Sleeping position during pregnancy is the key to the health of the baby and the good mood of the mother! How to sleep correctly for a pregnant woman - is it possible to sleep on the stomach, back and which side is better?

During pregnancy, it is very often difficult for us women to choose correct position For good rest. One of the reasons for poor sleep is awkward position bodies. Here are simple and useful tips, so important life period. What is the best way to sleep during pregnancy in order to get enough sleep and not harm yourself and your baby?

Until about the twelfth week of pregnancy, you can sleep as comfortably as you are used to: on your back or stomach, on your side or even sitting.

From the moment your belly begins to grow, you need to choose which position to sleep in. Sleeping on your stomach will be uncomfortable. In addition, the pregnant woman experiences an unconscious fear of harming the child.

The “lying on your back” position after the 12th week can cause compression of the spine and poor circulation. But if the expectant mother has problems with blood pressure, then it is better for her to abandon this position from the very beginning of pregnancy.

Optimal sleeping position

The destiny of a pregnant woman is to sleep on her side. This position is the most comfortable and acceptable from a physiological point of view. Ideally, for the health of mother and baby, it is better to choose the left side. A woman is recommended to bend her right leg and place a pillow or a blanket under it. In this position, blood flow to the placenta is optimized, the spine and pelvis are unloaded, the functioning of the liver and kidneys is normalized, and the heart rate is stabilized.

It is quite acceptable to turn over from side to side several times a night.

Experts believe that the best sleeping position is on your side. Benefits of this pose:

  • do not get squeezed internal organs;
  • blood flow to the placenta improves;
  • disappear painful sensations in the back and pelvis area;
  • swelling of the limbs decreases.

The woman will choose which side is better to sleep on, but it is believed that sleeping on the left side is the most correct.

If the expectant mother is lucky enough to carry two at once, then she should have no doubts about “how best to sleep with twins.” Sleeping on your left side will help reduce the load on your heart and ensure stable kidney function.

Can pregnant women sleep on their stomach?

Many women find this position comfortable for sleeping. Two lines on the test is not a reason to immediately give up the habit of sleeping on your stomach. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is still quite small, the volume of the abdomen increases slightly, so this position does not cause discomfort. There is also no need to worry that the fetus may experience stress; it is reliably protected by the uterus and amniotic fluid.

Somewhere from the fourth month, the fetus begins to actively grow, the uterus and abdomen of the pregnant woman increase. All this gradually makes sleeping on your stomach impossible. A woman is recommended to choose a new comfortable sleeping position from 10-12 weeks of pregnancy.

Why is sleeping on your back contraindicated?

On early stages During pregnancy, you can indulge in the pleasure of lying on your back. But after a while, this position becomes not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous for the health of mother and baby. By the middle of the second trimester, the fetus, which has gained weight, and the uterus, which is enlarged and filled with amniotic fluid, puts pressure on the vena cava, intestines and spine.

Sleeping on the back is fraught with impaired blood circulation in the woman’s pelvic organs, insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus through the placenta and nutrients. A pregnant woman may experience dizziness, difficulty breathing, and tachycardia.

How to improve your sleep

Quiet walks in the fresh air before bed and ventilation of the room help you fall asleep faster.

If you live in a noisy metropolis, then relax and prepare for good sleep. They can be recorded on a mobile phone or player. Under the rustling of leaves, birdsong, the murmur of a river or the sound of the surf, both mommy and the restless baby will easily fall asleep.

Women wonder how to sleep during pregnancy starting from the first weeks. At the end of pregnancy, a woman may suffer from heartburn, insomnia, and night cramps. calf muscles. Therefore, the choice of position is very important for normal sleep, as well as for the comfort of the mother and fetus. How to sleep correctly so as not to harm the child? Sometimes you have to radically change your habits, especially in the 9th month of pregnancy, for this you can use the help of special sleeping pillows and other devices.

Daily routine and proper preparation to sleep have a positive effect on the normal state of a pregnant woman in the morning. A broken state, as well as insomnia and lethargy negatively affect physiological processes that are happening this difficult period in a woman's body.

