Increased sensitivity of the nipples before menstruation. Sensitive chest. What to do if increased sensitivity

Filled with secrets and interesting processes. So, representatives of the weaker sex can reproduce their own kind. This process is completely dependent on the work of hormones. This article will tell you why sensitive nipples in women may indicate certain pathologies. You will also learn about what may be the causes of this symptom.

Nipples are sensitive - how is it?

Before talking about the reasons this manifestation, it is worth understanding what it means on the nipples. The described area is permeated with nerve endings and receptors. They are responsible for the reaction to touch and irritation.

Many women can hardly feel a slight stroking of this area. Others notice even the slightest touch. What does it depend on? Why did the nipples suddenly become sensitive? Consider the main reasons.


If you suddenly have sensitive nipples, pregnancy is not excluded. Almost 80 percent of the fairer sex report an increase and at the most early dates bearing a child. This is due to the change and restructuring of the body.

Nipples are sensitive during pregnancy in order to protect reproductive organ from interruption of fetal development. The explanation for this statement is quite simple. When the mammary glands are stimulated, oxytocin is produced. This hormone affects the contractility of the uterus. When the nipples become sensitive, the woman simply avoids stimulating them. This helps keep the pregnancy going.

Approaching a new menstrual cycle

Very sensitive nipples in women become before menstruation. This is explained by the following regularity. In the second phase of the cycle (after ovulation), the production of progesterone begins. This hormone helps the endometrium grow to a certain thickness and helps keep the pregnancy going. This substance reaches its maximum about a week after the start of the second phase. It is at this moment that a woman may notice an increase in the mammary gland and its increased sensitivity.

Often the fair sex is confused this symptom With possible pregnancy. Only time will help to understand the situation.

Ovulation symptom

The nipples may be sensitive when the egg is released from the ovary. This is again due to the action of hormones. In the first phase of the cycle, estrogen predominates. It allows growth and affects the endometrium. During this period, the female breast is as calm and soft as possible. With approaching the middle of the cycle, the restructuring of the body begins. The release of latinizing hormone contributes to the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg from it. At the same time, this substance has an effect on female breast. She fills up and becomes more aroused. This leads to increased sensitivity of the nipples and areolas.

This symptom occurs only in the middle of the cycle. It is almost impossible to confuse it with pregnancy or the onset of menstruation.

Pathological processes

Nipples can be sensitive if there is any pathology in the woman's body. This symptom often occurs when hormonal diseases such as endometriosis, polycystic, uterine fibroids and so on. In addition, various may be accompanied by increased sensitivity of the nipples. At the same time, a woman may notice an increase and distortion of the shape of the breast. Painful sensations while maintaining sensitivity. for a long time and is not cyclical.

Also, mastopathy and some other diseases can be manifested by this symptom. These pathologies are completely harmless, but require timely treatment. Otherwise, complications and a breast tumor may develop.

Individual feature of the organism

Nipples may be sensitive due to individual structural features skin. At the same time, a woman constantly (since puberty) notes this symptom. It is worth noting that there are few such representatives of the weaker sex. However, these ladies live quite normally with such a feature, it does not interfere with them at all.


Now you know the main reasons why a woman can have sensitive nipples. If you are suddenly worried about this symptom, then you should see a doctor. Consult a gynecologist or mammologist. Doctors will diagnose and establish the main cause of this manifestation. If necessary, you will be assigned a correction that will help to cope with an exciting symptom. Keep your health under control and do not get sick!

From the moment of fertilization of the egg and its attachment in the uterine cavity, hormonal changes begin in the woman's body, which will help maintain the pregnancy and its successful development. Previously released hormones change their concentration (progesterone and estrogen are produced more actively), which is expressed in different manifestations. One of the first to respond to hormonal changes is the breast. Very often, it is precisely the nipples that prompt a woman to think about the conception that has probably taken place.

The breast begins to respond to pregnancy already from 10-14 days after conception, that is, almost immediately after implantation of the egg. Moreover, both the breasts in general and the nipples in particular change. And this process continues throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.

