Retrograde motion of Mars. Retrograde planets - everything you wanted to know about them

The planets in the sky move in graceful orbital patterns, dancing to the Music of the Cosmos. There is more mathematical and geometric harmony in these movements than we think. John Martineo's book, The Little Book of Coincidences, illustrates orbital patterns and some of their geometric relationships.

Take the orbits of any two planets, and draw a line between the two positions of the planet every few days. Since a planet moving in an inner orbit moves faster than one moving in an outer orbit, interesting patterns are formed. Each planetary pair has its own unique dance rhythm. For example, the dance of Earth and Venus returns to its original position after eight Earth years. Eight Earth years are equal to thirteen Venus years.


All the planets of our solar system are located in a certain order and are at a certain distance from the Sun. Observing the position of the planets from Earth, we can notice that periodically they seem to stop and then begin to move backward in their orbit. In reality, of course, the planets do not move backwards. It’s just that our Earth “overtakes” this or that planet in its orbit. So it seems to an observer from Earth that the neighboring planet has begun to “move back” back.
Astrologers and astronomers noticed this phenomenon many centuries ago and called it “retrograde movement.”
Since each planet has its own influence on the Earth and, accordingly, on all life on Earth, each of the planets is assigned certain properties (qualities) of its influence on people, events, and the course of processes.
All planets except the Sun and Moon have retrograde (retrograde) motion.
The planet's retrograde motion directs its energy inward. Changes change us, our perceptions, desires, bring into life apathy, blues, inaction, lack of results with maximum effort.

Mars Venus

saturn jupiter

dance of Saturn and Jupiter

The date is May 30, why Jupiter, Saturn and the sun, let's see how they look visually

Jupiter has a difference - stripes

Saturn has rings

why the sun?

look at the location of Jupiter, the sun and Saturn May 30, 2011, it is possible that the drawing on the field is a reflection of reality, I also think it happens with other celestial objects, there is a constant connection between them, so it is shown in the drawings, everything happens in our visual world here and now.


The existence of both in the night sky was documented in writing in 1534 BC. e. They also identified the planets and calculated the trajectory of movement along with the point where the planet changes its relative motion from forward to backward. Among the designations of Mars there is the name “It is moving in the opposite direction,” marking the interval of retrograde motion. Another name for Mars, "Red Chorus", clearly indicates that the names are based on observations. Mars was depicted on the ceiling and yet omitted from the ceiling, created by the ancient Egyptian scientist and architect. The latter may be associated with Mars and the Sun at that time.

During the period, Babylonian astronomers carried out systematic observations of the position and movement of the planets. They found that Mars makes 37 or 42 every 79 years. They also developed arithmetic methods with small corrections to predict the position of the planet. In the Babylonian planetary theory, time measurements of the planetary motion of Mars were obtained for the first time and the position of the planet in the night sky was clarified.

Posts about appearance and the movement of Mars already appear in the period before the founding (1045 BC), also during

In astrology there is such a thing as retrograde planets(backward movement). Any planets can be retrograde with the exception of the Sun and the Moon (in astrology it is traditionally accepted to consider these luminaries to be planets too). Astronomically, this phenomenon is associated with the uneven speed of the Earth itself. And therefore, it seems that the planet from Earth is making a loop, going either in the forward direction (clockwise), or in a backward direction (counterclockwise).

Retrograde planets in the horoscope

The direction of movement of planets (especially personal ones) is of great importance. A planet in natural motion manifests its qualities more strongly. Retrograde movement makes the planet somewhat introverted. But not inferiority! The planet seems to withdraw into itself, analyzing its internal resources. She is in no hurry to reveal herself to the world.

Quite often, my clients who independently study their natal chart express concern when they find a large number of retrograde planets. IN natal chart There can be from 2 to 10 such planets. The most noticeable and very often negative manifestations in the spheres of life are fast planets - Mercury and Venus; the retrograde of other planets should not puzzle you too seriously.

