Teardrop-shaped implants. Anatomical implants as a way to restore the natural appearance of breasts. Is it possible to achieve ideal breast parameters?

One of the most popular plastic surgery Today is breast replacement or mammoplasty, which has brought a real dawn to cosmetic medicine.

Statistics show that plastic surgeons More than 100,000 operations related to changing and correcting the size of the mammary glands are performed annually.

What are implants?

These are endoprostheses made of high-quality biocompatible material that give the breast a larger size or change its shape.

Advantages and disadvantages of breast prostheses


The advantages of using any endoprostheses include:

It is important to know that there are cases when, due to mechanical impact the implant still breaks, then it can be replaced at the expense of the manufacturer of this prosthesis. As a rule, this item is specified in the product document in the warranty section.


Disadvantages mainly occur when unforeseen cases occur, for example:

Implant classifications

Of course, the advantages and disadvantages can form a large list if we consider them by filler, installation options, shape or technical specifications. The information above refers to generally accepted factors.

By filler


The world met them in 1991. They look like a silicone bag with a multilayer elastomer shell and gel inside. The filler can be:

Why are silicone implants better than others?

The most natural and the best breast implants- these are silicone. They perfectly imitate female breasts, have a wide range of models, and look natural. Installation over the pectoral muscle is possible, as there is no wrinkling effect.

If the prosthesis is damaged, the internal filling will not enter the mammary gland, but will remain in its place. It is this factor that makes silicone implants completely safe. Therefore, they have gained the greatest popularity in cosmetology medicine.

The disadvantages include a large incision when installing the prosthesis and regular (once every 2 years) magnetic resonance imaging to exclude the presence of an implant defect, since it is impossible to identify the problem by touch.



Working with anatomical shapes is more labor-intensive and they are more expensive than round shapes. This implant can move and distort the contours of the breast. But this can be avoided by giving preference to the textured surface of the prosthesis. It should also be noted that anatomical implants are quite dense in structure and even in a supine position the breasts retain their shape, which looks unnatural.

Yes, and you will have to forget about corrective and breast-lifting bras. Even the best teardrop shaped breast implants often deform into a round shape!

Both shapes are available with different profiles: low, medium, high and extra high. The height is selected by the plastic surgeon after analyzing the client’s physique.

By size of endoprostheses

In addition, the anatomical features of the patient should be taken into account:

  • natural breast size;
  • skin condition and tissue elasticity;
  • size chest(asthenic, normosthenic or hypersthenic);
  • body proportions;
  • breast density.

After analyzing all the data, the plastic surgeon advises the patient on the shape and volume of the implant, which will look as natural and beautiful as possible.

Even if the patient flat chest, increasing will help you acquire beautiful shapes. Special measurements are carried out to determine exact size and volume of the prosthesis. To do this, not only the volume of the chest is determined, but also the thickness of the breast, the location of the nipples, and the distance between the mammary glands.

The nuances associated with the incision for the implant are also discussed. In modern clinics, you can simulate the result on a computer. Of course, the patient’s wishes are always taken into account, but the doctor has the final say.

Breast implant lifespan

Theoretically, the implant does not require replacement, except in unforeseen cases. Repeated surgery may be required only if the breast becomes deformed after pregnancy and breastfeeding, after a significant change in weight, and if a defect in the prosthesis is detected.

The manufacturer of endoprostheses gives a lifetime guarantee without harm to human health, and if the implant needs to be replaced, it will be done at the expense of the manufacturer!

Implant manufacturing companies

is a French company that produces anatomical and round implants with hydrogel and silicone filling.

Allergan— the American manufacturer offers implants with a special pore size of a textured surface. This allows connective tissue dissolve deep within the prosthesis. They fit in the chest like a glove. They are filled with soft gel, which allows the breasts to look natural. The company also offers saline-filled implants.

According to reviews from plastic surgeons, implants from this company have a very small percentage of cases with complications, only 1-4%.

Nagor— British implants with a huge selection of shapes and sizes. Producing prosthetics since the 1970s. Over the course of 5 years, the percentage of gaps was 0%! The products are textured and filled with gel content. The product is distinguished by a special casing.

Polytech— implants with memory effect from Germany. A product with a highly cohesive gel practically does not change shape, and the shell consists of many layers. May be smooth or textured.

