Write a fairy tale about a tomato. A fairy tale about vegetables for children. What does a fairy tale teach?

Children enter the hall. They line up in a semicircle in pairs and read poetry.

1 child

Autumn comes in its turn.

In it every month, without a doubt,

He gives us what we wait for all year,

A wonderful holiday - an autumn day!

2 child

It melts in the high skies

Lonely thin ray

Flocks of birds fly away

Flocks of clouds are flying in!

3 child

How nice it is to visit autumn

Among the golden birches...

They wouldn’t have dropped the gold any longer,

The forest would stand there, crimson and quiet.

4 child

More often the sun would be tired

Stayed in the golden forest,

To protect from the crazy wind

Forest, late beauty.

Performed song "Yellow Leaf"

5 child

Autumn paints groves and forests with gold,

6 child

The wind tears scarlet and yellow leaves,

A colorful round dance circles and circles in the air.

Performed dance with leaves.

Children sit on chairs on 2 presenters remain on stage.


Dear guests!

Our autumn holiday will be unusual. We will tell you a fairy tale called “The Tale of Why the Tomato Turned Red”


In ancient times, vegetables lived in the same garden.

Each character comes out dancing.


I am a tight cabbage

I'm delicious in soup, in borscht!

He dances and sits on the garden bed.


Well, I'm a zucchini

Green barrel,

Born in the garden

I became friends with vegetables.

Zucchini, zucchini,

Green barrel.

He dances and sits on the garden bed.


I'm Bean, everyone knows

I am both tasty and healthy.

He dances and sits on the garden bed.


And I am brother - garlic, garlic,

I bake my tongue, tongue,

I kill all germs

I protect from illness.

He dances and sits on the garden bed.


I am a carrot, everyone is amazed:

And blush and beautiful.

Cucumber approaches her.


I'm a pickle,

Who will eat me?

Cucumber bows to Carrot. Holding hands, they dance and sit on the garden bed.

I didn't mean to at all
Bring children to tears!
I tried to be good
Day by day he obediently grew,
Followed the diet strictly -
Drank rainwater
And a lot over the summer
I've accumulated vitamins!

He dances and sits on the garden bed.


And I'm called a pumpkin

I am proud of the juicy pulp.

There is nothing healthier or tastier

My pumpkin porridge.

And I'm called a pumpkin!

He dances and sits on the garden bed.


There is no lunch without potatoes -

No roast, no okroshka.

Everyone respects potatoes.

Which of you doesn't know me?

He dances and sits on the garden bed.


I am a tasty, sweet tomato,

Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,

I'm growing in this garden bed

Tra-la-la, tra-la-la.

He dances and sits on the garden bed.

All vegetables

Garden family,

Everybody get to the beds quickly!

It's fun here, it's fun!


And the guys loved their garden very much, watered it every day and looked after it.

Children - gardeners dance with shovels and watering cans (they stand one after another - with a shovel, with a watering can) around the garden bed. "Polka"


The vegetables grew and ripened every day. They lived amicably and never quarreled. But one day the tomato decided that he was better than everyone else and began to show off.


I am the tastiest person in the world

Everyone is rounder, greener,

Me adults and children

Loved more than anyone in the world!


Listen, it's just a laugh -

Bragging that you are the best.

He won’t understand, brothers,

It's not nice to wonder!


And the tomato kept saying its own thing.


I am the tastiest person in the world

Everyone is rounder, greener,

Me adults and children

Loved more than anyone in the world!

Vegetables(in unison)

Boasted, boasted

And he fell from the bush!


At this time, the guys came to the garden to collect vegetables for lunch.

Performed song "Harvest" all the vegetables “sit down” in the truck with the guys (they take turns in a round dance), everyone sits down, the tomato remains in the garden.

A raven “flies” past.


Kar! Kar! Kar!

A shame! Nightmare!

Didn't want to be friends with us

No one will need you.


The tomato felt ashamed, he cried... and blushed with shame.


Forgive me, friends,

Take me with you!


The gardening guys heard these words, took pity on the tomato, came and took it with them.