  1. You can't get overtired. The expectant mother must take care of herself, because her fatigue affects the baby too. In addition, the result of such fatigue can be insomnia. Those who are tired also sleep poorly.
  2. Try not to sleep during the day. This is necessary so that it is not violated night sleep. It is important that the woman understands that not only I am sleeping, but also my child.
  3. Physical exercise. Taking care of yourself does not mean sitting in one place all day. It is necessary to move, but for this it is advisable to choose moderate ones. physical exercise. Will fit special exercises for pregnant women, as well as gymnastics and swimming. A mandatory walk in the evening will help you relax before bed.
  4. Proper nutrition. There is no need to eat heavy and fatty foods, and before bed it is better to eat an apple or a glass of kefir - this good food. Full stomach does not promote normal sleep.
  5. Taking a warm bath. Ideally you should add essential oils or soothing herbs.
  6. Do not drink liquids. While pregnant, a woman has to defecate more often. bladder. So that this doesn't become the reason bad sleep, try drinking less before bed, more in the morning.
  7. Massage. A foot massage before bed is especially effective if you suffer from cramps.

As long as you maintain a normal sleep schedule and follow healthy image In life, sleep problems may not arise. Towards the end of pregnancy, inconveniences appear more often, but they are also easy to deal with. The main thing is that if you cannot sleep, go to the doctor and do not prescribe sleeping pills yourself. This can negatively affect your baby's health.

Sleep is the key to the health of both mother and child. Therefore, it is important to establish it well and follow all parts of a healthy lifestyle; you can do light gymnastics to raise your tone and mood. The best option may be yoga for pregnant women. It is important to know how not to sleep during pregnancy; this knowledge will help keep the body in good shape.

Each trimester of pregnancy is marked by its own characteristics. Therefore, sleep proceeds differently. Body position also affects the fetus differently, because the fetus itself grows and can be located in different sides. The position in which you successfully fell asleep and slept soundly before may not be suitable for you during pregnancy. How to sleep during pregnancy depends on the trimester.

  1. First trimester. Until 12 weeks pregnant, a woman may not even know she is pregnant. In the first trimester, no special changes occur, at least visible ones. I don’t even think about how to sleep. During early pregnancy, the uterus is not yet so enlarged as to interfere with sleep. The size of the fruit is also very small. True, breast sensitivity may already appear. In any case, you can sleep in any position; it will not harm your baby in any way. But, nevertheless, if you are a big fan of sleeping on your stomach, you need to wean yourself early on, as it will be more difficult to do later. It is worth noting that the period of the first three months is characterized by constant drowsiness, because the nervous system oppressed.
  2. Second trimester. In this trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is already enlarged and the belly is visible. This means that the size of the fetus increases. This begins to happen at 15 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, the general well-being of the expectant mother improves. The nausea goes away, the mood returns to normal, and there are still no problems with weight or pain in the spine. In order not to crush the baby with your weight, you need to stop sleeping on your stomach. How can you lie on your stomach, realizing that your baby is inside? For many women, this position itself becomes uncomfortable, and they easily abandon it. In the second trimester, the ideal position is on the back, since the weight of the fetus does not yet cause discomfort to the mother. When the 2nd trimester ends, with a strong increase in the baby’s weight, as well as with the appearance of the first movements, you should lie on your side.
  3. Third trimester. How to sleep at 9 months? The most inconvenient period for a woman in terms of sleep. It is no longer advisable to sleep on your back, so you need to sleep on your left side. Sleeping on the right side may be uncomfortable for the fetus. Therefore, we sleep, which is good for both of us. Sleeping on the back is contraindicated, since the large weight of the child can lead to back pain and the development of hemorrhoids in the expectant mother. Mom falls asleep more and more difficultly and wakes up frequently. Also decreasing arterial pressure and problems with the intestines and digestion may appear. This happens due to compression when sleeping on your back. large vein. You should also focus on the fetal reaction. If the child begins to push intensely, it means that he is uncomfortable or lacks oxygen. This is an indicator that the pregnant woman should roll over. Most often happens this situation if you sleep on your right side. At 33 weeks of pregnancy, the baby may well be born. This will be a premature birth, but the baby may be born quite healthy. At 33 weeks of pregnancy, children appear in multiple pregnancies. In order not to provoke this process yourself, you should be careful. At 35 weeks of pregnancy, training contractions may begin, which are preparation for childbirth. This may interfere with sleep. Also, at the 8th month of pregnancy, heartburn, lower back pain, and anxious thoughts appear. All this leads to poor sleep quality and frequent waking up. This characterizes the eighth and ninth months. At 35 weeks of pregnancy, childbirth can already lead to the birth of a completely healthy baby.

What position to sleep in during pregnancy should depend on the position of the fetus. If the fruit lies across, then you should fall asleep on the side where the head is located. If the child breech presentation, it is also advisable to sleep on your left side. How to sleep when pregnant with twins? Exactly the same, only a little longer. In such a situation, recovery time is required. Is it possible to sleep in a familiar position? Intuition will answer you, since in most cases a woman herself feels correct posture, depending on the position of the baby, for example, on the right or left.

