Development of extrasensory perception abilities. How to develop psychic abilities

1. At night, in the dark, look carefully around and try to determine the outlines of the objects around you. Try to do it while lying in bed or in the yard of your house, walking down the street, etc.

2. Having determined the outline of the object, say (to yourself or out loud - whichever is more convenient for you):

“The outline of this object in the dark reminds me of (name of the object). I am developing my ability to recognize objects in any light.”

3. During the day, anywhere and at any time, take a few seconds to carefully examine the objects around you.

4. Mentally list all the objects you saw and say:

I train my mind to constantly see everything that happens around me“.

5. Say:

I command my subconscious mind to be alert at all times and inform me of anything that may be useful for the development of my consciousness and psychic abilities“.

The exercises described are just an example. You can use them, you can come up with your own. The main thing is that your consciousness is attentive to everything you see. It is advisable that you practice these exercises, even for a few seconds, but daily. They perfectly increase the sharpness and accuracy of perception. You will be surprised to discover a huge number of things and objects that you simply did not notice before. Attentiveness is the key to success in any business.

Hearing enhancement

1. Usually, before going to bed, people try to tune out all sounds. You, on the contrary, try to concentrate all your attention on them for several minutes and try to determine the source of each sound.

2. Listen. You may hear the refrigerator turning on and off, or the ice being unloaded from the ice cream maker across the street.

3. You heard the sound of a motor. What is this? Car, truck or motorcycle?

4. The rumble of a flying plane can be heard. Listen: maybe it's a helicopter?

Learn to identify any sounds, hear your breathing and heartbeats, the slightest rustle in the room, don’t miss anything.

Train your hearing to distinguish subtle sounds, because the Higher Consciousness often addresses a person in a quiet, soft voice, which may not be heard in the noise of the day.

1. When you wake up in the morning, take a few minutes to do these exercises. Listen to the sounds of the morning.
2. Do you hear the cries of newsmen, birds singing, distant beeps?
3. During the day, try to listen briefly to the sounds around you: to televisions and radios turned on somewhere, to ringing phones, to the noise of passing trains and barking dogs.
4. Try to be alert all the time, keep background noise under control, wherever you are.

Literally after the very first exercises, your hearing will become very sharp. You will be surprised to discover how many sounds surround you, but they will not disturb you. You will be on your guard all the time and will not miss anything that may be useful to you.

Increased sense of smell

1. Take a few seconds, relax, take a deep breath and try to determine what smells surround you.

2. Combine business with pleasure: do these exercises in a restaurant or in the kitchen.
Open the boxes of seasonings often and inhale their aroma. Try to sniff every piece of food you are about to put in your mouth without anyone noticing.
Look into the refrigerator often and explore its contents using your sense of smell.

3. Sniff the air inside your car when you press the accelerator. Try to learn how to determine how the air changes depending on engine speed.

4. When identifying sources of odors, mentally name them. Tell yourself: “I am sharpening my sense of smell to develop psychic abilities. Now I smell…” (listing of odors and their sources).

Increased sense of touch. Basic psychic level

5. Close your eyes and plug your ears.
Touch the skin on your cheek, then on your wrist, on your heel.
Try to define your sensation of touch in one word, for example: smooth, silky, ribbed.
Take a piece of ice from the refrigerator in your hands, hold your hand near the candle flame. Name your feelings.

6. Take a shoebox and make a hole in it large enough for your hand to fit through.
Place small objects of different textures in the box (scraps of various fabrics, small toys made from various materials).
Close the lid of the box, try, by touching the objects, to determine by touch what you are holding in your hands.
Gradually complicate the task by placing objects of increasingly uniform texture into the box.

7. Put the change they give you for change not in your wallet, but in your pockets. Practice in your spare time

Charging your hands

The body position and landing are the same as in the second exercise.
The hands are cupped and the fingertips are touching, the legs are touching with the feet.
It is necessary to open and close your hands, leaving contact with the pillows, for several minutes until a pulsation appears in each finger.
Then, without unclenching your hands, it is necessary to carry out pendulum movements along the body so that this pulsation intensifies.
After this, you need to feel the warmth that comes from your hands and spreads throughout your body.
Warmth, and then an overflow of power from the received energy and charging. This Image of power and warmth must be held for 20 minutes.

This training is aimed at developing extrasensory sensory abilities in the hands.
It is held on initial stage once a week, and after 1-2 months - as needed.

