Tarot wheel of the year meaning review. Interesting review of the deck. I have not worked with the Wheel of the Year Tarot. The review interested me, I think I should buy it. Alena Polyn's Closed School of Magic

Many people want to learn how to predict the future and decide difficult situations, so the question arises when picking up tarot - where to start? Before fortune telling with tarot cards, you need to study all the arcana and their meaning. Each has its own symbol that warns, protects or performs some other action. Exist different types fortune telling for beginners. Training must be carried out consistently. Best books will help you correctly interpret and understand the meaning of the arcana.

Tarot training must be carried out consistently

Studying the Deck

Before laying out the tarot, every novice tarot reader should study the deck in detail. Classic versions of the tarot consist of 78 suits, 56 of which are the minor arcana and 22 are the major ones. They feature 4 suits of 14 cards and 4 picture cards each, which include: king, queen, page and knight. They are very often called court cards.

Tarot for beginners differs from a regular deck of cards in that it has a major arcana of 22 cards. The presented cards have no suit and follow each other in the order of the assigned number. To understand the meaning well, you need to start with the major arcana, since they are the main ones. They are able to point out important events and provide a detailed description. The major arcana are responsible for the first component, and the minor arcana for the second.

Anyone who wants to tell fortunes and study the tarot on their own wonders where to start? The process of unfolding is not an ordinary description of pictures, but a deep process that occurs on a spiritual level. Intuition and the ability to listen to the inner voice take part in this. To answer the question of how to understand the tarot, you need to concentrate as much as possible on your connection with it. To make the learning process simple, you need to purchase tarot books for beginners.

The simplest techniques

Tarot for a beginner, after studying, you can try to lay out tarot cards using simple techniques and gradually move on to complex ones. Everything must be done according to a clear plan. Starting to study maps consists of possible options.

  • Many authors believe that you should try working with the deck before learning detailed description each arcana. This approach is called free association. At this moment, what the fortuneteller sees is very important. It is necessary to focus on your options for interpreting layouts and not strive for established standards. Experienced tarot readers say that there are no right answers, there are only actions and their consequences. Before you learn how to tell fortunes with tarot, you need to take the arcana from the deck one by one and examine them.
  • You should also start learning the deck with the help of a textbook that describes the classic meanings. A tarot book for a beginner will help with interpretation. Personal associations will not at all coincide with the classic description of the lasso, but you should not get upset and ignore them. Only practice will help confirm which judgment is the most correct. It is necessary to use different books describing the arcana and study more information that will help speed up learning.
  • Once the deck and its meaning have been studied, you can move on to practice. The most simple option getting the answer to the question is the card of the day. Before you draw the lasso, you need to ask what the new day will bring. After the day is over, before going to bed, you need to do an analysis of what the cards said came true and what did not.

After the deck and its meaning have been studied, you can proceed to practice.

Only by using simple techniques can more complex ways tarot fortune telling. In tarology there is a large number of layouts that help solve issues in different areas of a person’s life.

Secrets of decoding layouts

Many people wonder how to learn to tell fortunes using tarot cards. It's not as difficult as it seems. There are little secrets on how to correctly decipher cards. At first, it is very difficult for beginning tarot readers to decide on the interpretation of the arcana. Arranging the cards in order is not difficult, but combining their meaning into big picture it can be difficult. In order for the understanding of the entire process to be simpler and there is no question of how to guess correctly, you need to know about some subtleties.

  • You should always remember that the alignment is the overall picture and considering each arcana separately is the wrong approach. Therefore, the question of where to start studying tarot can be answered with confidence - with a detailed comparison of all the elements of the cards. Tarot is like a mirror that conveys an image of the inner world and view of situations.
  • An important point is the comparison of suits and arcana. Depending on which suit predominates in the layout, the nature of the situation will be determined. If there are more cups, the emotional side will be more pronounced, pentacles - the material side, swords - the presence of conflicts, wands - vitality. If only the major arcana are present in the layout and the suits only complement the overall picture, this indicates the importance of events that are worth paying attention to Special attention. This will allow you not just to guess the meaning of the cards, but to know their exact meaning.
  • When determining the value of a laid out layout, you need to pay attention to the ratio of cards in upright and inverted positions. It cannot be said that a large number of turned over cards is bad. This situation indicates that you need to pay attention to the problems that need to be solved for further development in different areas of life.

Only by taking into account all the elements of the arcana can one draw the correct conclusion and get an answer to a complex question. Such components are necessary regardless of what kind of fortune telling is used.

Most popular layouts

Exist different ways fortune telling with tarot cards. For beginners, it is better to start with simple layouts and then move on to more complex ones. Popular tarot layouts have the following names:

  • cross;
  • relationship balance;
  • schedule for the future;
  • pyramid;
  • fortune telling of the heart.

Such tarot layouts for beginners with interpretation are the simplest and most understandable. Simple fortune-telling using a cross pattern gives beginners the opportunity to get answers to their questions. The layout is performed both using the entire deck and only with the major arcana. The cards are laid out in a cross. The first on the left reflects the essence of the problem situation, the second on the right - what needs to be avoided, the third from the top - what needs to be done to resolve the issue, and the fourth from the bottom - how the outcome of events may end.