Mentor- The American manufacturer has been producing some of the elastic prostheses in both anatomical and round shapes since 1992. The shell is durable and textured, and is filled with a highly cohesive material. This company also offers saline implants, which can be adjusted during surgery.

A professional plastic surgeon in a good modern clinic will always help you choose the right implant and tell you which breast implants are the best today.

Every woman dreams of beautiful and feminine forms. Plastic surgeons can make these dreams come true by performing mammoplasty. For this procedure, it is especially important to choose the right implants, which will provide not only optimal size and a beautiful breast shape, but will also be absolutely safe. The choice of the shape of the implant, round or anatomical, is carried out individually, depending on the physique and wishes of the patient. The Allergan company presents implants that are unique in their properties, which make it possible to provide best result breast plastic surgery. The plastic surgeon, head of the Club of Plastic Surgeons of Ukraine, head of the department of plastic and reconstructive surgery at the Citi Doctor clinic, Sergey Derbak, spoke in more detail about the types of implants and the features of their individual selection especially for the site.

Main features of round and anatomical implants for breast surgery

Industry plastic surgery develops daily. Modern breast implants have qualities that provide a woman with the most beautiful and natural result of breast correction.

The main advantage of modern implants is their high elasticity, which allows even implants to be installed large sizes through a standard incision - 3-4 cm.

The Allergan company provides a large selection of implants, which makes it possible to select the optimal option for each specific patient. Natrelle™ implants are safe, hypoallergenic and highly biocompatible with body tissues.

Round and anatomical implants:
. breast plastic surgery: advantages and disadvantages of anatomical implants;
. the main differences between round and anatomical implants;
. the unique structure of round and anatomical Natrelle™ implants.

Breast plastic surgery: advantages and disadvantages of anatomical implants

The shape of implants can be anatomical or round. Anatomical implants are teardrop-shaped and closely follow the natural shape of the breast.

The advantages of these implants:
. the most natural appearance of the breasts;
. the possibility of installing implants for women with initially flat shapes;
. the volume at the bottom of the implant helps to lift the areola and nipple, giving them a more aesthetic position. In this regard, anatomical implants are recommended for the correction of postpartum breast ptosis.

The disadvantages of these implants include a more complex implantation procedure, but this simply complicates the surgeon’s work and does not in any way affect the results of the surgical intervention.

The main differences between round and anatomical implants

Round implants have a spherical shape. Their advantages are maximum volume increase, breast lift and technically easier implantation. The disadvantages of this type of implants are the likelihood of visualization upper contour implant in patients with a thin layer of subcutaneous fat. A relative disadvantage of using round implants is their limited use for certain types of breast asymmetry. Also, when placing a round implant, there is a higher likelihood of wrinkling, which depends on the density of the shell and filler of the implant.

The unique structure of round and anatomical Natrelle™ implants

Natrelle™ products are represented by implants of both round and anatomical shapes. Natrelle™ implants are optimally filled with gel to minimize ripping. The texture of BIOCELL™ implants ensures a minimal percentage of capsular contracture. Thanks to the INTRASHIEL™ barrier layer, implants are characterized by high strength and minimal gel diffusion. The Allergan company presents round INSPIRA™ implants and two types of anatomical implants: Natrelle™ Style 410 and 510. They allow you to provide an absolutely natural and proportional breast shape, predictable result and minimal complication rates.

Variety of implants and their unique properties enable the doctor to choose best option depending on the individual characteristics and the wishes of the patient.

Natrelle™ anatomical and round implants meet all needs modern woman and provide comfortable working conditions for the surgeon. As a result, a woman becomes the owner of natural forms, which not only helps to improve her appearance, but also increasing self-esteem and self-confidence.

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Discussions and disputes regarding the choice of implant shapes are ongoing on various forums. But p Correct selection of an implant is one of the components of success, both in the final perception of the patient new form breasts, and minimizing possible complications and negative surgical consequences operations.

“Round or anatomical?” – this is precisely the choice thousands of women who decide to undergo mammoplasty, breast augmentation surgery with implants, face. There is an opinion that the use of anatomical implants allows the bust to look natural, both to the touch and in shape; round dentures do not give such a result. Offhand this statement seems true, but in reality it is not entirely true. Let's try to figure it out.