How do nipples change during pregnancy:

- increased sensitivity of the nipples during pregnancy

One of the most is to increase the sensitivity of the nipples. This feeling begins to simply irritate the woman: any touch on the nipple causes not only discomfort, but also enrages. Meanwhile, in many women, the nipples become hypersensitive before each menstruation, so often at this stage they are still unaware of anything, regarding this symptom as a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome.

But when you are already aware that you are pregnant, and your nipples hurt when pressed or touched, it is better to immediately change to the easiest and most comfortable bra. The cup should be perfectly even and smooth - without seams and decorative elements that irritate the nipples. Some doctors recommend putting pieces of coarse tissue in the cups, which will prepare the breast for future feeding, and at the same time reduce their sensitivity and soreness.

Air baths will also have a beneficial effect on the chest and reduce soreness. Yes, and my husband will be pleased, what can I say. By the way, the nipples become hypersensitive for a reason: this is how they protect the breast from unnecessary stimulation now, which can lead to the release of the hormone oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions.

- swelling of the nipples during pregnancy

During the entire pregnancy, the breast noticeably increases in size and becomes heavier by 2-3 times. Naturally, nipples swell along with it. All this is due to the activity of hormones. The nipple increases, becomes more elongated and embossed. Many women are upset by such changes, but men really like it.

- darkening of the nipples during pregnancy

That's when you can really suspect that you are pregnant, this is when pigmentation begins to intensify. The first signs of pregnancy include darkening of the nipples and areolas. This does not happen to all women, but often the nipples become noticeably darker and even completely change their color.

By the way, similar changes can affect and. But the nipples are, of course, easier to notice.

- Montgomery tubercles during pregnancy

Often, from the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman notices the appearance of small pimples around the nipples. These are the tubercles of Montgomery, which are more correctly called glands. They are present in the areolas of the nipples of every woman, but become especially noticeable during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

The number of Montgomery's glands can be very different - from a few pieces to multiple points around the nipple. But most often during pregnancy there are about 12 on each nipple. It is believed that the more tubercles, the more milk a woman will have.

Montgomery's tubercles are vestigial glands. It is not at all necessary that they will manifest themselves during pregnancy, although it happens that they act from the very first days. In most cases, these glands are hidden after breastfeeding is stopped, although they often remain on the nipples. Don't worry about it - there's nothing wrong with that.

- secretion of colostrum during pregnancy

Already from the second trimester, a pregnant woman may notice the release of colostrum from the nipples (a clear, whitish or yellowish liquid), although this most often occurs closer to childbirth, in the third trimester. Hormones are again “guilty” of this, which prepare the breast for early feeding.

If you notice droplets on your nipples, then in no case squeeze it out of your chest. Just gently pat dry and be sure to maintain hygiene - take a shower twice a day. If necessary, breast pads can be used. By the way, it is very useful to lubricate the nipples with a drop of colostrum - this prevents them from drying out and prevents the formation of cracks during feeding.

Nipple stimulation during pregnancy

And the last thing that cannot be ignored is the stimulation of the nipples during pregnancy. Be extremely careful with this. Men really like the rounded shapes of their pregnant beloved wives. It is simply a sin to leave such breasts unattended, but this may turn out to be unsafe. Stimulation of the nipples during pregnancy brings the uterus into tone, which can provoke a threat of miscarriage or. At or on later dates such a natural can even be useful. But while the time of childbirth has not yet come, it is better not to take risks and not touch the nipples once again.

It should be said that the described changes with breasts and nipples will not necessarily manifest themselves. In some women, the breast does not change at all until the birth itself, and only during the period of milk arrival does it begin to swell and harden. Do not worry if breast changes did not affect you during pregnancy - this is also normal. Each woman is individual, and her pregnancy is not the same as the other.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

Most often hypersensitivity nipples is associated with remodeling during pregnancy. This is one of the very first symptoms indicating successful fertilization. Of course, to call this feeling pleasant will not work, because it causes discomfort and irritation.

What causes nipple sensitivity during pregnancy?

