Rules for processing orders and office work. Sample order for personnel. Personnel records management: orders

At the stage of preparing the Order, the following operations are performed

  • preparation of the draft Order;
  • registration of the draft Order.

The preparation and execution of draft Orders is carried out by officials - Heads of departments (specialists) on behalf of the Head of the enterprise.

1. Preparation of the draft Order

When preparing a draft Order, the issue is studied and the text of the draft Order is drawn up.

The text of the Order, as a rule, consists of two parts: stating and administrative.

The ascertaining part sets out the grounds (facts, events, documents, etc.) and gives the motivation for the purpose of issuing the Order.

The stating part of the Order is omitted if its administrative part does not need clarification (i.e. the reason for issuing the Order is obvious).

The ascertaining part of the Order is separated from the administrative part by the dividing word “I ORDER:”, which is printed on a separate line from the zero position of the tabulator, in capital letters with a colon, without spaces or quotation marks.

The administrative part of the Order states “to whom” (the performer or structural unit - those responsible for implementation), “what to do” (indicate specific work), “until what date” (the deadline for its completion). If the order to the executor is given permanently, then there may be no deadline for execution.

The administrative part of the text of the Order, as a rule, is divided into paragraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals. The last paragraph indicates the person or structural unit responsible for monitoring the execution of the Order as a whole.

If necessary, a separate paragraph at the end of the Order lists previously issued documents (Orders, Decisions, etc.) or parts of them that are cancelled, amended or supplemented by this Order.

Individual tasks (for example, a task containing digital data) or regulatory documents put into effect by the Order (Instructions, Regulations, Rules, etc.) are usually drawn up in the form of an Appendix to the Order with reference to them in the relevant paragraphs of the Order. On the first sheet of the Appendix in the upper right corner the following inscription is made: “Appendix to the order of the Head of JSC “FIRM NAME” dated 00.00.00 No. 000.”

The pages of the Order and Appendices are numbered as a single document.

2. Registration of the draft Order

The preparation of a draft Order consists of placing in strictly defined places on a form or a standard sheet the required (specific for a given type of document) set of details (in accordance with GOST 6.38-90). At this stage, the following details are entered on the draft Order:

  • organization logo;
  • OKPO organization code;
  • OKUD document code;
  • name of company;
  • name of the document type;
  • place of compilation or publication;
  • title to the text;
  • text;
  • mark about the presence of the application;
  • performer's name and phone number.

Orders for the main activity (first sheet) are drawn up, as a rule, on the General form of the enterprise.

Signing the Order

  • approval of the draft Order;
  • transfer of the draft Order to the preschool educational institution;
  • checking the correctness of the draft Order;
  • adjustment of the draft Order;
  • affixing the “document access restriction stamp”;
  • signing the draft Order.

3. Approval of the draft Order

The signing of the draft Order begins with its approval. The official preparing the draft Order coordinates it with:

  • heads of structural divisions;
  • lawyer;
  • chief accountant;
  • other interested officials.

Such approval is formalized in the form of affixing the “visa” requisite in a strictly defined place on the General Form or standard sheet on which the draft Order is drawn up (hereinafter referred to as “on the Order Form”). If any comments arise during approval, they are indicated either on the visa itself (if the comment is short) or on a separate sheet with a corresponding note on the Order Form (“Comments are attached” next to the visa). Visas are collected on the last sheet of the draft Order.

4. Transfer of the draft Order to the preschool educational institution service

After approval is completed, the draft Order is transferred by the Official who prepared it to the DOU service for signing by the Head of the enterprise (or his deputy who has the appropriate rights - hereinafter “his deputy”).

5. Checking the correctness of the draft Order

Before submitting the draft Order for signature to the Head of the enterprise (his deputy), the employee of the preschool education service checks the correctness of its execution in accordance with the current state standards for organizational and administrative documentation. An incorrectly completed draft Order is returned to the Official who prepared it for revision.

6. Adjustment of the draft Order

The head of the enterprise (his deputy) can make changes and additions to the draft Order received from the specialist of the preschool education service for signing. Such changes and additions become an integral part of the draft Order and do not violate its legal force.

7. Putting down the details “Grid restriction of access to the document”

If the draft Order contains information included in the List of information constituting a commercial secret of the enterprise, on the draft Order the Manager (his deputy) puts down the requisite “restriction of access to the document.”

8. Signing of the draft Order

The Order is signed (puts down the “signature” requisite on the Order Form) by the Head of the enterprise (or his deputy who has the appropriate rights). The first copy of the Order (original) is signed. The order comes into force from the moment it is signed, unless a different period is indicated in its text.

Registration of an order

At this stage, technological operations related to:

  • registration of the Order;
  • affixing the “Control mark” details.

9. Registration of the Order

A fully prepared, executed and signed Order is registered by specialists of the preschool educational institution service before transferring it to the Contractor for work (execution). Registration is necessary to ensure the safety of documents, their prompt search, accounting and control. There are several forms of document registration: centralized, decentralized and mixed (we will not dwell on their detailed characteristics in this material).

Registration of an Order is a recording of the fact of its creation by putting on it the details “index” and “date” (on the Order Form) with subsequent recording necessary information about the Order in registration forms (magazines and/or cards).

The order is registered only once - on the day it is signed. When transferring a registered Order from one structural unit of an enterprise to another, it is not re-registered.

The “date” detail is placed on the Order after it is signed (by specialists of the preschool educational institution service).

The “index” requisite of the Order, as a rule, is Arabic numerals without alphabetic characters, entered in chronological order (simple serial numbering) from the beginning of the calendar year. This detail is entered on the Order (on the Order Form) by specialists of the relevant structural units (preschool educational institution service, the structural unit whose head prepared the draft Order), depending on the document registration form adopted at the enterprise.

No indexes are placed on the Appendices to the Order.

Orders for core activities are registered in separate registration forms (Logs for registering orders for core activities). The form of the registration log is not regulated, i.e. the optimal composition and order of arrangement of registration columns (details) is determined by the enterprise's preschool educational institution service at its discretion. The form and procedure for maintaining such journals is fixed in the “Instructions for maintaining a journal (cards) for registering Orders for core activities” developed by the enterprise. Typically, registration forms use the following registration fields:

  • index and date;
  • author (developer);
  • who signed;
  • title and/or summary;
  • applications;
  • resolution (contents of the order, executor, author of the order, date);
  • the executor's receipt of the Order;
  • period of execution;
  • control mark;
  • progress of execution;
  • execution mark;
  • case number;
  • transferring data to machine media

If the Order contains information included in the List of information constituting a commercial secret of the enterprise, the Order is registered in a special accounting (registration) form. The technology for passing documents containing trade secrets through an enterprise is not discussed in this material.

10. Putting down the details “Control mark”

Registration of an Order can be considered as the initial stage of control over its execution. After the instruction of the Head (his deputy) of the enterprise to place the Order under control, the specialist of the preschool education service puts down the “control mark” attribute on the left field of the Order opposite the attribute “heading to the text” (less often - opposite the controlled points of this Order).

Execution and control of order execution

At this stage, technological operations related to:

  • reproduction of the Order;
  • certification of duplicated copies of the Order;
  • sending the Order (copies) to the executors;
  • issuing an Order for control;
  • checking the timely receipt of the Order (copies) by the executors;
  • execution of the Order;
  • checking and regulating the execution of the Order;
  • a report to the Head of the enterprise on the implementation of the Order;
  • agreeing on changes in the timing and procedure for execution of the Order;
  • changing the timing and procedure for execution of the Order;
  • completion of execution of the Order.

The order, signed by the Head (his deputy) and registered by the specialists of the preschool education service, is transferred to the Executors specified in it against receipt for work to carry out its implementation.

11. Order Reproduction

If the Order specifies several Executors, then to ensure prompt execution of the Order, it may be reproduced in the required number of copies. The need to reproduce the Order and the number of copies (distribution list) is determined by the person organizing its execution (Responsible Executor). The mailing list indicates the name of the Order, the name of the executor, the structural unit, the number of copies transmitted, and the date. Responsibility for determining the circulation and the correct compilation of the mailing list rests with the official who prepared this Order.

12. Certification of duplicated copies of the Order

Copied copies of the Order are certified by specialists of the preschool educational institution service. To certify a copy of the Order, the specialist of the preschool educational institution service puts on the Order Form on which each copy of the Order is drawn up, the requisite “copy certification mark”.

All duplicated and certified copies of the Order are either transferred by the specialists of the preschool educational institution service to the Responsible Executor for independent distribution to the Executors, or the specialists of the preschool educational institution service themselves distribute them to each Executor. Copies of the Order are handed over to the Executors under a personal signature, which they put on the mailing list (usually on the back of the last page of the original Order). In the first case, the Responsible Executor signs, indicating the number of copies received; in the second, all Executors who received a copy of the Order sign.

Processing of Orders and their transfer for work (execution) to Executors must be carried out within one working day from the moment of their receipt after signing by the DOW service.

14. Placing an Order for control

The execution of all registered Orders is subject to control.

The Head (his deputy) of the enterprise is responsible for organizing control over the execution of the Order. The main goal of organizing control is to ensure timely and high-quality execution of the Order. Monitoring the execution of the Order is carried out by specialists from the preschool educational institution service and the official who prepared this Order.

