Download presentation on how to protect your eyesight. Take care of your eyesight from a young age. How does a person perceive the world around him? The eyes are the organ of vision. More The eyes are the organ of vision. Most information about the environment. I protect my eyes from foreign bodies getting into them.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Research project“Hygiene and vision protection” The work was carried out by the teacher of the extended day group of GBOU school No. 246 of St. Petersburg Bogdanova I.B.

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Goals and objectives of the lesson Goal Personal universal learning activities. Formation among students general idea about human health as one of the fundamental values ​​of human life. Objectives 1.Identification of factors influencing vision loss. 2. Finding ways to preserve vision. 3. Preparation of leaflets with rules that help reduce the risk of vision impairment. 4.Planning your actions in accordance with the task. 5.Accurately and completely transmit to the partner necessary information to perform further actions.

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What are eyes for in the world? “For the kids about the eyes” Let’s figure it out together, kids. What are eyes for in the world? And why do we all have it? Does the face have a pair of eyes? So that tears flow from them? Close your eyes with your palm and sit for a little while. It immediately became dark. Where is the board and where is the window? It’s strange, boring and offensive. You can’t see anything around. Zhenya wants to be a pilot, fly a fast plane. Petya dreams of sailing across all the seas in this world. Nikolai will be a tank driver, and Sergei will be a parachutist. Ilya will become a sniper... But for this, friends. In addition to knowledge and skill, everyone needs sight! N. Orlova

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"Eyes are the mirror of the soul" Eyes important organ having great value for human life. We use our eyes to communicate with outside world, we admire the beauty of nature, we have the opportunity to see the people around us. By the eyes you can determine the inner world of a person, his character traits; it is not without reason that people say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. We are happy - our eyes laugh too; we are in pain - and our eyes betray pain and sadness. Beautiful and clear eyes are always healthy eyes! And when our eyes hurt and our vision begins to become cloudy and blurry, then we are no longer laughing! said L.N. Tolstoy - Russian writer, thinker.

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Why and how many times do we blink? We blink to protect our eyes. As soon as something comes close to the eye, light reflects off that object and enters the eye through the clear cornea. Having passed through the pupil, this light falls on the lens of the eye, which in turn focuses the light onto the retina. The body protects vision in other ways. Firstly, the eyeballs are reliably protected by the bones of the skull. Eyebrows protect vision from sweat, and eyelashes protect from dust. Human eyelids work like car wipers, constantly cleaning windshields. With every blink, the eyelids moisturize eyeball tear fluid, which washes away bacteria, dust and foreign particles if they get into the eye. That's why a person blinks throughout the day. A person with healthy eyes blinks more than 10 thousand times a day (this figure can reach 40-50 thousand). In this case, both eyes blink simultaneously. On average, a person blinks 20 times per minute.

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“The eyes are more accurate witnesses than the ears.” Heraclitus of Ephesus. People receive 90% of all information through their eyes: they provide us with information about depth, distance, size, movement and color; capable of moving up, down and in both directions, giving us maximum wide view; The human eye is spherical in shape, which is why it is sometimes called the eyeball. Eye diameter is 2.5 cm, weight is about 7-8 g; are located in the upper part of the face and are located at a distance of approximately 6 cm from each other; the eye is like a camera: the image on the retina is inverted and reduced. eyes can be brown, blue, green, gray, blue. Eye color depends on the pigment contained in the iris;

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The eyes are a window to the world, they are a reflection of the state of our soul, they are a repository of riddles and secrets. Thanks to the eyes, these amazing organs, we have unique opportunity- see everything around you, look at things far and near, navigate in the dark, orient yourself in space, move in it quickly and easily. Our vision makes our life richer, more informative, more active. Therefore, it is so important for a person to promptly solve all problems that arise with the eyes, because even the slightest chance of stopping seeing this beautiful world scary.

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A man, like a hunter, is endowed with “tunnel vision” so that the eye is able to catch a target that is far enough away and not let it out of sight. He sees clearly in front of him and at a great distance. This also allows him to easily navigate in space. His brain is designed in such a way that a man is able to clearly see the final goal, not be distracted by extraneous things, determine how to achieve it in the shortest way and in the best possible way. A man has a narrow field of vision. In addition, scientists have proven that men have better developed central vision, and in women - peripheral. Women have a much larger peripheral visual field than men. At all times, this allowed a woman to grasp what was happening around her, instantly assess the situation, and notice details. Sometimes women have peripheral vision that reaches a full 180 degrees. Therefore, men believe that women sometimes have eyes in the back of their heads. Due to certain differences in the structure of the eyes, representatives of the fair sex are able to distinguish more colors and shades than strong part humanity.

