How to properly train and train a Husky to become a good hunting dog - The Incredible Husky Encyclopedia. How to hunt with a Siberian Husky dog ​​and is this dog suitable for hunting? Is it possible to train a Siberian Husky to hunt wild animals?

An unexpected meeting with an old friend Oleg at the All-Russian exhibition dedicated to hunting and fishing, held in Moscow at VDNKh, was memorable for one thing interesting story. He told me a story, thanks to which he became the happy owner of a dog of a difficult breed, unusual for the regions of the Krasnodar Territory.

This is how he began his story: “My friend Andrei was brought from the Far East a Siberian Husky dog ​​named Greta. Beautiful, magnificent exterior; thick, smooth, shiny coat; deep blue eyes that understand everything; proud profile; independent disposition. All this together fascinates and attracts in this beauty.
Joint trips out of town with a friend and his dog gave me the opportunity to study this interesting and unusual breed.

So: genetically Siberian huskies are wind-hardened dogs, accustomed to serious stress in low temperatures. These qualities have been cultivated in them for a long time thanks to constant work in harness. There they learned to make independent decisions, which is why modern huskies have an independent and willful disposition. When raising a pet, it is necessary to treat it as a friend and teach not only direct obedience, but also show respect for the dog. If during the training period both the puppy and adult dog If they receive a weak load, their character deteriorates, and the owner runs the risk of getting a hyperactive, intractable, harmful and stubborn pet. It must be remembered that in manifestation negative qualities The dog's character is the owner's fault. At good attitude the dog will reciprocate, especially the smart husky, which requires not just attention, but serious training. An integral element of training are long walks, running, and an average distance that should reach 10 kilometers. For example, running after an owner riding a bicycle with short breaks. And if the Siberian Husky does not receive enough exercise, then the dog will always find interesting way energy expenditure - frolic, as she is very inventive. Huskies love to dig, jump high and can climb over high obstacles. And there is one more feature: dogs of this breed are very clean and practically do not emit an unpleasant dog smell.

I saw the character of this dog during one of the hunts. One autumn, a friend invited me to go to the Azov floodplains for duck hunting, taking his dog with him. The thought immediately flashed through my mind that the husky is not a hunting dog, but a sled dog, and why is it needed for a duck? Sensing an unspoken question, the friend began to say that most owners underestimate the hunting skills of the Siberian Husky. These dogs have a strong hunting instinct, but do not bring game. According to stories, sled dogs received food from humans only during working times, when strength and patience were required from them, and in severe winter weather. With the onset of a thaw, the dogs were released to free bread and obtained food until late autumn. So they are still hunters, they just need to be trained from childhood. They brought her to me already as a one-year-old, it’s a bit late, but I think that all is not lost, I’m learning little by little. We became friends with her, she is very loyal. And I took her with me to the duck so that she could frolic, unwind, and maybe teach her how to fetch game.

So we drove to Slavyansk-on-Kuban, discussing the merits of this breed. When we arrived at the place, we settled down and waited for the signal to start the hunt. Andrey took care of his dog. They talked, Greta followed the owner’s commands, sometimes asked for something; in a word, it was interesting to watch them, and the time before the start of the duck’s flight passed unnoticed. We positioned ourselves near a body of water, and behind us were dense thickets of reeds. A rocket soared high into the sky, signaling the start of the hunt. The first shots began to be heard nearby. Andrei and Greta were located not far from me and were clearly visible. Suddenly, hearing some incomprehensible rustling and turning around, I saw a pig with seven babies come out of the reeds towards the clearing where my friend was located. Mother, without hesitation, with a ferocious grunt, rushed towards Andrey. He turned around at the moment when Greta stood between the boar and the owner. The dog took the fatal blow, and Andrei managed to jump to the side to a safe distance.

Greta died on the spot from her wound. The hunt ended sadly...

All the way back, I, like my friend, thought about the dog. She amazed me to the core because she saved her owner at the cost of her life. This loyalty and devotion of a four-legged friend is worthy of respect. This does not always happen, even in our human community.

Already at home, I often remembered Greta’s action and realized that I had fallen in love with this interesting breed dogs - a Siberian husky and I want to get one for myself.

