Comic competitions for children 10 12. Fun games and competitions for children and adults

Birthday contests for 11-year-old children at home: funny and fun games

What birthday contests are ideal for 11-year-old children at home? What is the success of any children's party? The answer to this question is definitely not so simple.

There is a whole range of important points, which must be taken into account if you want to create a truly exciting and interesting celebration for the kids.

Firstly, children should have the opportunity to eat tasty and hearty meals in order to recharge their energy.

Secondly, they must have relative freedom of action so as not to feel under surveillance.

And thirdly, for boys and girls You need to be given the opportunity to burn off energy in fun games. And here, perhaps, competitions for children’s 11th birthday are best suited.

funny, fun competitions, games and entertainment for the 11th birthday. We all love competitions, and children are no exception. The difference between an adult and a child lies only in different interests. What you like is not necessarily what your child will like. Therefore, competitions for children should also be organized here. What specific competitions to choose for children on their 11th birthday is a rather complicated question. It all depends on the number of children, their character and mood. Therefore, it is best to select several diverse competitions at once in order to maximum amount The children were pleased with the entertainment program.

You can get ready-made contests for your 11-year-old child’s birthday on Jossie’s website. Especially for this we have collected large collection interesting and relevant children's competitions. With their help, you will be able to make the celebration interesting and memorable for everyone. little guest and the birthday boy himself.


Two participants are selected and put boxing gloves on their hands. Their task: unwrap the candy in one minute and eat it. The one who completes the task faster wins.


Each participant in the competition puts any item into a bag. One of the children is blindfolded. The presenter takes the item out of the bag and the participant, blindfolded, comes up with a task that the owner of the item taken out must complete.

Difficult dances

For such dances we will need ropes or an elastic band. We stretch one rope to a height of approximately 1 meter, and the second - 50 centimeters from the floor. Put a little distance between them. Task: while listening to incendiary music, you need to step over the bottom rope, and under the top rope, bend down and pass without touching it. You can go around the circle several times. For the third time, we blindfold several participants and ask them to do the same actions. We quietly remove the ropes and have fun watching how our dancers try.

Scarecrow couture

The competition is quite simple, it just requires a lot of imagination and creativity. For this you need a heap old clothes, can also be put foreign objects, such as a towel, napkins and things like that. To understand how creative they can use for their task. The essence of the task is that each team of participants needs to create a scarecrow for vegetable gardens from the proposed material, but at the same time it must be very fashionable and look stunning. The most inventive team wins.

Pop the balloons

Children are divided into two teams. Each is given 5-7 balls tied together. At the command of the leader, the guys begin to break the balls of the opposing team. The winners are those who have at least one unexploded balloon left.

Non-existent animal

If the existence of hammerhead fish or pipefish is scientifically proven, then the existence of thimblefish is not excluded. Let the child fantasize: “What does a panfish look like?” What does a scissorfish eat and how can a magnet fish be used?”

Hurry up to pick

A ball is given to the player, and 8-10 tennis balls are placed behind him. The player's task is to throw the ball up while it is in the air, pick up as many tennis balls as possible, and then catch the big ball. The game develops dexterity, attention, coordination of movements.

Paper mummy

Yes, dear adults, this may not be interesting to you, but some children at the age of 11 can wrap themselves in toilet paper for the first time. Give us the opportunity to have a lot of fun! You can also conduct a kind of greed test with toilet paper. Pass a roll of paper around, the task for the children is to tear off as many squares as they want. Well, you can come up with a task (after everything is torn off), for example, by the number of squares, say wishes to the birthday boy, hug with your neighbor, depending on how much imagination is enough.

Birthday games for 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 years

The most common type of entertainment at children's parties are competitions.

They allow you to relieve tension and constraint, making children more relaxed. Most often, after competitions, guys become more sociable and friendly.

It is not always possible to organize a celebration for children outdoors. Therefore, parents often wonder how safe it is to hold competitions in indoors. To prevent children from being injured during play, adults must remove all furniture with sharp corners, as well as all glass objects. To hold the competition at home, the room needs to be cleared as much as possible.

There are a huge number of options for holding a competition. They use a variety of things. It is this factor that affects total cost competition. Some of them (intelligent) are organized without any additional things at all, and therefore do not require any costs.

It will take a lot of time to prepare competitions for children. On average, this figure ranges from 3 to 6 hours. The most difficult ones even take several days to prepare. This is due to the fact that during preparation you need to find a room, prepare and decorate it, write a script, draw up a budget, purchase the necessary items for the competition, etc.

At 11 years old, the child begins to mature. By this age, he had accumulated a sufficient amount of knowledge. It is now that he first appears conscious desire appear as an independent adult, stand out from the crowd. All this must be taken into account when preparing the competition.

Try to guess

Stick a piece of paper with any word on one child’s back (TV, for example), he doesn’t know what the word is stuck on his back. Therefore, he asks other children questions, and they say “YES” or “NO” (for example: is this object round? - no, is it edible - no, is it in the house - yes, etc.) until he guesses what it is? word.

Guess the picture

The presenter shows the players a picture, which is covered with a large sheet with a hole two to three centimeters in diameter in the middle. The presenter moves the sheet across the picture. Participants must guess what is shown in the picture. The one who guesses the fastest wins.

Sea chain

Participants are given a box of paper clips. When given a signal, they begin to make a chain using these paper clips. Timed game - about 1-2 minutes. Whoever makes the longest chain during this time wins.


Children are divided into pairs, each pair stands with their backs to each other and locks elbows. The task is to run to the finish line without uncoupling, and then return back in the same position.


Players can buy real estate in the most different countries using plastic cards. In addition to hotel buildings and ordinary green houses, children will be able to buy Swiss chalets and African reed huts, Chicago skyscrapers and Chinese pagodas... The advantages of the game are obvious: children learn such concepts as “investment”, “stock exchange”, “initial capital accumulation” - but realities modern world are such that without knowledge of the basics of economics there is nothing to do in it.


You need to split into 2 teams.

The presenter announces what kind of applause he wants to hear.

  • ingratiating, sycophantic;
  • lazy and indulgent
  • loud, encouraging;
  • lazy and indulgent;
  • reserved, delicate;
  • stormy, enthusiastic.

This game allows you to introduce children, or vice versa, to better remember or assimilate various emotions and their expression.

The audience determines the winners.

Letter from Uncle Fyodor

The players sit in circles and everyone is given blank sheets of paper and pens. The presenter asks the question: “Who?” Players write the names of their heroes at the top of the sheet. After this, fold the sheet so that what is written is not visible. After this, they pass the piece of paper to the neighbor on the right. The presenter asks: “Where did you go?” Everyone writes, folds the paper and passes it to the neighbor on the right. Presenter: “Why did he go there?”…. And so on. After this, the fun reading begins together.

Interesting answers

The competition participant is seated with his back to everyone, and a sign with pre-prepared inscriptions is attached to his back. The inscriptions can be very different - “Toilet”, “School”, “Shop”, etc. The rest of the participants ask him various questions, such as “why do you go there, how often, and so on.” The player, not knowing what is written on the sign hanging on his back, must answer these questions.

“Burn some balloons.”

Children are divided into two teams. Each is given 5-7 balls tied together. At the command of the leader, the guys begin to break the balls of the opposing team. The winners are those who have at least one unexploded balloon left.


The guys are divided into two groups and stand on either side of a large basin of water. After the word “Start!” children splash each other with water. According to the rules of the competition, you cannot turn away, so the player who turns his head away from the splashes is eliminated. The team with one person left wins. This competition can also be held in a pool or on a river.