A child gardener comes out in the dance "Invitation" and takes the tomato, dance together, stay on stage...


Believe it or not, since then the tomatoes always turn red in the fall. And all vegetables never quarrel with each other. They live cheerfully and amicably!

The tomato and the child gardener go to invite the rest of the children to dance.

(continuation of dance)

It's AUTUMN, the children are sitting down.


Good afternoon, my friends!

The summer was hot

For a long time the power did not yield,

But everything comes in time -

I arrived at the door!

I was so pleased to hear the autumn tale you told that I decided to come to you not empty-handed, but with a treat.

But first, I suggest you guys play.

For questions

Yes or no should I answer!

Game "Yes and No"

Do flowers bloom in autumn?

Do mushrooms grow in autumn?

Are the fogs floating in autumn?

Well, do birds build nests?

Do the bugs fly?

Is everyone getting the harvest?

Are flocks of birds flying away?

Is the sun shining very hot?

Can children sunbathe?

Should I wear jackets and hats?

Does it rain often, often?

Well done! They answered from the heart!


Let's sing a song about Autumn!

Performed song “In a round dance with Autumn”


Thanks for the song, guys!

And I want to play with you!

Held musical game “Autumn walked around the garden”


Here's another riddle from me:

1.Here is the old lady from the lodge

Mud spreads on the path.

The wet bast shoe gets stuck in the swamp -

Everyone calls the old lady...


I want to check, friends, are you afraid of slush?

Put on your boots and galoshes and take a walk through the puddles!

Held relay race "Jump over the puddles"

Children take turns putting on galoshes and stepping over puddles, competing to see whose team is faster.

Who beats on the roof all night
Yes he knocks
And mumbles, and sings, lulls you to sleep?


Dear Autumn, our children are not afraid of the rain, but dance and have fun in the rain! Dance with us!

General dance “Let the drops fall”


It's time for me guys to get to work and say goodbye to you.

Eat my autumn gifts and don’t get sick. Goodbye!


This concludes our holiday! Thank you for your attention!

Age: 5-9 years.

Focus: Difficulties in communicating with peers when joining a new team. Anxiety and depressive feelings associated with kindergarten and school.

Key phrase: “I feel sad and lonely here!”

On a large wide street, along which cars, trams and buses drove with roar and noise, stood a huge children's store toys. It all glowed with a bright shine, because the rays of the cheerful sun were reflected in its mirrored windows. On the third floor there was the largest department where they sold Stuffed Toys. In this section lived a large soft red tomato. His name was Sashka. He loved to laugh and play around, like all children. This department was the most fun and noisy, because *t> all the toys that were sold there were best friends each other. They had lived in the same department for a long time and never quarreled. Sashka had his favorite saleswoman, Ira. She also loved Sashka very much and took care of him like the most tender mother.
But one morning it all ended. A woman came to the store and bought Sashka. She picked him up and brought him home. Poor Sashka found himself alone, without old friends, in an eerie empty room. He was lonely, sad and sad. There were also toys in this apartment, but Sashka didn’t know anyone and was afraid of them. He was placed on an empty shelf. Sashka sat there alone and looked out the window all the time. This was the only activity he could find for himself. Cars were constantly driving along the street, people were scurrying back and forth. A fine nasty rain was drizzling. And Sashka’s soul was so disgusting. He remembered the big store and felt unbearably sad that he was here alone. From such thoughts and insane fear and loneliness, Sashka fell ill. He developed a fever and thought he would never recover. Yes, he didn’t want to. And for what? For what? He has no friends here, and his beloved saleswoman Ira probably no longer remembers him. And he missed her more than anyone else.
In the evening Sashka fell asleep and had an amazing dream. He dreamed of Ira, she was dressed in a bright yellow dress and looked like those rays of sunshine that made their way through the windows and filled a large department in their favorite store. Ira smiled tenderly, hugged Sashka tightly, stroked his head and asked why he was so sad. And Sashka sighed heavily and began to tell: “I feel so bad, I’m bored, I have no friends, I have no one to play with.” “Don’t cry,” said Ira, “no one comes up to you, because you are always angry, you don’t smile. If you are friendly and not afraid, you will have a lot of friends. You just have to want it very much and try very hard and You will succeed!" “Really?” Sashka was surprised. “Of course,” Ira answered. “I promise you!” she said and disappeared into a white magical cloud.
Suddenly Sashka woke up. His dream seemed so real to him. It was already morning and the sun was shining gently through the window. “I will have friends here,” Sashka said to himself. “I’m sure of it, I know it for sure!” As soon as he said this, a woman entered the room and woke up the boy. “Happy birthday, son,” she said and gave him Sashka along with all the toys. Sashka smiled from ear to ear and literally glowed with joy and happiness. The boy was also happy and smiled. And during the day he was cheerful and cheerful children's party: it was noisy, fussy and all the rooms were filled with cheerful children's laughter. Sashka felt the happiest on Earth, because he felt the strength to rejoice, joke, run and play with other dolls who that evening became his friends, and have fun with the children who that evening came to the most joyful children's holiday - birthday.


