Why does a dog vomit often? Vomiting with white or yellow foam in dogs. Symptoms of vomiting with foam

Vomiting is a common occurrence among dogs. It doesn't happen without reason. And, of course, the owners are concerned about this behavior of the pet. But vomiting is not always a sign of illness. After all, in essence, it represents a protective reaction of the body, striving to get rid of toxins that penetrate the digestive tract.

Root causes of vomiting

U pet contents may be erupted duodenum or the stomach. Changes in the dog's behavior such as excessive salivation, constant licking of the muzzle, or refusal to eat should concern the owner.

Among the basic factors that provoke vomiting:

  • infectious diseases;
  • poisoning with low-quality food products;
  • the presence of foreign bodies in the pet’s digestive organs;
  • worms that live in the intestines of an animal;
  • allergy;
  • stress;
  • binge eating;
  • heat strokes;
  • damage to the central nervous system.

Depending on the root cause that provoked the corresponding vomiting reaction, pathological and physiological types of vomiting are distinguished. The latter is a reaction to overeating. It often appears in puppies that feed voraciously on their mother's milk. Sometimes vomiting reflex becomes the body’s reaction to the penetration of substances that actively irritate the taste buds of the dog’s tongue. This type of manifestation goes away on its own.

Pathological vomiting is extremely dangerous. It should be treated depending on the underlying cause of the manifestation. This requires a thorough examination. The dog needs to undergo tests that will help establish an accurate diagnosis.

In any case, your pet’s gag reflex cannot be ignored. Sometimes this is a signal that the dog is simply hungry. If the pet is alert and active, then there is no reason for alarm. But if the foam has a yellowish tint and there is a lot of mucus, then there is a clear problem in the dog’s body. Such vomiting can signal cholecystitis, hepatitis, or piroplasmosis. Abundant foam masses may also indicate problems with the functioning of the stomach.

Foaming vomiting itself occurs when the stomach is empty. The mucus, which protects this organ from acids, contains proteins and mucopolysaccharides. They form foam when the animal swallows air. Vomiting white foam is the first sign that the dog has an empty stomach. Don't worry if this happens just once. You simply need to feed the animal more often, in a timely manner. However, if vomiting white foam becomes systematic, then you should show the animal to a veterinarian.

Vomiting on an empty stomach is a consequence of gastrointestinal ailments, most often gastritis. This mainly occurs due to pancreatitis. Vomiting five hours after eating is a sign of a foreign object in the stomach.

Vomiting mainly affects puppies, as well as various representatives small breeds. To eliminate the threat to the life of the animal, it is better to carry out comprehensive examination. In addition, meals need to be divided into several meals.


To eliminate vomiting in a dog, it is important to make an accurate diagnosis. If the manifestation is strong, it is advisable to take a blood test. Sometimes additional x-rays are prescribed abdominal cavity. It allows you to determine the presence of tumors in the animal’s body. While waiting for the doctor, it is better not to give your dog food.

Experts agree that it is pointless to treat vomiting. After all, in this way the pet simply rids the body of harmful substances or unknowingly notifies the owner of a progressive illness. Treatment should be directed exclusively at the root cause of the gag reflex.

Before the veterinarian arrives, you need to observe the animal and find out the nature of its vomiting. An important role is played by side symptoms - excessive bloating, irresistible thirst, lack of appetite. Your pet should always have access to fresh, purified water, as vomiting leads to dehydration.

You can't scold a dog when it vomits. After all, the animal does not control its impulses. It is better to try to calm your pet. It is important to cleanse the animal's body. For this, daily fasting is allowed. If vomiting recurs after several hours, the pet should be given chicken broth to drink. A day after vomiting, he can be given light liquid food.

Typically, your veterinarian will prescribe certain medications. If an infectious disease is detected, antibiotics are prescribed. In the presence of viral diseases immunomodulators are prescribed. It is unacceptable to treat your dog for vomiting on your own. After all, medications can do harm. A generally available remedy for alleviating the condition of an animal will be healing decoction from flaxseeds and mint leaves (a tablespoon of ingredients is poured with two glasses of boiling water, left for half an hour). On will benefit starvation diet.

