that all other fields should be left blank, without entering either the name of the provider or other data. Also don't paste additional characters– quotation marks or periods. After entering this data and checking all fields, you must select the option to save information. If you simply go back through the menu, the data will be lost.

By carefully following all the steps in the instructions, you will get a working Internet and a high-quality signal on Android.

After all the information has been entered and saved, reboot the device for the changes to take effect. Once started, the device will automatically connect to the network (if data transfer is enabled).

APN Yota for modem

When you connect the modem to a computer or netbook, all settings for gaining access to the global network will be activated automatically. The modem already contains required point access and will allow you to connect immediately after synchronization with the software.

If for any reason the network settings have been lost, they can be set in the program for monitoring the operation of the modem. Necessary information for high-speed Internet operation will be the same as in the case of a connection on Android.

Apn et settings for iPhone and iPad

The provider provides the ability to use SIM cards for installation on phones with different operating systems. In particular, a SIM card can be used to connect to the World Wide Web on Windows phone, Android, iPhone and iPad. In addition to installation in smartphones, the mobile operator has provided the possibility of integration into tablet devices.

As noted above, the device should automatically configure and connect to the Internet. If the apn iota access point is not created automatically, then on Apple gadgets you can also enter manual settings, as is the case with the Android operating system. The setup steps will be almost identical, with minor changes.

In iOS of any version, Internet access settings are located in the additional menu and the mobile network section. Here you should select existing APN points and add (create) your own - especially for the Iota provider.

You will need to enter even less parameters than in the case of Android. In particular, you must specify the name of the network – Yota and the new APN configuration – internet.yota. Please note that you do not need to put periods, quotes or other characters at the end of the parameter, as is the case with Android. The situation is similar with other fields - they must be left empty.

As is known, the share of mobile devices running operating Android systems is the most impressive on the modern market. And even such a giant as Apple corporation unable to “compete” with its competitor. And among the clients of the Yota operator, the lion’s share of subscribers are users of devices under the control of the “Green Robot”. Therefore, today we will pay attention to questions about how to set up Yota on Android phones.

Initial setup of Yota on Android

Each electronic device into which a SIM card of any mobile cellular network is installed requires a little configuration for further use without any problems and correct operation in the company’s network. The same condition applies to working with Yota operator cards. However, it is worth understanding that not every user knows how to do this correctly and is able to configure it independently.

That is why companies implement automatic distribution of the necessary configurations via SMS. It is initiated immediately after the initial installation of the SIM card into the device and its subsequent switching on. That is why, when using a smartphone under Android OS control for the first time, users do not need to do anything, the maximum is to apply the settings received from Yota in a text message.

How to set up 3G/4G Yota mobile internet on Android

It is worth noting that in some situations the automatic SIM card activation procedure may not occur. In such cases, subscribers will need to independently set up Yota Internet on Android. Luckily, the setup procedure is quite simple and can be completed in less than 1 minute. To successfully complete the configuration, you must do the following:

  1. Enter the main navigation menu of your Android device.
  2. Go to the "Settings" directory.
  3. Go to the "More" category.
  4. Select the "Mobile Network" subcategory.
  5. Open the "Access Points" section.
  6. Click the button to create a new access point.
  7. Enter the following parameters in the appropriate fields:
    • Yota – in the “Name” field;
    • Internet.yota – in “APN”;
  • Default,supl – in “APN TYPE”.

Leave the remaining fields blank.

  1. Save your changes and exit the settings menu.

After rebooting the device, the configuration procedure can be considered complete, and the Internet, as well as other services of the Yota operator, should work properly.

Video instructions for setting up Yota Internet on Android

How to set up a Yota Wi-Fi access point on Android

All we have to do is consider information on how to configure the point Wi-Fi access on an Android device to be able to share an Internet connection via a wireless network from your gadget with a Yota SIM card.

Note that this procedure it's quite simple:

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu.
  2. Go to the "Mobile network" section.
  3. Find the "Wi-Fi Hotspot" button and click on it.
  4. Turn the Wi-Fi switch to on.
  5. Specify the data for connecting to the point: its name and access password. The data is selected by the user and can be anything.

After making these configurations, the Android device will turn into a small modem that will distribute an Internet connection to other devices via Wi-Fi.

Note that the Yota operator carefully monitors attempts to spread Internet connections through access points on mobile devices, and if detected, limits the Internet speed to 128 kilobytes per second. If you want to distribute the Internet at a higher speed, it is recommended to connect the appropriate service to remove the speed veto for 2 hours or for a day for 90 or 190 rubles, respectively. Connection option available in personal account, as well as in the official Yota application for Android.

Mobile Internet from Yota becomes available in two steps - purchasing a SIM card and activating it. Data transfer over the 4G/3G/2G network is carried out already at the first connection; it is enough to check and, if necessary, make all the yota apn Internet settings correctly just once.

Basic nuances in connection

Usually, work starts automatically and does not require any effort from the client, except for choosing a tariff that is favorable to him. But in order to avoid problems with the Internet, it’s still worth delving into some of its subtleties:

This common features start of work, which will be useful to all SIM card owners. If its automatic activation does not occur, depending on the type of device, you can resolve all problems manually in 5 minutes.