In any case, when you go to sleep on your side during pregnancy, it is important to consider not only your comfort, but also the safety of the baby. Your well-being also depends on the correct positioning of your body. It is better to sleep on your side during pregnancy, preferably on the left, but if you are more comfortable sleeping on your right side, this will not hurt either.

Sleeping in early pregnancy is not as difficult as sleeping late in the 33rd week of pregnancy. Most mothers say: “I can’t” in the last weeks.

To make you feel comfortable during any trimester of pregnancy and to learn to sleep in a comfortable position, you can choose a special pillow. You can sleep with such accessories, and then use them during the day to rest and feed your baby.

They come in several forms, each of which is convenient in its own way:

These pillows can not only help you control your sleeping position, but will also be a great help when feeding your baby after childbirth. If towards the end of pregnancy there are problems with heartburn, then it is advisable to sleep in a semi-sitting position. This is convenient if you have a high pillow.

Pay close attention to the mattress you rest on. Firstly, it should be of medium hardness, and secondly, for pregnant women it should be orthopedic so that you can get maximum sleep and relaxation. If during an interesting situation future mom continues to sleep with her spouse, then when choosing a mattress you need to pay attention to its filling. When the spouse moves, the mother should not feel uncomfortable.

Sometimes for a good night's sleep you just need to choose the right accessories, including clothes made from natural materials. This is quite enough to relax as much as possible.

For proper development fetus, as well as full recovery the mother's strength and preparation for childbirth, it is necessary to rest. How can you sleep better these nine months?

To do this, you should follow several basic rules:

A walk, a warm bath, and a lack of stress before bed will help you get a good night's sleep. The main thing is not to eat fatty foods, but also not to go to bed hungry. At the end of pregnancy, you may experience problems falling asleep, and even insomnia. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Proper organization sleep will help you get enough sleep and promotes the full development of the baby.

Pregnancy is a joyful event, but for the proper development of the child, you need to monitor both nutrition and sleep, as well as compliance with all the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Since the second half of pregnancy, the tummy has noticeably increased, it no longer allows you to sit and lie down in a familiar and comfortable position. Falling asleep sometimes turns into torture. I can't seem to get comfortable. You can no longer settle in your favorite position - your belly is growing, you have to run to the toilet more and more often, your hormones are raging. All this leads to insomnia and sleep problems. To make your night's sleep truly restful, you need to follow some rules.

What are the best positions to sleep in during pregnancy?

What position to choose for sleeping so as not to harm the baby and get enough sleep? It all depends on the stage of your pregnancy.

    1st trimester - in the first three months you can sleep in a position that is comfortable and in this moment I want to. After the 11th week, doctors advise avoiding sleeping on your stomach so as not to interfere with blood circulation. If a multiple pregnancy is detected, then sleeping on the stomach should be avoided from the very beginning.

    2nd trimester - the tummy is already clearly visible, and it is unlikely that you will be able to sleep on it - it will be uncomfortable. You can no longer roll over onto your stomach and not feel anything, it will be uncomfortable for you. For now, you can sleep on both your side and your back, but only until the 25th week, after which it is better to refrain from sleeping on your back.

    3rd trimester – from the 26th–27th week it is undesirable to sleep on your back. Therefore, it is better to sleep on the left side, since lying on the right side can crush the ureter and put strong pressure on right kidney and get pyelonephritis.

Sleeping position

Correct sleeping position in the third trimester:

How not to sleep during pregnancy

After the 25th week you should not sleep on your back! In this position, the grown uterus puts pressure on the artery and impedes blood circulation, which can lead to a lack of oxygen and asphyxia of the fetus.

Good deep dream, which will give you rest and a boost of energy, depends not only on the position in which you sleep. Getting ready for bed begins long before evening:

    moderate physical activity during the day will help you fall asleep quickly - swimming, hiking, gymnastics and yoga for pregnant women;

    do not overexert yourself during the day;

    The room should be ventilated before going to bed;

    You should not drink a lot of water before going to bed;

    do not drink coffee and tea in the evening;

    organize a comfortable sleeping area– comfortable orthopedic mattress, pillows of the required softness and size, natural and pleasant to the touch bed sheets;

    It is better to choose sleepwear from natural fabrics;

    a walk before bed will also help you fall asleep quickly;

    do not overeat at night, exclude heavy dishes from the evening menu;

    drink a glass before bed warm milk with honey;

    Take a relaxing bath before bed.

Attention! Taking any sedatives or sleeping pills only by doctor's prescription!