"Dwarves and Giants."

Children stand in a circle and hold hands (this way the guys can help their friend if he gets confused). When the presenter says the word “dwarfs”, the players must squat down, and when “giants” they must stand up. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the competition.
"Sea chain" Players are given a lot of paper clips. Of these, they must form a chain within 2 minutes. The one with the longest chain wins.


Children participating in the competition are given a lock and a set of keys. The essence of the competition is to be the fastest to pick up the key and open the lock.

"South America".

Each participant is given a costume appropriate to Latin American culture. When the music starts, the children must perform a dance composition. The winner is the one who best experienced the peculiarities of Latin American dances.

Birthday competitions on the street and at home

It is preferable to hold competitions for fresh air. A house or apartment does not always have the required area. A small room will constrain the children's actions, so the competition may not be fair.

If there is no way to take the children out into nature, then on the eve of the birthday you need to prepare the largest room in the house for competitions. All furniture should be removed from it to have more free space.

It is necessary to lay out in advance all the things that the presenter will need for the competition. To do this, in the corner of the room you can put round table and cover it with a screen from prying eyes. You can also put a stereo or laptop with speakers there.

Competitions in nature will be much more interesting. The stop itself is conducive to joy and fun. It has been noticed that if the game is played outdoors, children are more willing to take part in it.

For competitions, you can use a variety of sports equipment that cannot be used at home: badminton, volleyball or soccer ball, tennis rackets, etc. Naturally, the direction of competitions changes: most often they acquire a sporting character. Such competitions are suitable for children of any age.

What to pay attention to when holding competitions

First of all, you need to clearly determine which age group will take part in the competition. When children of the same age play, it is much easier, because they have the same interests.

  1. If the guys different ages, it is important to consider whether a particular competition will be of interest to everyone present.
  2. Holding a children's competition, as mentioned above, requires a lot of free space.
  3. Organizers should take care in advance about where the holiday will take place.
  4. You should also take into account the character and personal characteristics of each invited child. If the majority of children are not active, there is no need to include sports competitions in the scenario. In this case, intellectual competitions are suitable.

When a child turns 11, he wants to show his individuality at all costs. Competitions should be based on this. They should be aimed at creating a cohesive and friendly atmosphere in the team, and in no way hint at the child’s failure or inability.

We have provided you with fun, fun competitions, games and activities for your 11th birthday at home.


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Not a single one is cheerful children's party can't do without games. Children love competitions and will happily take part in competitions. The main thing is to choose them according to the age of the guests.

Playing skittles from plastic bottles with children

What child doesn't love bowling? With a little ingenuity, this game can be organized anywhere in no time.

Number of children – from one.

What will you need?

  • Plastic bottles (it's better to fill them with water) or real skittles.
  • Ball.
  • Tape, rope and other available means that can be used to mark the line.

How to prepare?

We put the pins in a row. We count a certain number of steps from them and lay out the line.

How to play?

The child must stand behind the line and throw the ball at the pins so as to knock down the maximum number of them.

Pros of the game:

Gives children the opportunity to show dexterity and move around.

Catching each other's ribbons

In just a couple of minutes, a hilarious mess is created!

Number of children – from two.

What will you need?

  • Ribbons measuring approximately 1 m or a long belt for each player.
  • Funny music.

How to prepare?

Each player has a ribbon tied on their belt so that the knot is at the back and the tail hangs down.

How to play?

Children catch their friend's ponytail while playing music, but don't let her catch her own ponytail.

Pros of the game:

Super fun, moving.

We create art as a whole team in teams

How can you have a good laugh with your imagination and not turn everything upside down? Easily!

What will you need?

  • 2 sheets of paper.
  • Something to write with – 2 pcs.

How to prepare?

How to play?

  1. One participant from the team comes out and each draws a head on their own sheet at the top of the sheet.
  2. Fold part of the sheet so that the main part of the head is not visible.
  3. A new member from each team comes up and draws the body part below.
  4. The sheet bends in the same way. And so on until the drawing is ready.

Pros of the game:

Quiet but fun. For the creative ones.

Relay art boosts team spirit

To start something like this to raise team spirit? Elementary, and without unnecessary noise!

Number of children – from 6, preferably a pair.

What will you need?

  • 2 sheets of paper.
  • Something to write with – 2 pcs.

How to prepare?

Divide all participants into 2 teams. For each team, put your own piece of paper and pencil.

How to play?

  1. The final goal is to draw an animal.
  2. One participant from the team comes out and each draws only one detail of the drawing on their sheet.
  3. Another participant draws one more detail. And so on, one by one, until the drawing is ready.

Pros of the game:

Gives you the opportunity to fantasize as a united team.

Eat candy on a fishing rod and win the competition

Want to combine snacking with play? No problem.

Number of children – from one.

What will you need?

  • Candies in candy wrappers.
  • Thread or fishing line.
  • Rod. This can be an ordinary pencil.

How to prepare?

We tie a thread onto a stick, and a candy onto the thread.

How to play?

Holding the rod, bring the candy to your mouth, unwrap the candy wrapper without using your hands and eat the candy.

Pros of the game:

Tasty, fun, you can show off your dexterity.

We divide the territory and play with a balloon

Want to get the kids to sit for a while? It's possible.
Number of children – 4 or more, preferably a paired number.

What will you need?

  • Balloon.
  • A chair for every player.
  • Tape or rope for marking.

How to prepare?

We divide the area in half using tape. Place chairs on both sides (equal numbers) at a distance of 1 m from the markings.

How to play?

  1. Participants sit on chairs and should not stand up.
  2. We throw the ball and play like volleyball.
  3. You can't pick it up! On whose territory the ball landed, he lost.

Pros of the game:

Quiet game, but perfect for tricksters!

Try to make me laugh or you'll lose

When you need to defuse the situation, you can make Nesmeyana laugh.

What will you need?

  • A chair, but you can do without it.

How to play?

One participant sits on a chair and looks at everyone. Everyone is trying to make him laugh. Don't tickle! Whoever makes you laugh, sit in his place.

Pros of the game:

Allows you to show resourcefulness, liberates.

Find me in mittens and blindfolded!

Tired of the usual tag and hide and seek? They can easily be combined and made much more interesting.

What will you need?

  • Thick mittens.
  • Shawl or scarf.

How to play?

  1. One participant is blindfolded, puts on mittens and catches other players.
  2. The one who was caught must be recognized blindfolded by touch through the mittens.

Pros of the game:

Develops memory and more.

An interesting game without additional attributes “Yes-no-guessing”

The most interesting game for growing scholars. The main thing is to correctly explain the rules and set the tone of the game.

Number of children – 3 or more.

What will you need?

How to play?

  1. A presenter is selected.
  2. Then the topic is determined. For example: transport, animals, cartoon characters.
  3. The presenter makes a wish for an object on the announced topic.
  4. Everyone asks him leading questions, but he can only say “yes” or “no.”
  5. Whoever guesses the hidden word first takes the place of the leader.

Pros of the game:

Develops logic and helps communication.

Junk phone for children aged 4 years and older

A good old game for moms and dads. And for many children it can become a small discovery of how to have fun.

Number of children – 4 or more.

What will you need?

How to play?

  1. The first participant thinks of any word, says it quietly and quickly in the second participant’s ear.
  2. The second also conveys this word to the third.
  3. And so on until the last player who says the word out loud. It can get very funny!

Pros of the game:

Develops hearing, brings participants together, and has fun.

Game “Unraveling a Living Tangle” for children from six years old

Children of this age consider many games to be childish and do not want to play them. But they will definitely like this game.