Implants vary in:

surface texture

When choosing an implant, the surgeon takes into account many factors, such as surgical goals and techniques, anatomical features and, of course, the personal preferences of the patient. According to the surface texture, implants can be smooth or textured; we will consider this issue in more detail in a separate topic.

The natural shape of the breast is certainly not round. It is truly teardrop-shaped - starting from a flat slope at the top, the breast gradually increases in volume and protrudes forward (rises) at the bottom.

Therefore, an anatomical implant, which imitates the effect of gravity on the breast, looks at first glance more natural and is ideal for creating a breast shape. By the way, its original purpose is the reconstruction of an amputated (for example, in patients with breast cancer) or injured breast.

Despite the seeming logic of placing anatomical implants, most surgeons and patients prefer round ones.

Round implants, when compared with anatomical ones:

give more volume
lift the chest higher
create a beautiful neckline (Victoria's Secret bra effect).

But not all women like large volume in the upper part of the breast; they consider this shape to be not entirely natural, and prefer anatomical implants as more natural.

An anatomical implant looks more natural than a round one, is that right?

Yes and no.

A round implant, indeed, can sometimes make the contours of the breast unnatural and artificial. For example, if it is placed too high on the chest, or in patients with insufficient volume of their own breast tissue, but who insist on a large-volume implant.

That is, it is in no way due to its shape. An implant of any shape can look fake. It only depends on how well the implant matches the individual contours of the patient’s body. And in some cases, a round implant looks more “anatomical” than an anatomical one.

But all the discussions above apply to implants that “lie on the table.” How will they behave when they are implanted into living woman, of flesh and bones?

Implanted in the mammary gland, round implant in general, it “behaves” more naturally than the teardrop-shaped one. IN vertical position, when a woman stands or sits, under the force of gravity it independently acquires a natural, anatomical shape.

And of course, a round implant absolutely wins horizontal position. A woman's natural breasts when she lies down naturally"blurs". Anatomical implant, the shape of which is rigidly predetermined in advance, will remain sticking up in its lower part - contrary to all the laws of gravity, giving itself away; a round implant looks quite natural in a lying position. A round implant looks more natural and active movements body - running, jumping, intense dancing, etc.

Before performing breast augmentation surgery, the doctor must take into account a whole list of factors, which begins with the patient’s wishes about the size and shape of the bust and ends with the doctor’s aesthetic vision of the need for one or another approach. It is important to listen to the opinion of your operating doctor, because he is the one who knows how to make the right choice.

The surgeon is always the patient’s ally, and it is successful work in tandem with him that gives consistently good results and satisfaction from the work performed. Based on many years of experience, the doctor provides informed decisions regarding the brand of implant, its size, access for surgery and many other components of mammoplasty.

Basic Concepts

A. Width (base) of the implant.

B. Height (base) of the implant.

C. Projection of the implant.

Round implants

Round implants are characterized by the fact that the width of the implant base is equal to its height. In this case, the point of maximum projection is located above the center of the implant base. Thus, round implants with the same base width can differ from each other only in the size of the projection.

For a round implant, the width and height of the base are equal. The point of maximum projection is located in the middle of the height of the base.

Round implants with the same base width may differ from each other only in projection.

While in the patient’s tissues (provided that the patient is in an upright position), the round implant, to one degree or another, acquires a certain “drop-shaped” appearance. This degree depends, first of all, on the density or pliability of the shell and filler of the implant, and the properties of the patient’s tissues. If a round implant is placed under the pectoral muscle, then due to the pressure of the muscle on the upper pole of the implant, this “teardrop shape” will be slightly higher than with a supramuscular location.

Round implant in horizontal and vertical positions.

Teardrop implants

Teardrop-shaped implants are also called “anatomical” because, according to many, this shape most closely matches the natural shape of the mammary glands. They are characterized mainly by the fact that the point of maximum projection of the implant is located below the middle of its height, that is, in the lower half of the implant. In addition, the vast majority of teardrop-shaped implants have different base widths and heights.

Thus, teardrop-shaped implants with the same base width can differ from each other not only in the size of the projection, but also in different heights. This greatly increases the number of different width, height and projection combinations, allowing manufacturers to create wide, versatile model series implants of the same style.

