What is inulin in chicory and its effect on the body? Why is chicory inulin important for human health - how useful is this substance

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the home kingdom

Perhaps the most famous coffee substitute is chicory.

It is sold in many stores, a lot has been said about the dangers and benefits of chicory: every person who monitors his health at least once, but used it as a tasty and healthy drink. So, friends, today we will talk about a fresh and dry plant, as well as soluble chicory, its beneficial properties and contraindications.

about the plant

This blue-eyed grass has been known to our ancestors for a long time and enjoyed great respect among them. That is why this plant has many popular names: Tatar color, roadside grass, blue flower, shcherbak, bitter woman, king root. All of them to some extent reflect the characteristics of chicory: the plant really blooms with bright blue flowers, grows mainly along roads, forest edges, in wastelands, tastes slightly bitter, and its root is mainly used for medical purposes.

name and legend

There is one more vernacular name chicory: Petrov batog. According to legend, the apostle Peter picked this plant and, waving it like a twig, drove his sheep into the flock. Another legend says that once insect pests settled on the spikelets of bread. The Apostle Peter went out into the field, took twigs in his hands and knocked down these insects with them. The twigs thrown to the ground sprouted and turned into a king-root. Since then, it has been growing along the roads, near the fields, like a kind of grass guard.

The birthplace of chicory is the Mediterranean. Now it is distributed almost everywhere: in North Africa, Eurasia, South America, North America, New Zealand, Australia. It is usually found in the temperate zone and the tropics.

What a miracle - the Tatar color?

it perennial belongs to the Compositae family. The stem of chicory is ribbed, erect, reaches a height of 60-70 centimeters, the leaves are oblong, formed into a rosette.


The plant usually blooms from July and continues to bloom until autumn. The flowers are pale blue in color. Seeds are formed in the plant in the second year of life. They ripen in autumn, it is interesting that one bush of chicory gives a huge amount of seeds - from 3 to 25 thousand.

Two types of chicory are cultivated, that is, they are specially grown in the fields to obtain medicinal raw materials, in addition to them, there are 4 more species - wild.


Grow chicory with seeds or by dividing the roots. It is unpretentious to the soil, but demanding on lighting. For him, only sufficiently lit areas are suitable. Before. How to throw seeds into the soil, it is loosened. Planting depth - 3 centimeters. The grown plants are thinned out, it is recommended to apply fertilizers to the soil (potassium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate). King Root is drought tolerant, but with constant watering will naturally produce more yield. The plant easily tolerates light frosts.

For medical purposes, two types of chicory are used - lettuce and ordinary. How raw materials are used upper part plants and fleshy root. The latter is traditionally harvested in early spring, as soon as the leaves appear on the stem, or late autumn, after the rain. The root is carefully dug in from all sides - so it is easy to pull it out of the ground intact. The roots are thoroughly cleaned of adhering earth, washed under running water. cold water, if necessary, cut off from the stems. The roots are dried in the open sun or in a dryer at a temperature of 50 C. The finished raw materials of the plant are usually stored in dry, well-ventilated areas.

procurement of raw materials

During the flowering period, chicory grass is harvested by cutting off the tops of the stems (about 30 cm long). They are usually dried in the shade, spread out in a uniform thin layer. Store prepared raw materials in a dry place with good ventilation. Shelf life - up to 3 years.

Fresh chicory leaves are an excellent vitamin supplement in salads, they are also used as garnishes for dishes, as a seasoning for soups. To improve the taste of coffee, dried and roasted plant root is added to it.

A good healing effect for the body gives the use of fresh chicory juice. To obtain it, on the eve of the flowering of the plant, during the formation of the first buds, the tops of the stems are cut off, they are thoroughly washed and scrolled through a meat grinder (or squeezed in a juicer). Juice is squeezed out of the resulting slurry. If it is boiled for 2-3 minutes, then it can be stored in a closed glass container in the refrigerator (though not for long, just a couple of days). Juice is recommended to be consumed by dissolving one tablespoon in a glass of milk.

Nowadays many find it useful medicinal plant weed. And for our ancestors, chicory served as a talisman against damage and the evil eye. By popular belief, if the root of the plant is tied to a travel staff, then it will serve effective protection from "bullet, sword and sharp knife". In the old days, people believed that drinking a blue flower could turn a person invisible. It was given to brides as a dowry, they believed that it prolongs a person's youth.

knew about unique properties chicory and Ancient Egypt where it was used as an antidote for tarantula and scorpion stings. And the famous physician of antiquity, Avicenna, in his treatises, advised the use of a bitter root for many diseases (gout, ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, in the treatment of eyes).

In our time, chicory has regained its popularity, special plantations are set aside for its cultivation, and special chicory drying plants are being built for processing in many countries. They produce a condensed roasted root extract from which they make healing jelly and drinks.

Chicory: benefits and harms

The king root reduces sweating, normalizes the metabolism in the body, removes toxins and toxins from it, and improves the composition of the blood. Doctors advise diabetics to take chicory, as it significantly improves the condition of such patients, reduces blood glucose levels.

Chicory stimulates appetite, cleanses the kidneys and blood vessels, improves intestinal activity, and normalizes the functioning of its microflora. It has been proven that the more bitter the taste of the plant, the more beneficial it affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A decoction of herbs and roots relieves fatigue and fatigue, increases the overall tone of the body, and removes heartburn.

