Rune becoming a trap from Sam. Cleaning with runes from negativity. Cleaning the room from negativity


When we talk about unrequited love and Magic, various love rituals come to mind first. But not every person will decide on such a strong magical effect. And then runes will come to our aid, the effect of which can be terminated at any time, simply by destroying the formula that has worked or is no longer needed. The runic form “Cause Melancholy,” which we will now talk about, also belongs to the same category of light ones.

In what situations can you use bets to induce melancholy?

Unrequited love

We have already mentioned the first case - this is unrequited love, when we so uncontrollably want the object of our affection to think about us, notice, pay attention. If we do not want to bind him to ourselves with powerful magical spells, we can use the simplest runic stave. Of course, it cannot cause intense melancholy that would make a person climb the wall, but, nevertheless, a slight “therapeutic” effect still takes place. The person you are interested in will often return to you mentally, but whether or not this awakening of any serious feelings will cause is unknown, it all depends on the person’s initial disposition towards you, on the presence of at least a little sympathy.

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This is another sphere of action of such formulas - a situation when partners quarreled, separated for a while, had a row and do not talk to each other. An offended person can use a runic stave to induce a feeling of guilt in his other half, whom he undeservedly offended. In this case, thoughts about his loved one will constantly come to him, he will begin to remember all the pleasant moments associated with their relationship and, as a result, he will feel guilty and will be the first to agree to a truce. Do you feel the difference with the first option? Here we already have a certain love relationship between people, implying the presence of feelings, therefore, most likely, in this case the runic script will work more effectively.

Establish a connection

And finally, the third option is to use it so that the person calls, writes, or somehow makes himself known. It happens in our lives that we lose touch with those who are close to us, disagree due to some disagreements, or simply for some reason get caught up in the whirlpool of life events, forgetting about the people who are important to us. And it’s especially offensive in such situations when we ourselves don’t know how to find the person we are looking for, because a person can change his phone number, delete his page from social network, move to another address. Runes are also useful here - you can use them to evoke longing for yourself in the thoughts of another person. But let's get down to practice.

Becoming “Cause Melancholy” from Trap

The runic form “Cause Melancholy” from Trap (a practicing runologist known under the nickname lov_ushka) has proven itself to be excellent for use in all of the above cases.

It includes the following working runes:

  • Nautiz makes a person need the company of the operator
  • symbolizes his thoughts associated with him
  • Mirror Vunyo adds “tragedy” - it forces a person to feel sad, sad, and in a bad mood until he maintains contact with the operator
  • Laguz attracts dreams, premonitions and various signs associated with the person who causes melancholy in him
  • In the background, another Nautiz and Teyvaz force him to real actions- call, write, talk, make yourself known to the one you are yearning for.

It is important to apply the runes in “Cause Melancholy” from the Trap with your blood on a photograph of a person. If you draw them with a marker or paint, then he will simply be sad for no reason - the blood is needed specifically to bind him to the operator. Activated by anyone in a convenient way, is negotiated depending on your desire - it can be specified to cause severe melancholy, or it can be mild.

Runic becoming “Snowflake” to challenge melancholy from the author Zver

This ligature is most suitable for situations when a couple has broken up, lovers have quarreled, or for some reason they are separated by kilometers (business trip, moving due to life circumstances etc.). Runes specifically work here to cause melancholy in a loved one at a distance. Effective and at the same time not too complicated.

  • makes me sad
  • covers a person with a stream of memories and thoughts about the operator
  • makes this melancholy permanent, does not allow it to disappear
  • The Dagaz combination awakens in a person’s memory all the best moments and feelings associated with the operator

We discuss it depending on our own needs, apply it to the photograph in any usual way.

Are bets on the challenge of melancholy safe?

And here, as they say, everything depends on from what point of view you look at this matter. On the one hand, if a person causes melancholy with rune magic, achieves the result he needs, for example, so that the person he is interested in makes himself known, calls, goes to reconciliation, etc., after which he destroys the becoming - then yes, the work of the ligature will be perfect safe.

If he uses the runic stave “Cause melancholy” for an exclusively selfish purpose, just like that, out of nothing to do, as an experiment - and does this constantly, updating the formula as it weakens, and causing a lifelong state of depression in a person - then this is already an intervention into his destiny. And such an act can be subsequently punished. Therefore, before any magical ritual, think carefully about whether you really need it and what goals you are pursuing.

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The most Full description in all details - a runic love spell from a trap with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

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    1.Becoming a "cockroach cleaner" from Sam.

    2. Becoming a “Hat” from Orobas – from grievances and blocks.

    3. Becoming "Eraser" from the Trap - erase from memory.

    4. By becoming a “Toggle” from Orobas, we turn off unnecessary thoughts. Having become this, I leave it to work for the entire complex, that is, I don’t burn it at all.

    In each church I light 3 memorial candles. We turn the candle over while we go to the funeral table, quietly pick off the wick from reverse side so that your manipulations are not noticed. We light candles and say in a whisper: “Lord rest the WILL of the servant (.) in your kingdom.” You can visualize a submissive rabbit while doing this.