Number of children – 4 or more.

What will you need?

How to play?

  1. A presenter is selected. He turns away.
  2. Everyone else joins hands and forms a circle.
  3. Then they get entangled - they climb over each other, crawl between their legs, pull the person standing opposite them between them - and all this without opening their hands!
  4. The presenter’s task is to unravel this living tangle. In this case, it is naturally impossible to open the hands of the participants in the chain.

Pros of the game:

Develops logic, attention, ingenuity and is fun.

Game for any children's party "Storytellers"

How to surprise growing dreamers? You can suggest making up fairy tales. But not just compose, but do it in the form of a game.

Number of children – 3 or more.

What will you need?

  • Any book, maybe a magazine or even a newspaper.

How to play?

  1. You need to take turns (one sentence per person) to come up with a fairy tale.
  2. To do this, one person, without looking, pokes his finger at the printed text on any of the pages of the book.
  3. The first narrator of the tale must introduce the word that was chosen into his sentence.
  4. The second sentence is invented in exactly the same way by the second narrator.
  5. Then the third and so on.
  6. If there are few children, you can pass the baton around the circle several times.
  7. It should be a fairy tale. How interesting and fun it will be depends on the imagination of the gathered children.

Pros of the game:

Develops imagination. For well-read guys, this is a real chance to show themselves.

Game for children aged six years and above “Catch a Fish”

If the children have been sitting too long and are tired of games that strain their brains, you can switch to a more sporty wave.

Number of children – 3 or more.

What will you need?

  • Jump rope.

How to play?

  1. A presenter is selected.
  2. He picks up the rope by one end.
  3. The other end of the rope remains on the ground.
  4. The leader spins around his axis and spins the rope. And everyone should line up in a circle and jump over the rope.
  5. Whoever does not have time and the rope on him gets knocked out is eliminated. And so on until the most persistent remains.

Pros of the game:

Develops quick reactions. In this game you can show your dexterity and endurance.

Air attack using hoop and balls

At first glance, it’s not a child’s game at all! But the children cope just fine!

At the same time, it is quite simple and has a quick outcome. It could be a lot of fun.

The number of children is 4 or more, but a pair is required.

What will you need?

  • Hoops – 1 for two people.
  • Balloons – one for two.

How to prepare?

We put the hoops on the floor.

How to play?

  1. Two people enter each hoop.
  2. Each pair is given a ball.
  3. On command, the ball must be tossed and blown on it, but not touched with your hand or other parts of the body.
  4. The pairs' task is to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible. In this case, you cannot leave the ring.

Pros of the game:

Allows you to show all your sportsmanship and ingenuity. At the same time, it does not require much space indoors. Develops quick reactions. Those who have good breathing can show their class.

Smart clappers for nimble and active children

If you see that there are simply “reactive” children gathered together who cannot really keep up with, you can invite them to show off their speed of reaction.

Plus, at least for a little while, calm them down so that they don’t run.

The number of children is 7 or more, but less is possible, although then it will not be as fun.

What will you need?

  • Cards with numbers - one for each player.

How to prepare?

Each player is given a card. That is, everyone will have their own number.

How to play?

  1. Everyone stands in a circle.
  2. First, let's set the rhythm. To do this, everyone claps together: “one, two” on their palms, “one, two” on their knees, then repeat.
  3. Then one of the children claps his hands and says not “one, two,” but repeats his number twice. For example, “three, three.” When he slaps his knees, he shouts out the number of one of the players: “six, six” and so on. Out of order.
  4. The one whose number is called continues.
  5. The main thing is not to lose your way. Anyone who gets confused or names the number of an eliminated player is eliminated himself.
  6. The most persistent ones win, that is, those who remain only together.

Pros of the game:

Develops attention, calms the most nimble.

Let's play conventions with children under twelve years old

Usually conventions scare teenagers, but this is not the case at all.

If you approach such a game with imagination, you can choose conventions that will be really fun to implement.

Number of children – from 4, but the more, the merrier.

What will you need?

How to prepare?

Everyone stands in line. The leader is opposite, facing the line.

How to play?

  1. The presenter explains the rules to everyone: what number, what convention it means. It is very convenient to take numbers from the same numbers. For example: two, twelve, twenty. And then everything depends on the imagination of the presenter. Let two mean action: clap. Twelve means: hands up. Twenty: squat.
  2. So they started: two - clap, twelve - hands up, twenty - crouched down.
  3. Then we pronounce only numbers, and each time faster.
  4. You can change the order: twenty, two, twelve, twelve, twenty, two.
  5. Whoever gets confused and performs an action that is not conventionally implied by the said number is eliminated.
  6. Moreover, while others continue to play, he can distract them by deliberately demonstrating incorrect movements.

Pros of the game:

Replaces boring exercises. Develops attention and speed of reaction.

Give freedom to a prisoner and become a liberator!

When the children are excited, playful and ready to go wild, it’s time to start playing with the prisoner, the guard and the liberators.

The number of children is from 5, but the more, the merrier.

What will you need?

  • Chairs for each participant except one.
  • Shawl or scarf – 1 pc.
  • Ropes for tying hands and feet – 2 pcs.

How to prepare?

One chair is placed in the center of the room. All the other chairs are around them. They choose a prisoner. They put him in the center and tie his hands and feet with ropes. Next, they select a guard and blindfold him. All other participants are liberators. They sit on chairs that form a circle.

How to play?

  1. The guard must guard the prisoner. And the task of the liberators is to untie the ropes on the prisoner’s body and not fall into the hands of the guard.
  2. If the guard catches the liberator in the act, he takes him out of the circle.
  3. The one who frees and is not caught is the winner.
  4. The winner and the guard change places and the game can continue.

Pros of the game:

If you approach the game thoroughly, you can come up with a plan for liberation. This develops both thinking and ingenuity, and dexterity and dexterity too. In short, this is a real team game!

Game with chairs “Right, left, chaos!”

You can continue fooling around without destroying the entire room thanks to the following game.

Number of children – 5 or more.

What will you need?

  • Chairs for each participant.

How to prepare?

The chairs are arranged in a circle so that they stand tightly.

How to play?

  1. A leader is selected and enters the circle.
  2. All other players sit on chairs. One chair, accordingly, remains free.
  3. Next, the presenter gives commands. For example: “To the right!” And everyone moves their butts from chair to chair in the appropriate direction.
  4. The “Left!” command works exactly the same way.
  5. The third team "Chaos!" means that participants must change seats in a chaotic order.
  6. There may be other commands if you think of them.
  7. The presenter’s task is to confuse the participants and have time to take an empty chair himself.
  8. Whoever did not prevent such a maneuver by the leader, that is, allowed him to reach an empty chair, becomes the leader himself and gives out commands.

Pros of the game:

Develops reaction speed, attention, dexterity.

Fun game "Two hands for two"

Number of children – 4 or more, preferably a paired number.

What will you need?

  • Two chairs.
  • Candy wrappers (at least one per person).
  • Sheets of paper - one for two.
  • Shoes with laces - one shoe for two.

How to prepare?

Chairs are placed at the same distance. One of the objects is placed on them (for us - candy, sheets of paper and shoes) in turn. You can come up with your own items and, accordingly, what you need to do with them.

How to play?

