What is the name of the next year of which animal? Political situation in the year of the yellow Dog

Now, 2017 is according to the horoscope as a time of patronage Fire Rooster. The future, 2018, will be the year of the earth Dog. Yes, besides the animal there is also a change of elements. There was fire, there will be earth. How to determine the year itself, why do you need an animal?

The symbols are quite ordinary, okay known to people animals. Rooster or dog, hare. Trying to learn more about the coming year, people remember the character and habits of the symbol. For example, the Rooster loves and appreciates home, family customs, he likes honest, hard-working people who earn money without being afraid of any work. The rooster is a leader, constantly watching over the chicken coop entrusted to him, a symbol of a well-known tidy person, loves order and cleanliness. He likes colors that are bright and memorable. It is more clear how the Rooster will influence the lives and destinies of people, supporting initiatives, enhancing the importance of family, eternal values.

What's a dog? An earthy, yellow dog is a well-known friend of man. Loyal, always loving his owner, ready to wait. Dogs have been known to wait for years for missing or dead owners.

However, you should not mistake the devotion or obedience of dogs for weakness or lack of will. Dogs have excellent sense of smell and good intuition. They can sometimes smell lies, betrayal or duplicity a mile away.

The dog is honest, open, there is no price for betrayal. Of the people born of Dogs turn out great friends, comrades in arms, they are clear leaders, husbands or wives, wonderful, caring parents. Dogs always try to create comfort and ensure safety. Such people often love children, even strangers, and dream of a large, friendly family.

How to look forward to 2018

The Earth element will increase the importance of material wealth, pushing back moral qualities. Perhaps the majority of those born in the future, 2018, will subsequently want to get down-to-earth, practical professions: they will become lawyers or barristers, or go into economics. Plus, an inquisitive mind and common sense will help some succeed.

What landmarks can you imagine when thinking about the year of which animal it will be, what is valued more by the Dog? Home comfort, safety. Domestic dog happy when the owners are at home, when there is a large family, small children ready to play and run around with him, when adults feed him delicious food. The house is warm and any winter, economic crises, stress modern life unable to shake the family atmosphere. Therefore, when thinking about material values, you need to remember about home, family, and loved ones. Dogs are pack, collective animals. There are rarely loners, usually this is the course of life, not character traits. Any Dog is happy to find an owner.

Of course, many people know that Dogs are ready to love and accept any owner, even a lazy or stingy one. This is the devotion of a tailed friend. But you shouldn’t go too far, neglecting the Dog’s feelings, forgetting her.

2018 should be dedicated to improving your home, at the same time establishing relationships (if necessary) with loved ones, communicating more with your parents and the entire older generation. The dog appreciates the true, and will definitely support people who share its views.

Start for 2018

The Chinese calendar has unusual dates. They have New Year does not correspond to January 1st. Calculus is focused on the Moon and its phase changes, so the dates of the beginning and then the subsequent end of years are always floating. Simply put, the New Year will be every 12th new moon. And for 2018, such a new moon will occur on February 16th. And the time of the Dog will end by February 4, only in 2019. Therefore, of course, you can meet the Dog in advance, by January 1, but in fact you only need to wait until February 16. The rest of the time the Rooster will still “reign.”

Meeting of the year

The dog loves only its owners, other people are only acquaintances or complete strangers. Therefore, having decided to celebrate the year “like a dog”, create narrow circle, where everyone is exclusively their own. Close friends, relatives. There is no need to amaze the imagination with large-scale parties of 100 or 200 people. Of course it's a classic! Most people know that New Year is a traditional family holiday. And it’s worth visiting guests only on January 1st and 2nd. Evening of December 31st – at home. It's true, the Dog is a real classicist, a conservative. Moreover, the accumulation strangers On the contrary, it makes her nervous.