Layouts on cards can also be done using the partnership technique

The interpretation should begin with the first card, since it is most often the main element that gives a hint. With the help of such layouts you can solve love situations, financial, career, etc.

Layouts on cards can also be done using the partnership technique. To do this, the main card is placed in the center, and three cards are placed on the right and left sides. For example, you need to find out how reliable your partner is. In this situation, the first card will symbolize the essence of the relationship. The cards on the left characterize the one who is looking for an answer to the question, and on the right - who is being guessed at. The first two cards reflect the mind, the second – emotions and desires, the third – external manifestation.

Tarot for beginners can also be laid out using technology for the future. Typically, the time period is a week. This kind of fortune-telling on tarot cards for a beginner involves laying out eight arcana in a row. The first card is the main one, the rest are additional elements. The central card represents the general mood that will be present during the week, and each card symbolizes a day of the week. If an important situation occurs on one of the days, you can add three more cards to get a more detailed picture.


Another fortune-telling option is the pyramid layout. The layout starts from the top, where the first card is placed, then 2 cards go from left to right, to a level below 3 and even below 4. The first lasso will display the whole essence of the situation, the second - options for developing the situation, the third - gives a hint what you need to pay attention to, from the fourth to the sixth - factors influencing the state of affairs, from the seventh to the eighth - advice on how to do the right thing and from the ninth to the tenth - what should be avoided. The person who made the layout must understand general meaning paintings.

Another option for a simple layout is heart fortune telling. It displays the following:

  • the first lasso symbolizes the qualities of a person that will be of interest to the future partner;
  • second - what your future partner will like;
  • third - what will be important in the relationship;
  • fourth – what the partner will do;
  • fifth - how the meeting will take place;
  • sixth and seventh - what the partner can get from the fortuneteller, and vice versa;
  • eighth – outside influence;
  • ninth - how the relationship will develop.

This arrangement is suitable for those who want to find out about their fate in a love relationship.

    Tarot cards are primarily intuition, creative thinking and working with your subconscious. To begin with, you can rely on already existing interpretations, and later, with practice, your own understanding of each sign will come.

    Preparing for fortune telling and “communicating” with cards

    Like any magical practice, this divination involves not only constant practice and self-improvement, but also certain rituals that must be followed in order to get a good result.

    Professional tarot readers give many useful practical advice. Eg:

  • Tarot cards “do not tolerate” fuss and haste. Before you start fortune telling, you need to make sure that there will be enough time for the ritual, and that the person will not be distracted by trifles. This advice can be figuratively called “turn off Cell phones" You shouldn’t start planning if there is soup cooking on the stove or if in ten minutes you will need to urgently run for the children in kindergarten or school.
  • Tarot, alcohol and tobacco do not go together. Simply put, laying out the cards at a noisy party, fueled by alcohol and shrouded in tobacco smoke- means getting a negative result in advance. Arcana simply will not “work,” esotericists warn. Tarot is not a way to have fun. If you want to have fun during the holiday, it is better to take lotto or dominoes.
  • You should not ask the cards the same question in a row if the result of fortune telling is not satisfactory for some reason. The answer has been received, and what to do with it depends on the choice of the person himself.
  • Cards may refuse to “talk.” Yes, this happens. Professional fortune tellers believe that the Tarot has its own “mood.” How can you tell if the cards work or not? There is no clear answer to this question; it all depends on the experience of the fortuneteller and his intuition. Therefore, experts advise, you need to “make friends” with the Arcana.

Conditions for accurate divination

The time of day for fortune telling does not matter. It is a mistake to think that Tarot readings should only be done at night. This is not true at all. But, nevertheless, the results of the cards and their “mood” are influenced by lunar cycles. The closer to the full moon, the more power any magical artifacts receive for divination. You can also tell fortunes on the waning moon. But at the same time, magical properties the cards will be weaker. On a new moon, it is better to leave the Tarot alone and not touch them. Tarot readers call this “giving the cards a rest.”

Do I need to use additional attributes: candles, incense and others? aids? Yes. A candle is a necessary condition for the fortune telling process. Before each new fortune telling, the cards must be “burnt”. This does not mean that each card needs to be heavily scorched in the fire. It is enough to fan out the deck and hold the candle over the fire three times. It is believed that in this way information about previous predictions is canceled. To enhance intuition and concentration, many magicians use the energy of stones and natural minerals. Amethyst, agate, rhinestone, cat eye- not far full list pebbles that are used in fortune telling with Tarot cards.

The cards need to be “thanked for their work.” This rule is an integral part of the ritual. At the end of the session, the magical instrument also needs to be “cleansed” with the help of a candle flame and said “thank you.”
When starting to work with cards, you also need to “talk” with them. Each master has a special greeting to the Tarot. Therefore, the fortuneteller needs to develop his own “communication” system and find the right words so that the prediction is as accurate and truthful as possible.

Learning the Tarot system is difficult. Even for true professionals, this process takes years and decades. Not everything can work out the first time. Sometimes the meaning of the symbols encrypted in cards is revealed only after some time. But you need to be patient. And, of course, practice working with cards as much as possible. Esotericists also advise keeping a “fortune diary.” You can enter into it the questions that were asked, the layouts used, and the result obtained.

