What is Daria Starkova's diagnosis? Dasha Starikova (Apatity): latest health news. The case is not closed

At the Moscow Oncology Center. Herzen died Daria Starikova.

It was she who, last summer, during a “Direct Line” with President Vladimir Putin, drew the attention of the authorities not only to her problem, not only to the problems of medicine in Apatity, but also to the destructive results of the “optimization” of the health care system in the country.

Russians are grateful to Dasha for the fact that with her poignant story she stirred up a dense bureaucratic swamp and forced the state, albeit in words, to turn its face to the problems of medicine, saving people, demography, and health.

June 15, 2017 on “Direct Line” with Vladimir Putin got through on the phone girl from Apatity Daria Starikova. She complained about the shortage of medicines and doctors in the city. According to the girl, she was misdiagnosed and therefore diagnosed with cancer late.

Dasha's appeal caused a great resonance in the region. The governor of the Murmansk region, Marina Kovtun, promised to look into it the same day. Your assessment of the situation gave and deputy chairman of the regional committee for medicine Oleg Minin.

Law enforcement officers also responded. A day after the “direct line” with the president, all medical documentation was confiscated from the hospital as part of a criminal case on medical negligence.

However, Dasha's illness progressed. A few days later, she was urgently taken to Murmansk, from where, by decision of the Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova, the patient was flown by helicopter hospitalized to the Moscow Oncological Institute named after Herzen.

At this time, the resonance in the area is only dialed revolutions Vladimir Putin instructed the governor of the Murmansk region to “take the necessary measures to provide accessible medical care to the population of Apatity." The Apatity-Kirov hospital plunged into chaos. Its chief physician, Yuri Shiryaev, soon announced his dismissal. He's very emotional commented consequences of “Direct Line” and turned to Vladimir Putin.

The departure of Yuri Shiryaev caused controversy among residents of the region. IN social network A group “Apatity and Kirovsk against the dismissal of Yuri Shiryaev” was created on VKontakte. During the day, about 8 thousand people asked Yuri Semenovich to remain in his post. With an appeal to the head physician spoke even Andrey Malakhov.

By that time, Dasha Starikova had already been taken to Moscow, where specialists began her treatment, which was personally supervised by the president of the country. According to doctors, the patient's condition has improved. The northern woman ate normally, slept, watched TV and only asked bring her a book. Daria still had a 6-year-old daughter in Apatity.

On July 15, doctors reported that cancer tumor the sick girl decreased in size. Dasha’s friend Anna Tikhokhod came to visit her, and she leads Daria’s help group. The girls spent four days together. The young mother’s body fought the disease, and doctors made an optimistic prognosis. The tumor decreased by 26%.

On July 27, Daria Starikova underwent her second course of chemotherapy. It was harder for her than the first one.

“I went through another set of examinations, and according to the results, everything is going as it should! My tumor shrank by 65% ​​after 2 courses of chemotherapy! The consultation will be on Monday, they will decide either the third course of chemotherapy or surgery.”

But a week later, on August 12, Daria Starikova’s chemotherapy began to give side effects. At the consultation, the doctors decided that it was too early to perform the operation, and undertook two courses of chemotherapy.

By the fall, news about Dasha’s health became less and less. In September, she revealed that she had undergone emergency surgery. Surgical intervention went well, but due to aggressive treatment medicines the girl was injured internal organs. Nevertheless, Daria Starikova did not stop fighting.

In December it became known that the sick Apatitch woman would have to undergo several more reconstructive surgeries. New Year she planned meet at home with family.

After this, for a long time there was no news from Daria Starikova. On April 14, in the very group whose administrator was her friend, a post appeared that Dasha was still in Moscow for treatment.

"Unfortunately more detailed information I can’t give it yet. Thank you to everyone who is worried!!!,” wrote Dasha’s relatives and friends.

And the day before, on May 22, a post appeared on the group’s wall saying that 05/21/2018 by Daria Starikova gone. The girl was 25 years old; she left behind a 7-year-old daughter in Apatity.

The Ministry of Social Development of the Murmansk Region reported that in accordance with current legislation, Dasha’s daughter will be granted a pension for the loss of a breadwinner for her young daughter Daria. In addition, the ministry will provide an additional payment to pensions up to the minimum subsistence level established in the region.

According to the head of the Apatity administration, Nikolai Bova, Daria Starikova will be buried in her hometown. The city authorities are in charge of organizing the funeral.

