Tarot divine heritage layouts and meaning. Tarot of the Divine Heritage: fortune telling and predictions, features. The process of creating the Divine Heritage Tarot Deck

Modeling the future is another way of using tarot cards, which has something in common with fortune telling and yet is fundamentally different. The main difference is that the fortuneteller - it is more correct to call him in this case a sorcerer, and further I will use this word - does not stop the wheel of chance, but turns it. He uses the power of intention of the divination instrument, which is associated with the first fire of Life, along with the power of the seventh type, which belongs to him personally. As a result of his ritual actions, tendencies of events to develop in a certain way are created. If something does not suit the sorcerer, he can make a “different move”, trying to correct what was done earlier, to introduce a new impulse.

As in the case of fortune telling, the modeling sorcerer uses special objects that belong to him. In this case they are usually more numerous. The sorcerer has many items of power that allow him to act in a variety of situations. The Tarot deck is the main item for a modeler using it. With its help, a mandala is drawn up, depicting the world in which the sorcerer operates.

The activity of a sorcerer is not a type of clairvoyance. This does not mean that type 4 power is not required from cards in modeling procedures. It is required because the cards must symbolize the elements of the Cosmos. But they must also have the power of the first type.

Modeling the future differs from fortune telling in a number of ways. Firstly, the sorcerer does not have to be alone while performing the ritual. On the contrary, group modeling has a greater chance of success. Secondly, the sorcerer acts purposefully, not blindly, not in detachment from the questioner (which is often himself). Third, it is possible to repeatedly influence the course of events through simulation, and new actions can change the course caused by previous actions. Another one important feature is that the sorcerer can act according to own initiative, that is, there may not be a questioner in the usual sense of the word. The object, of course, is always some person who, however, may not know that his future is being influenced by the sorcerer.

Modeling can affect a particular area of ​​the life of a modeling object or its entire life. Accordingly, I call it partial or total. The task of modeling and its type determine which mandala to choose and what active forces should be involved.

A mandala is a symbolic picture made up of standard elements, as if from a construction set, having a circular shape and, as a rule, a certain symmetry. The constructor can be one or more Minor Arcana decks. The cards of the Minor Arcana are laid out according to a certain method, forming, symbolically, the world. In this world, a modeling object is fixed, depicted by one of the figured cards. The object could be a whole group of people, but I will not consider this complex case here. It does not matter in principle whether the object is the sorcerer himself, or the questioner who came to him, or a person who does not know that he is the object. In all cases, I will speak simply about the modeling object, without specifying it.

The design of the mandala depends: 1) on whether the modeling is group or the sorcerer acts alone; 2) from the modeling task.

A classic example of a mandala for group modeling is a chessboard. Previously, chess, or more precisely, shatranj, was played by four people. In fact, four sorcerers, each of whom represented one of the elements, simulated the course of a war or some kind of cooperation. This is very ancient way modeling. Now knowledge about it is almost completely lost. However, the chess game in its modern form continues to be the number one intellectual game, amazing with its depth and variety of gaming situations. Other games on the chessboard arose later and have nothing to do with modeling the future.

Another example of a mandala for group modeling is the famous Stonehenge, a giant stone structure of the ancients in the southwest of England. Later this structure was used for religious ceremonies, but at first it was a mandala through which truly initiated Druids influenced the destiny of their nation.

Here I will only talk about individual modeling for the purpose of correcting fate. This is very complex topic. There is a lot that cannot be revealed. I will limit myself to techniques directly related to the methods of fortune telling already given above. They are primitive, but, nevertheless, can be used at a certain level.

Modeling methods. Examples.

The simplest example is the “Cross” correction. Let the task be posed as follows: to influence the course of events, the question of which could be studied by a fortuneteller using the “Cross” method. These could be events related to home, family, marriage, the birth of a child, career, implementation of plans, commercial activities, going on a trip, some meetings, lawsuits, health, and so on. In any case, the modeling begins with the construction of a fundamental mandala from a Tarot deck, which includes the 56 Minor Arcana and a blank card. The unfolding in this case begins from the East - this is the general principle of constructing a mandala. The Ace of Swords is placed in the East. Then they lay out clockwise: to the South - the Ace of Cups, to the West - the Ace of Coins, to the North - the Ace of Wands. After this, a blank card is placed in the center. Then, sequentially, clockwise, starting from the East, twos, threes, fours, fives, sixes, sevens, eights, nines, pages, knights, ladies, kings are laid out in thirteen circles. At the same time, swords are placed in the East, cups in the South, coins in the West, and wands in the North. Then the key slice is determined - one of fourteen. The meaning of the cuts in this case differs from the one they have in the “Chalice of Fate”. The first slice is the first hour of the day, the second slice is the second hour of the day, and so on until the fourteenth slice. The fifteenth hour of the day corresponds to the tenth cut, the sixteenth to the ninth, and so on in descending order of cuts, the last hour is the first cut. Thus, each point card encodes two hours, each face card one hour. The key or moving cut is always the one that corresponds to the hour of the day at which the unfolding of the fundamental mandala is completed. Having determined it, you need to take a deck of the Major Arcana and lay out three circles of cards on top of the mandala, all in the same order: East, then South, West and North. The resulting three slices - the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth - are not mobile at any hour of the day. When laying out the Major Arcana, the cards that appear in the layout turn out to be random, since they are not chosen by the sorcerer, but are taken from the deck at random. They may appear upside down, while all the cards in the fundamental mandala are in their normal position. Random cards of the Major Arcana correspond to the “moment factor”, external forces that turned out to be initially active. The remaining cards of the Major Arcana that are not included in the display are set aside separately. This is a reserve of strength.

Generally speaking, the unfolding of the fundamental mandala should be accompanied by a certain ritual. It is needed to establish a strong connection between the cards and the sorcerer. I will talk about the requirements of the ritual later.

The top (seventeenth) section of the layout and the map in the center are the “current answer” to the question. Being in the center of a blank map suggests that there is no final answer and that the wheel of chance has not stopped. Next, the blank card may disappear from the center, but this will not mean that the answer has been received and cannot be changed. It's just that at this point the "current answer" will become more defined. The purpose of the modeling calculation transformations performed by the sorcerer is to obtain a “current answer” that satisfies him. It is important that in its final form it is not a prediction, as in fortune telling, but only shows trends in the course of events in the area of ​​​​life of interest.

After finishing the calculation, you can make the first move, that is, the first transformation. Five types of transformations are allowed.

1. The movable cut can be rotated clockwise one step, two steps or three steps. For example, if you turn it one step, then a card comes to the East from the North, to the South - from the East, to the West - from the South, to the North - from the West.

2. A moving slice can be exchanged for any other slice (without moving cards from one pile to another pile), including the fifteenth, sixteenth or seventeenth.

3. Any moving slice card can be exchanged for a card lying in the center of the display.

4. If there is a blank card in the moving slice, it can be exchanged for any Major Arcana from those not initially included in the layout. Thus, you can enter (only once during the entire modeling period, as is easy to understand) the thirteenth Major Arcana into the calculation. The secret meaning of the number 13 is just a breakthrough into destiny new strength, initially hidden, the emergence of a fundamentally new opportunity.

5. All moving slice cards can be turned over. In this case, cards that were in their normal position will become inverted, and previously inverted ones will return to their normal position. This happens simultaneously with all slice cards.

Each transformation determines a certain obligation of the sorcerer. This means that the sorcerer must carry out this move in life. By carrying it out, he actually realizes (with the help of the cards associated with him) the turn of the wheel of chance that the cards prescribed. What kind of move should be made in life is determined by the interpretation of the transformation. I'll explain this now.