    6. We break the rabbit’s protection. I use “Crowbar” for 3-7-9 days, and remove the protection on the egg.

    7. Before the love spell itself, we put runic protection on ourselves. I put on the helmet of horror, it suited me best. I usually paint blood on my photo, but here it’s whatever you like.

    8. I applied a sharp Mansur love spell on growth. It is not difficult to carry out. I order wax from an online store, sculpting a volt is a very interesting activity. She shed her own blood. I’ll tell you right away that I didn’t have any bindings, so I put a full-length photo of a person inside the volt.

    9. In parallel with this I do different days(while the love spell is unwinding) Becoming the Only Drinker, becoming a Labyrinth (so that the rabbit would wander in his thoughts and feelings for you, of course, Close from all women and become melancholy from the Trap. In parallel with becoming melancholy, I use to induce melancholy/thirst with salt on photo.

    10.B difficult situations I add a chic becoming SPIM - changing stereotypes of behavior and thinking. For example, if a person depends on the opinion of society and everyone tells him that being with you is nonsense - we change the stereotype of his thinking and he stops listening to society, etc., here too everything is individual, but I think you get the point. This one is on this moment always amazes me with its results.

    11. In order for the rabbit to start communicating, we put on the “Smerch” stave from Orobas, usually I immediately supplement it with a Magic kick or something else that works well for me, so look here according to your practice. Once there was a situation so bad that I had to do Mansur “Cry Out the Soul,” but this is a completely extreme case. Seraphim calls are also going well.

    12. When communication begins, here it’s already on yourself - Sunshine, Bright Star, etc. When meeting a partner, play the snake catcher’s pipe on yourself if you want your partner to open up to you, and also add “the joy of communication”, “sexy gingerbread” + “thoughts only about you” to his photo before meetings, so that the rabbit is completely occupied with thoughts only about you. I don’t recommend adding jealousy bets, the last time my rabbit didn’t talk to me for a week because of a phone call, until he burned the bet.

    13. Well, don’t forget to put protection on your relationship.

    14. I completely forgot about my rivals. Usually, if I need to destroy a relationship, I always use THREE staves at the same time - with a black marker on their joint photo. It ALWAYS works.

    Remember the names of the stakes:

    That's all. The result will not be long in coming.

    15. Good luck to all of you on the path to your happiness!


    Love spell complex from personal practice

    I’ll say right away - Krol is complex, practically impenetrable (on top of everything else, he’s also a Muslim).

    I struggled for a long time, wrote down everything I did and eventually came to this complex, which I now use on other people.

    Here we individually clean and remove all unnecessary items from the rabbit’s head, blocks, pens, etc. I usually set it for 3 days, but it’s possible for 7-9 days.

    If before this you put something on your crawl, then at the same time we clean the staves so that the crawl is clean, fresh and ready to work. I usually use nautiz-soulo-nautiz cleansing for three days with the appropriate reservation.

    We remove grievances, especially if there was a strong quarrel and the rabbit does not make contact. Having become this, it is applied with one’s blood to mandatory. I usually do the same for three days.

    We erase unpleasant thoughts and memories about ourselves, any negativity that the rabbit can remember, for example, a quarrel or an insult, we erase all this, just to be sure. I put it up at the same time as the Shapka stave. They work together just brilliantly.

    I usually stipulate that the rabbit cannot think badly of me or remember unpleasant moments etc. Becoming breaks any attempts to think about what you will stipulate.

    In each church I light 3 memorial candles. We turn the candle over while we go to the funeral table, quietly pick off the wick from the back side so that your manipulations are not noticed. We light candles and say in a whisper: “Lord rest the WILL of the servant (.) in your kingdom.” You can visualize a submissive rabbit while doing this.

    You can do Stepanova’s “I light three candles”, but I really didn’t do it myself, they advised me, so I can’t say anything about this ritual.

    We can also add weakening by Runes, in the photo there are 4 inverted algiz with a cross, in the corners there are 4 inverted teyvaz (you can have a teyvaz in the middle of the hagalaz, just like the destruction of will). I don’t burn the weakened photos until the end of the work.

    Of the runic love spells I can recommend “The Scarlet Flower”, I’m sorry I don’t remember the authorship, the love spell is for 3 or 7 chakras, but here too there are many nuances for carrying them out, in the joint photo I like the PNP - love spell on flows, for some people the “packaging for rabbit”, then choose for yourself, for different rabbits - different results, although compared to Mansur - short-lived.

    In runes, the result still depends on the offering. I always do when turning to Freya honey drink and pour it under a tree. Once a love spell of three runes worked just with a good offering, it still holds, so there’s no need to do it every once in a while.

    You can add Deja Vu from Trap, with the caveat of returning to the time when you and the rabbit had feelings, etc.

    Here you may even have to sweat for more than one day. But if the rabbit does not make contact, it means most likely that the defense was either poorly penetrated or the will is not suppressed.

    Remember the names of the stakes:

    – Becoming the Foot of Discord – instills disgust or contempt. We put it on the photo of the rabbit or on a photo of them together. We don’t put it on the rabbit, you can mess up and his disgust will come to you.

