X-ray of ENT organs. X-ray of the maxillary sinuses. Preparing for x-rays of the nasal bones

In 1922, Russian rhino-laryngo-otiatrist M.F. Tsytovich,
having become interested in the developments of American scientists on the issue of disease research paranasal sinuses nose using radiography, carried out a number of his own studies.

Start given radiography of the paranasal sinuses famous scientist of our country, turned out to be very successful: today this technique, effectively used to obtain information about the pathologies of the paranasal cavities, is widespread everywhere.

Diagnosis by X-ray of the nose

X-ray examination of the paranasal sinuses is carried out to diagnose inflammatory processes at the initial stage (in most cases these are frontal sinuses and sinusitis)

X-ray of the nose allows you to identify the occurrence of neoplasms (tumors, nasal polyps visible on x-ray, etc.) in this facial area, see injuries, foreign bodies and various damages, evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

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Indications for a patient to undergo radiography of the nasal sinuses are:

  • nasal discharge after a cold that persists for a long time;
  • nosebleeds of unknown etiology;
  • a sharp increase in temperature for no apparent reason;
  • hyperemia (redness) and swelling skin above the paranasal sinuses;
  • pain in the forehead, increasing when bending forward.

In all of the above cases, an otolaryngologist (ENT) writes a referral for x-rays of the paranasal sinuses.

Where can I get an X-ray of the paranasal sinuses?

Get an X-ray of your nose (free if available) compulsory medical insurance policy) is possible in any medical institution that has an x-ray diagnostic room. If possible, from the available list of hospitals it is better to choose a clinic equipped with modern devices with extremely low radiation doses.

Quick, easy, painless X-ray of the nose!

There is no need to prepare specially for x-rays of the paranasal sinuses.

The only caveat is that it is necessary to remove all metal products located in the area under study (including piercings).

X-ray room

X-ray of the paranasal sinuses carried out on an outpatient basis, in a special room. If the diagnosis is carried out in cold period, the patient will be asked to leave outer clothing in the designated area.

The position that the doctor will ask you to take depends on the projection in which the otolaryngologist will need the future image (there are three positions in total - axial, chin and nasomental). The x-ray technician will help you stand correctly so that the images are of the highest quality.

Radiography most often takes place as follows: the patient stands at the vertigrapher, with the nose located at a distance of about 2 centimeters from the stand, and the chin touching it (nasomental position). You will be asked to open your mouth and hold your breath for a few seconds, which is necessary for the doctor to take a picture.

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If it is difficult for the patient to stand, then one of his relatives can support him. In this case, the assistant is dressed in a special apron, the structure of which (for protection) includes lead impregnation (or plates).

Radiation dose during x-ray of the sinuses.

From 0.12 to 1.18 mSv radiation dose for x-ray of the nose

During the x-ray procedure of the sinuses, the subject receives a dose x-rays from 0.12 to 1.18 mSv (millisievert) - it all depends on the equipment used.

Are x-rays of the sinuses harmful?

It should be noted that the maximum permissible amount of radiation is 150 mSv per year, and the likelihood of developing cancer tends to zero even with several x-rays of the paranasal sinuses within 12 months.

  • After studies related to the use of X-ray machines, in the patient’s chart in mandatory the resulting radiation exposure is entered (for quick summation if necessary).
  • It is advisable not to perform radiography of the PPN during pregnancy (possibly Negative influence per fruit).
  • For children preschool age X-rays of the sinuses are prescribed in isolated cases (gamma rays can affect the growth of skeletal bones).

The following can help the body recover after radiation:

  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins A, C, E;
  • use fermented milk products(yogurt, kefir, milk);
  • introduction of unpolished rice and prunes into the diet.

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Interpretation of X-ray images of the paranasal sinuses

The photograph is developed and dried, and the doctor works to study and describe it. X-ray results are provided in approximately 30 minutes.

Normally healthy nasal cavity on x-ray has clear contours. X-ray shows the small size and average thickness of the walls of the ethmoid labyrinth of the paranasal sinuses. They themselves look like dark, semi-oval formations on both sides of the nose, and their airiness coincides with the airiness in the orbital area (i.e., the identical shades of the eye sockets and sinus can be traced).