After the vomiting has completely stopped, you need to give the dog filtered fresh water. Literally the next day it is allowed to give the animal congee. It is important that the dog should be fed in extremely small portions, five times a day, at least. The animal will be reluctant to consume herbal decoctions. Therefore, they will have to be poured into the dog six times, 100 ml each. On the third day after the vomiting has passed, normal food can be introduced into the animal’s diet.

Yellow vomit in a dog is an alarming warning, signaling serious diseases in the dachshund’s body. Most often, this phenomenon can be observed in the morning, when the dog has not had time to eat. Bile contained in vomit is indisputable evidence of impaired bile secretion. Bile released along with vomiting leads to serious inflammation of the intestines. As it progresses, it can reach the stomach, significantly damage it, cause severe irritation and ultimately lead to hungry vomiting.

Hungry vomiting in a dog

Vomiting bile in a dog on an empty stomach is evidence of a disrupted process of formation and secretion of bile. This type of vomiting of bile occurs in dogs in the morning. It is called hungry because its secretion occurs during the period when the dog eats exclusively lean food. To overcome this phenomenon, it is necessary to gradually add more fatty foods to the dachshund's diet. At the same time, you need to feed her more often, but in small portions for normal absorption and digestion.

Causes of vomiting bile in dogs

Vomiting bile in a dog can be caused by the body's reaction to processed foods. Not all pets can react normally to preservatives, additives and other ingredients contained in food. chemical substances. Processed foods are difficult to digest and digest. In addition, many such substances often lead to allergic diseases.

The next reason why a dog may vomit yellow is the presence of gastritis, long stay in a hungry state. Due to a long absence of food, the body malfunctions. It accumulates gases, which cause nausea. A dog's vomiting of yellow foam occurs due to the fact that there were simply no other substances in the stomach. That is why the bile that has accumulated in the body, corroding the walls of the stomach, comes out. A dog may vomit after eating if the pet’s feeding is unbalanced or the diet is poorly chosen.

Another reason could be the presence of worms in the dachshund's body, which must be dealt with immediately upon discovery, since their presence can cause serious damage to the pet.

Vomiting bile in dogs: causes and treatment

The causes of vomiting in a dog - having understood this issue, you need to understand what means to treat the ailment that has arisen.

My dog ​​is vomiting bile, what should I do?

“The dog is vomiting bile with foam, what should I do?” - perhaps this is the first question that can be heard from the owner who is shocked by what happened. He will be interested not in why the dog is vomiting yellow foam, but in what ways there are to combat the vomiting process.

The dog is vomiting yellow color How can I help you? - of course, in best case scenario will immediately take the dachshund to veterinary clinic. You should not self-medicate and reassure yourself that with your own efforts you will cope no worse than a specialist. Under no circumstances should you inject antibiotics without first consulting a doctor, and even more so, it is forbidden to give your dog pills used for humans. The only thing the owner can do on his own is to give the dachshund a starvation diet, which will be beneficial for the body.

Yellow dog vomiting treatment

What to give your dog if he is vomiting bile? The first thing you need to give your dog after a bout of vomiting is water. If your dachshund refuses it due to an incessant feeling of nausea, then in this case you need to resort to an injection or drip that will help restore and normalize the water balance. From medicines Lansoprazole may be used, which is used to reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid. You can give choleretic drugs: for example, odeston to remove pathogenic substances from the body.

Green dog vomit

The dog vomits bile and does not eat anything - this phenomenon can occur in the following cases: poisoning, indigestion, gastritis, stomach ulcer, liver disease. It happens that a dachshund vomits, and at the same time she does not eat anything, even when she has eaten a lot of grass. The stomach tries to cleanse itself of excess substances trapped in the grass. Because of this, an vomiting process occurs, accompanied by the release of bile. There is nothing wrong with this: the body is being cleansed.

Pets are our faithful four-legged friends, whose health needs to be monitored especially carefully. You must not lose sight of anything, since various types of illnesses will not keep you waiting and at any unforeseen moment they can result in serious consequences.

Sudden vomiting in a dog can frighten the owner and cause discomfort to the animal. The causes of vomiting in a pet can be different. Vomiting is a reflex reaction that protects the body from poisons, toxins, inedible objects and substances.

You should find out the cause of your dog's vomiting.

Vomiting can be physiological or pathological.

An example of physiological vomiting is regurgitation in puppies that have overfed their mother's milk. Some foods can overstimulate your taste buds and cause you to gag. The physiological type of vomiting does not require correction or treatment and usually goes away on its own. But pathological vomiting requires clarification of the causes and appropriate treatment.