To submit an Order for control, specialists from the preschool educational institution service fill out the appropriate fields in the registration forms (magazines and/or cards).

15. Verification of timely receipt of the Order (copies) by the executors

If the Distribution of the Order (its copies) to the Executors was carried out independently by the Responsible Executor, then the specialists of the DOW service must verify their timely receipt by the Executors in order to begin work on the execution of the instructions recorded in it.

16. Execution of the Order

Carrying out specific work by the Contractor in pursuance of the order (task) recorded in the Order.

17. Verification and regulation of the execution of the Order

The responsible executor independently personally monitors the progress of execution of the Order.

Specialists of the DOW service monitor the deadline for the execution of the Order. The Order execution period is the period of time allotted for the execution of the Order, or the calendar date by which execution is scheduled. The deadlines for execution of the Order may be standard or individual.

Standard deadlines for the execution of documents are established by acts higher authorities state power and management. The typical execution time frame is 10 days for review and reporting on the execution of Orders, unless the execution period is specified in the Order.

Individual deadlines for execution are indicated by the author of the Order in its text or established by the Head (his deputy) of the enterprise. Standard and individual terms are calculated in calendar days from the moment of signing (entry into force) of the Order. If the individual deadline for execution of an Order differs from the standard one, then the individual deadline is considered to be the execution deadline. If it is necessary to fulfill the items of the Order within different deadlines, each item has its own deadline for execution.

Monitoring of the progress of execution of the Order is carried out daily if there are 1 to 5 days left before the established execution date, and twice during the period - if there are 5 to 10 days left before the established execution date.

18. Report to the Head of the enterprise on the implementation of the Order

Based on the results of control, the responsible executor and specialists of the preschool educational institution service inform the Head (his deputy) of the enterprise about the progress of execution of the Order, the results achieved and circumstances that have arisen that impede the execution of the Order within the established time frame.

19. Coordination of changes in the timing and procedure for execution of the Order

If necessary, the Head (his deputy) of the enterprise and the Executive Officer will agree on changing the timing and procedure for executing the Order. The basis for this is a memorandum from the Responsible Executive motivating the need for such changes. The decision to change the timing and procedure for the execution of the Order is reflected in the resolution of the Head (his deputy) of the enterprise.

A change in the timing and procedure for the execution of the Order must be made no less than two days before the expiration of the deadline for execution of the Order.

20. Changes in the timing and procedure for execution of the Order

Based on the resolution of the Head (his deputy) of the enterprise, the specialists of the preschool educational institution service change the timing and procedure for executing the Order by making the necessary adjustments to the relevant columns in the registration forms (magazines and/or cards).

21. Completion of execution of the Order

An order is considered executed if the measures provided for in it have actually been carried out (a specific task has been completed, a written response has been prepared, etc.) or another document has been drawn up in pursuance of it.

Transferring an executed order to a case file

At this stage, technological operations related to:

  • returning the executed Order to the DOW service;
  • a record of the execution of the Order;
  • removing the executed Order from control and filing it in the file.

22. Return of the executed Order to the DOW service

The order registered by the specialists of the preschool educational institution service, after execution, must be returned by the Executive Officer to the preschool educational institution service for filing in the file (formation of cases).

23. Record of execution of the Order

The result of the execution of the Order is presented in a written report or noted in brief form on the Order itself (the Responsible Executive and/or specialists of the preschool educational institution service fill out the field " brief information on the execution of "requisites" a note on the execution of the document and sending it to the file). In addition, the specialists of the preschool education service make the necessary notes (entries) in the appropriate columns of the registration forms (magazines and/or cards).

24. Removing the executed Order from control and filing it in the file

The order is removed from control after its execution. If there is no longer a need to execute the Order, it is removed from control by the person who placed it under control. At the same time, specialists of the preschool education service make the necessary notes (entries) in the appropriate columns of the registration forms (magazines and/or cards).

Filing an Order into a case (formation of cases) is a grouping of executed Orders into cases in accordance with the Nomenclature of Cases of the enterprise. The formation of cases is carried out by a specialist from the preschool educational institution service under the direct supervision of the Head of the enterprise.

On the Form of the Order filed in the case, the specialists of the preschool educational institution service put down the requisite “a mark on the execution of the document and sending it to the case” and make the necessary notes (entries) in the corresponding columns of the registration forms (magazines and/or cards).

When forming cases, the following requirements must be observed:

  • Only executed and correctly executed Orders are placed into the file;
  • Orders for core activities are grouped separately from Orders for personnel;
  • As a rule, orders of the same year are grouped into a case (with the exception of transferable ones);
  • one (genuine) copy of the Order is included in the file;
  • Orders within the case are arranged in numerical sequence (in ascending order of their registration (ordinal) numbers);
  • Attachments (the document is marked “Appendix”) to the Order are filed in the file together with the corresponding Order;
  • documents for Orders are grouped and filed separately and stored with the person who prepared their drafts;
  • Orders containing information included in the List of information constituting a commercial secret of an enterprise are grouped and filed in a separate file.

In every organization, labor activity is regulated by orders and instructions from the manager. At the same time, it is a common practice in many companies that the development of orders is entrusted to the secretary (personal assistant). In this article we will look at what rules for placing orders must be followed.

From this article you will learn:

The title of the order should answer the question “about what?” For example, “About changing the work schedule”, “About changing tariff plans”, etc.

New articles

Errors in orders

Quite often, when placing orders, errors arise due to a large number of registration requirements. Below we will look at the most common ones.

2. Commissions for the transition to a new wage system:

2.1. Work meetings should be held at least once a week. Unscheduled - as needed.

2.2. The issues of the Commission's activities are:

Analysis current state staffing table by personnel category;

The ratio of positions (professions) of employees provided for by the staffing schedules of institutions with professional qualification groups and qualification levels.

A comment: in the above example, clause 2.1 should be worded differently: “conduct work meetings at least once a week, unscheduled meetings as necessary”; The content of clause 2.2 is not intended to be an order in nature. The information set out in clause 2.2 must be contained in another document, for example, in the commission regulations. Example: clause of the administrative part in the order on the creation of a Commission for the transition to a new wage system.

3. In its work, the commission is recommended to keep in mind that wage workers (personnel), established in accordance with the new remuneration system, cannot be less than the wages paid to employees in accordance with the employment contract before the introduction of the new remuneration system, provided that the volume of job responsibilities workers (personnel) and their performance of work of the same qualifications.

A comment: The point of the order is formulated as a recommendation. In order for this provision to acquire a prescriptive (directive) character, it must be stated as follows:

3. The commission proceeds from the position that the wages of employees (personnel)…

A comment: orders should not contain non-specific provisions, provisions of a general nature that do not entail specific actions, for example:

1.5. Strengthen control over the working conditions of medical workers.

In order for this provision to acquire a specific character, so that the order can be put under control, this paragraph must be formulated differently, for example:

1.5. The heads of medical institutions must, by (date), bring the working conditions of medical workers into compliance with regulatory documents on labor and labor protection.

A comment: Since orders containing specific instructions are subject to control, and each instruction is controlled separately, the drafters of orders should not forget to indicate the deadline for the execution of the order, as, for example, in the order:

1. Directors of secondary schools take measures to provide educational institutions with high-quality drinking water.

A comment: the absence of a deadline for the execution of this order will not make it possible to monitor the execution of the order. The deadline for execution can be specified in different ways: before May 15, 2009, month period, within 10 days, within a week, etc. The deadline for executing the order will be counted from the date the order is signed by the manager. For the convenience of working with the order, it is better to indicate the deadline for the execution of the order as a specific date and formalize it on a separate line under instructions, for example:

3. Directors of secondary schools take measures to provide educational institutions with high-quality drinking water.

The deadline is 02/01/2009.

A comment: if the order contains instructions, the last paragraph of the order should be the control paragraph. In this case, we are talking about control over the execution of the order on its merits and in general. Control over the execution of orders is always assigned to officials who make up the management of the organization (deputy managers, chief specialists). Control over the execution of an order cannot be entrusted to those persons to whom instructions are given.

We issue an order according to the new rules

On June 1, 2017, STB 6.38-2016 came into force, and on September 7, the Instructions for Office Management were adjusted. These documents define the general procedure for processing documents, which is mandatory for all organizations.

Let's consider what innovations business entities need to take into account when preparing an order or instruction (hereinafter referred to as the order).

General rules for placing an order

Documentation requirements have been changed to make it easier to type on a computer. They affected the location of individual document details: new requirements were introduced, and existing ones were clarified.

In addition, the design of individual details has been clarified. For example, there is a ban on word wrapping in the text. It does not apply to the design of tables.

So, when filling out orders, employers must follow the established rules for processing documents:

1) follow the fields:

Right - at least 8 mm;

Top and bottom - at least 20 mm;

2) print the text in Times New Roman font (Times New Roman Cyr);

3) use a font size of at least 13 pt;

4) do not allow text selections in the form of underlining;

5) do not print out of order, i.e. with spaces between letters;

6) separate the details from each other with one and a half line spacing. The details of the order include: “Name of the organization”, “Name of the type of document”, “Date of the document”, “Registration index”, “Title to the text”, “Text”, “Signature”, “Visa”;

On a note
It is allowed to separate document details from each other with a space line (Enter) . The whitespace is equal to the size of the font used. That is, when typing text in a font equal to 13 pt, the white space line will be equal to 13 pt.

