The forms for determining an employee’s qualifications are also clearer. How to correctly determine the qualification level of an employee

What is the qualification of an employee according to Labor Code? What levels are there? How often and how to evaluate it correctly? Read about everything in our article

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An employee's qualifications are: definition

An employee’s qualification is a confirmed level of knowledge, skills and work experience in their specialty. This definition is given in the Labor Code. The terms “qualification” and “professional standards” are established in Article 195.1.

A professional standard is a characteristic of the qualifications required for a particular work activity, a set of requirements for various professions, positions and specialties. Now in Russian Federation Professional standards are being actively developed and introduced, which will gradually replace the Unified Qualification Directories (USC and ECTS).

The need to assess qualifications arises already when hiring a candidate. In the future, when an employment contract is concluded, the employee’s qualifications are important when deciding whether to successfully pass the test, certification, or to determine the possibility of transferring the employee to another job. The level of qualifications of an employee is also important when deciding on dismissal for certain reasons.

What qualification levels exist in professional standards?

There are 9 possible levels of qualifications according to professional standards. They are established in the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 12, 2013 No. 148n. Levels are ranked from minimum to maximum. Each qualification has specific requirements and methods of obtaining. For example, level 1 means an employee’s qualifications are sufficient to perform standard tasks and possess basic knowledge. You can get it after instruction and relevant work experience. And the highest, 8th and 9th levels, necessary for occupying leadership positions in large organizations and government agencies, require higher education, as well as completed graduate school (residency, etc.).

The law does not provide for the dismissal of employees for non-compliance with professional standards.

Nowadays the concept of discharges is still relevant. Qualification category is the level of personnel competencies in the industrial sector. They range from 1st to 6th, according to increasing knowledge of the employee. The assignment of ranks is carried out by a special qualification commission, after testing the practical and theoretical knowledge of the personnel.

To initiate the procedure for assigning a rank, a submission from the immediate supervisor and a statement from the employee himself are required. The rank is important for the tariff system of remuneration.

Employees are assigned a qualification category, but here the ranking is in reverse order. For example, an engineer of the first category will be more qualified than the second. Of course, both the rank and category received by the employee directly affect his income.

Frequency of advanced training of specialists

A qualification is not an immutable characteristic once acquired. In some professional fields, staff are required to regularly improve their qualifications. This is for example:

  • employees of internal affairs bodies,
  • doctors and pharmacists,
  • state civil servants,
  • teachers,
  • railway transport workers whose activities are related to the movement of trains,
  • drivers and other employees of automobile and ground urban electric transport ensuring safety traffic. In this case, the frequency will be determined by the area of ​​activity.

According to Article 196 According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer has the right to determine the need for advanced training of personnel and its schedule. Also, often the employees themselves are interested in training, since as the level increases, the salary also changes. General rule– advanced training occurs at least once every 5 years.

Depending on the duration, training can be short-, medium- and long-term.

Confirmation of training and successfully completed knowledge testing - a certificate of qualification level.

Advanced training course "Documentation support for work with personnel." Meets the requirements of the professional standard “Human Resources Management Specialist”, for completion - a certificate of advanced training. The training materials are presented in the format of visual notes with video lectures by experts, accompanied by ready-made document templates that you can download and keep for your work.

How is an independent assessment of personnel qualifications carried out?

Effective January 2017 the federal law dated July 3, 2016 No. 238-FZ “On independent assessment of qualifications.” The creation of independent assessment centers (ACC) will improve control over the qualifications of specialists. At the same time, unification of training and knowledge testing processes will help to reach more personnel. An exam at the CSC is a procedure for determining whether an applicant’s qualifications meet the professional standard or other established requirements. The procedure for passing the exam is established in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2016 No. 1204. We will tell you in more detail about the procedure for assessing qualifications.

The register of all CSCs is posted on the portal The site allows you to search by territorial criterion, registration number center, name of qualification, etc. You can familiarize yourself with the evaluation rules, sample questions and the appeal scheme. The portal also provides the opportunity to check the authenticity of a previously issued qualification certificate.

Is it necessary to carry out independent assessment personnel qualifications? The Ministry of Labor explains in information dated April 21, 2017 that this procedure is voluntary for both staff and the employer, and refusal has no consequences.

If a decision is made to conduct a qualification assessment, the employer must first document the conditions and procedure for the procedure in the company’s documents. To do this, appropriate changes are made to the collective (or individual) agreement. Then a list of positions and specialties that will be sent for the exam is compiled and approved.