What to wear

Girls will be guided by their own taste in terms of outfits, but what about colors? This is the year of the Yellow Dog, which means pleasant, classic pastel colors will become fashionable again: yellow, beige or brown. However, they are easy to combine with some bright accessory. The image will turn out beautiful, restrained, but sophisticated. Dogs are not too keen on fancy, complicated outfits. Something fashionable, but simple and understandable is better.


So, . There were special frames for the Rooster - no birds. What's a Dog? She is less picky, her tastes, in principle, are in many ways similar to those of her owner, sometimes they have the same menu. Of course, it is worth remembering that dogs are carnivores, which means meat is a must. Meat salad, various meat snacks, dilute everything with beautiful, tasty herbs, vegetables. By the way, it’s better to skip the fish. The dog doesn't like fish too much.

Apartment decoration

A Christmas tree, various garlands, homemade toys, snowflakes! Otherwise, Dogs prefer naturalness and simplicity. If the Rooster liked bright, even flashy shades, the Dog is more modest. And be sure to buy a dog. Soft dog toy or Christmas tree figurines, drawn pictures of dogs.

Instead of an afterword

Of course, symbols of the year are wonderful. But you shouldn’t blindly trust them, people should remain materialists and remember that their happiness is built only with my own hands. The spirits are ready to help: give an impetus or bestow enthusiasm, the rest will be completed by the person himself. The dog loves comfort, warmth, and appreciates family traditions. In this she is so similar to her owner – a person. It's worth remembering this. At the same time, focus on your dreams and goals, then 2018 will definitely be successful.

Here you will learn everything about 2018 - what animal according to the horoscope chose as its symbol according to the Eastern and Slavic calendar, what to celebrate the holiday in, what to serve on the table.

2018 - what animal according to the horoscope according to the Eastern, Slavic calendar

You can determine the animal of each year according to 2 calendars - Slavic and Eastern. Note that they do not coincide and the symbol can be 2 animals at once. I found myself in the same situation 2018, what animal choose as your symbol - decide for yourself!
However, let us clarify that most people define next year according to the eastern calendar. This calendar was invented in China, where they divided life cycle at 60-year intervals, correlating them with animals, flowers and elements. Therefore, in the name of the year it is correct to use not only the name of the animal, but also the color and the element. So, it’s the year of the yellow earthen dog.
Animal cycles repeat every 12 years. The last time the year of the dog was in 2006, and then it will be in 2030. Here is the complete cycle of the year of the dog over the past century and a half.

Let us remind you that you should celebrate the New Year according to the Eastern calendar not on January 1, but on February 16. The year of the yellow earthen dog will end at the end of January 2019.
For the Slavic calendar, a 16-year year book is used. According to him, 2018 is the year of the curled up hedgehog.

What to wear to celebrate 2018 - the year of the yellow earthen dog

Have you already found out who represents 2018, what animal chose the Slavic and Chinese calendars as a symbol. All that remains is to decide what to wear to celebrate the holiday.
This information will be relevant for those who pay great attention to horoscopes. It is better to choose a combination of bright and dark colors for the holiday. The following colors are perfect:
pale red;
all shades of brown or yellow.
If these options are unpleasant to you, then the solution would be White color.

This year, girls and women are advised to avoid short and open dresses with a neckline in the front and back. Although this will be very difficult to do, especially for fashionistas. Sequined clothing is also not recommended.

Since ancient times, Eastern sages have honored one of twelve chosen animals every year. It is the owner of this or that year who influences the destinies of people and influences all events. Nowadays many people trust Chinese horoscope by following some of his tips and tricks. Already people are asking the question: 2018 is the year of what animal?

So, the Red Fire Rooster, which was “on the throne” for a whole year, will replace it and, like the other signs, will “rule” for exactly a year.

Now let's figure out what, in fact, the notorious Eastern (Chinese) horoscope is.

The essence of the Chinese horoscope

First of all, it is worth noting that it is inextricably linked with the eastern calendar, which, in turn, fully corresponds to the rhythm of the movement of three celestial bodies across the sky. These are the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn.