How did Sashka feel in his new home? Why was he sad?

What advice did Ira give to Sashka?

How else could Sashka be helped?

The tomato, or tomato, is one of the most common vegetable plants on earth.

Have you ever wondered why this vegetable is called either tomato or tomato? And which of these names is correct?

In ancient Mexican language the plant was called "tomatl". It came from him Russian word"tomato". The word "tomato", according to some researchers, comes from the Italian "pomio d'oro", which means " Golden Apple" Other scientists believe that this word was formed from French words"pom d'amor", translated as "love apple".

Therefore, both words are correct, and you can choose the one you like best.

It is no coincidence that both the Italians and the French compared a tomato to an apple. They are similar in round shape and color: green, pink, bright red or golden yellow.

What does a tomato look like?

Tomatoes are juicy vegetables with small yellowish-white seeds inside.

Currently, more than two thousand cultivated varieties of tomatoes are known. Tomato fruits are very diverse in shape, color and size. In some varieties they are no more walnut, others weigh from 200 to 600 grams (for example, the “Golden Ball” variety).

The homeland of tomatoes is Mexico, Peru, Chile, Guatemala - tropical countries of South and Central America. Wild tomatoes are still found there. Their fruits are slightly larger than a pea and hang in clusters; the plant forms densely intertwined thickets. The fruit of a wild tomato weighs no more than one gram.

Tomatoes appeared in Europe in the 16th century. First they came to Spain and Portugal, and then appeared in Italy, France and others European countries, including in Russia. The Italian botanist P. Matioli described a new plant, unknown to Europeans, as follows: “The fruit is compressed, like round apples, dissected - like melons, at first green in color, then, when maturity comes, in some plants it turns out to be golden, in others - red, and therefore called the golden apple."

In Europe, tomatoes were first ornamental plants because of the beautiful, bright fruits. They decorated flower beds in gardens, covered balconies and gazebos with green tomatoes, and grew them in pots on window sills.

At one time, tomato fruits were considered poisonous and were not used as food.

Russia was one of the first countries to begin growing tomatoes as vegetables in the 18th century. This happened thanks to the wonderful Russian agronomist* Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov. He wrote about the benefits of tomatoes, how to grow tomatoes in conditions middle zone Russia. Bolotov’s efforts were not in vain; already in the 19th century, tomatoes became a favorite and widespread vegetable in Russia.

Listen to the poem.


From South America

As they say,

We got a big one

Bright red tomato.

First he flowerbeds

Decorated in the gardens,

And then into borscht

And the salads hit.

It's fresh and pleasant

And juicy looking

He used tomato juice

He'll treat you!

Tomatoes are sometimes called northern oranges: like bright orange oranges, they are very rich in vitamins.

What useful material found in tomatoes?

These are sugars, fiber, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron salts, citric and malic acids and a large number of vitamins

Listen to a fairy tale.

Green tomato

Grandma Poli had beds of tomatoes in her garden. They ripened well, at first they were small and green, and then they became large and bright red. It’s not for nothing that people call them golden apples.

