Colin tipping radical forgiveness read. Colin Tipping Radical Forgiveness Techniques: Radical Manifestation

Hi all!

The topic of forgiveness itself is a burning one, because it is difficult to find a person who would be completely free from offenses. About the book " Radical Forgiveness"I heard it a huge number of times, and when the number of people recommending reading it exceeded Nth significant It’s an indicator for me that I did it after all. So, what are your impressions?

I’ll immediately make a reservation that almost all the books that pass through me I read on electronic devices, but most often from the phone. In fact, this is just a matter of habit, not taste. Because reading in electronic form is even more convenient - you can highlight sentences that are meaningful to you and transfer them to a separate folder on your phone, or to a document, it turns out something like a mini book, which is always easy to return to - quickly go through the meaning and remind significant things for yourself. Why am I writing this?

And to the fact that After reading this book, I had sadly few such notes and highlighted fragments. But it’s still good that they were there. And below, one of the most useful points of the book.

And after reading, you understand that this diagram is the most valuable thing. The picture shows how our root beliefs influence our lives.

Filling the book

The scheme with beliefs is based on the example of a small but capacious story of the sister of the author of the book. This story is told at the very beginning of the book, and then analyzed in detail. This story and its analysis fit into 20 pages. The rest of the book consists of theories about “divine truth” that have not been confirmed by anyone or anything. IN general language the descriptions of the book are specific, not for everyone, but still healthy grain present.

Screenshot from the book "Radical Forgiveness"

Who is to blame and what to do?

It turns out that in order to forgive another person, you must first understand yourself, identify your deepest beliefs and take responsibility for them!

When you understand how your own beliefs led you to the situation in which you are now, you realize that there is no one in particular to blame. All that remains is to work on yourself and your beliefs.

Of course, there are very difficult cases of grievances and the circumstances under which they occurred. In such cases, simply understanding a belief may turn out to be a small drop in the ocean, because the emotional component of experiences cannot be taken and erased with an eraser in 1 minute; this requires time and work on the situation.

To work through grievances, at the end of the book there is a questionnaire that is recommended to be filled out as many times as possible until it is released. I liked how the questionnaire was compiled; with its help you can really do a great job difficult situations(especially when you can’t immediately find the reason for what happened).

Does the questionnaire work? My history

Describe heartbreaking story I won’t talk about my offender, but I’ll briefly say that I was set up by the same person 2 times in a row. Moreover, once as if by accident, and another time openly and deliberately. Of course, I was seriously offended by this person, but after some time I decided to try the questionnaire. I filled it out carefully, thoughtfully, and set it aside.

Six months later, while cleaning, I found a completed form. Imagine my surprise when I saw the box with the name of my “offender” and wondered why I filled out this form for him at all, I don’t care about him anymore!

Having concentrated well, I, of course, remembered the entire past scale of the offense, and it also became clear that The questionnaire works! The main thing is not to be lazy and fill it out.

Colin Tipping (1941) - founder and general director Institute for Radical Forgiveness (Atlanta, Georgia).

Colin was born and educated in England and was a professor at the University of London.

Since 1984, he has lived in America with his wife Joanne. They conduct forgiveness seminars, workshops for commercial companies, and organize therapy camps for cancer patients.

They believe that their mission is to raise the consciousness of the planet through radical Forgiveness and create a world of all forgiveness by 2012.

Books (2)

Radical Karma. Practical guide

From the book “Radical Karma” you will learn that every event in your life is part of a carefully thought out plan agreed with you.

That you yourself chose your parents and agreed in advance with certain souls so that they would provide you with certain experiences for spiritual growth. That your enemies and ill-wishers are your best teachers. That you have never made a single mistake in your entire life. And with the help of this knowledge, as well as exercises and techniques of “Radical Karma” and “Radical Forgiveness”, you will return all the energy blocked in the past to your Present.

Radical forgiveness. Make room for miracles

More than likely this book will change your life. It will help you completely reconsider your views on your own past and present. Unlike other forms of forgiveness, true forgiveness is easily achievable and occurs almost instantly. After this, you can abandon the role of the victim, open your heart and raise the level of life vibrations.

The simple and available methods will help you get rid of emotional burden past and feel the joy of complete acceptance of everything that life brings. As a result, you will become much happier, stronger and freer.