  1. Children work in pairs.
  2. Couples line up in two lines.
  3. The first two couples stand at the same distance from the chairs.
  4. The couple should stand in such a way that the partners are looking at each other. Moreover, one person puts right hand on the partner’s shoulder, the other on the left. It turns out that the other hand of both one and the other remains free. That's what they need to work with!
  5. The first task for each pair: go to the chair, take the candies, unwrap them and eat them.
  6. But at the same time, the couple cannot open their “embraces.”
  7. Second task: fold a sheet of paper into an airplane in the same way. Maybe a boat or something.
  8. Third task: tie your shoelaces.
  9. There can be as many tasks as you can think of.

Pros of the game:

Liberates, promotes communication, development of ingenuity. Amusing.

Combat mission to fun music with cards

Shortly before the real day's disco, it would be good to warm up with the following game. Everyone will like it!

What will you need?

  • Cards with the names of the participants.
  • Funny music.

How to prepare?

The cards must be thoroughly mixed and distributed to the participants - who gets which one.

How to play?

  1. As soon as the cards are in the hands of the participants, the music starts and everyone dances.
  2. Everyone carefully looks at whose name is written on the card in his hands. This is a combat mission: the owner of this name must be caught!
  3. It is important that others do not peek at your card.
  4. As soon as the music stops, everyone rushes to complete their combat mission, but it is important not to get caught yourself.

Pros of the game:

Best prepares for a disco, liberates, cheers. Develops attention and dexterity.

Create a miracle copier using a scarf

Well, a very fun game! And most importantly, it couldn’t be simpler!

Number of children – from 3, the more, the merrier.

What will you need?

  • Shawl or scarf.

How to prepare?

One of the participants is blindfolded.

How to play?

  1. The one who is blindfolded is a photocopier.
  2. The other one from among all the participants is a picture, or, well, a sculpture – whatever it is more convenient for you to call it.
  3. The rest are spectators.
  4. The task of the picture is to accept any interesting pose and freeze in this position.
  5. The copier's task is to examine the picture blindfolded and make an exact copy of it, that is, to take the same position yourself.
  6. As an option: the photocopier must make an exact copy of the sculpture from another participant from among the spectators. All this, of course, blindfolded.
  7. The funniest thing is when the copier's eyes are untied and he sees what he did wrong.

Pros of the game:

Helps shy people cope with their insecurities.

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Write with your finger and meet everyone at the party

Have the children somehow gotten to know each other? After this game they will definitely begin a heated discussion of events.

Number of children – from 4, the more, the merrier.

What will you need?

  • Pen and paper.

How to play?

  1. All participants stand in a column one by one. If there are a lot of children, you can make 2 columns that will compete with each other.
  2. The last and first standing in the columns are given a pen and a sheet of paper.
  3. The last one must draw something on paper. It can be any figure, animal, vegetable or some word. And the same thing should be drawn with your finger on the back of the person in front.
  4. The picture is passed along the relay race. Each person draws on the back of the person in front what he felt was painted on his back.
  5. As a result, the first in the column depicts what was transmitted with a pen on his sheet of paper.
  6. The drawings are then compared.

Pros of the game:

Helps you become more sociable. Develops feelings and fine motor skills. Cheerful, not boring, although sedentary.

Children playing the role of tin soldiers divide the territory

If you have the opportunity to jump, you can arrange a real festival of tin soldiers.

Number of children – from 2.

What will you need?

  • Tape or rope to mark the boundary.
  • Music if desired.

How to prepare?

A line is laid out on the floor that will divide the territory in half.

How to play?

  1. One soldier stands on one half, the other on the other. They stand on one leg. Hands like soldiers.
  2. Everyone’s task is to move to the enemy’s territory, but not to let the enemy move to him. All this in the position of a tin soldier, on one leg.
  3. The first one to cope is the winner.
  4. If someone accidentally stands on both legs, he loses.

Pros of the game:

Super flexible but doesn't require much space.

Game for children from 10 years old “Hands in line”

A game that can confuse even the most nimble and savvy

Number of children – 3 or more.

What will you need?

  • Chairs for everyone.

How to prepare?

The chairs are placed in a row.

How to play?

  1. All participants sit down. Each person places his hands on his neighbor's knee next to his hand. The last person sitting puts one hand on his knee. You can sit in a circle, then all hands will be on someone else’s laps.
  2. On command, each hand makes a clap on the knee in turn.
  3. Whichever hand is wrong is out of the game.
  4. The winner is the one who has never made a mistake.

Pros of the game:

Develops a sense of rhythm, attentiveness, and coordination of movement.

A fun game for children under 12 years old “Caterpillars”

And finally, you can just have fun and relax

Number of children – 5 or more.

What will you need?

  • Music.

How to play?

  1. All participants form a caterpillar. Each person's hands are on the belt of the person in front.
  2. To the music, the head (that is, the first one in the caterpillar) shows movements, and everyone repeats.
  3. After each verse of the song, the head participant goes to the tail of the caterpillar.
  4. Further new head shows movements.

Pros of the game:

Develops plasticity and attentiveness.

Fun competitions for children aged 11-12 can make any children's holiday unforgettable, be it a birthday or some other celebration.


For children who have joined adolescence, the opinion of friends is decisive in many cases. And if your son or daughter’s birthday is coming up and you’ve decided to have a party with friends, then you can’t do without interesting and funny competitions For fun company teenagers

Such entertainment will appeal to both children 12-13 years old and older boys and girls. Any holiday should be accompanied by fun, and if this is cool competitions for teenagers with prizes and gifts, the party will be a success! And sometimes a group of adults will not refuse to have fun, take part in unusual games and competitions.

Funny Party Competitions for Teens

  1. “Verka Serduchka performs”. Probably the funniest competitions are those involving dressing up. Provide the participants (boys) with “attributes” of Verka Serduchka: a beret or wig, a plaid skirt, a shiny blouse and two balloons. The guys must take turns dressing up, going out and imitating a famous comedian. For example, the task may be to make a toast in Serduchka’s style in honor of the birthday person. The one who does the best parody wins.
  2. "Kalyaki-kalyaki". Very funny game, which the kids will definitely like. Its meaning is as follows: the presenter names 10 words (preferably nouns), and the players must quickly depict this word on a sheet of paper in the form of a drawing. Literally 5 seconds are given for each word, and the use of letters, of course, is prohibited. Then each player must voice what he has drawn, if, of course, he understands his scribbles.
  3. "Surprise from the Bag". To the music, a bag is brought into the center of the room, where all sorts of funny items have been previously placed: scarves, holey socks, baby diapers and pacifiers, hats, suspenders, etc. Each party guest must take one item from the bag and put it on himself without interrupting the dance, which usually happens to the cheerful laughter of the audience.
  4. 4. “Grandfather planted a turnip...”. You will need a children's book with fairy tales. The presenter - usually the birthday boy - reads the fairy tale with expression, substituting the names of his guests instead of the names of the characters. It turns out very funny! You can read other fairy tales. “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Teremok” and other Russian folk tales go “with a bang”.
  5. Next competition - "Like a chicken paw"- consists of guests competing to see who can sign the birthday card better... with their feet! Usually, a sheet of whatman paper is used for this, on which everyone takes turns practicing this difficult art of calligraphy.

Competitions for teenagers with prizes

Greetings, dear blog readers! All fathers and mothers want to organize a real holiday for their “child”. What ideas can you come up with to entertain the children? After all, the gameplay for children is the most interesting and brings a lot of pleasure. And so that this day is not only solemn, but also unusually joyful, so that the house is filled with children's voices, laughter, songs, music, fun and their “treasure” is remembered for a long time.

For this wonderful holiday, parents need to prepare not only goodies for the table, but also entertainment program for at least 2 hours. It should be lively and rich. Children should not be bored for a single minute. Not only the birthday boy, but every guest should feel like the “center of the universe.”

