How to find out the breed of a dog and provide it with proper care? Identifying a dog's breed How to understand that a puppy is purebred

In this article I will tell you how to find out the breed of a dog. I will list the features of the external structure inherent various dogs I’ll tell you at what age you can determine the breed of a puppy.

Having found a puppy on the street or adopted it from a friend, the owner will be puzzled by the definition of the breed.

There are about 350-400 species of dogs in the world. A veterinarian will help you avoid getting confused in determining the type of puppy; he will also carry out vaccinations and the necessary examinations. Many puppies do not look like their parents, and therefore it is difficult to name the exact age at which all the signs of a particular breed appear. The coat will give a good clue as to origin, however, it changes from puppy to adult at the age of 1 year.

A puppy's coat changes to that of an adult at 1 year of age. Therefore, you shouldn’t judge a breed by its fur.

Determination methods

After carefully examining the puppy, you can draw up its portrait or begin searching for its parents.

Criteria for drawing up a portrait of a dog:

  1. Dimensions
  2. External differences
  3. Features of wool
  4. Brand
  5. Expert help


Dogs of small, medium, large and giant breeds differ in growth dynamics, weight at certain periods of life and maximum height at the withers.

Small animals are often indoor and ornamental breeds. The weight of such individuals does not exceed 10 kg. The height at the withers of adult pets is 14-30 cm. Small pets have their own giants; exceeding the extreme height limit can be no more than 5 cm.

Before choosing a dog, you should familiarize yourself with the existing breeds

Medium-sized dogs can weigh between 11 and 27 kg. This group is the largest and has about 200 breeds. The average height of adults is 35-55 cm.

Large breed dogs reach a height of 57-75cm. the weight of adult dogs is 30-60 kg.

Representatives of giant species can grow up to 65-90 cm. And weight varies from 55 to 90 kilograms.

External differences

The length of the body and paws, the width of the back and chest will help determine the breed of the adult dog. It is necessary to carefully examine the pet's bones.

Narrow boned are the same in width rib cage and pelvis. If the paws and muzzle are long, then the dog can be classified as a hound or greyhound breed, which has a streamlined body shape and a dry constitution, a lean belly and a voluminous sternum. The ribs of such breeds extend down to the elbows. The legs are muscular. The neck is set high and the head is elongated. The ridge on the back of the head can be very prominent.

The most popular greyhounds and hound breeds include:

  • English hound
  • Bloodhound
  • Russian piebald
  • Griffon Vendée
  • Otterhound
  • Scottish greyhound

The middle bone is characterized by a rib cage that is wider than the pelvis. This is the largest category of dogs, under which various breeds can be recorded, such as the Finnish Spitz and.

A wide, developed chest and a heavy pelvis indicate a wide bone structure. The physique is presented in rough forms. Such dogs are strongly built, muscular, have large paws and a deep chest. The skull is wide with a clearly defined stop point. The nose and jaws are strong, the nostrils are wide.

Pedigree animals must always be sold with documents

All large breeds can be classified as wide-boned dogs. The most popular of them:

  • Central asian shepherd dog
  • Labrador
  • Rafeir

Short bone can be defined as a square torso and short hind legs. Often shortened bones are found in indoor species - Pekingese and.

Features of wool

There are 5 types of wool that characterize the breed.

Regular wool middle length, has a soft undercoat underneath. It can be found in shepherd dogs, huskies, and pugs.

The pet's long coat can be without undercoat or with undercoat. This type of coat is worn by spaniels.

Smooth coat without undercoat is characteristic of pinschers, boxers, and terriers. Bright representatives of breeds with hard hair -.

Curly wool has an undercoat underneath that is curled into a curl. , Portuguese water dog, Lagoto Romagnolo are typical representatives with curly hair.

Hairless pets belong to the breeds or Mexican Hairless Dog.

Wool pores can only partially determine the breed


A brand is a mark on the inside of the ear or groin that determines ownership of a pet and helps identify the animal. In order to determine the breed by its mark, you need to contact a dog handler or veterinarian.

Expert help

By showing the puppy to a veterinarian or dog handler, you can even find out whether it belongs to any breed group.

However, only a DNA test will help you find out the 100% correct answer.

Materials for a DNA test of coat color and origin must be collected carefully; this is best done by a veterinarian. Determining the breed takes 2-3 weeks, after which the owner of the animal receives a complete pedigree of the pet from three generations.

Where to buy purebred dogs

You can buy a puppy with a pedigree and a passport in specialized nurseries and from breeders. When buying a puppy, you should decide on the purpose of getting a dog. If you want to participate in exhibitions with your pet, you should pay attention to the absence of defects. In this case, it is better to contact kennel clubs, where a complete pedigree and passport will be provided.

If participation in exhibitions and competitions is not a priority for the future owner, then you can purchase a puppy at the poultry market or from breeders, however, here the chance of being deceived is somewhat higher. Puppy resellers falsify documents and animal passports in order to sell them at a higher price. If you purchase an animal from a breeder, it is better to ask permission to see the puppy’s parents to make sure there are no external defects.

A puppy without documents can be bought cheaper, but a pet without a passport and pedigree is considered outbred.

Breed does not make a dog better or worse; care and love will help the puppy grow into a healthy and well-mannered dog that will be loved regardless of whether it has a pedigree passport.

During the existence of the dog as a pet, a wide variety of breeds and species have appeared. According to scientific data, today the number of breeds varies between 350-400 units. In addition, there are also mixed breeds of dogs, with their own unique characteristics and working properties. By the way, some of them have already become completely extinct, and some are represented by several individuals.

If you have a desire to purchase a purebred puppy, be prepared for the fact that no one except a specialist veterinary clinic and DNA test will not be able to determine whether your future pet is clean or his blood contains impurities of other breeds. It is not necessary to do the test only in cases where the dog has a pedigree. However, if you bought it without documents, or it accidentally got into the house, then you will have to act in a different way. Currently, experienced dog breeders have several methods and secrets: how to determine the breed of a dog by a puppy.