Poor quality food can cause poisoning in a dog.

A dog may have health problems with certain organs, so vomiting will vary. Among the main reasons causing the gag reflex, several of the most common can be identified:

In street water and ponds, a dog can easily become infected with worms.

Causes and signs of pathological vomiting

Vomiting can be caused by the presence internal diseases. However, additional symptoms may indicate the cause. Let's look at some types of vomiting that have characteristic symptoms.

There are cases of vomiting due to internal diseases.

Vomiting blood

Bloody vomiting always poses a health hazard, because blood indicates gastric bleeding.

If you are vomiting blood, you should definitely see a veterinarian.

To help your pet, you need to visit a veterinarian as soon as possible and undergo the prescribed diagnostics. Blood may be caused by damage to the stomach walls. Perhaps the dog swallowed an inedible and sharp object that damaged its stomach. If dogs' diet contains bones (especially tubular chicken bones), then the stomach walls can be damaged by the sharp edges of the bones.

Bloody discharge in the vomit may be or. Sometimes bloody vomiting occurs at the stage of destruction of the internal tumor.

Vomiting blood is not necessarily red in color. Minor blood loss will appear brownish in the vomit. If vomiting occurs some time after bleeding, the color of the vomit will be brown and sometimes black.

Stomach ulcer

Frequent vomiting of blood may indicate an open stomach ulcer.

Bone waste can cause stomach ulcers.

This disease occurs when feeding a pet bone and meat waste, bones and other traumatic products. Vomiting disappears when the ulcer scars.

Foam and mucous vomit

Foaming during vomiting is not a sign of a serious illness.

  1. After eating, after some time the stomach becomes empty, and food passes further.
  2. Mucus and bile appear in the stomach.
  3. Mucus prevents the gastric walls from self-digesting.
  4. The mucous contents are whipped into a foamy mass, so when vomiting, foamy mucous contents of the stomach appear.

Usually this is not a sign of a serious pathology and indicates that the dog’s stomach is empty.. Isolated cases of such vomiting are acceptable, but repeated cases should alert the owner. The dog should be taken to a veterinarian to determine the cause of the vomiting.

Yellow vomit

Worms can cause yellow vomit in a dog.

Vomit with bile is very scary for dog owners. How to help your pet? First you need to understand the reasons that caused the urge to vomit:

Vomiting with diarrhea is a sign of infection.

  • The vomit smells like ammonia - the dog may have liver failure.
  • The sweetish smell of vomit indicates...
  • A putrid odor occurs when there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity.
  • With stomach diseases, vomiting usually occurs some time after eating.
  • Vomiting with diarrhea, high temperature and refusal to eat is a sign of infection or poisoning.
  • If a dog on a walk tries to find green grass and chew it, it may have stomach problems, and the grass helps cleanse it of excess contents. If such cleaning is not a systematic phenomenon, then there should be no worries about health. This natural process stomach cleansing for animals.
  • Morning vomiting of yellow foamy contents indicates indigestion. Perhaps it .

Main symptoms of poisoning

Weakness is the main symptom of poisoning.

Signs indicating pet poisoning:

  1. Drooling, licking the face.
  2. Vomiting with diarrhea.
  3. Abdominal pain that is detected by palpation. The animal tries to dodge the touches and squeals in pain.
  4. Weakness, loss of coordination, unsteady gait.
  5. or paralysis.
  6. With severe intoxication, the animal may lose consciousness or fall into a coma.
  7. Pesticide poisoning can be diagnosed by dilated pupils. In some cases, blindness is possible.
  8. The heart rhythm changes, breathing becomes more frequent or rare.

How to stop a dog from vomiting?

If your dog has persistent vomiting, combined with vomiting, you need to get to the vet as quickly as possible. Dehydration is a very dangerous condition for small puppies. They may die literally in 24 hours.

What to do until the dog has been examined by a veterinarian? Stop feeding the dog. Regarding drinking water: if after drinking the dog immediately vomits, then it is better not to give it anything to eat or drink. You can offer frozen ice instead, it will help relieve some of the nausea. If your dog is thirsty, offer him a clean drinking water in sufficient quantity. You can make chamomile tea. It is advisable to give the dog sorbents that are sold in regular pharmacy: coal, enterosgel.