The employee must give written consent to the qualification assessment, documenting it in writing in any form. After this, agreements are concluded with the CSC and the employee himself, and an order is issued to send him to the exam. The time spent on the assessment procedure is paid as working time, and travel expenses are additionally compensated (Article 187 of the Labor Code).

Based on the results of the exam, the employer has the right to take them into account in personnel decisions and to reward a qualified employee financially. It is impossible to fire an already working person for failing to pass the test, but if a candidate for a position was sent to the CSC and he could not confirm his qualifications, it is legal to refuse to hire him.

Qualification is the employee’s preparedness for professional activities to perform work of a certain complexity within the framework of a profession, specialty, specialization.

In TK, the concept of “qualification” is defined as the level of general and special training of an employee, confirmed by the types of documents established by law (certificate, diploma, certificate, etc.).

Qualification is a component of the standard of professional education and is characterized by stage and level.

The qualification level is the stage of training professional personnel in the system continuing education, reflecting the volume and ratio of general and vocational education and culminating in receipt of the appropriate document (certificate, certificate, diploma).

Qualification level is the degree of professional skill within a specific qualification level. The essential characteristics of the qualification level are: the amount of knowledge and skills; quality of knowledge and skills; ability to rationally organize and plan work; the ability to quickly adapt to changes in equipment, technology, organization and working conditions.

Requirements for various skill levels in relation to specific professions and specialties are established by the corresponding local documents in the tariff and certification system.

Determination of personnel qualifications is regulated by administrative, agricultural and labor legislation. With the help of administrative law, the qualifications of graduates of special education are established. educational institutions and a number of other persons. Agrarian law establishes the rules for determining the qualifications of members of agricultural organizations. Labor law regulates the rules for determining the qualifications of workers and the conditions for the emergence of labor relations.

When determining the qualifications of employees, they are guided by a system of generalized indicators, the most important of which are ranks, classes and categories.

Using tariff categories, the qualifications of most workers in industrial, construction and other organizations are determined. Class titles are awarded to transport drivers and specialists Agriculture etc. The level of qualifications of specialists in a number of industries is recorded using categories. Quantitative and qualitative results of labor activity, the level of professional preparedness of workers are reflected by the following indicators:

Length of experience in this job (special-

TI); availability of general and special education:

The measure of responsibility for the assigned task and so on.

These indicators have great theoretical and practical

First importance when agreeing on the content of an employment contract, resolving issues about the workplace, adapted measures, |1 certification and others. Thus, the labor function is established in accordance with the qualifications of the employee, which, in turn, is expressed in ranks, classes, categories. Legal rights the norms establish the legal obligation of the employer to timely and objectively record such indicators, i.e. pra- :i; correctly determine the qualifications of workers, guaranteeing them work in accordance with their vocation, abilities, education and taking into account social needs. th" Determination of qualifications is the establishment of the level of knowledge

The level and skill of the worker, the compliance of this level with certain requirements determined by one or another complexity $? 1Pyfla of the relevant specialty.. The qualifications of the employee are determined on the basis of certain

New qualification characteristics derived from the content of the concept of qualification components of complexity pas "bots, body of knowledge, production experience, degree %) of the worker's abilities and skills. Such characteristics may include: the volume of special and general education, work experience in a given profession, the ability to perform specific tasks for the job. Qualitative determination of qualifications includes the content of written employment contract civil function, labor rights and obligations, wages and others

elements of the labor relationship. Determining qualifications when hiring shows the possibility or impossibility of allowing an employee to perform a certain job. On the contrary, an untimely detected discrepancy future work increases the likelihood of disappointment or other undesirable effects.

Labor law establishes the employer’s obligation to establish the qualifications of employees hired. However, this obligation does not apply to all cases of employment. For example, persons accepted as apprentices do not have professional training, and therefore their qualifications are not established.

Labor law provides for the following forms of establishing qualifications when hiring: documentary determination, testing, medical examination, internship, interview, tests and passing a special exam.

Documentary establishment of qualifications when applying for a job is carried out on the basis of various documents that have legal force.

The qualifications of graduates of special educational institutions are determined by a diploma, certificate, certificate, certificate.

The qualifications of workers can be established by recording in work book based on the qualification category or class assigned to them.