    Becoming a Divorce. You can try the arrow of rupture.

    And according to the classics - a cross on the rails of relationships.

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    Runic chakra love spell from Lov_ushka

    Love spell by chakras:


    Love spell by chakras:

    1. Take a photo of a rabbit. It should be full height, or a little smaller, the main thing is that all chakra channels are visible.

    2. Draw all the chakras in the photo with colored circles.

    3. We enter runic formulas into the chakras, stipulating:

    – muladhara – raido-yera – may your feet carry you to me every day

    – svadhisthana – kenaz tyur – may you experience a strong sexual attraction to me

    – manipura – gebo – let all your life plans be connected only with me, you can’t imagine life without me, you don’t see a future without me, you want a close relationship with me

    – anahata – kenaz-sovilo – ardent love for me flared up in your heart. Love lights up your heart brighter and brighter.

    – vishuddha – laguz-vunye – your speeches are only about me, you rejoice in communicating with me

    – ajna – ansuz – your thoughts are only about me, you can’t imagine your life without me, you think about our future.

    – sahasrara – eyvaz-nautiz – the rabbit’s energy directs all thoughts and actions only to the object of love, the whole meaning of existence is only in the object of love.

    Warning: influencing a person’s chakras is a responsible and energy-consuming task. This method is suitable if all methods have failed and the object turns out to be impenetrable. ONLY in this case does it make sense to hit him at the chakras. Give yourself strong protection against energy drainage and possible kickbacks.

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    Runic love spells

    Perto-Kenaz-Gebo-Nautiz is a fairly tough love spell.

    Gebo-Kenaz-Vunyo – “flame of love”

    Gebo-Inguz-Evaz - love spell runes, probably with marriage;

    Nautiz - Kenaz - Mannaz - Uruz - Vunyo - packaging for rabbit.

    Mannaz is the object whose energy the Rune is powered by

    Kenaz – flame of passion (?)

    Gebo – partnerships

    Vunyo - the joy of this..

    Gebo - again relationships and partnerships

    Otala – common house, family

    And I also read the reviews. It seems to work like a love spell or a challenge, I don’t remember, but still.

    As soon as I find that material, I’ll post it right away, I just don’t remember where I read the discussion of this formula

    ergi ok æði ok óþola;

    svá ek þat af ríst,

    sem ek þat á reist,

    ef gerask þarfar þess.""

    just like cutting

    I will give you lust, sorrow and madness as your inheritance.

    But I can save you from that evil spell

    And remove the spell whenever I want."

    Read the primary sources - and you will be happy.

    that is, we are not talking about a love spell, but about such a punishment for yourself - like run to me, because if you don’t run, the Turs will punish you and bring you to me anyway.

    something like this (I don’t pretend to be true)

    You'll want to have sex so wildly that you'll climb the wall, but it will go away at the will of the one who did it. And he must remove the causes and harmonize the Chaos that will be.

    Richard» 26 Sep 2014, 00:56

    Let the spell last as long as the caster wants it.

    (You can write it just like that - let the spell last 2 (or other) days from the time of casting.)

    Laguz let me find an approach to the object and he does not feel forced.

    (Here Laguz is used to bypass the subject’s natural defenses: love for another (oh), moral and ethical guidelines, etc., to hide the impact)

    Kennaz let the subject feel sexual attraction to me.

    Let a talisman be created that begins and ends its effect at the request of the owner.

    Let the owner of the talisman become the subject of the spell, and the object be the one chosen by the subject (it is clear that it is different each time)

    Nauthiz - let the object unconditionally submit to the action of the spell - we suppress the will of the person - we subordinate him to the “will” of the talisman, we “dry” him, we force him to fulfill the spell’s algorithm.

    Kenaz - let lust take over him and cloud his reason

    We cause an attack of passion, desire in the object and instill an obsession with the realization of these desires, otherwise people are different - you can lust at a distance and do nothing.

    Laguz - let the experience not leave a trace and/or leave the desired trace - we care about the consequences and our comfort - so that later we don’t have to deal with sudden love on the basis of successful sex; we remove possible remnants of the strong influence of Nauthiz + Kenaz - we wash it off with water (Laguz), we stipulate disposability and at the same time we leave ourselves the opportunity for further manipulation by a person - and suddenly we like it.

    (It would be better to say - “let all consequences of this spell be eliminated, except those that the subject wishes.”)

    Let this spell work on (name)

    Let the spell take effect when I want and end when I want.

    Kenaz - let the victim burn with passion for me

    Naud - let the victim be forced to urgently realize his desire.

    Winjo - let both parties have fun

    Laguz - let the victim not guess about witchcraft.

    Visualization (optional): a person is attracted to me by a magnet.

    It makes sense to make the spell final, because a constant love spell based on sex can lead to unforeseen circumstances.

    Multi-final is better. Those. This is a spell that will "shoot" small finite spells. It’s better because the love spell is almost a one-time use, and it’s hard to cast the final spell every time.

