Basic rules and methods for cutting a Spitz at home. Features of professional and home haircut of a Spitz How to cut a Spitz at home with a clipper

The Dwarf Spitz or Pomeranian is one of the smallest dog breeds. These wonderful babies can capture the heart of any person. Their fluffy thick fur requires special attention and care. Today in our article we will look at what a cropped Spitz should look like in a photo.

Spitz haircut – is it really necessary?

The Pomeranian or Dwarf Spitz is a dog that needs regular trimming. The fact is that representatives of this breed have a very dense and dense undercoat. If you don't carry out necessary procedures when caring for a fur coat, the animal’s axial hair will break and fall out. This, in turn, will lead to matting of the undercoat, which will certainly cause discomfort to your pet. The only thing you need to remember is that to participate in exhibitions, representatives of this breed need a special “hairstyle”. It can only be done by a professional, and in all other cases suitable for dogs hygienic haircut.

In addition, the coat of this breed not only serves as protection from the cold, but also helps the animal cope with summer overheating. When working with a Spitz, this factor must also be taken into account. It is also important to emphasize that treating the edges of the hair improves the growth of the animal’s coat and its structure. Next we will talk about the types of haircuts that are most often given to this breed. Some of this information will be reflected in our videos.

Types of haircuts

The fur coat of Spitz babies requires consistent and regular care. First of all - combing, trimming nails, cleaning ears and teeth, bathing. In addition, preventative haircuts are also necessary. But it is important to remember that grooming for this breed comes down to removing excess hair on the animal’s ears and paws.

From the following video you will learn how to best treat your pet's fur coat at home.

In addition, the spitz's haircut should be “manual”, without the use of a clipper, especially not continuous. Spitz fur once damaged may not recover at all. At proper care This breed's hair grows 1-2 centimeters per month. Let's look at popular types of haircuts. More interesting information you can get after watching the video.

Under "Boo"

Boo is a Pomeranian Spitz puppy, a real Internet star. We can say that it was this animal that laid the foundations new fashion on the appearance of a “bear cub” among dwarf spitz. What does this hairstyle look like? After this treatment, the animal’s head should take the shape of an almost even ball. The dog's body is practically bare, the hair on the paws and body is cut very short. The shape of the head and naked body make the animal look like a small bear.

I would like to note that this hairstyle will prevent your pet from taking part in breed exhibitions at long months. It is quite difficult to trim an animal in this way at home; it is better to contact a competent grooming specialist. The photo shows a Spitz with wool treated under Boo.

Light wool edging

One of the simplest options. Minimal hair removal, which is required only for a light cosmetic effect. When creating the image, the groomer removes the hair on the ears and along the edges of the “fur coat,” giving the dog a shaped silhouette.

Maximum edging

A denser option. The undercoat is removed along the entire perimeter. This type hairstyles can help the owner with care, while maintaining the main breed silhouette of the animal. In the photo you can see a version of just such a wool edging.

Crazy haircuts

There are a huge number of options for decorative hairstyles that are not applicable to show dog. Here, the design of the coat depends only on the skill of the groomer and the imagination of the owner.

Home hairstyle

In fact, you can give any shape to the silhouette of an animal. The choice here is limited only by the desires of the owner. Removal of hair under the tail is required for convenience hygiene care. The circuit is cleared auricle, dog's muzzle. With this option of hair design, after cutting the hair length will be 3-4 centimeters. This option for processing wool is easy to do at home.

Hygienic haircut

This is carried out only after thorough combing of the undercoat. This is important, since during the molting period the dog may suffer from matted fur and tangles. To avoid their appearance, the dog must be thoroughly combed every day. Hair is removed from the animal under the tail, around the paw pads, and on the ears. It is necessary to accustom your puppy to hygienic grooming from an early age.

Haircut guide

If you decide to trim your pet at home, then you must strictly follow a number of important requirements.

  • Any interaction with animal hair requires increased attention and accuracy. You must not injure or frighten the animal. Particular care should be taken when handling the tail, ears, throat and inner surface animal's paw.
  • If you are taking on this at home, then choose the most simple options. For example, just align it with the animal's body.
  • Be careful when using the machine, it is better to use scissors. This will help you maintain the desired length of the animal's hair.
  • When processing the edge of the paw, follow the circle rule.
  • Do not trim your animal's head; after this, the lost hair length may never be restored to its previous form. Detailed information can be obtained by watching our video.