Still not guessing about their interesting position, expectant mothers are perplexed why the nipples have become very sensitive. Such a phenomenon can be attributed to the next wisdom of nature, which provided for everything to the smallest detail and created the necessary conditions for the growth and development of new life. The fact is that the increased sensitivity of the nipples in the event of pregnancy performs the function of protecting the breast from stimulation. Which can cause uterine contractions, and the expulsion of the embryo from the uterine cavity. FROM scientific point vision, the increased sensitivity of the nipples is explained by the restructuring of the body, and in particular, the preparation of the mammary glands for. Already in the very early stages, women note that the breasts have increased in size, become more elastic and painful. This is due to the growth of glandular tissue, which occurs under the influence of the hormone prolactin.

It is obvious that a woman will not succeed in avoiding changes, and so unpleasant moments will have to endure. In order to alleviate the suffering a little, you need to pick up a new bra that is suitable in size and made from natural fabrics.

Other causes of nipple sensitivity

It is not uncommon for women to complain of increased nipple sensitivity on certain days. menstrual cycle. Again, changes are associated with restructuring hormonal background. Most often, girls note that the nipples have become more sensitive just before menstruation. Thus, the body prepares for a possible conception in the next cycle.

Another reason for this phenomenon is idiosyncrasy. After all, every woman on the skin of the nipples has a lot of nerve endings that are responsible for sexual arousal. However, if the nipples are very sensitive and react to the slightest touch, this may indicate a very close location of the nerve endings. Such women should carefully monitor the quality of the lower and bed linen, refuse tight bras and untested personal hygiene products.

During pregnancy, the nipples change like the whole body of a woman, and these changes can raise a number of questions. It is clear that for the successful feeding of a child, the mammary gland is actively preparing, glandular tissue grows, the breast increases in size and becomes dense.

But the nipples during pregnancy must undergo changes. For breastfeeding to be successful, they need to increase in size, respond properly to stimulation, and all this must happen before the baby is born.

The change in the nipples during pregnancy also includes the appearance of secretions, to which the skin can react with irritation, itching, and crusting. And it is impossible to exclude the possibility of diseases during childbearing, not related to pregnancy, their symptoms must be recognized in order to consult a doctor in time.

Nipples at the beginning of pregnancy change literally from the first days, in fact, by 5-6 weeks, any woman notices that they are not the same as before. If a non-pregnant nipple is light, pale pink, in a pregnant woman it becomes dark, almost brown. Often they become very sensitive, and even hurt, and all these early changes are included in the classic first signs of pregnancy.

The mammary glands in early pregnancy change rapidly along with the breast, by the second trimester the changes stop, but by 20-25 weeks, many begin to produce colostrum, and this again draws attention to the breast, there may be problems. After pregnancy and breastfeeding, the nipples brighten, return to their previous size, but they will no longer be quite the same as before.

In this article, we will cover all normal changes and possible deviations from the norm, as well as analyze ways to solve them.

Changes in the nipples of the mammary glands due to pregnancy

Nipple sensitivity

Nipple sensitivity during pregnancy appears early, from its first weeks. Why is this happening?

One of the hormones that preserve pregnancy and are released in the early stages in in large numbers, is prolactin. It is also called the lactation hormone. The tissues of the mammary gland and nipples in particular have receptors for this hormone, and when it high level receive a team, grow and develop rapidly. In the chest, blood circulation increases sharply, it becomes rough and grows. The size of the areolas increases several times in a matter of weeks, the skin of the nipples does not keep up with these changes and is greatly stretched, which causes sensitivity and even pain. So if your nipples hurt, itch during pregnancy, maybe even burning and tingling - this is not scary and this is not a disease, rather it is a sign of pregnancy.

Not all women have sore nipples during pregnancy, moreover, some breasts hardly change, and this is also normal, it depends on sensitivity to prolactin. This does not mean at all that there will be little milk later, it’s just that everything is individual for everyone.

Can you help yourself somehow?

Oh sure. First of all, you need to choose a soft cotton bra that is suitable in size, and already now start using remedies for stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy.

Nipple swelling

An increase in nipples during pregnancy can be very pronounced, look at the photo, how nipples increase during pregnancy and what nipples look like in non-pregnant women.

Appearance mammary gland in a non-pregnant woman.

This is how the breasts look during pregnancy and after childbirth, the nipples are large, with a dark areola.