I understood that keeping such a dog in an apartment when you do not have the opportunity to devote time to it every day is simply a crime. Therefore, I put off purchasing the dog of my dreams for an indefinite period of time. And at that moment, when the construction of my private house was coming to an end, it was time to have this wayward and at the same time smart, friendly and faithful dog. And I gave the dog a nickname - Greta!

Like this interesting story My old friend told me about the Siberian husky. After listening to him, we continued walking around the exhibition together in search of interesting and new hunting things.

Despite their popularity, not everyone knows the origin and true nature of these amazing animals.


Four-legged friends with blue eyes first “came” to America from the North. These dogs are sled dogs, accustomed to being in a large harness, covering long distances and being in wide open spaces.

This strong dogs, and their habits retain a lot of wolfishness. They are brave and intelligent hunters, get along well in a pack and are very clean. Huskies do not live well in an urban environment happy life, they are isolated from other dogs, and few owners can provide them with sufficient physical activity in the city.

Sled breed

Many varieties of huskies, like malamutes or wolfdogs and other breeds of dogs, are used as traction force for transporting goods, carts, boats, and people. They are capable of covering about 50 km a day (with rest stops, of course) and reaching a speed of 12 km/h.

The sled is convenient for traveling over long distances in the Siberian and northern snowy expanses, as these dogs are hardy and loyal. In the evenings, after a long journey, they warm their owners.

Sled dogs are known for the feat of the leader Balto, who covered a distance of more than 2 thousand kilometers, to deliver anti-diphtheria medication to Alaska.

Largest recorded haul with the participation of sled huskies 10,000 km.

IMPORTANT! Harness riding is their true nature and they show their best qualities when they live in appropriate conditions.


Similar huskies are often trained for hunting. These breeds should not be confused - they are similar only in appearance, their characters and inner nature are very different. Huskies are less suitable for hunting. Their character is very willful. In Siberia, these pets often played the role of a hunter and brought small and medium-sized game. However, rather at will than at the owner's command.

It is their nature to be strong and resistant to harsh weather conditions. They are brave and are not afraid to attack an animal larger than themselves. In addition, they have a very keen sense of smell and determination - qualities that help pets find fresh tracks of roe deer or deer, as well as holes of small game. But still, initially they are not hunters.

Security guard

For the Husky as a guard, it is important to “outline” his protection zone. In Siberia, these dogs were in sleds and could serve as guards at rest. However, two teams can be at enmity with each other, so it is necessary to teach the dog boundaries, and due to waywardness, such a dog on a leash will feel betrayal by the owner and punishment. This will not have the best effect on her security abilities. In this case, it is necessary to teach the dog to react friendly to strangers and other animals.


This breed is difficult to train with aggressive measures. The dog wants to feel the respect of its owner, and then it may respect him and accept him as a leader. That's why in a conflict situation, a husky will not fly to protect its owner or his property, she will act according to her own ideas about the situation.

ATTENTION! Coercion will only discourage the dog from being a protector.

Despite the fact that in Siberia huskies can be versatile and perform different roles, there they are in their natural environment, familiar to them, and often without a leash, when not in harness. But in other conditions, when a husky lives alone (without other members of the pack), it is difficult to predict its character. You can only slightly correct the behavior with persistent training, greater activity and expressions of respect.

Sports with husky

Siberian Huskies are great for sledding. There are several varieties, which are divided into snow and non-snow disciplines.

Snow disciplines:

  • Pulka- Husky sled racing. There are from 1 to 4 dogs in the team.
  • Skijoring- the skier is directly connected by a cable to the dog.

Snowless disciplines:

  • Canicross- like skijoring, only without skis and snow. Runner and pet on a zip line.
  • Bike joring- the dog pulls an athlete on a bicycle.
  • Karting- the dog pulls a special kart with a driver.
  • Scooting- a team of dogs pulls a scooter.

Riding sport - best use these dogs. They are showing good results at sports competitions.

IMPORTANT! Exercising can ruin your pet's health in warm climates. It is better to refrain from training at temperatures above 16 degrees plus.