For a teardrop-shaped implant, the width and height of the base are almost never equal. The point of maximum projection is located below the middle of the base height.

Teardrop-shaped implants with the same base width can differ from each other in both base height and projection.

This variety gives the surgeon the opportunity to select the required implant shape for almost any type of breast anatomy.


One of the most important characteristics The shape of the implant is the profile. The profile is a percentage ratio of the projection of the implant to the width of its base. The larger the projection and the smaller the width of the base, the more high-profile the implant is. In other words, the profile size tells you how “convex” (high profile) or “flat” (low profile) the implant is.

Each implant manufacturer has their own idea of ​​what a high or low profile is, just as clothing manufacturers have a different opinion on what an XXL size is. This difference in perception is due to the fact that different manufacturers use in their products different types fillers and shells differing in density and other characteristics.

Because of this, the ability of implants from different manufacturers to maintain a profile while in the patient’s tissues (the properties of which, by the way, are also purely individual) varies and, apparently, by labeling their lines they strive to give the expected “final” value.

In general, you can focus on the following figures (the article discussed McGhan implants):

  • profile up to 32% - low-profile implant.
  • profile from 32 to 38% - medium profile implant.
  • profile over 38% - high-profile implant.

Choosing an implant shape

Round implants provide less fullness of the lower pole and greater fullness of the upper pole of the mammary gland compared to teardrop-shaped ones, all other things being equal. This is more pronounced the more dense the shell and filler of the implant is. In addition, the likelihood of visualizing the upper contour of a round implant in a patient with a thin layer of integumentary tissue is higher than when using a teardrop-shaped implant. Also, a round implant is more likely to form wrinkles or “corrugations”. The denser the shell and filler of the implant, the less pronounced this is.

Teardrop implants provide greater fullness of the lower pole and less fullness of the upper pole of the mammary gland compared to round ones, all other things being equal. This is manifested more strongly the higher the profile and the lower the height of the implant, the denser its shell and filler. This property of drop-shaped implants provides some “lifting” effect to the mammary gland, thereby giving them the opportunity to more successfully correct somewhat sagging breasts.

Teardrop-shaped implants, to a greater extent than round ones, retain their shape when changing body position. This property is more pronounced the denser the shell and filler of the implant. The cost of teardrop-shaped implants is usually higher than round ones from the same manufacturer, all other things being equal.

"Lifting" effect of a teardrop-shaped implant

For patients with various types physique and different types of chest are characterized by certain types of shape of the mammary glands. The rounded shape of the mammary gland, in which the width is approximately equal to the height, is most often found in normosthenics, although there are exceptions to this rule. In patients with a hypersthenic physique, the width of the mammary gland often prevails over its height, and in asthenic girls there is often a predominance of height. In such cases, if the patient wants to maximize breast enlargement, it is advisable to use drop-shaped implants, among which there are both “wide” and “high” models, while round implants have equal width and height.

LEFT Breast with a predominance of width (hypersthenic physique) - a “wide” implant is required.

ON RIGHT Breast with predominant height (asthenic physique) - a “high” implant is required.

When choosing an implant profile, it is necessary to take into account that the higher the profile, the stronger the visual effect of enlargement, but the “naturalness” of the resulting result suffers somewhat. The most beautiful breast shape can be achieved by using medium-profile implants.

However, there are situations when the use of a high profile is unavoidable. For example, significant excess skin with sagging breasts, which must be adequately “filled” in order to achieve the lifting effect. In this case, with the maximum width of the implant base, the projection of a medium, and even more so a low-profile implant may not be enough to achieve the desired effect. The use of high-profile implants is also necessary in patients with a narrow chest who want to enlarge their breasts to the maximum extent possible.

Thus, there is no ideal implant shape. Drop-shaped implants can be called somewhat more universal in general, and most suitable for correcting sagging mammary glands. There is no alternative to round implants if it is necessary to greatly fill the upper pole of the mammary glands. In addition, round implants are preferable for axillary (through the axillary fossa) access.

At the same time, one should not lose sight of all the features, advantages and disadvantages of round and teardrop-shaped implants listed above. In any case, the choice should be made taking into account the wishes of the resulting breast shape, taking into account the characteristics of the original mammary glands, chest, the properties of the patient’s tissues and, of course, based on the aesthetic preferences of the surgeon and the patient.