    1) Let the target of this spell be<имя>.(If a love spell is done for another person, then it makes sense to take, say, Gebo or Eihwaz to symbolize the connection between these two people. Because identifying only the object or only the subject with runes will not be a complete identification, it is better to identify both of them, but in the context the love spell of “both” can be identified precisely by Eihwaz, like a rope with marked ends - this end clings to (name), and this one to (name).

    2) His will will be broken, and he will submit to the spell (Hagalaz) (It’s a bit difficult, although it’s also possible, and this is not a mistake. But it would be better to use Naud, this is a classic rune of a black love spell.)

    3) Let him/her want sex with me (or someone else)(Kenaz)

    4) The spell will lose its power when the caster (subject) wants it to.

    Let a talisman be created; the one who wears it is the subject, and the one to whom the subject mentally points is the object.

    Kenaz - let the subject be struck by sexual desire towards the subject

    Naud - let him not be able to resist and be forced to strive for sex with the subject.

    Gebo - let the object and the subject have fun, and their relationship will end in an amicable way (without hysterics), unless the subject wishes otherwise. (if he wishes, then this spell must be replaced with something else).

    Richard» 26 Sep 2014, 00:57

    Hagalaz (destruction of barriers, elimination of “complexes”, everything that interferes) + Kenaz (passion, desire, irresistible craving) + Naud (push, coercion, indication of the need for action)

    Turisaz (removal of obstacles, push) + Kenaz + Naud (passion, desire) + Vunyo (mutual joy, elimination of shyness, uncertainty) + Gebo (to strengthen further relationships, complete mutual understanding)

    Soulo (removing obstacles, complexes, everything that can hinder the development of relationships, giving self-confidence) + Kenaz (passion, desire) + Eyvaz (mutual passion, bonds, mutual understanding) + Vunyo + Gebo (further joyful development of relationships, joy from resolved problems and so on.)

    Teyvaz (push, victory over oneself, determination, getting rid of fear) + Kenaz (passion, desire) + Vunyo (joy, achieving what was planned).

    edge» 30 Sep 2014, 18:47

    How to stipulate, just every rune?

    Sorry if this question was asked and I am repeating myself.

    The stipulations in the topic are given - it is written how each rune needs to be stipulated. That's how you talk about it.

    Nyd (naud) (main and secondary) - melancholy, strong need for a person, coercion,

    Gyfu (Gebo) – the desire to be together, marriage, partnership, the combination of 2 energies.

    Odal - the desire to have a family with the subject,

    Wyn (Vunyo) - to be happy, to live in harmony, to rejoice with the subject,

    Yera is a sustainable, fruitful result and closure in a constant cycle.

    Аs – Divine power and support,

    Ac – Powerful fuel for the union and reliable support.

    Rad (3 pieces) – directing energy in the right direction, as well as all attention, all roads of the object lead to the subject, all life path only with the subject.

    Thorn (tours) - aggressive defense that does not allow outsiders into this union,

    Elhaz (Algiz) - defense of the union,

    Ear - without a subject - you are dead.

    Of the seven streams I will choose one

    I'll fill it with fireweeds

    A stream will flow, a river of fire

    This river of fire will carry

    It will glaze over his clean eyes

    Filled with a zealous heart

    His mind will dry up (name)

    So that you think about me

    Didn’t remember my father and mother’s relatives

    He dreamed about me alone

    Let the fire burn in your soul

    Working runes: Mannaz + Teyvaz (secondary) – man, object of influence. Berakana clinging to him - accordingly Zhn.

    if the MC is stubborn, then weakening must be done before the love spell. and generally look at what is interfering with the work, since the diagnosis went

    plus there is a redemption in black magic, and in runes and paganism there is the concept of Gifts


    45 messages

    Ansuz(2) + Inguz + Uruz + Ansuz(2) – constant mental attachment, longing, craving. Desire for sex and overstimulation at the thought. Actually, from this follow “unbridled carnal pleasures” and love walks - whoever likes it.

    Algiz + Vunyo - crazy and serene joy and calm, a feeling of protection and confidence when the couple is together.

    Tours + Tours (mirror) - anguish in the heart, pain and burden, if separation suddenly happens. On the part of the woman it will be hysterical and hysterical, on the part of the man it will be aggression and the desire to find it at any cost.

    Gebo (4) – warm and strong, communication in which mutual understanding reigns. It's about cooperation and a willingness to cover each other's backs.

    Soulo warms it all up, illuminates relationships from a new perspective every time, and doesn’t let you get bored.

    Salt (2) – nourishes the relationship and the couple with energy, does not allow the relationship to heat up and go out, but allows it to burn evenly and quietly (of course, after the first part has passed).

    It is enough to specify these runes and activate them. I advise you to activate it with 4 elements with the call of Freya and Freyr.