The fourth stage of Dasha’s cancer is like the fourth stage of the degradation of medicine throughout the country. Almost a year of fighting the disease, help the best specialists- and a tragic ending. Putin’s “May” decree aims the country at reviving a full-fledged healthcare system. Is it too late?

Photo: RG.ru

On May 22, 25-year-old resident of Apatity Daria Starikova died in one of the capital’s hospitals. In June 2017, during the “Direct Line”, she told Russian President Vladimir about the inaccessibility of healthcare in her hometown.

This information was confirmed to Gazeta.Ru by the administrator of the VKontakte group dedicated to the girl. “Yes, it’s true, not anymore,” she said.

Starikova addressed the president on June 15, 2017. The girl was diagnosed with stage four uterine cancer, and before that she was misdiagnosed “ intervertebral osteochondrosis" A resident of Apatity complained to Putin that due to the negligence of doctors, the diagnosis was made late - when the disease had already begun to progress rapidly.

In addition, the girl said that local residents are forced to travel to neighboring Kirovsk for highly specialized care, since the hospital in Apatity remains unfinished for decades. Putin asked Daria not to lose hope for recovery.

“I don’t know what the health care organizers in this region, including Apatity, proceeded from, perhaps from purely formal things, that this city, Kirovsk, was not far away. We'll definitely take a look. Either this one needs to be completed, or the old hospital needs to be restored. We will work, I promise you. But, Dasha, as for your problem, we will also work on this. OK?" - said the head of state.

Immediately after the “direct line” the girl ended up in intensive care district hospital, from where she was transferred to a regional medical facility in Murmansk. A week later, the plane transported Daria to the Herzen Oncology Institute in Moscow, where she subsequently underwent treatment.

The girl underwent two courses of chemotherapy - thanks to this, the tumor shrank by more than half, and she was able to be operated on. In December 2017, Starikova successfully underwent an operation that lasted about 4.5 hours.

Afterwards, the girl underwent another course of chemotherapy to consolidate her success.

“Now I feel just great compared to the state in which I arrived here for six months. My thoughts are completely different, I can look into the future and make plans. IN this moment I plan to go to New Year holidays home. I want to spend time with my family, my beloved 6-year-old daughter Sonya. Then I’ll come back and continue treatment,” the patient said at a press conference along with her attending physician, oncologist surgeon Andrei Kaprin.

After returning to Moscow, Daria had to undergo reconstructive surgery. According to Kaprin, this operation was much easier than the first one, since the tumor was no longer in the patient’s body.

After the first operation in December last year, news about Starikova’s health began to appear much less frequently. On April 14, a message was posted in Daria’s support group on VKontakte that she was still undergoing treatment, and the community administrator thanked everyone who was worried about the girl’s health. Daria herself last visited her personal page on VKontakte on March 27.

Professor of the Department of Oncology of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution MONIKI named after. M. F. Vladimirsky Lali Kogonia told Gazeta.Ru that the causes of death can only be discussed after studying the structure of the tumor.

"I remember that the girl had malignancy, but what kind of structure is very important. Her attending physician is a leading oncologist, director of the radiology center. Could he really have missed something? I think everything was done correctly. The peculiarities of the biological behavior of the tumor played a role here,” she said.

The oncologist noted that with stage zero or stage one, we can talk about actual cure. “Starting from the third and fourth stages, we, doctors, are already thinking. Of course, the girl was lucky that at some stage of the last stage she felt better - she was supplied good drugs. In oncology you never have to guess, because there are biological features of the tumor. We do not yet have individual therapy that would be selected for each patient separately, like antibiotics.

Starikova lived for some time, which means her quality of life clearly improved. At the fourth stage we are not talking about cure, but about prolonging life with good quality“, noted the specialist.

“It’s impossible to even see them. The surgeons, when they operated, saw everything, looked at it, and said - yes, everything is clean. However, no one knows how the body will behave,” the doctor concluded.

Starikova’s call to the president had consequences not only for herself, but also for local doctors. conducted an investigation into the issue of inadequate provision of medical care. Later, investigators opened a case against the doctors under the article “negligence”.

In Apatity, by order of the regional governor, a reception was organized for citizens dissatisfied with medical care. According to the head physician of the hospital, Yuri Shiryaev, who was present at this reception, there were many requests from residents in those days, mostly people asked to return the hospital, find doctors, cure chronic patients, or perform an operation out of turn.

Some media and Internet users accused the head of the Apatity-Kirov hospital of poor quality work, since it was on his orders that the offices of specialized specialists were transferred from the Apatity hospital to the Kirovsk department. This decision, according to the head physician himself, was due to the fact that the hospital in Kirovsk has large areas to accommodate offices and equipment.