During pregnancy, the nipples swell due to the growth of the milky excretory ducts, they must become convex so that the baby can easily capture the mammary gland in the mouth. Areolas are stretched simply as a result of breast enlargement. At the end of breastfeeding, breast sizes become smaller, and the areola area will also decrease, but the nipples, most likely, will remain larger than they were before childbirth.

In many ways, the type of mammary glands depends on heredity. Flat nipples can become an obstacle to breastfeeding, and to prevent this from happening, you need to prepare the breast for feeding.

Nipple color

The halo of the nipples during pregnancy increases in diameter and darkens. The degree of darkening can be different, in some women they become almost brown. At the same time, the color of the nipples during pregnancy can be the same as that of the areola, or lighter.

Redness of the nipples during pregnancy is less common and this normally happens in women with very fair skin, natural blondes.

Darkening of the nipples during pregnancy is due to the deposition of melanin pigment, which is produced in the skin under the influence of sex hormones.

The dates when the nipples darken during pregnancy are different, for example, in some women this happens at the earliest possible time, by the 6-8th week, and for some, the color of the nipples changes gradually. It should be noted that a strong darkening of the nipples during pregnancy in the early stages may later become less pronounced in the last months, stretching and increasing in size, the areola gradually brightens.

Not everyone's nipples darken during pregnancy, this again depends on sensitivity to pregnancy hormones. If your nipples have not darkened, there is nothing to worry about, but not everyone has other pigmentation, for example, a dark strip on the stomach or spots of chloasma on the face. At the same time, dark, brown nipples, the color of which you may not like so much now, will not remain that way forever, they will definitely brighten.

Darkening of the nipples during pregnancy photo

Discharge from the nipples

Discharge from the nipples during pregnancy is the most common occurrence, you do not need to be afraid of this at all. Sometimes colostrum appears already in the first weeks, but the usual time for the appearance of discharge is the third trimester of pregnancy. Like other signs of pregnancy, discharge from the nipples is a common symptom of the body preparing for childbirth, there is a kind of training before lactation.

What does colostrum look like? It is transparent with splashes of white or yellow color, sometimes just white or yellow fluid from the nipples.

Pregnancy does not exclude the possibility of simultaneous lactation, if you feed a baby during pregnancy, then your breasts will continue to produce normal breast milk, although its taste may change, and this common cause refusal of the baby from the breast. Still, before giving birth, it is worth pausing in breastfeeding, at least for a couple of months.

Preparing nipples for breastfeeding during pregnancy

Changing the nipples during pregnancy itself prepares the breast for feeding. By and large, no preparation of the nipples for feeding is specifically needed, rather, you need to psychologically tune in to breastfeeding.

Special preparation of the breast is necessary only in one case, if the nipples are flat
, and the areola is tight and not extensible.

Sometimes the mammary glands are normal, but do not react as they should, instead of lengthening and becoming bulging in response to stimulation, they retract. Such nipples also require attention during pregnancy, since during this period they can be taught to respond to stimulation correctly, however, the techniques used in this case can cause uterine contractions due to the release of oxytocin. This is the reason for the ban on any manipulation of the breast in the presence of a threat of interruption, massage of the nipples during pregnancy in such cases is contraindicated.

If a woman is healthy and there is no threat of interruption, then to strengthen the nipples, it is recommended to stretch them, rolling them between the fingers, such a nipple massage during pregnancy should not be done for more than 1 minute, and should not be carried out aggressively, with violence.

Nipple massage during pregnancy, photo

Remember, even if you have flat nipples, this is not so important, the baby still sucks not on the nipple, but on the breast, which means that you can breastfeed anyway.

Mammary test for readiness for childbirth

Stimulation of the nipples during pregnancy leads to the release of endogenous (produced in the body of a woman) oxytocin, a hormone that causes contractions. If the pregnant woman is ready for childbirth, the uterus reacts to this with a contraction. The mammary test for readiness for childbirth is based on the registration of uterine contractions in response to nipple stimulation. It is assessed as positive if a contraction is recorded during CTG within 3 minutes or earlier after the start of stimulation, and at least three such contractions occur within 10 minutes.