    Ecce Elau (Nennia rune) – inner world, subconscious love of oneself loved;

    Teyvaz - a breakdown, replacement with a target intended by a slander (severe coercion, or zombification);

    Fich (Nennia rune) – harsh violence (put at will);

    eP (Hung.) – a rich harvest, an increase in the object’s love for you;

    DISCLAIMER: “This runic formula destroys Petya’s natural defense, suppressing his love for himself and replacing him with Maria’s strong, passionate love for me (we list what emotions you want from your rabbit - so that he thinks about me day and night, suffers from love for me, is madly jealous, so that he constantly wants to see - hear my voice.) So be it!”

    kano – ignites (ignites) and increases his desire

    yera – makes this process permanent

    laguz – directs this entire flow of feelings to a specific object

    Vunyo - all this brings joy

    algiz – protects work

    The stave is made from Irish black runes and one Nutrumbian rune.

    this is a theft that will remain unsolved” or the damage will remain unsolved, it will be difficult to identify through diagnostics what the true reason is.

    rollback. But most often it was used to damage diseases.

    With this rune I wanted to designate the disease itself, the main rune.

    You can make an offering to Loki and contact him.

    According to the diagnosis, once she has to cope, the woman will be left alone, she will not be happy and will not understand what is going on.

    1) The ever-accelerating spin of this runic wheel and its eternal and unhindered movement is carried out by the Uruz rune. This rune in this runic stave breaks through any generic, Christian, energy, magical and other types of protection of the object, which, in turn, allows this runic stave to carry out its work in full and without any interference.

    2) The wheel from Nautiz evokes in the consciousness, feelings (Laguz rune) and body (Berkana rune) of an object a very strong (Kano rune), constant and unabating (Isa rune) desire (Kano rune), desire, need (Nautiz rune) to feel, realize, feel (.) – here we write what feelings, thoughts, knowledge, desires we want to build into the object.

    3) This runic formation, with the help of the Isa rune and the Nautizov wheel, forcibly removes from the object any doubts, fears, beliefs, stereotypes, opinions that contradict (.) - here we write all those cockroaches that we want to remove from the object’s consciousness.

    There are no special requirements for the personal characteristics of rabbits. Their number is also not significant.

    Description: the strongest love spell between a woman and a man

    Berkano is the most charming girl

    Perto + Kenaz - in general, these 4 runes in this form are already a love spell

    Inguz is an operator, a phallic dominator to whom we bewitch

    Gebo – sexual love magic, Center – resultant – point of connection between Berkano and Inguz

    Othila – literally property

    Algiz + Wunjo – protects and gives joy from the “union”

    Stunginn iss – hides the impact from everyone!

    becoming very tough and strong, so

    týrt – restores a shabby young lady, healing a mental breakdown

    Struck by a noose, a rope-like trap

    A brittle neck, a bitter song

    It turned out to be in vain. I still have strength

    In two bags there is a heaping supply of

    Yes, I hid it so that I couldn’t find it

    Three winters in a row, yes three months

    That's why melancholy knocks you off your feet like a potion

    And the soul roars, rages with grief

    I ruled the sea as a smooth seal

    Soared under the cloud like a quiet bird

    I haven’t found the right strength anywhere

    Looked into myself. Can't reach the bottom

    The vigilant dawns do not burn in the chest

    Feel the heart. This is true! She!

    In two bags lies heaped full

    The grains are black, the stars are frequent

    And there is longing in my chest, even if I climb the wall

    Mutilate, cut your wrists into blood

    There’s no need, apparently, the force is ardent

    If the body burns, it dries with thirst

    I will scorch you with my sting, with my heat

    I will greedily pull out each vein

    everything else is a system of coercion, mitigation, etc.

    the same reservation with the logical replacement of her with him.

    my runescript introduces dependence without causing harm to both, developing and harmonizing relationships.

    laguz is the intersection of the destinies of two people, manaz is the unification of their consciousnesses into a single whole (family), ansuz - give complete mutual understanding and harmony in trust, berkanna is the girl herself, understanding and giving growth to the capabilities and feelings of the guy, giving life to their future children (yeira), turisaz - the guy himself, the breadwinner, the hunter, in need (naud) of the strength (uruz) that comes to him through the manaz (family), receiving complete satisfaction from life next to the girl. Yeira can be described as a continuous flow of these feelings and emotions, so as not to make fakes in the future.

    This runic stave You can glue any faded feelings, return love, passion to your partner and harmonize relationships, taking them to a new level.

    - for a love affair

    – to create more passion in a relationship

    – for attractiveness in the eyes of a partner

    – to create strong love bonds

    – so that your partner experiences the same thing as you

    - for a love affair

    – for a love spell, for passion

    – for a love spell with elements of trouble

    - for the strong love relationship

    – for passion, for love

    – for a love spell, for harmonious relations

    – to create strong relationships

    - to induce melancholy

    u – letter to enhance the effect of the spell

    y – letter to cloud the mind

    – liter for combining runes in a spell

    – letter to strengthen the spell

    Well, as it turns out, the main thing is to kick him out later, so that he also blames himself.

    In principle, one could call it becoming Mata Hari.

    Usually done for revenge. Or shake the rich bad bunny.

    What’s good about a love spell is that it won’t destroy a family, it will just strip the rabbit clean and throw it away.