Normally, an x-ray shows that the nasal sinuses are clean, the contours are smooth, and there is no light content.

X-ray of the paranasal sinuses description of images

Radiography of the paranasal sinuses greatly facilitates the process of making a final diagnosis and prescribing treatment. The image helps to specifically identify the areas affected by the inflammation process.

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With sinusitis, the nasomental projection of the X-ray image will show a darkening with an upper horizontal level (the accumulated fluid is visualized against a dark background as a light-colored outline).

  • If the disease is in an advanced stage, then the darkening will be located above nose, as progressive inflammation moves to the frontal areas.
  • If dark areas are found in several areas at once, then the patient not only has sinusitis, but also frontal sinusitis.
  • An uneven, wavy inner contour of the mucosa near the bones indicates hyperplastic sinusitis.

By performing an X-ray with contrast, the presence of a tumor, polyp or cyst in the sinuses is determined. New growths in the nose appear on the picture as a darkening of a rounded contour in the upper part of the sinus.

  • It is important to know that a cyst detected by X-ray of the PPN will require surgical intervention.
  • Nasal polyps are visible on x-ray. Polyposis is characterized by the presence of rounded shadows located on thin “legs”. A large number of shadows - multiple polyposis.

Allergic diseases are marked on images by additional formations of varying intensity (from high to medium) - “plus-shadow” syndrome. Visually, cushion-shaped protrusions of the mucous membrane are observed. In addition, thickening of the mucous membrane is characterized by swelling after sinusitis, catarrhal inflammation, and chronic reactions.

An image taken during an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses will also help determine the location of the fracture or the presence foreign body.

Video x-ray of sinusitis

Diseases that are somehow related to the nose haunt people everywhere. They are considered the most common problems, which many, unfortunately, do not pay due attention to. This approach is wrong and can lead to serious health problems in the future. For this reason, when the first symptoms appear (snot, pain in the nose, discomfort), you should immediately contact a qualified specialist. It is important to understand that any delay will only worsen the situation. It is worth understanding that even an experienced doctor will have to confirm the alleged diagnosis, and since it is not always possible to draw accurate conclusions based on an examination, there are diagnostic methods, the most popular of which is considered to be x-ray of the sinuses. But with protracted illnesses, it is always necessary to do more than one procedure (diagnosis, the effect of starting treatment, checking the condition of the sinuses after the course), so many people ask the question of how often an X-ray of the sinuses can be done.

When is a sinus x-ray prescribed?

In order to delve deeper into this topic, it is important to understand the general points. Let's look at the question of when it is necessary to take an x-ray of the nasal sinuses, as well as whether this procedure is important at all. The most common reason for this is various inflammatory processes, namely, sinusitis. By taking an x-ray, you will definitely help the specialist choose your diagnosis from the list of possible ailments. The fact is that various diseases can affect different sinuses, and the effect on them varies. For example, with sinusitis, inflammatory processes are located in the area upper jaw, and with frontal sinusitis they are observed in the frontal lobe. As for a disease such as ethmoiditis, it involves significant darkening in the area of ​​the mastoid cells. Thus, the specialist diagnoses many other ailments.

It is worth noting that such pathological processes are observed in both children and adults, and their particular danger lies in the fact that they can often be confused with a common runny nose if you do not turn to specialists! Let us clarify that such cases can be distinguished from a runny nose by significant intensity. For example, sinusitis will always be accompanied by nasal congestion, which does not go away even after rinsing, and the disease may also manifest itself as characteristic yellow or green mucus.

If the patient is suspected of sinusitis, then an x-ray of the sinuses is prescribed.