Renewal (Development of internal sensitivity)

One of the options for Spiritual Practice, preventing tension and internal stagnation, promoting the achievement of dynamics and inner sensitivity.

The exercise is not a one-time exercise, so it needs to be performed regularly, for several minutes a day.
- Before moving directly to Practice, observe yourself for some time in certain life situations.
You need to remember two sensations well:

1. feeling of waiting - at the moment when you are waiting for someone/something, just focus on the internal sensations and remember them.

2. sense of achievement - remember the feelings and sensations that accompany you at the moment when you waited for someone/something.

These two sensations are your Tool when performing the indicated practice.

Take a body position that is comfortable for you, and focus on the feeling of anticipation.
Be aware that something is about to happen. Your state should be completely identical to the real one.
Imagine, for example, that now the doorbell should ring (on the phone), any change in the environment should occur - for example, it should rain, blow strong wind etc.
At the moment when the tension of expectation reaches its maximum point, switch your attention to the feeling of achievement, which is accompanied by satisfaction and some relaxation. Realize that what you expected has already happened.
Focus on the feeling of what has happened: what you expected has happened, at the same time changes have occurred within you (this is exactly how it happens in reality), you have realized a part of yourself, freed yourself from one of the smallest forms of involvement.

By practicing the exercise constantly, you will achieve “burning” of many complexes and constrictions within yourself, as well as you will be able to achieve sensitivity in relation to the flow of Force in Space.

Sooner or later, every person becomes interested in the supernatural. And then he has questions: “Do I have psychic abilities?”,"Can I develop in myself magical abilities?" Moreover, the motives of each person can be completely different. Someone wants to eliminate competitors, someone needs to solve personal problems, or perhaps the person just wants to become famous. With all this, only one thing is important: when a person begins to move along the path spiritual development and evolution, his perception of himself and the world around him changes radically towards highly spirituality.

Eat various techniques and ways to develop psychic abilities. In order to understand in which direction it is worth developing, it is necessary to understand what “extrasensory perception” is?

Extrasensory perception most often refers to a perception that does not use ordinary senses and goes beyond the limits of human capabilities. It is no secret that scientists, conducting research, have found that we use only 10% of our brain. Why then do we need the remaining 90%? It turns out that many centuries ago people had the knowledge and ability to develop brain potential. From ancient treatises we have come to know that the ability to concentrate one’s attention is important in human development.

One of the well-known exercises is “Concentration on a point”, which has several levels of difficulty:

  1. Exercise No. 1. In the center white sheet paper draw a black dot. We hang it on the wall at a distance of at least a meter. We sit down in front of the drawing and carefully solve the point. At the same time, we try not to think about anything other than the black dot. There is only you and that's it. The main thing in this task is to drown out the voice of consciousness, stop thinking about anything. With enough persistence, this practice can be mastered within a month. The next step will be to concentrate on the blue dot. The exercise is performed by analogy with black dot. Once you have mastered this ability, you can move on to the next exercise.
  2. Exercise No. 2. On a white sheet of paper, draw 2 black dots located at a distance of about 10 cm from each other. Concentrate on both points at the same time. Since our consciousness cannot capture two objects in the zone of its attention at once, it fades into the background and gives the subconscious the opportunity to emerge. Thus, by concentrating on two points, we enter the magical mode of consciousness and develop the ability of extrasensory perception.

For a long time I observed the relationship between the amount of energy and the quality of practices. I noticed that work sometimes takes a lot of energy. Constant stress negatively affects not only the body, but also the amount of energy inside me. At the end of the working day, sometimes I feel like a “squeezed lemon”. On such days, magical practices are either much worse than usual, or the sensations from the practices are very weak.

A question appeared: "Where can I get the energy?" I found several answers to my question:

  1. Most effective way- this is a technology called "Sarcophagus". Afterwards you are simply bursting with energy. This feeling lasts for about 2-3 months. But since the Sarcophagus is located in St. Petersburg, we have to look for other options for replenishing energy.
  2. The second way is through practices in the “Impact Group”. After them, there is a surge of strength, confidence and security. After 2-3 days, the effect of group practices begins to subside.
  3. The third way is to work with mandalas that were brought from the seminar on working with the Sarcophagus. If you connect yourself with the mandala and influence the mandala, the effect of increasing energy is observed immediately. The same thing happens when working with photographs taken during the seminar.
  4. The fourth method is to power yourself in the reverse circle with the energy of one of the arcana. I love working with 17A and 15A. When working, it is very important to create structures that will hold (and hold) energy, otherwise it will simply dissipate.
  5. The fifth way is a trip to nature, nourishing yourself with the energy of life. Unfortunately, there is sorely not enough time for this. In this case, watching nature films (or photographs) can help.
  6. The sixth method is amulets and talismans. First of all, you need to choose a protective talisman so that society does not waste your energy. And then you can decide on the artifact you want to work with.
  7. The seventh option is healthy good sleep. Without a sufficient amount of negative energy received in a dream, there will be no high-quality magical work. In addition, various practices and training can also be carried out in a dream. For example, you can explore the space of dreams or build entire residences there.
  8. The eighth option is to remove unnecessary connections that pull you back into the “swamp”. Communication with people of a magical mindset is very important. People lower castes I will draw energy (in different in sophisticated ways), and the higher ones will pull you up to their level. In addition, by breaking ties, you will have “excess” energy, which can be very useful. As you know, to implement something you need exactly free energy. There is no need to be afraid to break ties. Necessary connections will be restored very quickly, but unnecessary ones will remind you of themselves at first, and then fade away.
  9. The ninth option is Fireball technology, working with forward and reverse circles of energy. In the reverse circle, we nourish ourselves; in the forward circle, we influence someone.
  10. The tenth option is to remove blocks and holes in the human cocoon. This will allow you to accumulate energy rather than waste it.

There are probably several more ways to gain and conserve energy. But I would like to draw your attention to the fact that constant training at the School also gives big promotion in terms of personal development and energy gain. Even if the changes are unnoticeable, every person will definitely experience them. Let me note right away that everyone’s progress will be different. Some will travel the path to anahata in 3 years, some in 5 years, and some will never rise above manipura. Everything will depend on the individual parameters of the person, his belief in magic and desire to learn.

Many of us would like to have psychic abilities. Predict the future, have search abilities, heal people, etc., but not many have been awarded these abilities. Some people have such abilities from childhood, for others they awaken in adulthood, so how do they open up in a person? psychic abilities? Is it possible to develop them yourself?

How does extrasensory perception work?

Psychics can charge different ways: from space, from the sun, trees, water and directly from other energy systems, it all depends on what individual abilities and personal preferences.

If you do not have the ability to restore your bioenergy, you are strictly prohibited from treating other people.

As for the spells themselves and various types of prayers, the magician needs them for self-tuning, which directly allows him to concentrate on his thoughts. Only by concentrating one’s own thoughts is bioenergy released, which in turn allows one to work miracles.

It should be remembered that a person accumulates energy well when his nervous system is balanced and absolutely calm. When a person is irritated, he loses quite a lot of energy. In the case when a person experiences rather strong emotions of fear or envy, this also weakens his energy. In order for your energy to be in order, you should develop only kindness in yourself.

It is worth considering the fact that when gaining energy, one of the most important components in any method of energy accumulation by the body is precisely the figurative representation of the process of energy accumulation.

As you gain energy, you should feel how it will flow into the body, into every organ, into every cell of the body. The brighter and more imaginative this idea is, the more effective its recruitment will be.

Tuning Exercises

As for the development of your intuition and, accordingly, your sixth sense, you can use some tuning exercises for this.

To develop the sixth sense, you need to conduct physical training sessions as often as possible; they won’t take much time, but it is necessary to do it. You should ask yourself a task to do deep breath and focus on your inner self. Each psychic adjusts differently, but as for beginners, they are recommended to mentally concentrate on the point in the middle of the forehead, above the eyes, which is where, according to Eastern wisdom, the third eye is located. It is also recommended that when developing your intuition, it is very important to enjoy it.

  • When you are waiting at a bus or minibus stop, guess which number will arrive first.
  • Hearing phone call, try to guess who it could be.
  • Before looking at the clock, try to determine the exact time yourself.
  • When you wake up, try to grasp what the news will be. First, you should feel their mood: whether the news will be positive or negative.
With little training and the like, you can develop your abilities.

According to psychics, each week of training will bring more success, you will be able to guess more and more daily little things. The main thing in these exercises is that you will learn to distinguish extrasensory information from logical thinking.