A few days after the “direct line,” Shiryaev wrote a letter of resignation from the post of chief physician. He also posted an emotional message on his social media page, reminding that “doctors are not gods” who “cannot (currently) sew on new legs, arms and heads” and “cure chronic diseases.”

In March 2018, during his annual address to the Federal Assembly, Vladimir Putin ordered the development of a system to combat cancer. The President noted that modernization is required cancer centers, and also build the entire chain: from early diagnosis until timely effective treatment.

The problem of diagnostics in modern oncology, according to experts, is especially acute. One of the main reasons for the high mortality rate in cancer patients is late diagnosis and initiation of treatment.

Thus, according to the chief otolaryngologist of the Ministry of Health, in his field, almost 70% of patients oncological diseases are detected already at the 3rd or 4th stage - also because district physicians have lost their “oncological alertness” and may not refer the patient to a specialized medical professional for a long time.

Patients themselves are often to blame for late diagnosis. “In 80% of cases, the disease becomes advanced due to the fault of the patients themselves. In our society, there is a fear of doctors, and when it comes to cancer pathology, this fear becomes panicky. Often, the patient, even realizing that something definitely wrong is already happening to him, and that this is definitely not a sore throat, still does not go to a medical facility,” notes the oncologist.

Apatity resident Daria Starikova, whose address to Russian President Vladimir Putin during the “Direct Line” in June last year became the most heartfelt, died of cancer. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the head of the Apatity city administration, Nikolai Bova. Daria was only 25 years old. About the difficult fate of a young, but very strong girl- in the “360” material.

She didn't ask for herself

Daria's story became known throughout Russia on June 15 last year, when a young girl turned to Vladimir Putin with her personal problem, which concerns millions of Russians. This is a problem - poor quality medicine. Dasha was mistakenly diagnosed with intervertebral osteochondrosis, and later she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Unfortunately, due to the lack of specialized specialists in the city of Apatity, which is located in the Murmansk region, the correct diagnosis was made too late - the disease had already begun to progress.

In her appeal, Daria asked for help, but help not for herself, but for the residents of the city. On behalf of all the townspeople, a young girl with cancer asked for the restoration of the city hospital and the establishment of an ambulance service.

A difficult struggle for life and an unquenchable hope for salvation

Already during the Direct Line, Vladimir Putin promised to help Daria both with treatment and with her request. Later investigative committee Russia had a case of negligence against the doctors who treated the girl.

Photo source: Pixabay

The next day after the conversation with the president, Daria was hospitalized in a Murmansk clinic - the girl opened internal bleeding due to strong excitement. Lyubovya Tulupova was always next to Dasha, who was her closest relative, who became a second mother for the orphaned girl. Moscow doctors at the Herzen Oncology Research Institute took control of Daria’s treatment. A medical plane from the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived for the girl, on board which was a team of specialists who monitored her health during the flight.

Photo source: Pixabay

“After a second consultation, Dasha was prescribed a course of treatment in accordance with her underlying disease. She was transferred to the specialized department, and our specialists began its implementation,” the capital’s medical institution.

In Moscow, Dasha underwent chemotherapy. At the end of December last year she was operated on. It was reported that her tumor was completely removed and the young girl's condition had improved significantly. On New Year doctors released Dasha from Moscow to Apatity, where she saw her little daughter, after which Dasha returned for treatment.

After this, there was practically no news about Dasha, until yesterday, when it became known that terrible disease got the better of a young girl. At the moment, neither relatives nor doctors are commenting on the reasons for the deterioration of Dasha’s condition.

Photo source: Pixabay

According to the head of the Apatity city administration, Nikolai Bova, during last year the city administration helped Dasha's family. Her daughter was assigned guardianship; the girl will receive a survivor's pension, as well as “all necessary payments in this case.” Bova also added that the girl’s funeral will be paid for by the Phosagro company. The press service of the regional government reported that currently the municipality, regional authorities and the city-forming enterprise are working together to help Daria’s family.

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In Quiet Don, Daria, the wife of Pyotr Melekhov, is, of course, not the central character. However, she plays a special role in the novel. First of all, thanks to Daria, the characters of the other heroines of the work - Natalya and Aksinya - emerge more clearly.

Daria's appearance

Daria's appearance is made up of small details. She has “evil lips”, “small frequent teeth", "thin arches of eyebrows." It is on the heroine’s eyebrows that Sholokhov often focuses his attention. She “plays” with her eyebrows when she meets Aksinya, listens to Uncle Ilya’s obscenities at the wedding of Grigory and Natalya, and looks at Grigory as he is getting ready for matchmaking.