For each transformation, two cards are key. One of them is called advancing or ascending, the other is called departing or setting. If a turn is made, the advancing card is the one that, as a result of the turn, ended up in the pile of cards that is considered the most significant, based on the type of issue. So, if we are talking about home, family, then we need to look to the South, if it is about marriage - to the West, about marriage - to the South, about the birth of a child - to the East, about a career, the implementation of plans - to the North, about meetings - to the West or to the South (depending on whether these are business meetings or meetings for entertainment; but if we are talking about a man meeting his mistress and having sex, he should look to the West, not to the South, but if sex is not expected, the South pile is significant), if about litigation, then to the East, about health - also to the East. The outgoing card is the one that left the essential pile. If a moving slice is exchanged for another slice, the moving slice card of the essential stack will be the one that goes out, and the one that comes in its place will be the one that comes in. If the card in the center changes, then it is advancing, and the card of the moving slice to which it changes is outgoing. Thus, the concepts of “incoming card” and “outgoing card” reflect changes in the key slice, and not in the upper slice of the calculation, that is, not in the “current answer”. When a blank card lands on one of the cardinal piles, it neutralizes all cards in that pile that are lower than it. From this moment on, these cards have no meaning, their meaning is erased. They turn face down. In the future, they cannot be placed in the “current answer”. In other operations, generally speaking, they can participate, but in such a way that such a card does not turn out to be either advancing or leaving at any moment, since otherwise it will be impossible to interpret the transformation; it also cannot get to the East at the key cut, for a reason that will become clear from what follows. It is clear that the presence of such cards complicates display operations. Therefore, a blank card must be handled very carefully. From here it is clear why it is better to lay out the fundamental mandala in the evening or at night - because then the key cut lies low, which means that fewer cards can be erased with a clean card when it needs to be used. Further, if a clean card is exchanged for any Major Arcana from among those not included in the layout, this Major Arcana is the advancing card, and the clean card is the departing card. If a reversal of the moving cut cards is made, the advancing one will be a card in a significant pile, inverted relative to its original position, and the outgoing one will be the same card in its original position.

The prescription of the cards is interpreted precisely according to the advancing and outgoing cards. This is reminiscent of the "Book of Changes", however, in this case, instead of eight trigrams we have larger number cards, which can, moreover, be in different positions, normal or inverted. Here are some correspondences that can be used when interpreting the instructions of the cards. They are also useful for fortune telling.

The time of day is symbolized by the value of the point cards: ace - the first hour, two - the second, and so on, as 14 slices indicate time. The Major Arcana also show time, but less definitely: "Magician" - any time, "High Priestess" - night, "Empress" - morning, "Emperor" - day, "Hierophant" - evening, "Lovers" - night, "Warrior" " - morning or day, "Justice" - day, "Hermit" - evening, "Wheel of Fortune" - day, "Strength" - morning, "Hanged Man" - evening, and also night, "Death" - night, "Moderation" - morning, "Devil" - an indefinite time, "Tower" - too, "Star" - evening, "Moon" - night, "Sun" - day, "Judgment" - morning or evening, "World" - day, "Jester" " - any time. The inverted position does not matter.

Behavior at home and in the family is indicated by a combination of advancing and departing cards. If the Ace of Cups advances, the Two of Cups retreats, which means that behavior should be conflict-free. If it’s the other way around, it’s easy to quarrel. When the “Hermit” comes, regardless of the situation, the house is a mess, you need to behave changeably. And so on.

If we are talking about the birth of a child, then the black suit means a boy, the red one means a girl.

On the issue of marriage, the following can be said. When “Peace” comes, you need to make an offer, the same thing when the Ace of Cups comes. If the reversed "Peace" or the Ace of Cups occurs, there is no need to propose. You should also refrain from making a proposal when the “Moon” appears, in its normal position or inverted. The advancing “Hierophant” recommends looking for another woman (another man), a short time- the upcoming "Hermit", as well as the red eight. If the inverted “Hermit” comes, you need to behave boldly, if the Ace of Coins does the same, regardless of the position. If the Ace of Coins retreats in its normal position, one should not be sexually aggressive. When the “Emperor” is advancing, you must make a gift; when the “Emperor” is retreating, you must stop making gifts. If the inverted “Emperor” advances, you need to pretend to be unhappy, poor, but if he retreats, you need to talk about bright prospects. The advancing "Mage" is passivity. And so on. There are a lot of options.

On the issue of weather: a clear sky is indicated by an ace, a seven, and also a nine in the usual position, fog - by a six or an inverted nine, clouds and light wind - by a two, a four, strong wind- eight, storm, thunderstorm - five, snow - ten, rain - three. Major Arcana can also talk about the weather: “Moon” - a gloomy sky, dark, “Sun” - a clear day, “Star” - clearing the sky, “Jester” in the usual position - rain, inverted - the end of the rain, “Peace” - sunny, “Magician” - to change the weather, “High Priestess” and “Death” - night, snow, cold, “Empress” - good morning, “Emperor” - thunderstorm, storm, “Tower” - hail, strong storm, " Hanged Man - fog, Wheel of Fortune - wind, Hermit - also wind, flood, Temperance - sunrise, Judgment - morning or evening, coolness, dew, frost, Hierophant - uncertain weather, twilight , "Warrior" - clear sky, "Lovers" - the sun is not visible, "Strength" - dawn, "Devil" - storm, tornado, storm, flood, "Justice" - clear, but cold.

On the issue of cardinal directions: two suits naturally determine one of the eight cardinal directions.

On the issue of movement and rest: movement is indicated by an ace, three, five, eight, such cards as “Mage”, “Hierophant”, “Warrior”, “Wheel of Fortune”, “Tower”, “Sun”, “World”, “Jester”, peace is indicated by two, four, six, seven, ten, cards “High Priestess”, “Empress”, “Lovers”, “Hermit”, “Hanged Man”, “Death”, “Moon”. The other cards do not speak on this matter.

On the question of colors: ace - White color, two - black, three - yellow, four - blue, five - orange, six - green, seven - blue, eight - purple, nine - white, ten - red; Some Major Arcana also talk about color, for example, "Magician" denotes a variegated color, "High Priestess" - dark colors, as well as the color of gold, "Empress" - pink, lilac, green colors, "Emperor" - white, but also the color of gold, "Hierophant" - brown, "Justice" - black and scarlet, "Wheel of Fortune" - white and gold, "Death" - black, "Devil" - red and so on.

Major Arcana cards can represent family members: "Emperor", "Hierophant", "Hermit" - father, "Empress" - mother, "Peace" - youngest daughter, "Wheel of Fortune" - youngest son, "Sun" - brother and sister, "Strength" is a daughter, "Magician" is a son, "Justice" is also a son. The "High Priestess" card can mean an aunt, "Death" also, "Devil" in some cases, youngest son, and “Emperor” - the eldest, and so on.

Very important correspondences exist between cards and body parts. So, “Empress”, “Emperor” - head (in the latter case - the top of the head), “Mage” - hands, “High Priestess” - lips, “Hierophant” - hair, “Lovers” - eyes, “Warrior” - shoulders, "Justice" - one eye, "Hermit" - hair, "Wheel of Fortune" - stomach, "Strength" - chest, "Hanged Man" - throat and tongue, "Death" - legs, "Moderation" - back, "Devil" - anus, "Tower" - neck, "Star" - whole body, "Moon" - ears, "Sun" - arms and legs, "Court" - genitals, "World" - feet, "Jester" - nose. Minor Arcana cards can talk about parts of the body: ace - head, two - neck, three or knight - shoulders, page - legs, four - arms, but also eyes, five - chest, six - stomach, seven - hips and knees, eight - shins, nine - crown of the head, ten - nails, hair and genitals. These correspondences can be clarified by other cards accompanying the interpreted card.

Of the animals, the Major Arcana correspond to: “Mag” - cat, “High Priestess” - swan, monkey, kite, cat (here the gender of the animal is important), “Empress” - elephant, owl, “Emperor” - eagle, horse, “Hierophant” - mouse, also for “The Hermit” - a mouse, but also a fox, “For Lovers” - fish, “Warrior” - a hawk, “Justice” - a falcon, “Wheel of Fortune” - an eagle, a horse, a mouse (in fact, this is a meeting of the “Emperor” " and "Hierophant"), but also animals corresponding to the "High Priestess", "Strength" - a doe, a wolf, "The Hanged Man" - a bear, "Death" - animals corresponding to the "High Priestess", "Moderation" - a cow, " To the Devil" - a bull, as well as a dragon, "Tower" - animals corresponding to the "Emperor", "Star" - a wolf (gender is important again), a dog, "Moon" - a pig, a deer, "Sun" - a lion, "Judgment" - bear, she-wolf, cat, "Miru" - cow, lion, "Shutu" - horse, frog. There are some other matches that I don't mention.

From precious stones Diamond corresponds to Aces and the Jester, emerald to sixes and the Hanged Man, ruby ​​to threes and the Empress, sapphire to sevens and Justice, topaz to twos and death, turquoise to nines and the Magician. There are other correspondences as well.