    Vunyo (per) - Algiz (per) - removal of protection.

    Hagal - a blow to the head so that he does not resist. Hagal is an irreversible rune, it does not turn over. For those who see for the first time.

    2 Kano-Gebo-3 nauta- we really insist

    Perth will blurt out all the secrets, maybe the code to the safe...

    2Soul (zerk) -Raido (per) - 2Feu -gave money

    By the way, an excellent choice for a scout.

    Applying it to the face, on food, or feeding it to zombie cookies is quite good.

    As a result, you will get a stupid, satisfied schmuck.

    A bit complicated at first glance, but proven. You won’t have to worry about looking for a stave to remove the protection.

    Everything is there at once. Requires huge gifts. Needless to say Loki.

    y – rune for getting what you want

    The K-rune is used to cast a love spell on the operator himself, that is, it can be used to appear the most beautiful, the smartest, the most charming.

    L – used to induce a love spell, to induce melancholy

    Gebo - so that when thinking about the operator, the subject experiences strong emotions and feelings

    Kano – what the operator would always wish for

    Nautiz – very sad and lonely

    Vunyo – love, understanding, passion, good disposition

    Olechka77 great job. The love spell turned out great, the structure is complex and good, the runes were chosen correctly, it turned out to be a good love spell, it can be used to evoke passion, love, to improve relationships, to return relationships, to create charm, very good work.

    Black and white version. There is no need to outline the frames and the top circle!

    "At midnight, I will light the spring candles, I will call and wake up the Ognevits sisters

    You will wake up, fire sisters

    how the streams of God flow from east to west

    Of the seven streams I will choose one

    I'll fill it with fireweeds

    A stream will flow, a river of fire

    This river of fire will carry

    Fire sisters to Mother Earth

    And that scorching river will rise, a river of fire, into the soul of my man-husband (name)

    It will glaze over his clean eyes

    A fiery fire will ignite in his chest

    Filled with a zealous heart

    His mind will dry up (name)

    So that you think about me

    He yearned for me hour and day after day

    Didn’t remember my father and mother’s relatives

    He dreamed about me alone

    So that his thoughts about others pass by and disintegrate into dust

    No matter how his soul cried or fought back

    Let the fire burn in your soul

    In fiery fire, love fire, dry fire."

    Gebo between them is the connection of their destinies and feelings. A gift of love from above.

    Ansuz (zerk) is the energy of a love spell acting through words.

    Nautizy (secondary) - coercion, stabilization of a love spell.

    Ansuz + Nautiz make “him” think about “her”.

    Yera makes it permanent, never-ending.

    Kenaz - “hot sisters of Ognevitsa” + Laguz - flows of passion that lead to “love” unity.

    Vunyo makes relationships harmonious and joyful.

    I see the girl this way.

    We place Berkana inside the mannaz-teyvaz, which symbolizes a man, we secure this with a mirror nautiz, thereby forcing (gently!) her to think only about him. Well, the rest of the runes do their job as in the 1st version.

    But this is just my personal vision. It is possible that the 1st one will work for a woman (I haven’t tested it this way).

    Naud – For coercion. For a strong love spell, we force a person to obey our will.

    Teiwaz lane - breaks a person's resistance and forces him to submit to us

    Raido - movement towards us, people not only dream about us, but also come to us

    We apply runes on the rays of Naud:

    Naud + Kenaz – we forcibly kindle feelings of sympathy, a person’s love for us and increase sexual

    Naud+ Laguz is a love spell itself, we make you love us.

    Naud+ Ansuz - we make you think about us and only us.

    Naud Uruz Provides love connection, harmonizes relationships, ensures sympathy

    Xagal- destroys all the obstacles that hinder the development of relationships, clears everything that bothers us, removes all problems, congestion and the like.

    e- increases the impact force of the stave (4 pcs)

    The structure is the same as the male one, only the significator runes have been changed. Mannaz is now in the center, and Berkana appeared in the Cano-Naud combination.

    It contains not only attraction, love, etc., but also the finding of an ideal couple, that is, if a person is lonely, he may well use this becoming to find his other half and she fell in love with him, in addition, becoming creates a certain charm around a person, which attracts people, girls to him, and this is not a problem, people just see only good qualities a person, they see special beauty, even if it doesn’t really exist, they see it. This whole additional action, becoming a love spell in itself, is just a very soft love spell, not weak, but soft, without violent suppression of the will, this is not “violence” " above a person's personality, and discovery of his best qualities. Becoming wonderful, strong, effective, with many hidden capabilities

    Elves are jealous and touchy, so don't forget to thank them!

    Offerings to the elves: fruits, calendula (marigold flowers), light beer, honey, silver coins, precious stones or just beautiful stones, but of natural origin, sweets in bright and shiny candy wrappers.

    The purpose of the stave: love spell work.

    1. It was in lining format (beech wood, but you can also use good paper)

    3. It was burned on paper, and then the ashes were mixed into food.

    Blood is absolutely necessary

    I’ll break it down by application method, because the results were different.

