Ringer's solution subcutaneously for dogs. Ringera Locka for dogs: description, instructions, reviews. Mechanism of action of Ringer's solution

When using Ringer-Locke solution for cats, you should follow the recommended dosage and take into account any existing contraindications.

What is included in Ringer-Locke solution?

Ringer-Locke solution is used to neutralize various toxins. It does not irritate tissues and mucous membranes. During the therapy, the water-salt balance is restored and manifestations of dehydration are eliminated.

1 liter of the drug contains the following components:

  • sodium chloride – 9 g
  • potassium chloride – 0.2 g
  • calcium chloride – 0.2 g
  • glucose – 1 g
  • purified water

In what form is the drug dispensed?

Ringer-Locke solution is a colorless liquid dispensed into glass vials or plastic bags. The capacity of the packaging container can be as follows:

  • 100 ml
  • 200 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 400 ml

The principle of action of the drug

Ringer-Locke solution has a detoxifying effect. It is used not only to remove toxins, but also to replenish fluid in case of dehydration, restore water-salt and acid-base balance.

The drug prevents the formation of blood clots, improves blood supply to tissues, and prevents the development of hypoglycemia.

The need to use the drug

According to the instructions, Ringer-Locke solution for cats has the same indications for use as for people.

Indications for its use are the following pathological conditions:

  • severe dehydration due to food and medicinal poisonings, diarrhea or vomiting
  • dehydration due to poor circulation and significant blood loss
  • intoxication due to burns, frostbite and shock
  • inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis)

Contraindications for use

This drug increases fluid volume. Therefore, it cannot be used in the following cases:

  • with cerebral or pulmonary edema
  • at serious illnesses kidneys, accompanied by a violation of the outflow of urine
  • for heart failure
  • when the acid-base balance (blood pH) shifts towards increasing acidity
  • at increased content in blood serum chlorides, sodium, potassium and calcium
  • at hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

Ringer-Locke solution should only be used as directed. veterinarian and after diagnosis. Otherwise, the administration of the drug may worsen the pet’s condition, and in severe cases, cause death.

Dosage regimen and route of administration

Every loving owner asks the question of how to administer Ringer-Locke solution for cats; the instructions contain recommendations regarding the method of administration and dosage regimen of the drug.
The dosage depends on the weight of the animal and the severity of the disease. Average is 40-50 ml for a single injection. During the day, the volume of the injected solution should not exceed 150 ml.
The solution is administered either intravenously or subcutaneously. It is very difficult to find veins in small kittens, as they are very thin. Therefore, the drug is administered to them only subcutaneously. The effectiveness of treatment can be increased by changing injection sites.

Important! Ringer-Locke solution is not used as a saline solution because their compositions are different. Therefore, it cannot be used for breeding other medicines. The components of the solution, reacting with the active ingredients of other drugs, change their properties.

List of side effects

The use of Ringer's solution for cats in recommended dosages, as a rule, does not cause side effects. Exceeding dosages leads to an increase in the concentration of chlorides and electrolytes in the blood serum. When this condition occurs, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the drug or completely stop treatment.

Storage Features

The medicine should be stored in a cool, dark place, in tightly closed packaging, at a temperature of 0-25°C. The shelf life is 2 years from the date of manufacture. After this period, the drug must be disposed of.

The main signs of intoxication in cats

When poisoning occurs, the first thing that changes is the behavior of the animal. The cat becomes lethargic and apathetic, losing interest in the world around it. Most often, intoxication is accompanied by a violation digestive function. The animal experiences diarrhea and vomiting. The cat refuses to eat. In severe cases it worsens visual function and internal bleeding begins.

Poor quality food and cigarette smoke can cause poisoning. A cat can be harmed by lead compounds contained in the paint used on the walls of the house.

How does Ringer-Locke solution work on a cat's body?

Ringer's solution for cats becomes a real salvation. It has the property of binding heavy metals, converting them into insoluble compounds. In the same way, the medicine neutralizes other toxins that are excreted from the body along with urine.