Reader comments

Elena/ 08/28/2018 there is a desire for elaboration.

Vlad/ 07/19/2018 I would like to add a review to “Radical Manifestation”. There is nothing fundamentally new in this book. How much similar literature has already been read and re-read... The only value, in my opinion, comes from books that help find the REAL goal and develop a step-by-step plan for its implementation. And for this you need to move your brain, not your gluteal muscle, getting comfortable on the sofa...

Natalia/ 01/24/2018 Tell me how and where to buy the book please?!

Irina/ 12/26/2017 Greetings. My name is Irina Manokha. I am the official representative of Colin Tipping in Ukraine. It’s on FB (Radical Forgiveness Ukraine page) and there’s a website (just find it via Google). If you have questions about the methodology or want to work, please contact

Elvira/ 03/28/2017 Help, I can’t find a link to purchase the book in electronic form..

Olga/ 12/19/2016 Good evening, how can I download the book Radical Forgiveness? Make room for a miracle.? There are no links to it on the site and I couldn’t find the full text on the Internet.

rene/ 10/23/2016 Thank you for the audio version and the questionnaire, Sergey (12/10/2015)!!!

Maria/ 06/30/2016 I read the book with great interest and have already filled out several forms. The first time I filled it out was when I felt a strong resentment towards a friend. I filled it out and simply realized that I behaved towards him the same way as he behaved towards me. Emotions changed immediately after filling, and relationships a little later too. Now I fill it out when I get stuck on something. Awareness and understanding of the situation comes. Many thanks to the author, publishers and distributors. And I also believe that there are no nationalities for good things. Forgiveness is forgiveness everywhere. At least in Russia, at least in some other country.

Evgeniya/ 03/2/2016 Thank you for the books! They helped a lot during a difficult time.

Guest/ 02/12/2016 Thank you for the opportunity to get acquainted with these wonderful books. I found out about the author by chance during a presentation of a health company. Thank you!

Sergey/ 12/10/2015 Audio version 13 steps + detailed questionnaire

Alina/ 11/24/2015 Read better than our authors. We were born in Russia and what is good for the West may not be good for Russians. Forgiving is good and necessary, positive thinking has its negative consequences. Why read from the Russian author S N Popov

Nina/ 08/28/2015 I sincerely thank my friend Maya who gave me this book to read, thanks to the author, a night of reading without interruption surprises everyone, how could I live blindly

Paul/ 04/10/2015 I would like to write a blog in response to the book “Radical Forgiveness” - a seemingly safe text outlining a humanitarian technological approach to solving all the problems of a modern, delayed person - cut off from all roots, both life and spiritual. You just need to rely on a certain spiritual continuum - divine world. Which contains a symphony of good and evil. According to Scripture this is not the case. God is good and there is no evil in him. God is love. Christ brought us not peace but a sword! If sin nests in a person’s heart, then such a person must answer at the Last Judgment, receive eternal death for sin and burn in fiery Gehenna. What fate does the Savior give to a saved person when a person accepts the Gift of Salvation and is born again of water and the Holy Spirit? - The fate of being the Son (Daughter) of God, the Intercessor and Defender in the Heavenly World, and the opportunity to reign in one’s life, the Power of Eminence and all the promises of the Forefather Abraham, are also granted Immortal life. So what does it mean to be born again of water and the Holy Spirit? - We must read the Word of God very carefully. Find words about ALL TRUTH. Every truth of the Bible occurred at the Baptism of the Son of God. Amen, Amen and Amen. After which Jesus began the ministry of the Lamb of God according to the testimony of John the Baptist. Jesus bore the cross of the sin of the world. Only faith in the Savior grants RADICAL QUESTION. And not flattering self-deception that does not cleanse the heart from sin - including the sin of Dejection. A pure heart is inhabited by the Holy Spirit. Granting a completely different Life, Emotions and thoughts of the Saved One.

Colin Tipping

Radical Forgiveness Techniques: Radical Manifestation

Dedicated to my wife Joanna, who endlessly supports me and gives me strength with her love.


When Colin asked me to write the foreword to his book, he had no idea that his work, Radical Forgiveness, would become a powerful tool in my own personal transformation. Indeed, it was thanks to his work that I found important answers to many questions that needed to be resolved before trying to realize my dream and realize life goal, becoming a mentor in the field of conscious creativity.

