Originally from the land of the rising sun, meeting a Japanese Spitz. Japanese dwarf spitz Japanese spitz black

Japanese Spitz– a representative of the Spitz-type, combining the beautiful color of the Samoyed and the miniature size of the orange.

In the article we will look at the history of the breed, analyze the features Japanese dog, we’ll talk about the nuances of training and care, talk about possible names and give approximate prices.

The Japanese Spitz is the result of the painstaking work of breeders from Japan, who took the dwarf Kleinspitz of white color as a basis. , imported from China, captivated Asians so much that they decided to create their own version of the charming dog.

After the Tokyo exhibition in 1921, the Spitz aroused public interest, and 43 years later, the description of the breed was enshrined in international standards.

Only the States did not recognize the snow-white baby, claiming that the dog’s appearance is almost identical to their national breed - the American Eskimo Spitz(abbreviation - ).

Breed Features

Let's look at the main features appearance, character and training of Japanese dogs.

Appearance: height, weight, color

According to the standards assigned to the breed, Japanese Spitz have:

  1. Triangular, erect ears middle length. The abundance of fluffy fur visually reduces their actual size.
  2. Wide forehead with a pronounced transition to a pointed fox muzzle.
  3. Miniature black nose and almond-shaped eyes with a dark iris that matches the shade of the nose. At first glance, representatives of this breed appear to have no pupils.
  4. Thin lips with a black border, tightly fitting to small but strong teeth with a scissor bite. Because of this edging, an eternal smile is imprinted on the Spitz’s lips, touching the sentimental Japanese.
  5. Proportional and muscular body square shape with a wide loin, developed chest with a wool collar and a tightened crotch line. Females, which have a less stocky build, look more graceful than males.
  6. Smooth limbs with strong and flexible joints. The shape of the paws is round.
  7. The bushy tail is set high and pressed to the back. The ring shape is considered a defect, which guarantees exclusion from a show career.
  8. Straight guard hair and voluminous undercoat. The minimum length of hair is observed on the ears, muzzle and front of the body. Snow-white coat color is mandatory. Interspersed with other colors or changes in the main color are not allowed.

40cm – maximum height short dogs. The body weight of Japanese Spitz depends on gender: the maximum weight is observed in dogs and is 10 kg, and the minimum in females is 5 kg.

Little Japanese are often confused with Samoyeds, but, unlike huskies, Japanese breed is one of the smallest Spitz representatives.

Character and behavior

TO characteristic features This dog includes:

  1. Devotion. Spitz dogs love their owners very much and have a hard time with separation.
  2. Friendliness. A pet will never attack a stranger, but it may show distrust.
  3. Non-conflict. Small dogs get along well with other four-legged pets and do not show aggression towards small children.
  4. Jealousy. If a decorative dog grew up alone, and the owner decided to get her a companion of a different breed, then jealousy cannot be avoided. For healthy psychological climate It is recommended to raise animals together from childhood.
  5. Playfulness. Spitz dogs are different increased activity even in old age.
    Unlike noisy Pomeranians, snow-white Spitz are real quiet people, giving their voice only in a dangerous situation.

Education and training

Thanks to the quick thinking Japanese Spitz education and training go smoothly and do not require outside help.

For quick results, spend Special attention on the:

  1. Time. The Japanese love to study, but quickly lose interest if the duration is prolonged. Do not load them for more than 1 hour a day.
  2. The benefit of combination. Animals are for an active rhythm of life, so classes are fresh air will cause them great delight.
  3. UGS course. Home training can be replaced with a paid course from experienced dog trainers. In this case, the result is 100% guaranteed.

Japanese Spitz– a clean breed that avoids sources of dirt and is horrified at the sight of another dog lying around in waste.

When looking at a luxurious snow-white fur coat, there is no doubt that caring for such fur is not at all easy, but in fact, caring for soft hairs will not be difficult even for older people.

Let's take a closer look at all the intricacies of keeping and caring for the Japanese Spitz.

Conditions of detention

Thanks to its compact size, the dog can be kept in a small apartment. Aviary housing should be avoided, since animals become strongly attached to their owners and a lack of human attention can negatively affect the psyche.


