English bulldog breeds. The symbol of Britain is the English bulldog: a description of the breed, what character it has and what to feed it. Why Bulldogs Can't Handle the Heat

English bulldog- this is not only a breed of dogs with an unusual appearance, but also a true friend person. The unusual appearance of the bulldog has made this breed one of the most popular in the world. This is an ideal companion dog and the most reliable bodyguard. That is why we will devote this material to the description of this cutie.

Of course, from the name of the breed it becomes clear that the first representatives appeared in England. Previously, bulldogs were used as pickling dogs, which, in the form of gladiators, participated in bull-baiting. This game was very popular in those days. That is why the word "bulldog" is literally translated as "bull dog". In the 19th century, bulldogs, along with mastiffs, were used to hunt wild boars. Fortunately, in 1835 bull-baiting became a forbidden trade, and therefore the bulldog began to be used as a pet for aristocrats. It is the second half of the 19th century that is considered the period of the birth of the modern breed.

The English Bulldog is an artificially bred dog breed. Despite their fighting background, bulldogs are the personification of courage and devotion, endurance and loyalty.

breed standards

The English Bulldog has a solid build. The body is a little short and knocked down, a little prone to obesity. The muzzle of the dog is quite large and wide. Such a pet has a strong and strong muscles. The weight of the average representative of the English Bulldog breed ranges from 22 to 25 kg. The growth at the withers of such pets varies from 31 to 40 cm. The short tail rarely reaches more than 8 cm. Short massive limbs give the bulldog a unique look.


The English Bulldog has a rather calm character, which is distinguished by courage and determination. It is very funny to watch a bulldog in motion, as he moves a little sideways. The gait of a dog of this breed is very energetic and free. Due to their somewhat lazy disposition, Bulldogs love to lie on the couch all day long. For example, if the owner, leaving for work, sees a bulldog in one place, then it is possible that in the evening he will still doze off in the same place. Bulldogs are not very playful by nature, and therefore they even need to be persuaded to active games. Walks at a fresh age are perfect for such a pet. Such an animal as the English Bulldog is suitable not only for single people, but also for large families. The Bulldog gets along well with small children, but it is better to keep an eye on their communication from time to time.

This creature is distinguished by special devotion. For example, if one of the family members has something happened or is simply not in the mood, then the bulldog will definitely show extraordinary support. This dog, in any case, will "stand up" for his master, and therefore he finds it difficult to endure a long separation. However, it is worth noting that a bulldog can respond quite sharply to aggression or resentment, remembering its fighting past.

Bulldogs are quite loyal to other pets. The same applies to representatives of the cat family. Even a child over 9 years old can be entrusted with the upbringing of such a pet, but a little help from adults is still needed in this matter. The only drawback of this stocky Englishman is his funny snoring, which is not to everyone's liking.


This breed is perfect for keeping in a city apartment. These Englishmen have a smooth and short coat that requires minimal grooming. You need to comb the “fur coat” of a bulldog once a week with a brush that has stiff bristles. An important point in the care of such a pet is the cleanliness of the folds on the muzzle. You can wipe them with a cotton pad, after wetting it in a weak disinfectant solution. If this procedure is not carried out regularly, then an infection may begin to develop in the folds of the skin. After wiping the folds with a damp swab, a dry one should be used. Bathing a pet should be carried out only as it gets dirty, as frequent water procedures can lead to allergic reactions, irritation and itching of the skin.

The dog's nails need regular care, which must be periodically trimmed and wiped with a damp cloth. Your dog's teeth should also be brushed regularly. Dogs of this breed need regular exercise, as they are prone to obesity. Due to his "solid" physique, the English Bulldog is not very active in itself, and therefore it must be stimulated to active games and walks in various ways.


The diet of this stocky dog ​​should be no more than 20% protein products. The menu of an English bulldog should consist of cereals (for example, rice and buckwheat), vegetables and lean meats. For puppies, it will be useful to include kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk and yogurt in the diet.

Avoid feeding your dog the following foods:

  • smoked meats;
  • sweets;
  • fatty foods;
  • canned food.

Offal should not be given too often and only in boiled form, as they can be poorly digested in the stomach of such a pet. As for fish, it is better to give preference to sea fish of low-fat varieties, having previously boiled it and cleaned it of bones.

Vegetables can be served not only boiled, but also raw, grated. It is also necessary to enrich the bulldog's diet with fresh herbs. As a treat (in rare cases), you can give some fruits and berries. If your pet leads a sedentary lifestyle, then the amount of food per day should not exceed 5-7% of his own weight. If you prefer to feed your dog with ready-made food, then, of course, in this case it is worth using high-quality holistics or at least food. super premium class.


When buying a puppy, you must first choose the "right" place to buy. So, experienced dog breeders recommend buying a puppy only in officially registered kennels or from breeders who have everything. Required documents confirming the purebred dog and his state of health.

It should also be noted that Special attention should be given to the sex of the puppy. So, males are very perky and a little stubborn, and females are more docile and not so large. You can take a puppy home at the age of 1.5 months to 3.


Pictures of English Bulldogs:

The English Bulldog is a dog breed that seems to have been deliberately created for lazy or busy people. Compliant and calm, rather even phlegmatic, the English Bulldog is a balanced and self-possessed dog. Outwardly, the breed looks somewhat intimidating and, it seems, as if for the slightest disrespect for itself or its owner, the dog will rush to the attack to defend the wounded honor. However, this is far from the truth. Although the bulldog will come to the rescue in a critical situation, the breed was not bred to protect the owner, and it is better not to rely on protection from a dog that was not specially trained for this. But bulldogs can definitely become good watchmen.