Why is the breed determined?

There are several situations when you have to deal with the breed of your pet. Among them are the following:

Gallery: dog breeds (25 photos)

Basic methods

You must understand that if your four-legged friend belongs to the mixed breed group, then it is impossible to determine his breed at the age of several weeks. In some cases breed qualities become noticeable only at one year of age.

If there is no experience in identifying the breed, then purchasing a puppy from your own hands may contain a number of risks. If a dog does not have documents, most likely it is not purebred, even if the mother and father are completely pure blood. However, this does not mean that it will lose certain working properties or defining characteristics. You just need to approach the upcoming purchase with increased responsibility and attention. You may need to take it with you experienced dog handler or breeder.

To determine the breed of an adult dog, it is enough to pay attention to a number of available indicators and write down the results in a notebook. Be sure to consult with a specialist and read all the necessary articles.

If the four-legged creature is a “noblewoman” not in the first generation, then, most likely, it will not be possible to find breed characteristics in it. However, there is no point in being upset, because often mongrel dogs surpass even titled individuals in their wit and intellectual level. Yes and health and the life expectancy of such pets is much better.

Types of dogs

If you are wondering “how to tell the breed of a dog from a puppy,” you need to know what type of dog different breeds are. Currently there are several types:

Breed recognition methods

If the puppy is branded, then most likely it will not be difficult to notice the phenotype and determine the exact breed. In all other cases it is necessary consider several factors and secrets:

If you pay attention to the size of the animal, do not forget to consider age characteristics. Determining the size of small puppies is inappropriate, because such individuals have a disproportionate body structure, represented by a large head shape, a spherical belly and clumsy paws. Plus all the little pets They exhibit strange movements, avoid danger and are afraid of any sudden movements or sounds.

Determination by coat type

In addition, the pedigree of a future pet can be recognized using biological characteristics, such as the type of coat. Currently, there is a conditional division of dogs based on coat:

During the warm period of the year, the dog can completely shed its undercoat, while long-haired individuals will look similar to semi-longhaired ones.

Determination by the structure of the bone corset

If you are going to understand whether a dog is purebred or not using images, then pay attention to the type of body structure. Try to measure the width of the sternum, back, pelvis, legs and overall body length. This way you will be able to weed out many breeds, making your task easier. There are several types of dog bones:

Structural features

In addition, there are several features of the body structure that allow you to determine whether a pet belongs to a particular breed:

In addition to all this, dogs of different breeds have their own “working” characteristics. For example, representatives of hunting groups, while on the street, will take a stance and sniff the air in search of possible prey. Herding breeds are able to begin their main duties when they meet a domestic animal - a cow or sheep.

If your pet does not do anything like that, perhaps its purpose is different - to be a loyal friend and companion for its owner. In any case, regardless of breed characteristics, the dog will always be a reliable protector, a loyal friend and comrade. Just keeping an eye on it and providing proper care and attention is enough.

The secret to successfully identifying a breed is to conduct psychological tests. To be sure of your pet's breed, just try to study its instincts. To do this, the dog is tested for its guarding abilities, placed next to livestock, and also taken to conditions close to hunting ones. If the dog does not show any action in such an environment, most likely he belongs to the decorative group.

In any case, in order to successfully identify a dog, it is better to show it in advance to a trained specialist from a trusted veterinary clinic. His knowledge and wealth of experience will allow us to resolve the issue in a short time. If it is not possible to determine the breed of relatives, most likely the dog belongs to a group of domestic dogs, where many breeds are mixed, and it is simply impossible to identify one of them.

It is quite difficult to accurately determine the breed of a dog. The probability of success is maximum only if the “foundling” falls into good hands.

Attention, TODAY only!

If in dogs the breed can be seen at first glance, then some purebred cats are identified only by minor signs. Therefore, a kitten taken from the street can easily turn out to be of “noble blood.” But it makes no sense to determine the breed of a kitten, because with age its color can change radically. Therefore, the question of how to determine the breed of a cat remains open.

The animal is fully formed at one year of age. Then it’s time to figure out how to determine the cat’s breed. It will be difficult for anyone who is not very familiar with cats and does not consider themselves to be professional breeders to determine the breed of the pet. However, this can still be done after analyzing all external signs and his behavior. But is this necessary if the cat is already loyal and loved?

Most often, cats that differ in some way from outbred cats are simply similar to their privileged brothers. And owners who receive a pet without documents are happy with its interesting color or unusual ear shape, without bothering with identifying the breed. But it’s still worth establishing the origin, and here’s why:

A pet whose owner has managed to establish its high origin does not receive any regalia and cannot participate in exhibitions. After all, he has neither documents nor titled parents. But in some cases exceptions are possible.

Is it possible to return the status of an aristocrat without documents?

Without a pedigree issued by an international club, even the most purebred cat is only a copy of the titled animal. But if a cat picked up on the street seems noble to the owner in its color or body shape, there is an opportunity to earn status. The algorithm will be like this:

A pet, officially recognized as purebred, is allowed to participate in exhibitions, can win prizes there and receive titles. Cats give birth to purebred offspring, which will already have their own pedigree.

How to find out the cat breed: classification

Phenology clubs are responsible for assigning breeds to cats. Each breed is documented by certificates and meets basic standards.

The first priority in determining the breed is appearance pet. Many factors are assessed, including body build, color, shape of ears and paws. It is the combination of these factors that influences. So, Russian blue and british cats They have a similar color, but a different exterior: the first are more refined, with an elongated body, and the second are strong and massive.

Now in the world there are about 60 breeds and 200 varieties of cats. It is almost impossible to accurately count their number, even despite the clear gradation by characteristics. The generally accepted classification divides all cats into 5 groups.