For your dog's health, you need to carefully monitor the balance of its diet.
Dry feeding involves choosing high-quality food of at least super-premium class. Ready-made feeds contain all the necessary substances and do not require additional intake vitamins

WITH natural feeding will have to be more vigilant to avoid shortages of 1 of important elements. This diet is based on:

  • meat and offal;
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice);
  • vegetables;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements agreed with the veterinarian.

Adult Japanese Spitz dogs are fed twice a day, and puppies - 4 times.

A couple of times a week, the meat is replaced with boiled sea fish. Children focus on dairy products(cottage cheese, kefir). As treats, they give eggs (not >1 per day and not >2 per week) or fruits (except citrus fruits and grapes).

Features of care

Caring for a four-legged pet involves:

  1. Minimizing everything water procedures(not >1 time every 1.5 months). The dog will not have to be washed frequently, as its fur has dirt-repellent properties.
  2. Daily eye cleansing. Tear tracks can ruin the color, so don't let the secretions accumulate.
  3. Careful care behind oral cavity. To avoid tooth decay, purchase special toothpaste, rubber toys, and cleansing treats.
  4. Daily brushing of the coat. Detangle hairs with a soft massage comb.
  5. Providing sufficient physical activity. Try to provide the opportunity for free walking and stock up on toys that can entertain the dog while the owner is away.

Breed diseases

Japanese dogs have good health and can live up to 16 years. List of them possible diseases small and includes:

  • epilepsy, characteristic of other miniature Spitz dogs;
  • dislocations of the kneecap.

Suitable nicknames

Purebred puppies with documents already have a nickname, but no one bothers you to choose an alternative or shortened name for use at home.

When choosing a pet name, start from:

  • appearance (Snow, Winter, White);
  • character (Speedy, Sloley).

Be as unique as possible and come up with a name based on your interests or hobbies, or refer to Japanese:

  • Shiro – white;
  • Ichi is the first;
  • Yuki – snow;
  • Fuyu – winter;
  • Pochi is the Japanese equivalent of the Russian Sharik.

Remember that the boundaries of possible names depend only on your imagination.

Buying a puppy

Before purchasing a Japanese Spitz puppy, think about the purpose of purchasing it.


Dogs with eminent parents and ideal exterior are valued more, so you will have to pay a lot for them.<60 тысяч рублей.

If a pet is chosen as a companion and is released from an exhibition career and breeding work, then prices drop to 25 thousand rubles.

In addition to the cleanliness of the exterior, the prestige of the nursery plays a significant role, but it is better not to save money here, since a reputable establishment eliminates the risk of deception.

What to pay attention to

Do not purchase puppies younger than 1.5 months. Early weaning from the mother threatens reduced immunity and high vulnerability to viruses.

When choosing a puppy, pay attention to:

  1. Parents. Ask to see adult dogs to ensure they are purebred.
  2. Content. The main factors are cleanliness and lack of crowding.
  3. Appearance. The coat should be exclusively white, and the ears should not be droopy. Any deviations from the standard indicate a mixed breed or mongrel.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, a purebred puppy can only be purchased in the capital’s nursery.

The Japanese Spitz is a friendly and cheerful dog that is ready to fit into any family. She is not dangerous for children, easily gets along with other pets, does not take much time to care for, and adores her owners.

Japanese Spitz video

The Japanese Spitz is a popular small breed of dog used as a pet or companion. The breed was developed at the beginning of the last century on the basis of other Spitz-type dogs and is now recognized by all major canine organizations, with the exception of the American Kennel Club.

History of the breed

The Japanese Spitz breed was developed in Japan. Its appearance was the result of crossing a number of some Spitz-type breeds, but there is currently no exact data on its origin. The ancestor was the German White Spitz, brought to Japan from the northeastern part of China. For the first time, the new breed was presented at a dog show in Tokyo.

