Wishing good night to a loved one in prose. Beautiful wishes in prose for your loved one for the night. Short wishes to a friend in poetry and prose

Spending amazing days with you, I want to extend them into mind-blowing nights and dream of good mornings! Good night!

Especially for the site

Let the night take you into its world, let the twilight gently wrap you up, rock you to sleep, lull you to sleep, without causing fear. Let the soul enthusiastically travel through its dreams, and let every cell enjoy relaxation and bliss, imbued with heroic strength.

Especially for the site

Then the night thickens and a mysterious guest enters the houses. Let her be immensely kind to you, arrange a place to relax, cover your bliss with a blanket, and place angels who will quietly sing about endless happiness and love in your magical dreams.

Especially for the site

The magical world of dreams is calling you, where nymphs circle in a beautiful dance, and the White Rabbit talks with the Cheshire Cat. Let your pillow be soft, your blanket cozy, and the night give you serenity and strength for new fantastic achievements.

Especially for the site

Good night, my dear. Let you dream about our still miniature but friendly family.

Especially for the site

So the remains of the day burned out, and a gray evening descended on the earth. Let the old day take away with it all disturbing thoughts and experiences. And you, wrapped in a blanket, close your eyes and surrender to a peaceful sleep. May you certainly dream of happiness. Good night.

Especially for the site

Let the bright moon not interfere with your sweet sleep, I wish you tender and colorful dreams!

Especially for the site

May your dreams be sweet and fragrant, like flower nectar. Let them be bright and colorful, like a rainbow after a warm summer rain. Good night!

Especially for the site

Let the darkness of the night from the hardships of the day be a gentle blanket of sleep, body and soul plunge into bliss. I wish you a serene holiday in the kingdom of Morpheus, the world of fantasies and dreams, to gain vitality and get a charge of inspiration for tomorrow.

Especially for the site

So the long day, full of events and vivid impressions, has ended. Cover your tired eyes and you will be carried away night sleep, fabulous and unique. Let him be kind and colorful, and in the morning you will wake up in great mood. In the meantime - Good night!

I wish you that this day ends on a warm and cozy evening. So that the night is beautiful, filled with kindness, and all the anxieties of the past day remain in the past. Have a good night's sleep!

Especially for the site

Good night! May she bring you only the most beautiful and vivid dreams. May it give you strength and energy for a wonderful day tomorrow.

Especially for the site

It’s not for nothing that they say that the night is so mysterious and brings romance to the world. After all, during the day we have no time to dream or think about pleasant things. We have a lot to do during the day. But at night, when you’re just lying in bed and thinking about something so special to you... So, let every night bring you one step closer to achieving your dreams. Each star sends you a charge of vigor for the next day, and the moon fills your soul and heart with the most beautiful feeling - love. Calm and have a nice night.

At night, the edge of the world opens up to us from a completely different side. The world becomes so romantic and mysterious. And finally, after a hard day of work, you can lie down in your favorite bed and just relax, close your eyes and leave this world before the sun rises. I wish you a good and pleasant night. Let your body, soul and mind rest from the hustle and bustle of the day and fall asleep. Let millions of bright stars wink at you and bring you a small piece of happiness each.

My love! The stars twinkled in the night sky, another day of our life passed and darkness wrapped you in its cozy blanket. On this beautiful, starry night, I would like to wish you wonderful dreams in which you will see everything that you and I dream about! May this night give you a sweet and strong, restful sleep that will charge you with energy for the whole next day. May the dreams you see give you a smile and a sense of peace. After all, every night I think only about you. And I know that even though we are not together now, our souls are outside, always together. We will always be close, if not in reality, then in a dream. I want to spend passionate nights with you, fall asleep with you and wake up, hear your breathing and heartbeat, feel your touch and love you even in your sleep. I love you, my honey. Good night, dear.

My dear, beloved, I want to wish you a good night’s sleep on this wonderful, starry night. Darling, it’s hard for me to fall asleep without the touch of your hands, I miss you, I look into the darkness and imagine how you come up to me, smile, kiss, how we enjoy each other without getting tired! May you have sweet dreams - sweet Dreams, where you and I will be just the two of us, we will see the stars, hear the sound of the waves, and only the gentle light of the moon will shine for us. We will drown in the sea out of love from the passionate sunset until the dawn! So I'm always with you in your dreams. Just think about me before going to bed, and I will definitely come to you. Just think about it. Close yours perfectly beautiful eyes, in which you can simply drown, and enjoy the kindest and most colorful dreams! Just don’t forget to invite me to your dream, my beloved.

