See what breeds of dogs there are. Dog breeds with photos, names and descriptions. Chinese Crested Dog

For those who want to start true friend in a city apartment, a description of dog breeds – decorative, medium and large – will be useful.

A small (height about 26 cm, weight up to 5 kg) shaggy black dog has thick eyebrows, a mustache and goatee that make him look like a monkey.

Character is cheerful, energetic, curious. The dog is well trained and loves to play.

Australian Silky Terrier

Bichon Frizee

Boston- terrier

To obtain the breed in the 19th century, they were crossed bulldog and terrier.

Height large dog can reach 43 cm, and weight – 11 kg.


The breed is descended from Yorkshire terriers, but differs in color with black and white spots.

These are small dogs up to 26 cm tall and weighing no more than 3.5 kg, affectionate, smart and cheerful.

Welsh- corgi

An ancient breed of the smallest shepherd dogs bred in England - weight up to 14 kg, height up to 30 cm.

Today the Queen of England keeps several dogs.

They are incredibly smart, trainable, good educators for children, have a keen sense of their owners, and do not smell.

Easy to care for, but requires daily brushing welsh corgi, and after walks, wash the paws and belly - because of the short legs, the fur gets dirty.

Italian Greyhound

In the past, this breed was a hunting breed and was called a miniature hound.


The names of dog breeds often reflect their appearance. The dog got its name for its ears, reminiscent of butterfly wings - “Papillon”.

During shedding, the dog needs to be scratched every day.

Japanese Chin

The dog is small in height (up to 25 cm) and weight (up to 3.5 kg), passionately devoted to the owner and family. This is one of the.

They are happy to have fun with children and will never bite.

Unlike many decorative breeds, they hardly bark.

Miniature Schnauzer

A cute dog up to 30 cm tall and weighing up to 7.5 kg with a bearded muzzle and erect ears may seem like a cute toy, but it is not so.

Medium dogs

English cocker spaniel

Hardy hunting breed. Loves walks in nature, but can live in the city with sufficient exercise.

Height does not exceed 41 cm, weight – 15 kg. English cocker spaniel loves children, is always ready to protect his owners.

He learns quickly and willingly wears clothes.

You need to regularly comb the dog, trim the hair between the toes, pluck the hairs on the face, and clean the ears if they get dirty with food.

West- Highland- white- terrier

The size of an adult dog does not exceed 30 cm, and its weight is 11 kg. However, the white terrier is strong and tireless.

The dog can be kept in an apartment, but needs good exercise - walks, games.

Not suitable for small children. Thick, coarse coat requires brushing.

Scotch- terrier

The Scottish Terrier is always included in famous dog breeds.

The dog today is more decorative (weight up to 10-11 kg, height up to 29 cm), but initially its ancestors were used for hunting.

The Scottish Terrier is smart, loves children - plays and protects.

The dog's fur does not fall out on its own; the breed standard requires trimming and cutting twice a year.

Shar Pei

A stately dog ​​originally from China, invulnerable thanks to its tough coat and folds of skin. Height is up to 50 cm, weight can reach 25 kg.

“If you go on a visit and carelessly take your Shar Pei with you, don’t be surprised that you simply won’t be noticed.”

American Eskimo Spitz

A standard Spitz grows up to 48 cm and can weigh up to 17 kg.

The breed originated from those brought to America.

This is an excellent choice for the city - the dog is smart, well trained, obedient, playful and affectionate, vigilantly guards the family and children. Thick coat with dense down needs to be combed, but washing the dog frequently is not recommended.

In winter, the Pomeranian benefits from snow baths.

Miniature Schnauzer

A strong dog up to 50 cm tall and weighing up to 19 kg. In the old days, miniature schnauzers helped in hunting and guarded houses.

A loving friend, a faithful companion and protector, a nanny for children - this is what a mittel is today.

Smart, courageous, quickly learns commands. requires education from childhood.

It does not shed, so it needs to be scratched and trimmed in autumn and spring.


A fox-like Shetland Sheepdog or Sheltie reaches a height of 40 cm and a weight of 11 kg.

The dog is very smart, not aggressive, loves to learn commands, and is trainable.

Basset- hound

A massive (height up to 38 cm, weight up to 27 kg) and seemingly clumsy dog ​​with big ears and a huge nose.

The character is calm and balanced. Basset- hound always becomes a full-fledged member of the family, loves children very much, patiently endures games and pranks.

Without education, he can be willful. Grooming is easy, but when the dog sheds, you will have to brush it often.

The Basset Hound has a memorable appearance due to its long ears and sad-melancholy expression on its face.

Bull Terrier

The Bull Terrier is a fighter bred in England. Included in the medium dog breeds. The dog's height should not exceed 46 cm, and its weight should not exceed 30 kg.

It has strong, prominent muscles and powerful jaws. Important with early age prohibit aggression towards other dogs and strangers.

The dog is playful, active, unpretentious in maintenance, but walks with good exercise and games are required.

The fur sheds twice a year. A rubber mitten is suitable for combing.

Large dogs

Thai Ridgeback

The national pride of Thailand, which crowns the local large breeds of dogs (height up to 50 cm, weight up to 24 kg).