From this article you will learn:

    What Tarot cards are used for fortune telling?

    What is needed for fortune telling

    How to learn to tell fortunes using Tarot cards

    What are the layouts?

    What mistakes do those who are just learning to tell fortunes with Tarot cards make?

Tarot cards have been around since the Renaissance. They were first used in northern Italy in the 15th century for a game reminiscent of today's bridge. It was only in the 18th century that Tarot cards gained recognition in the art of foresight. Their meanings are archetypes, symbols, thanks to which you can understand the events and feelings that fill your life, as well as make an important life decision. Tarot cards never tell you what to do, but they do offer an alternative way of looking at a situation. In today's article we will talk about how to tell fortunes using Tarot cards.

What Tarot cards can you use to tell fortunes?

Very little is known about the origins of Tarot cards. There are various assumptions and legends, some of which say that the designs on the Tarot cards were adopted from images found on Egyptian tombs. They are believed to be associated with Kabbalah and popular at the time card game, on which fortune telling with Tarot cards is based.

Probably, any person knows that the interpretation of Tarot predictions is associated with the images printed on them. Some gurus of the fortune telling world believe that the symbols of the Tarot have astrological, occult and alchemical meanings. Today you can find a variety of options for Tarot cards, the images on which differ in style, and it will not be difficult for you to find one that will suit your taste. One of the most famous Tarot decks is the Tarot of Thoth, authored by the famous Aleister Crowley.

The Marseille Tarot, which is made in the medieval French style, also has its fans. Fortune telling decks were also created to meet modern needs of society, for example, for fans of vampires and elves. Some Tarots are real stories in pictures.

If you want to learn how to tell fortunes with Tarot cards yourself, then first you need to purchase suitable deck. In the conditions of modern assortment, make right choice not so simple. Experts in the fortune-telling world often advise beginners to purchase decks related to the conventional “classics” - the Waite Tarot, the Tarot of Marseilles, or a deck based on them, the so-called “clone”. Clones differ from the original in that they are made in a slightly different style, or instead of people, animals appear on the cards - cats, pandas, any other creatures. However, if your personal feelings and ideas about beauty tell you a different choice, you should trust your inner voice. You should be satisfied with the purchase, and you should like the images on the cards and be pleasant to look at.

There are four known classical schools, differing in the numbering of the Major Arcana, the sequence of elements, Kabbalistic correspondences and some other points. These are the so-called systems of Papus, White, Crowley, as well as the Tarot of Marseilles. Basically, a beginner does not need to understand these systems. It is important not to get bored at the very beginning of the journey, so two things come to the fore for a beginner - the attractiveness of the deck for you personally and the availability of information for studying on it. The Waite system is the most popular and, from the point of view of the second point, wins greatly, since many books have been written on it. But classic images to modern man may seem boring and not very beautiful. This is where many rethought and redrawn clones of the Waite Tarot come to the rescue for every taste.

However, if you're drawn to a deck that isn't a Waite system, don't worry. If you like her, you will definitely find her mutual language! For example, today beginners choose the Wild Unknown Tarot, a very beautiful and modern deck, as their first deck, and successfully master it.

Let us note this nuance regarding the Tarot of Marseilles. The point is that it has a plot, i.e. picture, only the Major Arcana have, and the Minor Arcana represent the corresponding number of suit symbols. This can make it more difficult for beginners to remember the meanings of minor cards.

Is it possible to tell fortunes using Tarot cards online?

Many sites offer visitors the opportunity to tell fortunes online, but the credibility of the results is questionable. Esotericists believe that online fortune telling are useless, since in fortune-telling the consciousness of the operator doing the fortune-telling plays a large role, both in reading the symbols and in their interpretation. If you decide to read Tarot online, then this important component of fortune telling is lost, which means the result is not reliable. This method is good for fun, but beware of scammers who often ask you to send an SMS to gain access to Tarot cards.

Read also: Tarot fortune telling online - to be or not to be?

    To learn how to tell fortunes with Tarot cards, the first thing you need is desire and no prejudices.

    Fortune telling on cards is, in a sense, the same as interpreting dreams by perceiving images and symbols. The cards express a symbol, an image, a message, and how to interpret it in relation to the situation is your choice.

    Many Tarot card experts believe that interpretations from the Internet or books lack specificity or, on the contrary, universality. To study the meanings of the cards in more depth, keep notes, a kind of diary for a tarot reader. Write down your understanding of the situation and compare it with reality some time later.

    Choose your Tarot wisely. There are two approaches here - buy a deck, succumbing to an internal impulse, the impulse “I want!”, or make a choice based on a combination of factors, evaluating the whole available information according to the deck. Now see which method of action suits you best.

    You need to guess regularly. Even if it seems to you that sometimes the cards answer incomprehensibly and strangely, record all the results in a notebook. With practice, you will be able to better understand their meaning.

    Don't expect to get results quickly as tarot card reading is not that easy. This process requires perseverance comparable to spiritual development. Over time, you will acquire the special intuition of a tarot reader, which will suggest the correct answer, even if it does not follow directly from the interpretations known to you.

    To read the Tarot more effectively, read literature on the Tarot, this will help you not to stop developing as a tarot reader.