It's no secret that the New Year in China does not coincide with our New Year, that is, with the traditional day of its celebration. Chinese New Year comes a little later than the usual New Year, so anyone born in January, February or even March may fall under the animal sign of the previous year.

The most widespread and popular among people around the world is the Chinese legend about the origin of the eastern horoscope and the twelve eastern signs:

“On one of the most important days, Buddha called all the earth’s animals to him and he promised a good reward to the first twelve. It must be said that the time was quite cool then, and on the path of the animals there was a wide river that had to be crossed. The first twelve animals completed the task and Buddha gave each of them a whole year of reign on a first-come, first-served basis, in which the animals came to the Buddha.”

According to legend, the animals came to Buddha in the following order:

  1. Rat
  2. Buffalo
  3. Cat, Hare or Rabbit (various eastern peoples have their own readings regarding the fourth beast ruler of the year)
  4. The Dragon
  5. Horse
  6. Goat or Sheep (according to the Japanese horoscope)
  7. Monkey
  8. Rooster
  9. Dog
  10. Pig

According to the Chinese horoscope, each of the creatures and objects on earth consists of five dominant elements. These are water, earth, fire, metal and wood.

Whatever animal is at the head of the year, this or that element is already inherent in it (the year), which leaves a certain imprint on the character of the patron of the year.

Year of the Dog

Everyone who believes in horoscopes, the eastern calendar and listens to wise interpretations wants to know what awaits them ahead. So, a very positive forecast has been prepared for the coming year.

You can forget about the bustle and problems for a while. According to experts, 2018 will bring only calm and stability. Even experts in the field of economics note a tendency towards the end of the economic crisis in 2018. Astrologers, following the predictions of the stars and constellations, recommend purchasing real estate this year and making other expensive and important purchases.

Lovers should think about a beautiful wedding this year, the year of Yellow Earth Dogs. This eastern sign will never “put down a pig,” which is why 2018, the Year of the Dog, like no other year, is perfect for creating a strong and friendly family.

As mentioned above, the New Year in the East is a little “late” and in 2018 it will come on February 16th. Then the Dog will replace the Rooster. People who were lucky enough to be born under the sign of the Dog are fair, their thoughts are honest and bright.

Dogs are very responsible in any matter. At the same time, they are extremely creative, sublime and very open personalities. It’s nice to have conversations with such people, make important deals and just be friends. A person born in the year of the Dog has a whole bunch of positive qualities, which make him a Man with a capital P.

A dog will never deceive or change, because such a character trait as devotion is “prescribed” by the year of birth itself. No one can keep your secret more safe than a Dog. In addition, such a person has a noticeable bit of modesty.

But the Dog does not like to listen and does not know how. Long conversations tire her. However, for a friend, a person born in the year of the Dog will do everything that depends on him. Friendship with him is worth cherishing, because losing such a good comrade and partner in many matters is easy, but getting him back is practically impossible. It cannot be said that Dogs are vindictive, but they can also be offended. And mental wounds, as we know, are much more “traumatic” than physical ones.

People born under this oriental sign, do not strive too much for material security. Despite the availability of finances, the Dog does not seek to purchase expensive branded items or expensive status, but, in fact, unnecessary trinkets.

How to greet a Dog correctly

A dog is a very sociable creature, or more correctly, a pack creature. Well, the Dog doesn’t recognize loneliness. The shaggy “dog” also has his own food preferences, so the table also needs to be set correctly. Based on this, we can highlight some rules for meeting active, playful and cheerful dog who simply needs entertainment and friendly communication.

The best way to celebrate New Year 2018 is in a noisy, friendly company. Invite your good friends and family and have a fun New Year's party.

You cannot let the friendly hostess of the coming year get bored - boredom and melancholy should be driven out of your home! Be sure to spend the main night of the year with dancing, firecrackers, champagne and, of course, a sparkling Christmas tree with treasured gifts hidden under its fluffy branches.