Over the course of ten years, the breed was improved by the infusion of blood from various white small Spitz dogs, which were imported from Canada, America, China and Australia. The breed standard was adopted by specialists of the Japanese Kennel Club in 1948. The Japanese Spitz breed gained popularity in Japan in the middle of last year, but a few years later such dogs began to be actively exported to other countries.

The Japanese Spitz was recognized by the English Kennel Club at the end of the last century as part of the custom breeds. The breed was recognized by the Federation Cynologique Internationale in 1964. The Japanese Spitz quickly spread to many countries around the world, including Australia, India and the United States. The breed is not recognized by the American Kennel Club due to its external resemblance to American Eskimo dogs.

Description of the Japanese Spitz

Japanese Spitz are small dogs, harmonious and elegant, almost square in size. Representatives of this breed have a very thick, pure white coat and abundant undercoat. The wool forms a beautiful and fluffy collar in the neck area. Shorter hair is located in the muzzle, ears and on the front of the limbs.

The muzzle of the representatives of the breed is pointed, and the small triangular ears are distinguished by a vertical set. The dog has a pronounced stop. The tail is quite long, covered with thick hair, raised on the back. The white coat contrasts with the black pads on the paws, lining of the lips, nose and claws. The breed is characterized by medium-sized dark almond-shaped, slightly slanted eyes, outlined by black eyelids and white eyelashes.

Breed standards

In accordance with the standards established today, purebred Japanese Spitz have:

  • head with a moderately wide and rounded skull;
  • a clearly visible transition from the forehead to the muzzle;
  • pointed muzzle with a small nose;
  • tightly fitting, preferably black lips;
  • medium-sized dark almond-shaped eyes, set slightly obliquely;
  • black edging of eyelids;
  • small, triangular in shape and high-set ears, which are held in a vertical position with the ends forward;
  • strong body;
  • muscular neck and clearly visible withers;
  • wide and rather deep chest with convex ribs;
  • straight and short back with a wide lower back;
  • tucked belly;
  • muscular limbs;
  • round paws with thick pads;
  • high-set, medium-length tail curled into a ring;
  • straight and vertically raised hair;
  • soft and thick undercoat;
  • white and strong teeth with a scissor bite;
  • shoulders with a well-defined slope, straight forearms and elbows pressed to the body;
  • muscular hind legs with hocks located at a fairly moderate angle.

The ratio of the height of the animal at the withers to the total length of the body is 10:11. The dog's head is proportional to the body, of moderate width and rounded shape, with a moderately developed forehead and a cranial part widening towards the back of the head. The Japanese Spitz is characterized by very fast and active movements. The height of a male dog at the withers is 30-38 cm, and adult females are slightly smaller.

Dog character

Active, sympathetic to people and very playful, the Japanese Spitz is known for its courage and boundless devotion. Such a dog may well be an excellent watchdog and an ideal companion for an elderly person or small children. Japanese Spitz dogs, with their very loud barking, are able to warn of the arrival of a stranger, but excessive noise is not allowed by current standards.

By their temperament, all Japanese Spitz are first and foremost very friendly companion dogs that require close contact with people and increased attention. The small-sized dog is active, loves walks, is very playful, but obedient, and loyal to children of any age.


The Japanese Spitz is one of the longest-living and naturally healthy breeds. The average life expectancy of a small decorative dog, subject to the rules of care and maintenance, is approximately twelve years.

All Japanese Spitz tolerate cold weather well, but are classified as companion dogs, so they prefer to live at home. However, it is advisable to give such a dog the opportunity to roam freely without a leash. Maintaining and caring for representatives of the breed, as a rule, does not cause any difficulties even for beginners or inexperienced dog breeders.

Care and hygiene

The coat of the Japanese Spitz does not have a characteristic dog odor, so it requires minimal and simple care. Even despite the long and fairly dense coat with a thick undercoat, representatives of this breed are very clean. The structure of the coat does not allow such a pet to get very dirty, and standard care involves the use of dry shampoo. Frequent water treatments are highly discouraged.

The Japanese Spitz should be combed regularly using a metal brush or a wide-toothed slicker brush. A dog of this breed does not need a haircut, and the coat should have a natural length. It is recommended to brush the coat twice a week to prevent the formation of tangles.