How to tell fortunes with Tarot cards for beginners

Before you start reading Tarot cards, you must learn all the basic rules. You need to know that each deck consists of 78 cards, which are divided into the Minor and Major Arcana.

Seniors and Minor Arcana it is very easy to distinguish: 22 Major Arcana do not belong to any suits, the remaining 56 are Minor Arcana, which correspond to the 4 elements (suits): Water (bowls, cubes), Fire (wands, staves), Air (swords) and Elements of Earth (pentacles). It should be noted that in some author's decks the distribution of suits may be different, but you will definitely learn about this from the author's annotation.

Historians believe that at the beginning of the birth of Tarot cards, the four suits corresponded to the four classes of the Middle Ages. Swords are the nobility, cups are the clergy, pentacles are the merchants, and wands are the serfs.

If you are a beginner, the first thing to do is stock up on books. The image of each Arcana, Major or Junior, will be formed in your head from a combination of several factors, like a puzzle: from descriptions of meanings from literature, from descriptions of meanings for each specific deck, from practical experience and from the experience of contemplating the map. Create associations with each specific card - the images on the cards will help you with this. This way you can quickly remember the interpretation of the cards.

Spend time meditating on the cards, contemplate the cards from the deck one after another, look at the details, think about the meanings of symbols, colors, and build associations. Just look at it like a painting. You will be surprised what fruits just calm contemplation and independent reflection bring.

Some sources telling how to tell fortunes with the Tarot suggest imagining how this or that card can be interpreted, and then comparing your interpretation with the real one. Fortune telling with Tarot cards is an individual process, so you must decide for yourself what is right for you. It will take you some time to master the Tarot deck, don't give up and don't worry - time will pass, and this will no longer cause you any difficulties.

Learning how to read Tarot does not end there, even if you have already studied the interpretations and variants of card layouts. Tarot fortune telling means constantly studying new card layouts and reading their history in various sources. If you want to learn how to tell fortunes using Tarot cards, then be prepared for the fact that this process requires a lot of time. But you will like it!

Basic rules of fortune telling with Tarot cards

    Have you started to guess? So, it's time to decide on the schedule. You must understand why you sat down to guess and for what.

    There is no need to guess if you are sick, feel unwell or have no strength. The cards will not harm you, but mantic work requires energy.

    Do not ask the same question again, as the cards will not give you a definite answer.

    When you shuffle the cards, choose the layout, prepare for it - be focused on the question. At the moment when you choose and lay out a card, think about the position in the layout, and not about the situation as a whole.

    Relax, breathe calmly, concentrate on the ritual before you start telling fortunes.

    Keep in mind that Tarot cards are not a calendar or a clock to show you exact dates and times. Therefore, before fortune telling, determine immediately what time period we are talking about. It is believed that the most reliable fortune telling is for any period of up to a year, sometimes up to three years. You shouldn’t expect an exact and correct answer about “for life.”

How to correctly guess with Tarot cards: step-by-step instructions

Step 1: Create a relaxing atmosphere. The ideal atmosphere is silence, calm, and the absence of distracting objects. Concentrate on the process of fortune telling and generally try to enter into such a relaxed but focused state every time you sit down to read tarot cards.

Step 2. Identify the question, formulate it. What does it consist of? What is the time frame? What is important? You can write down the question.

Step 3. Choose a layout that will give you answers to your question.

Step 4. After shuffling the cards and mixing them well, make a layout. You can lay out the cards right away face up, or first face down and then turn them over. Choose what you like best.

Step. Proceed to the interpretation of the layout.

Learning to tell fortunes on Tarot cards yourself: 5 layout options

How to tell fortunes using Tarot cards for the future (the next week)

In order to start guessing, you need to lay out eight arcana: the significator and one card for each of the seven days of the week. In this arrangement, each Tarot card represents a specific day of the week, and not just the next seven days. The first card symbolizes Monday, the second – Tuesday, etc. This does not depend on what day you decide to guess. The significator indicates the general mood and atmosphere.

If you expect something important to happen on a particular day of the week, you can do a three-card tarot reading to get some insight into the situation. Sometimes a week promises many important life events, for example, getting a new job, first meeting with your lover, moving, etc. To do this, you will need only 21 cards - three cards for each of the seven days of the week.

How to tell tarot cards for relationships

Three Tarot cards will give you much more detailed answers than ordinary fortune telling on the beloved, on his betrayal or choice of the beloved. With the help of Tarot you can understand other manifestations human interaction. For example, you can get an answer to how reliable your business partner is, or help you understand the meaning and essence of friendships.

In the center of the layout is the significator. This Tarot card helps determine the relationship between the querent and the object of fortune telling. The meaning of the remaining Tarot cards is interpreted in pairs, for example, the seventh with the second, the sixth with the third, the fifth with the fourth.

How to tell tarot cards for a man

If you want to use Tarot cards to tell a man’s feelings, then know that this is one of the most popular topics for Tarot readings. Changing relationships, their modeling is not the same as the intervention of witches and sorcerers in their development. Tarot cards can reveal a lover's infidelity or see if he is part of some kind of love triangle. Fortune telling about a love affair with a man will tell you about this person’s attitude towards you. You need to guess about your loved one like this:

    The first card symbolizes your attitude towards the object of fortune telling.