Kirill Gennadievich’s article helped me better understand the issue of choosing an implant shape and determine what breast shape I want to get in the end.

We welcome readers to our website for whom the issue of anatomical implants is relevant. Complete unity in use different types endoprostheses are not observed either among plastic surgeons or among patients. And today we will look at one of the types of improving bust shape - increase breast anatomical implants.

Types of implants - “anatomists” and criteria for their selection

Anatomical differences:

  • dimensions (or height and base/base or diameter);
  • shell texture;
  • filler material and shell.

The doctor can and should describe all the features of endoprostheses to you during the consultation. Focusing on the advantages and disadvantages.


The main difference between this type of endoprosthesis and hemispherical implants is the profile. To be precise, a profile is usually understood as the height from the base (base) to highest point implant. Endoprostheses are usually classified according to height or profile:

  • with high;
  • average;
  • low profile.

Some companies, for example (Germany), offer patients ultra-high profile breast inserts.

It is the profile, as a parameter, that allows a specialist to select the ideal prosthesis to improve a woman’s bust. When choosing a particular implant, the doctor is guided by:

  • on own experience;
  • aesthetic taste;
  • client's wishes;
  • her anatomy;
  • and the current state of the tissues.
  • in the process of eliminating mastoptosis;
  • and to add volume to the upper pole of the chest.

This form The prosthesis makes the breasts look as natural as possible, but less voluminous compared to end inserts of the same size.


You can choose an implant based on texture:

  • with a smooth surface;
  • textured (porous).

The former are cheaper, the latter are less prone to displacement and other unpleasant movements inside the pocket prepared for it. The presence of texture allows tissue to grow into the pores of the shell and fix the prosthesis.

Fillers and shell

Most modern breast prostheses are made of elastomer as a shell. Many companies specializing in the production of breast prostheses prefer to make multilayer capsules increased density. Such endoprostheses can be stretched almost 10 times without tearing the capsule.

Less commonly, manufacturers offer double-layer or double-shell lumen implants. In this case, the space between the layers of the shell is filled with physiological solution, and the inner capsule contains the gel.

Modern implants are filled mainly with silicone beads and gels:

  • cohesive;
  • mobile;
  • dense cohesive (cross-connected) with “shape memory”;
  • hydrogel;
  • biocompatible filler, etc.

The latest offerings from breast implant companies are dual-gel breast implants.

New products in the breast implant market

It’s worth stopping at micropolyurethane implants. Polyurethane endoprostheses were developed for reimplantation in patients who developed pain after the first endoprosthesis. Over time, plastic surgeons began to recommend this prosthetic option to all potential clients.

The surface of these implants makes it possible to minimize the growth of connective tissue around a foreign object (prosthesis). This virtually eliminates the risk of developing contractures after mammoplasty.

Most implants have a shell with a fairly significant thickness. Micropolyurethane shells are thin, that is, their thickness is no more than a few millimeters. But judging by the number of micropolyurethane bubbles, if you stretch them in one line, you can get “beads” several kilometers long.

Connective tissue will grow into the cavities formed by them, securing the prosthesis. Due to this, the layer of connective tissue will be thin, but firmly hold the prosthesis in “its embrace,” negating the risk that the anatomical implant will unfold, ruining the surgeon’s work.

This same feature of the endoinsert allows one to minimize the risk of such unpleasant complication like ripples. Such prostheses allow plastic surgery to remain at the peak of popularity.

Advantages of modern “anatomists”

High quality and the reliability of such endoprostheses is ensured by:

  • high aesthetic indicators, which can be assessed in the photos of patients who underwent the procedure;
  • reliability and tear resistance;
  • safety in case of damage (modern gels are either biocompatible or practically do not leak through a rupture);
  • sterility;
  • pleasant tactile sensations (when in contact with female breasts it is almost impossible to detect the implant).

At the same time, the anatomical shape of the endoinsert ensures a natural appearance of the breast, which eliminates the visual recognition of plastic surgery.

Disadvantages of anatomical endoprostheses

When inserting a prosthesis, surgeons may not use all access points. To implant a micropolyurethane implant, a higher qualification of a specialist is required than to implant an ordinary anatomist.