My dear, listen to what I want to tell you. Another happy day of your life has passed and night has come - a time of rest and peace. A quiet, starry night that envelops you in its magical silence, which gives bright stars and the pale light of the moon. I wish you a peaceful sleep on this wonderful day, fabulous night. Thoughts about you do not leave me day or night, and I hope that you think about me too, my boy. Let our thoughts unite and become a single desire. I want these nights to always carry my soul to you and we intertwine together until the morning. Let your dreams give you the most pleasant emotions so that you wake up cheerful and smiling. So that no one can disturb your peace in your sleep, I will ask your guardian angel to guard your sleep and not let anyone near you. Sweet Dreams, honey!

My dear, my angel! I wish you sweet and fairy dreams, let the dream bring a smile to your lips and give you magical sensations, and in the morning, when you remember it, it will give you pleasant emotions. Let your body completely immerse itself in sweet sleep, let your arms and legs rest, and let you sleep peacefully until the morning. Until the sun strokes you with its rays and welcomes you to a new day. Let your pillow turn into a weightless, tender cloud, which will be softer than a feather, and let the blanket wrap you up like my gentle embrace, and not a single extraneous sound will disturb your sweet sleep. I want to be present in your dream and wander with you hand in hand along the endless alley of love, where our tenderness would never end. Dream more in your sleep, beloved, and these beautiful nights will give you the opportunity to realize your dreams in life. I love you, my dear. Good night.

A gentle, warm evening turns into a dark, starry, quiet, moonlit night. My beloved, may you be visited by the most pleasant and magical dreams, in which only you and I will be! I want to plunge into unusual world distant, non-existent countries, interesting events and wake up in a delightful mood! Or maybe visit the cosmic distances, the vast expanses of our universe, feeling all the improbability of weightlessness and unknown space. Whatever dream you have, the main thing is that you and I are together in it, my dear! I want to wish you a good, fabulous journey into wonderful dreams! Where we will definitely meet, because my love has touched your trembling heart forever! You are my long-awaited gift - a gift of fate! Let the moon, smiling, shine through your window and sing a lullaby in my voice. Good night.

Good night my beloved! May your dream be filled with the fulfillment of the most desired holiday, which will surround you with an atmosphere of tender care and warmth, give beautiful smile and bliss! I wish that every minute of your sweet oblivion will be permeated with my love for you! Darling, don’t forget to close the curtains, otherwise the beautiful stars will admire you sleeping from afar. I'm afraid that the sparkling little ones will envy me and try to kidnap the best man from the very happy woman. I don’t want to share your peace, your sleep, your rest with anyone or anything. I want to burst into your sleep and turn into an angel who will guard your peace and be by your side forever. Forget all the worries of the day and get a good night's sleep. And in the morning I will wake you up with a call, with a wish good morning and a sweet kiss! Good night, sweet dreams, my dear.

So the long day, full of events and vivid impressions, has ended. Close your tired eyes and you will be carried away by a night's sleep - fabulous and unique. Let it be kind and colorful, and in the morning you wake up in a great mood. Go to sleep, my beloved, with a smile on your face and thoughts of me, may you dream of a magical park, where the two of us, in love and happy, ride on the love swing, and may this dream come true. So let every night bring you one step closer to achieving your dreams. Each star sends you a charge of vigor for the next day, and the moon fills your soul and heart with the most beautiful feeling - love. I wish you a good night's sleep and start a new day with new strength and joy in your soul. Have a good night. I love you both in dreams and in reality, my beloved!

My beloved, I wish you good night, a pleasant rest both in body and soul. After all, in order to feel good, you must have good and complete rest. Close your eyes and think only about the beautiful, the pleasant. After all, night is the most wonderful time for dreams and desires. And to do this, you just need to close your eyes and go to the amazing kingdom of dreams! Leave all the problems and sorrows in the passing day, throw away disturbing thoughts and plunge into the abyss of rosy dreams. The stars shine only for you, my dear, fall asleep looking at their calm flickering light. Let no one and nothing stop you from seeing the most colorful dreams. Be with me in your thoughts even in my sleep, and may we have the same visions. It's time to dream your sweetest dreams so that you can greet the morning with a smile. Relax and continue your exciting journey through life with renewed vigor. I wish you good night.

Now all the bustle of the day is coming to an end, and night is gradually coming, everyone is getting ready for bed. May today, my beloved, have a special dream that will change your life in the future and give you the sign that you so needed. I wish you a good night's sleep and start a new day with new strength and joy in your soul. Close your eyes and dream, just dream and seem to be transported to the reality where you want to be. Night is the time to plan plans, make wishes and dreams. At night, the edge of the world opens up to us from a completely different side. The world is becoming so romantic and mysterious. And finally, after a hard day at work, you can lie down in your favorite bed and just relax, close your eyes and leave this world before the sun rises. Let millions of bright stars wink at you and each bring you a small piece of happiness. I wish you a good and pleasant night.