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It has been experimentally established that human eyes can distinguish up to 150,000 shades and color tones. This ability has an impact on various aspects of a person’s life. Color vision enriches the picture of the world and gives the individual more useful information, affects his psychophysical state. Colors are actively used everywhere - in painting, industry, scientific research

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This is interesting The eye is able to distinguish 130-250 pure color tones and 5-10 million mixed shades. A person spends half an hour blinking every day. During a lifetime, a person cries 250 million times. Women blink approximately 2 times more often than men. Neither man nor woman can sneeze with with open eyes. About 2% car accidents, occurring in the world, is caused by sneezing while driving. The eyes of a person working at a computer refocus from the screen to paper or keyboard about 20 thousand times a day. After a minute of being in the dark, the sensitivity of the eyes to light increases 10 times, after 20 minutes. – 6 thousand times. That is why, when we come out into the bright light after a long stay in the dark, we close our eyes.

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Human vision (visual perception) is the process of psychophysiological processing of images of objects in the surrounding world, carried out visual system, and allows you to get an idea of ​​the size, shape (perspective) and color of objects, their relative position and the distance between them. To preserve your vision, protect your eyes from dust, cold wind and smoke. Decreased visual acuity is caused by reading small print, prolonged delicate work, and long sleep or, conversely, insomnia. Why should you protect your eyes?

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What's harmful? What is useful? Read while lying down. Look at the bright light. Watch TV close. Protect your eyes from impacts. Rinse your eyes in the morning. Rub your eyes with dirty hands. Read in good lighting. Watch TV no more than 1-1.5 hours a day. Sit no closer than 3 m from the TV. Play on the computer for no more than 15 minutes. Don't read while lying down. Do not read on public transport. When reading and writing, the light should illuminate the page from the left. The distance from the eyes to the text is recommended to be 30-35 cm. Protect your eyes from foreign objects getting into them.

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Eat enough plant products(carrots, onions, parsley, tomatoes, Bell pepper etc.) Do gymnastics for the eyes. Do not rub your eyes with your hands. Maintain cleanliness.

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“Take care of your eyes” by N. Orlov So that your eyes, my friend, can be preserved for a long time, Remember the two dozen lines that you read on the page: It’s very easy to injure your eye - don’t play with a sharp object! Keep your eyes open, don’t clog your eyes, don’t read a book while lying down; You can’t look at bright light - it also damages your eyes. There is a TV in the house, But please, don’t go near the screen itself, And watch not everything in a row, but programs for the guys. Don’t draw, bending low, Don’t hold the textbook close, And don’t bend over the book every time, like the wind - There should be 40 centimeters from the table to your eyes. I want to warn: Everyone needs to protect their eyes!

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The eyes are open. An indispensable condition for performing the exercise: the head is motionless, we work only with the eyes. The “drawing” should be as good as possible possible size within the face, but do not overstrain the muscles of the eyeballs, monitor your condition! We move our gaze in the following sequence: to the upper left corner, to the lower left, to the upper right corner, to the lower right. And now on the contrary, in the other direction: to the lower left corner, to the upper left, to the lower right corner, to the upper right. We perform 8-10 times in each direction. Now relax your eyes, blink often, often, lightly, lightly. Approximately the way a moth flaps its wings. While doing the eye warm-up, do not squint or open your eyes too wide! All this creates tension, which is contraindicated!

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An indispensable condition for performing this exercise is the same as in “Butterfly”. Now, with your eyes, smoothly describe a horizontal figure eight or an infinity sign of maximum size within the face. One way several times, and then the other. Blink often, often, lightly, lightly. 8 Exercises for the eyes

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Keep your head straight, don't throw it back. The gaze is directed upward (to the ceiling), and mentally we continue to move the eyes under the skull to the top of the head, as if you were looking there. And now eyes down, and attention to the area thyroid gland, as if you looked into where our throat is. We perform 8-10 times in each direction. Only now we “draw” a vertical figure eight with our eyes. Blink often, often, lightly, lightly. 8

MAOU Secondary School No. 2 named after. F.F.Pluzhnikova

Completed by students of grade 4 “B”

Head: P.A. Melikyan

Target : explore how to maintain vision and eye health.


  • Study literature on the topic.
  • Find out the causes of vision impairment.
  • Get acquainted with the rules of caring for your eyesight.
  • Create a booklet “Take care of your eyesight”

OBJECT OF STUDY: eyes as organs of vision.

SUBJECT OF STUDY: take good care of your vision.


  • Selection and analysis of literature.
  • Conversation.
  • Practical experiences.
  • Questionnaire .



The pupil adjusts to the amount of light,

if there is not enough light it automatically expands,

if there is enough light it narrows.

We conclude:

Eyes see different things


but the brain combines and makes a single image.