Retrograde Mercury in the horoscope

A person with retrograde Mercury sometimes finds it difficult to express his thoughts in words, but this does not mean that he is slow-witted. This position of Mercury in the natal chart can result in both a dislike for talking and a thoughtless use of speech - it all depends on the influence of other planets. A person may not find mutual understanding with his interlocutor and often cause irritation among others.

But usually his inner world is deep, he has a penchant for scientific pursuits and working with information. This person approaches life very meaningfully, perhaps in childhood he was somewhat complex, and in order to work on the planet and its qualities to be more free in life, it is necessary to work more on the characteristics of this planet.

Read more, study more, even specifically learn to pronounce words, because one of the qualities of retrograde Mercury - it can give its ward (although not necessarily) - stuttering. When progressed Mercury changes to direct, change comes and contact with outside world becomes more simple.

Retrograde Mars in the horoscope

Retrograde Mars will encourage a person to think ten times before doing anything. A person will first deeply comprehend each of his actions, and then take a long time to decide on it. But from the outside it may seem that a certain Sidorov is a lazy person and a coward. Retrograde Mars is energy directed inward, constrained initiative.

Retrograde Saturn in the horoscope

Retrograde Saturn often indicates the lack of a father's formative influence in childhood. The father either leaves the family or is so busy with work that the child grows up without his participation. Presence retrograde Saturn in the 7th house, a girl may postpone the implementation of her plans for marriage. Saturn always slows everything down, and retrograde even more so. With such Saturn, events in personal life occur either at the antiphase of Saturn, or when it returns to its natal position.

Retrograde Jupiter in the horoscope

Retrograde Jupiter indicates the originality of the worldview and views, its values ​​may differ from generally accepted ones, the person may not be understood by the people around him. On the other hand, he may be distinguished by extraordinary entrepreneurial talent, when he can easily find a unique niche for applying his strength and resources. Expand and capture things that others wouldn't even think of.

Venus retrograde in the horoscope

The owner of Venus retrograde can spend hours standing in front of his closet, choosing an outfit that fully matches his mood and circumstances. Retrograde Venus can also cause difficulties in expressing your own feelings. Retrograde Venus puts emphasis on your own feelings, desires, and fantasies.

If this is a woman, then it is difficult for men to establish emotional contact with her and understand what she really wants. Her idea of the ideal man does not find the object in the immediate environment. But the depth of her feelings and sensations is immeasurably greater.

So it cannot be said that its owner is as callous as a dried crust of bread. The transit change in the direction of Venus’s movement makes it possible to fully demonstrate the entire accumulated and unspent potential of feelings, and hidden passion (to the surprise of its owner).

Marriage during Venus retrograde is not advisable. Because the very fact of this marriage says that you have not yet figured out what exactly you want from a relationship. And it turns out that the marital union turns out to be something like a house of cards - there is no solid foundation, everything is somewhat uncertain, unsteady, changeable.

But it so happened that the wedding did take place during Venus retrograde. What can be done to minimize adverse effects? Be ready for change. Do not strive to ensure that “everything is like everyone else.” Let it be different. Build your marriage relationship in your own unique way.

And it’s okay if today you find mutual language in one place, and tomorrow you won’t find it anymore. Complacency and habit will only be harmful. You may have to start over again many times - but the two of you certainly won’t be bored!

Finally, it is important to say that many astrologers consider the retrograde of the planets in the natal chart to be a karmic indicator. Retrograde movement is going back.

In this life (again, if you believe in reincarnation) a person gets a chance to solve old problems (on the topic of a retrograde planet), to say what was not said, to finish what was unfinished, to try to find the right way out of difficult situation. A retrograde planet will indicate in which area of ​​life you will receive news from the past.