Table 1. Classification of cat breeds

DescriptionRepresentatives of the breed
SlenderGraceful physique;
elongated torso
AverageSmall bodyBurma;
Blue Russian
StrongVery large bodyEuropean;
Long coat, wavy or straight;
average build
Norwegian forest,


With mutations or abnormalities
Small paws;
Crooked ears;
Lack of wool.
And other possible deformations and discrepancies with breed characteristics
American Curl

If, after lengthy examinations and manipulations, it was not possible to find out the breed, you should contact a veterinarian, professional breeders, or chat with cat lovers on specialized forums. In any case, it is worth knowing exactly the breed of your pet.

Thoroughbred vs mongrel: distinguish by test questions

Sometimes it is not enough to look at a photo to find out whether a cat is purebred or not. It is necessary to carefully study the pet and find answers to questions that will allow you to think about the true nature of the pet.

So, consider your pet and ask yourself:

  1. The size of the cat differs by less or big side from the rest of his furry brothers?
  2. Does your pet's color look unusual or is it at least somehow different from the color of ordinary cats?
  3. Are there differences in the hair structure – waves, small curls, too long hair or other features?
  4. How developed are the limbs, ears, and tail? Are there any noticeable differences?
  5. Are there any other details in appearance that distinguish your pet from the neighbor's mongrel cat?

Sometimes the pedigree of cats lies “on the surface”, sometimes it does not have clearly defined identifying details

If you answered “yes” to at least 1 question, then your cat is special. To accurately determine its noble breed, it is necessary to delve into the details. So let's get started.

What is the difference between purebred and mongrel cats?

Basically, all domestic cats are the same in appearance. Signs to identify an ordinary cute cat:

  • round head and elongated body;
  • the sacrum and chest are not too wide;
  • long graceful paws with sharp claws;
  • sticking up pointy ears;
  • correctly placed eyes;
  • a long, energetic tail that they swing every now and then.

But purebred cats are something special. Their appearance can fascinate, surprise and even frighten. So, let's look at the brightest representatives of noble blood and find out how they differ from mongrel animals.


Let's get to know the breeds business card which are unusual ears, the shape of which can unmistakably identify a cat.

  1. Scottish fold cat. The breed's ears are very unusual: sometimes it seems that the pet has no ears at all. Due to mutated cartilage, the auricle is almost folded in half. The bend can be barely noticeable or completely press the shell towards the head;

  2. American Curl. In cats of this breed, the ear is completely bent back: it can bend 180 degrees;

  3. Elf Kat. The deformed ear looks as if it is covered with patterns. The ears are very large, and their curve resembles devilish horns;

  4. Ukrainian Levkoy. The ears of such creatures are drooping and curved forward. It looks like someone broke the ear cartilage in half;

  5. Poodlecat. An artificially bred variety that is considered exotic. The ears may stick up or be drooping, like those of the left-handed. Breeders say that the larger the ears, the more beautiful the cat.

Small or missing tail

In domestic dogs, tails are docked intentionally to fit the animal to breed standards or to make the animal more attractive. Some cats have short tails from birth or no tails at all. This flaw indicates the noble origin of the pet.

  1. Manx. Representatives of the breed do not have a tail at all; some cats have a small appendage instead;

  2. Cymric. Fluffy animals, completely devoid of tails. Their legs are short, which is why their gait is a little jumping;

  3. Kurilian Bobtail. This breed combines the blood of the Japanese Bobtail and the Siberian. Bobtail cats are distinguished from ordinary cats by their short tail: less than 10 cm;

  4. American Bobtail. The tail is slightly longer than that of the Kuril, but not more than 10 cm. It can reach the place where the hind legs grow;

  5. Japanese Bobtail. A classic among short-tailed breeds. According to the standard, the tail should not be longer than 11 cm, and curling upward is a mandatory criterion;

  6. Pixiebob. A true domestic lynx, distinguished by a short tail. It can be completely invisible - about 2 cm, or can reach 14 cm in length.

Little paws

Exclusively all breeds of cats with short paws bred artificially. Veterinarians began to sound the alarm when breeders began to breed these breeds: it seemed to them that due to such a paw structure, cats would have problems with the spine or mobility.

But these suspicions were not confirmed, and short-legged pets actively participate in exhibitions along with others. These are the breeds:

  1. Munchkin. Representatives are also called cat-dachshunds because of their elongated body and very short legs;

  2. Bambino. At first glance, a scary breed with big ears, short legs and no hair at all. But if you observe the representatives of the breed, you can get used to these unusual features and fall in love with them;

  3. Dwelf. Another unusual breed whose representatives do not have hair. Their paws reach a length of no more than 7-8 cm;

  4. Skookum. Curly representatives of the breed have long hair, voluminous collar and short limbs;

  5. Napoleon. Majestic and very fluffy individuals, which are not at all spoiled by their short legs. They give them a cute appearance and playfulness;

All of these breeds are considered dwarf due to the miniature paws of their owners. If you notice that your pet does not grow in height with age, compare it with short-legged dogs of noble blood.


A standard cat is small in size: as a rule, excluding the tail, their length reaches 50-75 cm. Add the tail - about 30 cm. Weight does not exceed 4-6 kg for males and 2.5-4.5 kg for females. However, some breeds do not fit into these sizes at all: they are either too large or too small.

Important! Determining the breed of a pet by its size is quite difficult, but you can try.

Miniature cats

  • kinkalow - a very rare cat weighing up to 1.3 kg, charming and fluffy;
  • lambkin - weigh about 1.8 kg, have thick hair with curls; for this they were nicknamed cat “lambs”;
  • Singaporean - short-haired representatives with large ears and huge eyes;
  • Scythian-tay-don is the smallest representative of cats in the whole world.

