Creative and research project with children of the preparatory school group “World of Cats. Project “My affectionate and gentle beast Project in dhow about cats

World of cats.

Short-term creative practice-oriented project in the preparatory group kindergarten.

Target: Expand and generalize children’s knowledge about a domestic animal - a cat - through different kinds activities.

Tasks:- Create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in preschoolers,

Involve parents in joint activities,

Develop coherent speech, enrich children's vocabulary,

Cultivate a desire to care for animals.

Project product: Exhibition in a mini-museum. Creative stories children about the cat (their pet or the cat breed you like best).

Motivational stage.Problem situation. The impetus for the development of the project was Yana’s story that they promised to give her a kitten, but she was in difficulty: she did not know what breed of pet she should choose. The teacher offered to help Yana.

Questions for revitalization: What breeds of cats do you know? What kind of cat do you have at home? Which cat is better to take home? How to care for a kitten? What do you need to have at home to care for a kitten? What rules should you know about raising a kitten?

During the discussion, the children decided, with the help of their parents, to design a mini-museum exhibition about cats (figurines of cats and kittens, cat toys, fiction, children's popular science literature, photographs, pictures, drawings, crafts...), some children expressed a desire tell us about your pet/breed that you like best.

Discussionoptions for designing an exhibition in the mini-museum “World of Cats”.

Problem-activity stage.Brief summary of the project:

Organized educational activities:

Conversation about domestic animals (cats): species diversity, habits, habits, appearance.

Observing cats while walking, as well as at home (structural parts, characteristic and individual characteristics, habits, postures).

Reading stories about the life of an animal (K. Ushinsky. Vaska. N. Nosov. The Living Hat. I.V. Gurina. The Adventures of a Kitten)

Examination of the painting “Cat with Kittens”, illustrations, photographs, sculptures of small forms on the topic (understanding the image, emotional response, highlighting the pose, appearance beast).

Listening to musical and literary works, watching presentations on the topic.

Educational situation: Paper construction/applique “Cat”

Joint and independent children's activities with adults educational fields:

OO " Speech development»

Creative storytelling on the topic: “Cat is your favorite soft toy.”

Introduction to fiction: Learning proverbs and sayings about a cat, reading nursery rhymes, songs, riddles, poems, stories, telling fairy tales:

V. Suteev Three kittens. Fishing cat. Who said meow? I. Belyshev Stubborn kitten; S.Marshak Koshkin House; D. Kharms Amazing cat (poems); A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova Our pets; a collection of poems about pets; About cats and kitties (rhymes); riddles, proverbs and sayings; K. Ushinsky Plutishka the cat (stories), G. Tsyferov How to become big; G. Oster, M. Plyatskovsky A kitten named Woof and other fairy tales; R. Kipling The cat that walked by itself; I. Novikova Dusya was going to the dacha (poems).

OO " Cognitive development»

Making a lapbook “Pets”

Replenishment of the collection of educational cards, postcards “Our Pets”

Consideration of pictures, visual and illustrative material on the topic, as well as children's educational magazines: “Why about everything in the world”, “ Four-legged friends", "Cats"; children's encyclopedia "Cats and Kittens", reading the book by T. Stadolnikova "How to raise a kitten."

OO " Physical development»

Physical education minutes: “Three cats”, game exercises“Kittens”, finger gymnastics “Kitten”, “Cats”, “Purring Kitty”.

NGO "Social and communicative development"

Role-playing games: Pet Shop. Veterinary hospital.

Didactic, board and printed games: Geometric mosaic; tangram; cubes; puzzles: Pets. Kitten Woof, Cat Concert; Mood Zoo; Emotions and moods; Train of emotions; walking games: The Adventures of Leopold the Cat; Adventures of a kitten.

NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development"

Looking at animal figures. Conversation about sculpture (using the example of the animalistic genre): examination and composition of an exhibition in a mini-museum.

A dramatization game based on the fairy tale by S. Marshak “The Tale of the Stupid Mouse.” Showing dramatization to children middle group.

Creative workshop: Drawing “These funny cats" Paper construction (origami) “Cat”. Modeling "Cat". Applique: with buttons, on carpet. Drawing by numbers, coloring. Using stencils (shading, painting): pets, cat, kitten.

Listening and singing songs, watching presentations: “Mongrel cat”, “Cat song”, “Kitty-kitty, meow”; "Red Cat" etc.

Watching cartoons: “Three from Prostokvashino”; "Kitten named Woof"; “The Town Musicians of Bremen”, “The Cat and the Fox”, “The Cat’s House”; "Naughty kitten."

Creative stage.

Design of the exhibition of the mini-museum “World of Cats”. Presentation of the mini-museum to parents and teachers of other groups.

Presenting to your peers with your story about your favorite pet/breed.

The children brought their favorites Stuffed Toys- cats, told why they like them, how you can play with them.

With the help of parents, the exposition of the mini-museum “World of Cats” was created: children brought from home figurines of kittens and cats, books, photographs, pictures, toys - cats made from different materials (plastic, fur, fabric) ...

With the help of the children, the teacher made a lapbook about pets: the children helped cut, glue, and put pictures in pockets.

The result of the project: Yana liked the Persian kittens the most; she thanked her friends for their help in choosing a kitten for herself. Children, parents and teachers really like our mini-museum. There are already plans for the theme of the next exhibition of the mini-museum.