7) format the text of the order and multi-line details without word wrapping. Multi-line details include details that do not fit on one line in length. In this case, the maximum length of these details is 73 mm.

Society with limited
responsibility "Spring"

8) do not put a period at the end of the details (except for the “Text” attribute);

9) begin the administrative part of the order with a word that precisely designates the prescribed action: “ACCEPT”, “TRANSFER”, “DISARM”, etc.

In the texts of orders for personnel that are complex in structure, the word “I ORDER” should be used;

10) print in capital letters:

“Name of document type” attribute;

The approval stamp contains the word “AGREED”;

11) without paragraph indentation, printing details:

- “Name of the document type”;

- “Title for the text”;

- “Text” (excluding lines starting with a paragraph indent);

12) print the transcript of the signature in the “Signature” attribute at a distance of 120 mm.

Registration of order details

The order contains certain details that must be placed in the following order:

1. Details “Name of the organization” - the full name of the organization is indicated in accordance with its charter.

2. “Name of document type” attribute. Each document has its own purpose, on the basis of which its type is determined.

3. “Document date” detail. The date of the order is the date of its signing. Date elements are indicated in Arabic numerals on one line in the following sequence: day of month, month, year. The day of the month and month are represented by two pairs of Arabic numerals separated by a dot, the year by four Arabic numerals. There is no letter “g” at the end. For example, "10/10/2017".

4. “Registration index” detail. The registration index of an order for personnel is the serial registration number assigned to it within the office year, supplemented by the letter:

“k” - for documents with a 75-year shelf life;

“l” - for documents with a 3-year shelf life.

5. Props “Place of compilation or publication.” The place of compilation or publication of the document is indicated taking into account the adopted administrative-territorial division of the Republic of Belarus. For a legal entity, the place of publication of the document will be its location, which is determined by the place of its state registration and actual address.

6. Props “Title for the text”. The title is formulated by the author of the document. It should be short and succinct, accurately convey the meaning of the text and be grammatically consistent with the title of the document. At the same time, he must answer the question “About what?”

7. Props “Text”. The text of the order is stated in the first person singular. The word “ACCEPT” and the employee’s last name in personnel orders are printed in capital letters without quotes or spaces. The item “Order to bring to the attention of...” is not included.

Please note that the “Text” attribute includes the basis for issuing the order. There are separate requirements for it. Thus, the word “Base” itself is printed without a paragraph indentation and remains open, that is, nothing is located (not printed) under it. The base text is printed in a column with line spacing exactly 14 pt.

8. Props “Signature”. This requisite consists of:

– from the job title of the person who signed the document. In this case, the actual position of the person is indicated, for example, director. It is also allowed to use the abbreviations “Deputy.” (“deputy”), “I. O." ("acting"). However, it is not allowed to put the preposition “For” or a slash before the job title. In addition, the title of the position, as a rule, indicates the specific name of the organization (institute, enterprise, committee, etc.), for example, director of a company;

Decryption of the signature (initials, surname). In this case, the initials are printed before the last name without spaces at the level of the last line of the job title.

9. Props “Visa”. This detail is used to document internal approval of the draft document. It includes the name of the position of the person signing the draft document, his handwritten signature, a transcript of the signature and the date.

10. Mark of familiarization. It can be formatted:

On the front side of the last sheet of the document;

Back side of the document;

On a separate familiarization sheet.

An example of drawing up an order for employment, indicating its details and requirements for them.

In how many copies is a personnel order drawn up? Should the employee sign for familiarization on all copies or is it sufficient for the one that remains in the HR department?

According to GOST R 7.0.8-2013 “National Standard of the Russian Federation. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and definitions" (approved by order of Rosstandart dated October 17, 2013 No. 1185-st) the original document is its first or only copy. Thus, documents documenting the organizational and administrative activities of the head of the company (orders for core activities, orders for personnel) according to the rules of office work must be created in one copy. This is not an agreement (other document) that is signed by the number of parties. Therefore, all other copies are copies of the document. According to the same GOST, a copy of a document is a copy of it that fully reproduces the information of the original document. From this definition we can conclude that the copy of the document may not contain the employee’s signature. Those. It is enough that the employees sign the original document. This is confirmed by the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which states that the employee must be familiar with this or that order, and not orders.

In practice, many organizations make orders in at least two copies (one remains in the personnel department, the other is transferred to the accounting department) and ask employees to sign both here and there. This is explained by the fact that tax authorities and auditors make comments if the order intended for transmission to the accounting department does not contain the signature of employees. If an organization is faced with such a situation, it is probably better to ensure that the employee’s signature appears on all copies of the order. This procedure for preparing documents can be prescribed in the local regulatory act of the organization, for example, in the Instructions for HR Administration. Although this does not comply with the rules of office work, it will relieve you of claims from inspection authorities.

Orders on main activities


1.1 Order as an administrative document: concept, types,

1.2. Regulatory and methodological basis for the preparation of administrative documentation. 7

Composition and requirements for registration of details administrative documents. 9


2.1. Characteristics of the stages of preparing an order for the main activity. 15

2.2. Rules for issuing an order for the main activity. 17


Every person at least several times during his life has to draw up documents, and those working in the administrative apparatus constantly deal with documents: they compile and) draw up them, process, store, find upon request, etc.

“Office work, documentation support for management: a branch of activity that ensures documentation and organization of work with documents.” 1 The timeliness and correctness of making a management decision largely depends on how legally competent the document is drawn up and executed, and how work with it is organized.

The activities of any organization cannot be imagined without the collection, processing, accumulation, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information. At the same time, information is increasingly taking on a fixed documentary nature.

The concept of “document” defines information recorded in any way on any material, published or received by any person or legal entity in any organization for use in their activities. Thus, the concepts of “management”, “information”, “office work”, “document” are organically interconnected. The importance of documents in management activities can hardly be overestimated, since the document is the main carrier of information on the basis of which decisions are made.

Documents record every step of our life, starting from the moment of birth, admission to school, then to a special secondary or higher education educational institution, to work. They record marriage and divorce, the death of a person.

Organization and management of office work require professional knowledge and skills, therefore this work in the institution (company) is carried out by special

divisions (office management services), and in small organizations and firms - secretaries-referents (secretaries).

Decisions made by the manager and his deputies are recorded in a certain order in specific document forms. When preparing and processing documents, it is necessary to comply with the rules that ensure their legal force, compliance with current legislation, correctness of execution, quality of content, and the ability to quickly search.

The documentation system presupposes the presence of certain requirements and norms for creating documents. These norms are enshrined in legislative acts, instructions and departmental regulations on office work.

For a document to have legal force, the process of its creation is regulated and carried out according to established rules. Document; documentary information: information recorded on a tangible medium with details that allow it to be identified. 2

Topic of this course work: “Order on the main activity: stages of preparation, rules of execution.” This type of document is the most common type of administrative document used in management practice.

The purpose of the course work is to track and disclose issues such as

As a result of what and for what reasons organizational and administrative documents arise.

The purposes of issuing orders for core activities.

What are the requirements for the preparation and execution of documents?

When writing the course work, sources such as GOST R 51141-98 were used. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions. GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. Standard instructions for office work in federal executive authorities, approved by order of the Federal Archive Service of Russia dated November 27, 2000. No. 68. I read and reviewed a lot of literature on office management.


Order as an administrative document: concept, types, purpose.

One of the main management functions is the function of regulating activities. Regulation ensures uninterrupted and continuous management process, consistency in the work of all management bodies and links. As a rule, “regulatory” decisions are subject to either immediate implementation or implementation at a strictly specified time.

Decisions made in the course of regulating activities are recorded in administrative documents. In organizations operating on the basis of unity of command, when all executive power belongs to one person - the manager ( to CEO, director, executive director, chairman of the board, head of department, etc.) is an order.

Order - a legal act (normative document) issued by the management of an organization in order to solve current and future problems facing the organization, and has legal force.

An order is the most common type of administrative document used in management practice. By means of an order, the manager sets the main tasks for employees and indicates ways to resolve fundamental issues. The order is mandatory for all employees of this organization or industry.

The following orders are subject to execution:

Decisions and instructions related to the organization of work, the order of the enterprise’s activities and other main issues of activity, which are permanent and binding, as well as with the implementation of important organizational events; Approval and introduction of regulations, charters, rules, instructions, etc. and, if necessary, resolving issues related to carrying out certain organizational activities related to the introduction of these documents;

Issues of reorganization, creation, liquidation of structural divisions;

Results of the enterprise’s work, announcements of the results of inspections and audits;

By means of an order, the manager sets the main tasks for employees and indicates ways to resolve fundamental issues.

Orders should be issued only in cases of real necessity. Changes and additions to orders, as well as their cancellation, are made only by orders.

The legal basis for creating orders is

Laws Russian Federation;

Decrees, orders of the President of the Russian Federation;

Decrees, orders of the Government of the Russian Federation;

The need for legal regulation and solving the main problems facing the enterprise.