Professional haircut

Professional grooming is a complex process of hygienic animal care. It includes cutting, combing, washing, cleaning teeth and ears, and trimming the dog’s nails. In such a complex process, it is important to preserve the animal’s undercoat as much as possible. It is necessary to prepare an option for the dog in which all the shortcomings of the exterior will be hidden as much as possible.

In addition, it is worth noting that when decorating the silhouette of a dog for exhibition, the master must remove a minimum length of hair, otherwise the animal will lose the opportunity to participate in exhibitions. You will learn a lot of interesting things about the cutting process after watching the video.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Boo hairstyle

Ekaterina Andreeva

Reading time: 3 minutes


I think many will agree with me that business card The spitz is his gorgeous coat. But relying solely on nature is unacceptable negligence. Grooming a Spitz is an issue that the owner of this wonderful animal should pay special attention to.

Grooming a Spitz: what are the nuances?

First of all, I want to talk about the nuances that the owner of a furry miracle may encounter if desired. make a haircut at home:

  • Once covered with down, you shouldn’t expect it to remain as soft for the rest of its life. Perhaps I will surprise my readers, but around the third month of life, this charming animal begins to acquire rather coarse fur. Despite the fact that it looks weightless. In this regard, you should choose a special clipper. I assure you: those models that are used for people are simply not suitable.
  • A fairly common mistake is to cut the animal too much during the peak hot season. First of all, in this way the owner does the pet a disservice by exposing him to Sun rays without protection. The undercoat, on the contrary, helps keep you cool. In addition, I note that the fur grows back worse after such cases. If you completely shave an animal in the heat, it may never grow back.
  • This advice is addressed to all those who like to put off everything until later. If the Spitz must, the haircut must be done in advance. It is preferable to take care of this issue several months before the event. Ideally, within six months. Otherwise, the fur will look unnatural and the animal will be removed from the exhibition.

Important Tools

Must be tidied up with the following tools:

  • With a professional machine with a nozzle from 3 mm. As I noted earlier, the machine should be designed specifically for working with dogs;
  • Single sided thinning scissors– they are necessary so that excess hair length can be eliminated;
  • Scissors with rounded ends– with their help, excess hair is removed from the ears, paws and around anus. By the way, these scissors are used most often, since hygiene depends on such a haircut;
  • Metal combs with frequent and rare teeth. A massage comb made of the same material with long teeth will also come in handy.

Traditional way of cutting

If you have a dog in the foreseeable future or its owner is simply a conservative, I recommend not to think twice and choose a traditional haircut. Its essence lies in minimal processing of the cover.

I advise you to start the procedure with the head and fluffy collar. The first area to fall under the scissors is the ear area. The ears should end up small and neat.

However, I want to draw your attention to the fact that “neat” is not a synonym for “sharp”

The latter are contraindicated. The same thing with the collar - “cut” does not mean “remove completely.” The frill must be present, but it also needs to be presentable.

Now the body. It is necessary to remove sloppy hairs sticking out behind the shoulders and above the lower back - there they can be seen most often. I recommend it all the time so as not to cut off too much. It is necessary to remove only those hairs that stubbornly refuse to be combed.

Next comes panty treatment. The principle is the same: what is not combed is cut off. This is how you should gradually lower yourself to the paw pads. Here the wool must be removed, as it tends to mat.

Tail at the base you need to cut especially carefully - so that the sharp ends of the scissors point towards the withers. Special attention I recommend adjusting the tail length. In a fit of hairdressing inspiration, you shouldn’t remove half the cover. It is believed that the correct length is when the tail, curled behind the back, touches the withers. Everything else can be safely removed, but this line should not be crossed.

Decorative haircuts

A little fox, a bear cub and, dare I say it, a lion! This is who sometimes especially resourceful Spitz owners want to see in front of them. Well, the breed is conducive to such transformations due to the chic fur coat.

But is everything so simple and is it enough to arm yourself with a nice picture as a sample? A bear is not the best option for home grooming. Even if the animal has rich hair and a good thick undercoat, I recommend seeking help from a specialist. Of course, the same comb and scissors with a clipper will come in handy, but an amateur will hardly be able to achieve an ideal shape due to a banal lack of experience.