If the prosthesis flips, it will be clearly noticeable and a repeat operation will be required, unlike the flip of a round endoprosthesis. The average anatomist may take on a rounded shape over time due to growth fibrous tissue.

Breasts corrected by anatomists cannot be corrected using underwear. And, of course, unlike their round “brothers,” anatomical endoprostheses retain their shape even in a lying position, which is not entirely natural. This is easy to see in the pictures before and after implantation.

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IN modern operations Anatomical implants are used to change the shape, enlarge or reduce breasts - they help women have an attractive bust and look seductive.

But there are many options on the breast endoprosthesis market, which is why it is so important to know about choosing the preferred option. This will allow patients to get breasts of the desired size and avoid complications after surgery.

When is mammoplasty required?

The personal desire of the woman who turns to specialists for an operation takes precedence. Other reasons include:


  • exaggerated or underdeveloped breasts;
  • unwanted variability of the bust after pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding;
  • sagging or asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • reconstruction of the mammary gland after its removal against the background of a low-quality tumor;
  • the will of a man.

Among the obvious contraindications to surgery are:


  1. infectious and blood diseases;
  2. severe course of diseases of internal organs;
  3. age up to 18 years.

The specialist chooses an implant based on the surgical goals and technique used, the anatomical properties of the patients and their personal preferences.

Which prostheses are better for mammoplasty?

Round or anatomical? Every woman who dares to get a new bust solves this dilemma. Because these endoprostheses are in great demand among patients of plastic surgeons.

In general, implants differ:

  1. shape;
  2. projection;
  3. volume;
  4. surface texture.

Implants also differ in the width and height of the base.

The difference between anatomical and round implants is in their shape. And this is clearly visible even in the photo. The first type resembles a swelling drop.

The second option means a round classic bust, obtained by implanting the appropriate type of implant into it.

Round endoprostheses provide the mammary gland with symmetry and preservation of its shape during natural movements made by a woman. They transform the bust into a fuller one and replenish the volume of the upper pole of the breast.

Teardrop implants do not guarantee this. In the same time anatomical forms grafts attached new breasts natural look.

As recent studies show (conducted by Dr. Charles Rehnquist from Sweden and Professor Mario Ceravolo), visually identifying the breasts of women with round and anatomical implants is difficult even for specialists. This is also explained by the fact that during reprosthetics, the replaced implant often changes shape under the action of the muscle. As a result, a round endoprosthesis turns into an anatomical one and vice versa.

Division of endoprostheses according to the composition of the filling fluid

The outer wafer of any transplant is made of soft silicone and filled with a special gel or isotonic saline liquid, similar in composition to a sterile solution for injections.

Such a mixture, even if it leaks, is harmless to a woman. It will only be absorbed into the blood, just as a liquid comes from an IV into the body to flush the body.

It is also captivating that these implants cost less than other types of endoprostheses. In addition, they are softer to the touch.

But there is also flaw in the use of such transplants. With them, the chest is heavier and looks unnatural, and often makes gurgling sounds when moving.

Implants containing a biocompatible cohesin (non-flowing) gel are incomparably lighter. With these endoprostheses, the bust acquires improved elasticity and a natural appearance.

The specific composition of gelatin ensures, when pressing on the bust and when its owner moves, a return to the natural shape of the breast without issuing third-party “chords”.

The disadvantage of this gel is that if it leaks, surgical intervention will be required.

In addition, plastic surgeons have breast implants with a smooth silicone or textured outer surface.

And these endoprostheses for mammoplasty have their advantages and disadvantages. Thus, smooth ones are prone to shifting, and grafts with a textured shell, albeit sometimes, when in contact with the subcutaneous tissue, cause wrinkles.

Practicing plastic surgeons, as a rule, do not favor smooth or water-filled implants. The former are prone to slipping and turning over. The latter decrease in volume over time as the liquid evaporates. Because of stated reasons the risk increases significantly reoperation, and long-term results are not satisfactory.

Anatomical implants McGahn (USA)

What distinguishes Natrel McGan style 410 anatomical implants from other grafts?

  • Their interior is filled with silicone gel.
  • The implants have more perpendicular cross-links, which makes the gel stronger.
  • Reduced rate of gel diffusion through the wafer with a specialized inner layer.
  • The hardness of the filling and bringing the gel to drying is carried out using a special technology.
  • The ability to shape the breasts so that they will not subsequently become distorted.
  • Wider possibility of selecting this implant for a specific patient - style 410 is manufactured in 12 shapes for all possible volumes.