It is distinguished by an athletic constitution, a muscular build and a ridge - a crest of wool on the back.

The dog's character is independent and proud. The Thai Ridgeback tends to trust only his own.

Alaskan Malamute

Cane Corso

The pride of Italian breeders who were able to revive an almost extinct species.

The standard description of dog breeds speaks of the Cane Corso as a strong, massive and muscular animal, up to 68 cm tall and weighing about 50 kg.

The character is balanced, but the security qualities are at their best. Very smart, good with children, vigilant.

Saint Bernard

A large dog that can grow up to 70 cm and weigh up to 90 kg.

Neapolitan Mastiff

A dog known since Ancient Rome- a strong animal with a proudly set large head, up to 75 cm tall and weighing more than 70 kg.

A vigilant guard, devoted to the members of his “pack” family.

It is important to provide the puppy proper upbringing and space, so for an apartment Neapolitan mastiffs not recommended.

They take good care of the children. It is enough to comb the wool with a mitten.

German dog

In the old days they hunted large animals with dogs. This is a smart dog that understands people.

English Setter

The hunting breed, known since the 18th century, is suitable for apartment living.

A smart dog with a lively temperament that requires proper training and exercise. The height of an adult setter reaches 62 cm and weight 31 kg.


It was bred as a herding dog. An adult collie grows up to 61 cm and can weigh up to 31 kg.

Breeders note intelligence, obedience, easy training, love for children, and devotion to owners.

Can live in an apartment, does not freeze in winter and feels good in summer, but needs exercise and grooming.

Brushing your dog takes 20-30 minutes daily. The downy undercoat can be spun.

German Shepherd

One of the most intelligent and adapted dogs to work with humans.

Large, strong (height up to 65 cm), fearless, but non-aggressive, takes root well in the city.

The German Shepherd is a faithful friend, companion, and teacher of children. Similarly, this is a reliable guard with a balanced psyche.

The dog needs work - following commands, training, long walks, communicating on equal terms with the owner.


Large representatives of this breed can grow up to 72 cm and weigh up to 45 kg.

When determining whether large, medium, or small dog breeds are suitable for an apartment, it is important to realistically assess your maintenance capabilities.

Dog breeds: choose a friend to your liking

When determining whether large, medium, or small dog breeds are suitable for an apartment, it is important to realistically assess your maintenance capabilities. For those who want to make a faithful friend in a city apartment, a description of dog breeds – decorative, medium and large – will be useful.

The dog has accompanied man for thousands of years. During this time, a huge number of the most different breeds- from miniature ones, which are no higher than 13 centimeters at the withers, to real giants with a height of more than 1 meter. Dog handlers and breeders today continue their work aimed at creating new types of dogs.

Descendants of wolves

It is known that the dog is a direct descendant of the wolf. Their DNA is almost identical and, when mating, they can produce quite fertile offspring. The man began to use the dog primarily for its hunting qualities- the ability to track and catch up with prey.

This was her main purpose, inherent in nature. A dog is one of those animals that must work. This applies to all breeds without exception. Even species of small dogs that spend their entire lives in a city apartment love to wander around, exploring new territories, looking for some kind of food or water. They have a natural need for this.

Therefore, if you want to see a happy dog, you need to remember why it was created from the very beginning. Then you won’t have to deal with problems that arise because the animal does not have the opportunity to express itself. Whatever the name of the dog breeds living in an apartment, it is imperative to walk the animals for a long time every day and in any weather. To some extent, this will allow them to realize themselves as hunters.

Dog breeds

The Canine Association has more than 400 breeds. Their number increases every year. A breed is a group of dogs that have a common origin, similar external features, behavioral characteristics and working qualities that are persistently inherited.

Each breed emerged as a result of breeding work done in accordance with the social and cultural needs of man. In order to improve the breed, it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions in breeding, keeping, feeding and raising the dog. Modern methods, such as DNA analysis, for example, make it possible to breed new types of dogs.

For convenience, all breeds are divided into groups: hunting dogs, service dogs, decorative dogs and fighting dogs. Each of them has its own characteristics, depending on the purpose of the animal.

Dogs for hunting

There are many breeds bred specifically to participate in hunting together with humans. This type of activity requires special skills from dogs, much more than other types. Depending on what kind of prey will have to be hunted, the appropriate breed is selected. But all these dogs also have common features.

They are united by absolute fearlessness and ferocity towards prey. Hunting dogs have tenacity and the desire to fight to the last. They are characterized by intelligence, quick reaction, and the ability to navigate well in space. These dogs are not considered pets and are raised without socialization with people or other animals. They develop endurance, the ability to remain without food for a long period during a hunt and withstand any bad weather. Hunting dog breeds are also distinguished by their unquestioning obedience and strict execution of commands and instructions.

Hunting breeds

The Laika is considered a universal dog for hunting. With it you can go hunting wood grouse, wild boar, and even bear. It is important not to use a dog that is trained to hunt small animals when hunting large animals, and vice versa. There are many types of huskies, and each is good for certain purposes. The Karelo-Finnish Laika has the ability to hunt upland game, the Russian-European one is suitable for fur-bearing animal, Western Siberian - for waterfowl, and with the Eastern European husky you can safely go in search of ungulates.