Fox cubs are most often made from puppies. The haircut technology here is the same as in the case of bears, and therefore I again send my readers and their pets into the hands of professional hairdressers. He will be able to properly design the ears and make the collar properly. It is especially difficult to work with the tail, achieving its maximum resemblance to a fox's. But, again, it won’t be difficult for a professional to do all these manipulations.

So can the owner do any decorative haircut himself? I think we can recommend the “lion-like” option. The technology is the simplest: with a clipper you need to cut the hair on the body approximately to the beginning of the so-called “mane”. Next, the shoulder blades, hips, and tail are cut. And again I draw your attention to the fact that this should not be done in the summer! One more nuance: the haircut should be strictly according to the growth of the fur. Then the mane is shaped and the ears are opened. The finish is the formation of a tassel on the tail like a real king of beasts!

Pomeranian Spitz grooming, photo haircuts, coat care

Haircut and grooming are not a new thing for a long time, but a completely common phenomenon all over the world. Pomeranians have a very thick coat, which gives them the ability to look like a plush toy after a haircut. Many people, having seen a cropped Pomeranian, have a great interest in this breed, and for some, it’s enough beautiful photo on the Internet to buy a puppy pomeranian.

Regularly needs grooming, which not only gives the dog a beautiful and original appearance, but also prevents the loss of the center hair and matting of the undercoat. For the Pomeranian Spitz, grooming should begin correctly at 4 weeks of age - to accustom the puppy to combing his hair. It is correct to comb it against the direction of hair growth - from tail to head, after wetting the hair with a spray bottle, you can add a little hair conditioner or baby powder to the water. Dry wool cannot be combed because... it becomes electrified, cuts and breaks. The tangles form a soft undercoat; they must be carefully combed out with a special steel comb, trying not to damage the undercoat. This procedure must be carried out before each bath. The Pomeranian is a very clean dog, so you will rarely have to bathe it - only if necessary!

In the photo below you can see a white polar bear before and after a haircut:

Pomeranian grooming includes: following procedures: cutting the coat, brushing teeth and ears, trimming nails, bathing... The coat tends to constantly grow, so you don’t have to give your pet the same haircut, you have a great opportunity to give the dog an original look.

On the picture interesting option cutting and coloring of Pomeranian Spitz:

Currently, grooming specialists are coming up with many original haircuts and coloring options for Pomeranians. The orange's fur grows a couple of centimeters per month, so every 2 - 3 months your pet's coat can be given a new shape:

One of the peculiarities of the Pomeranian Spitz breed is shedding; during puppyhood, it gives the Pomeranian a completely unpresentable appearance, so a haircut is a good option to correct this situation.

Photo. Pomeranian Pati - color color at the age of 2.5 months, but shedding will begin soon:

Photo. The Pomeranian Spitz has grown up, he is already 4 months old, a haircut option during the shedding period:

Exhibition grooming (haircut) of a Pomeranian Spitz - trimming ears, shaping paws, butt, polishing fur line. It is not recommended to cut the Pomeranian's head bald - it may not grow hair. The Pomeranian's coat length is renewed within 6 months and grows quite slowly. The photo below shows options for exhibition haircuts of the Pomeranian Spitz:

Matling of wool and tangles in the Pomeranian Spitz

Hair matting and matting are the main problems of the Pomeranian. To maintain the impeccable appearance of the Pomeranian, its coat needs careful care and combing. It is ideal to brush the coat every day, but not all Pomeranian owners do this. If the coat is poorly cared for and not brushed regularly (at least once a week), the coat becomes matted and tangles form. During the molting period, matting of fur - natural process, but it can be avoided by combing the long center hair and thick undercoat against the direction of growth with a slicker brush, and most importantly daily. Many buyers, when purchasing a Pomeranian Spitz puppy, do not really think about its quality (purebred dog), it seems to have a pretty face, it seems to have documents and the fur is fluffy, but you will see the quality of the fur after the first shedding.

A high quality Pomeranian is expensive, but worth it. Such a dog will bring a minimum of problems to your home, and a maximum of positivity and good mood!