Enterprise orders are divided into two main groups:

by main activity;

by personnel

Orders for core activities include orders:

on organizing the work of the enterprise;

other production issues, for example:

on the distribution of office space;

on the procedure and terms of storage of accounting documents;

violation of cargo transportation rules;

about the creation working group according to the project;

on bonuses for employees of the commercial department;

on measures to improve fire safety.

1.2. Regulatory and methodological basis for the preparation of administrative documentation.

In general, the regulatory and legislative framework for the preparation of management documents, including orders, is made up of a set of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, legal and regulatory acts regulating issues of preparation, technology for processing and storing business documents, as well as regulating the work of office management services at all levels of management. But, having created a document, you still need to work a lot with it: take it into account, register it so that you can make inquiries about it, transfer it to the executor, monitor its execution, save it, etc. The organization of office work is conventionally divided into two parts:

— organizing and ensuring timely and competent creation and execution of documents (documentation);

— organization of work with documents: receipt — transfer, processing, accounting, registration, control, storage, preparation for archiving, destruction.

Let's give brief description the most important legislative and regulatory acts, containing both individual requirements for organizing office work and drawing up administrative documents, and entirely devoted to these issues.

A number of legislative acts (Law of the Russian Federation “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation”, Law of the Russian Federation “On trademarks, service marks and names of places of origin of goods”, resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation “On streamlining the production, use, storage and destruction of seals and forms with the reproduction of the State Emblem Russian Federation”, etc.) contain separate private rules that must be taken into account when drawing up and processing documents. The legislation also regulates the requirements for documents sent using various means of communication, requirements for protecting information, giving documents legal force, etc.

State system of documentation support for management. (GSDOU).1991 is a set of principles and rules that establish uniform requirements for documenting management activities of organizing work with documents in government bodies, enterprises and institutions.

The main goals of the State Educational Institution are:

reduction in the number of documents.

improving the quality of documents;

normative consolidation of changes that have occurred in the organization of office work in connection with the emergence of non-state forms of ownership.

improvement of the management apparatus.

Tstandard instructions for office work in federal executive authorities dated November 27, 2000 No. 68 . The instructions set out the general procedure for the preparation and execution of management documentation - the specifics of the execution of individual organizational and administrative documents, and describes the document flow procedure (from registering a document arriving at the organization to transferring cases to archival storage). The instruction is used not only in ministries and departments, it is also used in enterprises and organizations as a basis for creating their own management documentation systems.

GOST R. 6.30-2003. is the most important regulatory document that stipulates the requirements for the preparation of business documents. The standard applies to organizational and administrative documentation, which consolidates decisions on issues of management, interaction, support and regulation of the activities of federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, enterprises and organizations, regardless of the organizational and legal form and type of activity.

GOST R. 6.30-2003. establishes: the composition of the details of organizational and administrative documentation; requirements for the preparation of document details; requirements for forms and paperwork in general, requirements for the production, recording, use and storage of forms with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Rules and requirements GOST R 6.30-2003. are universal in nature. Knowing them allows you to master rational techniques for working with documents and save time on their preparation and processing.

1.3. Composition and requirements for the preparation of details of administrative documents.

Administrative documents are the most common type of documentation. It can be argued that organizational and management activities consist in the development and subsequent implementation of management decisions documented in administrative documents - orders, resolutions, instructions, instructions, decisions.

Any document consists of a number of elements (date, text, signature, etc.), which are called details.

The composition of the details of organizational and administrative documentation has been established GOST R 6.30-2003. Not all details provided for by the standard are used to prepare orders, since GOST R 6.30-2003. also applies to other types of documents (protocols, letters, acts, etc.)

Let's give full list details specified by the standard.

01 - State Emblem of the Russian Federation;

02 — coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

03 — emblem of the organization or trademark (service mark);

04 - organization code;

05 - main state registration number

(OGRN) of a legal entity;

06 - taxpayer identification number/code

reasons for registration (TIN/KPP);

07 - document form code;

08 - name of the organization;

09 - reference information about the organization;

10 — name of the document type;

11 - document date;

12 — registration number of the document;

14 - place of compilation or publication of the document;

16 - document approval stamp;

18 - title to the text;

19 — control mark;

20 - text of the document;

21 — mark about the presence of the application;

23 — approval bar;

24 — visa approval of the document;

25 — imprint, seal;

26 - mark on certification of the copy;

27 — mark about the performer;

28 - a note on the execution of the document and its sending to the file;

29 - mark on receipt of the document by the organization;

30 — identifier of the electronic copy of the document.

All details of administrative documents can be divided into constant and variable.

Permanent- V mandatory are repeated on all types of document forms of this designation.

Variables– applied directly during the preparation of a specific document.

When creating duplicates and copies of machine-readable documents, the details include a mark indicating the authenticity of the document (original, duplicate, copy). 3

GOST R 6.30-2003. establishes the location of all details in the format area, taking into account the sequence of execution and reading of documents.

Each sheet of the document, whether on a form or without it, must have fields of at least:

Forms of administrative documents should be prepared on white paper or light-colored paper of standard sizes (A-4 and A-5).

Requirements for registration of details of administrative documents are provided in GOST R 6.30-2003.

As an example, let's look at some of them:

01 – State Emblem of the Russian Federation placed on document forms in accordance with the Federal Constitutional Law “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation”.

02 Coat of arms of a subject of the Russian Federation - placed on document forms in accordance with the legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

03 Organization emblem or trademark (service mark)- placed on the letterhead of organizations in accordance with the charter (regulations of the organization). The emblem is not reproduced on a letterhead if the State Emblem of the Russian Federation or the coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is placed on it.

04 Organization code- are assigned according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO).

07 Document form code- are affixed according to the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation (OKUD).

08 — Name organizations- being the author of the document, must correspond to the name enshrined in its constituent documents. Above the name of the organization indicate its abbreviated name, and in its absence, the full name of the parent organization.


All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Science

The abbreviated name of the organization is given in cases where it is enshrined in the constituent documents of the organization. The abbreviated name (in brackets) is placed below or after the full name.



103706, Moscow, Birzhevaya sq., 1

The names of organizations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that have a national language along with Russian as a state language are printed in two languages ​​- Russian and national.

17 Resolution— The resolution is written on a document by the relevant official and includes the names of the executors, the contents of the order, the deadline, signature and date.

18 — Title to the text— includes a summary of the document. The title is consistent with the name of the document type. The title can answer the questions: about what (about whom), For example:

Order on the creation of a certification commission

Job description of the leading expert

The text of documents drawn up on A5 forms does not require a heading.

28 A note on the execution of the document and sending it to file- includes the following data: a link to the date and number of the document evidencing its execution, or, in the absence of such a document, brief information about the performer; the words “Get to work”; the case number in which the document and the signature of the responsible executor will be stored. date. For example:

dated 23.05.2006 No. 32

Personal signature 25.05.2006

The note on the execution of the document and its sending to the file is signed and dated by the executor of the document or the head of the structural unit in which the document was executed.

29 Mark on receipt of the document by the organization– contains the next serial number and the date of receipt of the document (if necessary, hours and minutes). For example:

05.25.2006 14 h. 15 min.

The composition of the details in a particular document depends on its type and will be much smaller. Mandatory for most documents are: the name of the organization that authored the document, the name of the type of document (except for letters), the date of the document, its registration number, text, signature.

The document becomes invalid, that is, loses its legal force in the absence of even one of these details.


2.1. Characteristics of the stages of preparing an order for the main activity.

The procedure for developing administrative documents in the conditions sole decision-making includes the following steps:

Identifying a problem and choosing an option for resolving it in the form of issuing an order, instruction or instruction;

Collection and analysis of the necessary information on the problem;

Preparation of a draft administrative document;

Coordination of the text of the document with interested departments and officials;

Drawing up the document in accordance with current rules and regulations;

Bringing the administrative document to the executors.

The need to issue an order arises in connection with the current activities of the organization, in connection with the publication of new legislative acts, Government decrees, regulations, decisions of authorities or higher organizations.

The information collected to develop and make a quality decision must be complete and objective in order to provide a real solution to the problem that has arisen or to eliminate the contradiction that makes it difficult effective work organizations.

The draft order is prepared on a standard sheet of paper according to the rules provided for the final execution of a document labeled “Draft”. The draft document is prepared by leading specialists of structural divisions on behalf of the organization's management.

The text of the administrative document can be agreed upon with third-party organizations (external approval) and endorsed by interested officials, heads of departments, individual specialists, and the organization's legal adviser (internal approval).

The preparation of the draft document based on the results of approval is carried out on the organization’s letterhead in accordance with the requirements GOST R 6.30-2003. . At the stage of signing the document, the head of the organization makes a decision to sign the document, which turns the draft document into a legal act.

At the stage of bringing the order to subordinate organizations, structural divisions, and executors, the document is replicated, extracts from it are prepared, if necessary, and it is sent out or handed over against receipt to the executors.

Draft orders for core activities are developed by division specialists on instructions from management or in accordance with the functions provided for by the regulations on these divisions. The name of the unit that prepared the draft order, with the visa of its head, is located after the “signature” attribute before the visas.

