Friday is Venus day. Friday is a very women's day, Venus day

Venus man, Venusian type. He is handsome, gracefully built, charming, diplomatic, masters at least one musical instrument, understands painting. Of all the blessings of the world, he values ​​harmony in himself and around himself above all and achieves it.

The opposite option is the inharmonious influence of Venus. Or she is agitated, excessive, and does not find satisfaction. Or weak, downtrodden, insensitive. In such cases, on the hand we see either a too high and dense, without lines, tightly inflated mound of Venus (under thumb), or sandwiched by the line of life, reduced in size, flat, dotted with small strokes.

IN natal chart"bad" Venus can be expressed by the most different ways. Venus in Aries is also retrograde and in a square, for example, to Saturn: on the one hand, a person is passionate, desires strong unusual sensations, on the other hand, he is cautious, as soon as it comes to the point, he gets lost and steps back, running to meet people. One woman with a similar position said that if a man begins to arouse purely feminine interest in her, that is, as soon as her Venus is triggered, Saturn immediately turns on, which acts as a guard (what?), a brake (why?). Here we are talking about Venus, potentially active, but blocked by Saturn and through it various life circumstances. A different situation: Venus is weak, for example, in the “mine”, stands alone somewhere in the 3rd house, in a private place, does not contact any planet through aspects. Both situations indicate a problem. And this means there is something to work on.

How to harmonize the “planet of harmony”?

Vedic astrology offers its own path.

Of the seven days of the week, Friday is considered the closest in vibration to Venus. Every Friday for as many weeks as you are plus one year old, you need to consciously, systematically, without fail, devote to Venus.

1. Every Friday you should carry out at least one procedure dedicated to appearance, beauty is purely external. (It wouldn’t hurt to clean the house either). Do a special make-up, visit a hairdresser, salon, fitness club or just take time for home cleaning faces. Then choose clothes that are not just comfortable, but elegant, which would be pleasant to both you and those around you, preferably white, pastel colors. The theme of tenderness and purity is the leading one on this day.

2. Announce to yourself, to the Universe - it’s better out loud, but you can also say it with your inner voice, just loudly, albeit silently - about your intention to devote the day to love, beauty, art, the three “pillars” of Venus. Dedicate the day to Venus herself!

3. On this day you should Special attention pay attention to food, not to its usefulness or calorie content, but to its taste and gastronomic value. And, of course, put it beautifully on a dish! But another approach is also possible: organize a Light Abstinence Day. Limit yourself to fruits and juices. We will leave meat, fish, eggs, everything spicy and with seasonings for other days, other planets: for Mars, for Jupiter.

4. Feel free to devote the day to shopping, and not necessarily the necessary things. A bouquet of flowers for yourself – what could be more pleasant and “optional”!

4. Do something useful for people whose work is connected with Venus: for representatives of art, first of all. It’s useful for them, but pleasant for yourself: visit the theater, buy a movie ticket, go to a museum. As a last resort, pick up a book, not a detective story, of course, but a biography of a famous artist, an album with reproductions, embroidery, take up phytodesign, etc. There are many options.

5. Plan a meeting with someone you like. Give a small – or even larger – gift to your loved ones. Remember: on this day you should feel, nurture, cultivate positive energy in yourself, and generously share it with others.

6. Mantra for Venus is pronounced in a state of peace and bliss.

Om Dram Dream Drum Sah Shukraya Namaha.

A shorter mantra also works

Om Shukraya Namaha

Success and harmony!

Venus is the Goddess of Love, beauty, pleasure and prosperity.

And Friday for us is a day of harmony, joy and happiness, romance, pleasure.

It is pleasure that is one of the main energies that permeates this day.

Enjoyment from yourself, from your beauty, from the male world, from the space around you, from everything you do on this day.

The three main, basic qualities of Venus are love, beauty, and art.

Venus is responsible for sex and love. It is very favorable for her to store, not to waste feminine energy in vain, but also not to let it stagnate, translate it into miracles and create a happy, abundant life around you.

On this day, it is very important for a woman to be especially beautiful, to wear her best clothes and jewelry. Enjoy yourself, your beauty and femininity - then all these qualities blossom and multiply.

Friday is very good:

Buy yourself and give your loved ones jewelry, clothes, cosmetics, jewelry, flowers - any beautiful things;
. get married,
. arrange romantic dates and beautiful, happy parties,
. visit, receive guests,
. have fun, enjoy life as a luxurious gift,
. prepare sweets and treat them to your loved ones;
. dedicate the day to the material joys of life;
. visit theaters, museums, exhibitions, concerts.
. light beautiful candles and incense. Take care of the beauty of the world around you, decorate all the space around you.

Venus is the patron of art, so on this day it is good to engage in all types of art. Do something nice for Venus: sing, dance, draw, play - show your creative energy in ways that are pleasant and suitable for you.

On this day it is very important to practice self-love and love for your body.

It is very important to take care of yourself, it is very beneficial to visit beauty salons, spas, and massages.

On this day, special attention should be paid to food, not its usefulness or calorie content, but its taste and gastronomic value. And, of course, put it beautifully on a dish to enjoy both the taste and beauty of this dish, to be imbued with this energy.