Outdoor games on fresh air, will certainly appeal to the Dog. So, without hesitation, go after the “first table” to the snow-covered street, sparkling with snow-white snow in the light of the lanterns. New year's night - best time to plunge back into childhood, even if only for a short time.

New Year cannot do without a feast. What does the Dog like? Of course, meat.

If you are not going to celebrate the New Year 2018 among vegetarians, then meat dishes should definitely be on the table. Well, the choice is quite wide: juicy roast pork, aromatic kebab of lamb or beef, oven-baked chicken, duck in apples, etc.

An excellent and most suitable option for a meat dish for the New Year's table 2018 is meat on the bone. Meat on ribs with honey sauce will please both the patron of the year and the guests.

Well, if you don’t want to eat such heavy food at such a late hour, you can easily find a way out of the situation - prepare light meat snacks. And poultry dishes themselves are considered dietary.

In Russia, they begin to celebrate the New Year on January 1. The Eastern calendar shows the same period only from February 16th. The Chinese calendar was created a long time ago, and it is he who can tell how time is divided and what it means. For example, 2018, what animal is according to the horoscope, what color of clothing will be welcomed, and also what you should wear to celebrate the coming time.

Each symbol has not only its own color, but also its own element. After all, the word itself, translated from ancient Greek, is translated as a signal or sign that can tell certain secrets for people. The eastern horoscope is divided into certain cycles; the characteristics of the cycle depend on which sign “came to power”.

2018 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, which is an intelligent, loyal and brave animal. According to the conclusions of astrologers, those people who work in the field of law, acting, and politics will be able to easily and quickly achieve rapid career growth in their activities.

Children born this year in the future will most likely associate themselves with professions that require maximum communication with people. The yellow color, which symbolizes this period, speaks of prudence and wisdom, which is why all actions will be “weighed” thoroughly.

How to greet a new patron?

Since the Dog is a faithful pet, the holiday should be spent with family, but we should not forget about fun, so you need to prepare a festive fun program in advance. Come up with competitions, various intellectual games, because the symbol of the year is a good analyzer, but you shouldn’t be limited in your movements.

Communication (thanks to which everything will be resolved tricky questions, any field of activity);
- loyalty to yourself and others;
- devotion;
- nobility;
- honesty;
- responsiveness.

What events will the symbol of the year bring?

If the Year of the Rooster was ardent and unstable, then the Dog will bring reliability and balance. The year will be full of important, bright discoveries and events. If we touch on the field of sports, we can note that it is planned to hold Olympic Games 2018 in Korea. In Russia, as well as in Finland, there are presidential elections. In the field of technology, the world's first (flying) car with retractable wings will appear.

Of course, 2018 will not be a conflict-free year. Simply thanks to the “Lord” and “Her” elements, all conflicts will quickly disappear. Global issues will be resolved in the most amazingly short time, and all because the symbol of the year always finds a compromise that is beneficial and convenient for both parties. Even the worst enemies will find mutual language and reconciliation.

Which color will the 2018 Predecessor choose?

We can already say that the current color palette of 2018 will be associated with yellow and all its shades. This color symbolizes calm and confidence, as well as serenity and optimism.

Astrologers, together with fashion designers, advise taking a closer look at ash, brown, burgundy, gold and orange. You should forget about bright (catchy) colors. You cannot use “cat” colors and decorations, this will anger the Dog.

If a person is not suitable yellow(for example, it ages), then it can be easily combined with other shades. Fur and decorations associated with the image of cats should be excluded.

Choosing an outfit for New Year's Eve It’s not difficult to pick up, since the Yellow Earth Dog is not picky. Acceptable colors are gold and amber. Jewelry made from precious metals that will perfectly match your clothes will attract the attention of predecessors. Brown, as well as Bordeaux.
Fashionistas will prefer “golden” dresses, especially satin dresses will be in first place. Mustard color goes well with yellow shades. Muted tones will attract the Dog, and she will appreciate this choice.