Only one tomato grew poorly and remained green.

Why do you think?

Right! He lacked light and warmth, because the overgrown burdock covered the tomato with one leaf and did not give it sunlight.

One day the cat Fedot went to the garden to admire the vegetables. I noticed that Bell pepper became like bright yellow and scarlet lanterns, that the tomatoes turned red, that the peas were ripe.

Fedot walked along the tomato bed and noticed that one tomato was small and green.

- What happened to you? Why don't you mature? - he asked the tomato.

He cried bitterly and told Fedot that it was preventing him from growing large leaf burdock.

- No problem! — Fedot answered. “Burdock has a lot of leaves, but I’ll bite off this leaf.” My teeth are sharp and strong.

He grabbed the stem of the leaf and chewed it off. He fell into a ditch. Several days passed, the cat Fedot went into the garden again to check on the unripe tomato.

And I didn’t recognize him! He grew up, filled with juice and turned pink.

- Thank you, Fedotushka! — the tomato thanked the resourceful cat. “Now Grandma Polya won’t throw me away, but will roll me up in a jar to keep until winter, or make a delicious salad.”

- Eh, it’s a pity I don’t eat vegetables! - said Fedot. - I would like fish, liver, meat or milk! This is my favorite food. But it’s still good that you didn’t go to waste!

Answer the questions

Why did all the tomatoes ripen well, but one remained small and green?

Who came to the garden?

How clever cat Did Fedot help the tomato?

How did the fairy tale end?

Tomatoes are used to make juice, paste, and sauces, including the famous “Ketchup.” Tomatoes are added to salads, a variety of meat and vegetable dishes, they are salted and pickled.

Tomatoes give good harvest, if they receive enough heat and moisture. In the garden, these vegetables get along well with many plants. If you plant tomatoes between the strawberry beds, it will produce more berries, and the tomato fruits will become larger and juicier.

Tomato stems and leaves have the ability to kill insect pests. Therefore, many garden plants are sprayed with a decoction of the tops of these vegetables.

Answer the questions

Which name is correct: “tomato” or “tomato”?

What does a tomato look like?

Why did the Italians and French compare a tomato to an apple?

Where do tomatoes come from?

How were tomatoes used in Europe in the 16th-17th centuries?

Thanks to whom did tomatoes begin to be grown as vegetables?

What beneficial substances are contained in tomatoes?

What dishes are prepared from tomatoes?

Why are garden plants sprayed with a decoction of tomato tops?

Red cherry

How many times have I sworn not to plant tomatoes, because it wouldn’t do any good anyway. Many of my friends have already given up this thankless task. But still. Again, the spring ray outside the window persistently calls me to plant these seeds. Where did they suddenly come from on my window? Only in the morning I opened my eyes when my gaze fell on them. Beautiful bags lay in the very corner of the large window sill and looked at me invitingly.
What is it, why are they looking at me like that? And a joyful ray of sun glides carefully through the multi-colored bags, like a kitten playing with its tail.

Maybe this is a sign from above? I open it moon calendar, which is always at hand. And exactly. Today is tomato planting day. No, you cannot miss the information received with the first ray of sunshine.

Okay, I’ll wash my face quickly. cold water, I do exercises from exercises compiled for myself many years ago and take a shower. Here. Tea and get to work before anyone interrupts me with a phone call. I pour peat bags into Prague cake boxes. This is my favorite cake. I soak the seeds in my own saliva, as Anastasia taught. So I’ll try out her method, which I read this year in V. Maigret’s book “Anastasia.” After 15 minutes, I pull the seeds out of the solution with tweezers and plant them in boxes with soil. I write down the names of the varieties and put labels. I cover it with transparent film and go to the battery. All. Now I'm waiting for the shoots.