Therefore, parents of the birthday boy need to develop a plan for organizing and holding the birthday of a child of any age at home:

  • determine the number of guests and give them colorful invitation cards
  • create room decor (balloons, posters, garlands, etc.)
  • buy a new outfit for the hero of the occasion
  • buy a desired birthday gift for the birthday boy
  • buy small gifts for all guests and gifts for prizes
  • record popular and funny children's songs
  • determine the holiday menu
  • bake a fresh homemade cake and don’t forget about beautiful candles
  • write a script for the holiday, including presenting gifts to the birthday boy, an invitation to festive table, consideration of gifts. Then entertainment events, songs, games, dances, competitions, riddles, etc.

One year old birthday

Birthday of a child 2-3 years old

Popular birthday games

No birthday can be complete without funny children's games, competitions, and riddles.


"The Wolf and the Little Goats." This is an active game.

Draw a string around the houses and place all the children in them, except one. They will play the role of kids. The kids live together and often run to visit each other. And a gray wolf wanders around - one and the players. He tries to catch the kid outside the house. A kid who is caught becomes a wolf. The game continues until everyone is a wolf.

"Cold-hot." This game seems very mysterious to a 5 year old.

The presenter quietly hides the toy (dinosaur). According to the presenter, “cold - warm - hot,” the children guess where to look for the toy. The game continues until everyone plays the role of a seeker. The found toy is a prize to the player who found it.

Guess the Beast is a fun game.

Children are blindfolded and given a soft toy. You need to guess who it is. The game needs to be started by an adult who will deliberately think for a long time, twist, twirl and incorrectly call the hare a bear. Children will laugh and the game will take on a comic character. The game continues until each child plays the role of a guesser.

"Mouse Concert" is an entertaining game.

Print by clicking on the pictures with mice, finger mice. You can glue the head of a mouse out of paper in the form of a bag on your finger, glue on the ears, and draw eyes and a nose with a black felt-tip pen. Each child should put a mouse mask on his finger. The adult will be the first to start the game, singing a song or reciting a poem in a thin, squeaky mouse voice. And then the children will take turns demonstrating their talents on behalf of the mouse.

Don't Crush the Egg is a funny game. It promotes the development of memory, attention and caution.

A piece of any fabric that represents a road is placed on the floor. On this road they lay out raw eggs. The player is asked to carefully look at the road along which he must pass and not crush a single egg. While the player is blindfolded, the eggs are quietly removed. So he walks very carefully to the end of the road, and when the bandage is removed, the player and all the children laugh.

"Horned". The game requires concentration and attention.

All children stand in a circle and shake their fists. The presenter says: “He walks, wanders... and when the horned goat speaks,” everyone sticks out their fingers. If the presenter says “the goat is hornless,” then they do not unclench their fists. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the game and helps the presenter look for violators.

"It's in the Hat" is a musical game.

A beautiful hat is put on any of the children standing in a circle. Turn on the music. The child in the hat turns around and puts the hat on the neighbor on the left (clockwise). When the music stops, the one wearing the hat leaves the game, sits down at the sweet table and waits for the others.

For the birthday of a child 5-6 years old

About Answer “yes” to everything, nesmeyanu, mummy, mirror, etc. And today I have prepared some more fun activities.

"Basketball" is a game for a group of children.

Attach a wire ring to the wall at a height convenient for this age. The ball will be a balloon. The presenter explains to the children two rules of the game: the ball should not fall to the floor and it should not be held in their hands. The ball can be tossed and hit towards the ring. Whoever makes the most hits in the ring will receive a prize - a chocolate candy, the rest of the players will receive a caramel.


Lay out cards with birds and animals depicted on them. The player approaches the table, takes a card and tries to portray with various movements and facial expressions the person who is drawn on it. The player who first guesses the image becomes the leader and the game continues.

“It's boring for us to sit” is a simple game for physical development.

Chairs are placed against the wall of the room for all children. There is one less chair placed against the opposite wall. Everyone sits down and reads the poem:

Oh, how boring it is for us to sit and look at the wall. Isn't it time to go for a run and change places?

At the leader’s command “start”, all players rush to the opposite wall and try to take a place. The one who is left without a chair is out of the game. Then another chair is removed. The game continues until the winner takes the last remaining chair. He is given a large ball (or something else), the rest of the players are given small balls.

Jenga is a board game that develops dexterity, fine motor skills and coordination.

This game is sold in a toy store. A tower of 18 levels is built from 54 multi-colored wooden blocks. To do this, the blocks are folded in threes and the resulting layers are laid on top of each other, one across the other. A cardboard guide will help you level the tower.

This game is best suited for 4 children. You can play with two or more players. They take turns throwing a die, each side of which has a color indicated on it. Now the player with only one hand needs to pull out a block of the same color from the tower and put it on top in order to continue construction. You cannot take blocks from the unfinished top layer and the layer below it. The player who destroyed the tower is considered the loser and the game continues.

"Nonsense" is a cool game.

Take a double (from the middle) notebook sheet of paper and two pens or two pencils. Two players sit at opposite ends of the table and draw, covering the drawing with their hand, someone’s head (a person, a dog, a hare, a cat, a goat). Then they bend the leaf so that the design is not visible, but only the neck is visible, and pass it to the second player. He draws the body (of a hare, a hedgehog, a person, a bear, a dog). He also folds the paper over to cover the drawing and passes it to the first player to draw someone's legs. Then he closes the drawing and passes it again to the second player, who draws someone’s feet. Now we unfold the drawing and see what happened? Funny and fun.
Room decoration idea

For children 7,8,9 years old

For entertainment at the birthday party of children 7,8,9 years old, games of a slightly different nature are needed. These children are already elementary school students. They can read and write and play sports. At this age, children begin to feel part of the adult world. I suggest playing the following games with them:

"Bear" is an outdoor game.

One of the players is elected “bear”. He lies down on the floor. The rest pretend to pick mushrooms, pick raspberries around the “bear” and sing:

The bear in the forest has mushrooms and berries, but the bear does not sleep, he looks into both eyes. The basket overturned and the bear rushed after us.

And then the bear rises and catches the fleeing players. Whoever gets caught becomes a bear. Game continues.

"The Third Wheel" is a musical game.

For the game you will need one fewer chairs than there are guests. Both adults and children play. The chairs are placed with their backs facing each other, with their seats facing outwards. The players stand around the seats of the chairs. The host turns on cheerful music, and the players begin to run around the chairs. As soon as the music turns off, the player must sit on any chair. Whoever does not get a chair is eliminated from the game. Another chair is removed, etc. The winner is the remaining one participant.

“Sparrow-Crow” is a game of attention and reaction speed.

Two players sit at the table opposite each other and extend one hand to each other, but the hands should not touch. The presenter gives names to the players: one is “sparrow”, the other is “crow”. The presenter calls the names of the players. The one whose name is called must grab the opponent's hand. For fun, the presenter slowly and syllable-by-syllable says the names vo-rooo-na, vooo-rooo-bey, or maybe say vo-ro-ta. A caught sparrow becomes a crow, and a crow becomes a sparrow. Game continues.

The Chamomile game is a fun game.

A chamomile is made from white paper with as many petals as there will be guests. On back side write funny tasks for each petal. Children take turns tearing off one petal at a time and begin to perform the task: dance, crow, sing songs, recite poems, tongue twisters, etc.

"Knowledge" is an educational game.