Daria is beautiful. “Tall, thin, like a red twig, she looked like a girl.” Realizing her external attractiveness, a woman loves to dress up. Often the reader sees her “richly dressed and visible”, “dressed up as if for a holiday.” Now she wears a crimson woolen skirt, now a pale blue one with an embroidered hem, now a new woolen skirt. Even after receiving the St. George medal, she spends a long time choosing the jacket on which the award will look best.

Daria's character

Unlike the other heroines of Quiet Don, Natalya, Aksinya, Ilyinichna, Dunyasha, Daria is not distinguished by her passionate nature or philanthropy. Rather, we can say that the main feature of her character is depravity. Daria easily cheats on her husband when she goes to the front, lives openly with Stepan Astakhov, and even tries to flirt with Grigory. She laughs at Natalya, who does not understand her desire to have fun at the games in Peter’s absence.

Daria is lazy. “She hides from work like a dog from flies,” Panteley Prokofievich says about her. When Peter dies, she even refuses to take part in haymaking, saying she is sick.

At the same time, she is capable of decisive, sometimes terrible, actions. So, Daria shoots her godfather Kotlyarov, who took part in the capture of Peter, and finds the strength to commit suicide by contracting a “bad disease.”

The fate of Daria Melekhova

In the novel “Quiet Don” Sholokhov portrays Daria Melekhova as a woman walking through life with ease. She has no doubts and emotional experiences like other heroines. “Married life has not yellowed or dried her out.” But even Daria was not spared by the vicissitudes of fate. She loses her husband, killed in a ravine by Mishka Koshev. This death, indeed, was a loss for the woman: “swollen, she jumped out onto the porch and collapsed in the sleigh.”

But Daria did not grieve for long. “Peter’s death seemed to spur her on, and, having slightly recovered from the grief she had suffered, she became even more greedy for life, even more attentive to her appearance.” The author notes that “no grief was able not only to break her, but even to bend her to the ground.” It turns out that this is not the case.

Having contracted syphilis at the front, Daria begins to think about her life. She even envies Natalya, whose modesty she always laughed at. “If I could start my life all over again now, maybe I would become different?

- she says.

Daria's life, like most of the novel's heroes, ends tragically. Realizing that she will slowly die, losing her health and beauty, Daria decides to commit suicide and drowns herself in the Don.


The image of Daria in “Quiet Don” seems contradictory. For a long time he evokes little sympathy from the reader, especially in contrast with other heroines. Gradually we become imbued with pity for Daria. Of course, we can say that you need to pay for your actions. But the price the heroine pays may be too high.

Work test

MURMANSK, May 23 - RIA Novosti. The name of the deceased Daria Starikova from Apatity, who was diagnosed with the fourth stage of cancer, was recognized by all of Russia after her direct call with the president almost a year ago - a young mother, who asked the head of state not for herself but for others, was able to live another year in the fight against the deadly disease, becoming for many a symbol of the fight against oncology in Russia.

Did our best

The story of a fragile young woman from Apatity, who said that she had been diagnosed with the fourth stage of cancer and could not hold back her tears during a direct line with the president in June last year, was remembered by everyone who watched the communication between the head of state and the people of Russia.

The very next day, the governor of the Murmansk region, Marina Kovtun, went to Apatity, but she was not able to talk with Dasha then - the young woman’s condition worsened sharply, and she was sent to the Herzen Institute of Oncology in Moscow. Already there they showed her complex treatment, the results of which Dasha reported in a specially created group on VKontakte - “Daria Starikova - the fight for life.”

She wrote that it was difficult and painful for her, but she believed in miracles and felt the support of a huge number of people. Thousands of other people all over Russia also believed in the miracle - those who wrote encouraging messages to her, those whose relatives, like Dasha, were struggling with cancer, those who simply hoped for a happy ending to the 24-year-old woman’s medical history.

In recent months, there have been fewer and fewer reports about Daria's condition, and on Tuesday news came that she had passed away. As reported by the Ministry of Health, doctors at the Herzen Oncology Research Institute did everything to save Daria, but the disease did not recede.

“For a year, she fought together with doctors for her life. At the country’s leading oncological institution - the Herzen Oncology Research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Health - the doctors did everything possible to save her. The most modern methods treatment of oncological diseases, consultations with foreign specialists were held. This gave Daria almost another year of life, but the disease, unfortunately, turned out to be stronger,” the message says.