What else can huskies do?

For owners living near forests, they will be excellent guides for forest hiking. Huskies can help their owner carry equipment. These dogs can also be shepherds.

ATTENTION! Huskies are sled dogs. The team and the snow are their nature and element. You can adapt a dog for any purpose, but will such an animal live? full life. It may be worth choosing a breed that suits your goals, lifestyle and character.

Working huskies in the North

Working version of the breed this moment one of the rarest. Huskies have unique working properties, however, due to the low need for use, this type is not very common. In the North, other dogs are used for work. Most often, the working version of the husky is used to transport people for tourism purposes, as well as for sledding competitions.

Husky speed

Of course, the husky does not have the same speed characteristics as the Russian greyhound or other hound breeds. However, this breed is very hardy, capable of covering long distances in a sled through the snow, which is more difficult than running on a flat road. In a day, a team can cover a maximum of 250 km.

In the snow, a team of dogs with a load can reach a speed of 30 km/h. Maximum speed one dog can reach 40 km/h.

The character of this breed is very contradictory and unique. This dog is a good member of the family, where its opinion is taken into account. He is friendly, affectionate and very beautiful four-legged friend person. Before getting such an animal, think about whether you like to run as much as this husky loves. And will your pet be able to live in comfortable conditions if you confine it to the confines of a small apartment or the backyard of your house?

Each dog has a direct purpose for which it was once bred, but it is believed that the hunting instinct is to some extent inherent in all descendants, that is, dogs.

People often wonder if their Husky can be used for hunting. Dispute between hunters and dog breeders Experienced hunters recommend taking special equipment with you when hunting. trained dogs. There are many breeds that were bred to track and chase various animals, which makes the hunting process more effective and spectacular.

Pros and cons of using a Siberian Husky for hunting

A dispute arises between hunters and lovers of the Husky breed over the advisability of using this breed as a hunting breed. Breeders of the breed recall the history of its origin and point out that although it was bred as sled dog, northern peoples used huskies for hunting. Therefore, she has retained her hunting instinct, and this breed is especially effective at tracking and pursuing animals in a pack.

Hunters object that the hunting instinct may be developed in the husky, but it is very difficult to teach it the rules of hunting. She, as a rule, pursues him, but it is not easy to bring to her consciousness the need to bring prey to the owner. Hunters ask a reasonable question to lovers of this breed: is there any point in spending a lot of time and effort teaching huskies hunting skills if there are more suitable breeds for this?

Moreover, if a husky is competing in sledding competitions, her hunting skills may ruin her career as an athlete. Running in a harness at speed can be ruined by a random hare running by, followed by a husky.

Husky hunting experience

The fact that the Siberian Husky is a hunting dog can be proven by example, having achieved good results, but this is a personal matter for each person. In principle, if we think about it this way, then any dog ​​can be used for different functions: as a hunting dog, a guard dog, a sled dog, except, of course.

It all depends on the purpose for which you got a Husky. If you are an avid hunter, but you really like this breed, then you can try your hand at a Husky. There are many examples of huskies hunting swamp and forest game, furs and various ungulates. Moreover, there are specialized nurseries that breed a line of huskies intended primarily for hunting, and not for sledding.

Therefore, debates about whether huskies can be used for hunting will most likely always be conducted with varying success, because each side will find a lot of evidence of both hunting and sporting achievements of huskies.

Depending on the breed bred, each dog has its own purpose.

All descendants of the wolf have hunting instincts.

People are often interested in the hunting abilities of the northern husky dog ​​breed.

The graceful flyaway was bred for running, pulling sleds or packs. A playful companion who loves people.

The draft breed originated in Siberia. It became famous in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century; in Britain it gained popularity in the 70s of the last century.

The breed can be called the ideal of ideas about true friendship.

Having a balanced psyche allows a family with small children to live safely in a home.

Will not create any inconvenience. Knowing one's place and coming to terms with the limitations of freedom.

Socializing a dog from an early age will undermine the quality of protection of a private home, but will teach it to communicate.

Need in physical activity conditions daily active walks in any weather.

The breed is more suitable for young people who are able to take walks to the fullest.