In order to feel the power of intuition and feel confident in your own abilities, it is quite important to keep a diary. To do this, you can keep a notebook, which will not cause you much difficulty if you carry it with you. In this diary you should record all the results of your training, noted cases of coincidence, etc. When writing down in this way, you should not comprehend and edit the information received. You should write automatically, you can sketch pictures, etc. Most of all, people learn from their mistakes, and only with time will you be able to understand how right you were. It may even happen that the information that will be recorded with you as nonsense will somehow intersect with real life, since you still do not know how to accurately and correctly decipher the signals of the sixth sense. You should also write down dreams and pictures that you just wanted to depict in your diary. And don’t forget that each new entry should be dated.

Many people discover their psychic abilities after incidents such as clinical death, electric shock, lightning, etc. Most likely, this happens due to the fact that after the stress the body has experienced, it begins to work much better right hemisphere, they listen to their sixth sense and continue to develop it. It is easier for the body to rebuild, it seems to start working again, a reboot process occurs, and at this moment it is important to make a choice, rely on logic or intuition.

Every person has hidden abilities, it’s just that some are engaged in their direct development, while others simply live according to the program of the majority, logically looking at various events, thereby dulling their intuition and sixth sense. If you want to develop psychic abilities or simply develop your intuition, then in this case, engage in self-development and you will succeed, the main thing is to believe in it and strive to achieve your goal.

We have all heard about magicians, psychics, shamans, sorcerers, sorcerers and healers. Some people secretly envy them, some are afraid, some do not believe in their existence, and some consider them charlatans and magicians. One thing is certain: these unusual people no one is left indifferent.

Why are they so different from us? Where do these people get these from? amazing abilities? How do psychics read information about people and events? Is it possible to an ordinary person develop the paranormal abilities that people unlike us possess? And how to develop these abilities? To answer these questions, let's first of all understand what superpowers are and whether they are inherent in humans initially.

The abilities inherent in each of us

We all have abilities. We can walk, write, read, speak, count, communicate, love, create and do many other things. Some abilities develop in us in early childhood - the ability to walk, talk, sit, stand, other abilities are acquired a little later - the ability to write, read, count, fully communicate and many others.

Thus, from birth we have inherent capabilities that, thanks to society (upbringing and education), are easily revealed, since they are innate, natural for us.

The ability to create and love is also natural to us., but they are revealed differently for everyone - for some in early childhood or adolescence as a result of natural self-disclosure, for others in adulthood under the influence of some tragic, mysterious or extreme circumstances (death loved one, serious injury, long-term illness or unexpected encounter with an unusual person etc.), and for some they do not reveal themselves throughout their lives due to the congenital blocking of these abilities. But in any case, all these abilities are already inherent in us.

If most of our abilities are initially inherent in nature and thanks to proper education, multifaceted education and self-discipline, they can be revealed in a relatively short time, but when we talk about superpowers, the situation here is much more complicated. Abilities hidden deep within.

What are superpowers? Paranormal or superpowers, just because of their name, can completely answer this question for us. What was described above refers to the normal or natural abilities inherent in most people: someone can sing, someone writes poetry, someone is an excellent cook, someone is an excellent goal kicker.

Paranormal abilities are no longer inherent to most people, because they far exceed the ordinary abilities of individuals living under the influence of social laws. The fact is that it is unacceptable for society to have large quantity extraordinary individuals with extraordinary abilities.

Because most people live developing qualities in themselves that do not allow them to reveal them in themselves. internal potential. These qualities are well known to you: laziness, uncertainty, conceit, unbelief, condemnation, self-pity, idleness, idle talk and foul language, selfishness, reluctance to learn new things, along with the conviction that “I know everything.” If any of these qualities are inherent in you, then you should seriously think about eradicating them.

So, if the people around you (parents, educators, teachers, friends, bosses) have similar negative qualities, then it will be very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, for you to develop not only superpowers, but also the abilities inherent in you by nature. Because all these people will influence you, instilling and transmitting to you their behavior patterns (behavioral reactions), beliefs, attitudes and life scenarios. In addition, they will be transferred to you bad habits: smoking, drinking, overeating, habit of sleeping for a long time, etc. Therefore, it is so important to live in a healthy and adequate environment.

But in reality this happens very rarely and we are forced to put up with our surroundings. If we blindly imitate anyone who is weaker and worse, we will become the same, and then there can be no talk of any abilities or superpowers. And one of the main conditions necessary for awakening abilities and superpowers in us is overcoming the herd feeling or instinct, that is, the collective influence of the surrounding crowd on us.