“All this time I was hoping that a miracle would happen. There is a lump and pain in my throat, that a beautiful young woman will no longer live... Daria has done so much for all of us!”, “A deep bow that with her brave performance and her short life helped draw the attention of the whole country to the problems of medicine in small towns,” write social network users on Dasha’s page.

Funeral on Thursday

Dasha's closest relatives are her little daughter, who will go to first grade next fall, and Aunt Lyubov Tulupova, who has become the girl's guardian. All year, local and regional authorities and the PhosAgro company helped them financially and tried to support them morally.

According to the head of the administration of Apatity, Nikolai Bova, who communicates with Lyubov Tulupova, the woman behaves courageously, she understood from the very beginning that the treatment would be difficult, and doctors do not make promises.

"Auntie is the most close person, daughter's guardian. She behaves very courageously. You understand that the disease is terrible. Medicine is not omnipotent; the whole world has not come up with medicines. Somewhere in the depths of her soul she expected... Dasha turned late... a tragedy,” said Bova.

He promised that Dasha’s funeral, which will take place in Apatity on Thursday, will be organized “at a decent level.”

As it became known on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin was told about Daria’s death. “Yes, of course,” Peskov said, answering the question whether the president knows about the girl’s death.

Common noun

The tragedy of Daria Starikova shook up society and forced everyone to look at the situation with different eyes, Bova believes.

“This year has been hard for us. This (the situation with Daria) shook everyone up and made them look differently around them,” Bova told RIA Novosti. According to him, after Daria turned to the president, a lot was done in the city, but it was up to him to decide a short time all problems are impossible.

“A lot has been done, and continues to be done. When it took decades to get started, you can’t do it in a year. There are a lot of positive things: repairs, a hemodialysis center, doctors came to us - in the last two weeks alone, five doctors came, including narrow specialists", noted the head of the city.

The authorities of the Murmansk region, after Daria’s appeal to the president, decided to send doctors from the regional oncology clinic to the Kirovsko-Apatitsky district for consultations, Deputy Governor of the Murmansk Region Inna Pogrebnyak told RIA Novosti.

“After Daria’s appeal and the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation and the order of the governor of the Murmansk region, an initiative was implemented - sending oncologists from the Murmansk dispensary once a quarter to the Kirov-Apatity region, where the issue of oncology medical personnel is very acute, to conduct initial examinations,” noted Deputy Governor

According to her, the incidence rate in this area is high, and the regional authorities are paying attention to this problem Special attention. A major contribution is also made by the PhosAgro company, whose enterprise is the city-forming enterprise for this area.

According to the Deputy Governor, one of the main components of success in identifying and treating diseases is the patient’s desire to take care of his health and contact specialists in a timely manner.

“People are reluctant to go for medical examination - they wait until they are sick. Sometimes the development of the disease reaches such a level that time is lost, and doctors cannot guarantee a one hundred percent cure. The course of the disease can be such that it is not always possible to make a diagnosis the first time. Therefore, care talking about your health should become fashionable,” Pogrebnyak added.

Daria’s tragedy, according to the head of the regional executive committee of the ONF in the Murmansk region, Maxim Sakhnevich, once again showed the existing problems in healthcare - insufficient prevention and shortage of doctors.

“The main problem is prevention. Probably, Daria Starikova’s situation influenced the problematic issues that exist in the field of oncology - the shortage of doctors and the lack of preventive examinations. "Daria Starikova" became common noun on the problems that exist and that need to be solved,” Sakhnevich told RIA Novosti.

The case is not closed

Immediately after Dasha’s appeal, who said that she was initially diagnosed with osteochondrosis, her back was treated and fatal disease It was discovered late and a criminal case was opened for “negligence.” After Starikova's death, his investigation will continue.

“The investigation of the criminal case continues, in such cases there are special provisions of the Criminal Code - the point is not made. The circumstances are established, the presence or absence of defects in the provision of medical care. The investigation period can be extended as long as necessary to establish the truth,” senior assistant to the head of the Sustainable Criminal Investigation Department told RIA Novosti Russian Federation in the Murmansk region Natalya Trostina.

Investigators seized all medical documentation, ordered examinations, and interrogated medical staff, witnesses, Daria herself, who was recognized as a victim.

“Colossal work has been done. The investigators maintained contact with Daria throughout the entire investigation. She said that she trusted the investigation, a trusting relationship was built. Her relatives expressed confidence in the investigation,” Trostina added and noted that the department’s employees express deep condolences to the young woman’s family .