Draft orders must be drawn up on the basis of a thorough and comprehensive study of the issues raised in them so that the proposals contained in the drafts:

They were specific and real, consistent with current legislation and the competence of the enterprise division;

Provided with the necessary material and technical means and financing;

Eliminated the need to issue additional orders due to incompleteness or imperfection of the previous order.

Preparation of a draft order, depending on the importance of management action, involves the study of legislative acts, government documents, departmental regulations, administrative documents previously published on this issue, as well as various reference and information documents of the enterprise: reports, certificates, memos, official correspondence.

The drafting of the text of the order should be started only after obtaining complete clarity on the essence of the issue, a clear definition of the purpose and objectives of issuing the order. The text is first written in rough form, on a blank sheet of paper, edited, and previously agreed upon with the relevant officials and main performers. The contradictions that arise in this regard regarding the timing of execution and the provision of measures provided for by the order with material, technical and financial means are resolved at the level of the organization’s management.

2.2. Rules for issuing an order for the main activity.

The order for the main activity is drawn up in compliance with all requirements for the preparation of administrative documents. An order, like any other type of document, has its own set of details.

An order for the main activity is characterized by the following details:

Name of company- the author of the document - is a mandatory detail and therefore must be indicated on all documents - internal, outgoing, drawn up on document forms or a blank sheet of paper. The name of the organization must correspond to the name given in the constituent documents and is always given in nominative case . It includes the name of the parent organization (it can be abbreviated) and the full name of the organization that authored the document; below is the abbreviated name, which is indicated in brackets. 4

Name of document type– ORDER is placed after the name of the organization - the author of the document.

Order date– this is the date of its signing, it is usually issued digitally. Date elements are given in Arabic numerals on one line in the sequence day of the month, month, year. For example: 08.03.2007 .

Registration number - appears to the right of the date and represents a serial number that is assigned to it after signing.

The text of the order must have a title. Heading should be as concise and precise as possible. The title begins with the preposition “O”, “About”:

The title is located below the details “date” and “registration number”, printed in single space, not placed in quotation marks, and a period is not placed at the end of the title.

The text of the order must be written correctly and consist of simple sentences be terminologically accurate, using “standard” phrases and cliches characteristic of the official business style. Abbreviations of words and abbreviations, other than generally accepted ones, should be avoided, and meaningless instructions such as “pay attention”, “strengthen control”, etc. should not be included.

The instructions contained in the draft order must be indicated with previously issued administrative documents: have a link to them, cancel them or stipulate their adjustment. Mentions in the text of the names of government and management bodies, organizations, firms, structural divisions must be written in full accordance with their legally established description. Repeated orders on the same issue are allowed as an exception with appropriate organizational and administrative conclusions.

The text of the order for the main activity consists of two logically interconnected parts stating (introductory) and administrative.

Statement part is an introduction to the essence of the issue. It is intended to explain what prompted the orders. It can list facts, events, and give an assessment. Often, the ascertaining part contains a retelling of the act of the higher authority, in pursuance of which this administrative document is issued. In this case, the type of act, its author, date, number, full name (title), i.e. all search (reference) data are provided. Usually the text of the stating part begins with the wording:

Common options for the stating part of an organization order may be the following:

1. When the basis for creating an order is a legislative, regulatory or legal act of a higher authority and management. For example:

“In order to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 4, 2006 No. 304 “On introducing amendments and additions to the Regulations on licensing activities for the procurement, processing and sale of scrap non-ferrous metals,” I ORDER: . »

2. When an order is issued in addition to or in modification of a previously issued order. In this case, the stating part provides the date, number and title of the corresponding document. For example:

“In pursuance of the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n on invalidating the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1994 No. 170 “On the Regulations on Accounting and Reporting in the Russian Federation,” I ORDER. »

3. When an order is prepared on a proactive basis in order to fulfill the current tasks of the organization. For example:

“In order to provide financial support for livestock farming, guided by the Regional Law “On the Regional Budget for 2001,” I ORDER: . »

It is possible to issue an order without a stating part. This is done if the assigned actions do not require special explanation and are obvious.

The main burden in administrative documents is borne by administrative Part , which is stated in imperative form. It contains the prescribed actions, the names of the officials responsible for their implementation, and the deadlines for execution.

The administrative part begins with the word I ORDER (without quotation marks), printed on a new line from the left margin of the form in capital letters. A colon is placed after the word I ORDER.

Since an order often provides for several different actions, its administrative part is divided into paragraphs and sometimes subparagraphs.

Each paragraph begins with an indication in the dative case of the responsible official, structural unit or organization, then the prescribed actions are stated in a concise, imperative form and the deadlines for the implementation of the measures are indicated. The last paragraph of the order appoints an official, structural unit or organization charged with monitoring the execution of the order.

Example of order execution - APPENDIX No. 1 is an example of order execution on the standard form provided GOST R 6.30-2003. .

We will also give an example of an order with a corner arrangement of permanent details, formatted using the flag method. The document is designed in a simplified version because it is intended to solve purely internal problems. APPENDIX No. 2.

In the formulation of the administrative part, non-specific expressions such as “improve”, “increase”, “intensify”, etc. should be avoided.

The administrative part of the order should also take into account the following:

Each paragraph (subparagraph) of the order must contain only one specific task with a real deadline. The deadline is not indicated if the task (instruction) is permanent.

The number of executors for each item is not limited, however, one of the executors is appointed responsible for the execution of the order.

If the order cancels or replaces in any part previously issued documents on the issue under consideration, then they are listed in the administrative part.

Declare invalid:

Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2004 No. 170 “On the Regulations on Accounting and Reporting in the Russian Federation;

Clause 3 of Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated February 3, 2004 No. 8 “On the quarterly financial statements of the organization.”

If a previously issued order of an organization is subject to partial changes or additions, then the draft of the new order provides for an adjusted wording of the corresponding paragraph.

“Clause 3 of the order dated 04/06/2006 No. 74 shall be supplemented and stated in the following wording. ";

“In paragraph 8 of the Accounting Regulations, replace the words: “Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation” with the words: “Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation.”

The order on the main activity should not contain instructions regarding personnel issues (labor relations).

Document approval- this is a preliminary assessment of the essence of the draft document, its validity, expediency and timeliness, compliance with current legislative and regulatory acts.

Internal approval is formalized by endorsement of the draft document by the executors, officials interested in the document, and the deputy head in charge of this issue. The visa includes the position and personal signature of the person who endorses the document, a transcript of the signature (initials, surname) and the date of signing. The visa is affixed to the bottom of the reverse side of the last sheet of the original order. For example:

Deputy Director of HR

If there are comments and additions to the draft document, they are stated on a separate sheet, the visa is issued as follows:

Deputy director of administrative affairs

(signature) I.S. Sosnitskaya

Comments are stated on a separate sheet, signed and attached to the order.

Submitting an order to management for signature without the necessary visas is not permitted.

Signature- a mandatory detail of the order, like any other document.

Officials have the right to sign official documents within the limits of their competence, which is usually defined in regulations and job descriptions.

The “signature” requisites include:

— the name of the position of the person who signed the order;

— decoding of the signature (initials and surname). For example:

Director signature N.N. Lugovoy

It is not allowed to sign an order with the preposition “for” or with a slash before the name of the position. If the official whose signature is prepared on the draft order is missing, then it is reprinted.

If any inaccuracies or ambiguities are found in the signed document, you must immediately report this to the person who signed the order in order to make changes. Making changes and additions to orders after signing is not allowed without the permission of the person who signed it.

Along with the draft order, the executor draws up a mailing list, which should include those units and organizations that it concerns.

Signed orders for the main activities are transferred to the general department (office) for registration, reproduction and distribution, along with applications referenced in the text and a mailing list.

The order on the main activity and other administrative documents (orders, resolutions, instructions, decisions) are important means management of subordinates. The ability to competently, correctly, in accordance with current norms and rules, document one’s decisions in the form of an administrative document is one of the features of the professionalism of a manager of any rank, a secretary-assistant, or a specialist.

It is easy to see that preparing an order for the main activity consists, first of all, in the ability to correctly draw up its details. Hence the great attention that in this course work is paid to their design in accordance with the requirements state standard GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements.

A statement of requirements for the preparation of details and document forms is accompanied by attachments at the end of the work.

While writing this course work, books on office work were viewed and read by such authors as T.V. Kuznetsova, M.V. Stenyukov, and many other wonderful specialists with the help and on the basis of which the work was written. I would also like to note the reference and legal system “Consultant Plus”. Without their intelligible and simple explanation on such an issue as the preparation and execution of an order for the main activity, I, probably, as a person who in my life has never had to deal with this kind of documentation, and even more so with its analysis and preparation, would simply it would be impossible to figure it out.

All administrative documents (orders on the main activity) must strictly comply with the law, none of them can contain provisions that contradict legislative and regulatory acts.

GOST R 51141-98. Records management and archiving: Terms and definitions. - M.: Gosstandart of Russia, 1998, - 8 p.

GOST 6.10.4-84. Unified documentation systems. Giving legal force to documents on typewritten media and typewritten documents created by computer technology: Basic provisions. - M.: Goskomstat, 1985. - 6 p.

GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements.

Legal reference system "Consultant Plus"

Yu. Aksenov Yu. M., Kirsanova M. V. Course of office management: Documentation support for management: Tutorial. — 4th ed. - M.: INFRA-M; Novosibirsk: Siberian Agreement, 2002. - 296 p.