Both the benefits and harms of chicory are due to its chemical composition. The plant contains:

  • inulin (20%);
  • fructose (5-10%);
  • proteins;
  • vitamins;
  • levulose (10-20%);
  • tannins;
  • choline;
  • mineral salts;
  • essential oils;
  • pentosans;
  • organic acids;
  • resins.

The herb contains:

  • lactucin and lactucopicrin;
  • vitamin C;
  • coumarin glycoside cycorein (contained in flowers);
  • triterpenes;
  • B vitamins.

Informative story and video about a wonderful blue flower that many do not even notice. Useful information to the singing of birds and with a beautiful view of the summer steppe

Petrov Batog - a shield for the liver

Chicory is a true protector of the liver. After studying its hepatoprotective properties, scientists came to the conclusion that the plant can significantly slow down the course of such a formidable disease as cirrhosis of the liver.

  • It is necessary to take a tablespoon of the crushed root of the plant and pour three glasses of water. The solution is sent to a slow fire and boiled for about ten minutes, and when the broth has cooled down, filter and take a third of a glass three times a day. It can be used as cholagogue and in diseases of the gallbladder.
  • Four tablespoons of chopped herbs and plant roots are poured with a liter of boiling water. The solution is boiled for seven minutes and insisted for an hour. Three tablespoons of honey and a tablespoon are added to the broth. apple cider vinegar. The broth is drunk hot in a glass half an hour before or one and a half hours after a meal. with inflammation of the liver.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver also treated like this. It is necessary to take equal parts of chicory leaves with root and large plantain, corn stigmas, pharmacy chamomile, rose hips, wheatgrass root, immortelle flowers, St. John's wort in equal volumes. Two tablespoons of the collection is poured into two glasses of water and left until the morning. Take half a glass four times a day twenty minutes before meals.
  • For liver cancer you should try this recipe. With oncology, chicory can be mixed with other effective herbs and the resulting fees to carry out treatment. We mix in equal quantities the grass of chicory, yarrow, St. John's wort, horsetail, birch buds and rose hips. One tablespoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour, after which it is taken fifty to one hundred milliliters three times a day.

Soluble chicory for pancreatitis can be taken at 200 milliliters per day.

Treatment of other diseases

The plant has choleretic action, tones up the work of the heart, improves the general condition in case of skin diseases.

Stones in the gallbladder

deal with cholelithiasis this recipe will help. Two teaspoons of the crushed roots of the plant are poured into glasses of boiling water and boiled for five to seven minutes, after which they are infused until cool. The whole broth is drunk during the day.

Furuncles, hydradenitis

To get rid of boils, carbuncles and hydradenitis, make the following recipe. We take fifty grams of chicory and lungwort roots, one hundred grams of thyme herb, burnet roots and gravel, twenty-five grams of sage leaves, calendula herbs, oak fruits and rose hips. An infusion is prepared from this mixture of herbs and a bath is taken with it.

Osteochondrosis and diathesis

Baths from the Tatar color are indicated for osteochondrosis, diathesis. BUT herbal tea from the plant is brewed for diarrhea (even bloody).


From diarrhea, a simple infusion is effective: one teaspoon of the herb is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted and taken in two or three doses before meals. It also soothes nervous system enhances appetite.


Five tablespoons of a mixture of crushed roots and aerial parts of the plant are poured into a glass hot water and send to boil for fifteen minutes. The broth is poured into the bath and the child is washed and washed. The tool perfectly helps with children's diathesis.


With the help of chicory, wounds and eczema are treated, for rubdowns, an alcohol tincture of the plant or a decoction of the roots is used.

It is necessary to take one hundred grams of chicory roots, wheatgrass rhizomes, black poplar buds, mother grass, rose hips, blue cyanosis roots, peppermint leaves, plantain and white mistletoe. Three hundred to four hundred grams of the mixture is poured with five liters of boiling water and infused for four to five hours, after which it is poured into the bath. You need to take a bath for about twenty minutes, and the course of treatment should be at least fifteen procedures. Such a bath will help with diathesis, neurodermatitis and eczema.


An infusion of the miracle root is able to calm the acute toothache. The recipe is as follows: a tablespoon of the crushed roots of this green healer is poured with a glass of pre-acidified vinegar or lemon juice boiling water. Infuse for about 10 minutes, and then rinse your mouth with warm infusion.

Chicory is also used for:

  • hypertension;
  • flatulence;
  • cleaning the liver;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • enteritis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney disease;
  • anemia;
  • scurvy;
  • insomnia;
  • migraines.

Chicory is useful during pregnancy because it contains a lot of necessary for the body trace elements. Drinks from bitter roots are removed from the body excess liquid helping pregnant women to avoid such unpleasant manifestations of their interesting situation as heartburn, nausea, vomiting, swelling.

Despite the above properties, chicory, if used improperly, can also harm the body. Do not forget that the use of Tatar-colored grass in doses that exceed the recommended ones can harm even a healthy body.

Soluble chicory: useful properties and contraindications

Soluble chicory is called a coffee substitute, it has both a tonic and calming effect on the nervous system. Therefore, the drink can be consumed by both people suffering from insomnia (at night), and those who want to recharge their energy and vigor in the morning for the whole day.

Chicory drink can be purchased at any grocery store or supermarket, or you can make your own at home. To do this, the roots are washed, cleaned, dried, and then ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is lightly roasted. In its appearance, it resembles finely ground instant coffee.