Despite the danger of sinusitis itself, Special attention It is worth paying attention to its most serious consequences, which will definitely appear in the absence of treatment or inattention during it. We are talking, of course, about meningitis, which many people could have avoided if they had taken a picture using X-ray equipment. Meningitis is called quite difficult to treat and incredibly dangerous disease harming the human body serious harm. For this reason, it is much easier to prevent its development at the first suspicion of sinusitis. Many people take x-rays of their nose every day; you shouldn’t be afraid of it, despite the radiation, which we’ll talk about a little later. We also note that without carrying out such a procedure, an experienced doctor, of course, will identify the problem itself, but it will be difficult even for him to identify the location of the outbreak.

Note! X-rays of the sinuses can also be useful in other situations, for example, in case of a broken nose, as well as suspected cysts or tumors (malignant or benign). It is important to understand that if the same tumors are present, they can only be identified, but detailed diagnostics will be additionally carried out using, for example, MRI!

Here is another list of situations when experts prescribe this procedure:

  • the process of preparation for surgery or control after it;
  • the presence of any specific nasal discharge that persists even with treatment;
  • persistent nosebleeds, the cause of which is unknown;
  • suspicion of problems with the nose with constant increases in body temperature;
  • pain in the forehead area, the severity of which increases when bending forward;
  • redness or even swelling of the skin.

The X-ray clearly shows: frontal sinuses, maxillary sinuses, ethmoidal labyrinth.

What characterizes a normal radiograph?

Before we look at the question of how to do x-rays of the sinuses, it’s worth talking about normal results, which will not require repeating the procedure, and you will not need to worry about the number of procedures. Here are the main sinuses that can be seen in the image (it is their condition that can be checked using x-ray):

  • maxillary;
  • frontal;
  • ethmoid paranasal (it is important to understand that to diagnose sinusitis associated with these sinuses you need to have special equipment; a regular X-ray machine will not cope with this);
  • cells of the temporal bones;
  • paranasal main.

Here are the basic conditions for healthy sinuses:

  1. Thinness and excellent clarity of bone walls.
  2. A good level of airiness in the sinuses (this indicator is easy to check: compare these sinuses with the airiness of the orbits of the eyes, the indicators should be the same).
  3. The cells of the ethmoid bone should be clearly visible on the image.

X-ray of the sinuses allows you to detect the disease on initial stages and prescribe timely treatment.

What can you see in the photographs?

Many patients are interested in the problem related to what cavities can be seen on the images, as well as how clearly a diagnosis can be made based on the information received. According to experts, the most important thing in such situations is to establish the location of the main inflammation, on suspicion of the presence of which in most cases the procedure is prescribed. For example, if you are diagnosed with sinusitis, inflammation will be observed in the paranasal sinuses. It is important to understand that in the picture it will look like a small semi-oval darkening affecting both sides of the nose. In such situations, bacteria and fluid accumulate in the area of ​​the lateral sinuses in quite large quantities.

Note! The lateral sinuses are exactly the place where specialists most often find the focus of sinusitis! If even obvious symptoms are ignored, then gradually the disease will begin to spread to the same frontal areas. In such a case, everything will look approximately the same as in the previous situation, but the darkening will already affect the area above the nose!

It is worth mentioning that in some situations, several sinuses are affected at once, which can mean only one thing - the presence of several different diseases at the same time. Let us clarify that treatment in such and even the simplest situations is always situational, but it will not be considered, since it must be prescribed strictly by a specialist.

We will also discuss the issue regarding the projection of the images; the fact is that they are most often taken in two projections, namely, straight and lateral, which allows us to most accurately examine the condition of the sinuses. As for the method as a whole, even the presence of several projections does not allow achieving the results achieved in identifying certain ailments. We are talking, for example, about the presence or absence of fluid in the sinuses, but all further treatment depends on it (and its type).

Important! Sometimes specialists prefer to do x-rays of the sinuses with contrast. In this way, the patient’s situation can be seen most accurately. It is also worth noting that this is used more often only in situations where the doctor suspects re-development diseases or the presence of a cyst, the same can be said about tumors. Such a diagnosis will allow you to draw accurate conclusions about further treatment, and perhaps such a procedure will even save your life.

Using contrast will simply change the area in which the tumors are located, it will be different from all other cavities (from normal). Thus, making a diagnosis will become a fairly simple task.