Hound breeds are tireless pursuers. Their task is to chase the animal until the hunter shoots it. Perseverance, tirelessness in pursuit, the ability not to lose the animal's trail under any circumstances - these are the main characteristics of this breed.

Greyhounds are the most ancient hunting dog breeds. They have long been used for unarmed hunting of hare and fox. With the help of their excellent vision and scent, these dogs find the animal, after which, having developed enormous speed, they catch up with it and strangle it.

When it is necessary to drive an animal out of a hole (fox, badger, raccoon), burrow dogs will be excellent helpers. The most common of these are Wire Fox Terriers and Dachshunds. Thanks to their small stature, they easily penetrate the hole behind the animal. The dachshund can also work both on the hare and on the black grouse.

Pointers are the most suitable types of dogs for hunting swamp, field and waterfowl. Their developed sense allows them to detect hidden game, lift it on the wing and find the dead bird after the owner has shot. Setters, spaniels, and pointers also easily cope with such tasks.

Service dogs

These include a number of breeds that people use for work. Usage service dogs widespread throughout the world. They help solve a wide variety of problems. But they are all united by common qualities - a complete distrust of to strangers, aggressiveness, high ability to train and devotion to its owner.

This group includes guide dogs that accompany blind people. They are characterized by complete ignorance of extraneous stimuli and the possession of a number of special qualities.

Service dogs do their job at the border, with the police, participating in the search and detention of criminals who are lost in the forest of mushroom pickers. They herd livestock, serve as a means of transportation in the Far North, and save people in snowy mountains. These dogs are often used to guard military and national economic facilities.

Breeds of service dogs have been created for many years. Each of them has its own individual qualities. For example, a feature of herding dogs is the lack of hunter instinct. This does not allow them to be distracted from guarding the herd, rushing after any animal, and there is no temptation to feast on domestic animals.

Service breeds are also bred for sporting purposes. To do this, the dog is trained, participates with it in various competitions, competitions, etc.

Breeds of service dogs

One of the most the best watchmen considered to be a Giant Schnauzer. In military and civil service, the Airedale Terrier does an excellent job. This dog gets along great with children and can become a true family friend.

The most balanced, flexible and trainable dogs are Labradors. Due to their good-natured disposition, these dogs are almost never used for protection. They successfully cope with the work of searching for explosives, drugs, and people trapped under the rubble.

The Rottweiler is an example of a service dog. Fearless, courageous, with a strong, powerful physique, he has both strength and intelligence. The owner must be able to handle such a dog.

The pinscher can become an excellent watchdog. The largest of the dogs of this breed is the most famous Doberman in our country. He is distinguished by the harmonious structure of his muscular body, excellent instincts and service qualities.

Boxer is the name of a dog breed that has a loyal character and is very attached to its owners. They can get along well with other pets and are very inhospitable towards strangers.

The German Shepherd is considered a classic example of a service dog.

Her appearance, expressing her readiness to rush at the enemy at any moment, her independence and self-confidence arouse fear among those around her. But in fact, this dog has the ability to make friends perfectly. With members of its family, the shepherd behaves like affectionate cat, always remaining a little puppy for his owners.

Fighting dogs

This type includes american pit bull terrier. In the eyes of the public, this is perhaps the most dangerous dog. But in fact, it is difficult to find a more affectionate, loyal and cheerful breed, which also has a huge supply of energy and an innate desire to please its owner. Pete is one of the few dog breeds that loves people so much that they are happy to meet anyone they meet.

Participation in battles is not at all necessary for him. If his energy is channeled in the right direction, Pete gets along just fine without fighting. Previously, these dogs were used to hunt rats and foxes that entered the farm, and to drive livestock. Today, pit bull terriers successfully compete in dog sports with representatives of other breeds.

One of the largest dog breeds is the English Mastiff. These are fighting dogs that have been participating in various battles since the reign of Alexander the Great. They were used as gladiators in battles against bears, lions and tigers. The mastiffs' thirst for battle has long been erased by breeders. Today, more often than not, these are domestic dogs, striking with their enormous affection for their owner, kindness and tolerance towards children.

The ancestors of the Dogue de Bordeaux were participants in gladiator fights. Thanks to their inherited hot blood, today these dogs are used in illegal dog fighting.

All fighting dog breeds have a higher threshold for pain sensitivity and an instant reaction. Their jaws are highly developed. These dogs are fearless, intelligent and temperamental.

Decorative breeds

Despite the fact that such dogs most often serve as home decoration or even an accessory, for them great value has the ability to lead full life, characteristic of any dog. It is very important that they do not become a “soft toy” and are able to realize their animal instincts.

Decorative dog breeds were bred by miniaturizing ordinary breeds. The ancestors of the poodle, Italian greyhound, and toy terrier were once large hunting dogs.

Breeds such as the Pekingese, Japanese Chin, and Chihuahua appeared as a result of selection work as an adornment to human life.