This is interesting! Representatives of the breed are not very fond of all kinds of hygiene procedures, so the Japanese Spitz should be taught to carry out such activities from a very early age.

Teeth are brushed once a week with special dog powders or pastes. Ears and eyes should be regularly cleaned of dirt and accumulated secretions. The claws are trimmed with special nail clippers as they grow.


Independent organization of proper balanced nutrition for Japanese Spitz of different ages is not a difficult undertaking, but requires compliance with several simple rules, including the frequency of feedings:

  • from one to three months - five or six meals a day;
  • from four months to six months - four meals a day;
  • from six months to ten months - three meals a day;
  • from ten months - twice a day feeding regimen.

The dog should absolutely not be fed between main meals. It should be remembered that Spitz dogs have a tendency to gain excess weight, and it is for this reason that it is very important to prevent overeating in such a pet. Clean and fresh water should be constantly available to the dog, especially if the pet eats ready-made dry diets.

When choosing dry food, you should pay attention to the ingredients used in production:

  • 25% of the feed or more are meat components and by-products;
  • 30% – cereals and vegetables, greens;
  • the presence of herbal extracts, vegetable oils, vitamins, as well as micro- and macroelements.

A natural diet should include beef without fatty streaks, raw or scalded with boiling water, boiled chicken and offal, boneless sea fish fillet, rice and buckwheat porridge. Natural nutrition should be supplemented with vegetables in the form of carrots, zucchini and pumpkin, cucumbers or broccoli. Boiled eggs or an omelet are given a couple of times a week.

List prohibited Products for Japanese Spitz:

  • spicy and salty foods;
  • smoked meats, seasonings and spices;
  • fish bones;
  • bird tubular bones;
  • raw, not pre-frozen meat;
  • pork in any form;
  • fatty meat trimmings;
  • raw chicken eggs;
  • raw and river fish;
  • fruits and berries with seeds;
  • chocolate, candies, sweets and caffeine;
  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • salt;
  • mushrooms and nuts;
  • onions and garlic;
  • citrus fruits, grapes and raisins;
  • avocado;
  • sorrel and rhubarb;
  • fried food;
  • bread and flour products;
  • legumes;
  • potatoes;
  • celery.

Dogs can be given cheese and milk in moderation. Dry diets designed for miniature breeds are best suited for feeding the Japanese Spitz. Class or grade food uses ingredients of the highest quality.

Diseases and breed defects

The Japanese Spitz is a naturally healthy breed with no significant genetic problems. Breed defects and disqualifying characteristics are presented:

  • snack or undershot;
  • strongly curled tail or double curl;
  • noisy and cowardly;
  • erect, hanging ears;
  • aggressiveness;
  • color disturbances.

This is interesting! Japanese Spitz dogs are extremely healthy and healthy, so this animal is not prone to viral or genetic diseases.

The main health threat is luxating the kneecap, a condition in which the joint moves. Also, purebred representatives of this breed may experience lacrimation, which is a consequence of insufficient size of the tear ducts. Some Japanese Spitz suffer from stress or... In old age, Spitz dogs can develop cancer due to natural hormonal imbalances.

Education and training

Destructive behavior, howling and barking in the absence of the owner, cowardice and the dog relieving itself in the wrong place are corrected by training and raising a four-legged pet. Recommended commands to learn:

  • “Next” – a calm movement of the dog next to its owner with a seat during stops, a change in pace or direction of movement;
  • “To me” – the return of the dog to the owner at his first request;
  • “Wait” – the dog waits for its owner at a certain place for a long time;
  • “Fu” - the animal’s indifferent attitude towards treats scattered on the ground;
  • “No” – stop performing unwanted actions;
  • “Sit”, “Stand” and “Lie down” - a set of commands performed when given by gestures or voice;
  • “Place” – returning the pet to its place;
  • “Quiet” - stopping the dog barking at the first request of the owner.

This is interesting! According to experts, the Japanese Spitz definitely needs training, since this breed is rightly called “a big dog in a small body.”