    The second tarot card is how you feel about him.

    The third is your actions and actions.

    The fourth card will tell you about the thoughts of your lover.

    The fifth will reveal his feelings.

    The sixth Tarot card speaks of his actions in your direction.

    The seventh card will put everything in its place: it will determine whether there is any connection between you and what it is.

How to tell fortunes using Tarot cards

If you have a problem, then sit down and read Tarot cards: the layout of the situation will help you solve your problem. You can determine the cause of the problem and find possible ways her decisions.

    Ask your question in your mind.

    Take three tarot cards and place them in a row.

    Interpret their meaning: the first indicates your past, which attracted the problem, the second - the influence of the problem on life, and the third - the way to solve it.

How to tell fortunes using Tarot cards

Guessing about health means using various options Tarot card layouts, with the help of which you can find out about your well-being and the well-being of your loved ones. The cards will tell you what the cause of your illness is and how to cope with it.

    The first Tarot card will tell you about your health in general terms.

    The second will tell you what has a positive effect on the body.

    The third card talks about what destroys it.

    The fourth card will tell you what a person does to improve his health.

    The fifth card will show you what you should not do, as it is harmful to your health.

    The sixth card will indicate the ending life path the person who is being told fortunes.

10 common mistakes of those who are just learning to read Tarot cards

  1. Clients confuse a tarot reader with a clairvoyant.

No matter how strange it may sound, this is a problem for many clients, and therefore for many tarot readers. Tarot cards simply cannot give a definite answer to some questions. For example, they cannot say who robbed the apartment and where this person lives, where he hid someone else's property. No matter how much we would like, Tarot cards are silent in response to such questions. But those who have just started guessing do not want to admit that something is beyond their control, considering this an admission of their unprofessionalism, so they risk taking on such a task. difficult task and often fail. Only over time, drawing conclusions and learning from their mistakes, do they begin to sort out their clients' questions.

Sometimes, when beginners begin to tell fortunes with cards, they themselves naively believe that the Tarot can answer any question.

Some visitors deliberately provoke fortune tellers with their complex and ambiguous questions, arranging a confrontation with the tarot reader. Such people come with the goal of convicting you of charlatanism, so they will not pay attention to your arguments about the difference in clairvoyance and fortune telling with Tarot cards. You need to prepare for this situation in advance. Having watched enough TV shows and read books, these people create stereotypes for themselves that prevent them from understanding the features of fortune telling with Tarot cards. Others don’t believe in fortune telling and just have fun exposing everyone and everything. Trying to explain something to such people is both useless and pointless.

  1. Ask a question from the negative state of the situation.

When answering some questions, the tarot reader must give a clear and specific answer, without describing the details of the situation. They expect you to answer: “Will it happen or not?”, “Yes or no?”, “Will it come true or not?” It seems that these answers are very simple to give, but there are some nuances here. The formulation of such questions should be based on the positive state of the situation.

Let's look at this in more detail. There are layouts that allow you to answer a question in a “yes” or “no” format, although in principle this is not an entirely suitable question format specifically for the Tarot. If we regard the situation as a positive event, then the question will be formulated something like this: “Will I be enrolled in university this year?” The layout will answer “yes” or “no”. But sometimes those who are just starting to read Tarot cards base their question on the negative state of the situation and ask like this: “Will I fail the university entrance test?” This is where they start to get confused. The layout says “Yes,” which means that the exam will end disappointingly, which runs counter to the positive nature of the card. And a negative answer, which seems to suit the questioner, does not fit the interpretation of the Tarot card. To avoid such confusion, you should phrase the question as if you wanted a “yes” answer. Here we are talking only about the way of composing the question, but you don’t really need to feel the desire to get a specific answer!

  1. A strong desire to receive a specific answer.

If you are a beginner and want to tell fortunes using Tarot cards for the present, future and past, then often in response to a question you are interested in you can get exactly the description of the situation as you wanted. Thus, a projection of emotions onto the cards occurs. But the truth does not always coincide with our expectations. This is probably what gave rise to the opinion that you shouldn’t second-guess yourself. Some simply cannot or find it very difficult to solve their own problems. The tarot reader must step back from all everyday problems in order to guess with a clear head.

  1. They guess on double questions.

If a tarot reader charges for his services not per unit of time, but per number of readings, then visitors always try to save money and ask double questions. Of course, it's not always all about money, as some clients simply don't care about correct wording your questions. For example, the girl’s question is: “What is his attitude towards me and will we get married?” An experienced tarot reader will immediately notice a double question and will guess in two layouts. A beginner who is just starting to read the Tarot may lay out the cards once and end up getting confused as to what question the cards answer, so he will say something that is not very close to the truth.

  1. They tell fortunes when they are in a bad mood or feeling unwell.

Fatigue, depression, and bad mood affect the result of fortune telling with Tarot cards, therefore, being in a bad mood, tarot readers try not to tell fortunes, but to lay out the cards later. Alcohol intoxication is also on this list, as it has a negative effect on both health and consciousness.