Giant cats

There are about 10 cat breeds in the world, representatives of which exceed the generally accepted weight of 6 kg. Some giant cats can reach a weight of 15-20 kg. If you find it difficult to pick up your cat, he may be one of the following breeds:

  1. Chartreuse. Cats of this breed have developed muscles and a noble gray-blue color. Weight reaches 7-8 kg;

  2. Turkish Van cat. Massive and strong animals with fluffy tails. Weigh up to 9-10 kg;

  3. Norwegian forest cat. Fluffy and large, males reach a weight of 10 kg. They have a piercing look and interesting colors;

  4. British cat. Hardy and strong cats with a noble color. They can reach a weight of 12 to 18 kg;

  5. Maine Coon. Fluffy giants with pussies at the tips of their ears, the weight of cats can reach 16 kg;

  6. Ragdoll. A cat with fluffy fur, which, for all its charming appearance, can reach a weight of 9-10 kg.

Features of wool

Some cats can compete in the length of their fur with girls with long braids who have been growing their hair for years. Thus, the cat Colonel, who became known to the world thanks to his irritated face from memes on social networks, has the longest hair among males - 23 cm. The record holder among females is the beautiful Sophie with hair of about 26 cm.

Very long hair

  • Burmese cat;
  • ragdoll;
  • Turkish van;
  • Himalayan cat;
  • Napoleon;
  • Norwegian forest;
  • Turkish Angora;
  • Persian cats;
  • Maine Coons.

Long Curly Hair

Rex cats mostly have wavy hair, sometimes resembling real curls. It can be long or short. Long-haired owners:

  1. Selkirk rex. Fluffy cats with long tails and curly fur. There are also short-haired representatives;

  2. Bohemian Rex. The ancestors of the breed are Persians. But, in contrast to them, the Bohemian Rex can boast not only long, but also curled hair;

  3. La Perm. It seems that this curly beauty curls her fur every morning.

Short curly coat

  1. Hermann rex (German rex). From a distance, it seems that someone has cut unusual patterns into the fur of these cats. But, if you look closely, you can see “plush” curls;

  2. Cornish Rex. An American breed with a physique similar to hound dogs. Representatives of the breed have large, pointed ears and wavy fur;

  3. Devonshire Rex. The breed has many fans who claim that the cats' fur is very pleasant to the touch. In appearance it resembles an astrakhan coating;

    The homeland of the Devonshire Rex is England.

  4. American Wirehair. Lovely and affectionate cats with a stern look. Some even have curly mustaches.

Hairless cats

Contrary to popular belief, hairless cats are not limited to Sphynx cats. Of course, you can’t do without sphinxes, but among several varieties there are other breeds lurking:

  1. Bambino. A breed already familiar to us, whose representatives have short legs;
  2. Ukrainian Levkoy. Looking at the strange representatives of this breed, you reluctantly begin to remember films about aliens;
  3. Peterbald (Petersburg Sphinx). In some representatives you can clearly see human features on their faces. They are completely unlike anyone else, have a long graceful body, large ears and thin paws;

  4. Don Sphynx. Cats with baggy skin and expressive eyes;

  5. Canadian Sphynx. Their penetrating gaze looks into the very soul.

Color: multi-colored or plain

The most common cats are single or bicolor. As a rule, they are all outbred. So, you can recognize them by the following coat colors:

  • black;
  • tawny or red;
  • grey;
  • chocolate;
  • cream;
  • white.

Cats whose coat color contains one/two/three not too bright shades are most often outbred if there are no other distinguishing details. In purebred cats, the fur can have not only an unusual color, but also various shades, specks, stripes and patterns.

Siamese color

A fairly well-known color with two predominant tones - light and dark. So, the first group of pets with Siamese color may have black paws, tail and muzzle, and a white body. And, on the contrary, the second group has light limbs and a muzzle, and a dark body.

They have this color:

  1. Balinese cat. Almost albino: the shades of her coat contain an acromelanic color, which is considered partial albinism;

  2. Himalayan cat. Long fur, Blue eyes, light body, dark socks and muzzle are the main features of the breed;

  3. Burmese cat. It has a point color, which is distinguished by light “gloves” on its paws;

  4. Neva Masquerade. Very large breed with a long fluffy tail. Only Maine Coons or Norwegian Forest cats are larger than this cat;

    The name “masquerade” was assigned to this cat due to the characteristic darkening in the muzzle area

  5. Siamese cat. A famous subspecies whose most noticeable feature is its expressive, oval-shaped sky-blue eyes;

  6. Snow-shu. The name literally translates as “snow boots,” and for good reason. Cats have noticeable snow-white “socks” on their paws, and a bird-shaped mark on their face.

Blue cats

Silver or rich gray-blue shades most often indicate the noble breed of the owner. There are no spots or impurities of a different color on the fur of the representatives. This color is typical for 6 breeds:

  1. Chartreuse. They are often confused with British cats, but Chartreux cats have their own distinctive feature: a gray nose and blue toe pads;
  2. Korat. They have amazing marsh-colored eyes - this is their main distinguishing feature;

  3. British Shorthair. British adults look at the world with bright orange eyes;

  4. Nibelungs. Have big green eyes and special wool that is not prone to tangles;

    The peculiarity of the representatives of the breed lies in their gait - Nibelungs walk on tiptoes

  5. Scottish cats. Similar to the British, but the head is more rounded;

  6. Russian blue. They are similar to other subspecies of blues, but have a special feature - they try to never let out their claws when communicating with people.

Complex color

It's rare, but you can still find pets with tortoiseshell or other unusual colors. The fur coat of representatives of such rare colors can have a variety of shades; sometimes one individual can boast several tones with unclear boundaries.

One of these unusual colors is tabby. These are two contrasting tones that intertwine and create an extraordinary pattern on the cat’s body.

Important! Cats with complex colors are very popular among breeders. As a result of crossing, you can get offspring with very rare color fur.