Good night! It seems like two ordinary words, but they sound different depending on who pronounces them. When everything is fine with us, dear, I tell you them kindly, tenderly and caringly. When we are apart, I want to scream, but I restrain my feelings and somehow say these words to you with coldness. This is all because I can’t live without you, my beloved, I want to fall asleep in your arms and wake up. I can hardly bear the separation between us and think only about you. I know that you also think about me, I feel it and I send a star to your window that will say hello and good night from me. You and I broke up literally half an hour ago, and I already miss you, my beloved. What a pity that our separation will last the whole night. I so want to cuddle up to you, my affectionate one. But for now this is impossible, and therefore I wish you, my dear, Good night, Sweet dreams. May a good angel protect your night peace.

My favorite boy! Thank you for being with me, for our meetings filled with love and romance. But we are separated by the starry night and distance. But even if you are far away, I still feel your soul close to mine. Go to bed quickly. Personally, my eyes are already sticking together. But just don’t forget to close the curtains tightly. Today is not a cloudy night. The moon and stars will definitely look into your window and think about plans to kidnap such a wonderful guy. But you know that I'm jealous. Let your sleep be calm, like our love, as cloudless as tonight, and no one can disturb you. Am I the only one who can wake you up early in the morning? Best wishes for a new day. I can't wait to hear you again. I wish you good night and colorful, incredibly colorful dreams, where I will definitely be present!

My dear, I so want to fall asleep in your arms, I want to hear your gentle velvety voice, feel your touch strong hands. I really want to meet you in the land of fairy dreams. But, unfortunately, I can only say good night in words. My sweetie, I really would not like to part with you now and continue to talk about everything in the world all night, but, unfortunately, it’s time to rest. I hope that we will meet in a dream, so as not to be separated even for a minute. Good night, I fall asleep thinking only about you, my love, and I know that you are also thinking about me at this moment. I’ll ask the moon to look through your window and sing a lullaby for me. Beloved, I wish that all your best and brightest dreams come true. I wish that solutions to all your problems come to you in a dream. My only one, I miss you, I'm waiting for you. Good night, sweetheart.

My dear, only and beloved, fall asleep in your cozy bed after a hard day and rest your soul and body. With all my soul, I miss you madly every minute, and I look forward to when we hug each other again and fall asleep. In the meantime, I wish you magical dreams and sincerely hope that we will meet in the land of fairy dreams. May you have magical, fabulous, bright and colorful dreams. Let nothing bother you or disturb you on this wonderful, starry night, let the stars whisper words of love from me to you, and even in your sleep you will think only about me. I believe that soon we will fall asleep in the same bed. In the meantime, I will hug your shirt and imagine that it is you next to me. Sweet dreams, my only one, I send you mine a passionate kiss. Good night, sweetheart. Sleep sweetly and wake up with a smile on your face.

My beloved, dearest and most best guy on the planet! May all the stars of the universe shine for you today, and the mysterious moon illuminate your bed! Let this beautiful night will lull you to sleep and you will fall into a sweet sleep until the morning. May you have unusually bright and rosy dreams, may nothing disturb or disturb you, and may you have a wonderful rest and gain strength so that tomorrow the carousel of life will spin again! Thank you for giving me this wonderful day and wonderful evening. I already miss you, and I really want to be around you all the time. I was lucky to meet you on this big planet, and I am grateful for those happy moments that you give to me. My sunshine, I ordered a good mood for you tomorrow, and to get it, you need to go to bed now. Dear and only one, I wish you good and interesting dreams.

The yellow-eyed moon shines brightly in the dark sky. There is silence all around. All nature is preparing for bed. And you, my beloved, are also going to bed. After all, you can’t redo all the work, as they say, the morning is wiser than the evening. I so want to hug you and tell you the most in your ear tender words about love. Good night, my beloved, beloved and most important person in the world. May this night become fabulous for you, may you have the sweetest dream. I really want to appear in your dream and say that I love you very much. I want to be with you both in dreams and in reality, I want to meet sunrises and sunsets with you, make you smile in the morning and sing a lullaby at night, meet you after a hard day and see you off with sun rays. I love you, my dear! You should get a good night's sleep to start tomorrow with Have a good mood. Have pleasant dreams, my dear.