Any other commands are learned by the dog at the request of the owner, and a full list of educational activities is offered by the instructor during the preparation of the pet’s training program. Smart and obedient, the Japanese Spitz is easy to train and often takes part in flyball and agility competitions.

An aristocratic small white dog bred in Japan as a family companion. The breed standard was adopted in 1948. 1964 - recognition by the International Canine Federation, 1977 - by the English Kennel Club.

Japanese Spitz bred from dogs of the German Spitz breed, plus the Samoyed or Siberian Laika, because of this, the American Kennel Association prohibited their inclusion in the breed registry, citing their resemblance to the American Eskimo dog. Belongs to the group of northern sled dogs and primitive Spitz dogs. The Japanese call them Nihon Supitsu.

Description and features

Japanese Spitz dog an excellent companion - gets along well with children, gets along well with the elderly. Her constant smile and cheerful, easy-going disposition attracts attention. He will stand up for the owner, doing an excellent job as a security guard. cheerful, courageous, remains active throughout her life, until old age.

Get along well with cats or other pets. Not suitable for hunting, very weak field instinct. Incredible devotion: very affectionate, miss their owner, and have a hard time withstanding separation.

They are distinguished by high cleanliness, avoiding dirt, so they are suitable for keeping in an apartment or house. Despite the classification Japanese dwarf spitz not very tiny:

  • The size of an adult Japanese male at the withers is 40 cm;
  • The standard height of a female is 35 cm;
  • The average weight of a boy is 10 kg;
  • The girl's weight is 7 kg.

Standard appearance indicators:

  • Sharp muzzle with black lips and nose;
  • Triangular, upright ears;
  • Almond-shaped, black eyes;
  • Scissor bite, teeth densely set;
  • Strong muscular body;
  • Broad shoulders, straight back;
  • The joints of the limbs are flexible, the claws and pads on the paws are black;
  • The high-set tail is carried over the back, but without a ring.

The main indicator is the richness of the breed - luxurious white wool; the standard does not allow peach or fawn shades. There should be no spots in color, only an even white color. The coat is thick, the down is soft and plentiful; The framing collar is puffy. The hair on the face and front legs is slightly shorter.

Care and maintenance

Dogs are not suitable for being kept in an enclosure or kennel; their habitat is a human home. Caring for the coat, despite its whiteness, is simple; the hair has dirt-repellent properties. The wool dries, and when shaken, it is freed from dirt.

Bathe your pet once a month. When bathing, use special mild shampoos. Make sure that the detergent does not irritate the skin; in this case, replace the shampoo with a more suitable one.

Puppies need to be taught grooming procedures from an early age, otherwise they will be capricious or resist.

This is a very playful dog, so regular active walks twice a day for half an hour or more are required. He loves to have a good frolic outside, but when he enters the house he becomes sweet and quiet. There should also be toys for him at home.

Animal fur does not have the characteristic odor of dogs. Sheds like all breeds; during hair loss, it is necessary to comb out the undercoats properly. If you start processing wool, mats may become tangled and dermatitis will appear on the skin.

A slicker brush is used for combing. Brush your dog once every three days, daily during shedding. Haircut for Japanese Spitz Not recommended, even for exhibition specimens.


In order for your puppy to grow up healthy and happy, you should take a rational approach to the selection of food products. For the puppy to fully grow, the feeding diet must be varied. Insufficient nutrition during the growth process will not allow the animal to develop correctly; the dog may be weak and painful.

The puppy should be taught to eat in one place from a bowl. Begging for food from the owner during lunch, especially eating from the same dishes with the owner, is unacceptable - this will have a bad effect on the results of training.

Feed white Japanese Spitz good meat by-products:

  • Chicken wings, necks;
  • Pig ears;
  • Chicken stomachs and hearts;
  • Livers;

Give them 25 g for every kilogram of the dog’s weight. In addition, add to the menu:

  • Boiled sea fish, twice a week, for proper formation of the skeleton;
  • A variety of vegetables – contain fiber;
  • Kefir or whey - for proper digestion;
  • Cottage cheese - for the growth of bones and teeth;
  • Oatmeal or buckwheat porridge - enhance the baby’s growth;
  • Chicken or quail eggs, one or two per week.