Kuznetsova T.V. CASE PRODUCTION (documentation support for management). 4th ed. corr. and additional - M.: JSC "Business School" Intel-Sintez", 2006. - 384 p.

Stenyukov M. V. Documents. Office work. - M.: PRIOR Publishing House, 2003. - (8th edition) 144 p.

Fedosova V.T. Office work in educational institution: Practical guide – 5th ed. – Rostov n/a: Publishing house “Teacher”, 2004.- 114 p.


About the introduction of Instructions for office work

In order to improve the work with documents at the enterprise in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003. and ensuring their safety

1. Approve the Instructions for conducting office work in the JSC office.

2. Enter into force the Instructions for office work from 04/01/2003.

3. From April 1, 2003, all structural divisions and employees of the joint-stock company must follow the rules for working with documents set out in the Instructions for Office Work.

4. Secretary-referent O. D. Sotnikova ensure the reproduction of the Instructions for office work and its transfer to the structural divisions of the enterprise before 02/01/2000.

5. Entrust control over the implementation of this order to the deputy director of the enterprise, I. I. Klimenko.

Director of the enterprise Zinenko L.A. Zinenko

Morozova M. P. Morozova



On ensuring fire safety

and strengthening security during holidays

In order to ensure fire safety and strengthen security during the holidays of May 1, 2 and 9

1. Carry out a thorough cleaning of the plant territory and transport flammable objects and materials to a safer place (responsibility Yu. V. Kosenkov).

2. Check the condition of the electrical wiring of the electrical equipment and no later than 2 hours before the end of work on April 30, turn off all switches (responsibility V. E. Petrov).

3. Provide by 04/25/2000 a list of persons whose stay at the plant is mandatory on holidays (responsible: V. A. Efremov).

4. Control over the execution of the order is assigned to the deputy. Head of the administrative and economic department of the plant S.V. Kuznetsov.

The factory director Zhelnov N. P. Zhelnov

1 GOST R 51141-98. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and definitions.-M..1998.

2 GOST R 51141-98. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and definitions.-M..1998.

3 GOST 6.10.4.-84. unified documentation systems. Giving legal force to documents on computer media and typographs created by computer technology. Basic provisions.

4 GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements.

Personnel orders are among the key sources of document flow for modern enterprises. What are the specifics of their compilation? What might these documents look like?

What are personnel orders?

Russian legislation regulating personnel records requires the regular application of various local legal acts at enterprises. Among these are orders. It is customary to classify them into 2 main types. Namely:

  • on orders related to the main activity;
  • on orders issued for the purpose of managing the personnel of an enterprise.

In this case we are talking about a legal act of the second type.

A personnel order is a type of administrative documentation of an enterprise. These sources are published by the company for legal purposes:

  • staffing;
  • from one position to another;
  • orders addressed to specific employees or the team as a whole;
  • layoffs of employees.

These tasks assume that the company will issue appropriate types of orders for personnel. What could they be?

For example, there are orders:

  • on the appointment of employees, on their dismissal;
  • on rewarding and encouraging employees;
  • about moving an employee to another position.

Entering and correcting information recorded in work books and other personnel documents is, in many cases, carried out on the basis of the orders in question.

Forms of orders for main activities

On Russian enterprises Unified orders for personnel are actively used - based on forms approved in various sources of law. The main one is Goskomstat Resolution No. 1, which was issued by the department on January 5, 2004. The following main types of orders for personnel are distinguished, as defined by the relevant Resolution:

  • on the admission of an employee (it is drawn up on the basis of a unified form T-1 or T-1a, the first is personal, the second is consolidated);
  • on the transfer of an employee (forms T-5, T-5a);
  • about the employee going on vacation (documents T-6, T6a);
  • on termination of the contract (forms T-8, T-8a);
  • on the secondment of a specialist (documents T-9, T-9a);
  • on employee incentives (forms T-11, T11-a).

It is worth noting that in the document flow of enterprises, their own forms of orders can also be used, unless prohibited by law. This is also possible if a particular sample order for personnel in the form of a unified form is not approved by law.

If a company draws up this or that document independently, it is recommended to apply the provisions of a special state standard, GOST R 6.30-2003. What might a unified order for personnel look like? An example of such a document is in the picture below.

In this case, it is considered according to the unified form No. T-1.

Unified forms of orders are most often used in budgetary organizations, as well as in state enterprises. In many cases, this is due to the availability of approved departmental source samples.

In turn, private companies quite often use their own order forms. But, as a rule, only in cases where to solve problems personnel service the unified document has not been approved. If they are in circulation, then usually enterprises do not waste time creating new forms, which, in fact, will duplicate the unified ones. Which are also characterized by quite high degree convenience, in terms of structure.

What might sample personnel orders developed by a company independently look like? An example of one of them is in the following picture.

In this case, a sample approval order is considered. It is usually presented in a fairly simple structure.

Please note that companies usually do not have special reasons replace standardized forms with internal corporate samples - unless the company has organized particularly complex production formats that require the establishment of separate accounting mechanisms. Or, if their structure is quite simple - as is the case with the vacation schedule.

It may be noted that there are quite a few criteria for classifying the orders in question. Among these is the structure of the document. Let's take a closer look at its features.

Structure of orders: simple and complex documents

So, the most important criterion for classifying the orders under consideration is structure. In accordance with it, documents are divided into two main types - simple and complex.

Orders of type 1 are characterized by the presence of 1 administrative block (with the words “accept”, “release from office”, “transfer”, etc.). If this is, for example, an order to appoint 1 specialist, then it will be considered as an individual one; if there are several employees in its jurisdiction, then it will be called a consolidated document.

If a source contains several administrative blocks, then it will be considered complex. They are quite common, but their use is considered very labor-intensive process even when using modern technical solutions, since in this case there may be a need to compare large volumes of data that are located in different sections, essentially.

Now let's move on to studying the various elements of document structure that may contain orders in an organization.

Elements of the structure of orders for personnel

The main element of the order is the section. It consists of points. They must be included in the order on the basis of a specific document. In this case, you need to provide a link to it. If, for example, an order is drawn up to appoint a person to a position, then the relevant points can be included in the document on the basis of:

  • employee personal statement;
  • employment contract;
  • notes from the manager who interviewed the employee or made a decision on his appointment on another basis;
  • internal corporate act;
  • memo.

It is recommended to include the word “grounds” in the order, followed by a link to a particular document. The source in question must reflect the fact that the person appointed to a particular position is familiar with the provisions of the order. In this case, you need to include in the document the phrase “I have read the order,” after which the employee who has studied the relevant source puts his signature and indicates the date.

In orders - in particular, if personnel records are carried out, again, in order to reflect the fact of the appointment of an employee to a position, it is necessary to provide legally significant wording. For example, related to the duration of the contract with the employee, the amount of his salary, and his work schedule.

Thus, the typical structure of an order for personnel assumes the presence of blocks reflecting:

  • administrative action of the company's management;
  • Full name and other information about the employee;
  • the date of entry into force of a particular clause of the document;
  • other important wording of the order.

The documents in question can be supplemented with various applications. They can be presented in wide range. Thus, appendices to personnel orders may contain lists of positions of employees within the jurisdiction of the relevant document. The annex to the order may record data that is problematic to reflect directly in the text of the document - for example, these may be graphs, pictures, diagrams necessary to explain the textual content of the document.

Drawing up orders: what to pay attention to?

What should you pay special attention to when preparing the documents in question?

First of all, as experts note, drawing up orders for personnel should not be carried out using abbreviations. Wording should be included in the document without abbreviations.

The next most important criterion for the correct execution of relevant documents is the absence in them of information about sources with different storage periods. For example, personnel orders related to vacations and business trips are stored in accordance with current standards for 3 years. Documents reflecting information about the hiring of employees must be kept in the company’s archives for 75 years.

Thus, each order must reflect data on sources with the same shelf life.

It will be useful to consider the main stages of publishing the documents in question.

Stages of issuing orders for personnel

First of all, it is worth noting that depending on the specific standards by which the company carries out personnel records management, personnel orders can be drawn up according to different principles. But in general, their publication involves the solution by responsible specialists of the company of such tasks as:

  • initiating a decision on the need to develop an appropriate document;
  • collection of data necessary for issuing an order;
  • preparation of a specific draft order, its approval, modification if necessary;
  • entering the necessary information into the document and signing it by competent persons;
  • familiarization with the order of those persons whose positions are within the jurisdiction of the relevant legal act.

Preparation of a decision to issue an order

The solution to the first problem can be carried out using information contained in internal corporate certificates and acts. Internal orders, as a rule, are based on local legal acts, and their list can be very wide. The draft documents in question are usually drawn up with the participation of responsible employees of the enterprise's personnel services. Moreover, their work can be carried out on the basis of ideas that are signed by the heads of various structural divisions of the company.

As a basis for the relevant documents, samples of personnel orders that are traditionally used by the company can be used. The main thing when solving the problem under consideration is to carefully study the factors that predetermine the publication of the document and the grounds for developing the order. It is important that the language included in the relevant document complies with the law.