Despite the fact that the size and funny appearance of these dogs make them look like toys, they need education and training no less than German Shepherd or a huge mastiff. Otherwise, these domestic dogs are capable of tormenting their owners with their whims.

The most numerous and popular decorative breed is the poodle. They are believed to be particularly trainable and trainable. Perhaps that is why these dogs are most often found in the circus.

The French Bulldog has a cheerful and good-natured character. But if necessary, he is quite ready to stand up for himself. Popular decorative dog breeds today are Yorkshire Terrier, owner of luxurious wool, Maltese, Shar Pei, Dalmatian, pug and others.

Sled dogs

Living for centuries in harsh climatic conditions Far North, these dog breeds have a special appearance. Their strong physique has at the same time light bones, long legs and a slightly elongated body. This constitution allows them to feel free in deep snow. These unpretentious animals are capable of working in the most difficult conditions. From frost and strong wind They are protected by dense, hard wool, the undercoat of which is very warm and thick.

Sled dogs are used to transport goods and people. They unquestioningly obey humans, but are also capable of making independent decisions. These very friendly, cheerful and smart animals have forever won the hearts of residents of the North, who can no longer imagine their life without dogs. As vehicle They are significantly superior to deer in their endurance and reliability. In addition, the dog always strives towards the house, which is very important when moving in a strong snowstorm. More than once, dog sleds saved people caught in an avalanche by digging out the snow.

Sled dog breeds

The types of dogs adapted for transportation are quite few in number. The most famous are the Malamute, Siberian Husky and Samoyed. They almost completely retained the qualities of their ancestors - the northern riding aborigines.

The Malamute is a breed developed by the Eskimos in Alaska. These dogs cannot bark at all; instead, they make sounds similar to grumbling. They are very active, good-natured, but often show stubbornness when trying to claim the role of leader.

The Siberian Husky was developed by the Chukchi people when they needed a hardy dog ​​to transport cargo. Even with a heavy load in the harness, these dogs are able to run non-stop all day. Exercise stress They need it, so they really don’t have enough of it when they live in an apartment. Huskies, like Malamutes, do not bark, but when bored alone, they can howl. The dogs are very kind, the Chukchi even used them to warm their children in the chums.

Samoyed sled dogs resemble bear cubs in appearance. In addition to the ability to transport heavy luggage, the weight of which can exceed their own weight by one and a half times, these animals are excellent guards. They are sociable, reliable, and do not demand anything from them. special attention. The breed was bred by the nomadic Samoyed tribes as sled dogs, as well as to guard herds of deer.

Compared to the above breeds, the Chukotka has some advantages. sled dog. She has a protein-fat metabolism, tremendous performance and endurance. These dogs have high driving qualities, are easy to train and are absolutely adapted to the harsh conditions of Chukotka. Today they are successfully used not only as a means of transport among the local population, but also in various sports competitions.

Big or small dog

Knowing what types of dogs there are, and wanting to buy a dog for your home, you should first decide on the breed. And to do this, it’s worth figuring out what size the future pet should be, whether there will be enough space in the apartment, whether the owner will be able to provide the dog with adequate nutrition, and whether the budget of the new family member will support it.

Pets of impressive size will undoubtedly become good guards and defenders. All types of large dogs, as a rule, have a balanced and calm character. As such four-legged friend Newfoundland, mastiff, St. Bernard and, of course, German shepherd are suitable.

For a cramped city apartment, a small dog is a completely suitable option. It is unlikely to provide reliable protection; rather, it is an animal for the soul. Most often these are spaniels, pugs, chihuahuas, and pinschers. If there are children in the family, then the dog, of course, should be friendly and not have even the slightest signs of aggression. In this case, it is better to get a breed such as a Labrador, cocker spaniel or collie. These dogs can withstand a child's pestering and will happily play with him without causing harm.

Dog breeds have been bred for many thousands of years. This process continues to this day. Other mammal species do not have as much genetic diversity as dogs. Just look at the huge difference between the Chihuahua and the Great Dane.

There are different interpretations of what is called a "breed". Breeds are actually classified by the functional purpose for which the breed was bred. Most registered dog breeds are traditional breeds with a very long history. The origin of some dog breeds is associated with two or three countries at once. All traditional dog breeds are registered with the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale), but some new breeds are still under development.

According to their functional purpose, all dog breeds are divided into such subcategories as working dogs, domestic (family) dogs, herding dogs, guard dogs, hunting and sled dogs. Working dogs are used, for example, for therapy or police service. Family dogs are bred for the home and do not have a clear functional purpose. Herding dogs work with livestock. Watch dogs must protect property. They bark loudly when they sense an intruder, thus warning their owner. Hunting dog breeds help the owner during the hunt. Various types dogs have special hunting skills. Sled dogs were bred to transport cargo in sleds to hard-to-reach regions.

The dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is an animal that has been tamed and domesticated by man since ancient times. First archaeological finds skeletons of this animal near human habitation, discovered on the Eurasian continent, date back to the Mesolithic era. Most likely, the dog was the first domestic animal that provided ancient man help with hunting.