The English Bulldog requires almost no care, and keeping a bulldog is not expensive in terms of money. You will save both money and time, because this dog, although it will not refuse to walk, will rather lie on the couch than make unnecessary gestures. A parent can entrust the upbringing and training of a bulldog to a child whose age has reached 9-12 years.

Breed standard (briefly).

Male weight: about 24-25 kg.

Female weight: about 22-23 kg.

Male height: 31-40 cm.

Bitch height: 31-40 cm.

Care complexity: very low.

Hair care: little grooming.

How many times to bathe: about 2 times a year.

Preferred Living Conditions: in warmth.

Can they live in an apartment: Yes.

Lifespan: about 8-12 years old.

Country: UK.

Date of origin of the breed: XIX century (second half).

FCI Group: Group 2.

FCI Section: Section 2.

FCI Standard No.: 149.

English bulldog price.

"Hand": up to $150.

PET class: up to $250-300.

BRID class: from $500 to $800.

SHOW class: from $800 to $1100 and more.

Education and training:

The complexity of education: average.

Difficulty of training: above average.

You can deal with a child with: 9-11 years old.

purpose of the breed.

Initial purpose: dog-bodyguard, companion.

Where is it currently used: now the English bulldog serves as a friend to people, and is not suitable for the role of a bodyguard.

relationship with living beings.

Strangers: incredulous.

Children living in a family: very good.

Animals: good.

Activity level and walking:

Need for activity: low.

Playfulness: low.

Walk duration: about 1 hour per day.

Walk intensity: walks, some games.

Description and character of the English Bulldog. Who is the breed for?

Don't be fooled by the rude appearance breed, in fact, the character of the English bulldog is calm, indulgent and accommodating. Bulldogs are ready to wallow on a spacious sofa for days on end, and when you come home from work, you will find the dog exactly in the place where you saw it when you left for work in the morning. Of course, even this couch potato needs physical activity, otherwise the dog will turn from a proud bulldog into a kolobok. It is unlikely that you will be able to persuade a pet to play actively (although young individuals are very playful), but an English bulldog will appreciate walking in the fresh air not far from the owner. By the way, activity will allow you to better control the dog.

The English Bulldog dog will fit perfectly into the family of any composition. Whether you live alone, with your partner, or you have a large family of small children, the bulldog will feel good wherever he is loved and not interfere with sleep. It is better to monitor the communication of a dog of any breed and a child. You can entrust the upbringing and training of a dog to a child whose age has reached 9 years. But be sure to help the child if he has difficulties while caring for the bulldog.

History of the breed (briefly).

The first bulldogs appeared in England. They were widely used as poisoning dogs, acting as gladiators in the then popular bloody game of bull-baiting. For certain, the time of the birth of the breed is unknown, except that by the 17th century, the British distinguished the bulldog from other "masts". In 1799, records were found that testify to the use of mastiffs and bulldogs for hunting wild boar.

There is nothing difficult in caring for an English Bulldog. You just need to wipe the coat with a special mitt from time to time (about once a week), wipe the wrinkles on the muzzle, clean the dirt under the tail, and also bathe the animal using shampoo. This should not be done often, 1-2 times a year is enough. If the coat is heavily soiled, it is better to simply wipe the animal with a damp terry towel. In addition to body care, you should take your pet to the veterinarian for vaccination. Actually, this ends the care of the English bulldog. Unless be sure to accustom the dog from the moment it appears in the house so that it calmly endures all manipulations on itself.

English Bulldog (eng. English Bulldog or British Bulldog) breed of short-haired dogs, medium size. They are friendly, calm, domestic dogs. But they have poor health and the content of the English Bulldog is somewhat more difficult than the content of other breeds.

  • English Bulldogs can be stubborn and lazy. Adults do not get excited about walking, but you need to walk them daily to keep fit.
  • They do not tolerate heat and humidity. While walking, watch for signs of overheating and take action at the slightest. Some owners put a pool of cool water in the shade so their dogs can cool off. This is a breed for keeping only in the house, not in the street.
  • The short coat does not protect them from the cold.
  • They snore, wheeze, gurgle.
  • Many suffer from flatulence. If you are squeamish, this will be a problem.
  • The short muzzle and airways are vulnerable to respiratory diseases.
  • They are gluttons who eat more than they can if given the chance. They easily gain weight and suffer from obesity.
  • Due to the size and shape of the skull, the birth of puppies is associated with difficulties. Most are born by caesarean section.

History of the breed

The first bulldogs appeared at a time when stud books were not kept, and if they were kept, then by people far from literature.

As a result, nothing can be said for sure about the history of the breed. All we know is that they appeared around the 15th century and were used to catch and hold animals.

The first was the Old English Bulldog, the ancestor of all modern breeds. Along with a dozen other breeds, the English Bulldog belongs to the Mastiff group. Although each breed in this group is distinctive, they are all large, strong dogs with a brachycephalic skull.

The first term "bulldog" is found in the literature of the 1500th century, and the pronunciation at that time sounds like "Bondogge" and "Bolddogge". The modern spelling first appears in a letter written by Prestwich Eaton between 1631 and 1632: "buy me two good bulldogs, and send me with the first ship."

The English word "bull" means bull and it appeared in the name of the breed because these dogs were used in the "bloody sport", bull-baiting or bull baiting. The bull was tied and a dog was launched to him, whose task was to grab the bull by the nose and press it to the ground.