Of the plants, the Major Arcana corresponds, for example, to “Mag” - reed, bamboo, “High Priestess” and “Death” - rose and lotus, as well as an apple tree, “Empress” - apple tree, cedar, onion, garlic, beetroot, cabbage, " For the Emperor" - oak, elm, "Hierophant" and "Hermit" - beans and thistles, "Lovers" - apple tree, "Warrior" - reeds, "Justice" - boxwood, "Wheel of Fortune" - beans, "Strength" - lily of the valley, “The Hanged Man” - lily, acacia, mimosa, cypress, spruce, pine, poppy, grapes, birch, “Moderation” - snowdrop, “Devil” - algae, “Tower” - peas, “Star” - birch, pomegranate, “Moon” " - hazel, "Sun" - birch, spruce, pine, "Court" - cypress, as well as plants corresponding to "Mag", "World" - sunflower, "Jester" - hazel.

On the question of geographical phenomena: the “Emperor” points to the mountain, the “Empress” to the valley, the “Hanged Man” to the cave, the hermit to the well, the “Sun”, “Empress” to the forest, the devil to the sea, the river - the world, on the bush - “Jester”, on the ravines - “Strength”, on the rocks - “The Hanged Man”, on the lake - “Hermit”, “Hierophant”, on the clearing in the forest - “Sun”, on the spring - “Empress” , on the road - “Hierophant”, “Hermit”, “Jester”, “Warrior”, on the swamp - “High Priestess”, on the waterfall - “Peace” and so on.

On the question of food: the card “Lovers” indicates fish, the bird - “Hierophant”, “Emperor”, in many cases other cards, beef - “Devil”, pork - “Jester”, beans - “Hermit” " and "Hierophant", for peas - "Tower", for nuts - "Jester", "Moon", for onions, garlic, many vegetables, bread - "Empress", on vegetable oil- “Peace”, for spicy seasonings - “Hermit”, “Hierophant”, and so on.

After fulfilling the instructions, the sorcerer can make the next transformation of the calculation. The hour when it needs to be done is indicated by the card lying in the key section on Vostak.

Let me give you an example. Let the modeling task be to achieve wealth as a result of commercial activity. At midnight the fundamental mandala was laid out. The first circle of the Major Arcana is “Emperor” (reversed), “Devil”, “Hierophant”, “Death” (reversed). Second circle - “Tower”, “Moon”, “Jester”, “Hanged Man” (inverted). Upper, third circle - “Lovers”, “Moderation”, “Peace”, “Star”. Thus, the key cut is the first, the essential stack is West.

So far the cards say the following. Currently, the object of the simulation is in a state of bright hopes for quick happiness and prosperity and treats the matter somewhat frivolously. He is probably hampered by his own vague position. He can't find his way. The Star card shows that the key role in the actions of the object is played by its hopes. “Moderation” says that it’s time to make up your mind, to “throw to hell” everything that binds and interferes, to be more selfish, to be guided by your own interests, and not by the desires of others. It is clear that this arrangement is not very good when it comes to business, and its improvement should be associated with: 1) placing the “World” card in the center; 2) placing a suitable card in the North, for example, “Mage”. It is also necessary to pull out the ace of coins in the “current response” to the West. Here's how to proceed.

1. Change the first and top cuts. The advancing card is "World", the outgoing card is the Ace of Coins. There are many ways to interpret this injunction. For example, you can go to a river or, better yet, a waterfall and wait until the first hour of the day has passed (this will symbolize that the ace of coins has left). However, in this case it will not be taken into account that the ace refers specifically to the suit of coins. Therefore, the following simple interpretation is proposed: take a coin, bury it and pour sunflower oil on it (this is approximately how Pinocchio began to act, wanting to get rich). In this case sunflower oil symbolizes the World card.

It seems that this action has nothing to do with the task, that it is simply stupid. In a sense this is true, and yet there is an inexplicable connection between the actions of the sorcerer and his goal. Castaneda uses the term “controlled stupidity” in his books. He is quite adequate. The point is that, aware of the inexplicable connection between fulfilling the instructions of the cards, manipulating the layout and influencing life events, the sorcerer still takes the cards seriously and does what is prescribed to him. You can usually understand what exactly is prescribed by looking at the surrounding situation. I won’t even give examples, because they will inevitably turn out to be artificial.

2. At night (because “Lovers” in the East indicate night) we change the “World” card to a blank card lying in the center. A blank card is advancing, “Mir” is retreating.

3. At night, we change the blank card to “Mage”, taking it from those put aside.

4. At night, turn the moving cut three steps clockwise. The advancing card is “Moderation”, the retreating card is “Mage”.

5. In the evening, because in the East in the moving section there is “Star”, we replace “World” with “Magician”. I will give a possible interpretation: take a pose in which your feet are placed on your hands.

6. In the evening we change the first and upper cuts. The Ace of Coins comes in, Temperance goes out.

7. In the first hour of the day, since in the East there is the Ace of Swords, we change the Ace of Wands to “Mage”. The Ace of Wands leaves, the "Mage" comes.

8. In the first hour of the day, change the first and upper cuts. Temperance comes, the Ace of Coins goes.

9. In the evening we replace the Ace of Wands with “Peace”. At the same time, the “World” leaves, the Ace of Wands comes. I want to emphasize that controlled stupidity will not be effective unless the sorcerer has power. On the other hand, if you practice it systematically, your strength increases. As a result, the desired layout has been achieved. However, finding the Ace of Swords in the East is extremely unfavorable. Here he talks about destructive external forces opposing the commercial endeavors of the modeled object. It should be transferred to the South, which can be done in five moves. We continue the modeling.

10. In the evening we change the first and upper cuts. Again "Temperance" goes away, the Ace of Coins comes in.

11. In the first hour of the day, because in the East there is the Ace of Swords in the moving section, we change the Ace of Swords to “Peace”. Thus, "Peace" comes, the Ace of Swords leaves.

12.V daytime swap the Ace of Cups and the Ace of Swords.

13. During the daytime, change the Ace of Cups to “World”. The Ace of Cups comes, the World goes.

14. Finally, in the first hour of the day, we change the first and upper cuts. Now Temperance comes, the Ace of Coins leaves.

The total result is the layout shown in the figure.

Interpretation: the object of the simulation is currently busy improving his financial situation and is ready to implement new projects, although he is hampered by being drawn into a romantic life, a love interest. He, however, judging by the “Magic” card, is in control of the situation and knows how to manage his affairs. He needs to act effectively, without fear of using coercion (the ace of swords in the South), without sparing his opponents. He will succeed - after all, “Peace” is in the central position indicating the result.

One more example. The goal of the modeling is to make the travel of the modeling object to the east favorable. The time for unfolding the fundamental mandala is the third hour of the day. It was chosen because the three is associated with movement in some direction. The essential stack is North, the key cut is the top. The cards of the Major Arcana lay down sequentially like this: “Warrior”, “Court” (reversed), “Strength”, “Sun” (reversed), “Justice”, “Hermit”, “Lovers”, “High Priestess” (reversed),” Magician", "Wheel of Fortune", "Moderation".

The “current answer” can be read as follows: the object of the simulation wants to “shake things up”, change the situation, for the purpose of which he goes on a trip, but family disagreements prevent this. Apparently, the family does not approve of the idea of ​​going on a trip. By the way, the “Moderation” card is very appropriate - after all, it is associated with the East, because it depicts the Morning Dawn. It's very good that she is in the North. The "Magician" card shows that everything is in the hands of the object, and that he needs to negotiate with the family. In order to improve the forecast, it is necessary to correct the position of the “Empress” card and, making sure to preserve “Moderation” in the North, South or West, introduce into the layout a card such as “Warrior” or the “Jester” card - after all, both of them are associated with a successful journey. “Magician” and “Wheel of Fortune” are not essential for success. Of the threes, it is acceptable for the three of wands or cups to appear in the “current answer”; the three of swords and coins will not add anything.

At the first stage, you need to enter “Jester” into the layout. To do this, we do this.

1. Change the third and upper cuts. The time is the third hour of the day. The Three of Wands leaves, “Moderation” comes. Controlled stupidity might involve, for example, strangling a rooster (symbolizing the Three of Wands) with a pink scarf (symbolizing Temperance).

2. Replace the blank card with “Moderation”. The time is morning (the inversion of the Empress does not matter)

3. In the morning we replace the blank card with an inverted “Jester”. It is important that it must be taken from the stack of set aside cards upside down.