Pomeranian ear trim

Once every few months, the ears need to be cut, and the ear canal needs to be freed of hair. Some Spitz dogs have very thick overgrown ears, the hair gets tangled and blocks the access of air to the auricle, which leads to ear disease. In the summer, many owners of Pomeranian Spitz cut their pets' hair, but if you don't do this, protect the dog from the sun, hot rooms, heated asphalt; you need to maintain optimal temperature and air humidity in the apartment. In summer, Pomeranians are always at risk of overheating or sunstroke.

What made the Pomeranian named Boo very popular all over the world was his original haircut:

Grooming Yorkshire Terrier, photo haircuts, hair care

It is unique in that it has no undercoat and its fur is similar to the structure of human hair, which is constantly growing. In this regard, many haircuts for Yorkshire terriers have been invented and the number of options is constantly growing. Grooming a Yorkshire Terrier includes regular haircuts and cleaning of the ears, and as the coat grows, trimming the paws, body and claws.

Yorkshire terrier ear trim (photo)

Trimming the Yorkshire Terrier's ears is a basic and regular grooming procedure, done once a week, since the Yorkshire Terrier's coat grows back quite quickly. It is better to trim your dog's ears after bathing him. auditory canal you need to remove excess hair either with scissors or tweezers, clean the ears from wax with a cotton swab, if the ears are very dirty, you can use boric acid or hydrogen peroxide (moisten cotton swab in the solution and wipe the auricle). After cleaning the ears, you can start cutting.

The Yorkshire Terrier's hair is cut from 1/3 of the ear using scissors or a shaving machine, or with a trimmer or an animal clipper. It is correct to cut in the direction of hair growth both from the outside and from the inside. inside ear from base to tip:

A Yorkie's ears should be set according to the Yorkshire Terrier breed standard. If your Yorkie's ears are not trimmed, they may droop due to the weight of the fur. Yorkie's ears have 18 muscles, which allows them to quickly pick up sounds and determine their exact location. The muscles allow the Yorkie's ears to lower, raise, tuck, and turn.

In the first photo there is a Yorkie with ears overgrown with fur, in the second photo a Yorkshire terrier puppy has the correct ear haircut according to the breed standard:

Why don't Yorkshire Terriers have erect ears?

1. In puppyhood, when milk teeth are replaced by molars, the Yorkshire Terrier's ears may droop. The period of teeth change can last from 4 months of age to 8 months.

2.Weak cartilage tissue, so she is not yet able to support her ears vertically.

3. Your Yorkie's ears may droop due to the weight of their fur.

4.In rare cases, the Yorkshire Terrier's ears droop due to illness.

How to put ears on a Yorkshire Terrier (photo)?

1.Ears need to be trimmed.

2.Massage your ears daily (especially the base of the ear) to stimulate blood circulation. The duration of the massage can be 3 - 5 minutes.

3.Apply temporary stickers, providing additional support to the cartilage tissue:

Grooming is carried out to prepare the dog for the exhibition, as well as for hygienic purposes to maintain the dogs’ excellent appearance and health. You can do grooming yourself or contact professionals at the salon. Now you can invite an experienced grooming professional to your home; this will not only save your time, but also preserve the dog’s healthy psyche.

Shown in the photo possible options Yorkshire Terrier haircuts.

In the photo there are haircut options for the Yorkshire Terrier:

Some more options for Yorkshire Terrier haircuts (photo):

Your Yorkshire Terrier can have not only an original haircut (photo), but also an original hair coloring (photo):

The Yorkshire Terrier inspires many groomers to perfect this art. There are many seminars on training in grooming the Yorkshire Terrier, conducted by world-class masters. Grooming helps owners of high quality Yorkshire Terriers maintain and even improve the dog's quality. It is very important to choose the right hair care cosmetics, as well as grooming tools: combs of the correct stiffness, shape and size, elastic bands, hair clips...