External data of the breed:

  • height 60 cm;
  • weight from 15 to 28 kg;
  • elongated eye shapes, blue or brown shades of the iris;
  • small, close-set ears, straight;
  • small proportional head;
  • muzzle equal to the length of the skull;
  • pigmented lips, tightly fitting;
  • strong, deep chest;
  • fox tail type;
  • medium length coat, with undercoat;

A good husky is already evident in early age. Physical formation is achieved by 3 years of life.

Clean pets of impressive size and owners of luxurious fur. to the necessary brushing and bathing.

Regular dental examinations are necessary preventive measures, cleaning ears and eyes.

- a guarantee of health. There is a tendency to overeat. Consultation with a veterinarian is required.

The advantage is considered to be low salivation and excellent immunity. Diseases occur when improper care or from hereditary data. The pet can live up to 15 years.

Education and training

An activity for persistent and self-confident people. To achieve success, especially to protect private households, you will have to work hard.

Education begins with the establishment of behavior in the pack. The time it takes to learn the rules of what is allowed and what is prohibited depends entirely on the owner.

It may be an excellent option for children 12-14 years old, but not earlier.

Famous throughout the world as one of the best dogs, the husky is an excellent hunting dog.

Unique abilities to develop the hunting instinct and passion allow them to be excellent hunting assistants.

The breed has all the main characteristics of a good hunting dog: endurance, developed sense, easy climatic adaptation, ability to make independent decisions.

All qualities that characterize a dog breed directly indicate family ties With wild dogs Far North.

It is worth raising a Husky for hunting from the age of a puppy; the basis is respect and obedience to a person.

Husky is a pack dog important factor is the pack hierarchy and a certain place in it.

On your first hunt with an assistant, one of the first and most important lessons is to teach how to use your voice while holding your kill. They don't tend to bark on their own.

The ancestors tracked and caught up with prey. It is worth considering the good ones. Thanks to perseverance and endurance, they are able to surpass huskies.

There are speculations that huskies have absolutely no aggression towards people, they are extremely friendly, and greet strangers cordially.

Lack of response in the security of a private home to thieves. And the education of guards is shaking nervous system, making her dangerous.

The issue of security can be divided into several categories - the protection of territory, a private home, household protection and the protection of a person and his family.

A gregarious breed that has a habitat area protected from strangers. In the north of the country, such a place could be a reindeer herders’ hut in need of protection.

The owner, who had up to ten dogs, created a pack. A well-developed perception of one's own and another's affects security abilities.

They do not bark at strangers, but may growl, flatten their ears and display their front fangs.

The owner's protection is ambiguous, because he must be an authority. Therefore, the dogs themselves have the opportunity to count on protection. A pet can consider its owner’s relatives a member of its pack, placing them lower in rank and protecting them.

The main advantages of the breed include::

  • friendly and welcoming manners;
  • hardy Siberian Health;
  • and to their relatives;
  • do not tire with unjustified barking;
  • do not have an unpleasant odor.
  • Relative disadvantages or disadvantages:

  • wayward stubbornness;
  • need for leadership;
  • the need for training in watchdog skills;
  • high shedding;
  • urgent need for physical activity.

Huskies were created to be hardy dogs with a need for heavy exercise. Providing long walks and jogs, they are excellent companions for hiking and sledding.

There are some speculations about the Husky breed, but not all of them are true. The rumors arose due to the relatively recent spread of the breed among urban residents.

Representatives of the Husky breed are half wolves. The domestication of wolves occurred in the very distant past.

Having a common ancestor, pets are only superficially similar to wolves.

It is an erroneous statement that pink spots on a black nose are a sign of illness in the dog.

Some individuals have these spots as a permanent coloration of the nose, while in others it is seasonal, appearing in winter period and disappearing into the summer.

Different eye colors. There really are dogs with blue and brown irises.

Congenital harmfulness. The behavior of the animal depends on the amount of attention given, the quality of care, and excess energy.

Heavy feed to training. The willfulness of the breed does not allow unquestioning obedience. Intelligent creatures must be interested in learning and training.