Chamomile tea can help your dog cope with vomiting.

At the veterinary clinic, to stop vomiting, they can inject cerucal (an antiemetic drug) and install a system to eliminate dehydration.

Pain and cramps

No-shpa or Papaverine will help reduce pain and spasms. Omez will reduce the acidity of the stomach during gastritis.

No-spa will relieve the dog's pain.

When the vomiting has stopped, the dog gradually begins to be fed and watered. This should be done in small portions, the food should be dietary. The gentle diet should last at least a week. It all depends on the diagnosis; you may have to stick to a much larger diet if the problem is a gastrointestinal disease.

First aid for poisoning at home

If it is reliably known that it is necessary to urgently call a veterinarian or take the dog to a veterinary clinic.

Action plan before the doctor arrives:

  • stop the pet's contact with the toxic substance.
  • If the poison has been swallowed, induce vomiting. To do this, you can dilute salt or soda in warm water and pour it into the dog’s mouth. For 250 ml of water – 1 tablespoon of salt. It is best to do gastric lavage using a tube. In case of poisoning with acids and alkalis, it is strictly not recommended to induce vomiting, since the repeated passage of these substances through the organs digestive tract can lead to chemical burn. Thawing with milk is possible only in cases of mercury or lead poisoning; in other cases, milk is not used.
  • It is recommended to wash off any poison that gets on the skin from your pet using baby soap or just clean warm water.
  • If the animal was transported in a car and it inhaled gasoline vapors or exhaust fumes, it is necessary to take the dog out to Fresh air. Carbon monoxide can be neutralized by generously washing the mouth and eyes with a weak solution of soda (3%).
  • To remove poison from the stomach, a sorbent is used: Activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 kg of weight.
  • 30 minutes after taking charcoal, it is recommended to give your pet a mild laxative so that the body can naturally cleanse itself of poisons.

Activated charcoal will help remove poison from the stomach.

What to do after the vomiting symptoms stop?

The first days after incessant vomiting, the dog is transferred to dietary food. Food should be low in calories and the animal should be fed in small portions. The following products can be given:

  • skim cheese;
  • boiled rice or rice soup;
  • poultry or beef should also be boiled;
  • oatmeal;
  • curdled milk.

After the vomiting symptoms stop, you can give your dog low-fat cottage cheese.

Clean water should be near your pet at all times so that the animal can drink even if no one is around.

Video about dog vomiting

Vomiting domestic dog may be caused wide range diseases of various nature. When diagnosing the cause of vomiting, the age of your pet, the presence of chronic diseases, as well as the dog’s diet.

Vomiting in dogs is an uncontrollable reflex act, as a result of which the contents of the animal’s stomach are expelled through the mouth. It is important to distinguish real vomiting from regurgitation - in the latter case, food does not have time to enter the stomach and is excreted directly from the esophagus in almost the same form in which it entered the dog’s mouth.

Why does the dog vomit?

Most often, vomiting occurs as a protective reaction of the body aimed at getting rid of various toxic substances. The most common causes of vomiting in dogs are:

Poisoning by poison or poor quality food;

Foreign body in the stomach;

Acute infectious diseases;

Chronic diseases;

Worm infestations;

Intestinal obstruction;

Individual intolerance to certain foods.

Vomiting in a dog: treating the real cause

Often the owner, seeing that the dog is vomiting, makes the erroneous conclusion that it is necessary to treat the vomiting itself. This is why questions appear every day on dog forums and veterinary portals: “how to treat vomiting in dogs,” “what to give a dog when vomiting,” or even “how to stop a dog from vomiting.” Meanwhile, “treating vomiting” on your own without determining what exactly caused it is not only pointless, but also dangerous - without making a diagnosis, this can lead to a deterioration in the animal’s condition. In most cases the real reason Only a veterinarian can determine if a dog is vomiting, but the dog owner can make his job much easier.

If your dog is vomiting, what to do before the doctor arrives?

First of all, it is unacceptable to scold a dog if it stains the floors or carpet with vomit: firstly, it cannot restrain the urge to vomit, and secondly, toxins are removed from the body with vomit, so do not try to stop the dog from vomiting. If a muzzle or tight collar is worn, at the first urge to vomit, they must be removed immediately so that the dog does not choke on vomit.