Some owners prefer to give dry food, for this it is necessary to consult with a veterinarian and obtain the necessary recommendations. Food containing vitamins and mineral supplements allows the dog to develop well. Insufficient feeding affects the appearance of the puppy; he will be lethargic and cheerless.

The daily feeding rate for an adult dog is two times, for puppies - four times, until they reach full maturity. Snacks between meals are undesirable, as they disrupt digestion and also destroy discipline.

Reproduction and lifespan

Before a date, owners of handsome white men carefully study their pedigree. They take into account why they are bred - for exhibitions they choose parents with excellent performance, medal winners; for keeping at home - as a companion - the requirements are simpler.

The owner of the bitch negotiates with the owner of the dog about payment. It may be money, but usually they take one or two puppies from the litter. The frequency of estrus is determined in advance: in girls it occurs twice a year, lasting 21 days.

Irregular estrus of females is a reason to consult a veterinarian. Ovulation occurs 11-13 days after the onset, the female’s loop swells. The bitch becomes lethargic, if you touch her back, she throws her tail to the side.

When estrus begins, the owner of the male dog is informed about the expected mating date. According to the rules of the clubs, the bitch is taken to the male; it will be easier for him to care for the girl in familiar conditions. And a meeting in a lady’s house provokes the gentleman’s escape for additional meetings with his beloved.

The room where the rendezvous is planned is small; a rough rug is placed on the floor so that the paws do not slip. The boy, who has already had dates, gets used to the rug and immediately sits on it expecting to meet the lady.

They give the lovers some time to get used to each other. There are manual or free types of mating. Voluntary involves an independent meeting with an unknown result. In addition, such a rendezvous may drag on or the girl will turn out to be obstinate, not allowing the gentleman to approach her.

During a date, sometimes the owners need help. Manual mating is carried out by allocating a small room to the dogs. They help the dog stand on the bitch (make a cage), manually guiding the bulb into the loop. The female can twist violently, try to bite her partner, and is held by the collar and under the abdomen.

The resulting lock cannot be separated; the damage can be very serious. The boy is helped to turn around, holding the dogs for about half an hour, not allowing them to lie down until ejaculation occurs. After a couple of days, repeat the mating to consolidate the result.

After fertilization, take care of the bitch and walk her on a leash, not allowing other gentlemen near her. Repeated mating may dilute the litter with unwanted individuals. The litter will be without registration and pedigree.

It should be borne in mind that now you will be caring for a pregnant female, which includes additional care, childbirth and raising offspring. The expectant mother should be fed intensively, avoid diseases, and give birth using the services of a veterinarian. The costs of the veterinarian and paperwork are borne by the owner.


Japanese Spitz Kennel breeds only purebred dogs. He bears all the costs of primary vaccination, paperwork, and drawing up a pedigree. Japanese Spitz puppies get used to communicating with people. Japanese Spitz price ranges from $500 to $2,000. Exhibition specimens are the most expensive, the price for pets for home keeping is somewhat lower.


Education consists of two stages:

  • Accustoming the puppy to order;
  • Training of an adult.

Before the puppy arrives, you should remove everything that breaks and pricks, cover the wires, otherwise he will definitely chew them. The puppy does not understand the values ​​of objects, so everything expensive or important should be inaccessible to him.

Teach him to eat only from a bowl, and give rewards for correct behavior from his hand. Place the bedding next to the bed where you sleep, gradually moving it to a permanent place. The puppy will immediately worry alone, then he will get used to it. The bed belongs to the owner!

To develop friendships, play with toys more often. Don't scream, even if you're caught doing something mischievous. He should be distracted by showing the correct actions. Do not hit the puppy, pain gives rise to fear, and a trusting relationship will become impossible.

The dog should know who is boss in the house, try to let him understand this. Having achieved success with the puppy, we move on to training adult Japanese Spitz.

It consists of two stages:

  • Teach obedience;
  • Force commands to be executed.