It is worth noting that clothes on New Year's Eve should be of a “discreet” design. There is no need to expose your figure or make deep cuts in the neckline, because the predecessor of the year will be against such a choice. Dresses should be closed and modest. Since the Dog is a modest animal, you should not overdo it with decorations.

The Chinese calendar designates 2018 as the Year of the Dog, which will divide the color scheme according to its own taste and disposition, for example;
- yellow, golden and lilac colors promise a lot of money in the coming year;
- orange shade - gaining knowledge;
- black, brown, blue and light blue - career advancement and good luck in business;
- white color will help change your life better side or start everything from a “blank sheet”;
- red and white outfit - well-being in family life;
- silver color - will change the field of activity.

Light fabric, loose fit, and originality will appeal to the representative of the coming year. You can choose the style at your discretion, the main thing is that the outfit does not constrain the body while moving.
Eastern traditions say that the Dog prefers natural shades that are associated with the earth, for example, gray tones, smoky, beige, chocolate. You should not wear pure black colors, and if you do, then you need to dilute them with something. These could be accessories, jewelry. This addition of indirect details will help correct the situation.

The anticipation of the New Year has filled everyone with joyful anticipation of the holiday, so now you can take care of your own outfit. After all, from the choice of suit and its color range Not only will your self-confidence depend, it will emphasize your irresistibility and give you comfort in everything.

We should not forget that correct selection the toilet will win over the representative of the next year, and she will definitely reward her with her generosity and favor. Moreover, the Dog is not stingy with this.

I would like to note that when choosing your makeup you should not give preference bright colors. It is better to choose matte shades (brown, beige), but pink color should be avoided. Eyeliner (arrows) is in fashion, so when applying makeup, you can give more preference to the eyes. Gloss on the lips, use of blush (emphasizing the lines of the cheekbones and eyebrows).

When applying, avoid flamboyant colors. Calm shades with small patterns are in fashion. It would also be ideal to apply rhinestones or just sparkles, which will shimmer with beautiful “lights” on New Year’s Eve. Small flowers, as well as a lunar manicure, will please the predecessor of the coming year. After all, this animal loves to take care of itself and feel comfortable, so such actions will please it and endear it to itself.

The Yellow Dog is a powerful sign that will definitely take all unresolved issues under its responsibility and resolve them with dignity. as soon as possible. She is so purposeful that she will do anything to improve her life and the lives of her loved ones, so every person tries to please this faithful and devoted patron of the coming year. Happy New Year!
We invite you to find out.

The Year of the Fire Rooster has just begun, and many are already wondering: what animal is the year of 2018? Nowadays astrology is extremely popular, Russians are trying to find out in advance how the patron beast will affect the entire next year. Now we know that in 2017 the loud and bright, but homely Rooster, who loves order and worship in everything, rules. What will the next year 2018 bring us? What animal symbolizes it according to the eastern calendar? What color will the New Year be? How to prepare for the upcoming holiday?

Symbol of next year

If you don’t yet know what the symbol of 2018 will be, then let us remind you that this is the patronage of the Yellow Earth Dog. Let us please the Russians, the entire period will be characterized by stability, wisdom, balanced decisions, and people born this year are endowed with a calm character and have worldly wisdom, devotion to friends and loved ones. True, the symbol of the year does not like new things and has difficulty accepting radical updates. But dog people are often slow, they have a hard time making decisions on which a lot depends, they like to delegate the taking of tough measures to someone else, they are often secretive and withdrawn, and sometimes they blindly trust their loved ones.

Everyone born under this sign is always faithful and honest, they will become the most devoted friends and life partners. They approach matters extremely responsibly; you can always rely on them and trust them with any information without fear of its disclosure. The only thing is that before human dogs are given any task, they need to clearly explain the sequence of actions and visually describe the purpose of the work.