When compiling a classification of animals, Carl Linnaeus singled out the dog as separate species- An ordinary dog. According to the modern classification, adopted in 1993, a dog is a representative of the Wolf species, subspecies Dog. She, like, is a representative of:

  • class mammals;
  • order of carnivores;
  • canidae family;
  • kind of wolves;
  • species of wolves;
  • subspecies dog.

Dog - description.

The ancestors of dogs are ancient wolves and other representatives of canids, possibly. From them she got a fairly strong, muscular body covered with fur. The shape and size of a dog's head is a defining exterior feature by which a dog can be classified as a particular breed. The head of a dog conventionally consists of a cranium and a muzzle.

The dog's body has a head, neck, withers, chest, back, croup, rump, tail and four limbs - front and rear. The dog's paws are equipped with claws that do not retract into the pads when walking. The dog has well-developed muscles, which allows the animal to perform various movements, including moving not only by walking, but also running remarkably well at a decent speed or performing quite high jumps.

Dog's dental system.

The dog's dental system is represented by 42 teeth, including incisors, canines, premolars and molars. Dogs' teeth are located on both the upper and lower lower jaw. The fangs of this animal are large and well developed. Intersecting each other, the fangs of the upper and lower jaws form a lock.

Change of baby teeth in dogs.

During puppyhood, from about the 4th month of life, dogs begin to change their baby teeth, which, as a rule, ends by 7-9 months. The condition of the dental system sometimes helps determine the age of an animal when there is no exact information about the date of birth.

Dog's fur.

The dog's body is covered with hair, which most often consists of guard hair, outer hair and downy undercoat. The length and thickness of the coat depends on the breed and conditions of detention. The coat color of dogs can be very different, from natural red-gray to all varieties of white, red, black, and spotted. There are dog breeds that are devoid of fur, partially or completely.

Dog food.

The dog has color vision, a keen sense of smell, hearing, and touch. She perfectly distinguishes the taste of food, so she will be happy with various delicacies. The diet of a dog, as a typical representative of carnivorous animals, must necessarily include protein products of animal origin, as well as be balanced in vitamins and minerals. Currently, there is a large assortment of ready-made dog food.

How many dog ​​breeds are there?

Currently on globe Cynological organizations recognize about four hundred breeds. As a rule, they are all divided into ten breed groups. Dogs are distinguished by their ability to learn, which allows them to be used as guard dogs, search dogs, hunting dogs, rescue dogs, guide dogs, and simply companion animals.

Dog breeding.

A dog's pregnancy lasts from 58 to 62 days. At the same time, from one to ten and even fifteen viable puppies can be born, which the mother feeds with milk. The suckling period in dogs lasts up to 8 weeks, but at about 4–5 weeks, puppies are able to feed on their own.

The average lifespan of dogs is 8-15 years. Although there are frequent cases where dogs lived to be more old age– 19 – 21 years old.

Dog care.

There are breeds that can only be kept indoors, while others can be kept in open-air cages. Caring for an animal is absolutely simple and consists of feeding, grooming, timely veterinary measures and vaccination. It is also necessary to form the correct behavior in puppies by teaching the kids to walk.

Dog breeds:

Australian short-tailed cattle dog

Australian Shepherd

Australian Cattle Dog

Australian Kelpie

Australian Terrier

Australian Silky Terrier

Austrian Hound

Austrian busty brakk

Austrian Pinscher

Azores Cattle Dog

Akita Inu

Alan (dog breed)

Alpine dachshund hound

Alaskan Klee Kai

American Akita

American Eskimo dog

American Bandog

American Bulldog

American Water Spaniel

American Hairless Terrier

American Cocker Spaniel

American Mastiff

American Pit Bull Terrier

American Staffordshire Terrier

American Foxhound

Anatolian Shepherd

English coonhound

English Shepherd

English bulldog

English cocker spaniel

English Mastiff

English Setter

English Springer Spaniel

English toy terrier

English Foxhound

Anglo-French small hound

Appenzeller Mountain Dog

Dogo Argentino

Bouvier de Ardenne

Artois hound

Afghan Hound


Bavarian mountain hound


Barbet (dog)


Basque Shepherd

Basset Hound

Bedlington Terrier

White Swiss Shepherd

Belgian Shepherd

Belgian Griffon

Bergamasco Shepherd

Bernese Mountain Dog

Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

Bichon Frize


Blue Lacy

Bulgarian barracks


Great Vendean Griffon

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

Border Terrier

Border Collie

Dogue de Bordeaux

Bearded Collie

Boston Terrier

Brazilian Terrier

Brazilian Fila

Briard (dog breed)


Brussels Griffon

Bukovinian Shepherd Dog

Bulldog Campeiro

Catahoula Bulldog


Bull Terrier

Buryat-Mongolian wolfhound

Vendeen Basset Griffon


Welsh Corgi

Welsh Springer Spaniel

Welsh Terrier

Hungarian Vizsla

West Highland White Terrier



Wolfdog of Saarloos

Volpino Italiano

East European Shepherd

East Siberian Laika

Havanese Bichon

Smooth Fox Terrier

Glen of Imaal Terrier

Dutch Shepherd

Dutch Smoushond

Blue Gascony Basset

Hamilton's Hound


Greenland dog

Greek Shepherd

Groenendael (dog breed)