Natrel McGan in a teardrop shape gently blends into the surrounding tissue, giving the breast a natural appearance. This endoprosthesis is more suitable for recreating a lost breast, as well as for patients whose breasts have visible asymmetry or deformation. The hardness of the implants provides them with an elastic bust.

Among the main manufacturers of implants, including anatomical ones, there are also:

  1. Nagor(Great Britain) specializes in the production of endoprostheses with a textured wafer and gel filler and offers patients a large selection of sizes and shapes of implants;
  2. (USA) – the company has anatomical and round implants filled with cohesin gel, which reduces the risk of developing capsular contracture;
  3. Polytech(Germany) – endoprostheses from this company are also filled with soft cohesin gel and have a “memory effect” that allows them to maintain their shape after manipulation;
  4. Eurosilicone(France) is a company that supplies consistently high-quality and safe transplants to Europe and other countries of the world.

Before mammoplasty, each patient should inquire about the features of delicate products produced by these and other manufacturers, and the availability of transplant quality certificates.

Polyurethane anatomical two-gel implants

Polyurethane as a coating has endowed endoprostheses with excellent characteristics, which are ideally suited for mammoplasty, decisive problem capsular contracture.

This is due to the fact that the polyurethane coating in tandem with the main cohesin gel has high elasticity and the ability to remember the intended shape of the breast.

Therefore, after the use of such implants, the incidence of capsular contracture sometimes does not exceed 1% of cases 10 years after mammoplasty.

Another advantage is assigned to the polyurethane coating in the form of its “ability” to adhere (stick) to fabrics. And then the implant is not subject to displacement/rotation, which leads to patients obtaining breasts that are natural and soft to the touch.

The before and after photos clearly show how such an implant creates a natural, streamlined shape with a gradual narrowing in the upper part of the chest. But it is worth knowing that polyurethane endoprostheses can cause a longer (up to a year) rehabilitation period. During this time, their shape may change, and swelling persists for up to six months.

Who should choose which implants?

Anatomical implants are more suitable for those women who:

  1. naturally thin physique;
  2. narrow chest;
  3. insignificant volume of natural breast tissue;
  4. pronounced drooping of the breasts due to their natural miniature size, breastfeeding or weight loss.

In these cases, anatomical implants will transform the bust to a natural one. Anatomists will also help in correcting certain types of breast asymmetry.

Round implants can be safely chosen by young patients with developed mammary glands, if you need to increase your bust by 1 size.

Parameters of breast prostheses

The size of each implant, including anatomical ones, is calculated in milliliters. This means that at 1 chest size the filling volume is 150 ml.

The size of the endoprosthesis is added to the natural girth of the bust. Thus, a woman with size 2 acquires breasts with indicators of size 4.

In addition, there are adjustable and fixed implant sizes. The former are characterized by the introduction of filler into the membrane during surgery after implantation of grafts.

This allows the surgeon to make adjustments to breast size during the surgical period, increasing or decreasing the volume of the planned bust.

The peculiarity of the latter is that after implantation into the mammary gland, their size cannot be changed.

Endoprosthesis profiles

This indicator of implants, anatomical and round, is nothing more than the percentage ratio of the projection values ​​of the graft to the size of its base.

Thus, a high-profile breast prosthesis has a larger projection and a smaller base.

In other words, the profile indicator reports the plumpness (high profile) or flatness (low profile) of a particular implant.

At the same time, manufacturers do not agree on which endoprostheses are considered high- or low-profile. This is explained by the fact that manufacturers also use different types of fillings and shells in the implants they produce.

Using the example of McGhan implants, it is proposed to take into account the following profile indicators:

  • within 32% - low profile;
  • 32 - 38% - medium profile;
  • more than 38% are high-profile.

Experience shows that more beautiful shape breasts are obtained with medium-profile implants.

After implantation, endoprostheses last a lifetime if there are no complications. However, implants can be removed at any time if the woman so desires. Implants cannot be replaced every 10-20 years. It is also important that implants do not interfere breastfeeding. The gland tissue is not damaged during placement and does not have a toxic effect on the quality of milk.