Sometimes it happens that a person who is just starting to guess gets an answer that he does not like, since it foreshadows something bad or promises failure to fulfill a desire. In this case, he continues to guess again and again, expecting that the layout of the cards will change and the future will be different. In reality, guessing like this means moving further and further from the truth.

  1. Incorrectly chosen style of presentation of the interpretation of the layout.

Tarot cards do not always give the same answer. This misunderstanding of tarot card interpretation occurs because everyone is different: some clients like to express their thoughts succinctly, so they are unlikely to like an overly detailed answer. The same applies to those who are too eloquent, since in this case they will consider the tarot reader’s short answer a sign of his unprofessionalism.

In addition, ambiguous interpretation of the cards can put the tarot reader in a difficult position, since visitors will again and again ask him to read the fortune again in order to clarify the answer to his question. Often, these discussions confuse the client and do not allow them to grasp the essence of the answer. Thus, all tarot readers are obliged over time to develop their own style of presenting Tarot card answers, which would be universal. Another way to guess is to adapt each time to a specific person and his manner of communication.

  1. Excessive attachment to rituals.

Today on store shelves you can find a huge number of various sources. There are many different rituals and additional attributes that are supposedly designed to help Tarot readers in fortune telling and increase the credibility of predictions. In reality, all they do is give you confidence.

Unfortunately, beginners who are just starting to guess do not want to waste their time and effort, but want to achieve everything at once. It is easier for them to acquire additional, supposedly magical, attributes that will guarantee them confidence in the correctness of their predictions. Guessing every day and gaining experience in this way is not for them.

But what happens if a tarot reader who trusts the attributes suddenly cannot carry out this psychological ritual before a fortune-telling session or forgets somewhere (spoils) a magical object? He will lose confidence in his abilities, which will affect the results of his forecasts.

Remember, if you want to learn how to read tarot cards, all you need to have is a deck of cards and a book to interpret their meanings. You can purchase all these items and many other important attributes in our online store “Witch’s Happiness”, which is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia.

You won't have to spend long searching for Tarot cards. In our online store “Witch’s Happiness” you will find a deck that is right for you, a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, and is responsible for his actions not only before people, but also before the entire Universe.

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How to learn to read Tarot in three days? (In three easy steps)

Tarot cards are a whole complex of symbolic system of images, which enshrines 78 basic situations and states of human existence. By combining these cards with each other, using simple knowledge and several previously learned layouts, you can not only read your own destiny, but also find answers to many questions that torment you. There is an opinion that mantika (the art of fortune telling) is a complex science that only the most persistent and talented can learn. We are ready to dispel this myth and tell you how Tarot layouts work, as well as teach you the basics of this art in literally three days!

How does Tarot work?

Many people wonder how maps can show the future? Some people believe in the mystical background of the question, others prefer not to ask unnecessary questions, they say it works and works. But not many practitioners really understand how the Tarot works. A deck is a kind of combination of various algorithms, and the layout is the program by which you read them. When the mantic tells fortunes, he shares a piece of his energy with the cards, and when asking a question, he gives the direction of the search. In the case when fortune telling occurs for another person, various additional manipulations are performed: shuffling, moving cards, and so on, which seem to give key query into the search structure. Essentially speaking, communicating directly with the information field of humanity, the cards will not tell you your fate, but they can show one of its variations if you do not change your behavior too diametrically from the moment of the alignment. That's all the subtleties.

Step one. Be a Tarot reader

If you decide to learn how to read destinies using Tarot, then the first step for you will be choosing a deck. Each deck of cards is partly a living organism that feels and responds to you. Focus on this when choosing a deck and, when choosing, hold several decks in your hands so that you can compare which one you like best. You should not neglect this rule and order a deck on the Internet, since you will have to work with it directly, and if it is not synchronous with you, then you will spend too much effort and time trying to squeeze at least some information out of the cards, and this unprofitable.

The character of each mantic is individual and you should not be embarrassed by the fact that you like a deck that is too dark or light. This is okay, as it will help you unlock your own dormant potential. There are many narrowly focused decks that differ in the elements, or areas of witchcraft. Take your time, give yourself time to study and get used to your newfound friend and advisor.

Tarot card set

Step two. Naming Tarot

This unique ritual will help you learn to read Tarot without months of memorizing standard interpretations. An extremely popular misconception is that cards can be read by the meanings that are written in the booklet that comes with them. This is a mistake and many tarot readers wonder why their real state of affairs very often does not coincide with what the cards show. This is because the description of each card was created by a single tarot reader, who named them through the prism of his own perception, different from yours. Accordingly, when working with your thinking, the cards will produce results that do not coincide with those described in the book.

To name a Tarot deck, you need to sequentially, paying attention to each drawing, make notes on what you see in a particular image. Of course, during the naming process, you can check the conventional meanings and supplement your own interpretations, but blindly following them is pointless. Name the Major Arcana first, and then the Minor Arcana, since the former are more diverse and specialize in a broad, fateful profile.

For example: Knight of Cups. A young, strong youth, with a cup and a sword in his hands, racing on a horse along the river bed from sandstorm. In this case, the young man can denote the strength and youth of character (bowls always symbolize emotions, feelings), the sword in right hand- a symbol of readiness not only to speak, but also to do. A cup raised up reflects the presence of a dominant idea, and escaping from a storm along the river means obsessing over little things and at the same time not paying due attention to the opinions and feelings of the people around you.