4. Change the position of the cards in the moving slice. The time is morning. Now both “Jester” and “Empress” are in their usual position. To enter “Warrior” into the “current answer”, you need to perform three more operations.

5. Change the third and fifteenth sections. The time is morning. The “Jester” leaves, the “Sun” (inverted) comes.

6. Change the third and top cut. Time - morning or afternoon. The Three of Wands comes, the reversed Sun goes away.

7. At the third hour of the day, we change the third and fifteenth sections. The Three of Wands leaves, the "Jester" comes. Now we need to construct the top slice, which will contain “Warrior”, “Temperance”, “Jester” and “Empress”. Some card will appear as a side effect.

8. In the morning, we rotate the moving cut by one position. The "Empress" is advancing, the "Jester" is leaving.

9. At any time we change “Moderation” to “Wheel of Fortune”.

10. We change the third and upper cuts at any time. Now the "Empress" leaves, the "Sun" (reversed) comes.

11. Change “Wheel of Fortune” to “Warrior”. Time - day or morning. "Wheel of Fortune" is coming, "Warrior" is leaving.

The result is the current response shown in the figure.

Interpretation: the object is preparing to travel for uncertain purposes, it is not ready yet (reversed “Magician” in the East), but this is a temporary obstacle. The "Empress" in the North shows that there is consent from the subject's family. "Moderation" in the South, that is, as an answer to the question, means "east". The maps suggest heading east. “Warrior” in the center of the display means that the journey will take place and be successful.

As already mentioned, the unfolding of the fundamental mandala must be accompanied by the performance of a certain ritual. Its essential element is the presentation of the corresponding object of power on each of the fourteen circles. The sorcerer takes it in his hands, shakes it like a weapon, and says: “I have such and such.” This may be accompanied by ritual chanting.

On the first circle, when the aces are laid out, the most important object of the sorcerer's power is presented. Every sorcerer has such an item. It depends on the fire of Life to which the sorcerer belongs. Of course, there is no certainty here, but I will still give some options.

For the second fire of Life, the object of power can be, for example, a double-edged ax or a mirror. The first case is male, the second is female, that is, if the sorcerer is a man, he can have an axe, if a woman, then a mirror.

For the third fire of Life, a typical item of power is a bow and arrow.

For the fourth fire of Life - a hook, an iron gaff, a bracelet with spikes. Bone items can also be effective power items in this case.

For the fifth fire of Life, a typical object is a wooden stick.

For the sixth fire of Life - a bell, a cap, a hammer.

For the seventh fire of Life - a glass or crystal ball.

On the second round, when deuces are laid out, some piece of clothing or decoration is presented. There is also a dependence on the fire of Life here. Any jewelry made of gold or jade is suitable for the second fire. For the third fire - a belt. For the fourth - a necklace. For the fifth - shoes, shoes. For the sixth - a ring, headband or ribbon. For the seventh - a mask. Of course, other options are possible.

On the third circle, for example, an animal skin or fang is presented.

On the fourth circle - a piece of glass, a pipe.

On the fifth circle - crown, hatchet, club.

On the sixth circle there is a fir cone.

On the seventh circle - a knife, a sword.

On the eighth circle - a brush, a broom.

On the ninth circle is a bird's feather.

On the tenth circle - a needle.

On the eleventh circle, when laying out the pages, it is appropriate to present some children’s toy (doll, ball, etc.), as well as a coin or shoes.

On the twelfth circle, when laying out the knights, it is suitable to present a sword, a knife (if they have not already been presented), a cloak, a ring, a medallion, and the like.

On the thirteenth circle, when the ladies lay out, for example, a scarf, a glove, or some kind of utensils are presented.

On the fourteenth circle, when laying out the kings, a metal stick, a staff with a knob, and a headdress are presented.

When unfolding, you must observe the cardinal directions.

Some additional details of the ritual may be determined by the time of year, hour of day, lunar or sunny day, weather, and so on. If the sorcerer belongs to the fourth fire of Life, he is recommended to chant all the words, if to the second fire, it is recommended to burn incense. All details cannot be described in advance.

A much more complex case is the correction of the “Chalice of Destiny”. The fundamental mandala is built like this. The Minor Arcana are taken without a blank card and laid out in 14 circles along the cardinal points, as is done when correcting the “Cross”. Now the key slice is determined by the hour in which the unfolding is completed. After this, two decks of the Major Arcana with blank cards are taken. Two blank cards are placed as the bottom cards of Doli and Nedoli. Another 13 circles of folding are carried out according to the “Share-Non-Share” rule. There are still 18 cards left. They are laid out in three circles according to the usual “Chalice of Destiny” method. As a result, a layout of 17 slices is formed. The following transformations are considered acceptable:

1. Rotate four key cut cards lying along the cardinal points (as in the “Cross” correction).

2. Replacement of the Doli card in the key section with the Nedoli card. In this case, it is considered that the Nedoli card is the outgoing one, and the Doli card is the advancing one.

3. Turning over all cards in the key cut, including Doli and Nedoli cards.

4. Replacing cards of a key slice with cards of another slice, but only in piles corresponding to the cardinal directions.

5. Replacing any key cut card lying on one of the cardinal directions with any of the Doli or Nedoli cards, except for a clean one. In this case, the card of the key cut is the outgoing one, the card of Doli or Nedolya is the advancing one.

When the conversion is complete, the "current answer" is considered to be a set of thirteen upper layers calculations. There is no excluded card in it. Formally, it is considered that a blank card is excluded.

I will not give any example, since its analysis would be very complex and lengthy. I mentioned the possibility of correcting the “Chalice of Fate” only for the sake of completeness.

As can be seen from the way the cards are manipulated in the simulation, the sorcerer can never change one thing without affecting something else. When he makes a layout transformation, the position of several cards changes at once. This reveals the principle of universal interconnection: if you change something, the rest will change. It is the sorcerer's task to foresee all the side effects of the simulation.

Additional Information

There are methods for correcting fate that are associated with Tarot cards, but do not require laying out the mandala and manipulating the layout. Generally speaking, in this case the maps themselves may not be present during the simulation. Really effective methods belonging to this group were developed by schools under the influence of the Pleiades. We are talking about modeling with the help, figuratively speaking, of invoking spirits. Spirits, or more precisely, powers of influence on the future, leave the body of the sorcerer and must then be taken back. They are always present in the human body, because a person is a microcosm, a semblance of the Universe in miniature. All Thrones are contained in man, and they can act in outside world, being released. In each specific case, the sorcerer must decide which spirit should be released, depending on the modeling problem.

If we are talking about establishing happiness at home, in the family, then the Queen of the Earth is called, for she is the Pipe of Peace.

If you need to organize a love meeting, to smooth things over between lovers, you need a Great Master, because he is the Golden Tail Cat, a great pimp. The Grand Master is also called if it is necessary to conclude a deal, establish an alliance, or conduct negotiations.

For a marriage, especially one of convenience, the Raven is more suitable.

To win a battle and gain strength, you need a Fire Prince.

To perform difficult work - the younger brother of the Lord of the Sky, designated by the "Devil" card. It must be said that this power is universal in nature and can be successfully used in almost all cases, but it always requires the sorcerer to pay for the work.

To achieve success in business, the Great Master or the Month, indicated in this case by the “Court” card, is called upon, depending on the clarifying circumstances.

When it comes to recovery from illness, the Queen of the Earth or, less commonly, the sister of the Moon, indicated by the Star card, is suitable. Sister of the Month is not suitable when it comes to recovery from an illness associated with poor diet or lifestyle. If, on the contrary, it is necessary to cause a disease, the Cow of Paradise is needed. Fire Prince is also suitable.

For successful learning The Lord of the Sky is called to something. It is also involved when there is an intention to receive a gift.

And so on. General method that's how it is. IN the right time(day of the week, hour of day, etc. is selected) a sorcerer armed with objects of power that protect him from side effects, who also sometimes has a corked bottle or flask, begins to meditate. As a result, at some point his body is ready to release the required force. Symbolically, this release is expressed by uncorking a bottle or flask. When the sorcerer needs to take the power back into himself, he meditates again, and at the right moment closes the bottle or flask.

For successful meditation, natural phenomena, certain sounds made by a sorcerer, ritual movements, and so on are often used. Tarot cards can also be used.

Finally, I will answer some fairly frequently asked questions.

Question : How to select a significator for a group of people, for example, for a nation, or for a state?