I realized that in order to become a master of conscious creativity, I first needed to heal my past and free myself from consciousness of the victim. I needed to find a way to let go of all my opinions, judgments, self-pity, doubt, resentment, shame, and guilt in order to intentionally attract into my life the love, peace, and well-being that I felt I so desired.

The problem, as I perceived it at the time, was this:

"How to let go heartache and suffering, if I was really offended like that?”

However, thanks to the method of Radical Forgiveness, I overcame this problem and now fully understand why Radical Forgiveness and Radical Manifestation are so inextricably interconnected.

As a coach in the field of conscious creativity, I hear my clients complain every now and then:

“What’s wrong with me, why don’t these principles work on me at all?”

“Why does this seem so easy for others, but with such difficulty for me?”

“Why do I easily attract to myself all sorts of stupid things that I don’t even think about, and not those things that seem really important to me?”

It is terribly difficult to visualize what you want over and over again, meditate on it and reinforce it with affirmations, and as a result never achieve your desire. I think this happens for three reasons.

1. Universal Law states that what we focus on tends to expand. This means that we get what we constantly focus on. When our unconscious thoughts conflict with the authentic love, passion, freedom, well-being and wholeness that we so crave, we unintentionally create the opposite of what we say we want.

2. We too hastily conclude that this principle does not justify itself, and we lose faith in our ability to consciously create. And then we demoralize ourselves with the thought that we are complete failures. Colin gives us a method - “Radical Self-Forgiveness”, which allows us to identify this at a deep level.

3. We resist Besides that There is, and therefore we fail in application in practice Law of Separation. This incredibly important Universal Law states: In order to get what we want, we must let go of our attachment to it. One would seem to completely contradict the other, but this postulate is extremely important in order to deliberately achieve what you want.

Indeed, the transition from the criterion “I am grateful that my dreams came true” to the criterion “I am happy and contented, even if my dreams never come true” seems terribly discouraging, to say the least. It feels like we are giving up and settling for less than what we originally wanted.

And now good news: everything is happening completely wrong! After we have invested all our creative energy into realizing our dreams, we need to let go of the needs of our ego - to allow the dream to be realized in a certain way - and trust the Universe to show us what is most in our best interests. This is where the most amazing thing lies: even if the Universe does not realize anything at all, it means that we must learn to take for granted the fact that it, nevertheless, heard us, which means “everything is very good.” We must learn to trust the Divine Order and perceive it as absolutely and unconditionally adequate to our dreams. It is very important to realize that we have not made a mistake, since there can be no question of a mistake here!

When we accept Divine Order as our prime directive, it means that we are consistently operating from a position of spiritual maturity. This elevated state of Oneness automatically correlates with everything we desire for ourselves: Peace, Love, Beauty, Harmony, Wisdom, Integrity and Prosperity.

In short, when your consciousness of Love expands (and with such work it will expand), at the same time the desire to create a worthy life for yourself will grow to the level of passionate self-confidence and a burning desire to create for the benefit of humanity.

Imagine what this world would look like if we could attract peace, love and harmony and fill the world with them? I am confident that if you follow the directions in this book and apply the tools of Radical Manifestation, the work you are about to begin will make this dream a reality.

You have an incredibly powerful and effective spiritual technology of personal transformation in your hands. This simple process is revealed through the techniques of Radical Forgiveness developed by Colin Tipping, so this book will not only help you fulfill your conscious desires, but will literally free you from pain and suffering rooted in your past.

When your consciousness is freed from the evaluative criteria of life and the past as right or wrong, then you yourself will rightfully become a master creator.

All is well, at all times!

Enisa Eiven


Something very interesting is happening. Suddenly people around began to realize that life might not be what it is. happens with us, but something that we ourselves have a hand in creating, creating it with the help of our own consciousness. The expression “creative expression” has become a common phrase even in fashion books and glossy magazines. Even religious authors Lately we began to think: does the Lord want us to be rich, or does he not want us, and should we pray for the sending of wealth to us? And the film is spreading through the Internet with an absolutely phenomenal, astonishing speed. "Secret", in which many well-known and respected expert authors extol Law of Attraction.