Harmfulness of the procedure - how many times a year can an x-ray of the sinuses be taken?

Many people ask the question of whether it is possible to do x-rays of the sinuses, what harm this will do to the body and how many times can you visit treatment room. Let us immediately note that during such a procedure the radiation dose to the body is 0.1-1.2 mSv, which is quite small. It is important to understand that such differences are based only on the quality of the equipment used in the process. It is recommended to visit paid private institutions where the most modern equipment is installed. Thus, the procedures can be done very often and with virtually no harm to the body.

Now it’s worth drawing conclusions about whether this procedure is harmful to humans in principle and with constant exposure. Note that the annual measure, according to experts, should be approximately 150 mSv. For this reason, even 3-4 procedures do not increase the risk of developing oncological diseases, since their exposure to radiation is very low.

Please note that radiation exposure will even be shown on your chart if you go to a good medical institution Thus, doctors themselves will not allow situations where this indicator exceeds the norm. If necessary (if a large number of procedures are performed), these indicators are summed up by employees without any problems medical center. It is important to understand that you can help reduce the negative impact on the body, just consume the following means that can help in the recovery process:

  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins of groups C, E or A;
  • dairy products.

Also, patients often ask whether pregnant women can have x-rays of their sinuses; let’s take a closer look at situations in which this procedure should not be done unless absolutely necessary.

Who should not have a sinus x-ray?

First, it is worth mentioning not about the situation when x-rays are examined during pregnancy, but about the situation when some specialists do not want to perform the procedure on preschool-aged children. Perhaps this approach is correct, since children's body not as strong as an adult, but there are situations when the goal is completely justified (dire consequences are possible).

During pregnancy the situation is the same. The only difference is that during pregnancy it can cause harm to the fetus. Do not ignore this warning! During pregnancy, the child is most vulnerable to the effects of such rays. This may be the only situation where you definitely shouldn’t do an x-ray. During pregnancy, try to give preference to other methods.

X-ray - instrumental method research human body, including the condition of the ENT organs. By examining sinusitis in the picture, you can determine what the pathology looks like, as well as its nature and location. The information received will definitely be taken into account when drawing up a treatment regimen.

An examination is prescribed as soon as the first signs of inflammation appear. Its goal is to assess how affected the nasal cavity is and to find out what caused the sinusitis. For adult patients, the basis for prescribing an examination is:

  1. Appearance discomfort in the nasal cavity after an infectious disease.
  2. Headaches that get worse with every movement of the head.
  3. Chronic runny nose, bleeding.
  4. Deterioration of sense of smell.
  5. Increased body temperature, lacrimation, photophobia.

All these symptoms may indicate the onset of inflammation. In addition to sinusitis, x-rays make it possible to determine ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis, as well as to identify a deviated nasal septum, the appearance of tumors and cystic formations, purulent-necrotic processes of bone tissue.

To get the most informative picture of sinusitis, two projections are chosen for shooting: direct and lateral. When laying in the first case, the chin and nose are placed at the same level. When shooting using the second method, they are placed at an angle. Sometimes it may be necessary to check the condition of the sinuses while lying down. The radiologist will be able to get the result and describe the sinusitis in the image within a few minutes.

No preliminary preparation is required before the procedure. The patient will be advised to remove all objects and jewelry from the area being examined.

The procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy, since radiation has a negative effect on the fetus. Research may only be permitted if absolutely necessary. In this case, the woman must be provided with additional protection. When breastfeeding, the test can be done at any time.

The procedure is prescribed with caution to children and patients with oncology. This type of research is not recommended if the patient has metal-containing dentures or other foreign objects in the area being examined. Due to their ability to reflect rays, test results may be distorted.

Sinusitis on an x-ray with a description

The interpretation of the radiograph is carried out only by a specialist radiologist or doctor monitoring the patient. If there are no deviations in the image, the following will be displayed:

  1. Nasal cavity. It looks like a light triangle with a partition in the middle.
  2. The nasal passages have the appearance of shadows located symmetrically on both sides of the nasal cavity.
  3. Maxillary sinuses. They are displayed in the form of triangular clearings with clear outlines located on the side of the nasal cavity.
  4. Frontal sinuses. Displayed above the eye sockets as clearings with different shapes and size.