Answer : General rule does not exist. We must take into account the gender of people, their age, and their type of activity. Sometimes the number of people in the group determines the answer. As for nations and states, today we should correlate England with the king of coins, Japan with the queen of coins, Germany with the king of swords, Russia with the queen of wands, the USA with the knight of swords, India with the queen of cups, countries such as France, Spain and Italy - with the Knight of Wands. Other correspondences are also known.

Question : How to make this or that object your object of power?

Answer : This is the individual task of the sorcerer. In each case, the solution is specific and unique. But the main thing is that one must not make an arbitrary object an object of power, but find, find exactly that object (even of a given type) that is needed, that is, one that will immediately become an object of power.

Question : There are many options for interpreting the instructions of the cards during the modeling process. How to choose the right one, and what happens if you choose the wrong option?

Answer: In fact, there are always many signs around that indicate a solution. The examples that I gave in this chapter are artificial; the interpretation here is only possible, but not at all obligatory. In practice, you need to look at what is happening around you. Every unnatural detail of a situation has a hidden meaning. It allows you to choose an interpretation option. It is simply impossible to choose him in absentia. If you make a mistake in your choice, the modeling may be ineffective.

Question: Are there methods for modeling using fate tablets?

Answer: Yes, they are. Pay attention to the fact: in the “Book of Changes” 64 hexagrams are interpreted, and the chessboard includes 64 fields.

Question: Is it possible to summon spirits using mandala transformations?

Answer: If you use a regular Tarot deck - no. The call is carried out only by the sorcerer himself from his body. However, shuffling cards can play approximately the same role as fingering rosary beads; it can be used in meditation, and therefore help the sorcerer.

Question: Is it possible to use Tarot cards to determine the favorable moment to begin a particular action?

Answer: Yes, you can. If the question is asked accordingly, then by laying out, for example, the “Cross”, you can determine the time from the map located in the South. Cross maps can also show the direction of travel. Using the correspondences I have given, the color of something, the type of food, the gender of the person of interest, his nationality, age, and so on are also determined.

Question: How do the chakras of the human body correspond to Tarot cards?

Answer: Energy centers called chakras are connected with the Thrones in an ambiguous way. There is no clear connection with the seven lights of Life. However, I can say that muladhara mainly corresponds to the Fiery Prince, and therefore to the “Justice” card, svadhisthana is associated mainly with the Queen of Paradise (cards “Death” and “High Priestess”), manipura - with the Queen of Earth ( card "Empress"), anahata - with the Good Shooter (card "Jester"), vishuddha - with the Great Master (card "Magic"), ajna - with the sister of the Month (card "Star"), and not at all with the Month, as possible one would think based on the formal correspondence of Ajna and the Moon, and sahasrara with Thunder (the “Emperor” card).

Question: Do certain tarot cards indicate certain types of angels?

Answer: No, they don't indicate it. However, the Queen of Paradise was the creator of the alphas, so the “High Priestess” card indirectly points to the alphas. The Warrior card depicts the Prince, one of the three first alphas; the other types of angels appeared later than the original alpha tarot deck was formed.

Question: The Major Arcana are Alpha runes, and the modern, so to speak, runes known to us (Scandinavian) are letters of a certain alphabet. Does this mean that the Major Arcana were letters of some ancient alphabet?

Answer: No, they themselves were never letters of the alphabet. But they and the letters of the most ancient alphabets, going back to the alphas, and therefore the Scandinavian runes have general basis- system of twenty-five worlds. This question is interesting, and I will dwell on it in a little more detail. The worlds were designated by alphas and people in the second eon with special signs, and this system of signs was also used as an alphabet. A pure rune corresponded to one of the worlds, namely the thirteenth, because this world, which is central in the system of worlds, is the world of the greatest unpredictability. This again reveals the meaning of the number 13, especially significant in the fifth eon in which we live now. Through this number, the wind seems to be blowing towards us from the upper worlds. This is the border for us, beyond which there is the unknown, where we cannot yet rise. The rest of the worlds were answered by 24 letters. Tablets with these signs, including a pure rune, were used for fortune telling. It is important that the system of twenty-five signs was complete, that is, it did not require a separate interpretation of inverted signs. This is exactly how the “Book of Changes” is complete - inverted hexagrams are always hexagrams again, having their own independent interpretation. The system of the Major Arcana is not like that - the inverted Arcana no longer belongs to the Major Arcana. The technique of fortune telling using the signs of the worlds is Alpha, and it is related to the technique described in this book, but the Major Arcana can be considered illustrations of the signs of the worlds, although they are definitely not related to them.

Tarot cards have been used for predictions and rituals for centuries. The first mentions of similar decks date back to the 15th century, but researchers prescribe Tarot an earlier origin.

To this day, people are fascinated by the secrets that these cards hide. Esotericists, psychologists and just amateurs learn about the Tarot day after day. This is especially exciting today, as many artists from all over the world have shared their vision of this system by drawing their own decks.

One of these unconventional decks will be discussed in this article. Tarot Divine Heritage, authored by Ciro Marchetti, will enchant you and invite you into the world of its colorful symbolism.

Variety of Tarot decks

For a long time Only traditional decks were used, which include the Tarot of Marseilles and the Rider-Waite Tarot. Now, in the era of fast communication, we can see how the number of decks available for fortune telling is multiplying. Some of them are symbolic, others are built on side esoteric schools, and others are improvisations of artists.

Among this colorful, endless sea of ​​options, it’s easy for a beginner to get lost. Which deck should you choose? How to do it? How to understand that the cards will not lie even before purchasing?

Choosing a Tarot deck is one of the most difficult, but also the most interesting stages in becoming a tarot reader. More experienced masters may have several decks for each type of question: money, health, love, and so on. A beginner does not need more than one or two decks so as not to get lost in the multitude of card meanings.

How to choose the perfect deck?

There are several criteria by which you can find your ideal Tarot deck:

  1. If you are completely satisfied with the deck, then you should buy it without hesitation. This is extremely rare, and, as the experience of many tarot readers says, such a deck will serve you faithfully. If you don’t have the opportunity to purchase a deck “here and now,” then at least rewrite its name so you can buy it later.
  2. The deck should be close to you in spirit. If you read fortunes on the Tarot and are melancholic, then an energetic connection will not form between you and the cards. Roughly speaking, your layouts will be correct, but you will be able to read them exclusively with the help of reference books on Tarot meanings.
  3. If you cannot view the cards, find images of the XXI Arcana, the World. Tarologists say that it is from this image that you can understand whether your cooperation with the cards will be fruitful.
  4. Not only should you like the front of the deck, but also the back. Nowadays, many printing houses produce Tarot, and with due diligence you can find the same cards, but with a different back.

Tarot of Divine Heritage

Many tarot readers who have already worked with this deck note that the cards prefer to answer really important questions. When using this deck to resolve minor problems, the cards begin to lie and act up, work poorly and eventually turn off completely. Essentially, you are left with a dead deck that is nothing more than a bunch of pretty pictures.

The Divine Heritage Tarot will not tell you about a lost love or what your neighbor thinks of you. It was created for more than determining the time to the second or telling fortunes about the betrothed.

What questions will the cards answer?

As you can already understand, Tarot has a complex character, so to speak about the cards. You will not be able to tell fortunes on love topics and you will not receive an answer to questions that are insignificant from the point of view of your life. If you have this deck in your hands, then it's time to think bigger.

You shouldn't torture yourself or the cards. Tarot of the Divine Heritage will be happy to answer you in such cases:

  • If you need advice about a choice that can change your whole life.
  • You want to make a global analysis of your life, year or month.
  • It is necessary to predict possible changes in the world. This can apply to both finance and politics with natural disasters.
  • Do you want to find out what brought you to your current situation, to find the origins of the problem.
  • Required exact specification a person who can change your life.
  • Need an answer to any other question that matters to you great value or capable of influencing the course of events.

Despite their willingness to answer, these cards do not like the topic of money. They will tell you about the spiritual side of life with much greater zeal than the material side.

Map gallery

The described deck was created using computer technology. You won't find the softness of watercolor or the heavy brushstrokes of oil on these cards. The cards are modern and stylish.

The Divine Heritage Tarot Gallery will delight lovers of 3D images. Ciro Marchetti created 78 high-quality images that you can look at for hours. Each new fortune telling session you will discover something in these cards and be surprised by them.

The cards do not have clear borders on the front, which creates characters. Detailed elaboration fills each image with life and you can even imagine the history of those whom Ciro Marchetti captured in his deck.