The first thing to do if your dog is vomiting is to analyze the symptoms (the more detailed the information you give to the veterinarian, the easier it will be for him to understand what treatment is required). As mentioned above, vomiting in itself is not a disease - it is only a symptom of some kind of malfunction in the body. In order to assess how serious this failure is, veterinarians recommend paying attention to a number of factors, based on which you can more accurately determine why a dog is vomiting:

1) The nature of vomiting (frequent, rare, on an empty stomach, after eating, etc.).

3) Side symptoms of vomiting: general state dogs (vigorous or lethargic), appetite (normal, increased or refusal of food), thirst or refusal of water, fever, diarrhea, constipation, cough, discharge from the nose and eyes, bloating, pain, cramps, etc.

4) Everything that happened to the dog over the last 2-3 days: eating garbage while walking, a sudden change in diet, time last appointment food, communication with sick/stray animals or unfriendly people who could give a poisoned treat, contact with harmful chemical compounds(for example, if you are undergoing renovations), etc.

Particular attention should be paid to such side symptoms as diarrhea, apathy, decreased or lack of appetite, decreased or elevated temperature– in combination with vomiting in a dog, they indicate diseases that require urgent veterinary attention.

Important! Regardless of the reasons, if it lasts for a long time and especially if the dog has uncontrollable vomiting, it is necessary to prevent dehydration (dehydration) of the body. To do this, you need to provide the dog with free access to water, and if it refuses to drink, force water in through its mouth using a syringe without a needle.

If your dog is vomiting blood

Bloody vomiting in dogs arises due to stomach bleeding(massive hemorrhage from the vessels of the stomach). This is very dangerous symptom, requiring immediate attention to a veterinary hospital. Bloody vomiting can be caused by: mechanical damage gastric mucosa with bone or foreign body, and infectious diseases ( parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis, infectious hepatitis). Also, the reason that a dog vomits blood may be poisoning (heavy metals, poison for rats and mice, aspirin and other analgesics), hypoadrenocorticism, and in some cases, tumor decay. Contrary to popular belief, bloody vomit is not always a bright red, scarlet color: if the bleeding is not heavy, or vomiting occurs some time after it, the vomit is usually red-brown, coffee-colored. Sometimes the owner thinks that the dog is vomiting black - but most often it is also bloody vomiting.

Chronic vomiting of blood in a dog that occurs at regular intervals may indicate a stomach ulcer. This disease usually occurs as a result of trauma to the stomach with a sharp object or due to poor diet. A characteristic feature is alternating periods of exacerbation (when the ulcer opens) and rest (after the ulcer scars). If periodically, in addition to vomiting blood (or blood and mucus), the dog simultaneously experiences lethargy, refusal to feed, and belching, it makes sense to do an examination to identify an ulcer.

Vomiting in a dog as a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases

Dog vomiting after eating or on an empty stomach in the morning is most often associated with the presence of diseases gastrointestinal tract, for example, gastritis. But if a dog vomits 5-6 hours after eating, there may be a neoplasm or a foreign body in the stomach: to establish the exact cause of vomiting, a gastroscopy procedure will be required. Diseases such as acute pancreatitis, acute cholecystitis or hepatic colic, as a rule, cause debilitating (prolonged) vomiting. Also, vomiting yellow or white foam in the morning can be a symptom of pancreatitis or indigestion.

Vomiting and unpleasant odor from the dog's mouth

There are a number serious illnesses, which cause vomiting, and they can be diagnosed by the appearance of a characteristic odor from the animal’s mouth:

The dog's breath smells like ammonia or urine - kidney failure is possible;

A sweet or acetone odor may indicate diabetes in a dog;

The smell of rot from a dog’s mouth indicates problems with the intestines or disease of the gums and teeth.

Vomiting and refusal to feed

If a dog does not eat and vomits, it could be...anything, from simple poisoning to an infection. First of all, do not try to force feed your dog; on the contrary, it is better to take a break from feeding. If after 12 hours there is still no appetite and vomiting continues, you should be examined by a veterinarian. If the dog does not eat anything and vomits, but at the same time it has increased / low temperature, diarrhea - there is no point in waiting 12 hours, take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.

Vomiting, diarrhea, fever in a dog

If your dog is vomiting and has a fever or fever, there is reason to suspect an acute infection, primarily leptospirosis, the intestinal form of canine distemper, parvovirus enteritis. All of these diseases are characterized by high mortality, especially among puppies, so it is necessary to take the dog to the doctor as quickly as possible to establish an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment.