What is useful soluble chicory for the body

A drink made from chicory has a specific taste with light notes of bread. It has a positive effect on internal organs man, it contains many useful trace elements. The constant use of such a drink normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, heart, spleen, kidneys. Since there is not a single gram of caffeine in chicory, it is useful to drink it for hypertensive patients (people with high blood pressure).

A drink from the king root is taken for colds as an antipyretic. It has antibacterial, astringent, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

How much can you drink Petrova batog per day

Nutritionists recommend consuming 1-2 cups of instant chicory. This is the optimal dose, which is undesirable to exceed, even despite the usefulness of the drink. The explanation is simple: since the drink is a natural coffee substitute, instead of 3 cups of coffee, you will need 1-2 cups with a soluble root.


In addition to useful properties, both soluble chicory and dried root have contraindications. Petrov batog is not recommended for use with:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergic reactions;
  • unstable psyche;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • asthma;
  • varicose veins;
  • joint pain;
  • bronchitis with severe cough;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • acute forms of neurosis.

Despite the fact that during breastfeeding obvious benefit chicory, it is harmful for children, so there is a restriction: children under three years old are not recommended to use Petrov batog.

To make the drink tasty and invigorating, you need to know how to brew it correctly. Chicory powder is usually sold in sachets. In this case, you just need to pour boiling water over the bag. If you have a chopped root, then it is first ground in a coffee grinder, and then proceed to prepare the drink. How to brew ground chicory:

how to brew

pour a teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of cold water, put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. After boiling for 2-3 minutes, you need to boil the mixture, and then remove from heat. When the drink has cooled down a bit, it is filtered and sugar, cream or milk is added to taste.

  • Before cooking whole root drink, it is finely chopped and fried in a pan. The root pieces should darken. Then the fried root is crushed in a coffee grinder and the drink is prepared as described above.
  • liquid extract simply bred warm or hot water(half or full teaspoon per glass of water). Honey, cream or milk can be added to taste. There are people who simply add the extract to their tea.

Is it possible to have chicory while breastfeeding or is it allowed for mothers!

Nutritionists have found that chicory drink can be consumed while breastfeeding. This is a great alternative to coffee for those women who cannot refuse an invigorating drink even at such a crucial moment in their lives.

That's just about how much you can drink chicory while breastfeeding, there is no consensus. Doctors give different recommendations: some say that one small cup is enough, others say that more will not bring special harm mom and baby.

add to the diet with caution

Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that the Tatar color is still a medicinal plant, so you should not abuse it. It is recommended to introduce it into your diet for nursing mothers carefully (starting with a couple of sips), observing the reaction and general condition child. At the slightest malaise or allergy, the drink should be stopped.

It should also be taken into account that in some nursing mothers this drink is able to reduce lactation, although, in general, it has a tonic effect and increases immunity weakened during pregnancy.

Chicory for weight loss, how to take

For full people who want to say goodbye to extra pounds forever, a drink from a bitter plant is perfect. This is the best option for losing weight at any age due to the minimum list of contraindications.

Inulin is of particular value in the Tata color - it is unique substance helps the body break down fats, resulting in the constant use of chicory overweight just stop procrastinating. Therefore, the bitter root is an ideal remedy to keep your weight in a tight bridle. In addition, it also has a lot of other advantages (they were mentioned above), in particular, it cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

How to take chicory for weight loss:

a teaspoon of roots (previously crushed) is poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled for 10 minutes over medium heat. The finished broth is filtered and cooled. Take 100 grams three times a day half an hour before meals. The course lasts a week.

For those who decide to lose weight, nutritionists, in addition to including the king root in the diet, advise a comprehensive approach to solving the problem: eat small portions and in a balanced way, exclude fatty high-calorie and fried foods from the menu, play sports (or at least walk at least 6 kilometers per day), drink at least 2 liters clean water in a day.

Is it possible to drink cichorium intybus with diabetes?

Petrov batog has the ability to lower blood sugar levels, as well as restore visual acuity, which is important in case of "diabetes disease".

Therefore, chicory with diabetes can be drunk, moreover, it is necessary! The plant normalizes the work of the pancreas, prevents the occurrence trophic ulcers- a severe complication of diabetes.

  1. The infusion should be consumed daily. To prepare it, you need a teaspoon of crushed plant roots: they are poured with boiling water (1 cup) and infused for 15 minutes.
  2. For the treatment of "sugar" disease, a decoction of flowers is also effective: 2 tablespoons of flowers are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, insisted for 10-15 minutes. Drink the infusion in equal portions throughout the day.
  3. You can also use this recipe to lower your blood sugar levels. One tablespoon of chicory root, bean leaves, wormwood herb and cuff should be poured with half a liter of water. The solution is sent to low heat, boiled for about ten minutes, and then taken three times a day before meals, thirty to fifty milliliters.

Benefits of instant drink for women

The plant speeds up metabolism, improves digestion, eliminates putrefactive processes in the intestines. For women, soluble chicory is useful, first of all, because it keeps the skin of the face fresh and healthy. With regular use of coffee from bitter roots, due to the establishment of a good metabolism, the body gets rid of toxins and toxins, cleanses itself from the inside.

For hair

Apart from their medicinal properties, chicory - also wonderful hair strengthening agent. Any woman can be convinced of this. A strong decoction is prepared to rinse the hair: 3 tablespoons of crushed roots are poured with a glass of boiling water, simmered for 15 minutes and left to infuse overnight. Rinse the hair with the finished decoction or rub it into the scalp, leave for 10 minutes, and then rinse under running water.