My dear, beloved, I want to wish you calm, serene dreams! May the angels guard your peace, and the stars sing a sweet lullaby for you in unison. The moon promised me to protect your sleep all night and gently envelop you with its silvery light, like a blanket. Go to bed as soon as possible and may you have the most amazing dreams, and in the morning the sun’s rays will gently wake you up, whispering in your ear about my love. Let the moonlight drive away bad dreams from you and give you peace. Let the stars shine on you and give you a feeling of freedom. Sleep well, and tomorrow with the first rays of sun the birds will sing to you about my love. And a little later, I will call you and wish you a successful, easy day and give you a rosy mood! Rest and gain strength, my dear, good night! Think only about good things, because what you think about before going to bed is what you dream about, and, of course, don’t forget to think about me.

My love! So night has come and I am handing you over to her magical hands. Let the moon envelop you wonderful light and the stars will enchant you with their twinkling. How I envy the stars who admire you as you sleep! How I envy the moon, which caresses you with its light! How I envy your bed, which feels the warmth of your body! Darling, go to bed soon so that you can wake up soon and give me your love again! I wish you a good night's sleep and complete rest in the arms of this beautiful, starry night. May you dream of a happy fairy tale about the love and tenderness of our relationship. Let your thoughts be only about me and never leave you even in your sleep. Before Morpheus takes you into his magical land dreams, I want to tell you how much I value you. Every night I turn into the moon and stars to be your light in the darkness and to contemplate your beloved and dear image. Good night.

Good night, good night, thoughts, peaceful rest to you, my dear and dear person! How dear is your peace to me! I wish you sweet, serene, carefree dreams, rest your soul and body, so that in the morning you will be cheerful and happy with life! I wish you to see only the most beautiful and happiest dreams, in which I will love you as much as I can, and you will reciprocate, and thus you and I will survive until the morning. And in the morning we will continue our fairy tale of love, but only in reality! My dear, beloved, I kiss and hug you tenderly. Every minute of separation makes me sad, yearning and thinking only about you, so go to bed quickly so that we can meet in the world of dreams and give each other tenderness and love until the morning. Sleep well, dear. Good night. See you, see you in the morning, my love!

Good night honey. You are my best in the Universe. I adore you completely and completely. I'm incredibly happy when you're around. You charm me every day. Be always with me. May you dream of happiness. May this night outside your window give you, my beloved, the opportunity to have a good rest. I wish you to sleep soundly and sweetly, forgetting about pressing problems and upcoming matters. The main thing is that everything is fine with you, and may it remain so forever. Tomorrow is a new day, which we will greet, as always, with optimism. Sleep well, and in the morning I will give you my voice, mood and wishes with the sun's rays have an easy day and have a great time! Get into a warm bed and go to sleep. Imagine that I am lying next to you, and you will feel warmer. After all, I really mentally hug you, my love. Both in dreams and in reality, I think only about you, and these thoughts warm my soul and delight my heart, which beats in unison with yours! Good night honey!

Your night, magical fairy is writing to you. Cute! Today I have wonderful, simply wonderful news for you: you will dream about me all night! I will tell you words of love, give you gentle touches, hug you, kiss you and give you extraordinary sensations! You are the best of all the men I know. You will always be him in my eyes! I wish you, my love, a sweet sleep, gather your strength and tomorrow you can boldly conquer the whole world, well, except me, because my heart has already been yours for a long time. Darling, look at the stars outside the window, maybe they can tell you how much I love you! May they give you delightful dreams throughout the night! With my participation, of course! After all, I can’t live without you, my dear, even in my dreams, I need you! Good night to you, darling, sweet dreams, pleasant dreams ideas and see you in a dream, my dear.

Good night wishes to your beloved guy: In verse | Short | Postcards

Writing entire petitions is not for you! We bring to your attention short, but at the same time succinct good night wishes in prose.

I asked the angel to kiss you good night, but the angel came back and said that an angel does not kiss an angel, good night.

Life has become shorter by a day, there is no sex, good night.

I lie silently in silence, and I miss you. But if you come to me, I will melt with love! Good night:)

I wish you sweet dreams with a slight hint of vanilla
Late Night Dessert Service


When night falls on the city, And the stars shine above, When my soul cannot sleep
I remember you. I remember your hands, your smile and eyes.
And even though today we are apart, I still love you... Sweet peaceful dreams!

Evening comes, the city falls asleep, know that in this world you are dear to someone...

When I look into your eyes I remember the ocean
Which I dreamed about in my dreams, And a flock of birds circling over it, They sang to me with your voice,
Sleep well, everything is ahead!

I wish you good night a hundred times! Farewell in the hour of separation Carries with it so much sweet flour, That I could say goodbye until the morning... Good dreams

Sorry if I woke you up, I can’t sleep - I’m thinking about you... I really want to see you, just feel that you are nearby... I love you!