    At first, the object showed no activity at all. Approximately on the 4-5th day, the object, like a hysterical nature, began calling and writing to the client at night. In the morning I came to my wife’s work with a gift and began showering her with compliments. Previously, they were already in a relationship, but they met 1-2 times a week due to the rabbit’s “busyness” and there was a “chill”.

    The rabbit begins to think about the wedding. (Makes hints to the woman) The name of the work appeared because of the rabbit’s state (well, and because of the shape of the position): he is tied to the lady entirely, absorbed in her, “moored.”

    At the moment (approximately 2.5-3 months have passed since the lining) the relationship is excellent. The woman is happy with the rabbit.

    2. In the photo. The effect was poorer. Several meetings, the state of falling in love (not love) lasted for about 2-2.5 weeks, after which it was cut off. The only plus is that after the update everything came back again. But tracing every 2 weeks became tiresome, so I used other works. You can use it for photos, but don’t expect crazy love.

    3. The principle of "feeding". The result is about the same as with the lining, so I won’t repeat it. True, in terms of speed of full promotion, it surpassed the lining.

    NB! It is necessary to repeat 3 times on the same height to obtain a brighter and longer result.

    1. Increased sexual desire for the object appears.

    2. Increased attention (in cases 1 and 3).

    3. Challenge element. In all tests, the rabbit appeared a day or two later with gifts (another by-effect, By the way)

    4. The rabbit becomes more romantic.

    Negative points of work:

    1. Jealousy. At first after work, the rabbits begin to be jealous of “every post,” so keep this in mind.

    2. In the 2nd application option, the effect is short-term.

  • Deterioration in well-being, a series of troubles in one or all areas of life at once, constantly bad mood, gloomy thoughts, bad habits such as alcoholism or drug addiction - all of these are most often symptoms of negativity brought upon a person through magical or everyday means. Living with such symptoms is extremely unpleasant, so it is imperative to get rid of negative influences. The topic of our article today is cleaning from negativity with runes. We will look at the most popular effective formulas and rules for working with them.

    What is the difference between runic protection and negative cleansing?

    Cleaning with runes from negativity for beginners sometimes seems similar to runic protection, but this is not at all the case. Cleaning means searching for sources of negativity and removing all symptoms of negative influence from a person. Protection is the next stage after cleansing, which provides a person with safety from new negative influences. We can say that cleaning is the treatment of the disease, and protection is further prevention after recovery. Ideally, you should use both, since the negative effects can continue if you are not protected from them. We will look at protection in other articles, but today we’ll talk specifically about cleaning.

    Types of runic cleansing from negativity

    With the help of runes, we can remove the negative impact not only from a specific person, but also from an entire family, as well as from the premises in which people live, because sometimes damage is caused not only to specific persons, but also to their house or apartment. Surely, you have heard more than once about places with bad energy, being in which a person feels bad, experiences causeless anxiety, fear and other unpleasant feelings.

    Cleansing magical symbols there are two types:

    • Universal. It helps to remove absolutely any negativity
    • Cleaning from a specific type of negativity, for example, from magically induced, from everyday, from binding entities, from love spells, etc.

    In terms of impact strength, there are light and powerful cleaning. The former are used in relatively mild cases (the evil eye, everyday negativity, confusion), the latter - in more serious cases, when severe curses or several types of influence occur simultaneously.
    Separately, it is worth mentioning cleansing from negativity with runes with return, when we not only remove existing negative influences, but also return the negativity sent to us back to the “sender”.

    General rules for cleaning from negativity with runes

    Almost any cleansing with runes from negativity with a reservation is carried out according to the same scenario. In order not to repeat ourselves ten times, we will briefly describe these rules.

    1. Diagnostics. Before using the chosen formula, you need to make sure that it suits you - just conduct a diagnosis with runes or Tarot cards
    2. Application. Cleaning formulas are usually applied to a photograph of a person, sometimes on his body
    3. Disclaimer. The staves are negotiated either by rune (when the action of each rune is pronounced out loud), or in full (by pronouncing general action stava). During the reservation, it is necessary to mention that becoming acts without harm to physical and mental health the operator and the person from whom we are filming the negative. Also, some experts advise adding “without harm to loved ones, pets,” etc. This is optional
    4. Activation. You can activate the formula in any way convenient for you: with all the elements or just one, with your breath
    5. Deactivation. If he works with a photo, then with fire, if with his own body, then by erasing signs, washing away the formula. How exactly the status will be deactivated must be discussed at the stage of the reservation

    Use this algorithm when working with the formulas below, unless otherwise stated in the text.

    Universal Cleaning Formulas

    Cleansing with runes from negativity, collected in this part of the article, are universal, i.e. they can be used for absolutely any type of negative impact.

    Flush from lov_ushka

    The following runes work in this simple formula:

    • Hagalaz finds and “picks out” the existing negative impact
    • Laguz (one inverted, the second - an inverted mirror) wash away all the negativity, take it away

    Knitting needle from Runava

    This simple and gentle runic cleansing of negativity can even be used on children. It includes the runes Sol and Lögr (Icelandic series) to remove all the “byaka”, and Ar to enhance the work of the formula.