Oh, miracle! They sprouted in three days, of course. Usually I waited a whole month for germination, but here it was three days later and it was just like that. Oops, there is something in this method.
My seedlings grow and grow, branch, open their soft green leaves and reach for the sun. Where am I going to put so many tomatoes? Well, everyone has risen. I usually plant a lot, with a reserve, in case some don’t sprout. And here, on you, everything has risen. And now all the window sills and tables are occupied by boxes with seedlings. But I can’t throw them away, I feel sorry for them all. After all, every plant is alive. I admire how good they are. Friendly guys, thick stems, powerful leaves, it’s time, it’s time for them to be free

There is a jug of copper money on the nightstand next to the phone. We put change in it after shopping. A ray of sunlight again plays with this copper pile, jumping from coin to coin, and casting light reflections on the walls. But again, this probably means something. What? Where is my magic book? Now I'll guess.

But... “today we need to feed the earth or bury a treasure in the ground.” This is news. The idea keeps getting stuck in my head. What if?....
Well, yes, Sunbeam directly to me and indicates that all this little thing needs to be buried in the ground today. I don’t know why yet, I think it will become clear later.
More like going to the garden. I take a jug of money, boxes of seedlings and go to the dacha.

So, while I was driving, I finally realized where I needed to bury the treasure. Of course, in your own garden. And it’s not just that it lay there for who knows how long and who knows who it would be intended for in the future. And I will do it with benefit. It's copper.

Slowly, so that the neighbors don’t see, I sneak into my dacha and take a shovel out of the shed. I already know what I will do. I temporarily cover the jug with jewelry with a rug. This is necessary so that my neighbor Tatyana Ivanovna, who is already in a hurry to greet me and approaches the fence, does not see.
Having exchanged pleasantries and news with my neighbor, I eagerly begin my planned work. I dig up the soil in a huge greenhouse and make furrows.

Tomato seedlings in boxes look at me slyly, squinting and waiting for their housewarming. Now, my dears, I will give you a gift.
I pour all this copper wealth, countless in ancient times, into the furrows from the jug.

Now this is a ritual action, and not only. They are copper - this means they will prevent late blight. And two is folk tradition, which today says that Mother Earth needs to be fed. Here is the land as a gift to you from our family. And for you, tomatoes, a gift. Nothing is a pity for you. Grow and have fun in this greenhouse. This is now your Kingdom. I didn’t release you into the world with simple clay, but with peat and money.

Then I carefully plant the seedlings directly on the money, lightly sprinkling them with soil, watering them and covering the plants with lutrasil. So that my tomatoes are neither cold nor hot. And one of these days I’ll stretch the film. Well, here’s how they say: “I’ve finished the job, go for a walk.”

I return from the garden tired and happy that I planted tomatoes in a new way. At home on the computer and knocking to my friend about how I planted tomatoes today. The answer from her pleased and surprised. It turns out she also planted tomatoes today, but in a different way. With fish. I urgently knock her answer: “Explain, Lucy, what kind of fish and how exactly to plant it.

Give me the details." Lyusya answers me in detail that she has been planting tomatoes with fish, namely capelin, for several years. And he gets such harvests that all the neighbors are jealous. Yes, I remember, her tomatoes are always large, beautiful and tasty. Hmmm. I want this method too.

Then run to the store for fish, there is still time. I still have seedlings left and two more greenhouses. So I’ll compare which method is better. Moreover, I have never heard of fish before. Lucy says that they have been growing vegetables this way in Japan for a long time. I didn’t even know. I bought capelin and barely brought it home. More like tomorrow. I sleep and see how I plant tomatoes and fish.

And here we are again at the dacha. A beautiful warm day and the sun is welcoming and caressing. Rather, I can’t wait to master it new method. I tell my grandfather, who came before me and is fixing the greenhouse. Grandfather smiles and says he hasn’t heard anything about this method either. And I’m looking forward to my grandfather nailing down the slats from the greenhouse that came off during the winter.

So, finally, I'm in the greenhouse. I dig the ground with ease and joy and make big holes. Then I water them and put two fish in each hole. When I had laid out all the fish, I stood up to my full height and looked at the work done. It looks unusual. There were fish spread out in each hole. It seems that now they will come to life and flutter, their eyes wide and their mouths open.