Major Arcana - 22 cards, ranging from zero to twenty-one. Traditionally form a cyclic path spiritual development personalities, from the young and ambitious “Fool” to the complete comprehension of “The World”.

Step three. First layout

As the first alignment, this variation is very often recommended, which is called the “Celtic Cross” and is a very powerful tool for fortune telling for the near future: from one month to a year. The layout is as follows:

  1. The key to the situation. What the situation is like in the present.
  2. The sensual, emotional attitude of the one for whom the alignment is being made.
  3. Rational attitude.
  4. Events of the recent past.
  5. Events of the near future.
  6. Attitude of others.
  7. Hopes and fears.
  8. Distant future, result.

Moreover, this alignment can be done for almost all areas of life, starting with financial ones and ending with love relationships. It is extremely simple, convenient and at the same time functional. Its only drawback is its energy consumption: after doing 3-4 layouts, you will feel like a squeezed lemon.

Additional Tarot Tips

  • The first rule of any tarot reader: the cards have only one owner. This means that only you and no one else can tell fortunes on your deck.
  • When naming your deck, don't follow dogma. It may happen that during the reading process you will have the feeling that the card has a different meaning and this is normal. Depending on the position of other cards, some values ​​may vary in unexpected ranges.
  • Don't get emotional. It is often very tempting to deliberately falsify the meaning of the cards and distort what they say to benefit yourself. This should not be done under any circumstances. By doing this, you are breaking your connection with them and the deck may become “offended” and not give you any information at all for some time.

Remember the main thing: the occult is interpreted as “ secret knowledge" It is knowledge, not a gift, and everyone can learn it. Mantics, being the most widely accessible branch of magic, can be used for a wide variety of purposes, from making a profit to achieving mastery, but the essence remains the essence. Even such a superficial touch on something unknown leaves the most vivid, indelible impressions of the process itself, and only after trying, you will understand that there is something much more interesting than dry scientific knowledge, and the world is not only something that can be touched...

Tarot for beginners. You have decided to learn how to read Tarot. Where to begin? And, most likely, the first thing you did was to passionately interrogate the all-knowing Yandex or Google about

  • what tarot cards to buy for beginners,
  • where to start learning Tarot,
  • Tarot deck for beginners,
  • Tarot began,
  • Tarot cards for beginners,
  • Tarot interpretation for beginners,
  • Books about Tart cards for beginners

etc. About tutorials on Tarot, about how to learn how to read Tarot readings on your own, what you need to do for this and what you don’t need to do -.

Best cards Tarot for Beginners is a Rider-Waite deck with illustrations by Pamella Colman Smith. Proven by more than 100 years of practice. In addition, it is with this deck that Tarot masters recommend that beginners learn the basics of Tarot, and it is also with this deck that most of the really good self-help books on Tarot have been written.

In this article, let's touch on topics related to layouts.

  • Tarot spreads for beginners with interpretation,
  • Simple Tarot spreads for beginners,
  • Interpretation of Tarot cards for beginners, etc.

Let’s bring some clarity to the terms “Tarot card meaning” and “Tarot card interpretation.” It is appropriate to talk about meaning when we simply mean some separate card(this is for the fortuneteller). We talk about interpreting a card when this card is already in some layout. Otherwise, we can say this: the fortuneteller uses the meanings of the cards (for himself) in order to interpret (for the questioner) them in the layout.

Tarot for beginners

For those who learn information better from video, just below there are 3 videos with quite detailed interpretation. The most simple layouts Tarot for beginners - Tarot triplets. A triplet Tarot spread is simply 3 cards laid out in a row. You can set the names of the positions yourself. The most popular options for naming positions in triplets:

If you are interested in the schedule for three cards for the future then it might look like this

  • The next 5 years - The next 5 years - And another 5 years.

Those. you determine for yourself the time period that interests you and divide it into three parts. Accordingly, if you are interested in what will happen in the next 30 years, then instead of 5 years you say 10 years. BUT, you must admit, it is quite difficult to describe 5 years of life (and even longer periods of time) with one card.

Let me explain with an example. There are many literary works that tell about the life of travelers who found themselves on a desert island and lived there for a long time. Throughout the novel, the life of a person on this island is described. For example, the famous Robinson Crusoe. And so you make a three-card layout for the life of Robinson Crusoe.

And, for example, the Knight of Pentacles (trade) - HERMIT - 10 of Pentacles (family, inheritance, clan, material well-being) falls out. All those years that he spent on the island, everything that he had to overcome, everything that he had to learn, that he had to endure - the tribes of cannibals, the meeting with Friday, the attack of pirates and much more will be described by the HERMIT card. Loneliness, isolation, withdrawal from the world. Will this map reflect the whole picture???

Conventionally, we can say that when you make a layout on Tarot cards for the future on three cards, you determine the “average temperature in the ward” (someone has already died and cooled down, someone has a fever of 40 * C, but the card does not say about this, she only says that the average temperature in the ward is 36.6*).