To develop effectively, we must find our own path and lead a healthy lifestyle, be disciplined and fearless. Only then is progress possible. If we are able to overcome the collective unconscious of the crowd (stupidity, unaccountable fear, judgment, bias, prejudice, spontaneity, aggressiveness, blind imitation), resist its everyday influence, then we have the opportunity to become sober and awakened, which means we will be able to manifest ourselves outside the box, spontaneous, free, unconventional and non-stereotypical.

And this will allow our energy to flow freely in the right direction. In addition, fear, complexes, laziness, and despondency block abilities and do not allow them to reveal themselves. And the development of clairvoyance and extrasensory perception (telepathy, premonition, foresight and other superpowers) presupposes the ability to act fearlessly and flexibly, without fear of destroying old dogmas and prejudices. Now let's figure out what superpowers exist.

What superpowers are there?

All superpowers can be divided into two large groups: extrasensory (sensitive) and extrakinetic (magical). In esoteric literature such abilities are called siddhis or gifts of the gods. All extrasensory abilities are associated with the abnormal development of our senses: clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. Extrakinetic abilities imply the abnormal development of our motor abilities: super-endurance, super-strength, super-speed.

All superpowers are divided into two large groups:

  • extrasensory, associated with supersensible perception (clairaudience, clairaudience, clairaudience, clairaudience, clairvoyance, telepathy, aurovision, premonition, prediction, foresight, etc.);
  • extramotor, associated with supernormal action (telekinesis, teleportation, levitation, materialization and dematerialization, suggestions and hypnosis, superstrength and superendurance, superspeed, passing through a wall, etc.).

In short, extrasensory abilities are our ability to feel, sense, receive information (telepathy, clairvoyance, premonition), and extrakinetic abilities are the ability to act, to achieve any goal (intention, hypnosis, levitation, teleportation, telekinesis). Although this division is not entirely accurate. We will show you how important it is to harmoniously develop abilities of both types if you decide to engage in your own development.

Where to begin?

So, you have decided to discover your superpowers. Where to start? First of all, decide on the purpose for which you need to have something that most people can easily do without. If you want to learn clairvoyance in order to guess the winning lottery numbers or winning teams in the betting, or spy with your “third eye” on naked girls washing in the nearest bathhouse, then your goal, alas, is unworthy and mundane, since you will their ability to use to satisfy their egoistic needs.

You will simply be preoccupied with sex or money, as a result of which your energy system will be polluted, which will subsequently lead to your brain blocking clairvoyance (internal protection will work). Thus, the goal should not be mundane, limited, narrow and selfish. It should be related to your development: gaining strength, knowledge, the desire to change your destiny, helping people.

When you firmly understand why you need siddhis, you will also have to understand that you cannot develop them overnight, because developing superpowers requires months and years of daily training. Although some abilities may appear in you even after a few weeks, everything will depend on your perseverance, the correct execution of training exercises, regularity, energy level, and faith in yourself.

You have to find out what type nervous system Do you have a predominance: sensory or motor?. If you are sensitive to the thoughts, feelings and moods of others, susceptible to suggestion, then your sensory nervous system predominates, which means you can develop clairvoyance and telepathy, and mediumship abilities.

If you are physically active, active, emotional, purposeful, know how to attract attention to yourself, know how to inspire people with various attitudes and are not susceptible to suggestion, then your motor nervous system predominates and you should develop magical abilities, for example, suggestion, hypnosis, telekinesis .

To develop paranormal abilities in yourself, you must know:

  • your individual predisposition (what is given to you from birth will reveal itself much faster and easier);
  • your type of nervous system (predominance of sensory or motor components);
  • your leading chakra, which needs to be opened first.

To start practicing, you must also study how the human energy system works, because without knowing yourself, you simply will not be able to properly use your inner power.

If you are familiar with the teachings of yoga or qigong, you probably have general ideas about the human energy system. If you don’t know anything about this yet, it doesn’t matter, we will bring you up to date, and then you can continue on your own. So, let's begin.

As systems of spiritual self-improvement such as yoga and qigong say, besides ours physical body we have six more subtle bodies:

Each of these bodies contains energy channels and meridians. Through them we receive and transmit energy or prana - the omnipresent substance that animates every atom and electron of the universe. This prana is consumed by us through nutrition, breathing and impressions, and then, passing through the channels, accumulates in energy centers - chakras.