Did you know? With continued use of the plant, the amount gray hair, the hair becomes shiny, silky, with a rich color.

What else is useful chicory for women? Petrov batog has a beneficial effect on the aging skin of the face and neck. It is useful to wash with a decoction of the roots instead of ordinary water. So the skin will become smooth, disappear skin rashes(pimples, pustules, blackheads, etc.).

At skin problems doctors also advise taking baths with a decoction of the roots or herbs of the plant. Such baths also have an anti-cellulite effect.

Pour two tablespoons of chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse in a thermos for an hour. Then pour the solution into the bath. It is necessary to take such baths every other day, the time of admission is 20 minutes, the course is 20 baths.

  • Blockage of the mammary glands (precursor to mastitis)). It is necessary to mix tinctures of chicory and sweet clover. To prepare the tincture, you need to take the aerial part of Petrov's batog, grind it and fill a glass jar with grass. The grass is poured to the top with moonshine-pervak ​​and left to infuse for ten days. In the same way, prepare a tincture of sweet clover and apply them one by one, making compresses on the chest.
  • Two tablespoons of the roots of the plant are poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water, and then boiled for ten minutes. Take a tablespoon five to six times a day. You can also prepare an alcoholic tincture from the plant. To do this, take two tablespoons of roots and pour one hundred milliliters of alcohol. You need to insist for ten days, then take twenty to twenty-five drops three times a day. Both decoction and tincture are excellent fortifying agents.

If the toilet does not let go, but the pain prevents us from living: we treat the bladder

  • We take two teaspoons of chopped chicory herb, rose hips, knotweed grass, oats and thyme. The collection is poured with two glasses of boiling water and insisted for two hours. Strained broth is taken three-quarters of a glass twice a day before meals. in chronic and acute cystitis.
  • Urinary incontinence, liver disease and cardiac arrhythmias can be treated with the following recipe. One tablespoon of the crushed roots of the plant is poured with half a liter of water and brought to a boil, boiling for ten minutes over low heat. The broth is left to infuse for two hours, after which they take one hundred milliliters three times a day half an hour before meals.

Diuretic. One tablespoon of Tatar-colored grass is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for five minutes in a closed enameled saucepan over low heat. Then the broth is left for three to four hours. Take on an empty stomach twenty minutes before meals, a third of a glass three times a day.

If the stomach is in order, then a good mood will not leave you anymore.


Chicory for gastritis. Two hundred grams of roots are mixed with one hundred grams of wheatgrass roots and the same amount of rose hips and hawthorn, plantain leaves and stinging nettle, motherwort and yarrow grass. Two tablespoons of the mixture is poured into a glass of water and brought to a boil, boiling for five minutes over low heat. The decoction is insisted for four hours and drunk fifty milliliters three times a day ten minutes before meals. This decoction also helps with angina pectoris, anemia.


To stimulate appetite and improve digestion, it is worth using such an infusion. One tablespoon of chopped herbs is poured with two glasses of boiling water and infused in a warm place until cool. You need to take a quarter cup three times a day before meals. Washed with the same infusion festering wounds, make lotions and treat acne.

This recipe will help overcome problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Two tablespoons of finely chopped plants are poured with a liter of boiling water and sent for five minutes on a slow fire. Insist until cool and drink a glass three times a day until recovery.

Oncology of the gastrointestinal tract

In oncology, sometimes chicory can also be used in the form alcohol tincture. Esophageal cancer is treated like this. One part of the tincture of petr's wild batog is mixed with seven parts of the tincture of willow-tea, with 0.5 parts of the tincture of the odorous chapoloch herb, one hundred grams of sugar and forty grams of gelatin. You need to drink fifty grams three times a day half an hour before meals.

  • For pain in the stomach. The plant, together with the root, must be crushed and the resulting slurry applied to the site of pain, covering with cellophane and fixing with a bandage. The compress is left until the morning.
  • From inflammation of the pancreas the following will help. It is necessary to mix one tablespoon of Tatar-colored herbs, mullein and yellow immortelle. The mixture is poured with half a liter of 40% vodka and insisted for three days in a dark place. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals for two weeks.
  • Dysbacteriosis. Three tablespoons of the plant are poured with half a liter of water and boiled for five minutes, constantly removing the foam. Take a little during the day.
  • stomach cramps. Equally mixed grass chicory, St. John's wort and yarrow inflorescences. One tablespoon of the collection is poured with one and a half glasses of boiling water and insisted for an hour. Infusion drink half a glass three times a day.
  • Diseases of the spleen. You need to stir in a glass of boiling water a quarter teaspoon of the pharmacy extract of the plant and add a little honey to taste.
  • anthelmintic drink. One teaspoon of king root herb, highlander and half a teaspoon of lemon peel are poured with boiling water and kept on fire for five minutes, after which they insist for half an hour and drink a third of a glass before meals. The tool is also effective for chronic fatigue.
  • To deal with worms, you can use such a tool. We take one teaspoon of crushed chicory root, tansy herb and yarrow herb. Pour the collection with two glasses of water and keep in a water bath for about fifteen minutes. You need to take a quarter cup in the morning before meals. The course of treatment is a week.

What else heals a blue flower: a variety of recipes

Dear readers. I, as always, tried to collect as much information as possible about the benefits and harms of dry and soluble chicory, its beneficial properties and contraindications. I firmly believe that if nature has given us the opportunity to prepare a tasty and healthy drink from a plant, then this should be used. And nothing else.