Obedience is behavior that excludes running through flower beds, walking on garden paths, or gnawing on prohibited objects. This is achieved through the use of rewards, for example, a tasty treat, an extra walk. Training teaches you to follow commands: “sit”, “lie down”, “no”.

Spitz dogs are very energetic, so training is very important for these dogs.

The dog's compliance with commands is achieved through constant training. You cannot train him for more than an hour, otherwise he will lose interest. Reward your four-legged friend with small tasty bites for every correctly performed action.

If a person and a dog have established a friendly relationship, simple praise is enough. An attentive and loving owner will definitely achieve success!

is a breed of miniature dog that was developed in Japan at the end of the 19th century. Recognized companion dog. Her ancestor is not exactly known. According to one version, this is a Norbotten Spitz, according to another - . Outside of Japan, the dog is still rare. In Russia, this breed first appeared as circus performers.

Japanese Spitz are strong, harmoniously built dogs with a proportional, flexible body. At the withers they reach 30-40.5 cm, weigh from 5 to 8 kg, or even 10 kg. The head is quite wide with a slightly rounded forehead. The ears are erect and triangular. The muzzle is pointed, the bushy tail is set high and carried over the back.

The coat is white, thick and fluffy. Only white color is recognized as the standard. At the same time, the dog has excellent pigmentation: dark eyes and bright rims of the eyes and lips. Because of its thick coat, the dog looks much larger than its actual size.
The Japanese have noticeably different dogs of different sexes. Bitches are noticeably smaller in size and clearly “feminine”.

Character of the Japanese Spitz

Japanese Spitz are cheerful and very brave dogs. They are affectionate and devoted to their owners and get along well with all family members. The Spitz is affectionate with its owner, but is distrustful of strangers and barks at them at the slightest provocation.

This makes him good as a watchman who notifies in time of the appearance of strangers. However, another name for this breed is known - “silent Asian Spitz”. The dog is so nicknamed because it does not raise its voice over trifles. Moreover, cowardice and noisiness are considered a serious fault of the breed. Such dogs are excluded from breeding.

This is an active, flexible and strong dog with a cheerful character. They are friendly, charming, love to always be with their owner, but are unobtrusive. But it’s better not to leave a Japanese person alone for a long time, as this may even make him sick.

When raising this dog, it is necessary to be persistent, suppressing its desire to dominate. However, they are well trained, can participate in sports, and are good at exhibitions.

This is a very nimble animal that likes any outdoor games, including swimming. Japanese Spitz get along well with other pets. They are completely devoid of the hunting instinct and are able to be friends even with same-sex dogs and cats.

This dog needs to be kept at home: a city apartment or a country house. At the same time, she needs to be walked regularly, providing enough space and the opportunity to get rid of excess energy. But they don't need long walks.

It is also necessary to care for the hair of the Japanese Spitz: regularly comb it with a special brush. Despite the white color of the dog, you will not need to wash it often. Thanks to its special structure, the Spitz's coat does not mat and dirt does not stick to it.

As soon as a Japanese person dries off the dirt and shakes himself off, he becomes snow-white again. This is possible because the wool has a particularly smooth, polished texture. This dog should only be washed if it is heavily soiled, but the less often the better. Washing such a dog involves using only special ones for dogs.
The wool does not need to be cut, even for exhibitions. And another advantage is that it does not have a specific smell. Traditional molting occurs twice a year.

The Japanese Spitz is smiling, snow-white and affectionate, funny, cheerful and cheerful - it is difficult to describe them in a few words. Outwardly, they resemble a northern bear from a Soviet cartoon, the same black eyes full of surprise and a wet black nose, and white coat color, as well as optimism and courage.

The Land of the Rising Sun stood out not only in the world of electronic technology, but also in this case, having created a wonderful and faithful companion for a person, an ideal life partner, a security guard, a handsome furry...

The Japanese Spitz originated from crossing with the Siberian husky and the first specimen of this dog breed appeared in 1921 at an exhibition in Tokyo, and in the post-war period the miniature breed was registered by the Kennel Club, this was 1948.