It should be borne in mind that, despite the abundance of color, the deck is still quite gloomy. This may not be very good for the accuracy of your predictions, so be careful.

About the creator of the Divine Heritage Tarot

Ciro Marchetti was born in Italy, but he did not have the opportunity to live in this sunny country. His parents, literally a few years after the birth of the future artist, were forced to move to England.

There he graduated from the College of Art and Design and gained his first fame. Subsequently, the artist became famous not only in Foggy Albion, but also in Europe, and then in the States. In the USA, Ciro opened a design studio.

Marchetti regularly lectures on digital design, despite the fact that the artist is known mainly for his tarot cards. From under his hand came not only the Tarot of the Divine Heritage, but also the sensational Gilded Tarot, as well as the Tarot of Dreams and several other decks.

Specifics of card interpretation

The interpretation of the Divine Heritage Tarot can be extremely challenging task. The fact is that in this deck there are many approximate figures and faces without depicting an additional plot. When deciphering messages, you will have to rely on the expression of emotions of the drawn characters and their slightest actions.

The general darkness of the deck can put pressure on the tarot reader and force him to make more negative predictions than the cards say. If you are influenced by cards, then it is better to choose a more positive deck, for example, the Tarot of Happiness.

The Divine Heritage Tarot is not for beginners. If you are just starting your journey into the world of predictions, then it is better to opt for more understandable decks. If the traditional Tarot de Marseille or the Rider-Waite Tarot seem too simple to you, purchase a deck based on these two.

Even experienced tarot readers may need help interpreting the Divine Heritage Tarot cards. In this case, you can seek help from other holders of this deck or purchase a book by Ciro Marchetti, written specifically for these cards. If you are going to work closely and for a long time with this deck, then you will almost certainly need this book.

The Tarot of Divine Heritage is a true work of art, a magical tool that reveals the secret of the future. Clear, multi-valued symbols printed on cards in the form of colorful designs can be used in fortune telling of varying complexity. Urgent issues that trouble a person without stopping, day and night, without finding any other way out, become strong mental blocks.

Tarot of Divine Heritage - a magical tool that allows you to know the future

Tarot cards of the Divine Heritage will help you overcome accumulated fears about the future. Collected in a structure similar to the classic Tarot, the authors supplemented them with auxiliary elements. Modern tarot readers often resort to the help of an ancient deck, because exquisite cards not only build a complete picture of the future, but also delight the eye with unsurpassed pictures.

What benefits can Ciro Marchetti's Dream Tarot bring and what is their true purpose? First, you should know the history of the creation of the mysterious deck.

The process of creating the Divine Heritage Tarot Deck

The cards, created by the creator of unsurpassed oil paintings, embody not only magical symbols, but also a special sacred meaning. The third deck, published from the pen of the artist Marchetti, turned out to be bright, rich, and lively.

Each symbol conceals a whole story through which future events are glimpsed into the familiar world. An incredible combination of myth, the basics of astrology and mysticism resulted in a single, seamless tool for accurate prediction. Looking at the deck in its original order, the history of the nation is revealed to you, where the Sages, Time and Fate are involved.

The first meeting with a new deck is an exciting moment, filled with expectations and hope. New signs will appear before you, which will take some time to study, but the necessary sacrifices will soon pay off. Your efforts will strengthen and turn into wisdom, and knowledge will turn into experience. Only diligent preparation will provide the basic basis through which all fortune telling will become prophetic. Don't waste your precious time, be far-sighted when choosing a magical assistant for the coming years.

The Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti is a unique collection of symbols (main and auxiliary) that build a picture of the future. Connecting several cards at once (their interpretation is a more complex process) is not possible for every experienced magician.

Feel the connection with each card of the Divine Heritage Tarot deck - then the fortune telling will be correct

Do not despair if the first fortune telling does not go as you would like. Feel the connection with the deck, hold the cards in your hands, feel their energy. Over time, the signs of fate will become clear and obvious to you; you just have to be patient.

Features of fortune telling with Tarot Ciro Marchetti

The tarot gallery of the Divine Heritage deck includes 78 symbols of varying meaning and strength. For those magicians who have already encountered the classic Tarot deck, interpreting the Legacy deck created by Ciro Marchetti will be much easier. Changes affecting the sequence of cards (some arcana) affect general layout, so they should be memorized as a matter of priority.

Replacing signs in the Ciro Marchetti deck:

  • Hierophant card;
  • wheel of Fortune;
  • lasso Hanged Man;
  • partial change to the Fool card.

The transformation of the traditional Tarot deck did not happen by chance; the vision of the inspired artist was different from how the cards looked in the original version.

Fortune telling cards were in demand in the magical world long before the advent of technology, and despite progress in all areas of human life, predictions remain in demand today. Ciro Marcheti showed considerable courage and ingenuity in creating new elements of the magic deck, while maintaining its true purpose.

The peculiarity of the Tarot of Divine Heritage is its prevailing darkness. When you see the deck for the first time, you may experience mixed feelings - admiration and fear. Take a closer look at the unique designs and get used to them. The depth inherent in this Tarot It's not for everyone, so take your time.

The Divine Heritage Deck is not just a collection of magical symbols, but an index of hidden feelings, emotions, and thoughts.

Not all decks of Tarot cards are able to see the subtle human soul and read it correctly. If you need the truth, which is not always convenient to talk about, then start fortune telling using the Divine Heritage Tarot.

Divine Legacy Cards

For the symbols on the cards, your gender or age does not matter. They are unbiased and fair. If you ask a meaningful question that worries you to the core, then be prepared for unexpected answers. For convenience, the cards are divided into fundamental and auxiliary, and suits determine emotions or actions. The Four Elements patronize a deck consisting of:

Ace of Wands

Symbol of Fire, all-consuming flame. This card indicates traits in your character that are about to explode. A situation that worries you long time, flares up and explosions are possible. Be extremely careful and do not make rash decisions.

The reversed Ace of Wands is a symbol of loss of strength due to overwork

The reversed Ace of Wands symbolizes a breakdown due to overexertion. How long have you rested and restored spiritual harmony? It’s time to take care of your own well-being, says Ace of Zhezlov.

Three of Wands

A sign that promises stability in all areas of your life. Natural success, fame and success in all new endeavors, if you follow the interpretation of the Divine Heritage deck, await you in the near future. The Three of Wands card, inverted, promises stagnation in business, creative blockade and failure. If such a card appears in your reading, protect your own workspace from negativity and develop.


A card signifying desperate struggle and prolonged confrontation. A symbol of ambition, high demands on oneself and one’s surroundings. The Five of Wands does not have any favorable meanings, and when it appears in a reading, it overshadows the entire forecast. Is there a lot of cruelty in your life? Clear your mind and heart of harmful feelings, otherwise they will consume you completely.

Seven of Wands

Victory over fear, cowardice and weaknesses. This is exactly what the Seven of Wands is in any scenario. A favorable symbol softens neighboring ones, even excessively negative cards. The asker who drew the victory sign from the Legacy deck must not miss his own success.

The Seven of Wands promises quick changes, the end of the crisis and stagnation in all matters. An inverted card in the layout indicates an impending serious quarrel with superiors or relatives. When will it come dangerous time, hold back your anger and accumulated resentment.

Nine of Wands

This symbol contains enormous power that promises new achievements. The energy that you have been saving for so long will open up opportunities, incredible chances for you. Take advantage of everything that fate will soon give you. Are you bored with the old way of life? Then feel free to change course in your professional or love life, the cards of the Divine Heritage deck foretell you the protection of higher powers.


The prototype of the Princess of Fire - this Rod, meaning impulsive behavior, predicts a dubious victory. The ostentatious behavior of the person next to you may indicate the Page card. There's nothing wrong with playful nature your partner or friend, but the Page card warns against excessive gullibility and frankness.

Are you confident in the reliability of your loved ones? The reversed card of Wands indicates rash actions and decisions. Don't rush things, let everything take its course. Watch what is happening, and then it will be difficult to fool you, even your dearest and most loved ones.

Wand – Knight

A sign of generosity, abundance, new numerous benefits. The Knight card that appears in your layout promises a passionate romance or a risky business that will be crowned with real success. The image of a decorated Knight mask on the card indicates an influx of all sorts of benefits into your home and wallet.