Stimulation of the nipples during pregnancy during its normal course does not pose a threat and should not provoke childbirth, only if the mother and child are ready for them, this can cause real contractions.

Problems with nipples during pregnancy and how to solve them

If flaky, dry and cracked nipples during pregnancy

Dry mammary glands during pregnancy is a problem that women often face. Why do nipples peel and dry?

Like other skin changes, dry nipples can be caused by a lack of vitamins in a pregnant woman, such as vitamin A and B vitamins, hormonal changes, and skin irritation from constantly leaking colostrum.

As a rule, the mammary glands flake during pregnancy most often in the last months, but some have to deal with this already at the very beginning. If you do nothing and just endure, nipple cracks may appear, which is not at all pleasant.

Peeling, dryness and cracked nipples during pregnancy are not an intractable problem. Do you take care of your breast skin? Do you use creams? Do not deprive the nipple area, be sure to lubricate the cream for stretch marks and this area. Already existing cracks can be healed with bepanthen or sea buckthorn oil.

Pain and fissures prevent breastfeeding. When packing a bag for the maternity hospital, do not forget to put a special cream for nipple care during feeding. Now Bepanten and Purinal are the most popular in the Russian Federation, although the whole world uses Lansinoh HPA lanolin ointment when breastfeeding, which has huge advantages: it does not need to be washed off before feeding, it allows the breast skin to breathe and instantly relieves pain in the nipples with cracks, so often during the first days of breastfeeding. Until recently, this ointment could not be bought in Russia - it simply was not supplied, today you can purchase it when ordering a bag to the maternity hospital from our partner.

Often, women are not even aware that they have sensitive breasts that require special attention and care. How to recognize it and what to do next cosmetologist of the Moscow health center "Kvanta" Alisa Vitalievna BASKOVA.

Sensitive breasts are not a diagnosis, but a cosmetic and physical feature. female body. To determine if your chest is sensitive, remember if it freezes in cold weather, even if you are warmly dressed? Is it painful to touch it or even the slightest pressure during menstruation? If you answered yes to these questions, your breasts are sensitive. Moreover, such indicators as its size and elasticity do not matter, because absolutely any breast can be sensitive.

Usually, the increased sensitivity of the breast gives a woman some discomfort. And it can be eliminated. In cold weather, put on a cotton turtleneck over your underwear first and only then - a jacket, sweater or any other, always woolen thing. Such clothes will best keep your chest from hypothermia.

Even the most comfortable underwear sometimes causes discomfort. Bras, bodysuits, graces, T-shirts, supporting the chest, always squeeze it a little. But even such a small pressure is enough for a woman with sensitive breasts to experience discomfort. Some ladies, wanting to get rid of them, stop wearing underwear that supports their breasts, because of which it quickly sinks and loses its shape. Hence the conclusion: sensitive breasts should not be deprived of support. To avoid discomfort Choosing the right underwear will help.

The main qualities that it should have are softness, the absence of protruding seams on inside and underwires in the seams under the bust, exactly matching the size of your bust. It can be a bra, bustier, bodysuit, T-shirt (the last three items - always with cups) made of natural, cotton jersey with a minimum inclusion of artificial fibers - elastane, lycra.

This jersey is very soft and at the same time fits the chest well, supporting it with the help of cups. If you want to visually enlarge your breasts, get a bra with foam rubber, which is especially good to wear in winter, or a "Wonder bra" bra, but without wires. The first enlarges the chest due to the foam rubber sewn into the cups, the second - due to a special, multi-wedge cut. It is better to forget about rough lace underwear that injures the chest.

If you, having sensitive breasts, want to lose weight, in no case do not resort to those diets that help to lose excess weight in a record short time, and especially - to continuous starvation. These measures can cause your sensitive breasts to sag as quickly as they evaporate. overweight. Therefore, lose weight gradually, losing no more than 10% of the original body weight per year. It is better that the dynamics of weight loss be monitored by a dietitian who has selected this diet and complex for you. exercise. If for some reason you decide to lose weight on your own and find suitable diet, do banana masks that increase breast tone twice a week. To do this, mash a fresh banana with a fork and apply the gruel on the chest. After 20 minutes, remove it with a cotton swab and rinse the chest with warm water.