All children sit on chairs in one row. The host announces the theme of the game, for example, cities. Then he approaches the player sitting on the edge, names any city and gives him a ball. The player must quickly name any city and give the ball to his neighbor. Whoever could not name the city leaves the game. Then the topic changes: fruits, flowers, countries, rivers, names. Game continues.

These games are suitable for children 10–12 years old

If you have a private house and it’s summer or you’re celebrating a birthday outdoors, then they’ll be perfect

"Smart and Cheerful Engine" is an intellectual game.

The presenter (adult) asks each player one question. For example, which scientist did an apple fall on his head? (to Newton). Which of the heroes fought with the Serpent Gorynych? (Nikitich). In which hemisphere Globe do penguins live? (in Yuzhny), etc. If the player answers the question correctly, then he becomes a carriage of a smart locomotive. If the player cannot answer, then he can take a hint for a certain service: sing, recite a poem, dance, portray an animal.

The funny little train must gather all the players and the children in the carriages will sing a funny song.

"Fishermen and Fishes" is an active game.

From all the players, two fishermen are chosen, and the rest of the players are fish. They dance in a circle and sing:

Fish live in the water, They don’t have a beak, but they peck. They have wings, but they don’t fly, They don’t have legs, but they walk. Nests are not made, but babies are hatched.

After this, the fish scatter, and the fishermen join hands and catch them. The caught fish join the fishermen, causing the net to become longer, and catch the rest of the fish. The last fish that the fishermen do not catch is the winner.

“Pick up the key” - this game promotes the manifestation of skill.

Two players are given three locked padlocks and a bunch of keys. The task is to open each lock. The first one to open the locks wins. The game continues until everyone is a “discoverer.”

“Are you going to the ball?” — girls love this game.

The host starts the game with a saying:

- Yes and no - don’t say

Black and white - don't take it,

Will you go to the ball?

- Probably the player is answering.

—What will you go on? Who will you go with? What will you wear? What colour? With such questions, the presenter tries to catch the player and use forbidden words. If by chance a word is said, then the players change roles.

“Treasure Hunt” is an interesting game that develops ingenuity.

The first clue-riddle is read by the presenter:

Everyone who came to visit us,

Let them sit down at our…..The guessing table is the place to look for a clue. There is another clue on the table - which horse doesn’t drink water? The answer is chess. There is another riddle in chess - dressed in a colorful candy wrapper, it lies in a vase..... The answer is candy. The candy again contains a riddle-clue - everyone goes, goes, goes, but they don’t get up from their place. The answer is a clock. Behind the table clock there is a treasure - a box with small chocolates for each player.

Comic win-win lottery game

The adult presenter will place bright lottery tickets with numbers on the table, as many as there are guests. The player approaches the table, pulls out one lottery ticket and says the ticket number loudly.

The presenter reads out the text corresponding to this ticket and gives the prize to the player. Prizes can be very different, and the texts for them are comic and preferably in poetic form:


You won't lose your keys

And you won't forget about them.


If anything happens

This will come in handy for you.


The prize is wonderful, don't be timid

I present you with some cool glue.

Paper clips.

So that the wind doesn't blow your caps away,

Here are paper clips as a gift for you.


A very necessary item

It will come in handy in the dark.


May your life be brighter

From the light of Prometheus.


To always have a hairstyle

You are given a comb.

Chewable rubber.

If your teeth are bothering you

Chew Orbit, it helps!

Children's car.

There is no better remedy for stress,

Than buying a Mercedes.

Games for parents for a child's birthday

Children are very happy when their parents participate in their games. My grandmother told me how she played a game of musical chairs at her seven-year-old daughter's kindergarten graduation and won the musical competition. How happy all the children were, shouting “Hurray!” and applauded. And her daughter’s eyes simply shone with happiness. 50 years have passed since then, and my daughter happily recalls this interesting episode in her life.

I invite adult guests to play the following games with their children at the child’s birthday party:

"Potato soup."

Place two tables at a distance of three meters. Place two plates with seven small potatoes on one table. On another table there are two empty saucepans. Two players are given one tablespoon each. The task is for each player to transfer one potato with a spoon into a pot of seven potatoes for soup. Whoever completes the task faster is the winner. The game continues until all players have cooked soup. Prize for all guests: chocolate candy.

"Box walker".

Prepare four identical cardboard boxes. All players in pairs at the leader’s command “Start!” They compete to see who gets to the finish line the fastest. Then they conduct a second round of those who win, etc. In this way, the fastest box walker is chosen. He is given a prize - a flashlight.

"Kindergarten for kangaroos."

They fence it off with a rope " kindergarten for kangaroos" 2 - 3 meters from the starting line-rope. Children in groups of 2 each pick up one soft toy (you can plastic bottles) and only by jumping they get to the kindergarten. They return back, leaving the kangaroo cubs in the kindergarten, also by jumping. The one who returns the fastest will win.

They are replaced by two parents at the start and jump into the kindergarten to pick up the kangaroo cubs from the kindergarten. And, also jumping, they return to the start. Whoever jumps faster is the winner.

"Magic Pencils"

Two plastic boxes with the following inscriptions are placed on the starting line: a walnut is a prize for the winner, a hazelnut is a prize for the losing player.

Now take two identical pencils and tie them to them along the thick wool thread of the same length (about 3 m each).

Two players compete to see who can wind the thread around a pencil the fastest. Prizes are awarded based on the results of the competition.

"Merry Orchestra"

Everything that plays in the house (guitar, balalaika, tambourine, pipe) and even creaks, rustles, rattles (spoons, saucepans, metal lids, metal cans with pennies, etc.), we distribute to children and adults.

Let's play a funny children's song. Everyone starts playing, singing and dancing together. Under this amazing cacophony (chaotic accumulation) of sounds, the result is “outrageous” fun.

"Find the Color"

Each child is given a set of pieces of colored paper; the children’s task is to find these colors in their clothes, in the interior of the room, in the objects that are in the room. Parental assistance is allowed in small amounts.

"Let's draw happiness"

There are no winners or losers in this competition. This is just a fun game, especially since all children love to draw. For this competition you need to stock up on paints and sheets of paper. If possible, let it be finger paints, as they are most suitable for this age. The task for each child is to draw happiness as he understands it.

"Who Said Woof"

The presenter takes turns depicting different sounds that a wide variety of animals can make. Children try to guess what kind of animal the presenter is. The one who guesses the most animals wins.

2 years

"The fastest"

On the chairs in front of which they stand at some distance from the participants, there are certain objects, this can be soft toy. Participants are divided into 2 teams and stand one after another in one row. Then the first participant runs as quickly as possible and takes the toy from the chair and passes it to the second participant, this participant, on the contrary, runs to the chair to put the toy, followed by the third again takes the toy from the chair and passes it to the fourth participant, and so on. The team whose members are the first to complete all tasks wins.

"Secret Pouch"

Various items are placed in an opaque bag, the main thing is that there are no sharp objects among them. This could be some kind of fruit or vegetable, provided that the children know their name, some kind of toy, pencil, book, ball, piece of mosaic. Children take turns approaching the bag and by touch trying to determine what kind of objects are there. The one who guesses the most correct items wins.

"Guess the melody"

This competition is held on the condition that the children are musical enough and know children's songs well. The task is that when different fragments of children's songs are played. Children try to guess what the song sounds like.

3 years

"Pick up your handkerchief"

You can play with any number of participants, but a large number of participants are welcome. All participants stand in a circle, a scarf is placed in the middle, but you can use any other item that you like best. Cheerful and energetic music begins to sound. Everyone starts dancing near the handkerchief (or other object). Then the music stops, and the task of each player is to grab a handkerchief during the musical pause.
The one who gets the scarf first wins. The game can be played several times until players get bored. Then you can name a super champion who captured the scarf more times during all stages.