The reversed meaning of the Knight of Wands is inconsistent actions that cause damage to the entire enterprise. Have you taken on a lot of responsibility? The card advises you to foresee all dangers in advance before they upset the entire balance in your life.


A sign of generosity, both spiritual and material, promising strengthening of power and personal achievements. If you ask a question from the deck of the artist Marchetti regarding his personal life, then the Queen of Wands points to a contender for your heart - a strong-willed person with wealth.

Queen - a card indicating a contender for your heart (in a relationship scenario)

The reverse meaning of the card, with its opposite position in the layout, promises inconstancy and imaginary success. Don’t rush to make a choice; new important circumstances may open up to you soon.

Card – King of Wands

The prototype of a purposeful person who knows own desires and needs. If there is a brave, conscientious person in your circle, then the King of Wands points specifically to him. You should take a closer look at him, if you believe the cards of the Divine Inheritance deck, such a person will solve many of your problems. The reversed King of Wands overshadows the entire alignment, guaranteeing chaos in your life.

Interpreting the cards that appear in a layout on a question that interests you is not the easiest process, in which knowledge of Tarot cards and ingenuity will come in handy. The symbols are read sequentially, in the order in which they left the deck.

The forecast should be based on the major arcana, and then examine the cards adjacent to them. By practicing divination using the Divine Heritage deck, you will be able to hone your skills and recognize the signs of the future without outside help.

Tarot deck of dreams Marchetti

A unique deck, supported by additional features for quick predictions, is what the artist Marchetti offers, inspired by previous successful works with the Tarot. The Creator created something truly incredible. A deck that is unlike any traditional tarot.

Dreams are a conversation between a person’s subconscious, his inner voice. Most people don't pay attention to nightmares or pleasant dreams, considering them “garbage” of a brain overloaded during the day. The images that surfaced at night are easy to interpret, analyze and make predictions based on them.

Psychologists say that the most secret human desires do not find a way out during the day, and therefore, when protection is weakened during sleep, images appear in the form of incoherent pictures. The Dream Tarot covers all the random symbols that appear to you at any time of the year.

Using unique decks is easy, even enjoyable. By putting your own thoughts in order, you gain previously unknown control over your life. Sleep and its impact on daily activities will be your greatest discovery. Be lenient with yourself; when interpreting dreams for the first time, follow your intuition. With the help of the author's interpretations or teachings, the meaning of the cards will be deeper and more sensual. Knowledge about the traditional Tarot will also be useful; it will not be superfluous to study additional literature on mystical fortune-telling.

From the moment it was born, the gilded tarot of Ciro Marchetti fell in love with both experienced magicians and beginners who had a long path of self-discovery ahead of them. The mystical decks of the world-famous artist have no analogues and cannot be replaced by other fortune-telling cards.

The unique symbolism, collected by the clever mind of the creator, combines many esoteric sciences, astrology and visually, being the most conceptual deck, Ciro Marchetti cards help people in all corners of the planet.

Day after day, simple, beautiful symbols reveal feelings, situations that should be avoided, and chances that decide the rest of a person’s life. If your choice fell on the Divine deck

Heritage or detailed map Dreams, rest assured, the magical attribute will give an answer, advice and recommendation better than any psychologist. Take a look at your own life from a completely different angle, and who knows, maybe you’ll find something surprising and wonderful there?

Those who like to find out their future in advance usually prefer to choose a deck of tarot cards for this. There are quite a few of them and for each person you need to choose your own, individual one. One that not only suits him in appearance, but also wants to conduct a dialogue. Yes Yes. This is not a typo. Cards have the ability to talk to their owners, and if they don’t want to, they won’t give an answer.

The Divine Heritage Tarot was created by Ciro Marchetti

Types of tarot cards by Ciro Marchetti

Everyone knows the classic tarot deck, but there are people in the world who can not only talk with cards, but also create them. One of these is Ciro Marchetti. He has several of them to his name. Three of them are the most popular:

  • tarot of divine heritage;
  • "Gilded";
  • tarot of dreams.

Each of them is universal and, so to speak, a masterpiece. The author of the maps is an Italian artist, now living in America, known throughout the world. His works have received and continue to receive awards for their uniqueness. This is not to say that the cards are very different from the classic ones. They look more new: not so terrifying and incomprehensible to an ordinary person. The same images, only more modern and clearer for people. Adjustments have been made to the symbolism to help understand the meaning of the image. Thanks to the new resolution, the fortuneteller is more deeply imbued with the facets and symbols he sees.

But, one should take into account the fact that not everyone can take, let alone use, tarot cards. Not even all experienced witches or magicians can conduct a full dialogue with the tarot.

Therefore, before taking on such an interesting business as fortune telling, you should first find out everything about the subject that interests you - tarot cards. Especially if it concerns one of Ciro Marchetti's decks. As mentioned above, the names of the arcana are preserved in almost all decks, but for interpretation, it is still better to turn to the author’s publications. For decoding, the author has created books, and in various Internet sources you can also find necessary information. Experienced tarot readers helped in their compilation, who explain the meaning of the arcana in more detail and clearly. It should be noted that with these works of art, Ciro Marchetti gained popularity and recognition among magicians who use tarot cards in their practice.

Gilded tarot by Ciro Marchetti

What are they talking about?

Each tarot deck has its own history, its creator, its own designation. Otherwise, they are just a silent pile of pieces of paper with drawings. The Divine Heritage Tarot is based on a disaster story. The Heroes of Legacy were a civilization that, over hundreds of years of its existence, had risen to a cosmic level of knowledge. They didn't have computers or microchips, but their power lay in something completely different. They could communicate with all the elements:

  • water;
  • fire;
  • earth;
  • air.

Their Sages received information from all corners of the Universe, which they used as knowledge for life and existence. The civilization was so advanced that, preparing for its destruction, it saved only its wisdom for other civilizations and legacies. To do this, the Council of all four elements sealed the most necessary and necessary knowledge into separate capsules. All capsules could be found gradually and had to be opened one by one.

There are a total of 78 arcana cards based on the number of cards. The Tarot of Divine Heritage has, like all major and minor cards, an upright and inverted position. Four suits: wands, swords, cups and coins.

This is the first difference from the standard. Although, if you look at it, the tarot gallery of the coin suits only differs in appearance from the classic pentacles. On every minor arcana there are coins and any symbols of money. There are some other points that distinguish them from Waite cards:

  • some map names have been changed;
  • the hanged man became weighing, and his figure is still present on other lassos;
  • all the images look unrealistically believable, which can make a special impression on a person without experience;
  • are distinguished by the brightness and beauty of the images;
  • have strong energy.

This deck is suitable for both men and women. But they are not recommended for new recruits in fortune-telling. They are so strong, and they can feel the weakness. Since they don’t like this, they won’t come forward to tell the truth, and they won’t reveal their wisdom. They contain the divine beginning of an entire civilization, the entire Universe, the elements that rule our world and which humanity will never be able to defeat.

Divine Heritage Tarot Cards Are Too Difficult for Beginners

“Dreams” as a path to solving

Next up is Ciro Marchetti's deck of Dream Tarot cards. Nothing is as realistic as our dreams. Many people believe that in a dream, a person’s soul leaves its body and goes to other dimensions. And since we are inextricably linked with it, we see and feel everything that happens in these moments. Hasn’t it ever happened that this situation has already happened to us, and there is a feeling of repetition in the memory of certain moments of one’s life? But we are sure that this has not happened before. Then where do these feelings and memories come from? Psychologists say that this feeling is called deja vu. But is it? The author created his own vision of dreams, a kind of memory of what he saw. The images on the cards are somewhat reminiscent of fairy-tale or mythological heroes. When you pick up the cards, you immediately begin to understand that their images have already been highlighted, in places that are not entirely real. Each lasso has symbols that for some reason are also terribly familiar. They help you get to know yourself better and help you understand situations. They will tell you a lot of new and well-forgotten old things, but with a new interpretation. The deck of these cards, unlike the “Divine Heritage” tarot, is suitable for use by everyone without exception: beginners and experienced, men and women. The dream comes to everyone and the arcana will speak to everyone. As for the interpretations of each lasso, there are two options.