Practical application of the solution

If the cat has severe symptoms poisoning, and you won’t be able to get to a doctor in the near future, there is nothing left to do but start saving your beloved pet. The drug is drawn into a syringe in recommended dosages and injected subcutaneously into the animal.

Since the composition of Ringer-Locke is close to blood plasma, its components are instantly absorbed by cells. Instant action allows you to restore the balance of electrolytes and save the animal from certain death.

There is an analogue of the described drug on sale that does not contain glucose ( Ringer solution). It is less effective, since it is glucose, acting on the liver, that helps remove toxins.

Features of using the drug

When using Ringer-Locke solution for cats, the instructions provide for the possibility of washing wounds and mucous membranes. The drug is used with caution in combination with estrogens, anabolic steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

If poisoning is suspected pet must be taken to veterinary clinic. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe the exact dosage of Ringer-Locke solution. If it is not possible to show the cat to a doctor, you can administer the medicine yourself, without exceeding the recommended dosage.

Ringer-Locke solution. The dose for cats depends on the condition of the animal.

Dosage for dogs

Ringer-Locke solution. The dosage for dogs depends on the condition of the animal.

When is Ringer-Locke solution used?

Ringer-Locke solution is used for fluid deficiency in the body:


Shock, collapse, burns, freezing, vomiting, diarrhea.

Dyspepsia and other diseases accompanied by dehydration and intoxication.

For blood loss.

For washing wounds and eyes.

How tonic during treatment various diseases animals.

Also used to dissolve various medications

Ringer-Locke analogues

Analogues: .

Ringer-Locke solution instructions for use

Ringer-Locke solution

Ringer-Locke solution - combined medicinal product in the form of an injection solution containing as active ingredients 0.8 g of sodium chloride, 0.02 g of potassium chloride, 0.02 g of calcium chloride, 0.02 g of sodium bicarbonate, 0.1 g of glucose and water as a solvent for injections up to 100 ml. The drug is a colorless transparent sterile liquid. Produced in the form of a solution for injection, packaged in glass bottles of 10, 20 and 100 ml. The bottles are sealed with rubber stoppers and rolled with aluminum caps. Each packaging unit is labeled with the manufacturer, name of the drug, volume in ml, batch number, expiration date, storage conditions, method of use, the inscriptions “For animals”, “Sterile” and is accompanied by instructions for use.

Ringer-Locke solution is isotonic to animal blood plasma, regulates water-salt and acid-base balance in the body of animals. After administration of the drug, it is quickly absorbed from the injection site and distributed in the organs and tissues of the animal. The drug does not irritate tissue.

Ringer-Locke solution is used subcutaneously or intravenously in the following doses. When administered subcutaneously, the dose of the drug is administered in fractions different places.
Horses, cattle 1000-3000 ml
Small cattle 100-300 ml
Calves up to one year old 200-400 ml
Lambs, piglets 25-100
Doses and timing of use depend on the weight of the animal and the course of the disease.

At recommended doses, the drug usually does not cause side effects and complications. Using the solution in large quantities can lead to the development of chloride acidosis and overhydration. In case of such complications, the dose is reduced or the drug is discontinued. The use of Ringer-Locke Solution does not exclude the use of other medications.

Intravenous administration of the solution is contraindicated in cases of severe impairment of renal excretory function.

Livestock products are used without restrictions during and after use of the drug. When working with Ringer-Locke Solution, you should follow the general rules of personal hygiene and safety precautions provided for when working with medicinal products for animals.

In the manufacturer's sealed packaging, in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight, out of reach of children and animals, separate from food products and feed at temperatures from 0 to 25 C. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of manufacture. It is prohibited to use the medicine after its expiration date.

It is produced in the form of an injection solution, the active ingredients of which are sodium chloride (0.8 grams), potassium chloride (0.02 grams), calcium (0.02 grams), sodium bicarbonate (0.1 grams) and glucose.