Tools for grooming Yorkshire Terrier and Pomeranian Spitz:

You can also trim your Pomeranian Spitz yourself at home using a trimmer - a hair clipper. Trimmers are either cordless (battery powered for 45 minutes of continuous operation) or wired (powered by mains power). Most trimmers have detachable attachments for cutting different lengths of hair. The photo shows a trimmer for cutting a Yorkshire Terrier and a Pomeranian Spitz:

Grooming will help present all the advantages of the Yorkshire Terrier at the exhibition to the expert and give your pet the opportunity to be the best in the rings! Exhibition haircuts for Pomeranians are done only with professional scissors:

The peculiarity of the Pomeranian is its very thick coat, which must be thoroughly combed at least once a week (ideally, the Pomeranian’s coat should be combed daily, especially during the molting period), using special brushes that eliminate the process of fur matting and the formation of tangles, and also clean from debris and dust. The condition of the Pomeranian's coat is very easy to neglect, and it's easy to tell her great view It will take you more than one hour of work. The photo shows brushes for a Pomeranian Spitz:

Cute and friendly, Spitz dogs naturally have thick, beautiful and silky hair. This breed has a luxurious tail. In order to properly trim your Spitz, you need to contact a professional, namely a groomer. Having sufficient experience, the master will be able to turn your pet into a sleek and well-groomed family pet.

Spitz coat care

Since the Spitz has a very thick and beautiful coat, it can be cut in different ways. The hair has a characteristic shine and stiffness, and a chic collar forms on the neck. In addition, the coat of these dogs is very well dyed in various colors.

There are situations where tangled areas are formed. To prevent this from happening, your pet needs to be combed constantly, ideally every day. Before starting this procedure, the wool must be moistened with a special spray, which facilitates the process. After this, a large parting is made near the head, and combing of the hair tufts from the roots begins, dividing them into strands.

How to wash a Spitz?

You shouldn't wash your dog often. It is better if this procedure is carried out no more often than once a month, but urgent need it is allowed to do this twice. Shampoos and conditioners designed for this breed of dog are used. It is important to remember that getting water into your Spitz’s ears is unacceptable, so before washing it is better to plug them with cotton swabs. After the procedure is completed, you need to take out the wet cotton wool and gently blot your pet’s ears with dry sticks.

Dead fur can be removed by hand immediately after bathing. Next, the dog needs to be dried with a hairdryer, while combing it. For the procedure, it is better to take the device on the counter, then the owner will have both hands free. It is unacceptable to leave your pet to dry out. naturally: The Spitz's coat is very thick and will take a long time to dry, so the dog can catch a cold, and the wet hairs will get tangled.

Typically, Spitz dogs have their fur trimmed around their ears and on their paws.

at home: how to carry out the procedure correctly?

Let's start with the fact that Spitz dogs are one of the dog breeds that require high-quality coat care. But before you trim your Spitz at home, you need to prepare some tools:

  • Claw clippers.
  • Small scissors (straight).
  • Straight scissors (large).
  • Thinning scissors.
  • Potassium permanganate in case of unforeseen situations.

Haircut rules

Before the procedure, you need to cut the dog’s nails, and this should be done at least once a week.

To shorten the fur on the paws, you need to take small scissors with straight ends. Everything needs to be cut, even between the fingertips. Once the procedure is completed, take long, straight scissors and begin adjusting the hair on the paws so that you get an even column.

Remember: you can trim your Spitz correctly only if you are standing. So, you need to fluff the hair and comb it vertically. The front and hind legs are cut the same way. But the fur that grows between the fingers needs to be left behind.

How to trim a Pomeranian's ears?

In order for your pet’s ears to become small and neat, you will have to work hard on them:

  • We grab the auricle between two fingers.
  • You need to move from the base upward, carefully feeling the dog's skin so as not to damage it.
  • Once you reach the tip of your ear, cut it so that you get a nice, neat curve. The cut should be parallel to the head.

If you find it difficult to trim your Spitz with scissors, you can take an electric clipper and the largest attachment. In this case the procedure will pass much faster, and the result will be the same.

Dog groomer

Spitz is a dog breed that requires special care. This is primarily due to the animal's fur. It needs to be brushed every day, and dogs of this breed really like this attention from their owners.

If your pet will participate in exhibitions, then shortening the coat is not recommended, but only the ears and under the tail are allowed to be trimmed to ensure hygiene. Only those dogs that will not attend competition events can be groomed. There is an option to do it yourself, but there is no guarantee that it will turn out beautifully. Therefore, many people have a question: where to trim a Spitz?