The study of documents helps to establish the business, moral and other characteristics of employees, and the level of their professional preparedness. A certain list of documents presented by applicants when concluding an employment contract is established in the TK. Hiring without the specified documents is not permitted. It is prohibited to require documents not provided for by law when concluding an employment contract. The significance of the documents is that they confirm age and level of professional preparedness, which are necessary to coordinate the job function and other terms of the employment contract, and clarify job responsibilities.

The legislation also provides for other forms of familiarization with the data of an applicant. When hiring, with the agreement of the parties, a test may be imposed to verify the employee’s suitability for the assigned work.

This condition is provided by TK. but its inclusion in a written employment contract is permitted only by mutual agreement of the parties. If the employee objects, the contract is either rejected. or is concluded without this condition.

The testing period is determined by TK. Moreover, only the maximum duration is regulated (no more than three months). By mutual agreement of the parties, a probationary period can be assigned, for example, for one or two months. The establishment of a probationary period is not a mandatory condition of the employment contract, but if an agreement is reached on it, it must be indicated in the text of the employment contract and the order (instruction) on when applying for a job, the probationary period is calculated only in working days. Thus, the probationary period does not include the period of temporary unemployment and other periods when the employee was absent from work for valid reasons.

The test is not established when hiring employees under 18 years of age; young workers after graduating from vocational schools; young specialists after graduating from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions; disabled people; temporary and seasonal workers; when transferred to work in another area or to another employer; when applying for a job through a competition; in other cases provided for by law (for example, when transferring an employee who is part of labor relations with the employer, from one position to another or from one department to another).

Each party has the right to terminate the employment contract subject to preliminary testing:

Before the expiration of the preliminary test period, having notified the other party about this in writing three days in advance;

On the day of expiration of the preliminary test.

An unsatisfactory test result gives the employer the right to terminate the employment contract with the employee. In this case, the employer is obliged to indicate the reasons that served as the basis for recognizing the employee as having failed the test.

The employee has the right to appeal the employer's decision in court. If, before the expiration of the preliminary test period, the employment contract with the employee is not terminated in accordance with part one of Art. 29 TK, then the employee is considered to have passed the test and termination of the employment contract with him is allowed only on a general basis.

A test when hiring is an optional condition of an employment contract, a test of professional preparedness when completing tasks related to the labor function of the incoming employee within the established time frame. The test helps determine the level of his qualifications, suitability for the work performed and change adaptation and labor protection measures.

The employee has the right to appeal the test results in the general manner: in the labor dispute commission (LCC), or in court. If unsatisfactory test results are accompanied by his release from work, then the complaint is filed with the district court

In some cases, labor legislation establishes a mandatory medical examination upon hiring.

For example, minors under 18 years of age, workers employed in hard work, at work with hazardous working conditions, as well as at work servicing vehicles, employees of food industry enterprises, public catering and trade, medical institutions and some other organizations. These measures are aimed exclusively at protecting the life and health of both the workers themselves and those in contact with their work activities.

The results of the medical examination are documented in a special document.

Internship is one of the forms of establishing qualifications when hiring young specialists. The internship has a multi-purpose purpose. It helps to clarify the qualifications of personnel, quickly develop adaptation measures, increase the level of professional preparedness of workers, and as such is a guarantee of the right to work. The internship is used for transport drivers, law enforcement officers and other categories of workers.

The regulations on the distribution of graduates of state higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Finance, do not provide for mandatory internship for young specialists during the first year of work.

In practice, internships for young specialists are usually provided for in local regulations of enterprises (organizations).

During the internship period, young specialists acquire the appropriate qualifications. Therefore, employees who have received higher education in the evening or correspondence education system, having work experience in the relevant specialty for at least one year, during which they have already acquired an initial qualification.

The qualifications obtained during the internship are established by a collegial body (commission) in the appropriate manner

Coordination of the labor function and other terms of the employment contract begins with an interview with the incoming employee

Conducting an interview is one of the most important forms of determining qualifications when hiring. Appointment to a position after preliminary selection and interview is a situation where the organization represented by an employee personnel service and the candidate for this position are trying to determine to what extent their own interests can be satisfied as a result of this appointment.

A preliminary job interview is aimed at finding out the applicant’s education and assessing it personal qualities and so on.

At this stage of determining qualifications, before the employment contract comes into force, the employee may change his initial intention to enter the job. The organization also has the right to refuse the services of an employee, but in cases and on the grounds specified in the legislation

There is a difference in the position of the parties. An employee, changing the original intention, may not indicate the reasons for his decision; in any case, the law does not oblige him to do so. The organization is obliged to explain the reason for the refusal, which is permissible only for business reasons, with a valid reason.