One hundred milliliters of water for injection is also available as a solvent. The drug is sterile and appears as a clear, colorless liquid in appearance. The product is packaged in glass bottles with a capacity of ten, twenty and one hundred milliliters. The bottles are hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers protected by rolled aluminum caps. Each container must have a label indicating the name of the drug, manufacturer, volume in milliliters, expiration date, serial number, method of use, storage conditions, and the words “Sterile” and “For Animals.” Instructions for use must also be included.


Ringer-Locke solution designed to regulate acid-base and water-salt balance in the body of various animals. From the point of injection, the product, after administration, is quickly absorbed and distributed throughout the tissues and organs of the animal, without irritating them.

Application and dosage

Ringer-Lock solution is used intravenously or subcutaneously. For subcutaneous injections, the principle of fractional injection into different places should be used.

Dose for large cattle and horses lies in the range from one thousand to three thousand milliliters. For calves up to one year old - 200-400 milliliters, and for small cattle the dose is ten times less than for large cattle - 100-300 milliliters. The lowest dose for piglets and lambs is 25-100 milliliters. The exact doses and timing of use are determined by the characteristics of the disease and the weight of the animal. The solution must be prepared immediately before use, taking into account the requirements for the preparation of such liquids. The application is the same as for isotonic NaCl solution.

Side effects

There were practically no complications or side effects when using the product in recommended doses. However, if Ringer-Locke solution is used in increased volumes, overhydration and chloride acidosis may well develop. If the development of such complications is noticed, the dose should be reduced or the drug should be discontinued altogether. When treating with Ringer-Locke solution, the use of other medications is allowed.


It is not allowed to administer Ringer-Locke solution intravenously if the excretory activity of the kidneys is clearly impaired.

Both during and after treatment with Ringer-Locke solution, animal products can be used without restrictions. Working with this solution requires compliance general rules safety, sanitation and personal hygiene precautions that are prescribed for working with medicinal products for animals.


The drug should be stored in the manufacturer’s containers and packaging, in closed, protected from direct sun rays, dry and inaccessible to animals and children, away from feed and food. Storage temperature range is from zero to twenty-five degrees. The shelf life of Ringer-Locke solution is two years from the date of its release; after this period, the product is considered unsuitable and must be disposed of in the prescribed manner.

pharmachologic effect

The Ringer-Locke solution has a “physiological” composition that is closer to the composition of plasma than the isotonic NaCl solution.

Indications for use

The product is used against the development of dehydration and intoxication of the body during food poisoning, and other diseases, including El Tor cholera. It is prescribed for circulatory disorders, burns in which dehydration occurs, shock, both surgical and postoperative, and caused by blood loss, diarrhea (diarrhea), and inflammation of the peritoneum.

Ringer's solution is a very popular veterinary drug that is used if necessary to correct the electrolyte balance of the cat's body. This medicine stops the intoxication and replenishes fluid levels.

Basically, Ringer's solution for cats is used for various states of shock, collapse, acute poisoning, peritonitis, ongoing intestinal infections, intestinal obstruction, burns and other painful conditions organisms characterized by large fluid loss.

Ringer's solution for cats is available in glass bottles with a volume of two hundred and four hundred milliliters, as well as soft bags for droppers with a volume of five hundred milliliters.

The composition of the drug includes calcium, sodium, potassium chloride - the main active ingredients. Hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide, water – Excipients. Also, Ringer's solution contains a certain amount of potassium, sodium, chlorine and calcium ions.


In accordance with the instructions, the drug is able to stop the course of intoxication, restore water and electrolyte balance in case of shock or heavy blood loss.

In addition, Ringer's solution is able to replenish the volume of blood circulating throughout the body.

However, due to the fact that the drug quite quickly enters the space outside the blood vessels, the effect of replenishing blood volume is extremely short-lived, lasting no more than forty minutes. Due to the fact that the volume of blood increases and its composition becomes more diluted, the concentration of toxic and poisonous substances significantly decreases, which helps to stop intoxication.

Indications for use

Ringer-Locke solution is used for cats in situations requiring emergency care.