I forgot to take a photo like this. It would be a cool photo to remember the new method. I admire the unusual landscape and imagine how powerful the tomato bushes will grow and how beautiful the fruits will be on them. My grandfather finds me dreaming, examines my work, and smiles.

Well, try this method too,” he says.

I enthusiastically plant seedlings in the holes. That's it, job done. Now everything depends on care, so as not to ruin the new method.

We go home with grandpa, and there we tell grandma about the work we’ve done. She is surprised and at the same time glad that work on the site did not stop with her illness. “Lucy told me all this,” I tell my grandmother excitedly, “You know, she’s a biologist and knows everything about plants.”
Oh, it's not easy to care for tomatoes, even when they are planted using a new method. Here you need to water and hill up and tie up. It's a lot of tedious work. But I see a beautiful and large harvest in my thoughts and add patience.

August creeps up unnoticed behind the daily and incessant work. I admire the picture in the greenhouses. The bushes are lush, spreading, all full of fruits. And they are all different, large and small, green, still unripe, yellow varieties and, of course, red varieties of different varieties.

Every day we collect the harvest for the table. And they keep coming and coming. The entire container is already filled with fruits. It’s good that I thought of planting yellow varieties. They are stored for a very long time, several months. This saves you from a huge harvest. We eat every day. We treat our family and friends. And, of course, we make pickles, tomato juice, seasoning for soup for the winter and tomato paste. Rows of jars and jars, in which yellow and red tomatoes now flaunt, bring joy and satisfaction from work. And the baskets with ripe tomatoes standing on window sills, tables and stools are simply amazing. Beautiful.

I choose the tomato I like from the basket and slowly put it in my mouth. Ah...mmm...how tasty and juicy. Doesn't taste the same as in the store. It is special, this unique aroma. And the elegant taste spreads across the tongue and melts.

I write another letter: “Lucy. Come try my tomatoes. Thank you for teaching me"

One rainy, cool summer, Tomato was born in Grandma's greenhouse. She was the youngest and last sister in the Pomidorkin family. All the others were already proudly blushing on their branches, but the Tomato remained green. She was very afraid that all her sisters would be taken away and she would have to hang and be bored on her branch alone.
The earthworm reassured Tomato:
- Don’t worry, soon the Sun will definitely come out and paint you bright red. Although you are green and very beautiful to me.” But the Sun was in no hurry to peek out from behind the lead clouds, and the Tomato became sadder and sadder every day.
The Tomato became very good friends with the Worm from the very first days of her birth. They often chatted about this and that, he carefully loosened the land near her native bush, and she composed and sang to him songs about earthworms, Sunshine and red tomatoes.
One morning Tomato woke up and began calling for Worm, but he was nowhere to be found. She was very scared that he didn’t want to be friends with her anymore because she was so green and ugly and left her forever. But in the evening, the Worm, as if nothing had happened, crawled back and reassured the girlfriend, saying that he was visiting his relatives who live in the neighboring garden. In fact, he was there for a reason. Although earthworms are very small, they are friendly and always help each other. And the Worm asked his relatives to contact their other brothers so that they could all find the Sun and ask him to color the unfortunate Tomato.
Since then, several days have passed, almost all the Tomato sisters have already been removed from the branches, and she, as green as she was, was still green and hanging. At night, Little Worm heard his girlfriend crying and this made him really want to cry.
But, one morning, Tomato woke up from a bright golden light. This Sun hugged her with its warm, gentle rays and said:
- Forgive me, Tomato, it took me a long time to break through the dark clouds and warm you, my good friend the Wind helped me disperse the rainy weather today, and I hurried quickly to you.
- But how did you know, Sunny, that I really need you? - asked the Tomato.
- I was walking on the other side of the world, when suddenly, little earthworms informed me about your trouble and asked me to rush to your aid.
- Ah! – exclaimed Tomato, “It was my friend Worm who helped me.”
And the Worm woke up a long time ago, as soon as he felt the first dawn rays of the Sun. He looked down at the happy Tomato and he himself glowed with happiness.
All day long they sang happy songs and laughed joyfully. The next morning, Tomato woke up already red...