A person born according to the horoscope in the year of the Dog accepts his family and friends as they are, with all their problems and shortcomings, he will never condemn them for their actions, but, on the contrary, will look for a logical justification for them.

True, people whose year falls in 2018 react sharply to lies and betrayal; they speak out openly if they feel that they are being deceived.

Now you know what animal there will be next year. But how does this symbol converge with representatives of other signs? The Dog is a friend of almost all symbols according to the eastern calendar; sometimes conflicts with people born in the year of the Goat are possible.

If speak about personal life dog people, then they are always devoted spouses, they sincerely believe in their other halves, but, as mentioned above, they do not tolerate lies and betrayal. By betraying him once, you can lose his love forever. Strong marriage alliances can be built with people born in the year of the Horse, but strained relationships will be with the Tiger and Dragon.

People whose year will be under the auspices of the Dog usually choose various professions; they can be excellent leaders and teachers.

Now you know the year 2018 of which animal will be patronized by the Yellow Earth Dog, which will bring us stability and tranquility. But how to prepare for the future holiday, what to wear to celebrate it, what to prepare to appease the patron of the year?

Current colors and shades of clothing for the New Year 2018

The symbol of the year 2018 is the Yellow Dog, so if you don’t yet know what to wear for the next holiday, then, of course, the mistress of next year loves “fiery” colors. A bright red dress would be ideal. The patron will definitely notice the rich coral, purple or scarlet color. However, the choice of clothing New Year's celebration is not limited exclusively to the color red and its shades, excellent suitable clothes bright yellow, orange, blue and green. The main thing is the richness and richness of the shades. Many people believe that if you celebrate the holiday correctly, then 2018 will be accompanied in everything, all your dreams and hopes will definitely come true. Therefore, choose your New Year's outfit carefully!

New Year's table

What to cook for the New Year's holiday? Now we know who it will be in 2018, and, of course, the Dog prefers meat dishes, the menu must be satisfying, this beast does not like to go hungry. An abundance of delicious hot and cold meat dishes is welcomed on the table, it can be jellied meat, shish kebab, aspic, cutlets, chops, steaks, baked meat, baskets with meat pate. But there may not be fish on the New Year’s table!

Potatoes and rice are also not held in high esteem by the symbol of 2018; it is better to avoid them. The dog loves hearty desserts: creamy ice cream, cakes and pastries, cottage cheese and sour cream dishes.

Decorate festive table You can use bright fruits to create a real summer in the middle of winter, because next year’s housewife will like rich colors.

Now let’s find out which of the other signs will be pleased with 2018 and which will be disappointed. Which symbols should be wary of making fateful decisions next year? Which animal will be protected in 2018?

Prediction by zodiac signs

2018 to Chinese calendar- the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, what is the forecast for other signs, will other animals be able to “make friends” with the mistress of next year?

  • For the Rat, the year may not be successful, because the Rat is a selfish nature, and the Dog, on the contrary, is devoted and selfless. For the year to bring good things, the Rat will have to give in in many ways.
  • The Ox will definitely be lucky, especially in his personal and family life.
  • The characters of the Tiger and the Dog are a little similar, so next year the Tiger will have many new adventures, pleasant acquaintances and accomplishments.
  • Rabbits will have a calm, measured year, without any changes.
  • But the Dragon must wait for a trick at work; one of his colleagues can seriously set him up in front of his superiors.
  • Everything will be stable for the Snakes, too, although you shouldn’t expect changes in your personal life.
  • Next year the horse will definitely meet a new love, and perhaps a strong marriage will develop with her.
  • The Goat will have a successful career in 2018.
  • A monkey can be expected serious problems At work.
  • The Rooster should not waste his time on trifles.
  • For Dogs, the next year will be very successful, although you should expect troubles in personal relationships.
  • The pigs will finally solve their financial problems.

Now we know which animal is the patron of 2018 eastern horoscope. The dog is a faithful and devoted friend, so next year everything will definitely work out.