  • Using the meanings of White's classic tarot. Already proven for many decades. But it is not entirely clear to understand, both individually and in combination with other arcana.
  • Using a specially prepared book with the interpretation of each card by the authors themselves. Don't forget that many of them have new elements and have changed names, which means that they have changed their meaning. This cannot be said completely, but the essence and meaning of the cards has changed.
  • Tarot of Dreams - another famous deck by Ciro Marchetti

    Gilded Tarot

    The third deck of tarot cards we will look at will be the Ciro Marchetti Gilded Tarot. A brilliant artist, he completely rethought the depicted symbols and images. The question immediately arises: “Why gold or gilded?”: the answer is more than simple. The creator of his masterpiece added a twist to each lasso – gold. Every single one of them glows. Each one has an element designating and similar to this metal:

    • stars;
    • Sun rays;
    • fire;
    • coins;
    • bright glow from the images of the cards.

    Both senior and junior cards of all suits essentially play the same roles for fortune telling. There are no main and non-main ones - they are equal. It should also be noted that although they have standard names (the same as the classic tarot), they carry a completely different meaning. Therefore, it is recommended that you definitely purchase a book with interpretation. Gilded tarot by Ciro Marchetti is very bright and unusual. The artist, working on them, carefully highlighted each element, resolution and selected the color scheme. The images are so realistic that the first impression is made as if they were living beings. Such a deck will definitely open the veil of secrets of the future.

    Each question will be more than covered and presented in an accessible form. Each situation will have its own logical beginning and a realistic, and most importantly, truthful end.

    As for the opportunity to open up to beginners in fortune telling, you still shouldn’t do this without proper preparation. The cards are revealed to the strong and wise. They won’t hide anything from you, but you won’t be able to interpret the combination of several cards on your own. Cards distract attention with their unusual shapes and symbols, bright color and figures.

    Which deck to choose is up to you. My only advice for the future: “Maps can talk. We must learn to hear them."

    Those who like to find out their future in advance usually prefer to choose a deck of tarot cards for this. There are quite a few of them and for each person you need to choose your own, individual one. One that not only suits him in appearance, but also wants to conduct a dialogue. Yes Yes. This is not a typo. Cards have the ability to talk to their owners, and if they don’t want to, they won’t give an answer.

    The Divine Heritage Tarot was created by Ciro Marchetti

    Types of tarot cards by Ciro Marchetti

    Everyone knows the classic tarot deck, but there are people in the world who can not only talk with cards, but also create them. One of these is Ciro Marchetti. He has several of them to his name. Three of them are the most popular:

    • tarot of divine heritage;
    • "Gilded";
    • tarot of dreams.

    Each of them is universal and, so to speak, a masterpiece. The author of the maps is an Italian artist, now living in America, known throughout the world. His works have received and continue to receive awards for their uniqueness. This is not to say that the cards are very different from the classic ones. They look more new: not so terrifying and incomprehensible to the average person. The same images, only more modern and clearer for people. Adjustments have been made to the symbolism to help understand the meaning of the image. Thanks to the new resolution, the fortuneteller is more deeply imbued with the facets and symbols he sees.

    But, one should take into account the fact that not everyone can take, let alone use, tarot cards. Not even all experienced witches or magicians can conduct a full dialogue with the tarot.

    Therefore, before taking on such an interesting business as fortune telling, you should first find out everything about the subject that interests you - tarot cards. Especially if it concerns one of Ciro Marchetti's decks. As mentioned above, the names of the arcana are preserved in almost all decks, but for interpretation, it is still better to turn to the author’s publications. For decoding, the author has created books, and you can also find the necessary information in various Internet sources. Experienced tarot readers helped in their compilation, who explain the meaning of the arcana in more detail and clearly. It should be noted that with these works of art, Ciro Marchetti gained popularity and recognition among magicians who use tarot cards in their practice.

    Gilded tarot by Ciro Marchetti

    What are they talking about?

    Each tarot deck has its own history, its creator, its own designation. Otherwise, they are just a silent pile of pieces of paper with drawings. The Divine Heritage Tarot is based on a disaster story. The Heroes of Legacy were a civilization that, over hundreds of years of its existence, had risen to a cosmic level of knowledge. They didn't have computers or microchips, but their power lay in something completely different. They could communicate with all the elements:

    • water;
    • fire;
    • earth;
    • air.

    Their Sages received information from all corners of the Universe, which they used as knowledge for life and existence. The civilization was so advanced that, preparing for its destruction, it saved only its wisdom for other civilizations and legacies. To do this, the Council of all four elements sealed the most necessary and necessary knowledge into separate capsules. All capsules could be found gradually and had to be opened one by one.

    There are a total of 78 arcana cards based on the number of cards. The Tarot of Divine Heritage has, like all major and minor cards, an upright and inverted position. Four suits: wands, swords, cups and coins.

    This is the first difference from the standard. Although, if you look at it, the tarot gallery of the coin suits only differs in appearance from the classic pentacles. On each minor arcana there are precisely coins and any symbols of money. There are some other points that distinguish them from Waite cards:

    • some map names have been changed;
    • the hanged man became weighing, and his figure is still present on other lassos;
    • all the images look unrealistically believable, which can make a special impression on a person without experience;
    • are distinguished by the brightness and beauty of the images;
    • have strong energy.

    This deck is suitable for both men and women. But they are not recommended for new recruits in fortune-telling. They are so strong, and they can feel the weakness. Since they don’t like this, they won’t come forward to tell the truth, and they won’t reveal their wisdom. They contain the divine beginning of an entire civilization, the entire Universe, the elements that rule our world and which humanity will never be able to defeat.

    Divine Heritage Tarot Cards Are Too Difficult for Beginners

    “Dreams” as a path to solving

    Next up is Ciro Marchetti's deck of Dream Tarot cards. Nothing is as realistic as our dreams. Many people believe that in a dream, a person’s soul leaves its body and goes to other dimensions. And since we are inextricably linked with it, we see and feel everything that happens in these moments. Hasn’t it ever happened that this situation has already happened to us, and there is a feeling of repetition in the memory of certain moments of one’s life? But we are sure that this has not happened before. Then where do these feelings and memories come from? Psychologists say that this feeling is called deja vu. But is it? The author created his own vision of dreams, a kind of memory of what he saw. The images on the cards are somewhat reminiscent of fairy-tale or mythological heroes. When you pick up the cards, you immediately begin to understand that their images have already been highlighted, in places that are not entirely real. Each lasso has symbols that for some reason are also terribly familiar. They help you get to know yourself better and help you understand situations. They will tell you a lot of new and well-forgotten old things, but with a new interpretation. The deck of these cards, unlike the “Divine Heritage” tarot, is suitable for use by everyone without exception: beginners and experienced, men and women. The dream comes to everyone and the arcana will speak to everyone. As for the interpretations of each lasso, there are two options.

    1. Using the meanings of White's classic tarot. Already proven for many decades. But it is not entirely clear to understand, both individually and in combination with other arcana.
    2. Using a specially prepared book with the interpretation of each card by the authors themselves. Don't forget that many of them have new elements and have changed names, which means that they have changed their meaning. This cannot be said completely, but the essence and meaning of the cards has changed.

    Tarot of Dreams - another famous deck by Ciro Marchetti

    The third deck of tarot cards we will look at will be the Ciro Marchetti Gilded Tarot. A brilliant artist, he completely rethought the depicted symbols and images. The question immediately arises: “Why gold or gilded?”: the answer is more than simple. The creator of his masterpiece added a twist to each lasso – gold. Every single one of them glows. Each one has an element designating and similar to this metal:

    • stars;
    • Sun rays;
    • fire;
    • coins;
    • bright glow from the images of the cards.

    Both senior and junior cards of all suits essentially play the same roles for fortune telling. There are no main and non-main ones - they are equal. It should also be noted that although they have standard names (the same as the classic tarot), they carry a completely different meaning. Therefore, it is recommended that you definitely purchase a book with interpretation. Gilded tarot by Ciro Marchetti is very bright and unusual. The artist, working on them, carefully highlighted each element, resolution and selected the color scheme. The images are so realistic that the first impression is made as if they were living beings. Such a deck will definitely open the veil of secrets of the future.

    Each question will be more than covered and presented in an accessible form. Each situation will have its own logical beginning and a realistic, and most importantly, truthful end.

    As for the opportunity to open up to beginners in fortune telling, you still shouldn’t do this without proper preparation. The cards are revealed to the strong and wise. They won’t hide anything from you, but you won’t be able to interpret the combination of several cards on your own. Cards distract attention with their unusual shapes and symbols, bright colors and figures.

    Which deck to choose is up to you. My only advice for the future: “Maps can talk. We must learn to hear them."