Thanks to the features that each image has, it is possible to recognize the nature of the inflammation and determine its location:

  1. The appearance of dark spots above the nose indicates the development of inflammation in the frontal sinuses.
  2. Darkening in several zones will indicate an inflammatory process in several places.
  3. Round-shaped shadows with extending threads will indicate the presence of polyps.
  4. Allergies are manifested by additional darkening of varying intensity.
  5. Catarrhal inflammatory processes of a chronic nature are depicted as thickening of mucous tissues.

Signs of sinusitis on x-ray

The accumulation of purulent contents in the sinuses during sinusitis will look in the photo as a light spot against the background of a black sinus. If the content is large, you can see its horizontal border.

The image of healthy sinuses looks like dark semi-oval niches, which are located on both sides of the nose. Their colors and eye sockets match. Similar situation indicates the absence of any pathologies. The appearance of even small light areas will signal the onset of inflammatory phenomena. The stronger the inflammation, the brighter the white spots. In addition, the image of the sinuses will change. The sinuses of the nose with sinusitis will appear on an x-ray with jagged edges and thickened walls.

The development of pathology begins with inflammation of the lateral sinuses. Then the inflammatory process expands to the frontal areas. This will appear on the image as darkened areas above the nose. Often, inflammatory phenomena develop simultaneously in the frontal and lateral sinuses. Such signs indicate the development of several diseases - sinusitis and sinusitis.

During the diagnosis, the doctor examines and evaluates the condition of the ethmoid bone. Sinusitis can cause inflammation to spread into the maxillary maxillary sinuses. Liquids of a different nature can accumulate in them: catarrhal, mucous or purulent. On an x-ray photo, it will be visible as a light spot with clear outlines against the background of the dark nasal sinus.

If, when photographing the nose during sinusitis, the photo records the presence of clearly defined circles with smooth borders in the sinuses, then this indicates the presence of cystic or other neoplasms. With the development of pathology, a repeat study will be required, which will record an increase in their size, change in shape and degree of growth.

Is it necessary to take an x-ray for sinusitis?

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by an ENT doctor. The presence of pain in the nasal area is determined by palpation. During a visual examination, changes in the mucous membrane are assessed inner surface nasal passages.

If there is a suspicion of the onset of inflammation, the doctor definitely recommends taking an X-ray for sinusitis. The radiologist deciphers, describes the image obtained in the picture and gives his conclusion. Based on this, the doctor draws up a treatment plan.

With the development of sinusitis, blockage of the paranasal sinuses often occurs. On soft tissues Swelling may appear, in addition, congestion and congestion may develop. Deformed nasal canals make it difficult to remove mucus. Its increased concentration contributes to the further spread of infection.

Under these conditions, inflammation can cause various complications. Most often affected hearing aid. Inflammation develops inner ear. This is explained anatomical features. The maxillary sinuses and middle ear are located close to each other.

Due to complications caused by sinusitis, the following appear:

  1. Pain in the ear, often of a convulsive nature.
  2. Nasal congestion, soft tissue swelling.
  3. Headache.
  4. Increased body temperature, chills, weakness.

In addition, hearing acuity is impaired, a large volume of thick exudate is formed, and sometimes pus appears in it. Diagnosis of pathology and determination of the extent of damage require a number of studies, including x-ray.

How often can an x-ray be taken for sinusitis?

X-rays of the sinuses for sinusitis must be taken at least twice. For the first time, filming is carried out on initial stage pathology. It is needed to confirm or refute the diagnosis and draw up a treatment plan. The second time - 10-12 days after the start of therapeutic measures. Based on how sinusitis looks on an x-ray photograph, a specialist will be able to assess the effectiveness of the therapy and, if necessary, change or supplement it.

In severe cases, when constant monitoring of the condition of the ENT organs is needed, fluoroscopy can be performed more often, since the harm from an unscheduled process may not be as great as from improper treatment.