Vomiting due to foreign bodies in the throat, esophagus, or intestines

If your dog is vomiting and is unable to go to the toilet normally, this may be a symptom intestinal obstruction. Often, small toys, stones, bones, etc., eaten by a dog, get stuck in the intestines. As a rule, this does not “dissolve” on its own; the dog begins to lose weight and frequent vomiting(many owners state that if there is an obstruction, the dog constantly vomits). If you suspect that the dog has swallowed some object, it is better to establish this as early as possible, since obstruction often requires surgery, and it will be more difficult for a weakened dog to endure it. Another dangerous symptom is the dog’s visible urge to vomit, but the vomit itself does not come out. If, against the background of such attempts, rapid swelling of the abdominal cavity is observed, it is necessary to immediately take the dog to a veterinary hospital. Vomiting with a cough, or cough and gagging, is often caused by a wound or foreign body in the throat or oral cavity. In this case, you should also immediately take the dog to a doctor.

Dog vomiting after eating grass

Many dog ​​owners have encountered the fact that their dog eats grass while walking and vomits bile along with the grass it eats (usually this happens in the morning on an empty stomach). In most cases, this behavior is due to the fact that the animal is cleaning its stomach. If this happens rarely (no more than 5 times a month), and the dog’s overall health is good, there is no reason to worry. However, often the dog eating grass and vomiting afterward may indicate excess bile in the stomach. In turn, the reason for this is most often improper feeding of the dog, in particular, excess fat (additional symptoms: belching with sour smell, a soft chair with mucus, obesity, increased greasy coat). Also, in some cases, this behavior indicates infection with worms.

So, what should you do if your dog vomits? If after vomiting the pet looks cheerful, there is no blood or worms in the vomit, the temperature, appetite and stool are normal - it makes sense to take a break from feeding for 12 - 24 hours and observe the dynamics of the dog’s condition. In all other cases, when vomiting is profuse, with blood or worms, or is accompanied by at least one side symptom in the form of refusal to feed, fever, diarrhea or constipation, general lethargy of the pet - you need to take it to a veterinary clinic for examination as soon as possible. Remember – your attentiveness and efficiency can save your dog’s life!

It's not unusual for dogs to vomit from time to time, whether for trivial reasons or serious reasons. For example, your dog may like to pick up scraps on the street and burp to empty the intestines of spoiled food. On the other hand, if your dog continues to vomit, the problem may be serious, including infection, pancreatitis, poisoning, cancer, or intestinal obstruction. If your dog vomits, you must provide first aid and be able to recognize when your pet needs veterinary attention.


Part 1

Self-administered first aid

    Check to see if the dog is in shock. Your dog may require immediate veterinary attention if it shows signs of shock. These include:

    • pallor skin and gums;
    • abnormal behavior;
    • complete loss of strength;
    • weakness;
    • difficulty getting up and walking;
    • difficulty raising the head;
    • depressed state.
  1. Provide your dog with comfort and warmth. If your dog vomits, reassure him so he doesn't feel like he did anything wrong. Try to put her down so she can rest. If your dog is cold and shivering, throw a blanket over him and provide your attention and support.

    Wipe the dog's soiled fur with a cloth soaked in warm water. Allowing vomit to dry on the fur can cause mats to form, so it is wise to clean the fur immediately. Do this only after the dog has rested for a while, and stop the procedure immediately if it causes stress in the animal.

    • You can also line your dog with disposable puppy diapers or old towels to prevent him from staining the carpet if he vomits again. Some dogs accept disposable diapers suitable place for the toilet. The presence of a diaper can reduce the animal's anxiety due to possible lack of cleanliness, since the dog will know that it can dirty the diaper.
  2. Watch for signs of impending vomiting. Monitor your dog closely after the first episode of vomiting, as constant vomiting requires examination of the animal by a veterinarian. Symptoms of impending vomiting include gagging or sounds like something is stuck in the dog's throat, stiff posture, or constant walking around aimlessly.

Part 2

Identification of cases requiring urgent veterinary care

    Contact your veterinarian immediately for treatment of the bloat. If your dog is vomiting but does not vomit, he may have a serious and life-threatening problem called bloat. Symptoms of bloat include ineffective gagging and drooling (as the dog cannot swallow saliva in this state).