Danish-Swedish farm dog

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier


Longhaired Collie




Wire Fox Terrier

West Siberian Laika

Golden retriever

Irish Water Spaniel

Irish Wolfhound

Irish Red Setter

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

Irish Terrier

Icelandic dog

Spanish water dog

Spanish galgo

Spanish Mastiff

Italian bracque

Italian spinone

Yorkshire Terrier

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Kai (dog breed)

Dogo Canario

Cane Corso

Cao de Castro Laboreiro

Karakachan dog

Karelo-Finnish Laika

Karelian Laika

Karelian Bear Dog

Miniature Pinscher

Catalan Shepherd


Cairn Terrier

Kerry Blue Terrier

King Charles Spaniel

Chinese Crested Dog

Clumber Spaniel



Continental Bulldog

Continental Toy Spaniel

Korean Jindo

Shorthaired collie

Coton de Tulear

Crash Shepherd



Cuban Dogo


Curly coated retriever

Labrador Retriever


Lagotto Romagnolo


Lancashire Heeler

Italian Greyhound

Lakeland Terrier


Catahoula Leopard Dog

Lapp Reindeer Dog

Lhasa apso

Mallorcan Shepherd

Small lion dog

Small Belgian dogs



Manchester Terrier

Maremmo-Abruzzese Shepherd Dog

Miniature Schnauzer

Moscow watchdog

Moscow diver

Mudi (dog breed)

Neapolitan Mastiff

German Shepherd

German boxer

German Wachtelhund

German dog

German Spitz

German Jagdterrier

Nenets Laika

Nova Scotia Retriever

Norwegian Lundehund

Norwegian Elkhound

Norwich Terrier

Norfolk Terrier

Newfoundland (dog breed)


Parson Russell Terrier

Picardy Shepherd

Pyrenean mountain dog

Pyrenean Shepherd

Pyrenean Mastiff

Podenco Ibicenco

Pointer (dog breed)

Polish hound

Polish Lowland Sheepdog

Polish Podgalian Shepherd Dog

Polish ogar

Pomeranian Spitz

Portuguese water dog

Portuguese Shepherd

Prague rat

Flat-Coated Retriever

Petit Brabançon

Pumi (dog breed)

Giant Schnauzer

Rhodesian Ridgeback


Romanian Carpathian Shepherd

Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog

Russian greyhound

Russian Tsvetnaya lap dog

Russian hunting spaniel

Russian toy terrier

Russian-European Laika

Samoyed dog

Sakhalin Husky

Northern Inuit dog

Saint Bernard

Siberian Husky

Sealyham Terrier

Skye Terrier

Slovak cops

Slovak dude

Central asian shepherd dog

Old English Bulldog

Old English Bulldog (re-created)

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Sussex Spaniel

Tazi (dog breed)

Thai Ridgeback

Tibetan mastiff

Tibetan Spaniel

Tibetan Terrier

Pharaoh Hound

Porcelain hound

Finnish hound

Finnish Lapphund

Finnish Spitz

Bouvier des Flanders

Fox terrier

French Bulldog

Canaan dog


Croatian Shepherd

miniature pinscher

Miniature Schnauzer

Black Terrier

Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

Czech Cattle Dog

Czech Terrier

Chinook (dog breed)

Cirneco del Etna



Sharplana Shepherd Dog

Swedish Lapphund

Silky Windhound


Scottish Setter

Scottish Terrier

Entlebucher Mountain Dog

Epagnol Breton


Estonian hound

Estrela Shepherd

South Russian Shepherd

Yakut Laika

There are several tens of thousands of dog breeds in the world, which differ not only in size, but also long hair, habits, character and living conditions. About how small or big dogs We will talk further about which ones are intended for the apartment.


Short-haired dog breeds are the most popular in our time, since they can be kept in any apartment, and there is almost no grooming. We will look at dog breeds with photos and descriptions below.

Dogo Argentino



The Dalmatian first appeared in Croatia and has a short white coat with brown or black spots. The dog is large in size, average weight is 28 kg. The character contains intelligence, mobility, and savvy. Can be used as a companion or hunter.

By the way, images of Dalmatians were found in many drawings of the ancient world, in particular in Greece and the territory of the former Roman Empire. Judging by the paintings, Dalmatians were the court dogs of the kings.


Miniature Pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher is a medium-sized pet whose weight does not exceed 7 kg and has muscular legs. The coat is short, red or black with tan marks. The breed appeared about 300 years ago in Germany. Features: an unusual gait, like a horse. By temperament, these are active, playful, unpretentious pets who can be hunters or watchmen.



First appeared in England, the name translates as “Old English Sheepdog”. Previously, the breed was used for grazing livestock, now as a companion. The size of the bobtail is large, the coat is long, thick with curls. The main shade is gray with blue, marble, blue with black. The character is characterized by kindness, sociability and attentiveness. The peculiarity of the animal is its loud bark.

