Presentations on the topic of pets for preschoolers. Multimedia game "Pets" presentation for a lesson on the world around us (junior group) on the topic. Presentation: Pets

Summary of a lesson on the surrounding world for preschoolers on the topic “Pets.” "Visiting Avdotya's grandmother."

Target: identifying, enriching and consolidating children’s knowledge about domestic animals.
- systematize children’s knowledge about domestic animals.
- expand and deepen children's knowledge about pets.
- cultivate a love for pets.
- develop attention and thinking.
- induce in children emotional pleasure from activities in the classroom.
Preparation for the lesson: selection of illustrations and musical accompaniment.
Progress of the lesson:
(Animal voice recording sounds)
Teacher: Children, what are these sounds?
Children: Animal voices.
Teacher: Guys, listen carefully and tell me what you can call in one word the animals whose voices you heard.
Children: Homemade.
Teacher: Why were they called that?
(Children's answers)
Teacher: That's right, these animals live next to humans. We look after them, feed them.
Teacher: What animals live in your home? How do you care for them?
(children's answers)
Teacher:- Guys, today we are going on a trip again.
Teacher: You will find out what we will go on by guessing the riddle.
What a miracle - a long house!
There are a lot of passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it runs on gasoline.

Teacher: Guys, we will go to the village on the bus and find out what animals can be seen there.
(The song “We are sitting on the bus” plays; children perform movements to the music)
Teacher: Here we are in the village.

(Granny enters)
Grandmother Avdotya: Hello guys, I'm glad to see you visiting us.
Teacher: Hello, grandma, let's get acquainted! We are the guys from the Know-It-All school. What is your name?
Grandmother Avdotya: My name is Grandma Avdotya!
Teacher: Grandma, we came to you with the guys for a reason, we want to find out if animals live in your village?
Grandmother Avdotya: Of course, the guys live, I will be happy to show them to you.
(Images of animals appear on the screen.)
Grandmother Avdotya: Here is our cat Murka, she is very affectionate.

Guys, what do you know about cats? What are baby cats called?

Children: Kittens.
Grandmother Avdotya: Children, how many of you know what a cat eats?

Grandmother Avdotya: And here is Zhuchka. What are baby dogs called?
Children: Puppies.
Grandmother Avdotya: The bug lives in a kennel. She is a very loyal dog and a wonderful watchdog.

Grandmother Avdotya: Our Zorka lives in the barn. It gives delicious milk, meat, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir. In summer he likes to eat fresh grass, and in winter he eats hay.

Grandmother Avdotya: There is a horse living in the stable, we feed it oats and hay, and it helps us transport heavy loads.

Grandmother Avdotya: A pig lives in a pigsty. There she lives with her children - piglets. Pigs eat leftover food, fruits and berries. From them we get meat, lard, and skin.

Grandmother Avdotya: Rabbits and their babies - rabbits - live in cages. Rabbits love grass, stalks, and tops. In summer they eat hay, branches and carrots. Rabbits give us fur and meat.

Grandmother Avdotya: These are the pens where goats live. They give us meat, wool, milk. Goats love to eat tree bark and young leaves.

Grandmother Avdotya: Chickens and roosters live in the chicken coop. Chickens give us eggs, meat and fluff. And the cockerel is our best “alarm clock”; every morning he wakes us up with his crowing.
Grandmother Avdotya: We also have ducks, turkeys and geese, they provide us with meat and valuable down.

Teacher: Guys, grandma Avdotya told us about her pets. So what benefits do these animals bring?
(Children's answers)
Grandmother Avdotya: How attentive you guys are. We listened to my story about my favorites for a long time, we’re tired, maybe let’s take a rest.
Physical education minute.
Playing out poems by M. Stepanov “Cat”

Careful, like a cat, to the sofa from the window
I’ll walk on my tiptoes, lie down and curl myself into a ring.
And now it’s time to wake up, straighten up, and stretch.
I can easily jump off the sofa, I will arch my back.
And now I’m sneaking around like a cat, I’ll bend my back a little.
I lap up the milk from the saucer with my tongue.
I will wash my chest and tummy with my paw like a cat.
And again I’ll curl up in a ring, like a cat near a warm stove.
(the teacher invites the children to play)
The game “Who is screaming?”