Special pillow for pregnant women

Instead of many pillows and pillows, you can buy or sew one, large, but multifunctional pillow. They come in different configurations (in the shape of a horseshoe and boomerang, in the shape of the letters G, I, G and C, etc.) and allow you to make a pregnant woman’s sleep comfortable and safe. After childbirth, such a pillow will help you take a comfortable position for breastfeeding. When choosing a pillow, you should pay attention to the configuration; you need it to meet your needs.

Comfortable sleep during pregnancy is not only about the health of mother and baby, but also about psychological comfort. Don't deny yourself some rest!

Frequent urge to go to the toilet becomes faithful companions I trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, the question “how to sleep in early pregnancy” worries many women. In order to get proper sleep back, you will have to give up some old habits in favor of new ones.

Read in this article

Getting adequate sleep during pregnancy

Hormonal changes in the body begin to affect sleep from the first weeks of pregnancy. High level provokes swelling of the nasal mucosa, which leads to difficulty breathing and lack of oxygen. As a result, in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman experiences apathy, fatigue and irritability, regardless of whether she feels like sleeping during the day.

The importance of healthy sleep

During pregnancy, a woman may experience a variety of sleep problems:

  • initial insomnia (problems falling asleep);
  • frequent awakenings;
  • anxious, restless sleep;
  • insomnia in the final phase of sleep (waking up too early in the morning).

Such a dream does not provide adequate rest and recuperation, so in the morning the woman feels tired and overwhelmed. The problem is aggravated by the fact that sleeping pills are prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The results of a study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh confirmed the importance of a good night's sleep. Observation of the condition of a group of women showed that insufficient sleep during early pregnancy can lead to the birth of a child with low body weight.

Therefore, after a woman becomes aware of her “interesting” situation, she needs to reconsider her rest regime. The duration of night sleep should be at least 8 hours, and you should fall asleep no later than 22:30.

How to choose a sleeping position

The quality of night's rest is determined not only by its duration, but also by the position of the woman's body. There are a lot of options for how you can sleep in the early stages of pregnancy. In fact, any position that is comfortable for a woman is acceptable - you can sleep on your stomach, back or side.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, when the expectant mother can still sleep in the way that is comfortable for her, you need to try to get used to falling asleep in the recommended positions. In the future, when big belly will limit the choice of acceptable options, falling asleep will occur easier and faster. The optimal body position when sleeping during pregnancy is on the left side.

This pose has several advantages:

  • liver and kidney functions are normalized;
  • heart function stabilizes;
  • the fetus receives more oxygen due to better blood supply to the pelvic organs.

If a woman is used to sleeping on her stomach and finds it difficult to adjust, you can start using a special pillow for pregnant women already in the early stages of pregnancy. Most often it is performed in the form of the letters “U” and “C”. This shape allows you to comfortably sleep on your side, positioning upper leg on the pillow at a right angle.

Many women who are accustomed to sleeping on their stomachs are concerned about whether they can continue to do so during early pregnancy. The doctors' recommendations here are clear - it is possible, but until the belly begins to enlarge. During this period, the uterus is still quite small and reliably protected by the pubic bones, so there is no danger to the child.

Sometimes already in the first weeks expectant mother soreness in the mammary glands begins to bother me. In this case, lying on your stomach is not recommended to avoid squeezing sensitive breasts. Night rest on your back is allowed. This position should not be abused, because from the second trimester it will be prohibited.

As the uterus and fetus grow, resting on the stomach will have to be abandoned. Despite the reliable protection of the child in the form of the uterine muscles, membranes and amniotic fluid, it experiences pressure if the mother continues to sleep in this position. Danger to the fetus - main reason why you shouldn't sleep on your stomach during pregnancy.

How to improve your sleep

To solve sleep problems, it is enough to follow simple recommendations on how to sleep properly in the early stages of pregnancy:

  1. Limit fluid intake shortly before bedtime. This will help you avoid the urge to go to the toilet at night.
  2. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. For dinner, light, low-fat dishes are preferred that will not give a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. If a woman begins to feel nauseous from hunger, you can eat a couple of crackers or drink a glass of kefir before bed.
  3. The bedroom should be thoroughly ventilated; it should not be too hot, dry or cold.
  4. When choosing pajamas or a nightgown, it is better to give preference to loose-fitting models made from natural fabrics.

Particular attention should be paid correct regimen day. You can follow all the tips on how to sleep better in early pregnancy and not achieve results. This could all be due to improper organization of the day. If you have problems falling asleep, it is better to refuse nap in favor of walking in the fresh air. Provided you feel well, moderate physical activity (gymnastics, etc.) is indicated. All these measures together will allow the expectant mother to fully rest, get enough sleep and enjoy her position.