The Japanese Spitz breed is quite young. But, despite this, it is ideally built, accustomed to difficult living conditions, and all this is the merit of eastern breeders. Currently, active work is underway to improve the gentleness of character towards strangers; most likely this is the only drawback of dogs.

The first dwarf "Japanese Spitz" is known by the nickname Hakuryo, he is the rightful discoverer and officially registered white dog of this breed. After the establishment of the breed by the Japanese Kennel Club, American clubs also began to establish standard parameters for the breed, but they have not yet been fully developed.

In Russia and nearby countries, the Japanese Spitz dog breed appeared quite recently - in 1994, when it took part in Pavlov’s circus performance, showing extraordinary training abilities and acrobat skills. This is an indicator that Spitz dogs can and should be trained.

The Japanese Spitz is still a very rare breed in European countries, which is why the cost of Spitz is quite high. The Japanese would be happy to settle in every family where they love to care for and value dogs; they idealize their owner all their lives, and at the same time they themselves are ideal for them.

How to choose a puppy, features of the breed

Before you decide to take the step of getting yourself a white bundle of happiness, you need to make sure whether you are ready to take care of him, monitor his health and visit a veterinary clinic. If your desire does not disappear after, for example, six months, it’s time to study the literature on caring for Spitz dogs and study the Internet description of these dogs. Are you still full of desire to have a snow-white pet, then go ahead!

While in the kennel, take a closer look and find contact with the animal; the puppy should not be very quiet and, on the contrary, bark very loudly and endlessly. This is a defect and disadvantage of the breed.

A physically developed Japanese Spitz should be moderately friendly; touch its belly - it must be soft. The lips should be outlined in black and not sag on either side, and there should be a healthy shine in the eyes.

If you are offered red colored dogs, don’t be fooled, they don’t come like that, it means that this breed is crossed, and it is an inferior Japanese Spitz, or maybe they are trying to sell you a Pomeranian or another breed, be careful.

The height from the withers in adult dogs can reach up to 38 cm, and weight up to 10 kg. Take an interest in the features of the content, documents that specify the description, find out how to properly train a puppy.

Description of Japanese Spitz breed standards:

  • White fur all over the body;
  • Long coat and undercoat;
  • The eyes are pronounced, almond-shaped, and the nose is black;
  • The tail is fluffy, laid over the back;
  • Paws are strong, muscular body;
  • The head is round, the nose is pointed.

Caring for a Japanese Spitz

Often people are afraid to get Japanese cats because of the difficulties in grooming, but in vain, there is a lot of evidence that their fur is special, it’s hard to believe, but it hardly gets dirty, its “laminated” coat repels dirt and debris, and its special The structure of the hairs prevents them from tangling into clumps. The snow-white color will remain even after contamination, when the dirt simply falls off.

Dog grooming includes:

  • Combing several times a week with a special brush;
  • It is advisable to bathe less frequently, only in case of severe contamination;
  • Combing off dried dirt, wiping with a damp towel;
  • Taking vitamins to keep your coat shiny.

The dog is an excellent learner, so it will go to the litter box even in the absence of the owner. This does not mean that walks can be ignored; the Spitz is full of energy, which he needs to splash out just as much as he needs to breathe.

Long walks are tiring, but you need to walk as much as is necessary for each individual. You can train a dog with various items purchased in a store, but commands must be given strictly and without unnecessary words.

Dogs are capable of mastering agility and other sports; it is advisable to train them for 15 minutes every day.

Teeth brushing is necessary daily, since Japanese Spitz dogs do not really like having their mouths picked at, so it is necessary to teach them to do this during puppyhood. You need to brush your teeth with a special paste and brush for dogs, otherwise fluoride-containing toothpastes can poison the animal.

If your dog is not giving in, take him to a veterinarian for a checkup. Trimming the nails is also necessary; it allows the dog to get rid of germs.

In nutrition, you need to stick to the golden mean - there should be an equal amount of everything, including meat, fiber (vegetables), and cereals. It is preferable to cook rice or buckwheat porridge from cereals.

You can mix the ingredients, but giving the same meat or vegetables the same is not recommended by veterinarians and experienced dog breeders.