Further, thanks to our mental (motor, emotional, mental) activity, prana is emitted by the chakras into the surrounding space, and also goes to the formation of six subtle bodies. The rough matter we consume (food and water) goes into the formation and growth of the physical body, and oxygen in the air is a catalyst for all life processes occurring in our body.

The human energy system consists of seven main chakras located in its six subtle bodies:

Prana, qi, ki, od, sansa is a general designation of energy that vibrates and circulates both within us and in the entire space surrounding us. This energy is absorbed by us, as mentioned above, through food, air and impressions (information and energy entering our senses - birds singing, reading mantras, contemplating yantra, observing nature, reading books, listening to lectures, etc. .).

Inside the psyche, prana is redistributed, transformed, accumulated, and part of it comes out through the chakras and the general radiation of the aura in the form of heat and light. Therefore, it is so important to be able to work with your internal energy. Such work is possible thanks to pranayama and qigong - practices of conscious consumption, accumulation and transformation of energy from food, water, air and impressions.

Thus, in order to awaken your abilities and superpowers, you need to learn to control your inner energy: to know where it comes from, where it goes, to control its flow. Only a well-developed system of spiritual and moral self-improvement can help you with this, such as, for example, yoga. With the help of yoga, you will, at a minimum, achieve complete health, and at a maximum, you will achieve the highest siddhis, which will make you free from suffering.

Will help awaken the inner energy of playing sports(not for the sake of a medal, but for the sake of developing the physical body), martial arts, dancing, running and other strength practices. Healthy image life ( proper nutrition, normal sleep, positive thinking, hardening, work on fresh air) will complete the list necessary actions on the way to achieving the goal.

Moral and ethical aspect

So, we come to the main thing, without which all achievements, small and large, are unthinkable. This is the purity of aspirations of anyone going to the heights of life. You must clearly understand once and for all: any abilities, and especially superpowers, are given to a person temporarily by higher powers that control the evolution of living beings.

Because the highest abilities in the hands of an ignorant, stupid, envious, selfish person can become a destructive weapon that can destroy many lives and become a threat to the existence of human civilization. Retribution for such use of abilities is inevitable: you can lose not only your health, all the siddhis developed through long and hard training, but even your life.

However, you should also know that you always have a choice where to step to take the next step. Higher power always help people with a pure heart and thoughts. Therefore, many abilities will not be available to you until you renounce any violence both in thoughts and actions (self-flagellation, uncontrollable aggression, killing living beings, condemnation, hostility, hatred).

That is, until you stop fully expressing your negative emotions in relation to yourself or your neighbor, you will not see great success. If you are familiar with the teachings of Christ, then you probably know His main commandment: “(Do not) do to others as you (do not) want others to do to you.” If you are guided by it in your everyday thoughts, words and actions, then sooner or later your life will certainly change dramatically!

Exercises to develop superpowers

Now it’s time for a practice that will help you master such abilities as auravision, clairvoyance, telepathy, conscious dream. There are many exercises on the Internet for developing psychic abilities, but you can use this effective and easy-to-learn exercise. But first, let's figure out what, for example, clairvoyance is.

What does it mean to see clearly?

As the name suggests, it is the ability to see clearly. But what to see? If we have a beautiful sharp vision, then we can distinguish many small details of the objects and people around us, both far and near, see in them many color shades and differences. Are we clairvoyant? To some extent, yes! Because we can see more than others whose vision is not as good.

We see what others perceive with difficulty or do not notice at all. We see the whole palette of colors and colors of the world around us! This is also clairvoyance! Because from this ability to see follows naturally the ability to see what lies beyond the boundaries of our perception. This is clairvoyance in the sense that others talk about it.

A special psychic center in our subtle body called ajna chakra. This energy center is called by many "third eye", which means the following: two physical eyes allow us to see during the day and even at night (by the light of the Moon), implies that we are awake during the day, and the energy center allows us to see both at night and during the day, but what is hidden from ordinary eyes.

This makes it possible to stay awake in a dream and in reality. It allows us to see hidden things and phenomena: aura, spirits, thin bodies and chakras, projections of future events, phantoms of people and events of the past, as well as phenomena occurring in this moment time at a distance inaccessible to normal physical vision. Therefore, when we sleep and dream, our “third eye” works.