    • Swelling requires immediate contact with a veterinarian, as if left untreated, the animal can die within a few hours.
  1. Pay attention to dehydration. If your dog vomits once, he may continue to vomit, making him not want to drink. Refusal to drink combined with fluid loss through vomiting can cause dehydration if the amount of fluid lost exceeds the amount consumed. If your dog shows the first signs of dehydration, give him a water-based electrolyte solution every few hours throughout the day. If you are unable to cope with dehydration on your own, contact your veterinarian. The first signs of dehydration include:

    • severe shortness of breath;
    • dry mouth, gums or nose;
    • obvious apathy (fatigue);
    • dry or sunken eyes;
    • loss of skin elasticity (the skin does not return to its original shape if you pinch it and release it);
    • weakness hind legs(for more late stages dehydration);
    • unsteadiness of gait (in later stages of dehydration).
  2. Know when to contact your veterinarian. If the vomiting began because the dog rummaged through the garbage and ate spoiled food scraps, then in most cases it is better to leave the dog at home, giving it something to drink and not allowing it to eat anything for a while. However, you should always be aware of symptoms that require immediate attention to a veterinarian. These include:

    • ineffectual vomiting;
    • continued lethargy and depression after 1-2 episodes of vomiting;
    • continued vomiting for 4 hours or inability to hold down water;
    • the presence of blood in the vomit, which may indicate a serious ulcer in the stomach wall.

Part 3

Identifying and eliminating the cause of vomiting
  1. For selection proper treatment It is necessary to be able to distinguish real vomiting from ordinary regurgitation. Dogs can often regurgitate undigested food without any abdominal effort or symptoms. painful symptoms. If your dog is spitting up, she may simply need to place her bowl higher to allow gravity to help the food she eats pass further into her stomach. However, if the dog is really very sick with the contents of its stomach, then the abdominal muscles contract. If this happens, you will notice that the dog is curled up and vomiting, which probably has a musty odor.

    Note whether the vomiting was a one-time event or repeated many times. If the dog vomited only once, after which it continued to eat normally without showing any problems in the gastrointestinal tract, then the vomiting can be considered a one-time event. If your dog has been vomiting all day or more, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

    Examine the vomit to try to understand the cause of the vomiting. Look for foreign objects in the vomit, such as wrappers, pieces of plastic, bone fragments (you should not allow your dog to eat real bones, as this often causes vomiting), etc. If you notice blood in the vomit, go to the vet immediately, as your dog can quickly develop severe and fatal bleeding.

Part 4

Feeding after vomiting

    Try not to feed your dog for 12 hours after vomiting. Vomiting can irritate the lining of the stomach, which will cause it to continue if the dog eats something too soon after vomiting. The stomach needs rest, so refusing food will help to understand whether the vomiting was related to food. Resist the urge to feed your dog if he is showing his hunger. This short fast will also give your dog's body a chance to rid itself of whatever is causing the vomiting.

    • A puppy or young dog should not be kept without feeding for more than 12 hours.
    • If your dog has any additional medical conditions (especially diabetes), consult your veterinarian before denying him food.
  1. Give your dog water. Offer her 2 teaspoons of water per kilogram of weight every hour. Continue giving water in this manner throughout the day until the dog begins to drink on its own. Too much drinking plenty of fluids after vomiting can provoke its continuation, while refusal of water leads to dehydration. If the dog is unable to contain even a small amount of water, contact your veterinarian.

    • For example, if your dog weighs 6 kg, give it 12 teaspoons (1/4 cup) every hour for 24 hours.
    • Consider purchasing Regidron or another drinking electrolyte solution at a regular pharmacy or veterinarian. Follow the instructions on the package when you prepare the solution from the purchased powder and boiled water. Such solutions do not irritate the stomach so much and can protect the body from dehydration. Give your dog the same amount of electrolyte solution as you would give him water. Be aware that not all dogs will like the taste of the solution, so your animal may refuse to drink it.
  2. If your dog refuses to drink, try to keep him hydrated using other methods. To prevent dehydration, you must ensure you maintain water balance dogs. Try wiping her gums with a cloth soaked in water. This will help refresh the mouth at a time when your dog is too nauseous to drink. You can also encourage your dog to lick ice cubes, so he gets a small amount of water and can moisten his mouth with it.