The bull, on the other hand, pressed his head and hid his nose, not allowing the dog to cling and waiting for the moment of its attack. If he succeeded, then the dog flew up several meters, and a rare sight took place without crippled and killed dogs.

This entertainment was popular among the population, and over the years of development, bull-baiting dogs have acquired common features. Stocky body, massive heads, powerful jaws and aggressive, stubborn nature.

These fights reached their peak of popularity by the beginning of the 18th century, but in 1835 they were banned by the Cruelty to Animals Act. The law forbade the baiting of bulls, bears, wild boars, cockfights. However, emigrants addicted to these entertainments New World.

Despite the slow maturation (2–2.5 years), their life was short. In the fifth or sixth year of life, they were already getting old, if they lived to this age. And the Old English Bulldog is crossed with other breeds. The resulting dog is smaller than it is and has a short muzzle due to the brachiocephalic skull.

Although modern English Bulldogs look tough, they are far from their bullfighting ancestors. The short muzzle would not have allowed them to hold the animal, and the lower weight would have made it impossible for them to steer.

The English Bulldog Club has been in existence since 1878. The members of this club met in a pub on Oxford Street in London. They also wrote the first breed standard. In 1894 they held a competition between two different bulldogs. They had to run 20 miles or 32 km.

The first dog, named King Orry, resembled the Old English Bulldogs, was athletic and light. The second, the Dockleaf, was smaller, heavier, and was similar to the modern type of English bulldog. It is easy to guess who won and who could not even reach the finish line.


There are probably no breeds as recognizable as this one. The English Bulldog is short but surprisingly heavy. At the withers, it reaches 30-40 cm, the weight of males ranges from 16 to 27 kg, females from 15 to 25 kg.

This is the normal weight for animals in good shape, obese ones may weigh more. In the UK, according to the breed standard, males must weigh 23 kg, females 18 kg. In the USA, the standard allows for a weight of 20-25 kg for males, about 20 kg for mature females.

These are very squat dogs, they are even called tanks in the dog world. They are quite muscular, although they often do not look like that. The legs are short, often crooked. They have a wide chest, and the neck is almost not expressed. The tail is naturally very short, from 2.5 to 7 cm and can be straight or curved.

The head is located on a very thick and short neck. The head itself is massive, in comparison with the body, both in width and in height. Their smooth and square skull is a characteristic of the breed. This skull is of the brachiocephalic type, meaning they have a short muzzle.

In some, it is so short that it barely protrudes from the skull. The lower teeth are usually further apart than the upper teeth and the breed is overshot. Although most breeders consider undesirable dogs whose lower teeth are visible when the jaw is closed, this is a common occurrence.

The lips are drooping, forming characteristic cheeks, the muzzle itself is covered with deep, thick wrinkles. These wrinkles are so numerous that they sometimes obscure other features of the breed. The eyes are small, sunken.

The ears are small and short, set far from the eyes. In some they are hanging, in others they are standing, in some dogs they are directed forward, in others they are sideways, they can be backwards. The general impression of the muzzle is between menace and comedy.

The coat covers the whole body, short and straight, lying close to the body. It feels soft and smooth and shiny. There are many colors and each has its fans. According to AKC and UKC standards, the ideal English Bulldog should be a red brindle.

But, besides it, there are: motley (reddish - white, etc.), monochromatic (white, fawn, red) or smoot - a monochromatic suit with black mask or black muzzle. Sometimes there are black or flesh-colored dogs, they are rejected by most clubs (especially black ones).

But, by nature, they do not differ from ordinary bulldogs and are great as pets.


It is difficult to find another breed whose character has changed so much over the past 150 years. English Bulldogs have gone from athletic to dangerous dog, an aggressive fighter to a lazy and good-natured companion. First of all, they are family and people oriented, they want to be with her all the time.

Some of them like to climb on their hands, like cats. It's fun and a little heavy since they don't weigh that little. Others just have to be in the room with the family, but lie on the couch.

Most are tolerant of strangers and, with proper socialization, are polite and friendly. Much depends on the specific character, some love everyone and instantly make friends, others are more closed and distant. They are rarely aggressive towards humans, but can be territorial and have food aggression. Breeders even recommend feeding dogs outside of the presence of children or other animals to avoid problems.

Guard qualities vary greatly from dog to dog. Some are so lazy and uninterested that they will not give the slightest signal of the appearance of a stranger on the threshold. Others guard the house and make enough noise for attention. All of them have one thing in common - they bark, but do not bite, and only a tiny number of English bulldogs can be good guards.

Bulldogs get along well with children, they are gentle with them and tolerate mischief. But, it is still worth teaching the child how not to behave with a dog. With the exception of the aforementioned food and territorial aggression, most are great with children, although not very playful. Although they are generally not very playful.

Modern dogs get along well with other animals. Breed low level aggression towards other dogs and with proper training, they live quietly with them. They even prefer the company of dogs. Some problems may be due to territoriality and large due to food aggression.

Sexual aggression may be Not a large number males in relation to dogs of the same sex, and it can come to fights. This is corrected by training or castration.

They get along well with other animals, have a low hunting instinct and are practically harmless. They rarely cause problems for other animals, especially cats. If a bulldog is familiar with a cat, then he simply completely ignores it.

For what they are known for, it is the difficulty in training and education. This is probably the most stubborn of all dog breeds. If the bulldog decides that he does not want something, then this can be put an end to. This stubbornness interferes with the learning of new commands and the execution of those already learned.