Lyudmila Muravyova, astrologer

Retrograde movement of the planet

Inner and outer planets. Planetary configurations

The movements of the Sun and planets across the celestial sphere reflect only their visible, that is, movements that appear to an earthly observer. At the same time, any movements of the luminaries along celestial sphere are not related to the daily rotation of the Earth, since the latter is reproduced by the rotation of the celestial sphere itself.

Movement of the Sun

Changing the equatorial coordinates of the Sun

Average values ​​of arcs of backward movements

The planets have the following average arcs of retrograde motion: Mercury - 12°, Venus - 16°, Mars - 15°, Jupiter - 10°, Saturn - 7°, Uranus - 4°, Neptune - 3°, Pluto - 2°.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “retrograde motion of the planet” is in other dictionaries:

    The apparent movement of planets in the direction from east to west, opposite to the direction of their revolution around the Sun. The retrograde motion of planets is a consequence of the movement of the planet and the Earth in their orbits. Observed near the opposition of the planet for the upper... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    The movement of planets relative to the stars, visible from Earth, in the direction from east to west, opposite to the direction of their revolution around the Sun. The retrograde motion of planets is a consequence of the movement of the planet and the Earth in their orbits. Observed near the upper planets... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    The movement of planets relative to the stars, visible from Earth, from east to west, that is, in the direction opposite to the direction of revolution of the planets around the sun. Reason P. d. and. lies in the fact that an earthly observer moving in space... ...

    The movement of planets relative to stars, visible from Earth, in the direction from east to east, opposite to the direction of their revolution around the Sun. P. d. p. is a consequence of the movement of the planet and the Earth in their orbits. Observed at the top. planets near opposition and at... ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    Visible from Earth, the movement of planets relative to the stars from East to West, opposite to the direction of their revolution around the Sun. P. d. is a consequence of the movement of the planet and the Earth in their orbits. Wed. Direct movement... Astronomical Dictionary

    Inner and outer planets. Configurations of planets The movements of the Sun and planets in the celestial sphere reflect only their visible, that is, movements that appear to an earthly observer. Moreover, any movements of luminaries across the celestial sphere are not related to... ... Wikipedia

    Inner and outer planets. Planetary configurations. The movements of the Sun and planets across the celestial sphere reflect only their visible, that is, movements that appear to an earthly observer. Moreover, any movements of the luminaries in the celestial sphere are not connected... Wikipedia

    The movement of planets relative to the stars, visible from Earth, occurring from west to east, that is, in the direction of their actual revolution around the Sun. The upper planets near opposition and the lower ones near inferior conjunction from the Earth appear... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Stopping the planet in its apparent motion relative to the stars; occurs when the direct motion of the planet changes (See Direct motion of the planets) to retrograde and vice versa... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Image of Mars from the Hubble Telescope Exploration and study of Mars is the scientific process of collecting, systematizing and collating data about the fourth planet solar system. The learning process covers various areas... Wikipedia


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Astrology is a rather complex field. Each planet, which plays a certain role in compiling a star horoscope, has many features of movement that must be taken into account. A retrograde planet is one such concept, based specifically on the movement of a celestial object.

Going backwards

If you rush along the highway or railway at a high enough speed and overtake passing traffic, it feels like it is standing still or even moving backwards. But this is absolutely not true, because a car or train moves forward in the same way, but only at its own speed. The illusion, based on the mismatch of movement speeds, is so vivid that it causes the sensation of moving backwards. So the planets, on the movement and location of which they are based, can also have such supposedly retrograde motion.

The complex paths along which planets and stars move in outer space are the basis of astrology. In order to correctly talk about the influence of celestial bodies on the character and destiny of a person from the point of view of this area of ​​predictions, it is necessary to understand all the intricacies of the movement of planets and stars. Retrograde motion of planets is possible due to different periods their revolutions around the sun, their speed and trajectory relative to each other.