And if we awaken in a dream, realizing ourselves in it, then the “third eye” will also open in us, which will make it possible to see our dreams in reality. We will be able to see subtle radiations coming from people and objects, called aura. We will also be able to see the outlines of future and past events, energy shells (phantoms) of people, animals and objects that have already been destroyed or died long ago. The spectrum of vision is wide and depends on the degree of our awakening and the purity of energy channels and chakras.

So, clairvoyance is the ability to see subtle phenomena, events and processes that lie beyond our normal perception, with which we embrace the dense world. Everyone has this ability and manifests itself both during wakefulness and during sleep. Since in sleep we are relaxed and disconnected from the physical senses, we can most intensely see the results of this work in the form of dreams.

During the day, our physical senses work so hard that we do not notice the work of the “third eye” in the form of mental images and pictures coming and going: the flurry of information entering our brain from the senses drowns out these pictures. Therefore, one of the exercises for opening the “third eye” is to disconnect our senses from outside world, which in yoga is called “Pratyahara”.

Before you begin to master complex exercises for the development of the ajna chakra, in order to develop psychic abilities, it is first enough to do this simple practice at home called “Trataka” or “Contemplation of the Flame.” The exercise is best done before bed. It will help improve your vision, and your dreams will become vivid and lucid.

Start with 30 minutes and increase the duration by 5 minutes every week. Your back should be straight while performing the exercise. The task is to ensure that all this time your thoughts bypass you, and you yourself do not fall asleep. Its essence is as follows.


For what to use the awakened psychic abilities, everyone decides for himself. It is only important not to forget about the karmic responsibility that will follow. You and only you will reap its fruits: for some they will be sweet, but for others they will be bitter, sour or rotten.

But one thing is clear: everyone has abilities and they can be developed. The only question is the desire and determination to overcome internal fears and misconceptions. Whether you predict fate or communicate with the souls of the dead - in any case, this will be a new, unique and fascinating experience of self-discovery for you.

Attention, TODAY only!

The ability to read the thoughts of others, predict events, the ability to move objects without touching them has always aroused, if not admiration, then at least interest among all people. These supernatural abilities are given to the chosen ones by nature. They should not be treated as a curse or, conversely, a divine gift. They must be perceived as features of human perception, thanks to which he is able to capture everything that is inaccessible to ordinary people.

Every person has extrasensory abilities, but not everyone can discover and develop them in themselves. That's what we'll try to tell you about.

In order to develop unique skills, you will need to put in effort, as well as perform special exercises, thanks to which you can learn to manage your abilities.

Exercise 1.

The first exercise trains the skill of perceiving a human aura using your hands. Sit on a chair or armchair keeping your back straight and vertical position. Sit in this position for several minutes, while you need to completely relax and, as it were, disconnect from everything around you. After this, spread your palms 30 centimeters apart, maintaining parallelism between them. Very slowly, begin to bring your palms together until they meet in front of you. When this happens, also slowly return your palms to a 30-centimeter distance.

By regularly doing this exercise, you will very soon learn to determine the boundaries of the human aura or biofield using your hands.

Exercise 2.

The second exercise is aimed at developing the power of your gaze. Draw a black circle on a white sheet of paper, the diameter of which will be three centimeters. Place it at eye level at a distance of 90 centimeters from them. For a minute, look at him without stopping. Move the sheet 90 cm to the left and try looking at it with a sideways glance. After another minute, move your object of observation 90 cm to the right relative to the original center and look with the same gaze for another minute. Each subsequent workout, increase the time you fix your gaze, gradually bringing it up to 5 minutes.

Exercise 3.

Anyone who has thought about how to learn psychic abilities, I would also like to learn how, with the help of intuition, you can learn about the feelings of another person. To achieve this, you will need the ability to “transform” into someone whose thoughts are interesting to you. To do this, you must become aware that you have actually become a different person. This will help you understand his thoughts and actions, as well as predict where they may lead. By training in this skill, you can achieve such heights as the ability to look at the world from the point of view of another person.

Exercise 4.

The fourth exercise is designed to teach you to predict certain events from dreams. Every time you go to bed, concentrate on what you would like to learn about. It is very important that you fully devote your consciousness to the issue that interests you, which, by the way, is quite problematic. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to find out the numbers this way winning ticket the next lottery draw, but you are guaranteed to know something in advance.

If you are determined to discover a gift in yourself, try to spend as much time as possible in the lap of nature. Try to be in the forest or in the park as often as possible. Learn to admire sunsets and starry sky, master the science of meditation and take your classes outdoors.