All health!

As always with love, Irina Lirnetskaya

Many people like to drink coffee, but some are forced to give it up. For such a drink, chicory inulin was created. Few people know about it, so this article describes it in more detail.

Useful properties of chicory inulin

When buying chicory inulin in a store, everyone wants to learn as much as possible about it - how useful it is, what its composition is.

The substance inulin is a polymer of fructose - it is extracted from the roots and tubers of various plants, including chicory. Inulin in chicory contains approximately 6%. In the medical industry, it belongs to the group of prebiotics that are not processed into upper divisions digestive tract, but only when they enter the intestines contribute to the formation of its microflora.

Inulin has many beneficial effects on the human body:

  • Promotes the removal of decay products, radionuclides and heavy metals.
  • Increases the absorption of calcium by the body, positively affecting bone tissue.
  • Strengthens immunity. There is enough inulin in chicory to improve the condition of lipoid tissue. It is part of the intestinal mucosa and helps to increase the body's resistance to various infections.
  • Reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood, replacing it with fructose. This substance relieves appetite and improves metabolism in the body. Due to these properties, many begin to use it for problems with excess weight.
  • Normalizes the work of the heart and has a positive effect on the central nervous system.
  • Nourishes and softens the skin, evens out wrinkles.

Chicory inulin has a delicate and slightly creamy taste, which is why it attracts many people. It is one of the ingredients that can be freely used not only in drinks, but also in many dishes.

Harm of chicory inulin

Today there is no evidence that chicory inulin can harm the body. But inulin-containing drugs should be taken with caution for those people who are prone to allergic reactions, and there is a risk of individual intolerance to this substance. You should not experiment with chicory inulin for pregnant and lactating mothers. It is undesirable to use chicory inulin for people suffering from varicose veins veins, as chicory promotes vasodilation.

In addition, you should not consume chicory in large quantities, as this can lead to liver problems. It is undesirable to drink it before going to bed.

Before using chicory inulin, you need to consult a doctor so as not to harm the body.

Soluble chicory - benefits, harms and how to choose.

What is chicory?

Chicory (lat.Cichorium) is a genus of perennial or biennial herbs of the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. Many consider this plant with bright blue flowers, which grows on the roadsides, meadows and wastelands of our country, a weed.

In Russia, chicory began to be grown in 1880, in the Yaroslavl province, where two types of this plant are successfully cultivated to this day: salad chicory and common chicory. Chicory root, which reaches almost 15 meters in length and bears great benefit, it has found its application in the confectionery and coffee industries. The root is used to make coffee drinks along with coffee beans, and it is also the main coffee substitute. Dried and roasted chicory roots, added to natural coffee, significantly improve its taste. The leaves of cultivated chicory species are a very useful addition to fresh salads, as well as a self-sufficient side dish for dishes.

Useful composition chicory.

Chicory root contains: vitamin C, pectin, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3), resins, macro- and microelements (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, P, etc.), carotene, organic acids, protein and tannins. Chicory contains about 40 - 60% beneficial inulin, and at the peak of the season, the dried root can contain up to 75% inulin. Chicory root, thanks to inulin, contributes to the normalization of the entire digestive system and improves metabolism. Soluble chicory normalizes the intestinal microflora, since inulin feeds on special "beneficial" bacteria that live in the human intestine - bifidumbacteria. By the way, there is no inulin in coffee or tea. Soluble chicory in color and, especially, in taste, is very similar to natural roasted coffee, but at the same time, chicory does not contain caffeine - chemical compound present in tea and coffee. Beverages containing caffeine may not always be suitable for people with certain medical conditions. Caffeine increases vascular tone, therefore, it is prohibited for people with high blood pressure. Caffeine-containing drinks are contraindicated in heart disease, as it can provoke rhythm disturbances. In addition, soluble chicory has a sweetish taste, which is important. About 80% of people drink tea and coffee by adding sugar or anything else sweet, and this is highly undesirable for diabetics. extra sugar also leads to excess weight. Inulin is a polymer of fructose, it does not increase blood sugar levels, which means that it is useful for people with diabetes and overweight to use chicory.

Soluble chicory - useful properties.

The benefits of soluble chicory are quite large, as are the benefits of many other plants used by humans to improve their health. Chicory helps to dilate blood vessels, is able to relieve attacks of tachycardia, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and circulatory system, and soothes. It is also useful for all digestive organs. The benefits of chicory have long been recognized by the people, there are many folk recipes that include chicory, it is appropriate in the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys and spleen. Chicory root (soluble chicory) is a unique product that can replace coffee in the morning, giving the human body exceptional vigor for the whole day. It should be noted that it is an excellent general tonic.

Chicory juice, mixed with celery, carrot and parsley juice, effectively affects muscular system eyes, nourishes it. The useful composition of the above cocktail is undoubtedly capable of significantly improving the quality of vision.

No less than the benefits of chicory added to various medications. Medicines based on it, they have choleretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Chicory stimulates appetite, and during viral infectious diseases helps in the fight against high temperatures.

Tinctures from this plant are also used externally! Chicory accelerates the healing process of chronic wounds, eczema and other skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, furunculosis, psoriasis, etc. The action of tinctures is drying in nature, which helps in as soon as possible relieve inflammation. Chicory is also used in the cosmetic industry. Shampoos and conditioners based on chicory promote hair growth and improve their structure.