Tarot spread for the near future with three cards

Will give you a more detailed picture. For example:

  • The next 2 weeks (2 months) – The next 2 weeks (2 months) – And the next 2 weeks (2 months).

Even more detailed information you will get it if you limit the scope of the question even further. For example,

  • What will happen At work c The next 2 weeks (2 months) – The next 2 weeks (2 months) – And the next 2 weeks (2 months).

There are three cards for the situation - you want to determine the trend in the development of the situation. In this case, the positions can be named as follows:

  • Past-present-future (your income / your relationships / your job, etc.)

And then you can see

How cloudless is your future (Is there something in the present that you don’t even suspect that will cause you a lot of trouble in the future. Although now it seems to you that nothing foretells deterioration.)

If you find something in the layout that worries you, you can get additional cards and find out in more detail what exactly the problem will be.

  • What needs to be changed – What to keep/maintain as is – What you can ignore at all.
  • What can I change – What shouldn’t be changed – What can’t I change (accordingly, you must somehow adapt to this, or find a way to get around it)
  • This activity/direction/action will bring the greatest benefit/popularity – This activity will bring more harm than good – This activity is simply a waste of time and money. Or
  • Where to start – How to continue – How to finish.
  • Important – Urgent – ​​Useless/unnecessary
  • I have to do this myself - This can be entrusted to someone - This can be ignored.

Tarot spread for three cards for relationships, incl. for love

The simplest option for naming positions in a layout

  • What he thinks – What he feels – What it looks like in reality
  • What he says – What he thinks – What he does
  • What he/she likes about me – What he/she doesn’t like – What he/she doesn’t care about
  • What he likes – What he would like to change – What he is ready to put up with / What he is ready to accept as is
  • Why he wants me to appreciate him - What he wants me not to notice in him - What he doesn’t mind changing in himself with my help
  • What he wants to be responsible for in our relationship - What he will avoid responsibility for - What he will be responsible for as a routine, without enthusiasm, but also without the desire to throw off this burden.
  • What he would like for me to never change - what he wants me to constantly show diversity - What in terms of stability / variability is not important to him at all (But in this situation, you need to keep in mind that people change, and what a person wants diversity now may become completely unimportant for him in 3-5 years. Therefore, this arrangement needs to be repeated at some frequency. For example, once every six months or a year. In order to keep up with life)).

Let's pull out three cards at random, come up with some hypothetical Mr. X and read the same three cards in different triplets. This will give you a clear opportunity to see how to interpret the same cards in different layouts.

Past present Future

  • Knight of Pentacles (Profit/Trade/Deception);
  • 9 of Pentacles
  • 5 of Wands

What can we say about the next 15 years of the life of our Mr. X. For the next 10 years he will be busy making money, most likely through trading. At the same time, he will not disdain using not very honest methods (the Knight of Pentacles and the 9 of Pentacles tell us this) And judging by the 9 of Pentacles, these are his efforts in the first 5 years and in the next 5 years he will live a fairly prosperous and rather carefree life.

BUT 10 years from the moment of fortune telling, something will change in the rules of the activity that provided him with such income. And in order to maintain his income at the same level, it is better for him to study these new rules, and not try to act with the old methods, in which he has become very proficient over the previous 10 years. The meanings of the 5 of Wands tell us that he will have to relearn (learn new rules of the market). We are not talking about money here, we are talking about rules and false competence. Those. a person only thinks that he knows something, in fact, his knowledge was either initially incorrect, or (as in our case) it became false - outdated.

What else can we say about Mr. X from this arrangement? He did not limit us to the sphere of life in which he would like to know the future. This means we can assume that, apart from material security, there will be little that interests him in life in the next 15 years. Perhaps over the years he will get married and divorced 5 times, give birth to a bunch of children, but this side of his life will interest him little.

Past-present-future (your income / your relationships / your job, etc.)

“Three cards” layout for money:

Past. The Knight of Pentacles tells us that in the past a person actively created the basis for his current well-being. It is quite possible to work as a sales agent, sales manager, etc. Those. This was the period when the wolf’s legs feed him, as much as he worked, he ate as much.

The present. Now he is a quite wealthy person, his income allows him not to think about his daily bread every day, and not to stress too much about getting money. BUT

Future. Some unpleasant changes await him in the future, although in the present there are no signs of any deterioration. Therefore, Mr. X needs to keep his finger on the pulse of the activities that now provide him with a good, stable income. Don't rest on your laurels for too long. Already now, some changes are beginning to occur in his field of activity, due to which his stable good income may significantly decrease.

Three Cards Spread for Relationships

Knight of Pentacles (Profit/Trade/Deception);

9 of Pentacles (Profit/Security/Craving for the forbidden);

5 of Wands (Game/Fight/Rules of the Game/Problems of False Competence)

In the past and present, relationships have been and continue to be based on the financial component. But in the near future, our Mr. X may be presented with demands from his partner on the topic - why do you measure everything with money?! Do you think you can buy me? You don't pay enough attention to me, etc. Those. he will be faced with problems in relationships that he does not know how to solve, because he only knows how to solve these problems through money and gifts.

That's all for today. If the article was useful and interesting to you, I would be grateful if you would share it on social networks.

With respect to your views and your values,
Natalia Vammas.