Recent amendments to legislation involve the replacement of outdated specialized reference books with modern legislative standards - A set of requirements for specific professions and a division into skill levels in professional standards are also being introduced. They mean a certain list of requirements that the employee’s skills and education must meet.

The concept of professional standards, the scope of their application

Based on Art. 195 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a professional standard is a document with a set of certain professional characteristics that employees must meet in order to perform specific tasks in their position.

The first drafts of such documents were recorded back in 2013. However, only since 2015 have some of them become mandatory for a number of employers, professions and positions.

Professional standards can be developed by employers independently or with the involvement of additional experts in the specified field. In addition, standards adjusted to the needs specific enterprise, can also be developed to order in legal offices, that is, by third parties.

The main requirement for the project professional standard the compliance of the provisions of the document being developed with the methodological instructions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, the layout of the template professional standard, as well as the competent distribution of qualification levels in the document is important.

Upon the formation of the draft standard, together with the attached documents, it is sent to the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation for consideration and approval. The project can be rejected, accepted or sent for revision. The process of formation and adoption of such standards is recorded in the RF PP No. 23 dated January 22, 2013.

The scope of application of professional standards is the work activity of employed citizens. They are necessary to describe the subject's work process standards, as well as the required level of his experience, practical skills and education.

In particular, qualification levels describe the following requirements for an employee:

  • the presence of specific knowledge and skills in accordance with the profile of the professional standard and the position of the subject;
  • required level of qualification to be met job responsibilities subject, as well as his powers.

Adjustments to the labor legislation of the Russian Federation in 2016-2017.

Skill levels are a necessary assessment step when entering a job. Compliance with the subject's knowledge is an opportunity for potential employment in the desired position.

Starting from July 2016, each employee of the organization must meet the professional requirements of qualification levels, if this is enshrined in local regulations or the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

However, professional standards do not apply to the list of specialties whose activities are not related to receiving benefits. Also, the standards regulations do not apply to those professions whose labor functions are not clearly described in any legislative act. Thus, for government employees, compliance with standards is mandatory, for most commercial structures - this rule is advisory in nature.

Any commercial company has the right to develop local regulations or job descriptions based on the state professional standard in accordance with the needs of the enterprise.

In addition, based on the RF PP No. 23 dated January 22, 2013. such employers are provided with the right to independently formulate standards. And from 01/01/2017 the manager, if the current situation in the organization requires it, can own initiative certify a subordinate in order to determine the level of his current qualifications. Also, in case of non-compliance with the qualification level of the position held by the subject, the person may be sent to further education courses.

Positions falling under the regulations of professional standards and qualification requirements

Positions for which professional standards are mandatory:

  • employees of the educational sector on the basis of Federal Law No. 273 “On Education” dated December 29, 2012;
  • cadastral engineers, based on Federal Law No. 221 “On the State Real Estate Cadastre” dated July 24, 2007;
  • doctors and pharmacists, based on Order of the Ministry of Health No. 707 of October 8, 2015;
  • pilots, relying on Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation No. 147 dated September 12, 2008;
  • legal professionals on the basis of Federal Law No. 63 “On Advocacy” dated May 31, 2002;
  • auditors, based on Federal Law No. 307 “On Auditing Activities” dated December 30, 2008;
  • senior or chief accountants of some organizations, relying on Federal Law No. 402 “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011;
  • forensic experts working in government institutions, are based on Federal Law No. 73 “On forensic activities in Russia” dated May 31, 2001;
  • employees working in municipal institutions, based on Federal Law No. 79 “On Civil Service” dated July 27, 2004;
  • judges, based on Federal Law No. 3132 “On the status of judges” dated June 26, 1992.

Qualification levels of professional standards

Qualification levels describe the authority and responsibility of employees in specific positions, as well as the necessary skills and level of education to perform job functions.

In addition, the text of the document also reflects special conditions that can be met by the subject to obtain the desired qualification. In particular:

  • undergoing training on the profile of the profession;
  • obtaining the required educational level through special programs;
  • obtaining additional technical or higher education in the profile of the position held;
  • having a certain number of years of work experience.