For this purpose, there are special hairdressing salons for dogs, where professional groomers can not only properly trim the fur, but also dye it in different colors.

Trimming a Spitz: the asking price

The cost of a haircut for a Spitz will depend on what hairstyle you choose for your pet: hygienic, traditional or show. For example, a haircut for a pet in a salon can cost from 1900 to 2100 rubles. And when ordering comprehensive care, the cost will be within 3 thousand rubles.

If your pet needs a traditional haircut, he will first be washed with a special shampoo, then the coat will be rinsed with conditioner, which will make it easy to comb, and dried with a hairdryer.

As a result, the trimmed Spitz will look like this:

  • The ears will take on a charming round shape.
  • The paws will be trimmed to create a “cat-like” effect.
  • The coat will be smooth.
  • The hair will be trimmed neatly and short for hygiene purposes around the genitals and the root of the ponytail.
  • With the help of thinning they will create a beautiful silhouette.

It should be noted that a well-cut Spitz looks like a teddy bear. The main thing is not to forget to comb him daily and care for his coat.

Many owners of this dog breed do not want to spend time and money on such events. But in vain - a Spitz with a hairstyle looks very attractive. A beautiful, neat pet is an indicator of the love and care of the owner.

A trimmed Pomeranian is a pet that looks more like a cute teddy bear. Currently, a small number of owners of dogs of such a cute breed know that they can cut their pet’s hair without leaving home and without having money for grooming. Let us next consider the features and basic rules for cutting a Pomeranian Spitz.

Main features of wool

Before you begin to consider the features of the haircut process, you need to familiarize yourself with how the coat of dogs of this breed is structured.

At any age, the Spitz resembles a small and very cute bear cub. This effect achieved due to the presence of abundant and very soft undercoat, as well as a harsh and rather long awn. It is thanks to this feature of hair growth that the Pomeranian Spitz's coat takes on a standing position, which creates the effect of a rounded silhouette of the dog.

In order for the animal's coat to have a beautiful appearance, it is necessary to regularly trim it and take care of it. appearance, which includes the processes of combing and removing mats and bathing the dog.

When is a haircut needed?

When and how to groom a Pomeranian? A signal that a dog needs a haircut is widespread matting of hair, as well as profuse shedding. An indicator for the manipulation is the formation of tangles in the dog.

Grooming experts note that serious sign what the pet needs professional haircut, is the manifestation of fractures in the spine and its loss in some places.

Regular grooming is very important for a dog of the breed in question, because a trimmed Pomeranian Spitz not only looks very beautiful - it is completely protected from heat and cold, since its coat is normal.

General information about spitz haircuts

It should be mentioned that the procedure for cutting both Pomeranian and German Spitz is the same. Experts in the field of grooming often note that if you want to provide hairdressing services for your pet yourself, you should still look into the workshop for the first time for a consultation, as well as in order to observe with your own eyes how this process occurs.

Carrying out such a reception consists of several stages, which include:

  • combing;
  • bathing;
  • a haircut.

Each action has some characteristics. Let's look at them in more detail.

Features of a bear haircut

Red, brown, black and even white Pomeranian Spitz, cut like a bear cub, looks very beautiful and original. Such a fur coat is not only very touching, but also incredibly practical, but it is worth considering that the dog will not be able to take part in exhibitions with it.

A teddy bear haircut involves creating a round head. Moreover, the dog’s ears and scruff should be visually at the same level. All fur on the body is kept short and of uniform length. Hairs left on the paws will give the limbs a rounded shape.

Preparing your pet for the procedure

Proper preparation of your pet for grooming is the key to the success of the entire process. Its stage includes, first of all, combing the pet. When performing this action, you should pay attention to the richness of the dog’s coat. All manipulations must be performed as carefully as possible.

How to carry out the process of combing a Pomeranian Spitz correctly? It should be remembered that all actions must be carried out in the direction against the growth of the dog’s coat, from the tail to the head of the dog. The pressure applied by the comb should be relatively soft, otherwise there is a high risk of depriving the dog of the undercoat, which ensures a beautiful haircut. It is important not to touch the animal's delicate skin, as it may be injured by a hard object.

It is best to use soft brushes for the combing procedure. good quality purchased from a specialty store. It is recommended to give preference to tools with teeth rounded at the tips.