It may be in demand when:

  • receiving a temperature injury,
  • various states of shock,
  • in case of electric shock,
  • presence of intestinal obstruction,
  • peritonitis.

The drug is also successfully used in cases acute poisoning, intestinal infections and other cases.


In accordance with the instructions, the drug should not be used for:

  • cerebral edema,
  • pulmonary edema,
  • acidosis,
  • renal and heart failure,
  • as well as in case of individual intolerance to its components.

Also, the medicine should not be given to a pregnant cat, or to an animal nursing offspring.

Mode of application

A drug administered subcutaneously or intravenously, when administered subcutaneously, the medicine must be injected into different places. In this case, the dose and timing of administration should be determined veterinary specialist, based on the mass of the animal and clinical picture course of the disease.

Side effects

However, if too much of the drug is used, this may lead to the development of chloric acidosis or hyperhydration.

In this case, the use of the solution is stopped, or the dose must be reduced. It should be noted that Ringer's solution can be used in combination with other medications.

Storage conditions

  • Ringer's solution must be stored in its original packaging.
  • The place in which the drug is stored must be clean and dry. It is worth preventing direct sunlight from hitting the medicine.
  • Storage temperatures can vary from zero to twenty-five degrees Celsius.
  • The drug is valid for two years from the date of manufacture.

Let's start with the fact that this medication is, in principle, safe for cats. He literally helps save an animal from certain death. However, if used incorrectly, there may be some negative consequences.

Ringer-Locke solution: when to use for cats

This drug contains a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, glucose and water. The medicine is used in the following cases:

  1. With severe blood loss.
  2. When dehydrated.
  3. Upon departure, etc.

Ringer-Locke solution allows you to neutralize a number of toxins without having any irritating effect on the skin and the body as a whole. Note that for kittens who are dehydrated, the drug is administered into large quantities under the skin. The properties of the medication are similar to blood plasma; it is well absorbed and saturates the body with fluid.

It's important to remember that this solution Under no circumstances should it be used to dissolve other medications, otherwise the composition may be dangerous for the animal. It is noteworthy that there is an analogue of this drug, without glucose. However, in practice, it does not show itself to be very effective and often does not cope with toxins that have entered the body.

Note that Ringer-Locke solution is excellent for profuse diarrhea, as well as for bites of poisonous insects and snakes. Even if an animal has burns or frostbite, it can be helped with this remedy.


It is known that when taking any drug it is necessary to adhere to a strict dosage. When treating animals, this rule also applies. By independently determining the dose, you can harm your pet, or even kill it. That is why, in case of any ailments, your tailed pet should be taken to a veterinary clinic, where qualified specialists will help determine the problem, its causes, and also prescribe necessary medications. As for the Ringer-Locke solution, many cat owners are interested in where to inject this solution. In this case, it all depends on the age of the cat. Usually 40-50 ml of medication is administered subcutaneously at a time. As a rule, an adult animal is allowed to administer up to 150 ml per day.

Contraindications and side effects

The instructions for use of any medicine must be strictly followed so that there is no negative consequences. In addition, it is very important to know in what cases you can and in what cases you cannot give Ringer-Locke. You should also familiarize yourself with what side effects may provoke this drug.

Let's start with the fact that this medication cannot be used for edema, since then it will stimulate the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. Use is also not allowed in the following cases:

  • anuria;
  • oliguria;
  • renal failure;
  • heart failure.

If you give the drug for such diseases, it sometimes leads to fatal outcome. It also happens that a cat has an individual intolerance to the components of the medicine, so after taking it an allergic reaction may begin.

Among other things, it is recommended to give the drug very carefully in case of acidosis, hypovolemia and other similar pathologies. For example, in the first case, taking Ringer-Locke can lead to a change in the pH of the blood plasma, and in others - to a significant increase. All this can be very harmful to the animal, so before taking any drug you should definitely consult a specialist.

If after the injection the cat develops symptoms such as aggression or, conversely, lethargy, lack of appetite and nausea, then you must immediately show it to the veterinarian so that he can prescribe other drugs that will help the sick animal.