They understand obedience commands without problems, but they are rarely completely obedient. Only experienced trainers who constantly work with different dogs, are able to prepare those for obedience competitions (obedience).

But they also have misfires. Negative training and correction on them practically do not work, bulldogs completely ignore it. Positive reinforcement is more effective, but often they decide that the treat is not enough to carry out the command.

Although it is not a dominant breed, they accurately determine the commands of which person can not be listened to. And so stubborn, then they become completely obnoxious. For this reason, the owner should always take a dominant position.

Another extreme is low energy levels. This is one of the laziest couch potatoes in the dog world. Most of them prefer to lie on the couch than to have fun running in the forest. And already they can sleep for whole days, overtaking even cats in this matter.

Adult bulldogs are rarely playful, and you can’t force them to run after a stick. If for most breeds the problem is to provide sufficient physical activity, then for the English bulldog it is just to get him to do something. Slowly trot after the owner, that's the maximum.

And the owner who loves running is a real misfortune for them. However, they do not need this, as it leads to problems with respiratory diseases and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Although this has its advantages, they are great for apartment living. Families with low activity will be happy with them, and for those who need travel and adventure, it is better to choose another breed.

They will not like those who are clean or squeamish. They drool and are regularly found on floors and furniture, though not as many as English Mastiffs. While eating and drinking, they splash water, but sounds can be most annoying.

Like other breeds with a short muzzle, Bulldogs suffer from breathing problems and can make strange sounds: wheezing, grunting, and the like. In addition, they snore loudly and given that they love to sleep, long and loud trills await you.

But what really scares off squeamish people is flatulence. English Bulldogs pass gases often, a lot and smelly. This can be influenced by diet, but not completely overcome and few owners can say that their dogs don't pass gas.


Uncomplicated, they do not need the services of a professional groomer. But, some of them suffer from skin diseases and then care is needed thorough. Although there are no particular problems with the coat, since it is short and smooth, they can occur with the skin on the muzzle.

Due to the large number of wrinkles, water, food, dirt, grease and other particles get into them. To avoid contamination and infection, they should be wiped at least once a day, and ideally after each feeding.


English Bulldogs are in poor health. They suffer from various diseases, and those are more severe in them than in other breeds. This is such a serious issue that animal welfare societies are demanding changes to the breed standard, if not breeding altogether.

It's just that they have changed too much from the natural, natural form that the wolf had. Due to their brachiocephalic skull structure, they suffer from respiratory problems, and musculoskeletal problems are a legacy of the named bones.

They suffer from genetic diseases, especially those that affect the skin and breath. The content can be several times more expensive than the content of another breed, since veterinary treatment costs a pretty penny.

The result of all these problems is a short life. Although most clubs and websites state that the life expectancy of English is 8-12 years, research suggests 6.5 years, in exceptional cases about 10-11.

For example, a 2004 UK study of 180 dogs found average age at 6.3 months. Among the main causes of death were: cardiac (20%), cancer (18%), age (9%).

The shortened muzzle and massive head led to serious problems. Bulldogs are unable to fill their lungs with air and are often out of breath. Because of this, they sniffle, wheeze, snore, and make strange noises. They are incapable of prolonged physical activity because their lungs cannot send enough oxygen to their muscles.

Breathing helps dogs cool down, and the breed also has problems with this. They are very sensitive to heat, in hot climates and during the summer months, the condition of the bulldog needs to be monitored especially closely. They should have plenty of water and shade and should not be kept in direct sunlight.

Bulldogs often die from heat stroke! A secret accumulates in their throats, making it difficult to breathe even without that. The dog faints and may die. She needs to be taken to the vet immediately.

Air conditioning and ventilation is needed to keep the dog in normal form. Bulldogs mostly sweat through their paw pads and therefore love cold floors. Like all brachycephalic breeds, they overheat easily and can die from hyperthermia. The owner needs to keep this in mind and keep the dog in a safe environment.

The head is so massive that they cannot be born. Approximately 80% of litters are born by caesarean section. Wrinkles on the muzzle should be cleaned daily to avoid infections. And the tail can be so twisted into the body that anus needs cleaning and lubrication.

Their body is far from the proportions of a wolf and they suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With improper feeding and exercise, bones are formed with changes, often leading to pain and lameness with age. Almost everyone suffers from one or another joint disease, often they develop already at the age of two or three years.

Even more worrying is dysplasia hip joint, which deforms the articular bag. This leads to pain and discomfort, with serious changes to lameness.

According to statistics from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, of 467 bulldogs seen between 1979 and 2009, 73.9% suffered from hip dysplasia. This is the most high percent among all dog breeds, but some experts believe the numbers could be higher.

Against the background of all of the above, cysts between the fingers seem harmless. Since they are detected during observation, and are easily removed surgically.

The English Bulldog is a smooth-haired dog breed of medium height. This is an excellent companion, guard, watchman, bodyguard and true friend. The imperturbable, phlegmatic, imposing and very charming dog does not at all create the impression of an agile dog, but rather looks like a kind of bumpkin than a fighter. However, in fact, the English Bulldog can surprise anyone with his agility.

Types of bulldogs

Except English bulldog, are very popular the following varieties breeds:

  • American Bulldog;
  • French Bulldog.

american bulldog

This species is just as strong and stocky, but much larger and taller than the English. Also, the American is distinguished by a longer tail and fewer wrinkles on the muzzle. american bulldog, unlike English, which has become decorative dog, has retained all the original characteristics of the breed - this is a powerful, athletically built dog, suitable both for work and pasture protection, and for keeping in an apartment. Typically, these dogs are white color with spots of yellowish-brown, reddish and other shades. The standard height of an American Bulldog is about 53-68.5 cm, weight - from 27.0 kg to 54.5 kg.