In the process of combing the dog, it is imperative to remove all the tangles that have managed to form on the coat. Such actions should be carried out very carefully, disassembling them into individual hairs. When unraveling, there is no need to pull them, much less pull them out. To make manipulation easier, you can use a special spray designed for these purposes - it is sold in pet stores.


Bathing is another integral stage of grooming a Pomeranian. It should be started only after the dog’s fur is completely free of tangles and well combed.

To carry out the procedure, you need to acquire a special shampoo intended for bathing dogs of the breed in question, as well as conditioner. For pets with white color, you need to purchase a special bleach.

Before bathing, your dog needs to plug his ears well to prevent water from getting into them. After that, the pet should be immersed in a container and, after carefully moistening the fur, foam the shampoo on it. After removing the detergent, the hair should be treated with conditioner. Then rinse everything thoroughly and dry your pet’s coat with a hairdryer. During the drying process, it is necessary to lift the wool against the direction of its growth.

After drying, the dog's coat must be treated with an antistatic agent.

Haircutting tools

How to trim a Pomeranian Spitz at home? To carry out this technique correctly, you need to acquire high-quality tools. Such a set should include the following attributes:

  • small but well sharpened scissors;
  • two metal brushes (with rare and with fine teeth);
  • thinning scissors;
  • massage brush (preferably with long teeth);
  • blunt scissors.

Haircut process

To get a beautifully trimmed Pomeranian Spitz (like a bear cub), everything needs to be done in stages, paying attention to each part of the pet’s body. First of all, you should thoroughly comb the animal, straightening its fur. Only after this you need to pick up the scissors and cut.

Next, let's look at the next stage. How to properly trim the ears of a Pomeranian? To do this, it is enough to determine the edge of the auricle and, holding it between the middle and index fingers, remove protruding hairs to the desired length, keeping an even line.

The bear-cut Pomeranian has a special collar. To make it look voluminous, you need to visually separate its back and front parts. After this, you should grab the boundaries of the mane with your fingers and align their line in a circle until the desired length is achieved. In the direction from the chest to the dog's chin, the hair should be cut lengthwise - this will create a semicircle.

Before decorating the back of the dog’s body, you need to lift its tail. The fur located around the anus should be combed evenly different sides and cut, giving them the same length. Next you should pay attention to the “pants”. They also need to be cut, giving each half a rounded shape. In order to properly cut the tail, you need to lay the Pomeranian on its back. Then divide the hair located in this area in half and cut it so that the length of the hair on all sides is the same. Ultimately, the haircut done on the tail should look uniform, without the presence of protruding bristles. At the same time, the pet should look beautiful and rich.

The fur hanging from the paws just needs to be carefully trimmed, cutting off too long and protruding hairs.

At the final stage of the haircut, unevenness is smoothed out and integrity is imparted. big picture. To do this, you need to go over the entire body with thinning scissors to eliminate small protruding hairs, if any.

What to do if your pet resists

It often happens that providing hairdressing services for a pet at home becomes a real test for its owner. What to do if the dog begins to resist during the grooming process?

In this case, experts strongly advise against shouting and threatening the Spitz - these actions will only cause negative reaction pet, and will also develop a fear of manipulation even in a salon environment.

Moreover, owners of Pomeranian dogs are advised to learn the “bath” or “cut” command in advance, for mastering which the animal should receive a pleasant reward.

Also, experts in the field in question advise identifying a separate place for home grooming, in which the pet will feel as calm as possible. This can be a table or ironing board. As for small puppies, when accustoming them to grooming, it is advisable to carry out all processes while holding them in your arms. Practice shows that this way the animal perceives all procedures more calmly.

Is it possible to trim a Pomeranian completely?

This question worries many owners of dogs of the breed in question. In their advice on cutting a Pomeranian Spitz, grooming experts point out one nuance: like other dogs, representatives of this breed do not sweat through their skin, which is why removing the hair does not in any way save the pet from the heat. Moreover, fur that has been cut to the ground does not have the ability to grow back, which is why the pet runs the risk of remaining short-haired forever and no longer looking like a bear cub. That is why experts in this field strongly recommend leaving about 3-4 cm of plant cover when cutting your pet’s hair at home.