We conclude:

This is due to the fact that in the dark the cones do not work, and the rods begin to work 200-400 times stronger and perceive light better. Therefore, in the dark we see the appearance of an object and do not see its color.


1 . I always read while sitting.

5. I do eye exercises.


1 . I always read while sitting.

2. I take breaks while reading.

3. I watch my posture when writing.

4. I do my homework in good lighting.

5. I do eye exercises.

6. I often go outdoors.

7. I eat plant foods.

8. I only watch children's programs on TV.

9. I protect my eyes from getting into them. foreign bodies.

10. Every year I have my vision checked by a doctor.

Questionnaire « How do I take care of my eyes? »

1 4th grade


1. I always read while sitting.

2. I take breaks while reading.

3. I watch my posture when writing.

4. I do my homework in good lighting.

5. I do eye exercises.

6. I often go outdoors.

7. I eat plant foods.

8. I only watch children's programs on TV.

9. I protect my eyes from foreign bodies getting into them.

10. Every year I have my eyes checked by a doctor.

  • sit less at the computer;
  • watch less TV;

- train your eyes;

- visit an ophthalmologist regularly;

- watch TV from a distance

no closer than 3 meters;

- do eye exercises;

- Healthy food;

The goal of our research has been achieved, the assigned tasks have been completed.

I was convinced that if you help yourself to observe the rules of visual hygiene, you can reduce the fatigue of the visual organ, which helps to preserve it.


One wise man was asked the question: What is more important for a person - wealth or fame?

He replied: “Neither one nor the other, but health.

A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.”

And another sage warned: “We notice that the most valuable thing for us is health, only when we no longer have it.”

Listen to the words of the sage and firmly remember that you can take the best care of your health yourself.

Thank you for your attention!

We will be glad if our research is useful to you.

  • One wise man was asked the question: What is more important for a person - wealth or fame? He replied: “Neither one nor the other, but health. A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.” And another sage warned: “We notice that the most valuable thing for us is health, only when we no longer have it.” Listen to the words of the sage and firmly remember that you can take the best care of your health yourself. Thank you for your attention! We will be glad if our research is useful to you.

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Take care of your eyesight The presentation was made by the teacher of the MKS (k) educational institution boarding school in the town of Demyanovo, Kirov region

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The meaning of vision We distinguish the objects around us. Movement of living and nonliving bodies. Graphic and color signals (letters, numbers, portraits). Important for labor activity. We perceive the experience of our ancestors through books and written language.

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What is our eye made of? Optic nerve, transmitting impulses to the brain The lens focuses light onto the retina Cells in the retina convert light into nerve impulses Blood vessels provide nutrition to the eye The colored iris changes the size of the pupil The cornea is the “window” of the eye The pupil is the hole that lets light into the eye

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How the pupil reacts to light Normal pupil size In dim light, the pupil dilates to let in more light. In strong light, the pupil contracts to protect the retina from damage.

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As we see, the transparent cornea allows light into the eye, which then passes through the pupil and falls - after focusing by the lens - onto the retina. The retina is the film lining back eyeball and containing photosensitive cells. When light hits these cells, they send signals to the brain. There these signals are converted into a picture.

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Why does the eye need tears? The lacrimal glands produce tears. Tears can flow down the cheeks. The eyelids protect the eyes. The tear ducts drain tears into the nose. The canal leads to inner part nose Tears collect in the nose and may begin to drip from there

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Washing the Eyes Above each eye are lacrimal glands continuously releasing tears. When we blink, they wash our eyes. Tears eliminate dust, kill pathogenic bacteria and constantly wet the surface of the cornea. They drain through the lacrimal canaliculi into the nasal cavity. When we cry, tears flow down our cheeks and may even drip from our nose.

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Causes of visual impairment A person sees objects at close and far distances equally well. This is due to the property of the lens to change curvature and become more convex. Visual impairments are common: myopia and farsightedness.

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Myopia myopic people images of distant objects blur. The cause of congenital myopia may be the elongated shape of the eyeball. Myopia can develop in a person due to poor visual hygiene.

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Farsightedness In farsighted people, images of nearby objects blur. At congenital farsightedness the eyeball is shortened. The cause of farsightedness may also be a decrease in the ability of the lens to change curvature, which is most often observed in older people.

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First aid for eye injuries Negligence and inability to use household appliances can lead to serious eye injuries at home. Careless hammering of nails or chopping wood can also cause eye injury. Since the wounding objects are usually contaminated, the injury may be complicated infectious disease with a partial threat or total loss vision. If an accident occurs, you need to be able to provide first aid.