Yorkshire Terrier

– small, decorative, appeared in England, is considered one of the most popular pets in the world. The animal's coat is long, silky, and becomes lighter with age. The main color is golden, bronze, cream, often several shades at once. The terrier is distinguished by fearlessness, courage, activity, and playfulness.


- a medium breed of dog, were bred for herding livestock in England and Scotland. Now the pet is used for canine competitions or as a companion. Average size - 25 kg, has muscular paws. The coat is long, sometimes rough. The main colors are black, red, tan, sable. The animal's temperament includes endurance, intelligence, activity, and sociability.

English cocker spaniel

It was bred in England for hunting, and later became a friend and companion for many owners. The dog has a medium build, weighing up to 15 kg. The coat is long, silky, the main color is red, black, tan and black with blue. The dog's character is characterized by mobility, energy, peacefulness, and attentiveness to the owner's mood.

It is important that your cocker spaniel gets plenty of walks, active play, and training. It is better to keep it in a country house to satisfy the hunting instinct.

Maltese (Maltese)

The Maltese is a small breed that first appeared in Malta. The main feature is long, thick wool of a snow-white shade. Average weight – 3 kg. The main highlight of the breed is its tenderness and sensitivity, intelligence. The dog is also characterized by mobility, savvy, courage, and loyalty to the owner. As a child, he bites and snaps, so he requires education.


It was bred in Canada for work and hunting. The main feature of the breed is its long, thick coat of black, black-white or brown shade. Belongs to the Molosser breed, the maximum weight of the pet is 67 kg. By temperament, they are calm, balanced, intelligent and flexible animals. It is better to keep it in a country house, as it requires a lot of space for walking, is easy to train and makes decisions on its own.

Pomeranian Spitz

Refers to ornamental breeds, appeared in Germany, the province of Pomerania. The main feature of the dog is its long, soft and fluffy fur, as well as a small fox-like muzzle. Wool comes in ten shades, but the most popular are black, black and tan, cream, red, and blue and tan. Despite its small size, the dog is fearless, playful, active, and loves children.

remember, that Pomeranian Spitz Aggression and jealousy are inherent, so the pet needs to be given a lot of time, raised and trained.


is a small breed of apartment dog that originated several thousand years ago in China. It is interesting that the Chinese themselves call dogs “fu” and consider them protective spirits. The coat comes in several shades, but black and red Pekingese are more common. The weight of the animal does not exceed 5 kg. By nature, they are playful, spoiled, independent pets.

Saint Bernard

Appeared in Switzerland and Italy, considered a descendant Tibetan mastiffs, which were used to climb the Alps. The dog has a large body, thick coat of white or red color with spots. The main feature of the St. Bernard's character is loyalty and obedience; they are also characterized by attentiveness and love for family.

Tibetan mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is considered one of the oldest breeds that originated in Tibet and previously lived in monasteries. Externally, it is a large pet, weighing up to 75 kg. The coat is thick, with an undercoat of gray, dark, beige shades with spots. Despite its size, the pet is distinguished by calmness, obedience, loyalty, and adequacy. They can be guards, defenders, and used for hunting.

Chow chow

The name “chow chow” is translated as, which fully corresponds to the appearance of the dog. They first appeared in Korea; the breed belongs to the Spitz group. Can be used for home security or as a companion. The coat of the Chow Chow is long, fluffy and thick, the main color is black, blue, red, cream. The average weight of the animal is 27 kg. By temperament, the dog is characterized by caution towards strangers, love and loyalty to the owner, and laziness.

It is important to go for walks with your chow chow as often as possible, and do some training. Because the pet prefers to lie on the sofa than to run and play, which is why it often suffers from obesity or a bad mood.

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is considered one of the most ancient breeds; it first appeared in China as a gift to the emperor. with long hair of different shades, but black, red, brown and white-red colors are more common. The maximum weight of a pet is no more than 8 kg. By nature, they are active animals, require a lot of attention, are attentive to the mood of others, love children and are devoted until the end of their lives.

South Russian Shepherd

The South Russian Shepherd was bred in Russia for herding cattle several hundred years ago. To size - large dog with long coat of white, fawn, gray-piebald shade, average weight - 25 kg. A shepherd dog can be used for protection, security, service and as a pet. The shepherd's character is characterized by savvy, independence, loyalty, and anger towards strangers. Therefore, you need to start raising a dog from childhood.



The Affenpinscher is a hard-coated pinscher that first appeared in Germany. These dogs are characterized by loyalty, sharp intelligence, endurance and courage. The main color shades are black, brown, red and blue with tan. Previously, the dog was used to catch rodents and small animals, but is now popular as a pet.

Brussels Griffon

Like the Belgian Griffon, it appeared in Belgium and is a small ornamental breed. The pet has hard, wire-like fur; its main colors are red with a black mask. The peculiarity of the animal is the almost human expression of its muzzle. The character is based on liveliness, intelligence and sociability.

Welsh Corgi

Welsh Corgis are a breed of small dogs from England that were bred for herding. livestock. Pet feature - short legs, a coarse coat of white, brown, beige and dark colors with markings. This pet is characterized by kindness, sociability, activity, and playfulness. They often bark for no reason, and you need to be prepared for this.