"Take care of your feet"

All participants form a circle around the leader. Cheerful and rhythmic music begins to sound, the presenter shows various movements, all participants must repeat after him, and the presenter may suddenly step on someone’s foot. The participants, without stopping, continuing to dance, try to prevent this from happening. The participant whose foot is stepped on is eliminated from the game. The winner is whoever is left. When playing this game, take precautions and do not crush each other's legs.

"Traffic light"

The game is old, but very fun and funny. This is carried out on the condition that the child players know the colors well. The presenter turns his back to the participants and names a color. If the participant has it, in the color of his clothes, hair or an object he has, he calmly passes through the leader to the other side. Whoever does not have this color needs to quickly run to the other side, and the leader tries to prevent this in some way. If the leader catches or touches that player, then that player becomes the leader. The winner is the one who has never been the leader.

4 years

"Hugging Salki"

A fairly active, dynamic and exciting game, you can play it with music, as it will add zest to the game. To begin with, a leading player is selected, who must catch up and “start” another player, who must now be the leading player and catch up with the others. But an additional bonus in this game, to give players a little rest, is that whoever has a pair is protected. To form a couple you need to hug tightly. Only here there is a caveat that you can hug for no more than 5-7 seconds. It also does not count if 2 people hug a third person.

“It all started with a drop”

This game will require a fairly large number of participants. Each player is a droplet, one of the players is the leader. All this is even more fun and interesting if cheerful and catchy music plays during the action. The game begins with everyone dancing, then the leader gives various commands. For example, unite in twos, threes, fives, and so on, so that from each “drop” you get a “sea” or even a whole “ocean”. The commands sound continuously and the players are constantly moving. Also, the leader can give the command “one unit” and then all participants must unite together. The participant who did not have enough “pairs” during the merger is eliminated. The last remaining participant wins. But you can also play just for fun, so that no one drops out, and no one is offended.

"Dance with Balloons"

For this game you will need a set of balloons, good mood, dexterity and enthusiasm of the participants. All participants are divided into pairs: each pair holds a ball between parts of their body and begins to dance; the music should be energetic. The task of each pair is not to miss or burst the ball. The location of the ball can be changed all the time, for example, during the first excerpt of the song, the ball is clamped between the stomachs, during the second excerpt between the backs, then sideways, between the foreheads, and so on, as far as imagination and desire is sufficient. The couple that successfully kept the ball during the entire dance wins.

5 years


All players are divided into pairs and lined up in one line, holding hands tightly. Then all couples raise their hands up. If there is an even number of players and they can split into pairs, then the first variant of the game occurs. The first pair must go through the “stream” and stand last in the row. But at the same time, other couples can interfere and give up, in order to move on, the couple needs to complete some task, for example, sing or recite a poem. If the number of players is not initially paired, then the game receives a different scenario. The person who finds himself without a pair must go through the trickle, taking from the pair any player he likes, and then the game proceeds the same way as in the first option.

"Music hat"

All players stand in a circle, the more participants in this game, the better. The music begins to sound, all the players begin to dance and pass the hat, but not just from hand to hand, but by taking it off their heads and putting it on their neighbor. Then the music suddenly stops, and whoever ends up with a hat on his head is out of the game. The last participant left wins.

"House Rabbits"

This game also welcomes a large number of participants. All available players are divided into threes. Two of them join hands and depict a “house”, the third participant is a “rabbit” and he is inside the “ring”. Music begins to sound, the “rabbits” and “houses” dance. Then the presenter shouts out commands, they can be of two types. If the leader shouts “rabbit,” then all the “rabbits” must quickly run out of their “house” and find a new “house” at a very fast pace. If the presenter shouts “houses”, then the “rabbits” remain in place, and the “houses” look for a new “rabbit”. Also, the leader can give the command “Earthquake” and all triplets break up and new triplets are formed. The one who, during a pause in the music, could not find a new pair or three for himself, is eliminated from the game. The last one standing wins.

6 years

"An unknown animal"

For this competition, all participants are divided into two teams, the more participants, the more interesting the result of the game. On each team, a player takes paper and pen and draws the head of any creature on top. Then the paper should be folded so that only the tip of the neck is visible. Then this is passed on to the neighbor, that is, each participant receives from the neighbor a leaf on which he does not see the image. Then everyone draws top part torso and again transmit the images in a circle. Then they unfold the drawing and evaluate who has the most original and interesting one, wins.

"Word Mania"

Each team of players is given a letter of the alphabet, to which they must write as many words as possible within a certain time. You can complicate the task and give some topic. For example, vegetables, countries, names, objects, animals and so on. The team whose lexicon will be more extensive.

"Word Collector"

This game is from the previous game series. Here we take some very long word that contains a variety of letters. From the letters contained in this word you need to create as many new words as possible. The team that succeeds in the best way wins.

7 years

"Team, motor"

All of us love cinema and probably each of us, at least once in our lives, imagined ourselves in the place of a famous actor and actress, and perhaps someone imagined themselves sitting in the director's chair. So let's organize a competition that will, to a certain extent, make these dreams come true. And so one player is selected who will play the role of director. All other players will be actors who came to audition. The director comes up with a task, explains to the players the role, the script, the requirements, all participants, going through the casting, try to get into the role, presenting their character, possibly playing a scene from the “film”. The best one, according to the director, wins.

“Tell my mirror my light”

The presenter gives the player the task that he must use the “mirror” to determine which of the players came up behind him. The role of the mirror is played by two participants: one is a talking mirror, and the other is a silent mirror. First, a silent “mirror”, using facial expressions and gestures, which of the guests is standing behind him. If the participant cannot guess, then a talking mirror is included in the game and uses words to describe the person standing behind. The one who guesses the one who is standing behind him the fastest wins.

"Catch Me If You Can"

All participants are divided into two teams: some are detectives, the other are suspects. All the "suspects" get together and agree on a certain situation that they allegedly committed. They must agree in such a way that all the details match and they do not get confused. The task of the “detectives,” who will call “suspects” one person at a time, “split” them, so that the suspects become confused and receive different answers to the same question. The team of detectives or suspects wins depending on the result.

8 years

"Pooh and Fur"

Although the game has quite deep roots, and has been played for many generations, it still does not lose its relevance. All players are divided into two teams. The first team thinks of two words and two actions, this could, for example, look like the word “fluff” will mean the action “kiss two”, or the word “fur” should prompt the action “kiss all”. After which a player from the other team is invited and asked “Pooh or fur?” After he chooses, he must perform the given action. So the game continues until the participants get bored and their imagination runs out. In this game, you can use actions that contradict each other for fun.


The players all sit in a circle. Then a task is given, for example a saying, which needs to be said quickly. The next player must say this saying 2 times, the third 3 times and so on. It starts to grow like a snowball. Each time it becomes more and more difficult to perform the action, but this is what everything is designed for. If the saying is too difficult a task, then you can use a phrase. But the game should not be too easy, so as to lose interest. The player who gets lost must complete any task (dance or sing, or the choice of the players).

"Let's be friends"

Probably everyone remembers how in a children's cartoon, I wrote an ad to find real friends. So in this competition we will test creativity and writing ability. The task of each participant is to write his own advertisement, which he could place in the section looking for friends. The ad should be such that everyone wants to become yours best friend. After everyone has written their announcements, they are passed around the circle. If after reading you want to become his friend, then you put a heart. The ad with the largest number hearts.