At the heart of all this activity is the idea that if we understand and learn to use Law of Attraction, then thanks to him we will be able to create the desired reality. There is every reason to believe that this is true and that we all have the power to create our own reality.

True, for some reason this idea has habitually fallen into the category of matters subject to pure faith, and is just as habitually ignored by public thinking, which classifies it as “chatter in the spirit of the New Age.” However, since both quantum physics and other scientific disciplines lend their weight to its credibility and generally support it, this idea - at least in theory - has made its way into the minds of people, inclining them to the position of carefully studying it.

However, skepticism is not limited to those who reject the idea in advance. Even those of us who desperately want to believe in it still have a certain amount of skepticism. And this happens because, despite all our efforts to create the desired life with the help Law of Attraction We haven't been able to do this yet. This causes us deep despair and a feeling of inadequacy. The reason for this problem is twofold.

First, our vibrations are most likely not high enough for us to consciously use Law of Attraction, in order to receive what we consciously crave. And this invariably disharmonizes with our conscious desires.

Note: It should be noted that this case is not one of those when your soul (rather it is it, and not your ego) gives you what it itself needs for healing and development.

In other words, we prevent ourselves from getting what we want because our subconscious mind blocks the entire process with low vibrational energy, which appears in the form of essential negative beliefs, fear, guilt, anger, malice and other types of negative energy.

Secondly, we have not yet experienced a shift in consciousness on such a deep level that we are able to believe that we will receive what we need if we surrender all our needs to Spirit. The readiness to completely surrender oneself to the power of the Spirit is a key factor in the process Manifestations.

Dedicated to the memory of Diana, Princess of Wales, who, by showing the world the transformative power of love, opened the heart chakra of Great Britain and many people in other parts of the world


First of all, I want to say about my gratitude and love for my wife, Joanna, who believed in me and supported me in every possible way while writing this book, even in difficult times for us. In addition, I am very grateful to my sister, Jill, and her husband, Jeff, for allowing me to publish a personal story from their lives, without which this book would be much poorer. And a big thank you to Jeff's daughter, Lauren, and my daughter, Lauren, who had a lot to do with this story - and to everyone in Jill and Jeff's family for reading this book and seeing the best in each person. involved in the incident. I thank my brother, John, for his patience and support as he witnessed this situation. I must also mention my deep debt of gratitude to Michael Rice, who inspired me to create the Forgiveness Questionnaire, and to Arnold Patent, who introduced me to spiritual law. There are many people who have made invaluable contributions to the creation of this book and to the work of spreading the message of Radical Forgiveness - and I say “thank you” to each of them every day. I also need to thank the graduates of the Institute of Radical Forgiveness, who live my ideas, teach people and serve as an example to them.

And finally, I want to express my love and gratitude to my parents for helping me come into this world.

Preface to the second edition

I am somewhat surprised at how quickly the need for a reprint of this book arose, and this circumstance fills me with humility and gratitude. When the book was first published in November 1997, I had no idea that it would have such a profound impact on people.

Traveling around the world with seminars on Radical Forgiveness, I listen to people's stories, look at many things in a new way, and find new explanations for certain phenomena. Therefore, while working on this edition, I added interesting materials that I had accumulated since the first publication and removed what seemed to me not too important, useless or even incorrect.

Apart from these additions and changes, the reader familiar with the first edition of this book is unlikely to notice any special differences here - with one exception. I abandoned the term “quasi-forgiveness” and replaced it with the more prosaic but less emotional term “traditional forgiveness.”

The term “quasi-forgiveness” was needed to clarify how ordinary forgiveness differs from radical forgiveness, but I could not bring myself to use the phrase “ordinary forgiveness” because, as I noted in the text of the first edition, forgiveness is not “ordinary.” It is always an act of heroism. I have tried to justify the use of the term "quasi-forgiveness" by using the analogy of quasi-turtle soup, which is a fine dish, but it is not real turtle soup. But, despite this analogy, the prefix “quasi-” still gives the term a somewhat disparaging connotation.

So I discarded this formulation and decided to use the word “traditional” to distinguish between Radical Forgiveness and the form of forgiveness that we talk about: “what is past is overgrown.” At the same time, I’m not very happy with the term “traditional forgiveness,” but I couldn’t think of anything better.