Cloth, which is best suited for Friday - always beautiful, silk, lace, everything festive and elegant are very good on this day.

Color: variety of colors, play of colors. Transparent, white, blue, pink are very good.

You can also wear red, it is associated with Lakshmi - Goddess Prosperity, which is also very good on Friday.

Metal: copper.

Fragrances: roses, jasmine, lotus, lily. All tender and inviting.

Decorations- on this day, long earrings, chains, bracelets made from many thin bracelets are very good.
Narrow, thin, elegant bracelets with stones are Venus. The bracelets should ring - this is Venusian power.
The bracelets protect the main energy channel (which runs along the spine).

A woman is a very emotional creature, we constantly move our hands along the body expressing our feelings and emotions. And thus, the bracelets not only protect, but also disperse energy along the spine so that it does not stagnate

Necklace made of stones with iridescent shades, a large number of beads - all this strengthens Venus.
Ideally, it is recommended to wear 2 types of beads - short, for protection throat chakra, and long, to protect the solar plexus chakra.

Belts, pendants, preferably luminous and sounding ones, help protect the lower chakras.

It’s interesting that a bellydance dancer’s costume always has a lot of sparkles, beads, stones, and all kinds of decorations. They are dressed very revealingly, but their clothes give them a very good protection. Everything sparkles, shines, shimmers and rings.

When a dancer moves in a dance, jewelry protects her body, driving away any influence from the outside, with its shimmering and sound. Everything bad and negative simply does not reach a woman, because it is dissipated on the subtle plane by light and sound.

Friday is a day of happiness and pleasure.

Allow yourself on this day to simply relax, and accept all the gifts and surprises from life - easily and like a woman.

Enjoy being a woman. And give the world your beauty and tenderness.

And Venus will definitely fulfill your cherished desires)))

I wish you happiness, love and magic, my dears.

With love, Yulia Boyko.



The energy of Venus is beauty, love, chastity, abundance, prosperity, money. Qualities that need to be developed: the ability to love, create beauty, good nature, gentleness, forgiveness. The desire and ability to make a partner happy. A creative approach.
Friday is good for shopping. Make cash investments. Set up love dates.
It has been noticed that the first acquaintance on Friday on the waxing Moon will bring long-term fruitful relationships, if in a career, then advancement to success, if in personal life, then the relationship will be cordial for a long time and can lead to a union of two hearts.
Venus gives a woman charm, charisma, external attractiveness, beauty, sexuality. In women with good strong Venus V astrological chart- there is a vision of beauty, they are graceful, and they attract attention. Their energy is pleasure... They know how to enjoy themselves, and they enjoy others with their presence.
They say about such people “Sweet Woman...”

Venus rules artists, poets, musicians, dancers...people who are associated with creativity, art, beauty...the vision of beauty!

On Venus day it is very favorable to devote time to yourself and your beauty. This is the best day for going to hairdressers, spa salons, cosmetic procedures, for self-care.
Everything you do for beauty on this day will have a huge effect.

If you feel that you lack the influence of Venus in life, sweetness, flexibility, sophistication, then I advise you to do several things from the following list on this particular day (all these actions increase the influence of Venus in your life):
Take care of yourself on this day: masks, baths, trips to salons, etc.
Dress in pink or other clean, bright shades. Venus loves very much pink color because it is the color of tender love

Buy flowers for yourself (a friend, any woman in general);
Taking flowers to the temple (this is quite a spiritual asceticism);
Give beauty-related gifts to yourself or your friends;
Do creative work (draw, sing);
Take up oriental dancing (the strongest instrument of Venus);
Meet with friends and chat about positive topics;
Buying new clothes (dresses, skirts... something feminine);
Buying jewelry;
Reciting the Lakshmi mantra is a symbol of beauty
Walks to beautiful places;
Fast on fruits and milk on Friday.
Today is the 8th lunar day.
The symbol of the day is the Phoenix bird
Key words: revival, transition to new level, solitude, inner freedom, courage, openness to everything new, leisurely, relaxed.
Eighth lunar day corresponds to the element of Fire and not just fire, but transforming fire. Thus, this period is a crucible, through which a person is transformed into a qualitatively new state. No wonder the symbol of eighths lunar days the mythical bird Phoenix appears - when burned, it is reborn from the ashes every time. The same thing happens to a person, both at the mental and at the cellular level.
This is the day of REBIRTH, which is achieved by cleansing the soul and repentance. Today we are summing up the interim results of what has been achieved in the first seven days lunar month. And we are aware of who we were, who we are now and who we strive to become. And we ask for forgiveness, and forgive, and gather our strength for change. This is a day when repentance will be easy and forgiveness of yourself and others will be easy. Think about what was done wrong, admit to yourself your weaknesses and mistakes, and forgive yourself and others for everything that was done voluntarily or unwittingly.
Think about your life, remember the past, look at the present, imagine the future. Imagine that the cleansing energy of fire is passing through all areas of your life. You burn out and, like a phoenix, are reborn again in a different capacity. The purifying fire can be real and internal, large and small...
It is important on this day: monitor your emotions and reactions.
Don't do it on this day: give in negative emotions, to be dissolute and selfish.


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