For more information about the beneficial properties of chicory and about unusual ways its use in cooking, see the following video from the program "About the most important thing":

Soluble chicory during pregnancy.

And if you are expecting a baby and you are a coffee lover, then chicory will help you. During pregnancy, drinking coffee is, to put it mildly, undesirable ... How to be? A modest plant - chicory, will replace your coffee and will have a positive effect on you and your unborn baby. Soluble chicory - very useful product for pregnant. It will invigorate the work of the heart, support the liver, contribute to quick removal toxins, which is extremely important during pregnancy. Chicory regulates the work of the intestines, which will save a pregnant woman from constipation, etc. His healing properties relieve heartburn attacks.

Chicory - contraindications and harm. Why is chicory dangerous?

Speaking about the harm of chicory, it is necessary to list contraindications to its use. Chicory harm can not cause everyone. Its use should be abandoned to people suffering from varicose veins. Vascular diseases, asthma, bronchitis or chronic cough are diseases in which chicory is dangerous to health.

The benefits and harms of chicory, at times, border on each other. Chicory, the harm of which can be associated with a very useful component in its composition, should be used with caution. Ascorbic acid, which is part of it, quite often causes unexpected and unpleasant consequences in people whose body is predisposed to allergic reactions. Even if you add chicory to dishes in minimal doses, the risk of allergies, expressed in an overdose of vitamin C, is inevitable. It is known that hypervitaminization is dangerous in the same way as vitamin deficiency. Before using chicory and food products based on it in the diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The rest is most useful plant deserving special attention.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to use it uncontrollably and in unlimited quantities, only use in minimal doses guarantees benefits to your body.

How to choose instant chicory?

Previously, when it was not easy to get instant chicory or chicory tincture, chicory root was processed at home. The collected roots were thoroughly dried, finely chopped, fried and ground. Now there is no such problem for the consumer and connoisseur of this drink, chicory can be purchased anywhere. It is found in departments with diabetic nutrition or in departments with teas, coffee and even in pharmacies. It is presented as soluble, as well as in the form of a powder and, in fact, the root.
Chicory powder should be dry, without lumps. When choosing chicory roots, make sure they are brownish and, most importantly, dry.

"AiF", as part of its project "Quality of the consumer basket", found out which of the manufacturers offers the best instant chicory (for reference: from 27 samples of different manufacturers purchased from well-known large retail chains and trademarks only seven corresponded to GOST, developed by the Research Institute of the Food Concentrate Industry)

The results of laboratory studies of different brands of chicory
Manufacturer Product The content of inulin compared with the norm
CJSC "Coffee-chicorny"
plant "ARONAP"
"Khutorok" (zip-package, 100 g) no deviations
"Golden spine" (zip-package, 100 g) no deviations
OOO Coffee Company Vokrug Sveta "Health" (zip-package, 100 g) no deviations
"Health" with ginseng extract
(zip bag, 100 g)
no deviations
LLC TPK "STOKROS" «Russian chicory» (zip-package, 100 g) no deviations
Cafea-Group Am, Germany importer Betamax LLC Elsa. Natural Chicory" (glass, 100 g)

Inulin is normal

slightly elevated glucose after


NovaProduct AG LLC "Chikoroff" (combined can, 110 g) no deviations

"Bionova" (zip bag, 100 g)

10% less

"Chicoree Leroux" (zip bag, 100 g)

6% less

"Zdravko" (zip-package, 100 g)

32% less
"Fitodar" (zip package, 100 g) Inulin is normal
a bit overpriced
glucose after
JSC "Russian product"

"Coffitel" (zip bag, 100 g)

20% less
Leroux (Laroux) Fabrique, France

Chicoree Leroux Nature

Soluble" (glass, 200 g)

35% less
AM-Capital LLC

"Slivkoff" (zip package, 95 g)

40% less

"MacFito" (zip bag, 100 g)

45% less
Indian Coffee Alliance LLP (India), importer of VIRMINA LLC

"Moskofe" (zip-package, 100 g)

50% less
CJSC Ecoproject-2000 "Petrovskaya Sloboda" (zip-package, 150 g) 50% less
OOO Trade House Diamir K

Dr. Dias" zip bag, 100 g)

50% less
LLC "Slavkofe"

"Zdravnik" (zip-package, 100 g)

39% less
"Zdravnik" (combined jar, 110 g) 17% less

"Tselebnik" (zip-package, 100 g)

65% less

"Almanac" (zip-package, 100 g)

65% less

"Big Cup" (zip bag, 100 g)

65% less
"Chikoren" with cranberry extract (zip-package, 100 g) 65% less
Favorit LLC

"Tsikorich" (zip-package, 100 g)

50% less
"Tsikorich GOLD" granulated (zip-package, 100 g) 70% less
"Price & Quality" (zip package, 200 g) 50% less
«FAVORIT LABEL» (zip bag, 100 g) 55% less
LLC "Strauss" Elite. Health Line" (zip bag, 100 g) 70% less
OOO Trade House Kalinov Most

"Clean Field" (zip-package, 100 g)

75% less

"Thanks" (zip-package, 100 g)

75% less
OOO "Grand-NN"

"Lenta" (zip bag, 150 g)

85% less
LLC "MalCom"

"Riosun" (zip bag, 100 g)

99.7% less

They decide to give up coffee and look for a replacement. Chicory often becomes such a substitute. Let's figure out what the benefits and harms of chicory. This information will help you get the most out of chicory and avoid possible harm for good health.