9 years

"Battle of Songs"

Teams with participants are divided into two teams. Each team will perform a song, but not just a song, but its antipode. That is, the first team sings a verse from some song they have chosen. The other team, its opponent, sings in response a song that is opposite in meaning to the first verse. You can use antonym words, for example, if the word cold was used in the song, the other team should use the word hot in their song. And so on (day-night, girl - boy). You can make another interpretation of this game, in which the opposing team uses not antonym words, but funny words rhymes in the same song that the first team performed. This could be, for example, love-carrots and so on.

"I've never had the opportunity to..."

This competition is a great opportunity to learn more about each other. All players sit in a circle. The first player completes the sentence “I have never had the opportunity to…” with a true fact from his life. For example, it might look like this, “I have never been to South Africa” and so on. Those players who have had similar experiences in life, unlike the first player, bend their fingers. The task of the player proposing the statement is to “eliminate” as many players as possible. Can be done in two variations. If you want to ask difficult tasks, then the first one with the richest life experience will win. Well, it can be the other way around when the most experienced one loses.

“Write why you love me”

This game is aimed at finding positive traits in each other and improving relationships. At the beginning of the event, each participant is given a sheet of paper, on which other participants will write throughout the event. good qualities that he likes about this person. At the end of the evening, all sheets are removed and read aloud. This game can be anonymous if the participants are a little embarrassed. The winner is the one who has the most interesting characteristics. Before this competition, warn participants that they should approach everything creatively, so that later it would be interesting and fun to read.

10 years

"Scorching Potato"

This game has probably been known to everyone since early childhood; it is often played in groups of children on the street, and most often it is called “hot potato.” For this game you will need a medium-sized ball that will be easy to catch. It shouldn't be too big or too small. Participants will need attentiveness, dexterity and agility. And so all the participants stand in a circle, then begin to very quickly throw the ball to each other, as if it were a scalding potato in their hands. You need to hold the ball in your hands for no more than 5 seconds; if the player does not have time, he leaves the game. Also out of the game are those who could not hold the ball in their hands and it hit the ground. The one who remains the “last hero” wins.

"Statue of Fun"

To play the game you need 2 participants and a leader who will guide them and give them tasks. The remaining players are in another room, from where they are called by the leader in turn. The first player, who was invited by the host, is given the task of creating a Statue from the two available players, which will be dedicated to unbridled and sparkling fun, or, as an option, you can ask to put a statue to the circus, because the circus is a symbol of real joy and pleasure. Usually this game is played with fun and enthusiasm, so we advise you to capture what is happening on camera. Once the “statue” is ready, one of the sculptors takes the place of one of the characters in the statue, then the next player is called to “fix” the statue in his own way.

"An artist always, an artist everywhere"

The game is quite standard, but it always brings a lot of pleasure and fun. Two players are selected from the “hall” to be our “artists”. Two players are given situations that they must act out. It is more interesting if the couple is of different sexes. The most artistic couple, according to the audience, wins. Situations can be very different, for example: You are on an unfamiliar island, an aborigine comes up to you and is going to eat you, persuade him not to do this; “nerd” and “cool” fight for the girl’s heart (3 players are needed) and so on.

11 years


This competition can be held in children's camps or if you are relaxing with the whole company at sea, since you will need sand as one of the main components of the game. You will also need cards with various pictures depicting different characters, people, fairy-tale heroes and so on. All cards are put into a cap and shuffled. Participants are divided into two teams; in turn, each team draws a task card at random. Then a team member is selected who will be buried in the sand; if there are no volunteers, he is chosen either by lot or let it be the one who drew the card. The players’ task is to sculpt what was drawn on the card, and then each team must guess what the opponent’s team ended up with. The winner is the one who sculpted the figure more closely to the task on the card, and at the same time, if the opponents guessed it correctly.

"Dark side"

This competition can also be held in children’s camps, or in the evening in the company of adults, so that no one is scared. This competition is part of a series of horror stories around the campfire. The task is simple; each participant tells his or her most scary story in his opinion. The winner is the one whose story turns out to be the creepiest and most frightening, according to the others. The winner receives the title of King of Horror Movies. For this competition you need to create the appropriate atmosphere and hold it in the evening around the fire.

"Couture Scarecrow"

The competition is quite simple, it just requires a lot of imagination and creativity. To do this, you need a pile of old clothes, you can also put foreign objects, such as a towel, napkins and the like. To understand how creative they can use for their task. The essence of the task is that each team of participants needs to create a scarecrow for vegetable gardens from the proposed material, but at the same time it must be very fashionable and look stunning. The most inventive team wins.

12 years

"Look at me and guess"

Each participant writes a character on a piece of paper. Then all participants sit in a circle and stick their pieces of paper on their neighbor’s forehead. So everyone sees what is written on everyone else’s forehead, with the exception of themselves. All participants take turns asking each other “about their character.” You only need to ask questions that can be answered “Yes” or “No” in order to guess the name of the character depicted on his forehead. In this case, the player can ask about himself as long as he receives “yes” answers; if the answer is “no,” the turn passes to the other player. The game continues until everyone guesses their character.


For this competition you will need paper cut out hearts. different sizes, a set of darts and tape to attach the hearts to the wall. This competition will demonstrate manual dexterity and accuracy, an excellent eye, and even a little bit of luck will not hurt to win. The hearts are glued to the wall using tape at various distances, and all players are given darts. You can play individually or in teams. The task of each player is to get to the center of each heart. First you should hit the large hearts, this symbolizes easy level, then the hearts become smaller and smaller in size, making the task more difficult for the players. Missing the target removes the point; the closer to the center of the heart the hit is, the more points the participant receives. The participant or team that earns the most points wins.

"Skilled Chef"

The competition is simple, but it requires some dexterity. It will require fruits with peels that can be peeled with a knife. Apples are best for this, but if you wish, you can take any fruit or even vegetable you like. The task of each participant is to peel the fruit in such a way that its length is as long as possible. The one who manages to do this in the best way wins. He will receive the title of the most skilled chef. You can play in teams and put all the skins together and count their length.

13 years

"Word Mania"

A playing field of 5x5 cells is drawn on a sheet of paper. A word of five letters is written in the central horizontal line so that each is in a separate cell. The task is that the first participant must come up with a new word by adding just one letter to an existing word. In this case, the word should not be formed diagonally and should not use intersections; all other directions can be used. One of the winning techniques is to come up with as long words as possible, since the longer the word, the more points the player gets, since 1 letter equals 1 point. Then the opponent of the previous player acts according to the same scenario. And so they make move after move in turn until they fill all the cells of the field. Whoever has the most points in their account wins.

"Merry forfeits"

A certain container contains pieces of paper with various and cool tasks which should be performed one by one. Each player approaches, for example, a hat containing notes with tasks, and draws one at random and completes it.
Examples of tasks for forfeits:
1. Parody some famous star by singing a song, that is, make a humorous cover. Or sing some children's or well-known song in unusual voices.
2. Do a couple of yoga asanas, or try. You can also make a task for the participant to conduct some kind of training for the rest of the guests. This can range from aerobics to tai chi.
3. Dance a cancan dance, show a number from the burlesque repertoire.
4. Kiss each guest, but the places for kissing should not be repeated, etc.


The game is more suitable for girls, although boys can also participate. It will be even more interesting. Participants are divided into pairs, one of which is a makeup artist, the other is a client. And I do unusual makeup. For fun, you can have boys be makeup artists, because they have no experience in this matter. The most interesting and creative makeup wins.