French Bulldog

The French Bulldog looks very similar to the English, but the growth of the French, depending on the variety, varies from 25 to 35 cm, and their weight is only 8-15 kg. At the same time, they are quite compact, muscular and strong relative to their parameters. They naturally have a very short tail..

The French Bulldog has the following distinctive features:

  • Erect ears, wide at the base, rounded at the tips
  • expressive and intense gaze.

However, despite these differences, the French are just as stubborn, but easily trainable, as their English counterparts. They are also very kind., friendly and devoted animals, adoring all family members, and due to their ability to endure pain and natural restraint, they do not pose a danger to other animals, as well as children.

Description of the English Bulldog

Many dog ​​breeders simply idolize this unique breed for its unusual appearance.

May have the following colors:

The so-called muzzle is clearly visible on the muzzle.

The height of the English Bulldog is 35-40 cm at the withers, the body weight of the female is about 23 kg, the male is 25 kg.

Due to its unusual shape (small pelvis and massive head), the English bulldog often encounters difficulties during childbirth, that is, the female cannot give birth on her own, so help is required. veterinarian. Besides The English Bulldog is a brachycephalic animal, that is, it has a depressed head and nose.

dog breathing open mouth, because of which he swallows a lot of air and therefore often lets out gases. There are two options here: buy an air freshener or just ignore the problem.

Although the English Bulldog and can not be called the most affectionate animal, however, it is amazing and is still considered the national dog of Great Britain. It is this dog that is the pride of England and is very popular with almost all the peoples of the planet.

Characteristics of the English Bulldog

The English Bulldog is a true homebody. He loves to spin around the bed and can sleep all day. The dog does not belong to lovers of long walks and prefers to spend time close to home. The Bulldog is a real stubborn, so getting him to do what he does not want is quite difficult. However, his funny behavior cannot leave anyone indifferent. The dog will great friend for your children, with whom you will quickly establish a strong bond.

Since the English Bulldog loves to chew on various things, it is necessary to provide him with plenty of toys and hide his shoes away. The animal does not feel very well in a hot climate and this should be taken into account when choosing a pet.

The Bulldog does not need long walks and constant physical activity, so it is ideal for a city apartment. . Most representatives It is enough for this breed to take a walk 2 times / day for 20 minutes or actively move once. It all depends on the age of the dog. Older pets need less exercise than younger ones.

For squeamish people who do not tolerate smell and drool, it is better not to start a bulldog. But if, nevertheless, you chose this particular breed, then it was love at first sight. After all, bulldogs simply love to be in the company of household members.

Always ready to show the owner his love and devotion. Despite its formidable appearance, by nature it is a very calm, affectionate and sweet creature. It is these qualities that make the dog an excellent companion and just good friend for both adults and children.

Representatives of the English Bulldog breed are very independent and independent creatures with great strength. They are very confident and are balanced. To outsiders, these dogs do not show aggression, but can be somewhat hostile. Security qualities also manifest themselves in different ways: some individuals may not pay attention to the appearance of a stranger at all, while others notify the owner by barking, but do not bite.

The English Bulldog really needs the love and attention of his owner, otherwise the dog will become sad and may even get sick. If the owner does not spend enough time with his dog, this can negatively affect the intelligence of the English Bulldog.

life span of a bulldog

Dogs of this breed are considered one of the most prone to various diseases of animals. They have quite a lot of congenital or hereditary diseases. In addition, they often have problems associated with the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system. Bulldogs live for about 8-10 years.

Training and education

Unlike many of his fellows who have a craving for a free lifestyle, the English bulldog, having appeared in your apartment, adapts quite quickly and after a few days, or even hours, behaves as if he has been sleeping on your rug for a long time and eating from dishes you have prepared.

However despite the fact that bulldogs are very smart and are prone to fast learning they still need some education. Otherwise, one day you may realize with horror that you have raised an incredible minion and an unbearable stubborn, and in some cases even a dog that poses a threat to others.

First of all, the owner of the dog must become a friend to her. If you decide to place a pet in a cramped enclosure or put it on a chain, you can assume that you have lost the dog's trust forever. After all, a bulldog will only become a good friend and companion when he is in the company of people.

But still, the pet should be explained who is the boss in the house. Otherwise, you will not have time to look back, as you become a subject of your dog.

The bulldog loves to luxuriate on a comfortable bedding, in an easy chair or on a sofa. But do not allow him much, otherwise very soon your grown-up pet with frightening jaws will feel like the owner of the sofa and will not even notice how he will move you from there, deciding to turn on the other side. Therefore, it is recommended immediately after buying a dog to equip her with a special place where she will feel comfortable and cozy.

In general, these dogs do not understand the language of punishment well, so if a little prankster accidentally ate your slippers, you should not scold him. Better squat next to none m and calmly, but very firmly, explain to him that it is not good to do so.

If you are very persuasive, and naturally don't leave your shoes next to the dog bowl, rest assured that the incident won't happen again. For reliability and fixing the effect, buy your pet a few toys that you can chew on. This will serve as entertainment for him and at the same time prevent rash manipulations with clothes, shoes and furniture.

The English Bulldog is a rather lazy dog, however, if you agree with him, he is easy to train. This is not the dog that constantly strives to please you, but also not the one with which nothing can be done. Although the bulldog lives by its own laws, a compromise can always be found with it.