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First aid for eye damage If a speck gets into your eye, rinse it and remove the speck from the eyelid with a clean, damp cotton swab or a clean handkerchief. You need to wash your hands first. If there is a bruise, apply cotton wool or a clean handkerchief moistened to the eye. cold water. In case of severe eye injuries, do not wash the eye or try to remove the foreign body. In this case, you need to apply a clean bandage to the eye and send the victim to the hospital. If alkali, acid, or toxic substances get into the gas, you should immediately rinse your eyes with clean running water for 15-20 minutes, then immediately consult a doctor.

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Visual hygiene Do not look at printed or written text on close range. In such cases, the lens remains in a position of increased convexity for a long time, which is associated with visual strain and leads to the development of myopia. When reading, writing, drawing or other work, you should place the object at a distance of 30-35 cm from the eye. It is also important to monitor the lighting. When writing, the light should fall from the left. Reading while lying down or in public transport harms your eyesight. Visual disturbances can occur due to a lack of vitamin A in the body. Harmful effect Smoking affects vision. Nicotine and other tobacco poisons sometimes cause severe damage to the optic nerve.

“Healthy lifestyle for teenagers” - Object of study. Novelty of the research. Extracurricular activity in grades 8-9 Smoking is harmful to health. 6th grade. Practical significance. Research hypothesis. The process of full development of a teenager. Integrated lesson (technology, life safety) in 6th grade. School textbooks against smoking. Expand the concept of “healthy lifestyle”.

“Healthy lifestyle at school” - 100% of young men think: The survey was conducted on October 19, 2009, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ideas about a healthy lifestyle among adolescents and adolescence. 80% of girls think: Research results. During processing, the average response rates were determined separately for each group of subjects.

“Formation of a healthy lifestyle” - Interdisciplinary school program “Health” instead of an independent subject (health lessons). - Application, i.e. Ability to use. Cause-and-effect relationships. - Understanding, i.e. Interpretation and communication to others. Taking into account age and gender characteristics. Physical development. Healthy eating.

“Components of human health” - Physical components healthy image life. Definition World Organization healthcare. ? Physical well-being. Spiritual well-being. Spiritual. Contradiction. Life safety lesson 10th grade. Attitude different people to preserve and improve health. Social components of a healthy lifestyle. Social well-being.

“Healthy lifestyle at school” - Tennis. Sports and recreational Spiritual and moral Social General intellectual General cultural. Together with dad. Sambo. Hockey. The teacher’s competent attitude towards his own health. Month of Healthy Lifestyle (November 7-December 3). Parents' initiative - school volleyball championship (January-February).

“Basics of a healthy life” - Alcohol destroys the human brain and other organs. Topic: "Basics of a healthy lifestyle." The choice is yours! Up to 60% of Russians are regular cigarette buyers. More than 3 million people on the planet die every year from smoking. 58.3% of boys smoke, 40.5% of girls smoke. Mental hygiene and the ability to manage your emotions;

There are a total of 25 presentations in the topic

Nomination " Children's project in primary school"

The eyes are the organ of vision. A person receives most information about the world around him through his eyes. Vision helps to distinguish the color of objects, the size of objects, their shape, to recognize whether an object is far or close, whether it is moving.

Today, the problem associated with decreased visual acuity is one of the most common diseases among both children and adults in our country.

Target works: find out why it is very important to have good vision and how to save it.


  1. Find out how important vision is for a person.
  2. Compare the color perceptions of humans, animals, birds and other inhabitants of our planet.
  3. Find out what damage computers cause to vision.
  4. Find out what helps improve vision.
  5. Conduct a survey to find out how much time classmates spend at the computer.

Hypothesis:Is it possible in modern conditions maintain 100% vision in life?

Methods research:Studying information in the encyclopedia, in Internet sources.Conducting a survey among classmates.

To solve problems, I analyzed the literature and consulted with experts. Conducted a survey and analyzed the results.

Most of my classmates work on the computer for less than an hour every day. There are students who spend several hours a day at the computer. They play games at the computer, search educational information on the Internet, draw, make presentations, format text, communicate with friends on in social networks, watching movies.

I found out What helps improve vision.

  • Carrot juice with honey: 1 glass of freshly squeezed juice + 1 tablespoon of honey. The course of treatment is 1 month. Improvement occurs within 2 weeks.
  • Eat fresh blueberries.
  • Sprouted wheat grains improve vision.
  • Make slow circular movements with your eyes in one direction or the other. Repeat 4-6 times.
  • Perform rapid blinks for 15-20 seconds. Repeat every day.

Conclusion: Vision is very important for everyone and therefore it must be protected from a young age, because it is much easier to lose it than to gain it again.

  • The eyes need rest when working on the computer every 20-30 minutes.
  • Write and read so that the distance from the book or notebook to the eyes is 30-40 centimeters.
  • Do eye exercises.
  • For eye diseases, see a doctor.

Appendix No. 1. Project “Take care of your eyesight!”

Appendix No. 2. Project presentation.