Collection of data for placing an order

The next task of the responsible specialists of the company who draw up this or that sample order for personnel is to collect necessary information for the purpose of publishing the document. It can be presented:

  • in official legal acts;
  • in the company’s internal documentation;
  • in sources published by higher structures, departments to which the business entity is accountable;
  • in archival documents;
  • in the media, scientific publications.

Development of a draft order

After the information has been collected, competent specialists directly develop a draft order for personnel. Solving this problem requires, first of all, the correct execution of the document. It is advisable to indicate in it that it is a project, a sample order for personnel, that is being developed, and not an official local legal act. That is, write the word “project” on the document. However, the text in the source should be given as close as possible to what should be present in the official order. It is possible that a competent manager will pre-approve the text of the document in its original form.

If the order - in form, as well as in content, is agreed upon - immediately or with adjustments, then it can be sent for signing. What is this procedure?

Signing the order and transmitting it to employees

In principle, there is nothing complicated about it - the main thing is that the person certifying the document has the authority to do so. As a rule, the head of the company signs orders for personnel. A fully prepared form is sent to him - unified or internal, with information entered into it by responsible specialists. Signing a document involves indicating the position of the person running the company, his full name, as well as his signature.

In accordance with the rules established within the company, the document is canceled, if necessary.

After certification by the manager, the document is handed over to the employee, who must familiarize himself with it. The fact that a person has studied the document can be confirmed by his signature on the order or the registration form supplementing it.

Let us now study how orders for personnel are maintained. The main problem to be solved responsible employees The company also needs to register the documents in question.

Registration of orders: nuances

The procedure in question involves entering information about the order in special internal corporate registers. It is believed that one or another approved sample order for personnel acquires legal force only upon registration of the corresponding source in the company. If this procedure is not carried out in relation to the document, then there are no legal consequences for the employees and management of the company.

Registration of orders for personnel, as we noted above, is the most important aspect of maintaining these documents. The corresponding procedure involves solving 3 problems:

  • document accounting;
  • control over the execution of orders;
  • provision operational access to documents.

All sources classified as administrative, reporting, and financial must be registered with the company. Information about documents received from third-party business entities must also be entered into internal corporate registers. Orders for personnel, like any other source, receive an individual number upon registration, as well as indexes necessary from the point of view of optimal classification of the relevant sources.

All documents that are subject to execution and are also used for the purpose of recording and informing interested employees about certain business facts must be registered in personnel records. Orders on personnel, of course, belong to such sources.

The procedure for registering a document is carried out 1 time - directly when they are issued by management (as is the case with the orders in question) or when received by an external entity. If the source moves from one structural unit of the company to another, then it does not need to be re-registered.

There are 3 main methods for registering sources used in an organization’s document flow.

Firstly, this is a journal registration, which involves detailed reflection in special registers of information about in which structure and for what purposes a particular order was issued for personnel, an example of any appendix to it.

Secondly, there is a card format for registering information about sources, which is used as part of internal corporate document flow. It involves the design of control cards for sources, as well as their combination into specialized card files.

Thirdly, there is automated document registration. It involves entering information about the orders in question and other sources into internal corporate registers automatically - using special software and the necessary infrastructure (for example, printers, scanners, network interfaces).

There is a regulatory act in accordance with which regulatory documents must be registered - Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 536, which was adopted on November 8, 2005. This source of law assumes reflection in registers:

  • the name of the company that issued this or that document - in this case, an order for personnel;
  • source name;
  • date of publication of the document, its registration number;
  • title and summary document;
  • operative language;
  • source deadline;
  • information about the execution of the order.

Entering information about certain orders into the organization’s registers can be carried out using other criteria for their classification. For example, the personnel department can divide the relevant sources into those that are specifically related to employee vacations, business trips, and the issuance of incentives to them. Typically, the greater the number of orders that form a company’s document flow, the more optimal it will be to classify them into separate databases within the register.

Storing orders

Another most important aspect maintaining orders in the company - storing them. We noted above that orders for personnel are stored depending on the specific purpose of the document within certain deadlines. Therefore, documents classified according to the appropriate criteria should be placed in different places.

Any order for personnel (a form for it) must be stored separately from those sources that are related to the main activities of the enterprise. Documents registered and sent for storage must be submitted in the form of originals.

Orders on personnel are usually combined into files, which are systematized sets of various documents. The responsible specialist of the personnel service must file files, correctly number the sheets placed in it, supplement with the necessary inventories, and design covers for the corresponding sets of documents.

Any management action begins with an order. An order is a kind of administrative document that is similar to a shot from a starting pistol. It is published for the purpose of solving managerial and administrative tasks of an organization or its division. The order is a standard document, therefore it has a clearly regulated structure, design rules in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003.

Orders may relate to the activities of the organization, relationships in work collective, procedures for working with documentation, imposing penalties, incentives. Conventionally, all orders can be divided into two groups: according to office work processes (main issues of activity), according to personnel (personnel issues). Depending on the purpose of the order, responsibility for its publication is assigned to different executors. To draw up an order, you need a special form from the institution in the established form. The form can use: the coat of arms of the Russian Federation (federal-level institution), trademark, emblem. Mandatory details of the order: organizational and legal form of the organization, its full name, registration number - the serial number under which the order is registered in the registration journal, date of publication - date of signature by the director.

You can download it.

According to the rules of business correspondence, the margins on the form sheet are left on the right - 10 mm, on the top and bottom - 20 mm. If the text of the order takes up several sheets, then they are numbered. Numbering begins from the second sheet. The numbers are placed in the center of the top line. The name of the document – ​​“ORDER” – is written entirely in capital letters. The text of the order is preceded by a title; it briefly answers the question “what is the order about?”, written without quotation marks. The next part of the order is a statement of its basis. The preamble is written here, that is, the reason that caused the issuance of the order, the events that preceded it. Most often, the beginning sounds like this: “In accordance with ...”, “For the purposes of ...”, “In pursuance of ...”, “In connection with ...”. In this part, a reference may be made to the official document that served as the basis for the order. For example, “In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education dated May 5, 2014 No. 711 “ of the document.” The preamble ends with the word “I order:”.

Administrative part. In this part, specificity is important - a description of the prescribed actions and the assignment of control to the performer. If the administrative part describes a number of actions, then they can be numbered, but this is not necessary. Specific people or divisions of the enterprise may appear as performers. If deadlines are assigned, they must be indicated. If the order is of a regular nature, the deadlines are not determined. You can name the person responsible for executing the order in the last paragraph. In conclusion, the manager’s signature is affixed: job title, signature, transcript of the signature.

You can download from us:

The order does not contain the words “Bring to the attention of...”. The order is accompanied by a mailing list; it sets out in free form the essence of the order and lists the persons who should be familiar with it. An order is not a secret document to be kept in a safe. There are people in the organization's office work whose responsibility is to continue working with the order after it has been signed. A mailing list is not prepared if employees do not object to the need to sign without formalities that they have been familiarized with the order.

– download here.

Sometimes annexes are issued to the order. This is done when there is a large amount of information accompanying the order. These can be: staffing schedules, diagrams, schedules, regulations, instructions. Each application is numbered. The application number is written down in the upper right corner of the sheet. For example, “Appendix No. 2”.

The original orders are kept for five years. Orders on hiring and dismissal - 75 years. If the organization is liquidated and the storage period for documents has not expired, they are transferred to the city archive.

Management specialists believe that 75% of the efficiency of an enterprise depends on formalized administration, i.e., on the ability to competently draw up instructions, orders and monitor their implementation.

In order for an order to be effective, it must contain at least three main elements for each item of the order, namely: what needs to be done, in what time and which employee is responsible for it.

Most managers do not adhere to these truisms, so orders often lack either a deadline or a performer. In one travel company, an order was displayed for employees and clients to see: “To improve customer service, we order that all stages be carried out efficiently.” The head of another company, having visited abroad, decided to introduce rules of dress at work in accordance with Western standards. The order signed by him sounded like this: “To improve the work culture, I oblige all employees to adhere to the corporate dress code.” But this demand of the leader remained unanswered. Firstly, no one explained to the employees what the manager considered “corporate clothing style.” Secondly, the order does not specify the timing of the transition to this style and the responsible person monitoring implementation.

There are three types of orders:

  • order on administrative and economic issues;
  • order on the main activity;
  • personnel order.

Order on main activities

Let's consider the methodology for drawing up an order for the main activity.

Orders for core activities are legal regulations that implement the controllability of objects from top to bottom, that is, from the governing body to the managed one.

Preparation of an order includes several stages:

  • initiation of the issuance of an order;
  • collecting the necessary information;
  • preparation of a draft document;
  • coordination;
  • checking the correctness of registration;
  • signing;
  • bringing the order to the executors.

The processing of administrative documents may be regulated by the regulations on the procedure for the preparation and entry into force of the organization’s administrative documents or by the introduction of a corresponding section in the organization’s office management instructions.

The text of the order consists of two interconnected parts: stating and administrative. The ascertaining part indicates the reasons that served as the basis for issuing the order. Typically, this part begins with the following stable phrases: “For the purpose of...”, “On the basis of...”, “In connection with...”.

If the basis for issuing an order is any normative act of a higher body, then the ascertaining part should indicate the type of act, its author, full name (heading), number and date, i.e. all search data should be provided. If there is no need to provide explanations, then the stating part may be missing.