If drug therapy does not give desired result, is appointed surgery. After this, an X-ray examination may be recommended to assess the patient's condition.

X-ray of the sinuses: what is not visible in the picture

The x-ray image shows the main signs of sinusitis - the presence of an inflammatory process and its location. However, it is impossible to get an idea of ​​what kind of fluid has accumulated in the sinuses - serous, purulent or catarrhal. The image shows the pathology at the initial stage and chronic sinusitis look the same.

In general, sinus x-rays are not a dangerous procedure for human health. According to the data, during the production process x-ray examination on normal medical equipment the person being examined takes on a radiation dose of 0.05 mSv (millisieverts). For comparison, it should be noted that on average a person receives radiation of approximately 1 - 3 mSv per year.

As for how many times a year this procedure can be performed, there are no strict recommendations. In other words, as much as it is necessary to perform x-rays of the sinuses in the process of treating the detected pathology, so much is possible. If there is no special need, then it is advisable to carry out this procedure no more than two or three times a year.

However, you should know that x-rays of the sinuses have several contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy. It is strictly forbidden to do an X-ray examination while carrying a child, since numerous studies have shown that X-ray exposure can have an extremely negative effect on the development of the fetus.
  2. Children under 1 year ( relative contraindication). This is due to the fact that children’s bodies grow rapidly, continuous cell division occurs, including the formation of the bone base of the head.

Sometimes after transferred colds the condition will worsen again. The temperature rises, the flow of mucus from the nose increases, and it becomes difficult to nasal breathing, heaviness appears in the forehead and headache. All these warning signs indicate sinusitis - inflammation of the air sinuses.

In the diagnosis of sinusitis, the leading role belongs to x-rays of the paranasal sinuses. Without high-quality images, it is impossible to judge the nature and severity of inflammation, and incorrect diagnosis can lead to complications of sinusitis from the ENT organs and brain. Therefore, photographs of the sinuses should be taken in modern medical institutions, and Miracle Doctor is one of such clinics.

Advantages of radiography of the air sinuses at the Miracle Doctor clinic

  • Doctors
    Our radiologists have the first and highest qualification category. These are experienced specialists who have been diagnosing various diseases of the ENT organs for many years, incl. – inflammatory processes in the air sinuses.
  • Equipment
    Our modern devices are from the best foreign manufacturers have maximum resolution.

Three reasons for performing an X-ray of the nose and sinuses at the Miracle Doctor clinic

  • Information content
    Thanks to modern digital technologies, we obtain images with maximum resolution. A digital photograph is not only high quality, but also convenient. No storage required large quantity films - all data is entered into a computer or reproduced on digital media. For many patients, we take repeated images to assess the dynamics of the process and the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Comprehensive nature of the study
    In the process of radiography, we examine not only one sinus, but all of them - two maxillary, two frontal, sphenoid (or main), as well as cells of the ethmoid bone. Along with the sinuses, neighboring anatomical areas are also examined. For example, radiography maxillary sinuses combined with radiography of the orbits, upper jaw, oral cavity, temporal bone. Thanks to complex diagnostics we detect complications in a timely manner in the very initial phase of their development.
  • Diagnosis of all age categories
    We examine not only adults, but also children, because young patients are significantly susceptible to sinusitis.

X-ray of sinuses in the clinic

No special preparation is required for sinus x-rays. Before radiography, you must remove metal jewelry. Removable dentures also need to be removed. When assessing data, pay attention to the clarity of the contours of the walls, pneumatization (airiness), the presence structural changes, darkening in the sinuses.

X-rays reveal purulent effusion in the sinuses, traumatic injuries, congenital anomalies, and different kinds tumors, incl. cysts and polyps.

For sinusitis, we take at least 3 photographs. The first is at the onset of the disease or at the time of treatment. The next picture (or several) is taken during the treatment process, the last one is taken during recovery.

If you have characteristic complaints, you can have an x-ray of your nose, having previously agreed on the date for it with our staff.