Sand/cream colors

Cats with such shades are extremely rare. There are only 2 breeds that are characterized by this color:

Animal colors

Leopard-print cats are truly miniature versions of their wild relatives. Some cats with this coloring are of impressive size, so from afar they can be mistaken for leopard cubs. This group includes 7 breeds:

  1. Kurilian Bobtail. In all its appearance and habits it resembles a small lynx. Main sign– small tail, curved upward;
  2. Bengal cat. Real indoor leopards who passionately love water treatments;

  3. Savannah. The representative of the breed has the appearance of a wild cat, under which hides an almost dog-like soul. Pets are incredibly smart and train almost as easily as dogs;

  4. Siberian cat. Individuals with long thick hair. Its structure has two undercoats that have amazing water resistance;

  5. Maine Coon. Good-natured and intelligent pets who take lessons and commands well. They look like small lynxes, given their impressive size and tufts on their ears;
  6. Egyptian Mau. The main difference from other breeds is leopard spots not only on the fur, but also on the skin;

  7. Serengeti. Spotted animals with long graceful paws.

    The Serengeti is a very rare breed; at the moment there are only a few hundred of its representatives.

Chocolate shade

Chocolate-colored cats are very rare, so a breeder who manages to breed a purebred brown cat is truly lucky. There are only two breeds in this category:

By the color of a pet you can roughly determine its relationship to one of the groups. However, for those who do not consider themselves specialists, it will be quite difficult to decide on the breed. Only a specialist can see the slightest signs characteristic of each breed.

Pet's temperament

The character of the pet can roughly tell the owner what breed the cat is. Thus, wayward Siamese cats are prone to any adventures and can join any fight. Their ragdoll relatives, on the contrary, would choose to appear on a cozy sofa.

Eyes: color, shape, setting

Take a closer look at your pet's eyes: perhaps they will become the decisive sign in identifying the breed. For example, the breed awarded all purebred British with light brown eye color. Turkish Angoras often have eyes of different colors: for example, one is blue and the other is light brown. Siamese cats look at the world with slightly slanted eyes.

Exhibitions: how to get there and why?

Purebred cats and cats of noble breeds receive the right to participate in exhibitions. People gather at these events for various reasons: some people win prestigious titles with their pets, some simply want to communicate with passionate cat lovers, and some want to find a purebred pet for themselves.

The most popular international organization for cat lovers is the World Cat Federation (WCF). It includes 540 clubs from all over the world. WCF holds an average of 300 cat shows annually, a third of which are in Russia.

What does it take to get to a cat show?

Anyone can come to the cat show, but you can only take part with a pet that is already 3 months old. In order for your pet to be included in the list of participants, you need to prepare the following documents:

Important! The exhibition organizers may require additional documents, so for each exhibition the set of papers should be clarified in advance.

20 most common cats in the world

Every year, the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) compiles a ranking of the most popular cat breeds. It is based on the volume of official registrations purebred cats. So, according to the latest data, more than 2 million individuals are registered with the CFA, belonging to 42 breeds recognized by the corporation.

Table 2. The most popular purebred cats according to CFA


The breed was created in the 1960s after crossing a Persian cat with an American ShorthairWide stocky body, large paws. The coat is velvety and thick. Cats are calm and affectionate

The breed originated in Persia, which is now called Iran. In the 17th century it was taken from there to Italy. In 2012-2013, it confidently took 1st place in the ratings, but later lost groundDense body, legs short and thick. Round massive head, snub wide nose. The coat is silky and thick

The ancestors of modern Maine Coons lived on farms in Northeast America. The name comes from Maine, where they were common. Local farmers associated them with raccoons due to their dark striped color, so they added an additional part of the name - "coon" (literally "raccoon")A giant cat with large eyes, a fluffy tail and long hair

The ancestors of the Ragdoll appeared in California from a mixture of Burmese and Angora cats.

The name comes from the peculiarity of this breed: cats completely relax in your arms and allow you to do whatever you want with them.

Large cats with long hair and a bushy tail, round blue eyes

The first purebred Briton was bred in Great Britain in the 19th centuryMassive cats with a strong body, small paws and “plush” fur. The eyes are large and protruding

Appeared in North America thanks to the first immigrants from Europe who brought cats on shipsStrong slender body, hard thick hairs. Round head, eyes wide open. These are independent and active cats

The first representative of the fold was discovered in Scotland in 1960. It was a mutated English shorthair catThe main feature is a gene mutation that results in “broken” cartilage in the ears

The oldest breed that began its journey from Ethiopia. According to legends, cats of this type were worshiped in Ancient Egypt. Some breeders suspect that the blood of reed wild cats may flow in the veins of AbyssiniansRefined elongated body, thick undercoat, triangular head with deep oval eyes. Unusually colored hairs with ticking

Documentary recognition befell the sphinxes in 1966 in Canada. However, some historians claim that representatives of the breed were popular even during the reign of the pharaohs in Egypt and the Mexican IncasHeavy body of medium size, triangular head. Prominent cheekbones and mustache pads, deep-set eyes

They were brought to Europe along with the Siamese at the end of the 19th century. The ancestors of Oriental cats lived in Thailand. The breed was finally recognized in the 70s simultaneously in the states and in EnglandAn elongated, strong body with a long, sharp tail. Small paws wedge-shaped head. The color is similar to “Siamese”, but without a clear color-point pattern

A cat of this breed was first noticed in Great Britain in 1960. One of the local residents managed to tame a wild pregnant cat, which gave birth to charming wavy kittensA fragile but muscular body with curly silky hairs, huge ears. Wide head with thin graceful neck

Siamese cats first appeared in Siam (modern Thailand). From there they were brought to Europe by the English consul, where they were bred for about 200 yearsFlexible, thin body, the front legs are slightly shorter than the hind legs. Characteristic “Siamese” color, bright blue eyes, large ears

The breed was developed in Great Britain in 1950. Later, unusual kittens were crossed with Burmese and British, after which the breed was officially recognizedA small cat with a refined body, a curved back, and large ears. The main feature is long wavy hair

The breed was bred in Norway. The ancestors of modern Norwegian cats served as assistants on Viking longshipsMassive body with long waterproof hairs, triangular head with a flat nose. There are tassels on the wide-set ears, and a voluminous collar on the neck.