In addition, I have redesigned the Radical Forgiveness questionnaire. The new questionnaire is simpler and shorter than the one presented in the first edition. By the way, this questionnaire has proven to be an extremely effective tool for implementing Radical Forgiveness!

A new tool called “13 Steps” - created after the publication of the first edition - turned out to be no less effective. It is an audio questionnaire. I recorded on tape and on CD the same questions that are in the questionnaire, but formulated them in such a way that the answer to them was only one word - “Yes.” You only have to answer the questions - but it works. Simple, yet extraordinary effective tool. The person plays the recording and achieves the same wonderful results as when working with the questionnaire. Just unbelieveble! And it takes about five minutes.

While the written word is powerful, some things are much better heard - like the 13 steps. Just reading them won't achieve anything.

So instead of presenting the 13 Steps in the text, I have recorded them on a CD that is a companion to this book, although it is sold separately. There are links to the text on the disc and it is implied that the listener has the book at hand and can refer to it at any time.

In addition, I am even more convinced than before that for the most complete assimilation of the ideas of Radical Forgiveness, some kind of integration process is very important, and, as it turned out, for this it is extremely effective means is music.

The most suitable music for this purpose was suggested by Karen Taylor-Good, my friend and workshop partner (when we manage to find time together for them). Karen's songs are so in tune with Radical Forgiveness, and she sings them so beautifully, that without any hesitation I asked her permission to include some of them in this audio program. She willingly agreed, for which I am eternally grateful to her. I am sure that after listening to the disc you will understand me.

And I've also discovered that Radical Forgiveness doesn't just work at the level of individuals, couples, or families. It turned out that this technique is no less effective for healing entire human communities.

While conducting workshops in Australia, I tested my methods as part of a national reconciliation program between Aboriginal and white people seeking to heal the terrible traumas of the past. There I wrote and published a book called Reconciliation through Radical Forgiveness: A Spiritual Technology for Healing Human Communities.

The purpose of this book is to give Australians spiritual technology that will enable them to forgive each other and make peace - something they can use in their homes, schools and communities. This work is based on the same ideas presented in this book: using simple tools to release blocked energy from the past so that Spirit can come into us and help us heal (forgive). We can then build our future based on love and acceptance.

Finally, I have found that my technology is extremely useful in the corporate relations arena. Using the principles of positive forgiveness in business organizations improves productivity, strengthens morale, improves relationships with partners, and achieves better bottom-line results. As soon as people realize that relationship problems at work are merely opportunities for healing, all barriers between employees crumble. Hearts open, and people begin to relate differently to each other, to clients and to the company itself. Our seminars for business companies help employees achieve greater spiritual harmony in order to more effectively help each other achieve common goals and objectives.

That's how we live. Every day we learn something new, and grace constantly descends on us. We wish the same for you.

Colin Tipping August 2001


Everywhere you look - newspapers, television and even our personal life- Everywhere we are surrounded by victims suffering from severe emotional trauma. For example, we read that at least one in five Americans was physically or sexual violence. We learn from television news that rape and murder are common occurrences in our society. They are thriving everywhere. Torture, repression, imprisonment, genocide and outright warfare are widely practiced throughout the world.

Colin Tipping

Radical Forgiveness Techniques: Radical Manifestation

Dedicated to my wife Joanna, who endlessly supports me and gives me strength with her love.


When Colin asked me to write the foreword to his book, he had no idea that his work, Radical Forgiveness, would become a powerful tool in my own personal transformation. Indeed, it was through his work that I found important answers to many of the questions that needed to be addressed before attempting to realize my dream and life goal of becoming a mentor in the field of conscious creativity.

I realized that in order to become a master of conscious creativity, I first needed to heal my past and free myself from consciousness of the victim. I needed to find a way to let go of all my opinions, judgments, self-pity, doubt, resentment, shame, and guilt in order to intentionally attract into my life the love, peace, and well-being that I felt I so desired.

The problem, as I perceived it at the time, was this:

“How to let go of mental pain and suffering if I really was hurt like that?”

However, thanks to the method of Radical Forgiveness, I overcame this problem and now fully understand why Radical Forgiveness and Radical Manifestation are so inextricably interconnected.

As a coach in the field of conscious creativity, I hear my clients complain every now and then:

“What’s wrong with me, why don’t these principles work on me at all?”

“Why does this seem so easy for others, but with such difficulty for me?”