    Becoming "Trap" from Sam

    In this wonderful work, Master Sam combined two functions at once - removing negative impacts and protection.
    Included runes:

    • Perth, direct and reverse Laguz, as well as three Turisaz create a trap for negativity
    • Five Hagalaz + Teyvaz symbolize the “millstone” for everything that falls into this trap
    • Nautiz forces the “byaka” to suck in all negative influences
    • Direct and reverse Ansuz in the background perform protective functions

    This cleansing formula was created by runologist Richard using Ravenhana and Milante.
    The principle of operation of runes:

    • The basis of the formula is two swastikas that launch a vortex under the influence of solar energy
    • The dot in the center is the man himself
    • Four Sols remove damage and protect a person
    • Two Kveorts arranged in a cross - burn negativity
    • Four Soulu cleanses, heals the body, nourishes the formula energetically
    • Four Thurisaz break all negative influences, cut off attachments
    • Four Ansuz symbolize the wind fanning the fire

    Removing negativity induced by magic

    Now let's talk about formulas suitable for eliminating negative magical influences, when negativity was directed at a person on purpose, and not by accident.

    This cleansing of negativity with a return. It allows a person not only to get rid of the magical influence, but also to find out who caused it, and also to send all the bad things back to the offender. Information about who wished you harm comes within three days after activation of the stave.

    • The basis of the formula is the three Dagaz runes, which provide a transition on the physical, mental and astral planes
    • The point in the center of the far right stave is the person to whom luck should return
    • The central ligature is Eyvaz – Turisaz between the direct and mirror Laguz. This is a gate through which there is only entrance and no exit.
    • Left formula - removes Nedolya's spell, returns troubles to their sender without the possibility of return again
    • Right formula - returns good luck in all matters (Soulu - Fehu - Vunyo) to a person who has suffered from magical influence

    This runescript allows you to remove any curse from a person. If diagnostics reveals several curses, you need to write down this ligature several times in a row, since each formula removes only one magical effect.
    Working runes:

    • Elm Mannaz - Hagalaz - reverse Ansuz - Nautiz symbolizes the curse itself and the person on whom it is imposed
    • The reverse connection Laguz - Eyvaz - direct and mirror Turisaz - direct Laguz - cuts off the negative and does not allow a person to fall back under its power
    • The sacred word SALU (Soulu - Ansuz - Laguz - Uruz) gives a person the energy of the sun and health
    • Elm – – – – secondary - opens the path to prosperity, well-being, joy

    This is not just cleansing with runes from negativity with a slander and activation by fire, but a real magic ritual. Those who are interested in it are recommended to visit the thematic forum or the author’s blog to see correct composition conspiracy against him.

    You will need:

    • Black wax candle
    • A needle or toothpick for applying runic signs to the candle
    • A mixture of herbs - thistle, St. John's wort and nettle
    • Juniper or bergamot scented oil
    • Black thread
    • Fireproof candle holder

    Carrying out the ritual:

    Apply a runescript to a black candle on one side, and write the words on the other: evil eye, damage, curse, harm, deeds, words, stealers. The candle is turned again, the following words are written: enemies, foes, young, old

    1. Take the candle in your hand and read the plot
    2. Take a black thread, wind it around the candle from bottom to top counterclockwise (away from you), reading another plot
    3. Next, the spark plug needs to be lubricated. aromatic oil down up
    4. Roll a candle with an herbal mixture with certain words
    5. Light a candle, say another spell
    6. When the candle burns out, collect the remaining wax in paper and burn it outside.

    "Order of Life" from Proserpina

    Another author's cleansing of negativity with runes. It is designed to get rid of magical influences, entities that cling to human energy channels from parasites who take advantage of the fruits of our own labor. Proserpina did not describe it in detail, so it is enough to simply apply the formula on the photo, specify it and activate it.

    Cleaning the room from negativity

    Now let's talk about how to cleanse a room of negative energy.

    This popular cleansing with runes from negativity on a candle. All you need is to apply the Kveort rune four times from top to bottom with a needle or marker, specify what you are clearing the room from, and then go around all corners of the house or apartment from front door clockwise around the room, returning again to the entrance. After walking around, we put the candle next to us and let it burn out.

    This runescript can be used both to cleanse a person and a room. To clean the room, we draw runes on paper and place it in the center of the room, or simply draw it on the floor.
    The stave includes “sticks”, each of which is repeated three times:

    • – – highlight all the negativity, show best way getting rid of it, protecting against the return of negative energy
    • Kveort – – reverse – – – - pour out all the “byaka”, remove blocks that interfere with the passage of positive energy, burn what for some reason could not “leak”
    • – – - fill the room with positive energy all the way

    This amazing cleansing of negativity with runes will allow you to simultaneously remove negative influences from all members of your family and distant relatives. The image shows a family tree - you can simply print the picture, enter the corresponding names in the empty fields and specify the name, or create a similar drawing yourself.
    Working runes:

    • Kveort - cleaning by fire
    • - all types of generic protection
    • - a person and all his relatives