The Englishman seems to live in his own, only familiar world, he can play, but only by his own rules, and if you want to offer him yours, you are unlikely to get far.

Before you start training, you should find out his incentives (praise, treats, etc.), and then skillfully use them. Teaching a bulldog to behave well is pretty easy. The period of the first 2-3 months is especially important, when more patience and attention are required.

Since the English Bulldog has a very unusual appearance, its owner will have to go through a lot of unrest, especially during the period of intensive growth and development of a young dog.

The bulldog has a flat and short muzzle, which can cause it to make deafening snores in its sleep. This is another, quite good reason for relocating a pet to a separate corner, or better, to another room.

In addition, the bulldog, due to its special physique, is not adapted to intense and prolonged loads, which means it will not participate in daily long runs and hikes.

Don't Overload especially for puppies. Indeed, at this age, any overstrain, both physical and mental, can cause irreversible consequences.

And finally, strong men tend to be obese. This is explained not only by their excellent appetite, but also by a slow metabolism. And if you also take into account the natural weakness of the joints, an obese young dog risks serious injury, which is often found among dogs of this breed.

Another problem with this breed is allergies. And an irritant various allergens can act - grass, flowers, plant pollen and even the burning sun. Therefore, seeing the first signs allergic reaction with your pet, you need to immediately contact a specialist who will recommend how to escape from such a scourge.

So, you have acquired a small, stout man with cute folds, a powerful body, intelligent eyes and a black nose with large nostrils. Try to follow all the rules and the recommendations of specialists in the upbringing and cultivation of bulldogs, and then in the person of your pet you will find a faithful, devoted and always ready to help friend.

  • imposing appearance;
  • balanced character;
  • endurance;
  • determination;
  • self confidence;
  • purposefulness;
  • friendliness;
  • devotion to all household members, and not just to one owner;
  • tendency to laziness, inactivity.

Brief description of the representatives of the breed

Who is the English Bulldog for?

Any family, including those with small children. However, you need to control the interaction of the child with the dog. Education and training can be entrusted to children from the age of 10 years.

Bulldog can become good companion an elderly person or a beginner who does not have experience interacting with dogs. Not suitable for people who prefer an active lifestyle.

Will such a dog be able to protect the owner in case of danger?
The breed is not intended for protection, however, in a critical situation, the dog will be able to come to the rescue. The attacker will be scared away by the appearance of the dog.
Why do bulldogs not tolerate heat well?

The reason lies in the anatomy. Bulldogs have large mouths and short noses. To cool the body when overheated, dogs have to breathe frequently with their mouths open. Bulldogs are uncomfortable, they start to get nervous.

In the heat, the mouth dries up, and the larynx swells, then the animal may die. In this case, it is urgent to reduce the dog's body temperature, for example, by dousing with cold water, and then clearing his throat of mucus.

Does a bulldog need clothes for walking in the cold season?
Yes, at temperatures below -10°C. Clothes can be worn in the off-season if the bulldog is cold.
Can you train a bulldog?

Yes, of course, but necessary special approach. The Bulldog is not prone to blind obedience. Before executing a command, he will first consider it. If the requirement is humiliating for him or meaningless, he will not comply with it.

You can not train such dogs the elements of aggression. If he likes to bite, it will lead to dangerous situations because bulldogs have a hereditary tendency to fight.

Why are English Bulldogs so short lived?
The breed was bred artificially, in order to maintain the purity of the gene pool, closely related crossing is often used. As a result, modern bulldogs are not in good health. Main reasons lethal outcome: oncological and cardiovascular diseases.
What can be the difficulties with breeding bulldogs?
In females, ovulation does not always coincide with heat and sometimes takes place on any day of estrus, so mating may be "empty". The process itself also presents certain problems. Sometimes animals need help, in some cases mating occurs only in the absence of outsiders.
It's true that bitches can't give birth themselves, they do C-section?
Some representatives of the breed can give birth on their own, but the owners try to carry out a planned caesarean section. Representatives of the breed have a high risk of developing birth complications due to the fact that the diameter of the skull in puppies over size pelvic ring in females.


  • affectionate;
  • non-aggressive;
  • complaisant;
  • do not need prolonged physical exertion;
  • do not bark;
  • treat children well;
  • get along well with relatives, cats;
  • smart and quick-witted;
  • well amenable to training;
  • you can take it with you on your travels.


  • stubborn and wayward;
  • slow;
  • lazy;
  • do not tolerate lack of attention and loneliness;
  • prone to obesity;
  • demanding on the conditions of detention (temperature environment and etc.);
  • on the street they can attack relatives;
  • make various sounds (puffing, sniffing, snoring);
  • different increased salivation, excessive gas formation;
  • breeding has many difficulties.

Photo of English Bulldog

Character, behavioral features

By nature, the English Bulldog is a real gentleman. Representatives of the breed are phlegmatic, serious and unflappable. They are distinguished by devotion to all household members, they experience separation from the environment very hard, they can get sick.

Bulldogs are obedient and docile. They love to be praised, so they strive to please the owner. They are excellently trainable, but persistence and patience are required, as these dogs are stubborn.

Behavior can be called passive: bulldogs love to sleep, often find themselves from long walks, preferring not to go far from home. On the street, only puppies actively run and play, adults, as a rule, move in steps. Due to the special structure of the muzzle, bulldogs snore, sniff, grunt, and not only in their sleep. Some people may find these sounds annoying.