The breed was bred in France in the 20s of the last century. In Burma (Myanmar) they were sure that the souls of dead monks lived in these cats, and they were kept in Buddhist monasteriesIt has light long hair, pointing colors, characteristic of Siamese cats, and light “socks” on the tips of its paws. There are dark markings on the muzzle, joints and tail. The Burmese has large limbs and a massive body. Their temperament is calm, they are quick-witted and inclined to learn.

The breed began its development since the times of Old Slavonic times. Outside Rus', they learned about her in 1893, when one of the cat fans took several charming kittens from ArkhangelskThis is one of the most expensive cats in the world. Has short bluish fur that shimmers with an amazing silvery tint.

Bred in Vietnam. The breed was the result of crossing Siamese and Burmese catsWell-developed muscles, slender body, slanted expressive eyes, changing their color. High cheekbones and well-shaped muzzle

She was born in Siberia in 1988. She is considered the pride of Russian felinologyMedium massive body with thick waterproof coat, strong paws. Large round eyes

The first chocolate-colored cat was brought to the states from Rangoon in 1930. There she was crossed with Siamese cat. From this union came two branches of the Burmese - American (heavier) and British (graceful)Short silky hair, small body. Cats are muscular and strong. They have large, wide-set eyes

The first cats of this breed became known in 1964 in the USA, and reached Europe only in the 1990sThey have an animal coloration, but are considered completely domestic. They can be small or large in size, with a lean body and elongated legs. Short, dense coat with spots

How to properly care for a purebred cat?

Any pet, whether outbred or noble blood, needs decent care. The following procedures will be relevant for all breeds:

Nail trimming and combing

We trim the claws. Nails should be trimmed using a veterinary nail clipper. The most important thing is not to damage the living part of the nail. The vessels on the transparent claw are easily visible. You need to step back 2-3 mm from them and cut off the tip.

The animal will struggle, so the procedure must be carried out with an assistant. We comb the pet. Cats with luxurious long hair need to be brushed twice a day, and pets with medium-length hair need to be brushed every 3-4 days. The voluminous coat is combed out with a slicker brush and combed with a simple comb.


The list of regular hygiene procedures for cats includes:


Pedigree cats have a wide variety of coats. Long-haired, short-haired, hairless - this is not the entire list of nuances that should be taken into account when caring for the coat of your “aristocrat”. Different breeds have different hair structures, so each of them requires an individual approach. Basic tips for caring for your pet's fur are presented below.


If any visible signs The owner never found the “pedigreedness”, but the suspicion is that the cat runs through his veins “ blue blood”, does not work, you should contact professional breeders. Only they will be able to calculate the breed based on the slightest signs. And even if your pet doesn’t turn out to be a Briton, a Maine Coon kitten or a charming Norwegian, don’t be upset. After all, even without titles he remains a beloved and affectionate member of the family.

Video - The rarest cat breeds

Not everyone buys cats from trusted places, with the issuance of all the necessary documents that indicate the pedigree and breed of the animal. In this regard, breeders are asking the question “how to determine the breed of a cat on their own?” Without documents, it is difficult to find out the breed of a cat, and the result may not always be correct. Breed is determined in several ways.

By appearance

The easiest way to find out a cat's breed is by external signs. The color and quality of the coat, size and build are different for each cat, but in some cases very similar. Outbred cats are almost all similar to each other: medium body size and rounded head.

For example, the Russian Blue and British breeds are similar in coat color, but their physique is significantly different. Therefore, to determine the breed of a cat from a photo, you need to try very hard.

According to body size

The domestic cat or female cat grows to a small size. On average, their body length ranges from 70 to 75 cm. The size of the tail of a domestic cat is slightly less than half of the body - 30 cm. The body weight of adult cats ranges from 4-6 kg, while the weight of cats starts from 2.3 and does not exceed 4.5 kg.

If you, as an owner, suddenly notice that an adult cat is too small for its age or its size is large, then you should doubt its outbredness. The breed is not determined correctly based on one trait, so you need to carefully study additional parameters.

If your cat is too large, then perhaps he is a representative of one of the oldest breeds:

  • Norwegian forest cat, males of which can reach 10 kg in weight.
  • Pixiebob is a cat similar to a wild lynx, artificially bred in America. Female pixie bobs gain no more than 5 kg, while males of this breed have a body weight close to 10 kg.
  • Siberian cat. Females of this breed do not exceed 6 kg, males - 12 kg.
  • Maine Coon. An adult cat of this breed has a maximum weight of 8 -8.2 kg, a female cat - 5.4.
  • Chartreuse is a cat nicknamed cat-dog. The maximum weight for adult cats ranges from 6-7 kg, for female cats - 4-5 kg.

To this list you can add the American and Kurilian bobtail, British cat, savannah and ragdoll.

If domestic cat has reached adulthood, and her size is far from normal, perhaps she is a representative of a certain breed. Usually a purebred cat is one whose weight does not exceed 3 kg.

The smallest cat in the world is a munchkin breed with the nickname Tiny Cat. An adult cat belonging to this breed does not outgrow 15 cm in length.

To determine a breed by size, it is important not to lose sight of other details, because some breeds have the same weight, but differ in coat color.


The structure of the skull and the general appearance of the head are the hallmarks of a purebred cat. It cannot be said that each breed has its own distinct characteristics regarding the skull. To determine the breed by the appearance of the head, it is necessary to study all the values ​​​​and compare them with the standards adopted for outbred cats.

If the differences are significant, then we can say with a high degree of confidence that the cat has a certain breed. It will be possible to tell what breed the pet is after the cheeks, cheekbones, nose, forehead, profile, bite, chin and nasal pads are assessed.