The benefits of chicory

1. The benefits of chicory as a coffee substitute.

The mere fact that chicory helps to give up coffee already makes it useful.

Chicory(more precisely, a drink made from chicory roots) tastes like coffee. I drink it without milk and sugar, but many people prefer to drink a drink from chicory the same way they used to drink coffee - with milk and sugar. Milk does not make this drink healthier (read more about the benefits and dangers of milk). However, you can replace regular milk with soy, nut, coconut, rice ... there are many possibilities. And sugar can be replaced with stevia - a natural sweetener (synthetic sweeteners can cause considerable harm to health).

In addition to taste, chicory resembles coffee in that it invigorates and improves mood. Only chicory does this without harm to health! But about these beneficial properties of chicory - below ...

2. The benefits of chicory for the nervous system.

Vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3), which are part of chicory, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. They improve mood, give strength, energize and vigor. At the same time, unlike coffee, chicory has a calming effect on the nervous system, and not an exciting one.

3. The benefits of chicory for weight loss.

Chicory contains inulin, which lowers blood sugar levels. If you cannot deny yourself sweets, pastries and other sweets, drink a drink made from chicory. Inulin will help neutralize the harm from these foods.

4. The benefits of chicory in diabetes.

As mentioned above, the inulin contained in chicory regulates blood sugar levels, which alleviates the condition of patients with diabetes. Chicory can also be used as additional remedy in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

5. The benefits of chicory for the skin.

The composition of chicory includes such important minerals for the skin as calcium, potassium and magnesium, as well as vitamins A, E, B 1, B2, B3, C, PP. These vitamins and minerals accelerate the regeneration of collagen fibers and tone the skin.

You can not only drink a chicory drink, but use chicory tinctures for external use! Thanks to all the same vitamins and minerals, as well as the bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of this plant, chicory accelerates wound healing, helps with eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin diseases. However, with psoriasis, I would recommend doing a bowel cleansing, ideally, going through several sessions of hydrocolonotherapy.

6. The benefits of chicory for hair.

Chicory is also good for hair (for the same reason as for skin). Both the chicory drink and the chicory root infusion, used as a rinse after washing the hair, improve the structure and promote hair growth.

7. The benefits of chicory for intestinal microflora.

And again, remember the main useful component of chicory - inulin. Inulin is especially beneficial for the intestinal microflora. Important for our health bifidobacteria living in gastrointestinal tract fiber eaters perceive inulin very well, which is a special type of fiber. Thus, chicory helps prevent dysbacteriosis and related problems such as constipation.

8. The benefits of chicory for immunity.

Improving immunity with regular use of chicory is associated not only with vitamins, but, above all, with the same inulin. Inulin in chicory improves metabolism, helps cleanse the body of toxins and, as a result, improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals. In addition, chicory contains chicory acid, which directly improves immunity.

Strengthening the immune system will help not only in the fight against colds and viral infections but also in the prevention of more serious diseases.

9. The benefits of chicory for the cardiovascular system.

A drink made from chicory root, as a caffeine-free coffee substitute, is good for heart vascular system. Chicory is rich in potassium, which is essential for heart health, while magnesium helps fight tachycardia and other heart conditions. Also, chicory promotes vasodilation, an increase in amplitude and normalization of the rhythm of heart contractions. In addition, as we have already said, chicory helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Such a complex effect makes chicory extremely useful in diseases such as hypertension, tachycardia, ischemic disease heart, atherosclerosis, etc.

10. The benefits of chicory for anemia.

Chicory contains a large number of gland. In addition, iron from chicory is perfectly absorbed by the body. Therefore, chicory is recommended for the prevention and treatment of anemia. But, it should be borne in mind that if you add milk to a drink from chicory, the absorption of iron will decrease significantly. That's why, cow's milk it is better to replace with some vegetable equivalent - nut, rice, soy, coconut. Such milk can not only be purchased at the store, but also easy to make yourself (for example, see

Many experts claim that chicory inulin is very useful for our health. Not everyone knows what it is. Let's try to understand this issue and find out what are the beneficial properties of the above product for humans.

Chicory inulin - what is it?

Chicory is a plant with cute flowers of tender blue color. From its roots, a special substance is obtained - inulin. A bitter drink is prepared from chicory, which in its taste resembles brewed burnt coffee.

Inulin is the energy reserve of the plant. It is carbon. Many people do not know such a thing as chicory inulin. What is it and how is it mined?

This substance is "built" on the basis of fructose residues. During the hydrolysis process under the influence of inulinase, it completely breaks down into fructose.

Inulin is a prebiotic, therefore, it is not absorbed in the organs of the digestive system. It is processed by the intestinal microflora.

Inulin: where it is found, how it is produced and how it is used

The above substance is part of the following products:

  • chicory root - 6% and even more;
  • garlic - from 8 to 16%;
  • onions - up to 6%.

Inulin is also found in Jerusalem artichoke, burdock, elecampane and dandelion.

The above substance is extracted from plants by cold pressing. It is thanks to this method that all its useful properties are preserved.

Inulin is produced in most cases from chicory. This is done as follows:

  1. Grinding of raw materials.
  2. Carrying out the extraction of inulin (its extraction).
  3. Bringing the resulting extract to a thick consistency.
  4. Precipitation of inulin and its purification.
  5. Drying.