Cat - “meow-meow”
Dog - “woof-woof”
Cow – “moo-moo”
Pig - “oink-oink”
Horse - “yoke-go”
Chicken - “ko-ko-ko”
Duck - "quack-quack"
Sketch “Animal Dispute”
(Children show a skit.)

Once a cat, a pig, a dog, a cow, a goat, and a chicken were arguing.
The cat meowed:“I’m the most important, I catch mice in the house!”
The cow mooed:“No, I’m the most important - I give meat, delicious milk, from which sour cream, cottage cheese and other healthy dairy products are made"
The dog barked:“I guard the house - I’m the most important!”
The goat remarked:“No, no, no, I’m the most important - I give wool and warm fluff from which you can knit things!”
The hen clucked: “You shouldn’t argue, I’m the most important and necessary - I lay eggs!”
The ducklings quacked:“You can make a soft feather bed from our feathers, which means we are in charge!”
Guys, who is right in the argument? Who is more important and needed?
Children's answers.
Grandmother Avdotya: It’s in vain that you, my beloved ones, started an argument, you are all equally important! After all, you bring great benefit to people, and we look after you for it!
The animals were happy. And they started dancing!
Dance of little ducks.
Game "Who are the parents?"
Teacher: Children, people have a father and a mother, but what are the parents of animals called?
In kittens - (cat and tom).
In chickens - (hen and rooster).
In calves - (cow and bull).
In piglets - (pig and boar).
In lambs - (ewe and ram).
In rabbits - (female rabbit and rabbit).
In puppies - (dog and dog).
In goats - (goat and goat).
In foals - (horse and horse).
In ducklings - (duck and drake).
Teacher: Since ancient times, domestic animals have lived next to a person’s home; they cannot do without his help. They cannot independently obtain food for themselves, escape from enemies, or build a home for themselves. A person takes care of them: builds them warm housing (stables, pigsties, chicken coops, etc.); feeds them; looks after them. And the animals, in turn, thank us and give us many useful things: milk, eggs, wool, meat, fluff, etc.
Teacher: Thank you, Grandma Avdotya. How much you told us today about pets. We are very glad that we visited you.
Grandmother Avdotya: I was pleased to see you in my village. All the kids are so smart, attentive, and friendly. My favorite Zorka gave you some delicious milk. Come visit us again. Goodbye!
Teacher: Guys, did you enjoy visiting grandma Avdotya in the village?
Teacher: What did you like most?
Teacher: What new have you learned?
(The teacher suggests watching the presentation and guessing riddles about pets.)
Teacher: Children, you did a great job in class. Well done! Thank you!

Olga Volchenkova
Presentation for preschoolers “Pets”

Presentation for preschoolers "Pets"

1. Slide COW

Cow- a large horned animal.

Cows graze in the meadows in summer and eat lush grass.

They give tasty and healthy milk.

It is used to make cottage cheese, yogurt and cream.

Cows moo. They make a drawn-out noise loud noise“Moo-oo” This means that they are hungry, or they are calling for the baby, or it is time for milking.

In winter, they eat hay prepared for them.

2. Slide PIG

Pig– a very smart pet.

In pigs poor vision and keen hearing.

Piglets are very active from birth, they have pink heels and curled tails.

For the pigs They are easy to care for because they quickly become accustomed to a daily routine.

3. GOAT slide

Goat the most unpretentious pet.

The body of goats is covered with long, straight hair, and almost all goats grow a beard.

Goat milk is very healthy and nutritious.

Goats and kids are not afraid of heat and frost.

4. Slide HORSE

Horse– a very beautiful pet, a person’s favorite and helper.

Horses They eat oats and hay. They love carrots, apples, crackers and sugar cubes.

Horses They run fast, and to prevent their hooves from wearing out, people shoe them.

5. Slide DUCK

Duck- is a waterfowl Domestic bird. She is a distant relative of the wild mallard duck.