Thus, qualification levels are divided into 9 categories:

  1. First level. It is expected to perform the simplest tasks using physical labor and basic factual knowledge. The possibility of obtaining such qualifications is simple - it is enough to undergo instructions before directly performing the tasks. Practice also shows that many employers do not require experience at this qualification level. At the same time, experience is often not of decisive importance.
  2. Second and third levels. This implies the execution of standard tasks, the theoretical basis of which can be obtained based on primary education for a specific professional profile. In addition, such an employee will also have to undergo retraining to become familiar with the specifics of production activities.
  3. Fourth and fifth levels. This type of qualification implies initial skills in personnel management. In addition, the employee is required to be able to bear responsibility for the results of the work of the entire department. The requirements for this qualification include secondary vocational education or general vocational training according to the standard state educational program with retraining available.
  4. Sixth level. This qualification implies having a higher education category “bachelor” or secondary specialized education. This allows the employee to have the skills to work outside the team, as well as the ability to manage a large working group subordinates (branch or institution). Such an employee should perform functions to improve specific technological aspects or methodological developments in order to improve the production process as a whole.
  5. Seventh level. This qualification category is suitable for management personnel of the highest level. This refers to managers of large companies or individual branches of large-scale institutions. Thus, such an employee must be proficient in strategic planning techniques and high level ability to manage large numbers of staff. In addition, such subjects are also subject to high requirements regarding education. Such employees must have a specialist or master's level education in a specific field of activity.
  6. Eighth and ninth levels. They require the necessary knowledge and skills to work in leading positions in global corporations or the state, as well as large-scale research activities. Educational requirements are also high: the subject must have a higher education in the category of master's or specialist, as well as a scientific degree (that is, completion of graduate school, adjunct or residency).

Practical application of qualification levels

Qualification levels of professional standards are used to generate similar documents for various specialties. Thus, the application of standards at enterprises and organizations can significantly change the adopted personnel policy, as well as change the work procedure of specific subordinates.

It is also important to know that dismissal due to “failure to meet professional standards” is unlawful. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for such grounds for depriving a person of a job. However, at the same time, it is prohibited to perform labor duties for those employees whose qualifications do not correspond to the position held.

For example, judicial practice shows that such cases can be fraught with consequences:

The described judicial practice dates back to the period of time when professional standards were just introduced. However, such cases make it possible to predict the future practice of using professional standards in relation to qualification levels.

Thus, information about skill levels is important information for the employer. In accordance with these data, the head of the company can hire only highly qualified employees for certain positions. In addition to optimizing operations, this will allow you to avoid prosecution and unlawful labor practices.

Qualification levels are part of a professional standard. They express the level of training that an employee must meet to perform specific duties and functions. If a subordinate is found to be inappropriate for the position he occupies, the manager must refer the subject to advanced training levels or transfer him to a less difficult position.

An employee's qualifications are his or her level of training to perform certain job duties. Personnel qualifications include knowledge, work experience, and professional skills.

Features of the educational process

You receive knowledge in an educational institution, higher or secondary specialized. After graduating from an educational institution, you are issued a certificate or diploma that indicates your specialty. But your specialty only indicates your knowledge. The qualifications of the personnel also presuppose the work experience that is yet to be gained. In many educational institutions, students undergo internships, where they gain work experience in a given specialty. After this, the young employee’s qualifications begin to be influenced by his personal qualities: the ability to perform this type work, labor quality.

It should be noted that graduates of the same educational institution are differently prepared for work. Therefore, when hiring, the employer conducts a personal interview with the future employee to establish his qualifications. In addition, it must be taken into account that educational institutions have different levels accreditation. If an educational institution has the second level of accreditation, it trains specialists with incomplete higher or secondary specialized education. The third level of accreditation says: the qualifications of the personnel are such that graduates will have a complete higher education. The fourth level is assigned to higher educational institutions that have master's and postgraduate programs in their departments.

Naturally, employers try to hire graduates from the country's leading universities as employees, since they produce highly qualified personnel.

Degrees of qualification

Currently, the division of university graduates into bachelors, specialists and masters has come to us from Europe. A student can receive a bachelor's degree after 4 years of study. This definition is new, and many believe that a bachelor is worse than a specialist, who will have to study for 5 years to obtain a diploma. The training of a bachelor and a specialist is fundamentally different. The division into bachelor and specialist occurs already in the third year of study, which allows for an analysis of the educational process. A bachelor's degree may have good qualifications to work as a manager, marketer, accountant, etc.

A specialist who receives a diploma after 5 years of study can work as an engineer highest category.