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During pregnancy, many things that previously seemed trivial take on special significance. This is not surprising - a woman’s body is in a completely new state, which is also constantly changing. And if before it didn’t even occur to a woman to pay attention to what position she was in during sleep, now it suddenly turns out that her body position at night will also have to be controlled. Doctors quite reasonably explain which side is better to sleep on during pregnancy and why.

How not to do it

Let’s make a reservation right away - all the recommendations and restrictions listed below will be relevant from the moment a woman’s belly becomes visually noticeable. That is, it goes beyond the boundaries of the bed formed by the pelvic bones, which previously protected the uterus from shocks and mechanical influences. This deadline arrives differently for everyone. But usually, by the end of 4 months, a small tummy is visible in almost everyone. Until this time, your sleeping position does not matter - the main thing is to get a good night's sleep.

The most harmful position of the mother's body for the unborn baby is lying on her stomach. Many argue, citing the fact that the fetus in the uterus is protected by amniotic fluid, and the liquid is practically impossible to compress. All this is true. But only when the fetus is small, that is, in the early stages.

As the baby develops, it becomes larger, and the amniotic fluid around it becomes less and less. After all, the size of the uterus is limited, and the bones of the embryo are still very fragile and more similar in structure cartilage tissue. Their final hardening occurs during the first months after birth. Therefore, by pressing on the unborn baby with all her body weight, the mother can cause damage to them.

Is it possible to sleep on your back?

But this is not the only danger for the unborn child. Many women wonder why pregnant women cannot sleep on their backs starting in the second half of their pregnancy. Moreover, doctors prohibit this position no less categorically than sleeping on the stomach.

It would seem that in this position the entire stomach is on top and nothing threatens the child. But in this situation, the mother suffers due to the pressure of the heavy uterus on the internal organs.

When lying on your back for a long time, the weight of the uterus and baby compresses the intestines and can cause colic and disruption of its functioning. The spine, which is already overloaded during the day, does not rest in this position.

But the biggest problem is that the uterus in the supine position is pressed down vena cava, ensuring normal blood flow in the lower part of the body.

A pregnant woman sleeping on her back very quickly begins to be bothered by the following symptoms:

  • sudden dizziness, especially immediately after waking up;
  • a sharp and significant drop in blood pressure;
  • feeling of “restless” abdomen, colic, constipation;
  • difficulty breathing, feeling of lack of air;
  • failures heart rate: tachycardia, arrhythmia.

Possible appearance panic attacks and the development of insomnia due to the fact that the child, feeling a lack of oxygen, begins to move actively and simply does not allow the expectant mother to rest normally.

How to sleep properly

By process of elimination it becomes clear that best pose for sleeping during pregnancy - lying on your side. It has a number of undeniable advantages over any others:

Taking into account physiological characteristics For a pregnant woman, it is best to accustom herself to sleep on her left side. After the body is comfortably positioned in bed, left leg You need to straighten it completely, and bend the right one slightly at the knee.

For maximum comfort you can lean on right foot on the pillow. Now on sale there are several options for special shaped pillows designed for pregnant women that are worth purchasing.

Influence of the child's position

If the baby is presented incorrectly (for example, transversely), which side is best to sleep on is usually advised by the doctor. Correctly selected sleeping position plus specially designed physical exercise will help change the position of the fetus and reduce the risk of complicated labor. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask your doctor questions about what position is best for you to rest at night.

If the baby's head is located on the right side in the liver area, then doctors recommend sleeping on the right side. This will create some discomfort for the baby, but will not disrupt normal blood supply. If you take this position regularly, then it will gradually begin to merge with the area of ​​​​lower pressure and before giving birth it will have time to take the correct position of the body - back to the left and head down.

The pillow is also important

A special pillow for pregnant women is a very convenient accessory, which will later be useful for placing the baby on it during feeding. But this pleasure is not cheap.

Those who do not have the opportunity to purchase a sleeping accessory can adjust their body position during sleep with the help of small decorative pillows, a rolled-up blanket, and even medium-sized soft toys.

Sleeping with your leg thrown up on the pillow is also not comfortable for everyone. But this is not a prerequisite. The main thing is not to take “forbidden” poses while sleeping. However, sleeping on your stomach later and it won’t work that way. And a woman usually feels everything else instinctively.

If the position of the mother’s body is such that it squeezes the baby, he immediately reacts to this active movements. Based on your own feelings and your child’s tips, you will definitely be able to find a position for sleeping on your side that is as comfortable as possible for both of you.