Wings ducks large, well developed with a wide scope. The short tail is raised upward. The legs are strong, short, and the beak is large.

in winter ducks with ducklings live in warm poultry houses.

6. Slide GOOSE

Goose larger than a duck, and has longer legs and neck. These birds are amazing because they swim, run and fly equally well.

Usually geese cackling and talking to each other. And if they don’t like something, they begin to hiss and may even pinch.

7. Slide CHICKEN

Chicken- The most common poultry. She gives a person tasty and healthy eggs

In chickens there is a comb and a beard that help them maintain the body temperature they need.

Cockerels have larger combs than hens, a long bushy tail, and spurs on their legs.

Hens, roosters and chicks eat grain.

8. Slide RABBIT

Rabbit- a very cute and affectionate domestic animal, similar to a hare.

The rabbit differs from the hare in having shorter ears and paws.

Rabbits need to be fed every day with fragrant hay from mown field grasses.

You also need to give branches of fruit trees or willow, linden, maple so that he can gnaw on them, grinding down his teeth.

9. Slide CAT

Cats man's most beloved pets. Baby cats - kittens - are always very playful.

Cat clean, washes often.

Cat walks calmly in the dark. These whiskers help her with this.

walks cat silently, retracts its claws and steps with soft pads, climbs trees deftly

10. Slide DOG

Dog man's most devoted and faithful friend.

When she meets her owner, she happily wags her tail and barks.

Sometimes dogs can “sing” – howling to the melody they like.

To dog She was smart and obedient, she is being trained: she is taught to carry out various commands.

11. FISH slide

Homemade fish live in aquariums.

These wonderful pets delight people with their colorful colors.

Types of aquarium fish so many: gold fish, angelfish, guppies, barbs and many others.

12. Slide TURTLE

And also in home aquarium the real one can live turtle! Only freshwater, of course.

Although these turtles small in size, but they need a spacious aquarium.

For home care you can choose swamp, Caspian or American red-eared turtle.

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Goal: By studying with our children on the topic of domestic animals, we give them knowledge about domestic animals, their differences, what animals eat, and what benefits they bring to people. We try to instill in children a love for animals. Be able to distinguish different animals by characteristic features. Enrich children's understanding of animal behavior. Objectives: 1.Teach children to clearly pronounce the words of poems. 2. Learn to use nouns in speech denoting domestic animals and their cubs. 3. Coherent speech: teach children to compose a short story together with the teacher. 4.Through play activities, evoke the joy of communication in children. Material for the lesson: Flannelgraph and illustrations of domestic animals. A story about “How a puppy forgot how dogs talk”

Contents of work on the topic: pets Cognitive - speech Social - personal Artistic - aesthetic Physical development Communication Walking Cognition Reading art. liter. Socialization Labor Safety Art. creativity about Music and Physics lt. Health 1. Joint renovation of the “Pets” stand 2.D.i. “Firm” 3.D.i. “At Grandma’s in the village” and freedom. General “Taking care of the house. alive Watching the house. Alive Cat and dog, their similarities and differences. I am active in the game “Where is whose house”; "Naughty goat." Topics: “Pets”; “Pets. And their cubs”; “Who is screaming?” “Why are domestic animals called pets. Construct. "Pen for animals." Russian folk tales “Seven Little Goats”; S.Ya.Marshak “Children in a Cage.” S.r.i. “An wolf and seven kids”; Di. "Find your mom"; Di. “Who eats what”; Theat. activities. “Koza - dereza” Cultivate a desire to participate in caring for animals. Form an idea of ​​ways to interact with animals and. Observe the animal and do not disturb them. Izo: “Let’s go graze the animals in the green meadow”; Modeling “Cup for fresh milk to feed the cubs.” Application “Calves in the meadow”. D.B. Kabalevsky, “Riding a horse; independent musical activity “Cat and Kittens” by M. Rauchveger. Practice walking and running in a column more than one at a time. Outdoor game: “Mouse and go to the storeroom”; "Find your own house." Order according to the scheme.