You can tell what breed a cat is by looking at its eyes. This is difficult to do, because many breeds have the same eye color. Therefore, you need to pay attention not only to the color, but also to the shape and location of the eyes so that the result is correct.

For example, British cats are the only ones with orange eyes.. A cat of the same breed, among other things, is endowed with strabismus. The Turkish Angora and the Turkish Van have another, but no less striking feature - eyes of different colors.

Unique Features

If your pet has any external features, then determining the cat breed will not be difficult. For example, these could be:

  • Unusual ears. The location of the ears relative to each other, their shape and size often indicate that the cat belongs to a certain breed. Ears tilted forward hallmark Fold-eared tartans, and those curved back are called curls.
  • Tail. The long, straight tail is typically associated with Siamese, while the broken tail is a distinctive feature of bobtails.
  • Paws. Short and disproportionate paws are a sure sign of the Munchkin breed.

Having decided on the breed based on the characteristics of the cat, you need to make sure of the result in other parameters in order to avoid mistakes.


All cats, based on their coat type, are divided into three types: long-haired, short-haired and hairless. There are cat breeds whose distinguishing characteristic is their fur or lack thereof.

The most prominent representatives of hairless breeds are Sphynxes, Levkoys, Peterbalds and Minskins. If the fur is short but curly, then you have all the varieties of Rex in front of you. Those with long and curly hair are the La Perm, the Serkirk Rex, the Bohemian Rex and the American Wirehair.

If you have a photo that shows that the cat's fur is straight and long, then there is a high probability that you have a British, Persian or Siberian longhair cat.

Coat color

Based on color, determining which group a kitten belongs to is problematic, because there are few color options and there are too many cat breeds. You need to examine your pet very well in order to confidently determine its breed.

Cats are divided into several types based on coat color.:

  • Maximum light hair on the body, dark muzzle, paws and tail are given to the Siamese group of cats from birth.
  • The dark body color, coupled with a white muzzle, paws and tail, is a characteristic feature of different breeds: Ragdoll, Snowshoe and Burmese.
  • Blue, smoky or silver coats are a feature of the Scottish Fold, Nibelung, Chartreuse, Russian Blue and Korat.
  • The sandy color “speaks” of belonging to such breeds as Abyssinian, Tiffany Chantilly, Havana Brown and Somali.
  • Wild colors (spots and stripes) are observed in several breeds of cats: Bengal, Serengeti, Siberian Greyhound, Savannah, Safari, Egyptian Mau.

Based only on the color of the coat, you should not determine the breed of your pet, because outbred cats can be painted in almost any of the listed colors.

Unusual body structure

A cat may belong to a certain breed if its structure differs from the body shape of ordinary cats.

A too thin and elongated, but at the same time muscular body with long and thin legs usually always belongs to Siamese cats, as well as Javanese and Oriental breeds. If the cat has clearly visible muscles, a strong body, and a large and flattened nose, then there is no doubt that you are the owner of a Persian or exotic shorthair cat.

The nature

Besides external parameters, each cat breed has different behavior. Outbred cats can have any character, while purebred cats must have a certain style of behavior that they inherited from their ancestors.

Each breed has a certain set of qualities. There are types of cats that lead an active lifestyle, and there are also those that prefer only to eat and sleep. One breed is distinguished by a kind character and calm behavior, while cats of another breed prefer to conflict with everyone around them.

British cats are very playful towards their owner, but refuse to be held. Giant Maine Coons, regardless of their size, prefer to lead a measured lifestyle, avoiding turmoil.

The Persian breed has a sensitive nature that requires affection and attention. She cannot stand bad attitude and loneliness. If you have offended your cat in some way and noticed that after this she does not appear from her secluded place for a long time, be sure that it is a Persian lady who lives with you.

Sphynxes are very friendly and easily get along not only with household members, but also with other pets. Smooth-haired cats are very attached to their owners, they love to constantly sit on people’s hands and rub their muzzles on a person’s face.

If you have a skittish cat who doesn't like too much attention, then your cat may be a Turkish Van. The cat, originally from Turkey, is friendly and sociable, has a strong character and high intelligence.

If it’s difficult for you to understand the descriptions of cats on your own, then you can try an identification test, which was created to help recognize the breed of a cat.

Caring for a dog directly depends on the breed. However, it often happens that the owner cannot determine the identity of the animal, which entails natural consequences: improper diet, insufficient or excessive physical activity, incorrect approach to education and training, lack of proper attention to “weak” places in the body. This article will give a detailed answer to the question: how to find out the breed of a dog and ensure proper care.

Exist various situations, in which it is necessary to identify the dog. Here are some of them:

Determining whether a dog belongs to a particular group

There are three conditional groups into which all dogs can be divided. This is where the study of the generally accepted classification should begin. Below is a detailed overview of each of them.


Complex polyhybrids are the largest group of dogs. In other words, calculating the ancestors of such an animal is not only practically impossible, but also absolutely meaningless. There is a myth that identifying a mongrel is very easy and simple. This is really a simple task for a dog handler or just an experienced dog breeder, but a common person might get into trouble. The fact is that a mongrel puppy can look very cute and beautiful - better than as an adult.

If a person wants to purchase a purebred animal, then it is best to decide on the desired breed, and then go to professional breeders and check the animal for identifying characteristics. Going to the market and purchasing a dog without prior preparation is tantamount to a lottery. This is due to the fact that puppies can be very beautiful and fluffy, so a dishonest seller can deceive the buyer.


Metis is a dog whose parents belong to the different breeds. If the experiment was successful in a number of ways, then the mixed breeds are called designer dogs. These animals inherit the genes of both parents, so the negative qualities of the parent breeds can be balanced. The opposite often happens: the tendency to hereditary diseases both parents, unpredictability of character, strange appearance, and so on. Mixed breeds are the subject of enrichment for many scammers who breed and sell dogs. This is due to the fact that only an experienced dog handler can distinguish a purebred puppy from a mixed breed.