The above substance is actively used in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Food inulin acts as a technological ingredient. It mimics the presence of fats in foods and stabilizes the quality of ice cream, mousses and sauces. Besides, food inulin added to children food, chocolate, dairy and diet foods, baking.

In pharmacology, chicory inulin is also actively used. What it is and what is the use of it, pharmacists have long understood. Therefore, today it is added to dietary supplements for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Useful properties of inulin

The above substance affects the human body as follows:

  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • has the ability to remove harmful radionuclides, slags and heavy metals from the body;
  • stimulates the growth of bone tissue, thereby preventing the occurrence of various various diseases skeleton;
  • has a positive effect on the absorption of calcium by the body;
  • strengthens immune system;
  • improves the condition of the lymphoid tissue, which consists of the cells of the lining of the intestinal mucosa (this helps to increase the resistance of the ureters);
  • contributes to the maintenance of the liver in a healthy state;
  • brings back to normal heartbeat;
  • balances the work of the central nervous system;
  • enhances the activity of the heart.

In addition, inulin has antipyretic and diaphoretic effects.

Chicory (drink): benefits and harms

This product is obtained from soluble chicory. according to taste and appearance it bears a strong resemblance to roasted coffee. But unlike the latter, the chicory drink does not contain caffeine, so it does not harm human health. Caffeine is contraindicated in people with various diseases. It causes vasodilation, provokes a violation of the heart rhythm, etc.

It has one more advantage - a sweetish taste, therefore it is extremely useful for people suffering from diabetes.

Properties of chicory soluble:

  • improves intestinal microflora;
  • suppresses appetite;
  • improves metabolism;
  • promotes the functioning of the digestive system.

Interestingly, in addition to inulin, liquid chicory contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, pectins, resins and trace elements (iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium), as well as carotene, tannins and protein substances, organic acids.

As for contraindications, chicory has few of them. So, you should not drink a drink based on it while taking antibiotics, as this can interfere with the absorption of the medicine. In addition, chicory is not recommended for people suffering from varicose veins and hemorrhoids, as these conditions can only get worse. This product should not be used by those who are allergic to ascorbic acid, as well as with spasms respiratory system.

Chicory: indications for use

Inulin chicory and a drink from the above plant, experts recommend using for people with diseases such as:

  • diabetes;
  • dysbiosis;
  • sharp and chronic infections gastrointestinal tract;
  • frequent colds;
  • bone diseases;
  • hepatitis and gastritis.

Soluble chicory for pregnant women

If a woman is expecting a baby, but at the same time is a big coffee lover, then the above product will be a real find for her. Beneficial features chicory soluble for pregnant women are the following:

  • activation of the heart;
  • support for the normal functioning of the liver;
  • contributing to the rapid removal of toxins from the body;
  • regulation of bowel activity;
  • preventing the development of constipation.

This plant can easily replace coffee, because it has a similar taste with it. But in fact, chicory is much more useful, because it has the ability to have a beneficial effect not only on the body of the expectant mother, but also on the condition of her child.

Chicory for weight loss

The substance inulin, which is obtained from chicory, is actively used today in many diets. This substance, upon admission to human body is not absorbed in the intestine. In the stomach, inulin takes on a gel-like state, enveloping the mucous membranes. this body digestion, and thus, protecting it from the effects of alcohol and smoking.

How does chicory inulin affect the body of a losing weight person? Firstly, this substance is an effective probiotic: it contributes to the formation of a favorable environment for the development of intestinal microflora, in which microbes and other pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. Thus, the human body is cleansed of harmful substances.

Secondly, chicory inulin has the ability to influence This leads to weight loss in a person.

Thirdly, inulin perfectly regulates appetite. This substance is the right carbohydrate that does not increase the amount of sugar in the blood and does not cause insulin spikes. Therefore, the feeling of satiety remains for a long time.

Fourth, during a diet, the body requires serious protection. Chicory inulin lowers the level of ammonia in the intestine, which provokes the development of oncology of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, this substance has the ability to regulate carbohydrate metabolism, which, in turn, is responsible for slim figure person.

How to use chicory

To prepare different medicinal products you can use chicory. The drink, the benefits and harms of which have been described in detail above, is, among other things, extremely tasty and aromatic, and is in no way inferior to coffee in these qualities. It is prepared in several ways:

  1. One and a half teaspoons of soluble chicory pour a glass of boiling water. According to your own taste, put sugar and add milk or a spoonful of honey.
  2. Pour the fourth part of a teaspoon of soluble chicory with a glass of boiled milk. Then add 2-3 dessert spoons of honey.
  3. Pour a tablespoon of fried chicory into a glass of hot water and boil for no more than 3 minutes. Then add cream, sugar or milk according to your own taste.

The above drinks not only have an exquisite taste, but also give incredible benefits to the human body: they strengthen it and enrich it with the necessary substances.

Interestingly, even salads are prepared from chicory. For this, the leaves of the plant are pale green. Experts note that the taste of chicory goes well with celery, walnuts, cucumber, yogurt, any leaf lettuce, parsley, apples. It should be noted that the leaves of the above plant are rich in folate and ascorbic acid. Some gourmets prefer chicory root soup for dinner.

An important rule, if you want to use chicory in cooking, you need to buy it in the store. The plant that grows near the roads is usually poisoned with strontium.


Inulin, which is obvious based on its composition, is still not recommended to be taken independently for the treatment of various diseases without consulting a doctor. After all, only a doctor can determine right amount drug and indicate possible side effects.