The bear slept in the den for a long time, everything stinks - hands, feet, ass stinks, his back is twisted, his penis is sweating, his stomach is swollen, his eyes are swollen, his fingers are frozen, his snot is thick, his balls are swollen. But there is only one moral here - you will sleep for a long time - HANA!

There is a magical country! It is only visible from the moon. In that country, among the forests, lives an elf, the keeper of dreams. The elf plays the pipe, dreams fly like butterflies! Remember your best dream and you will dream it... Sweet dreams...!!! (sent by Yulinka)

Look out the window, it’s already dark, it’s time for you to sleep long ago,
close your eyes, I will whisper to you: “You know! In a dream we will meet you
You are my dear kitten! (sent by Irishka)

I am writing to say good night, Perhaps we will meet again tomorrow,
Now there is no separation, What is this, the sun? Could it be love?

How are you still sleeping? Then we go to you! sweet, colorful dreams!!! (Sent by Maryana)

So welcome, like the sun in bad weather. Lie down, relax and sleep,
Maybe you'll see me there...

Night is a world of sweet dreams, a world without sadness and without tears. A world where no extra words are needed... I wish you gentle and pleasant dreams!!!

You're kind of strange today - You're probably very tired. Go to sleep, my sweet kitten,
Go to sleep, the bed will be heaven. May you see stars in your dreams
Those to whom I whisper words. Sleep, kitten, sweet and sweet
I fall asleep without you too!

Good morning, my love! Have a good day, kiss you.. haha

My kitten, I wish you good night and such beautiful dreams;
You are a gentle, affectionate little bundle; I miss you very much...

Good night dear, good night, sweet dreams, I want to love you very much, but I can’t find the words, tell me directly dear, when I see you again, I will kiss you tenderly, good night, sweet dreams!

Early morning, the sun has risen
Good morning, whispered to you.
Open your eyes, my beloved baby,
I'm waiting and hoping that you call!

Little cat, fluffy ears, sweet kisses, see you tomorrow, good luck!

Sleep sweetly, my little cat, I kiss your paw, gently stroke your ear, good dreams my little animal!

The vast ocean of the night quietly swallowed up the city. Sleep well, gentle kitten! Beautiful dreams on the way!

Good night. And may the angels guard your sleep,
And you keep mine, because you are my angel

lying on the heavenly velvet, gliding in the stream of time, feel the charm of a serene night existence

My angel, you have already fallen asleep,
You pressed your tender cheek to the pillow,
And you see a sweet dream again,
And I'm sad - now we're not together...
But I believe in a lucky star
And let me be sad for another night,
I know that everything will be fine,
We can still fix it...
White snow warms me today,
What a pity that it’s not a loved one,
I keep all my warmth for you, -
Thank you for being in my destiny!
In the morning you will read this SMS,
I could say everything like that, but you’re not here...

My love, it is always with you,
Your reliable angel and guardian.
And although your love, alas, is now with someone else,
My love is always with you!

What’s wrong with me, I can’t understand, I’m so sad, empty and lonely, as hard as I’ve ever felt, never in my life.
Huddled in a lonely, empty and at the same time cold bed.

We'll meet soon, I know
And I’m afraid of this meeting.
With you we are each other's relatives,
But still so alien...
We'll sneak glances at each other
Hearts will beat in the same rhythm
You and I will be so close to each other,
What you want to touch.
But we understand perfectly well
That our wishes are in vain...
You will smile differently
I'll dance with someone else
And the heart will pound and bleed.
The soul will suffer

Sleep my sweet kitten
I kiss your lips
Sleep sweetly my kitten
I will not forget you

Dear and beloved, you are getting ready for bed, then catch my words: you are the best, you are strong, you are real and sincere! Go to sleep with my name on your lips, wake up with it. Be completely mine both in dreams and in reality, I am the owner, so keep that in mind!

Evening comes, the city falls asleep, know that in this world you are dear to someone...

Night is a world of sweet dreams, a world without sadness without tears, a world where no extra words are needed, I wish you sweet tender dreams!!!

Hello! These are 160 signs that have flown around the entire planet to wish you good night and sweet dreams! They also hold 1000 kisses and a big hug!

Sleep in your warm bed, my beloved little man, and from afar I will send you the sweetest dreams.

I sent an angel to kiss you goodnight, but he came back and said that an angel doesn't kiss an angel!

A sweet one has been sent to you magical dream! You can pick up the parcel from my bed! Good night Sweetheart!

My great happiness, tonight I will send you good fairy guard your sleep the way I do, just don’t fool around with her, OK?

I love you little kitty! You are sleeping now, and I am writing you an SMS. I hope you are dreaming something very good at this moment.