Horse and foal The horse will ask the foal: “Tell me, my dear, Who has such a mane? Who grows up so beautiful?” And he will answer for him: “You, my sweet, yoke!”

Dog and puppy The dog says to the puppy: “Don’t get into a fight with the cat, Even though the owner is friends with her, But she doesn’t serve him. Since you live in a kennel, That means you’re the boss in the yard!”



Ivanova E.S.

Target: give an idea about domestic animals.


  • show distinctive features pets;
  • clarify the names of the adult animal and the baby;
  • to cultivate love and respect for nature and “our smaller brothers.”

What are pets?

These are animals that are kept by humans. He provides them with shelter and food, and they, in turn, bring benefits to people, are either a source of material goods and services, or companions who brighten up human leisure.

Mystery You stroke it, it caresses you, You tease and he bites.

The dog says to the puppy:

“Don’t get into a fight with a cat, Even though the owner is friends with her, But she doesn't serve him. Since you live in a kennel, That means he’s in charge in the yard!”

Mystery Even on an iron roof He walks quietly, quieter than a mouse. Will go hunting at night And how he sees everything during the day. Often sleeps, and after sleep She washes herself.

The kitten is fiddling with a ball: Then he will creep up to him secretly, Then he will start throwing himself at the ball, Pushes him, jumps to the side... Can't guess That there is not a mouse here, but a ball

Mystery Hungry - moos, well-fed - chews, Gives milk to all the kids!

The cow has a calf Ready to fight with her. He calls her to play And she chews grass - To raise a bull We need a lot of milk!

Mystery I'm digging in the ground with my little snout, I'll take a swim in a dirty puddle.

Pig teaches piglet Eat a lot, grunt loudly.

And also swim in a puddle, To be no worse than others. To weigh a hundred kilos, To be lucky in life .

Mystery For me, the stable is home. Treat me to some oats! The mane curls behind his back, You can't keep up with me!

The horse will ask the foal: "Tell me, my dear, Who has a mane like that? Who grows up so beautiful?" And he will answer for him: "You, my sweet, yoke-go!"

The goat and her kids went out for a walk, Drink in the stream, pinch the grass. The goat gives milk to the mistress, She spins threads from goat fluff.


With a beard, not an old man, With horns, not a bull. Not a horse, but kicking, They milk, but not the cow, With down, not a bird, It pulls bast, but doesn’t weave bast shoes.

Mystery Over the mountains, over the valleys He wears a fur coat and a caftan.

The lamb has wool in rings, His mother is a sheep. He runs after her And he’s shaking all over with fear. It means it's too early Call him a sheep .


He is the little brother of the bunnies, And the child is happy with him. A ball of fluff, long ear, Jumps deftly, loves carrots

Where are the rabbits? The mother rabbit lost her babies, And the little rabbits lie and are silent. One is behind the willow tree, Two are behind the broom, One is under the leaf, Two are under a bush. How to find children as quickly as possible? Mom has a little more than five of them .

What are they giving us? Pets?

CHECK YOURSELF! What animals are called domestic?


Pets Senior group Presentation by teacher Sukhanova M.V.

Our companions and friends Try to imagine our life without dogs and cats, cows and horses, goats, sheep and pigs. No, It is Immpossible! We are used to four-legged friends and assistants. For many millennia they live nearby, feed and water us, clothe us and put on shoes, give us their affection, warmth and affection, awakening gratitude and kindness in our hearts. Pets. I love pets very much: I feed them, take care of them and caress them. I consider a dog and a cat, a goat and a pig to be my friends. Cows and goats give us milk, There is no lush sheep's wool, A purring cat will give us comfort And catch all the mice. Our helpers are a cow, a ram, and a black horse with a dark mane. They live next to us, attached to us, trusting, peace-loving.

Dog, dog, puppy at the kennel. Who in childhood did not dream of a funny cute puppy? With his appearance, life changes, it becomes more interesting and fun! . Guess the riddle: I serve the master - I watch the master's house, I growl and bark loudly, And I drive away strangers. . They bought me a puppy. On the weekend, Dad bought me a puppy at the Bird Market. He brought it in a basket - The dog is still small! He is funny, clumsy, licked me right on the nose, made a puddle in the hallway and wagged his tail slightly. I scratched the puppy behind the ear, tickled his belly, and the puppy became mine best friend, He lives with us now..