Children are treated with love, they patiently endure pranks, they can become a protector, showing the ability for quick and energetic actions at critical moments. They are indifferent or distrustful of strangers, but not hostile.

Representatives of the breed get along well with relatives, cats, are prone to dominance. On the street, they can be aggressive towards unfamiliar animals. However, if the other dog attacks first, the bulldog may let him pat him. It speaks of confidence, but not of cowardice. When a bulldog gets angry, it is very difficult to calm him down. He is able to strangle any dog, not reacting to bites received in a fight, and to the shouts of the owner.

Bulldogs cannot be kept in an aviary, on a chain, the dog must live next to a person. The rooms should not be too cold or too hot. Allocate a spacious and comfortable place to relax and sleep. It should be on a slight rise, this will make the pet move a little more. Don't let your dog sleep on the bed.

Choose deep, large bowls; light dishes will turn over. Bulldogs love to chew on something, so you need to buy toys designed for this purpose. You can’t give old things, otherwise there is a risk that the dog can ruin the new ones.

Long walks are not required, you can walk 2 times a day for half an hour. In hot weather, it is better to walk the dog in the early morning and late evening. Do not let your pet off the leash until he has clearly learned the “come to me” command. Representatives of the breed are prone to obesity, so physical activity is still necessary. The bulldog needs to be forced to move, for example, take him on a leash and walk at a fast pace.


  • Wool: combing - 1 time per week. during molting - daily. Use a stiff natural bristle brush, then buff the coat with suede.
  • Bathing: no more than once every six months. More frequent procedures reduce immunity. If the dog gets dirty, you can simply wipe it with a damp cloth. During the shedding period, it is recommended to use dry shampoo to cleanse the coat.
  • Hygiene skin folds: 1 time in 3-4 days, in summer - daily. Wipe them with a cotton swab moistened with a special lotion that does not contain alcohol. Then lubricate with petroleum jelly or cream with glycerin. If your dog is sweating, dust the areas between the folds with baby powder, talcum powder, or a mild antiseptic.
  • Claws: clipping with a nail cutter as they grow back. Long claws prevent the paw from gathering into a ball, impede normal movement. Treat the places between the fingers with talcum powder so that there are no diaper rash.
  • Eyes: regular examination. To prevent souring, wipe them with a cotton swab moistened with weak tea leaves.
  • Teeth: regular check-ups, cleaning with a special paste to prevent tartar. You can buy a special spray.
  • Nose: examination, lubrication with Vaseline. This prevents the appearance of crusts.

Health, susceptibility to disease

English Bulldogs are not known for their good health. Due to the special structure respiratory tract representatives of the breed are prone to colds, problems with the lungs, heart muscle. A very short tail is a predisposing factor for the development of spinal diseases in the caudal region. Other common ailments:

  • inversion of the century ("cherry eye");
  • distichiasis (double row of eyelashes);
  • keratoconjunctivitis (inflammation that affects the conjunctiva, the cornea of ​​​​the eyes);
  • brachycephalic airway syndrome (blockage of air flow through the upper airways);
  • inversion of the stomach;
  • allergies (to food, care products, etc.);
  • skin fold dermatitis inflammatory disease skin);
  • demodicosis (skin lesion caused by the opportunistic mite demodex);
  • hip dysplasia;
  • hypothyroidism (decreased thyroid function);
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.


How many times a day to feed:

  • under the age of 2 months. - 6 times;
  • 2-3 months - 5 times;
  • 4-7 months - 4 times;
  • 8-12 months - 3 times;
  • after 1 year - 2 times.

It is important to observe the regime, food must be given strictly at the same time. Feed your pet only after a walk. Bulldogs tend to increased gas formation and other digestive disorders, so it is important to carefully plan the diet.

Dry food

Choose industrial feed High Quality, which include at least 30% natural meat. The percentage of digestibility should not be less than 80%. Some manufacturers produce rations specially designed for this breed.

Since Bulldogs are prone to food allergies makes sense to buy hypoallergenic food. They do not contain unsaturated fats, gluten and other components that often cause pathological reactions. The composition includes dietary fiber and probiotics, reduced protein content.

natural feeding

The diet for the bulldog should not contain a lot of meat and offal (no more than 40%). To improve digestibility, these products need to be boiled and crushed. Other components:

  1. Dairy products (ryazhenka, natural yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese).
  2. Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal boiled in water.
  3. Boiled vegetables (except legumes, cabbage) - in any quantity, you can add vegetable oil.
  4. Boiled sea fish - no more than 1 rub / week.
  5. Chicken eggs (yolk) - 1 pc./week. It is better to give quail (3 pieces / week), they are less likely to cause allergies.
  6. Vitamin and mineral complexes.

In the diet of puppies up to 3 months. milk is included, 2 feedings should include milk porridge.

  • pork;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty;
  • salty;
  • flour;
  • sweets;
  • bones (except large beef).

English Bulldogs do not tolerate dietary changes well. Avoid these situations if possible, as there is a high chance of developing backlash organism. In case of emergency, changes to the menu should be made gradually, carefully monitoring the condition of the pet.

Puppy selection, maintenance, upbringing

A thoroughbred puppy can be purchased through kennel clubs, where they will provide information about kennels. Visit the show to meet the breeders. You can also find a suitable pet by ad.

It is advisable to study the description and character of the English Bulldog breed. Decide on the gender of the animal in advance. Males look more impressive, they are more cocky, curious, but less cautious. Bitches have an accommodating disposition, they are more obedient, easier to learn. Signs of a purebred puppy:

  • compact body, almost square;
  • the back of the body is slightly raised;
  • large head;
  • widely spaced ears;
  • pronounced chin;
  • the lower jaw overlaps the upper;
  • the bridge of the nose is short;
  • a fold on the muzzle covers the bridge of the nose.