The day has passed and you left me. I’m sending you a text message now to follow up. After all, soon you will start watching the dream like a movie. Find a place for me in it and don’t let me go anywhere, and don’t listen to anyone, and let us forget about everything in this dream!

Sleep, pretty boy, affectionate as a teddy bear, kind as a little puppy, sleep, baby, good night!

My most desirable and beloved man, I wish you calm and sweet night. The soft bed is already beckoning you into its warm embrace, inviting you into the world of dreams and daydreams. Let a light cloud of sweet dreams pick you up and take you to a magical land of sweetness and relaxation. This night my imagination will become your abode, and you will definitely feel the powerful impulse of my love and sensuality.

The night has completely covered the noisy city and plunged us into silence. Close your eyes, my dear, and rest a little. Put off all plans and dreams for tomorrow, and go to bed right now and sleep soundly. Now, as always, I whisper in your ear that I love you very much.

My beloved, dear! It’s evening outside the windows again, and I keep looking at the oval of the pale moon in the night sky above me. You can’t even imagine, I envy her - she can admire you all night and how sweetly you sleep! I am far from you...Today we were separated by kilometers and circumstances. But I really hope that on this quiet starry night you will dream of me, and at least in a dream we will be happy next to each other.
Good night!

Good night, my beautiful one. All my thoughts are only about you. You never leave my heart for a minute. I love and appreciate you to death. Come to me in my dreams. May your dreams be as sweet as you are. I kiss you warmly.

My beloved, I wish you good night! Your healthy and deep sleep nothing will darken until dawn. All noise on the street will subside and only music celestial spheres will fill your blessed sleep. Your delightful body will bask on this beautiful bed and you will see wonderful dreams. My boundless love will protect your sweet slumber, driving away fatigue and filling you with strength.

My beloved, go to sleep and flip through your colorful dreams, like the alphabet in pictures, where there are color photographs. Choose the page where the moon shines brightly and a wonderful dance dances hand in hand with a star. And other stars are together, they sing live songs. This is a dream and it is like a fairy tale. There is only happiness and goodness in it. Sleep very sweetly kitten, good night and love.

Good night dear, thank you for today, you made me very happy today, I am the happiest, and it’s all thanks to you. You're very good man, I’m glad I met you. You are my support, you are the one I’ve been looking for for so long. Thank you for being here.

Good night honey. You are my best in the Universe. I adore you completely and completely. I'm incredibly happy when you're around. You charm me every day. Be always with me. May you dream of happiness.

May this night outside your window give you, my beloved, the opportunity to have a good rest. I wish you to sleep soundly and sweetly, forgetting about pressing problems and upcoming matters. The main thing is that everything is fine with you and me, and may it remain so forever... Tomorrow will come a new day, which we will greet, as always, with optimism.

I know you are tired and literally falling off your feet. Lie down, rest, and I will whisper in your ear: “Relax... Make yourself comfortable... Let the night envelop you in its magical nets... Disconnect from everything, forget all your problems... Sleep, my dear, let nothing be to you doesn't bother me... Everything will be tomorrow, but now there is only silence, the night and I am nearby. Good night, my love! Sweet dreams!"

They say that men love several things in life: women, food, sleep and watching sports on TV. I wish you a good night's sleep today! And so that in your dreams you eat something tasty and watch erotic women's football on TV. Good night honey!

I can't sleep until I see your eyes. But if I know that your eyes are now reading this message, I’ll fall asleep much faster! Get into a warm bed and go to sleep. Imagine that I am lying next to you, and you will feel warmer. After all, I really mentally hug you, my love.

When I remember you before going to bed, the letters “L” begin to swirl around me. This is probably because you are: Sweetheart, Affectionate, Ray, Gourmand, Lollipop and Beloved…. And also, when you are not around, I start to experience: Withdrawal, Fever and Lethargy. Do not forget me. Your love.

Darling, I propose to spend this night together. How? Very simple. You and I need to fall asleep at the same time, then we will find ourselves in the same dream, and we will not be separated all night! Let's try! And if it doesn’t work out, then I’ll call you and wake you up. And we'll try again!

I won’t sleep until I know that my favorite person on earth read my message and fell asleep in a good mood! Let this night become unusual for you, like in a fairy tale, that you won’t even want to wake up! Good night honey! Know that you are irreplaceable to me.

What is my favorite person doing now? Probably waiting for an SMS from his other half! I send you my warmest declarations of love and good night wishes. May my kitten be warm under the blanket today, may my love warm you, albeit from a distance. Good night!

I feel sad and damp without you, and I text you sadly. I want to drown in your arms, lean against your shoulder, feel the smell of a real man that comes from you. I miss you very much, good night!