The Siberian Husky dog ​​is one of the few breeds that can easily tolerate even the harshest weather conditions and can live in northern zones. Translated, “husky” means “Eskimo”: it was these people who tamed the freedom-loving, indomitable animal.

Like other dogs, the breed has a hunting instinct. Is it possible to use huskies for hunting, since these strong animals originally served as sleds and were intended to pull sleds in a harness? With the right approach and good training, huskies can serve a hunter well in catching game.

Behavior, character and appearance

Huskies are suitable for living in a private house or city apartment. They will become true friends, safe neighbors, residents who do not create inconvenience. A dog of this breed knows the place, quickly learns to live with restrictions on freedom, and at the same time has a balanced character and will not offend a child. According to reviews, dogs are very sociable and kind, which can be a disadvantage in their role as guards.

When buying a Husky, you need to immediately plan frequent walks, regardless of the weather, so the breed is considered more suitable for young people leading an active lifestyle. Dogs are hardy, have excellent health, interact well with their packmates, and do not bark for no reason. Animals are clean, do not create unpleasant odors in the house.

Husky external data:

  • height – about 60 cm;
  • weight – 15-25 kg;
  • eye color – brown, blue, cut – elongated;
  • ears – straight, close set;
  • head – small, proportional;
  • tail - fox type;
  • wool – varied in color, lighter, middle length, with a thick undercoat.

Some disadvantages of the breed include stubbornness, a desire to lead, and for hunting - the need for good training. Also, dogs shed a lot and they definitely need physical exercise.

Basic care

A dog can be considered an adult from the age of 1.5 years. Husky puppies love bathing and tolerate grooming and brushing well. You need to regularly examine your dogs teeth, clean their ears and eyes. They eat a lot and have a tendency to overeat, so it is important to observe moderation. Meals need to be varied. If you plan to hunt with a husky, its diet must include all vitamins, minerals, and enough protein. Dogs have excellent immunity; they only get sick if their care is seriously neglected. Usually dogs live about fifteen years.

Education and training

The Husky's ability to train is not very good. The owner will have to work hard to instill the qualities of a guard in the dog. You can trust training to teenagers, with people of that age in dogs. best contact. If you immediately outline all the prohibitions, then it will be almost impossible to change the dog’s character. You can watch a thematic video about the features of training.

Using dogs for hunting

With proper training, a husky can become a good dog hunting dog. This breed has an innate hunting instinct. Since the northern peoples had a tradition of feeding dogs only in winter, and the rest of the time giving them the opportunity to look for food, the animals learned to easily catch rodents, birds and even hares. For a hunter, such dexterity will only be a plus.

Negative consequences of having a strong hunting instinct also happen: for example, huskies often rush at cats, trying to kill them. This usually does not happen if the puppy grew up with a cat in the same house from the very beginning.

Excitement, speed, and courage allow huskies to become assistants on any hunt. They have excellent instincts, easy adaptation to climate, and a mind that allows them to make decisions. Modern Husky dogs most like to hunt ungulates - roe deer, wild ass, rams. If the pursued animal strays from the pack, the husky will quickly find it. The dog does not get stuck in the snow, he is light, energetic, and barks little. Dogs make a voice when leading an animal - they howl a little, and in this they are similar to huskies.

Huskies are no less good at hunting swamp game, ducks, upland animals, and fur-bearing animals. They can fearlessly attack even wild boars and bears, pursuing a target without reacting to pain. Only with wolves can problems arise due to a certain relationship. You need to start raising a dog from the very first days, instilling obedience and respect for humans. Voice commands are immediately trained, and then they are trained to associate the search for prey with the use of voice.

The disadvantages include excessive enthusiasm for the hunting process: the dog perfectly tracks the animal, but rarely brings game to the owner. With proper and persistent training, this can be corrected, but it is much easier to teach delivery of game to more suitable breed. In addition, if the dog runs in a harness, the development of hunting skills can harm his sports career - an accidentally running animal can distract the dog from the route.

Whether to make a hunter with a husky is a personal matter for the owner, the right approach will help make her a good hunting assistant, but you need to take into account that this is not an easy task and not everyone can go all the way to the end.