By the way, there is a legend according to which Welsh corgis were a gift from forest fairies to people. To prove this, the animal has a saddle-shaped spot on its back, because fairies used them as riding horses.

Jack Russell Terrier

It belongs to the hunting breeds, appeared in England, but became popular in Australia. They used the pet for burrow hunting, now as a companion and protector. The dog's coat is hard, short, and its color is white with dark or red markings. The maximum weight of a pet is 6 kg. Thanks to intelligence, independence and courage, the dog can be used on the farm.


Deerhound also refers to hunting dogs for catching animals without weapons. This breed is considered one of the oldest in the world, originating in Scotland. The Deerhound is considered one of the largest breeds, with a weight of up to 45 kg. The dog has an excellent sense of smell, good reaction, excellent health and shape. The pet is also calm, loyal, sociable and friendly.

Wirehaired dachshund

It was bred specifically for hunting, since in the process of crossing an ordinary dachshund and some terriers, the animal’s fur turned out to be hard and dense. The main colors are brown, beige, and sometimes wild boar. The average weight of a pet does not exceed 5 kg. The dachshund will not only excellent hunter, but also a companion, companion, nanny for children. And all this thanks to loyalty, ingenuity, insight, and independence.

Wire Fox Terrier

Belongs to the group of terriers, appeared in England. The size of the dog is medium, the coat is short and stiff, the main color is white with dark or red tan markings. The average weight of a pet is 8 kg. The Terrier has a peaceful disposition, calmness, friendliness and loyalty.

Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer is a medium-sized dog, weighing up to 20 kg. It has a coarse coat of black or pepper-and-salt color. By nature, they are peaceful, kind, active animals, they love games and long walks. The pet can be used in service or to protect the home, as it is distrustful and suspicious of strangers and makes its own decisions.

By the way, during the Second World War, miniature schnauzers were used by the Red Cross for sanitary assistance or transmitting messages.

Norwich Terrier

The Norwich Terrier is a small apartment dog, bred in England for hunting, and is now used as a companion. Despite its small body, the pet has strong legs and weighs up to 7 kg. The dog's coat is hard and the color is wheat, gray or red. By nature, they are sweet, good-natured, loyal animals. You need to walk, play and educate them a lot.

Scottish Terrier

The Scottish Terrier was bred in England to catch rodents and small animals. Externally, it is a muscular, compact dog, weighing up to 10 kg. The dog's coat is short and stiff, the main shades are black and sand. The dog can even be used for protection, as it is characterized by fearlessness, endurance, independence, and energy.

Hairless dogs

African hairless dog

The African Hairless Dog is one of the ancient breeds dogs, originally from Mexico, where they were recognized as the property of the country. You can use your pet to protect your home or as a companion. The main feature of the pet is the absence of hair, gentle skin covering. Because of this, the dog has a hard time withstanding cold and rain. The hairless dog is distinguished by intelligence, independence and loyalty.

It is important that the breed first appeared more than 3 thousand years ago, as evidenced by mummies and ancient burials in Mexico.

Hairless American Terrier

The American Terrier was bred in America; the pets' ancestors were hunters. But due to the lack of wool, American Terrier demanding in climate and is used as decorative pet. By temperament - active, passionate, savvy animals, they love to learn new things and follow commands. The animal has no fur, but there may be brown or beige spots on its body.

Chinese Crested Dog

– a breed of dogs originally from Korea, characterized by activity, liveliness, loyalty and sociability. There are suggestions that the breed originated in Africa or Mexico. Pet feature - complete absence fur, with the exception of the head and tail. The dog's skin color is pink, gray, beige with markings. This breed does not cause allergies and gets along well with other animals.

Manchurian Hairless Dog

The Manchurian Hairless Dog is most often found in the Manchurian region, in the mountains. Locals The pet is called “tai-tai”, but the breed is still not officially recognized by the dog handlers association. The dog also has no hair at all, it has much in common with the Chinese Crested, it does not smell and does not cause allergies. A hairless dog is characterized by loyalty, playfulness and affection for its owner.

The Peruvian dog has a medium build, strong paws, and first appeared in Peru many centuries ago. The pet has no fur and is gray and spotted. Also, the Peruvian dog has almost no teeth, but by character they are kind, brave, intelligent animals. They love children very much and can be guards.

By the way, from the Inca language, the name of the Peruvian dog is translated as “Inca orchid”, since the pet is distinguished by grace and stubbornness.

Pharaoh Hound

The Pharaoh Hound belongs to the group of primitive, greyhounds. The breed appeared in Malta, although the first images of pets were found in drawings Ancient Egypt, in which they personified Anubis. The dog has a small body, slender and muscular legs. The coat is almost absent or very short, the color is red or brown. The Pharaoh Hound is easy to train, loves outdoor games, adores its family and is ready to protect it under any conditions.

Ecuadorian hairless dog

The Ecuadorian dog is considered one of the rarest, it has the least fur compared to other hairless pets. Now you can meet a dog only in some regions of Africa, so there is no exact information about the nature and characteristics of care. They only note that the Ecuadorian Hairless dog is active and energetic, with an average body size.