Dear and beloved, you are getting ready for bed, then catch my words: you are the best, you are strong, you are real and sincere! Go to sleep with my name on your lips, wake up with it. Be completely mine both in dreams and in reality, I am the owner, so keep that in mind!

Close your eyes, beloved, and fall into sleep, like in a fairy tale. You dream about me in your dreams, and in your dreams you can do whatever you want with me. I’m so embarrassed alone in bed without you, I miss your strong arms that gently hug me until the morning! Good night, I miss you very much!

If my little bear has not yet fallen asleep, then I hasten to please him with the most wonderful wish for the night! Darling, how I want to hug you, but today I won’t be able to do it. But let the moon smile at you from the sky for me, and let every star whisper how much I love you! Good night.

Good night, my dear little man! Now you close your eyes and in a minute you will fall into a sweet sleep! I wish you, my beloved, to sleep tenderly, sweetly and snore into your pillow! I love you and miss you! Good night!

My beloved, the best in the world! I wish you good night! May you have the most pleasant dreams! The stars in the sky are all lit up! After reading this SMS, smile, answer me and fall asleep sweetly!

What is my favorite boy doing now? You are probably very tired today and want to sleep? Let's lie down in our beds together, close our eyes together, think about each other at night and fall asleep. Then we are guaranteed to see each other in our dreams!

You are better and more beautiful than even Apollo. I wish that you always remain so beautiful. Let the day be warm and the night be hot, where I hug you so tenderly. Good night, sleep sweetly!

My beloved, on this night I want to wish you the most erotic dreams, but so that I am in them, the most passionate kisses - so that I give them to you, the most tender hugs - in my arms, and the hottest laughter - in my bed! I hope you can fulfill my wishes?..

Hello, my love! I have great news for you: you will dream about me all night today! Oh, this will be a wonderful dream! You may not even want to wake up. So set the loudest alarm clock, or better yet two! Otherwise you will oversleep and it will be my fault.

I won't wish you sweet dreams. After all, you are an adult, healthy and damn attractive man! Therefore, I wish you other dreams: stormy and passionate, exciting the imagination and improving blood circulation in the various parts bodies! Hurry, close your eyes, it’s about to start!

Look at the clock - it's late! I’m almost asleep, and you still haven’t wished me good night. I'll have to be offended by you. I won’t dream about you today! And if you dare to appear in my dream, I’ll hit you with a pillow. That's it, my love!

It’s hard for me to fall asleep without the touch of your hands, I miss you, I look at the ceiling and imagine how you come up to me, smile, kiss, how we enjoy each other without getting tired! I wish you good night, my love, and I believe that my dreams will come true...

I hope my text message doesn't wake you up. And even if it wakes you up, it will make you smile. And even if he doesn’t force you, he will remind you of our love. And if he doesn’t remind you, then in the morning I will come and bite you, nasty boy, because you should always love and smile! I wish you a sweet night. Your pussy.

If you are reading this message, it means your phone is infected! The latest modification of the virus of love and desire penetrated into it from the addressee who is hopelessly in love with you, and brought with it a wish for the most wonderful dreams and hope for a new happy meeting!

Anyone who is reading this message now will see in a dream today the one who wrote it with sincere love, tenderness and warmth. Darling, look at the stars outside the window, maybe they can tell you how much I love you! May they give you delightful dreams throughout the night!

You are the best of all the men I know. You will always be him in my eyes! I wish you, my love, a sweet sleep, gather your strength and tomorrow you can boldly conquer the whole world, well, except me, because my heart has already been yours for a long time.

Dreams are different - tender and passionate, strong and bright, light, dawn, sweet, attractive, tender, inviting, bright, beautiful, fabulous, cool... May you have these dreams today! And try to see me in them! Your night fairy.

You are my steak – just as tasty, you’re my sauce – just as piquant, you’re my pepper – just as hot, you’re my cognac – just as aged! And I am your cake – just as sweet, your orange – just as juicy, your peach – just as soft! Come, I will prepare a romantic dinner from these products!!!

Hello! I understand that it is late, but I have to tell you something very important. This is so important that it cannot wait until tomorrow morning. And I won’t be able to sleep, I’ll be wondering all night: why didn’t I tell you?.. In general, I say: good night, my love! :)

I put your T-shirt on the pillow instead of a pillowcase. Now I can hug her, kiss her, and cuddle tightly with her all night, imagining that it is not a pillow, but you! The T-shirt, of course, will stretch out a little, but sweet and pleasant dreams are guaranteed to me. Good night honey!

Good night dear! And don't worry about the fact that you'll just have to sleep tonight. After all, you will have dreams, and during dreams a person’s pulse and breathing quicken, all the muscles of the body tense and then relax. In general, sweet dreams to you, my love!