The specialist's knowledge is aimed at practical work. If you intend to qualify to work as a scientist, you must study for 6 years to obtain a master's degree. In different countries, the concept of bachelor has different meaning. In France, for example, a bachelor is a name given to high school graduates. In the USA, the title of bachelor is supplemented by specifying what science you specialized in: bachelor of history, bachelor of chemistry, etc.

A final year student of an educational institution must write a graduation thesis qualifying work and protect her. This is a graduate’s research work, which makes it possible to judge his scientific and practical skills and assign him a certain qualification upon graduation. like this thesis written by graduates of both universities and secondary specialized educational institutions. When entering a job, the qualifications of the employee are already assigned by special bodies at the place of duty.

Determination of skill level

To determine the quality of the workforce, a qualification category has been introduced in our country, with the help of which the qualification level of an employee is determined. Exists certifying commission, which, depending on the complexity of the work, its importance and the degree of virtuosity in performing this work by the employee, assigns him a rank. At industrial enterprises in Russia, 6 categories are adopted to determine the qualifications of workers. The first is the lowest, the sixth is the highest.

In research institutes, categories have been introduced to determine the qualifications of enterprise personnel. The engineer's category directly affects his salary. To determine salary accepted tariff coefficients qualifications of workers. They are numbers from 0 to 1 by which the salary of an engineer of the highest category is multiplied. This is how the salary of an engineer of a particular category is determined. When determining the category of engineer, the counting is carried out differently than when assigning qualification category workers in factories.

On the contrary, an engineer of the first category is the most qualified employee in this position. The second category is less qualified personnel, etc.

To regulate the relationship between employer and employee, there are such concepts as job descriptions and qualification requirements. A job description is a list of an employee's responsibilities. Qualification requirements are a list of skills and knowledge that qualified personnel must have. When hiring, both of these documents are presented to the future employee. During the work process, if the duties are not included in the job description, and the requests for the employee’s skills differ from the qualification requirements, the employee may refuse to perform the work. At the same time, the employer does not have the right to fire him or reduce his salary. Although in the process of enterprise development, job descriptions may change. The employer is obliged to notify the employee about this.

Types of advanced training

If an employee wants to earn more, he can improve his skill level. Advanced training can be short-term, medium-term and long-term.

Short-term advanced training for up to 72 hours is usually carried out at the place of work. Highly qualified employees conduct classes with beginners. Students then take an exam on the material covered and are issued a certificate of advanced training, which determines their qualification level.

The average duration of advanced training lasts from 72 to 100 hours. It consists of trainings and seminars on this topic. Such advanced training is necessary when working conditions at an enterprise change and when new technologies are introduced. External specialists may be brought in to conduct classes.

Long-term advanced training of more than 100 hours is carried out for employees who have work experience but need to acquire practical skills in a specific area of ​​activity. Employees may be sent for additional training to courses that they will attend either part-time or on-the-job. Also, employees can be sent to improve their skills in another city. At the same time, they retain their position and salary.

The qualifications of civil service employees are determined by law. Public sector employees are divided into enterprise managers, assistants and advisers, specialists who ensure the implementation of production tasks, and service staff, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of other categories (accountants, secretaries, cleaners, etc.).

Positions are also divided into groups: junior, senior, leading, main, senior. But not in all areas qualification categories are the same. For example, in the field of education, in order to have the first category, a teacher must know modern technologies education and apply them in practice, have positive result work, improve the educational process in your institution. That is, the first category is not so easy for teachers.

All institutions value qualified, conscientious workers. It is clear that a sign of high qualification is knowledge not only of the basics, but also of the depths of the profession. A qualified employee must be ready to solve emerging problems, to analyze the pitfalls in his activities, to find and correct mistakes (and not only his own). And even this is not enough. The employer seeks to hire an employee who has been working in this field for several years. What should yesterday's students do? Many have already found the answer to this question.

In senior years, almost all students work part-time, holding positions corresponding to their future specialty. We must remember that in order to gain experience and acquire high qualifications, you will first have to agree to a low-paid job. Improving your professional level is worth it. Thus, future doctors should work as a junior during their studies at the institute. medical personnel. It makes sense for journalists to write papers for a small fee, for future engineers to work as laboratory assistants. In addition, you need to grab all opportunities to improve your qualifications: attend classes and seminars, study on various courses, read modern literature on the topic of their activities. It is necessary to learn a foreign language. This is required in almost all areas. Upgrading your qualifications can be initiated by the employer or by you. But subsequently, the managers of the best enterprises will fight for you, and you will be offered the most favorable working conditions.