Who lives in a booth or kennel?

Cat, cat, kitten in the house Predator or not? What does it eat? What does it look like? Where does he live? Guess the riddle: Even though I have velvet paws, They call me “scratchy”, I deftly catch mice, I drink milk from a saucer. Kitten Fluffy mother, furry son, rolled a ball on the floor together. The mother indulged the kitten in the game, handing him a ball with her paw. Why did the son run away from the ball? Baby asks mom for milk!

Horse, horse, foal at the stable Tell us about what kind of food the horse prefers. (The horse prefers oats, hay, fresh grass, you can treat it with sugar, black bread with salt). What do you call an animal that eats? plant foods? (herbivore) Horse In this stall behind the fence, my horse sleeps and eats. I’ll comb it, and the mane will fall in beautiful waves. I'll give the horse sugar, the rider will be happy, and he'll carry me at a gallop along the shady forest paths. . Guess the riddle: The baby is long-legged, The baby is long-maned, Mom is happy: The son is handsome. He runs at a trot, He gallops, his hooves along the path, They knock: “Top-tap-tap.”


Cow, bull, calf in the barn What benefits does it bring? Guess the riddle: And sour cream, and kefir, Milk and delicious cheese, So that we are healthy, The motley will give us... Calf Mother cow caressed the calf, She licked her flat face all over. Maybe my son doesn’t like it, he asks his mother for something: “Mu-mu.” Mom gave her a milk udder - So, I understood what he asked for.

Goat, goat, kid near the stable. What does it look like? How does the voice sound? Where does he live? What does he eat? Guess the riddle: I’ll stand on my hooves and get the leaves. I will peel off aspen trees - I love to chew the bark. I am not tall, but I have enough milk. Thin-legged and horned, what's my name, guys? Little Goat A quick-footed mischief entered the garden, frolicking, gnawed all the cabbage, shouted: “Meh!” And running.

Pig, boar, piglet at the pigsty Name the family Guess the riddle: The fat one is running, The tail is a curl, The ears are like a pie, The snout is like a snout, There are hooves on the feet - Hurries to the trough. Piglet Khavrosh's mother loved the child and took her to swim in a warm puddle. Together they lay in a warm puddle, grunted merrily, and buried themselves in the mud. The fat son was very pleased, his son’s mother called him “Piglet”

Sheep, ram, lamb at the barn Here are woolen mittens - whose wool are they knitted from? A sheep picks grass in the field in the summer, And lives in a barn in the winter: They give it plenty of hay, And they expect a lamb for profit. Not horned, not alert, restless, fearful. The sheep's wool is sheared, knitted and woven from it. Guess the riddle: Gray curls, thin hooves... In the field next to his mother he frolics merrily: Pink porridge is good to chew, It’s sweet to wash down with sheep’s milk.

Animal Farm How can you name all the inhabitants of the animal farm? List the pets we talked about. All the farmyard animals have their own homes. Name them. Name the herbivores (cow, sheep, goat, horse). Do you think the cat is a herbivore or a carnivore? Why? Who else can be classified as a predator? Talk about the benefits of pets.

The game “Who Lives Where?” Name the homes of different animals. Cow - cow house - barn or barn. Dog - ...... booth or kennel Horse - ...... stable, stall. Goat - ..... barn, barn. Sheep -…. barn, manger. Cat -... house, apartment. The game “Who gives what voice?” Pig - grunts Dog - barks Sheep - meows Goat - bleats Horse - neighs Cat - meows Game “Animal Family” Name the family members of various domestic animals Cow, bull, calf. Pig, hog, pig. Sheep, ram, lamb. Horse, horse, foal. Goat, goat, kid. Dogs, dog, puppy. The game “Who benefits what?” Game “Who eats what?” The dog loves to eat meat and bones. Cat - Cow - Game “Who looks like?” Tell us about what body parts domestic animals have. (horns, hooves, mane, udder)