I wish you to fall asleep and think only about me. I promise to think about you too. And tomorrow we will meet again, we will give you a hot and slightly tart kiss. Good night to you, beloved, sweet dreams, pleasant dreams and see you, my dear.

You are the man I love. You are my tiger, you are my kitten, you are my Apollo! The most best men see the most at night best dreams. Today I wish you to see an unusual dream with my participation. And maybe then we will bring it to life. Good night!

Good night honey! You know, sometimes I want you to be like a plush toy: always soft and always nearby, so that I can put you in my bed and hug you tightly, and if you make me angry, slap you in the plush face... But then I will definitely apologize and kiss you deeply into the nose!

Your every smile, every call or message gives me a good mood for the whole day. May my SMS warm you up tonight and give you the most beautiful dreams! After all, what could be more beautiful than knowing that your beloved man sleeps sweetly in his crib and sees wonderful dreams?

It's already so late and I can't sleep. This is probably because you, my cat, are not sleeping yet and are still waiting for my goodnight message. Wrap yourself in a blanket, close your eyes, and may you have the sweetest dreams all night! Let my air kiss will reach you so that you can feel the warmth of my love.

Sleep is a natural physiological state for humans and animals, characterized by reduced level mental activity and weakened reaction to the environment. Difficult to understand? So it's time to sleep, darling! Good night!

Darling! I won’t be able to sleep until you read this SMS! That’s why I snuggled under a warm blanket to write you the most tender words. Let this small message help you this night to see the most beautiful dreams with my participation! After all, I love you very much!

Agree that a person will be quite pleased to hear a few warm words before going to bed. You can use as necessary phrases good night wishes to a friend. An interesting message can be presented in the form of a note that he accidentally finds in his pocket upon returning to his home. Or send the necessary lines in the form short message on his phone. You can even call and say what you think is necessary. It doesn’t matter how you do it, the main thing is that your wish in prose matches the character of your friend. After all, who, if not you, knows what exactly he prefers and appreciates. When writing such a message, use all your imagination and do not forget about gratitude for your strong friendship.

But no matter what you say or write, these warm lines should come from the depths of your soul. You need to choose the most unusual phrases that will make it clear what value your friendship brings to you. You just have to formulate all your words and thoughts into phrases that will amaze you with the accuracy of your thoughts and their beauty. And it doesn’t matter at all where your close friend is. Distance is not a barrier to once again let him know that you remember him and wish him the best dreams. In the world modern technologies nothing is impossible, the message can be said with mobile communications, send in a message or post on your page best friend in one of social networks. Believe me, any person will be very pleased to know before going to bed that they are remembered and cared for.

Prose to a friend

The day that was full of worries is over! Tomorrow morning will come and a new day will bring a solution to all your problems. Just one night - and you're on your horse! My friend, sleep well, the best is yet to come for you!

My good friend, go and rest quickly. Night has already enveloped the entire city and with it, you can calmly succumb to fatigue. Let nothing disturb you in your sleep, but on the contrary, fall asleep sweetly and soundly while rewatching desired dreams, where there is only magic and beauty all around.

My dear friend, it’s evening again! And like a candle on the table, the sunset outside the window goes out. Night comes - time for rest and reflection. But don’t waste time thinking - everything will be decided on its own, but go to bed. Let your soul and body rest after a long, hard day. I wish you a great night’s sleep, a sound and sweet sleep, without nightmares. And the dreams were so wonderful that you wouldn’t want to wake up!

Night time had come, and the sky sparkled brightly with stars. You slowly get ready for bed, gradually forgetting about all your affairs and worries. Make yourself comfortable, let go of all thoughts and let you dream of the most vivid landscape, a peaceful sea or a clearing rare flowers. Rest my dear friend, gain strength for tomorrow, sweet dreams to you.

May this night bring you good rest from the bustle and worries of the day. I wish you pleasant dreams and restoration of strength, so that in the morning you can again enjoy the upcoming events. Think about the good, because we have always been and will be close.

The night scattered magic dust in the form of stars in the sky. And a sweet slumber fell on everyone. Give in to it too, lie down comfortably, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and go on a journey through wonderful dreams. Tomorrow will be a new day, get a full rest tonight. Have the most pleasant dreams. Gain energy and good cheerful mood.

My friend, good night! May you have light dreams. Let your body and soul rest on this comfortable and soft bed. Don't let them disturb your deep dream no sounds from outside. Let there be silence throughout the whole house so that you can rest well. Let the soft moonlight and starry shine pour from the window, taking you to the land of magical dreams. Sleep well, my dear friend! May the angels guard your serene sleep.