Qualification is the employee’s readiness to professional activity to perform work of a certain complexity within the framework of a profession, specialty, specialization.
In the Labor Code, the concept of “qualification” is defined as the level of general and special training of an employee, confirmed established by law types of documents (certificate, diploma, certificate, etc.).
Qualification is part of the standard vocational education and is characterized by stage and level.
The qualification level is a stage in the training of professional personnel in the system of continuous education, reflecting the volume and ratio of general and professional! about education and completed by receiving the appropriate document (certificate, certificate, diploma).
Qualification level is the degree of professional skill within a specific qualification level. The essential characteristics of the qualification level are: the amount of knowledge and skills; quality of knowledge and skills; ability to rationally organize and plan work; the ability to quickly adapt to changes in equipment, technology, organization and working conditions.
Requirements for various skill levels in relation to specific professions and specialties are established by the corresponding local documents in the tariff and certification system.
Determination of personnel qualifications is regulated by administrative, agricultural and labor legislation. With the help of administrative law, the qualifications of graduates of special educational institutions and a number of other persons are established. Agrarian law establishes the rules for determining the qualifications of members of agricultural organizations. Labor law regulates the rules for determining the qualifications of workers and the conditions for the emergence of labor relations.
When determining the qualifications of employees, they are guided by a system of generalized indicators, the most important of which are ranks, classes and categories.
Using tariff categories, the qualifications of most workers in industrial, construction and other organizations are determined. Class titles are assigned to transport drivers, agricultural specialists, etc. The qualification level of specialists in a number of industries is recorded using categories. Quantitative and qualitative results of labor activity, the level of professional preparedness of workers are reflected by the following indicators:
length of experience in this job (special-
availability of general and special education;
the degree of responsibility for the assigned whole, and so on.
These indicators have great theoretical and practical
national importance when agreeing on the content of an employment contract, resolving issues about the workplace, adapted measures, certification and others. Thus, the labor function is established in accordance with the qualifications of the employee, which, in turn, is expressed in ranks, classes, categories. Legal standards establish the legal obligation of the employer to timely and objectively record such indicators, i.e. correctly determine the qualifications of workers, guaranteeing them work in accordance with their vocation, abilities, education and taking into account social needs.
Determining qualifications is the establishment of the level of knowledge and skill of an employee, the compliance of this level with certain requirements determined by one or another complexity of the WORK of the corresponding specialty.
Sh. An employee’s qualifications are determined on the basis of certain qualification characteristics derived from the complexity components included in the content of the concept of qualification works, body of knowledge, production experience, degree of ability and skills of the employee. Such signs may include; volume of special and general education, work experience in a given profession, ability to perform; certain operations, operating mechanisms, units and devices, compliance of the employee’s personal data with professional requirements, the level of responsibility for the assigned work, etc. The need to determine qualifications arises for the employer, first of all, when concluding one ordinary contract. Determining the qualifications of an employee when hiring is necessary to correctly and promptly establish the compliance of his data with the requirements of his future job. A qualitative determination of qualifications clarifies the content of a written employment contract - the labor function, labor rights and obligations, the amount of remuneration and other elements of the labor relationship. Determining qualifications when hiring shows the possibility or impossibility of allowing an employee to perform a certain job. On the contrary, untimely identification of inconsistency with future work increases the likelihood of disappointment in it or other undesirable phenomena.
Labor law establishes the employer’s obligation to establish the qualifications of employees hired. However, this obligation does not apply to all cases of employment. For example, persons accepted as apprentices do not have professional training, and therefore their qualifications are not established.
Labor law provides for the following forms of establishing qualifications when hiring: documentary determination, testing, medical examination, internship, interview, tests and passing a special exam.
Documentary establishment of qualifications when applying for a job is carried out on the basis of various documents that have legal force.
The qualifications of graduates of special educational institutions are determined by a diploma, certificate, certificate, certificate.
The qualifications of workers can be established by entry in the work book based on the qualification rank or class assigned to them.
The study of documents helps to establish the business, moral and other characteristics of employees, and the level of their professional preparedness. A certain list of documents presented by applicants when concluding an employment contract is established in the Labor Code. Hiring without the specified documents is not permitted. It is prohibited to require documents not provided for by law when concluding an employment contract. The significance of the documents is that they confirm age and level of professional preparedness, which are necessary to coordinate the job function and other terms of the employment contract, and clarify job responsibilities.