The administrative part is separated from the stating part by the verb “I order”, which is written in capital letters on a new line, without a paragraph or quotation marks, and a colon is placed at the end of the verb. The administrative part is divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs, which are numbered in Arabic numerals. Each paragraph of the administrative part indicates the performer, the prescribed action and the deadline for execution. Performers can be either individual officials or organizations. The number of performers for each item is not limited. The performer is indicated in the dative case. For example: “To the directors of factories...”, “To the head of the personnel department, V.P. Ivanov...”, etc. The prescribed action is expressed by verbs in indefinite form“prepare”, “enroll”, “provide”, “approve”. The deadline must be realistic and correspond to the scope of the proposed work. Typically, a separate deadline is set for each task. The last paragraph in the orders indicates the person who is entrusted with control over the execution of the document (position and full name). Administrative documents may have attachments, which are referenced in the relevant paragraphs of the administrative part. However, the “application” attribute is not issued in this case; links to applications are given in parentheses in the appropriate paragraphs. For example: “Approve the instructions for office work” (Appendix 1).

On the appendix itself, in the upper right corner of the first sheet, the word “Appendix” is printed (if there are several appendices, they are numbered) and it is indicated which order or point of the order the appendix relates to, for example:

Dictionary of personnel records management. An order is a legal act issued by the head of a management body acting on the basis of unity of command to ensure basic and operational activities.

Appendix to the order - materials of a reference, documentary or other nature, additional to the main text of the order.

If the appendix to the order is an approved document (regulations, rules, instructions, etc.), the following mark is made in the corresponding paragraph of the administrative part: “(attached)”, and the document approval stamp is placed on the appendix in the upper right corner.

In draft orders that have one or more appendices, there must be a single page numbering covering the main text and all appendices.

Attachments to draft orders must be endorsed by the executor who prepared them and by the heads of structural units. A mailing list is attached to the draft order.

The order is issued on a general A4 format form. Further, in the course of work on the draft order, the stages of coordination and signing follow. Draft orders prepared for approval are drawn up on standard sheets of paper with all the necessary details indicated and “Draft” indicated in the top field of the document on the right.

Before signing, the project is subject to agreement with all interested parties, as well as with structural divisions and the officials to whom it concerns. Coordination is carried out by approval. Visas or approval marks are usually affixed to the first copy of the project. In case of disagreement with the project, a reasoned conclusion is written. Before signing, the project is carefully checked for spelling or stylistic errors. The order is signed by the head or deputy head of the enterprise.

To familiarize yourself with the order, extracts from the order for each item can be prepared.

An order for administrative and economic activities is drawn up in the same way as an order for the main activity.

The employer must organize the correct and timely maintenance of work books, and responsibility for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books lies with a specially authorized person appointed by order (instruction) of the employer. The issuance of such an order for the main activity is mandatory, despite the fact that responsibilities for working with work books are always included in job descriptions and in employment contracts of employees responsible for working with work books. Due to the periodic change of personnel service employees, as well as their possible temporary absence, it seems undesirable to indicate in the text of the order appointing someone responsible for working with work books the surname of the currently working employee and you can limit yourself to the name of the position (if one staff unit is assigned to it).

Order on personnel

Orders on personnel constitute a separate group of personnel documentation and require certain drafting rules that differ from orders on main activities. They record hiring. relocation at work, dismissal from work, establishment of official salaries, vacations, business trips, change of name, incentives, penalties, etc.

Currently, unified forms of most orders for personnel are in force (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 N 1). They have peculiarities of drafting and execution: these orders are issued not for several actions, but for one, i.e., an order for employment is issued independently, an order for transfer, dismissal, or secondment is issued independently. Each order can be issued not for an individual employee, but for several at once, which when large quantities working very conveniently.

The introduction of unified forms has caused a variety of opinions: some believe that such forms are convenient and necessary for the personnel service, others believe that the new forms increase the labor intensity of maintaining personnel documentation.

However, it should be taken into account that modern personnel documentation has such shortcomings as: the inability of some documents to be processed by means of electronic computers, an unjustified variety of forms that formalize similar tasks for organizing personnel management, the lack of a single normative document on preparation of personnel documentation.

The developers of unified forms of personnel documentation pursued two goals: to streamline and unify the traditional set of documents that formalize a number of tasks for organizing personnel management and to adapt these documents to computer processing.

The introduction of unified forms of orders for personnel made it possible to introduce uniformity into the structure of the text of the document and relieved personnel service employees from doubts about choosing one or another option for writing the administrative part.

Due to the fact that unified forms have not been developed for all personnel orders, we will consider general features issuing orders for personnel not included in the list of unified forms.

The execution of orders for personnel does not have clear GOST instructions for the preparation of administrative documentation (GOST R 6.30-2003 "USD. USORD. Requirements for the preparation of documents"), however, in order to introduce uniformity in the preparation of this type of document, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules that are stipulated in instructions for organizing work with documents in a specific organization.

Orders for personnel are drawn up on A4 format and have the following details:

  • name of the organization - the author of the document;
  • name of the document type - "Order";
  • date, number;
  • place of publication, title to the text;
  • text;
  • signature;
  • visa approval;
  • a note confirming familiarization with the employee’s order;
  • a note on the execution of the document and its sending to the file.

Orders are numbered within a calendar year. The number (index) is written with the letter “k”, which means an order for personnel, or l/s (order for personnel), other letter designations are possible. The main thing to remember is that orders with different retention periods cannot be formed into one case. Orders are usually endorsed by the Deputy Director for Human Resources, an employee of the HR department, or the head of the department to which the employee is sent, and orders that have a clause on financial liability must be endorsed by an accountant. The employee maintaining personnel documentation must familiarize each employee with the order, after which the employee affixes his visa, consisting of the following elements: “I have read the order,” signature, transcript of the signature and date of familiarization.

Orders come into force from the moment they are signed, but sometimes the text of the order may indicate a different date for its entry into legal force. For example, the order was signed on April 22, and the employee was appointed to the position on April 27.

The texts of the personnel order are subject to special requirements: the wording must be clear and precise, as they reflect the employee’s labor rights. An order for personnel, unlike an order for the main activity, may not contain a statement part and the administrative word “I order” (it is not contained in orders for personnel, unlike an order for the main activity). The command word in orders for personnel are the words: “Accept”, “Dismiss”, “Assign”, “Change”, “Assign”, etc.

The text of the order, in connection with established practice, can be drawn up in two ways.

The first option is when the administrative part usually begins with a verb: “Change”, “Assign”, “Announce”, etc., printed in capital letters without a paragraph on a new line after the heading to the text. The heading to the text of the orders answers the question “about what?”: about hiring, about dismissal, about changing the last name, about reprimanding, about transferring to another job, etc. Then, on a new line, from a paragraph, the full last name and first name are written , patronymic of the employee to whom the order is issued and subject to the order.


Ivanova Irina Sergeevna, senior expert of the sales department, reprimanded for

negligent attitude towards official duties resulting in damage

technical equipment.

In the second option, the administrative word is written on the same line with the action. Let's consider drawing up an order to amend documents containing the employee's personal data in connection with the employee's marriage. This order does not have a unified form and is drawn up according to the rules for drawing up administrative documents. The text of such an order must necessarily contain information about both the old and new data of the employee, and details of the documents on the basis of which new information about him is entered. The recommended name for such an order is “Order to amend documents containing the employee’s personal data.”

It is not recommended to use a common formulation like “From such and such a date, consider Ivanova Lebedeva in connection with the registration of marriage...”, because this is illiterate. One might think that without an order from the employer, Ivanov would not be considered Lebedeva? She is considered Lebedeva on the basis of a marriage registration certificate, and not on the basis of an order from her employer.

Another common wording is also incorrect: “Make changes to the employee’s personal data.” Changing an employee’s personal data is the authority of special government bodies, and not the employer’s personnel service. The personnel service only makes changes to documents containing personal data on the basis of documents on changes in personal data of employees issued by special government bodies.

The date of the order is the receipt of a copy of the passport by the personnel service.

Registration and storage of orders

An order to amend documents containing personal data is registered in the appropriate order register.

The order to amend documents containing personal data is presented to all interested parties against signature: the employee himself, the relevant personnel and accounting employees.

Based on such an order, changes will be made to the employee’s work book, the employee’s personal card, the employee’s personal account and other documents of the personnel department, accounting, security service and other structural units.

Orders for core activities have a “permanent” shelf life. Orders on administrative and economic issues - storage period is 5 years.

Personnel orders on hiring, dismissal, and transfer of employees are stored for 75 years. However, orders to provide study holidays, duty, penalties, short-term business trips within Russia have a shelf life of 5 years in accordance with Art. 6 List of standard management documents generated in the activities of the organization, indicating storage periods. The orders in the case are located according to serial numbers orders.


1. State system of documentation support for management (GSDOU). Main archive. 1991.

3. Doronina L. A. Organization of document flow: Educational and methodological manual. M.: State University of Education, 2005.

4. List of standard management documents generated in the activities of the organization, indicating storage periods. M.: Rosarkhiv; VNIIDAD, 2002.

L. Doronina K. e. Sc., Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute information systems State Management Administration