Back to different times

Almost all the planets that are taken into account in the compilation astrological chart, except for the Sun and Moon, can have retrograde motion. In each specific case it has its own meaning, determined by many factors. Retrograde planets in the natal chart most often mean a return to the past. There can be several of them - up to 5. For example, the planet Mercury is the fastest in terms of retrograde motion. For three weeks, three times during an earthly year, she gains reverse stroke. Venus is also a fast planet. It is retrograde for 43 days in two years. The planet Mars also has a retrograde motion every two years, but its period is already 70 days. The distant planets - Uranus, Neptune, Pluto - are retrograde for 5 months a year.

Retrograde movement of planets in human life

Every planet that is taken into account when drawing up a natal chart can move backwards. But the opinions of astrologers sometimes differ in terms of the specifics of its influence on a person’s life. Some believe that the presence of a retrograde movement of the planet means a return to past lives with the obligatory indication of unfinished deeds. Others prefer to believe that retrograde planets in a horoscope have only restraining characteristics. In any case, you should not place all cards only on retrograde planets, even if there are many of them.

The retrograde movement of planets should always be considered in conjunction with other elements of the natal and karmic charts.

The words “karma” are known to everyone; for many it means the same as “fate” and “fate”. And the concept of “karma” can be accurately understood if you answer the question: “What does a retrograde planet mean?” Let's figure it out. In a karmic chart, a retrograde planet or several such objects in the sky will mean unfulfilled deeds of past lives. They will demand their completion and will haunt a person all his life if he does not understand the signs and does not do what he should have done once. Such unfinished business will affect your entire life, preventing you from moving forward. That is why the retrograde movement of the planet has a restraining and karmic role in fate and character.

Each retrograde planet that appears in the natal or karmic chart exerts its influence in a certain area of ​​human life. This is important to consider. Which planets are retrograde, and how they influence fate, you need to figure out.

Retrograde Mercury

The planet Mercury is responsible, so to speak, for a person’s communicative qualities. If it has retrograde movement in the natal chart, then the individual will have problems with communication. Retrograde Mercury can cause stuttering, which in any case will affect communication. A person, depending on the influence of other planets, will either dislike conversations in principle or, on the contrary, will not spare words, annoying and irritating those around him. In any case, the effect of retrograde Mercury must be carefully worked through, reducing its negativity and turning the curiosity and craving for deep knowledge it causes into advantages.

Venus retrograde

Venus moving backwards, present in natal horoscope, makes a person constrained in his feelings, desires, fantasies. He can never fully understand and sort out his feelings caused in his soul. It is difficult for a person with retrograde Venus in his horoscope to express his feelings, because he himself does not clearly understand them. This can apply to all areas of life - from choosing clothes that suit the moment to relationships in the family. The presence of such a sign in the natal horoscope requires careful, scrupulous work on oneself.

If Mars is moving backwards

The ancient Greeks named the god of war Mars, and the blood-red planet visible in the sky received the same name. Decisiveness and determination - these are the main characteristics of a militant deity. But if Mars has a retrograde movement in the natal chart, then the person loses these qualities altogether. Indecision, cowardice, lack of initiative - this is what those around him see in him. Although in fact, a person with retrograde Mars in his natal chart is directed inward, he needs to carefully weigh everything several times before making any decision.

Retrograde Saturn

Saturn itself is a very unusual planet in astrology - it slows everything down. What can we say about retrograde Saturn? In addition, it is worth considering that Saturn is the point of presence of the father in a person’s life. If this planet in its retrograde motion is present in the child’s natal chart, then the father in the child’s life is either absent altogether or has only a nominal significance. For a girl, retrograde Saturn is reflected in difficulties with marriage. The negativity of retrograde Saturn decreases either when it returns to its natal position, or in contradiction to it in antiphase.

Jupiter in retrograde

The influence of retrograde Jupiter affects the worldview and worldview of the person in whose natal chart it is present. It is quite difficult for society to accept a dissident. But on the other hand, it is people with retrograde Jupiter in the natal chart who see perspective where others simply would not consider anything but a blank wall. An entrepreneurial spirit is the main advantage of those in whose horoscope Jupiter moves backward.