The legislation also provides for other forms of familiarization with the data of an applicant. When hiring, a test may be agreed upon by the parties to verify the employee’s suitability for the assigned work. This condition is provided for by the Labor Code. but its inclusion in a written employment contract is permitted only by mutual agreement of the parties. If the employee objects, the contract is either rejected or concluded without this condition.
The test period is determined by the Technical Code. Moreover, only its maximum duration is regulated (no more than three months). By mutual agreement of the parties, a probationary period can be assigned, for example, for one or two months. The establishment of a probationary period is not a mandatory condition of the employment contract, but if an agreement is reached on it, it must be indicated in the text of the employment contract and the order (instruction) on when applying for a job, the probationary period is calculated only in working days. Thus, the probationary period does not include the period of temporary inability to work and other periods when the employee was absent from work due to good reasons.
The test is not established when hiring employees under 18 years of age; young workers after graduating from vocational schools; young specialists after graduating from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions; disabled people; temporary and seasonal workers; when transferred to work in another area or to another employer; when applying for a job through a competition; in other cases provided for by law (for example, when transferring an employee who is in an employment relationship with the employer from one position to another or from one unit to another).
Each party has the right to terminate the employment contract subject to preliminary testing;
  • before the expiration of the preliminary test period, having notified the other party about this in writing three days in advance;
  • on the day of expiration of the preliminary test.
An unsatisfactory test result gives the employer the right to terminate the employment contract with the employee. In this case, the employer is obliged to indicate the reasons that served as the basis for recognizing the employee as having failed the test.
The employee has the right to appeal the employer's decision in court. If, before the expiration of the preliminary test period, the employment contract with the employee is not terminated in accordance with part one of Art. 29 of the Labor Code, then the employee is considered to have passed the test and termination of the employment contract with him is allowed only on a general basis.
A test when hiring is an optional condition of an employment contract, a test of professional preparedness when completing tasks related to the labor function of the incoming employee within the established time frame. The test helps determine the level of his qualifications, suitability for the work performed and change adaptation and labor protection measures.
The employee has the right to appeal the results of the test in the general manner: in the labor dispute commission (LCC), or in court. If unsatisfactory test results are accompanied by his release from work, then the complaint is filed with the district court
In some cases, labor legislation establishes a mandatory medical examination upon hiring.
For example, minors under 18 years of age, workers engaged in heavy work, work with hazardous working conditions, as well as service work are subject to a preliminary medical examination. Vehicle, enterprise employees Food Industry, public catering and trade, medical institutions and some other organizations. These measures are aimed exclusively at protecting the life and health of both the workers themselves and those in contact with their work activities.
The results of the medical examination are documented in a special document.
Internship is one of the forms of establishing qualifications when hiring young specialists. The internship has a multi-purpose purpose. It helps to clarify the qualifications of personnel, quickly develop adaptation measures, increase the level of professional preparedness of workers, and as such is a guarantee of the right to work. The internship is used for transport drivers, law enforcement officers and other categories of workers.
The regulations on the distribution of graduates of state higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Finance, do not provide for mandatory internship for young specialists during the first year of work.
In practice, internships for young specialists are usually provided for in local regulations of enterprises (organizations).
During the internship period, young specialists acquire the appropriate qualifications. Therefore, employees who have received higher education in the evening or correspondence education system, who have worked in the relevant specialty for at least one year, during which they have already acquired initial qualifications, are exempt from internship.
The qualifications obtained during the internship are established by a collegial body (commission) in the appropriate manner
Coordination of the labor function and other terms of the employment contract begins with an interview with the incoming employee
Conducting an interview is one of the most important forms of determining qualifications when hiring. Appointment to a position after preliminary selection and interview is a situation when an organization, represented by a personnel service employee, and a candidate for this position are trying to determine to what extent their own interests can be satisfied. ~renas as a result of this appointment.
A preliminary job interview is aimed at finding out the applicant’s education, assessing his personal qualities, etc.
At this stage of determining qualifications, before the employment contract comes into force, the employee may change his original intention to enter the job. The organization also has the right to refuse the services of an employee, but in cases and on the grounds specified in the legislation
There is a difference in the position of the parties. An employee, changing the original intention, may not indicate the reasons for his decision; in any case, the law does not oblige him to do so. The organization is obliged to explain the reason for the refusal, which is permissible only for business reasons, with a valid reason.