If a dog lover wants to buy a purebred animal, then he should not buy a puppy “from hand”. It is recommended to contact a professional breeder who will provide documents confirming the pedigree. This simple method will protect the reader from buying a mestizo.

Purebred dogs

Currently, scientists count approximately 400 various breeds. This figure cannot be specified, because New breeds appear regularly and old ones die out. Also, we must not forget about those breeds that have a very small population. Yes, of course, you can turn to special reference books and study them thoroughly, but lack of experience can prevent you from drawing the correct conclusion. And the choice may take a long time. That is why you need to have an idea of ​​how the breed of an animal is determined and know the methods and methods of identification.

Character and appearance of the animal

Character is the most important behavioral parameter that will help determine whether an animal belongs to a particular breed. However, a person who is not an expert is more likely to be misled than to find the answer to his question. Also, do not forget that each individual is individual, as is the owner’s interpretation of its behavior. That is why inexperienced people should analyze the character of the beast as secondary characteristic. Appearance should come to the fore.

The first step is to highlight the following parameters: dimensions, color, coat length, shape of the head, body and ears.

In reality there are a large number of“small” signs that will also help you recognize the breed. Among them: the length of the paws, the shape of the ears, tail, and so on.
When compiling characteristics of an animal, it is necessary to take into account age and gender. So, for example, if you are looking for a breed of dog with short legs, then the search circle narrows noticeably. The following is a comparison of the most suitable dog breeds.

If the breed has been determined, but there is a desire to make sure the animal is purebred, then you can conduct a special psychological test. The fact is that deep instincts and behavioral characteristics give out the breed of the animal.

Determining the breed of a puppy

Popular question: how to determine the breed of a dog from a puppy early age? As mentioned above, it is quite difficult to determine the breed of a baby without the help of a veterinarian.

First of all, I would like to say that a puppy can be considered purebred only if it has a special chip or documents.

In all other cases, there is a risk that one of the relatively close ancestors belonged to a different breed.

Some tricks will help determine the puppy's identity, but only if the breed has clearly defined distinctive features. For example, Mexican Hairless Dog puppies are easy to distinguish (conditionally) from other breeds. A wrinkled dog with folds is a Shar Pei or Mastiff breed. Beautiful dog with a rat face - the Bull Terrier breed. Also, do not forget about entire groups of breeds. Eg, Scottish breeds dogs have unusual and similar muzzles at a very early age.

Special services

There are now free services on the Internet that help people identify dog ​​breeds. To do this, you need to enter the basic characteristics of appearance, and then proceed from the proposed options. Yes, of course, it will be possible to accurately determine the identity of an animal only if it is purebred, but starting help can be obtained even on such sites.

There is another option: communication on forums for dog lovers. On such forums you can post photos and listen to people’s opinions. However, you shouldn’t trust the first commentator you come across either.

A short tour of some breeds

Exist distinctive features and signs that can greatly narrow the search range. Popular question: what breed of dogs have eyes that fall out and, as a result, blindness? Small dogs suffer from this problem: Chihuahuas, Pekingese, Bulldogs, Japanese Chin, Bullmastiff, Shih Tsu, Pugs, Boxers, Shar Peis and Boston Terriers. These are the dogs that can lose an eye if health care not provided in the next few hours. It should be noted that any little thing can cause trouble: playing with a child, physical activity, fighting with a cat or dog.

Also, many people are interested in dog breeds without the dog smell, because all people have a different sense of smell and sensitivity. And if the found pet does not emit a characteristic smell, then this is an opportunity to greatly narrow the search circle. There are several options: a bald body or a dog that has fur that resembles human hair. In the first case, you should pay attention to the Mexican Hairless Dog and, and in the second case, most likely, the dog is a Yorkshire Terrier.

Another interesting case: Not barking breed Basenji dogs (not to be confused with mute dogs). If the pet does not make any sounds, then it is recommended to look at photographs of this animal - maybe the “little animal” will turn out to be real African dog. It must be said that this breed is ancient, so it has stood the test of time - the Basenji is not only very beautiful beast, but also a devoted friend.

If a nanny dog ​​gets into the house, it will take quite a long time to determine the breed. The fact is that this behavioral trait is inherent in many breeds, but to varying degrees. You also need to consider individual characteristics character of the beast. The best nannies are considered: Collie, Labrador and German Shepherd. As you can see, these breeds are completely different.

When a dog has folds, the breed is very easy to determine. If there are a lot of folds, then it is a Shar Pei, a little less - a Mastiff. A small amount of folds indicate Pug or Bulldog.

Particular attention should be paid to the length of your pet's fur. For example, a dog breed with long hair is much easier to identify than one with medium length hair. You also need to look at the structure of the hair, because there are absolutely bizarre shapes. If you find a dog with dreadlocks, the Komondor breed can be established in a matter of minutes.

The color of the coat should also not be ignored. If the color is multi-colored or two-colored, then the task becomes more complicated. The exception is the spotted dog - the Dalmatian breed. If the dog is one color, the search speeds up significantly. So, for example, if black, gray, white or red dog— the breed is easy to install. It is also recommended to understand whether the animal evokes certain associations. If you find a teddy bear dog, it’s a Newfoundland breed.

Very often the breed is “given away” by the animal’s ears. Yes, of course, this sign is not always able to indicate a specific breed, but it can assist in the search. If the dog has drooping ears, then you should look at dog breeds with drooping ears to speed up the identification of the animal.
If you come across a dog with big ears, you will find the breed much faster if you do not ignore this feature.

To summarize, I would like to say that you can determine the breed of a dog (albeit conditionally) yourself. It is recommended to do this in mandatory, because animal care depends on this knowledge. However, if a person does not have experience with dogs, then it is best not to take the first “little animal” that comes along. The fact is that there are dog breeds for beginners that are relatively easy to care for. Also, do not forget about the love that a pet of absolutely any breed should receive.