“Why do I easily attract to myself all sorts of stupid things that I don’t even think about, and not those things that seem really important to me?”

It is terribly difficult to visualize what you want over and over again, meditate on it and reinforce it with affirmations, and as a result never achieve your desire. I think this happens for three reasons.

1. Universal Law states that what we focus on tends to expand. This means that we get what we constantly focus on. When our unconscious thoughts conflict with the authentic love, passion, freedom, well-being and wholeness that we so crave, we unintentionally create the opposite of what we say we want.

2. We too hastily conclude that this principle does not justify itself, and we lose faith in our ability to consciously create. And then we demoralize ourselves with the thought that we are complete failures. Colin gives us a method - “Radical Self-Forgiveness”, which allows us to identify this at a deep level.

3. We resist Besides that There is, and therefore we fail in application in practice Law of Separation. This incredibly important Universal Law states: In order to get what we want, we must let go of our attachment to it. One would seem to completely contradict the other, but this postulate is extremely important in order to deliberately achieve what you want.

Indeed, the transition from the criterion “I am grateful that my dreams came true” to the criterion “I am happy and contented, even if my dreams never come true” seems terribly discouraging, to say the least. It feels like we are giving up and settling for less than what we originally wanted.

Now the good news: that’s not how things happen at all! After we have invested all our creative energy into realizing our dreams, we need to let go of the needs of our ego - to allow the dream to be realized in a certain way - and trust the Universe to show us what is most in our best interests. This is where the most amazing thing lies: even if the Universe does not realize anything at all, it means that we must learn to take for granted the fact that it, nevertheless, heard us, which means “everything is very good.” We must learn to trust the Divine Order and perceive it as absolutely and unconditionally adequate to our dreams. It is very important to realize that we have not made a mistake, since there can be no question of a mistake here!

When we accept Divine Order as our prime directive, it means that we are consistently operating from a position of spiritual maturity. This elevated state of Oneness automatically correlates with everything we desire for ourselves: Peace, Love, Beauty, Harmony, Wisdom, Integrity and Prosperity.

In short, when your consciousness of Love expands (and with such work it will expand), at the same time the desire to create a worthy life for yourself will grow to the level of passionate self-confidence and a burning desire to create for the benefit of humanity.

Imagine what this world would look like if we could attract peace, love and harmony and fill the world with them? I am confident that if you follow the directions in this book and apply the tools of Radical Manifestation, the work you are about to begin will make this dream a reality.

You have an incredibly powerful and effective spiritual technology of personal transformation in your hands. This simple process is revealed through the techniques of Radical Forgiveness developed by Colin Tipping, so this book will not only help you fulfill your conscious desires, but will literally free you from pain and suffering rooted in your past.

When your consciousness is freed from the evaluative criteria of life and the past as right or wrong, then you yourself will rightfully become a master creator.

All is well, at all times!

Enisa Eiven


Something very interesting is happening. Suddenly people around began to realize that life might not be what it is. happens with us, but something that we ourselves have a hand in creating, creating it with the help of our own consciousness. The expression “creative expression” has become a common phrase even in fashion books and glossy magazines. Even religious authors have recently begun to think about whether the Lord wants us to be rich, or does not want us, and whether we should pray for wealth to be sent down to us. And the film is spreading through the Internet with an absolutely phenomenal, astonishing speed. "Secret", in which many well-known and respected expert authors extol Law of Attraction.

At the heart of all this activity is the idea that if we understand and learn to use Law of Attraction, then thanks to him we will be able to create the desired reality. There is every reason to believe that this is true and that we all have the power to create our own reality.

True, for some reason this idea has habitually fallen into the category of matters subject to pure faith, and is just as habitually ignored by public thinking, which classifies it as “chatter in the spirit of the New Age.” However, since both quantum physics and other scientific disciplines lend their weight to its credibility and generally support it, this idea - at least in theory - has made its way into the minds of people, inclining them to the position of carefully studying it.

However, skepticism is not limited to those who reject the idea in advance. Even those of us who desperately want to believe in it still have a certain amount of skepticism. And this happens because, despite all our efforts to create the desired life with the help Law of Attraction We haven't been able to do this yet. This causes us deep despair and a feeling of inadequacy. The reason for this problem is twofold.