A retrograde planet is quite influential in the natal horoscope. It has a restraining effect, rolling back events, giving signs from the past. For many astrologers, the retrograde move that retrograde planets have in the horoscope is like news from past life, unfinished business, unfulfilled purpose.

In order to correctly take into account all the nuances of the movement of the planets, you need to read them correctly, know the features of influence, and be able to combine signs. It is also important to be able to correctly present information to a person, without driving him into the trap of hopelessness with the backward movement of the horoscope planets.

Mars in the signs of the Zodiac.

Mars in Aries.

The native will have a spirited, playful, sociable, competitive nature.

His distinctive features are activity, excitability, will, powerful and focused energy.

Increased lust for power and ambition, a straightforward and frank nature, naivety and unreasonableness are often observed.

His main purpose in life is to be a noble warrior.

People with Mars in Aries are expected to be entrepreneurial, addicted to sex...

Mars is the source of energy in the horoscope and your life. The position of Mars indicates how energy is reproduced in a person, determines the constancy and direction of its flow, a person’s tendency to persist or quickly give up, to be true to himself or fickle, to turn his energy into evil or good, and to find certain areas of application for it.

Simply put, the location of Mars determines the excess or lack of energy, its tides, decline or constancy, as well as how much...

Mars is the closest neighbor of the Earth, it is red - fiery in color, which is probably why the ancients named it after the god of war.

There are many theories as to what this planet was like before, and there are compelling arguments that humanity came to Earth from Mars.

If we consider all the existing planets by their sizes, then Mars will be out of balance. In addition, the two satellites of Mars (Phobos and Deimos) also have a strange shape and very small sizes (Phobos is 15 km in diameter...

The circulation cycle is 686 days.

Macrocycle - 13 years (women react) and 15 years (men react). The Great Opposition of Mars, when the Earth and Mars come closer and are on the same line. Two macrocycles are formed due to the elongated orbit of Mars.

Abode - Aries, Scorpio.

Exaltation in Capricorn.

Fall in Cancer.

Expulsion - Libra, Taurus.

Day of the week - Tuesday (day of active endeavors).

Chakra - Manipura (just above the navel).

The organ is the brain.

Diseases - all diseases of the brain...

Mars is the planet of desire and movement. It constantly stimulates the “Real” and fills it with a bright poignancy that never ceases to reawaken human consciousness. The most common misuse of Mars energy is to project desires so far into the future that it makes one's actions in the "Present" seem meaningless.

This causes dissatisfaction, restlessness and permanent state disappointments, the “Real” of Mars is based on spontaneity. Mars...

Retrograde motion or backward movement is the path of the planet visible from Earth. The retrograde effect occurs as a result of the difference in the speeds of the Earth and the planet relative to the Sun. In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac through which it has already passed in its direct motion.

From an esoteric point of view, this is a return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained, slowing down in business.

Astrology allows not only to predict the future, but also to describe a person with the help of planets. This means that each planet has its own character, and each person has energy that is essentially similar to one or another planet. It is probably most interesting to consider women in this context: they are as different as the planets themselves. There are Venus women, Moon women, and even Saturn women (as well as at least seven different female types- by the number of main planets and luminaries), and now we...

Retrograde Mars in the first house

Here the individual is most comfortable in Phase I of the retrograde process, in which he tries to project himself into the future he wants now. When he cannot make things happen instantly, he uses mental projection, leading others into his karmic desires until he ultimately believes he can actually make the future happen faster than it would have if he had not interfered.

He is very insecure, especially this...

Strong Mars gives its owner independence, leadership, courage, endurance, sharp mind, and good organizational skills.

Weak or afflicted Mars indicates carelessness, recklessness, sexual promiscuity, and a tendency to use drugs.

People with a pronounced Mars in the horoscope have a reddish complexion, round eyes, and an athletic build.

In the body, Mars rules the genitals...