For a puppy you will need:

  1. Bed, preferably with hard sides.
  2. Bedding that should not be too soft or too hard.
  3. Bowls with high sides.
  4. Rubber mat under the bowls, otherwise they will move during the meal.
  5. Shampoo.
  6. Combing brush (a comb is not suitable, as it will injure the skin).
  7. Cloth for rubbing wool.
  8. Absorbent diapers.
  9. Toys (except balls and small, fragile items that a puppy can easily chew on).
  10. Instead of a collar and leash, it is better to buy a harness.

Raise the puppy very carefully, supporting with one hand under the chest, with the other under the hind legs. You can not take it by the front paws or by the collar. Lower it to the floor with your hands so that the baby immediately stands on all paws. It is impossible for a puppy to jump from a height, since there is a risk of injuries to the musculoskeletal, ligamentous apparatus. For the same reason, up to 4 months, the dog should not go down the stairs on his own (you can go up).

When caring for a puppy, do not forget to clean the wrinkles around the muzzle. Use wet baby wipes or a soapy sponge to help avoid buildup pathogenic microflora. If irritation occurs in these places, lubricate the skin with petroleum jelly.


The puppy needs to be walked more often, so he will quickly learn to relieve himself on the street. It is better to remove it after sleep and every feeding. Gradually increase the duration of walks, starting with 5 minutes.

Start walking your puppy after 10 days. after vaccination. For walks, choose places away from the roadway, playgrounds. Keep in mind that due to the specific appearance of the bulldog, the reaction of people to him will be ambiguous. Until the pet gets used to the owner, you should also try to avoid meeting other dogs.

All walks should be educational in nature. It is better to start the socialization period from the age of 6 months, for this visit more crowded places with the puppy. In order for the pet to get used to relatives, communicate with those owners whose dogs correspond in temperament to the bulldog.


Raising an English bulldog is a constant interaction with a pet, developing a clear idea of ​​​​the rules of behavior in the house, prohibitions, obedience and rewards. Guide the puppy's actions with the intonation of the voice. Bulldogs love to be praised, it is perceived as support. However, you should not allow the puppy to "sit on the neck."

Rudeness is also contraindicated, otherwise you can disrupt the psyche, the dog will become cowardly or, conversely, aggressive. If the puppy shows fear, soothe him with petting. Don't encourage aggression. If the dog does not obey and growls, you need to take it by the scruff (withers) and press it to the floor or shake it a little (but do not lift it).

Behavior is considered unacceptable if the puppy:

  • crap in the wrong places;
  • gnaws things of the household;
  • picks up food from the ground;
  • bites hands, growls at the owner;
  • sleeps on the bed, sofa.

Breed standard in the FCI system

General form The size is medium, the body is massive. The muzzle is short and thick, the nose is flat and forked. The upper lip is wide and forked, the upper incisors are visible.
Head High, the skin around it forms folds. The forehead is flat. The circumference of the skull is large. The stop is deep, there is a wide notch (recess) between the eyes.
Nose Lobe and nostrils are wide, large, black.
Muzzle Wide, short, curved upwards.
Lips Wide, thick, pendulous. They hang down, closing the jaws from the sides. In front they do not reach the edge of the lower lip.
Jaws Massive, square. Lower jaw curved upwards, protrudes forward of the upper.
Eyes They are located low, in line with the stop. Rounded, not sunken, but not convex either. Very dark, when viewed from the front, the whites are not visible.
Ears Set on high, carried as high, wide and far from the eyes as possible. Thin, small, rose-shaped (hanging, turned back to the back, the front edge is curved back and out).
Neck Medium length, very thick, has a lot of excess skin that gathers in folds under the throat.
Back Powerful, short.
Breast Wide, convex, large in diameter.
Tail The length is average. Set on low, straight at the base, then curving downward. Never rises over the back.
limbs Strong, muscular. The back is longer than the front, so the loin is raised.
Wool Smooth, short, with a delicate texture.

Any plain or "smoot" (with a black mask on the muzzle); fawn, red, white, red; two-color (any combination of the specified colors); brindle (usually with a mask).

The disadvantage is a small White spot on the chest in individuals of the same color. Large white spots in such dogs are a vice.

Historical reference

Country of origin: UK. Ancestors - the dogs Krib and Rosa, entered in the stud book in 1817. The ancestors are the Old English Bulldogs - an extinct breed of pickling dogs that was used in the "bloody sport" (bull-baiting, dog fighting). There is another opinion: bulldogs are descended from Alans - dog-shaped dogs living in the Caucasus Mountains.

For the first time at the exhibition, the breed was presented in 1860 (Birmingham, England). The first standard was adopted in 1875. Bulldogs could not be taken out of the country until the 80s of the 20th century. Currently, several standards have been developed, in the Russian Federation the FCI standard, approved in 2004, is in force.

Representatives of the breed came to Russia even before the revolution, but did not become popular. In 1923, breeding was suspended due to "emphasized bourgeoisness that does not correspond to the socialist way of life." The selection was resumed in the 80s. 20th century, however, many individuals were deficient due to the lack of an influx of new blood. In the mid 90s. from the leading kennels of the world brought bulldogs with excellent breed characteristics. Currently, many dogs from Russia take prizes at the largest international exhibitions.