Setting up MMS in all options is the same and is done after creating the first point for the Internet. All you have to do is set the name “mms” and enter mms.yota. Proxy –

Activating SIM and setting up an access point on iOS

Registration of a SIM card usually occurs automatically the first time it is used, as indicated by the provider logo on the screen. But in cases with Apple iPad tablets, the scheme may be different. To get unlimited access to the World Wide Web at high speed, you will need to activate data transfer when you first connect and wait for the connection to be established. Next, you need to visit any resource, which will automatically redirect you to the official page. Just register your profile and the Internet is already in your pocket. The whole procedure can be schematically represented as follows:

To connect the point, owners of smartphones or tablets from the Apple manufacturer running on the IOS operating system will first need to go to the “Settings” section. Here select “Cellular” and “Cellular Data”.

Manually enter the apn for the operator in the access point field - internet.yota. Leave the remaining lines empty and check two functions in APN TYPE - default, supl. Then click the save button.

Be sure to reboot the device after completing all instructions.

Creating apn parameters on Android

Activation of the card is similar to the previous version. Smartphones register everything on their own, but from a tablet you just need to go to the operator’s website and fill out a profile. Below is a diagram of how to gain access.

If after carrying out all the above procedures you still cannot get online, then the yota apn access point requires manual correction of the data. In “Settings”, click on the additional section “More” and “Mobile network”. In the access point field, select “Create a new one” with the name of the provider and make an entry internet.yota. Leave other information fields as empty.

Be sure to turn off and turn on your phone or tablet for the created entries to be activated.

Mobile Internet on Windows Phone

All yota apn settings are easy to carry out yourself if there is a failure in the automatic setup. First, create a new apn by going to the “Access Point” section through “Settings”. Select the plus icon and fill in the field with the internet.yota entry under the appropriate name.

After saving it, select it again and check the status, it should be active.

After adjustment, all operating conditions will come into force and you can start using high-speed (if not external factors influence – 20 Mbit/sec) mobile Internet.

In order for the YOTA device to function as expected, and to avoid any failures or annoying troubles, it will be necessary to carry out several simple measures. First, thank the Omnissiah for his gifts. Okay, just kidding, it's not necessary. But if you do this, it won't get any worse.

The SIM card is activated automatically when you turn on the new device for the first time. Well, or the old one with a new SIM card. It's not significant. After you make sure that the device is connected to the network Yota, APN won't cause any problems.

On all devices Yota APN The settings are made almost identically. The only difference in the algorithm of actions depends on the operating system installed on the tablet or smartphone.


For Apple, the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Find a tab in the menu called “Cellular Communications”.
  2. Next, go to the “Cellular Data” tab
  3. Select APN “internet.yota”
  4. Apart from this, do not change anything, leave everything else in the same form as it was.


  1. Click the “Settings” icon
  2. Looking for the “More” tab
  3. Open “Mobile networks”, and then “Access points”.
  4. Place a marker opposite the one you need. If Iota is not on the list, it will need to be created.
  5. In the “Name” section, “YOTA” should be indicated, in the APN section – “internet.yota”. We are not making any further changes.

Windows phone.

  1. Find “Settings” and select “More”.
  2. Open the section called “Access Point”.
  3. In this section, you will need to click the “+” symbol, which will allow you to create a new access point.
  4. After you press the “+” symbol, a window will open in which you need to enter the following data: name - “Yota”, then APN - “internet.yota”.
  5. We save all the changes made.
  6. After the changes are saved, you will need to repeat the same procedure again and make sure that the status for this access point is set to “active”.

As you can see, setting up APN for any operating system will not take much time and does not require any specialized knowledge. And, if everything is done correctly, it will not cause any particular difficulties. If something does go wrong, you can always contact technical support specialists and they will clearly explain what exactly went wrong and what exactly should be done about it. You can write to consultants on the official website in the “Support” section (

The correct Yota settings allow you to work with the operator to the maximum and we will tell you how to set up Yota on your device quickly and easily!

  1. As soon as a window appears in which you need to click on the “Select connection conditions” link.
  2. In the list that appears, you should select the most suitable one from the proposed options.

It is also necessary to decide on the tariff in advance so as not to click at random. You can view the current tariff plans on our website or on the official portal of the telecom operator.

General rules

Even before purchasing a SIM card from a telecom operator, you need to pay attention to the following recommendations to set up Yota on your phone:

  • If a SIM card for a smartphone or telephone was purchased in Moscow, then it must be activated in the capital (that is, activation must necessarily take place in the region of purchase).
  • Before buying a SIM card, you need to make sure that the smartphone supports 2G/3G/4G standards to work in the corresponding networks.
  • The best option is smartphone support at the firmware level LTE standard and USIM chip.
  • It is also a good idea to contact your region in advance (especially if the subject of the Russian Federation is remote from the capital).

Internet setup

Immediately after connecting the SIM card to the smartphone, the Yota device is automatically configured. But in cases where this did not happen (there may be several reasons for this), you have to do it yourself.

In this case, the main thing that needs to be done is to correctly specify the access point, because the remaining fields in the corresponding menu do not need to be filled in independently during setup.