Children's paper works: “Cat (Kitty)”. Preschoolers lovingly added small details to their crafts: collars, jewelry. The exhibition in the parent's corner greatly pleased the parents.

I bring to your attention a pedagogical project for children in the pre-school group. Pedagogical project aimed at introducing children to cats and broadening their horizons. Optimal implementation dates are January, February, March.

Relevance of the project:

Animal world - an important part of our life. Every child learns the world, trying to touch him, play,.....

You need to start cultivating a love for nature from childhood. We need to teach her to take care and protect her. An important part of nature are living beings. First of all, the child learns animal world, getting to know those who live next to him. And these are pets. And to be even more precise, pets living in an apartment. Not every parent agrees to have pet, knowing and understanding responsibility. And if they agree to the child’s persuasion, then they get one or two animals, no more.

We should not forget that a pet in a family is a powerful educational factor. The child learns to take care of him, look after him, he develops moral, volitional and labor qualities.

Problem: Children do not have sufficient knowledge about pets - cats.

Expected results: expanding children's horizons, vocabulary, nurturing love for animals, involving parents and children in joint activities, establishing trusting and partnership relationships with them.

Fundamental question.

What do we know about cats?

Object of study:

Cats and their life next to humans.

Project type: creative, information-research, long-term.

Necessary equipment:

Sources of information: reference books, books, magazines with stories about cats;


PC, projector, printer, scanner.

Project type: family, group.

Location: BMKDOU No. 36 “Katyusha”.

Dates: January, February, March 2014.

Operating mode: during and outside educational activities.

Number of project participants: teacher: Goncharenko N.E., children – 20 people, parents – 20 people.

Age of children: 6 - 7 years.

Target: expand children's understanding of pets, the conditions for keeping and caring for them, and create conditions for increasing the participation of parents in the life of the group.

Project objectives:


Continue to strengthen children's knowledge about cats.

Summarize children's knowledge about cats, their habits, and lifestyle.

To develop in children a cognitive interest in our smaller brothers.


Foster a sense of love for animals;

Cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards cats.

Cultivate curiosity and empathy;


Develop an interest in the life of cats;

Develop auditory and visual attention, thinking;

Develop children's speech, enrich their vocabulary;

Develop coherent speech - learn to give complete answers to the teacher’s questions.

Forms of work:

Work with children:

Reading and viewing fiction, encyclopedias.

Conducting didactic and verbal games with children.

Productive activities: modeling, drawing, appliqué.

Replenishment of the subject-developmental environment of the group.

Making snow structures on the site of the “Cat with Kittens” kindergarten

Listening to songs

Working with parents:

Completing creative tasks.

Design of albums, books with stories about cats.

Creation of Presentations for the project “Me and my cat”

Drawing attention to the issue of the importance of a pet in a family brought to life our project “My Affectionate and Gentle Animal.”

Product of project activity.

1. Exhibition of drawings “Cats are our friends”.

2. Exhibition of books all about cats, viewing illustrations.

3. Presentation of the project “Me and my cat”

4. Making snow structures on the site of the “Cat with Kittens” kindergarten

5. Articles for parents

6. Presentation “Our friends cats”

7. Presentation “The Diverse World of Cats”

Role of parents:

The children worked together with their parents on the project “Me and My Cat”. The tasks included:

— Selection of photographs of cats for further work.

— Creation of presentations.

— Helping children in the exhibition of drawings “Cats are our friends”

Project implementation stages.

Stage 1 Preparatory

Stage 2 Project implementation

3rd stage Final

Project implementation stages.

Thematic planning.

Used Books

1. E. Efirsova “Cats from A to Z” M. Enlightenment 2007.

2.Yu.Sergeenko “Your cat” M. 2003

3.I.Iofina “Your kitten” M. 2007

4.E. Konsatinova M. Enlightenment 2008

5. Photos taken from the site

6. Photos taken from the site - with the permission of the author

8. “The Magic of Cats” O. Lashchevskaya “Lenizdat”, 2006

9. I.V. Tsvetkova “Ecology for primary school. Games and projects.” Yaroslavl. “Development Academy”. 1997

10. “The Magic of Cats” O. Savchuk. Leningrad, 2006

11. Cats. Encyclopedia, ed. M. Segala M., 2005 All about cats. Encyclopedia. M., 2001

12. Cats. Breeds, standards. N. Nepomnyashchiy "Veche" Moscow 2004

13. Filya. Nature magazine. No. 9- 2007

14. Everything about everything. Encyclopedia. M., 1994

15. Your cat. ( Practical guide on choosing and caring for a cat) ed. Lobacheva V.S. and Bakholdina V.Yu., M., 2000.


Municipal budget preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 7 " gold fish» Mendeleevsky municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

Children's research project


Chernova Ksenia

Project Manager:

Koval L.A.


Children's research project "Cats"

Purpose my job was to talk about our favorite cats.

Object of study is a cat.

During the work, the following were decidedtasks :

    How was the cat domesticated?

    The role of cats in religion?

    History, biology, medicine - what is a cat for them?

Mainresearch method there was an observation.

Cats in Lately became the most beloved pets. Compared to other pets, they are very affectionate, do not make much noise, and are easy to keep.

It is unlikely that every cat owner is aware that they are keeping a real predatory animal in their house. Nevertheless, it is true. Just look at cat teeth.

The ancestors of cats are considered to be saber-toothed tigers, whose fangs protruded 15 cm. They worked like scissor blades, cutting the muscles and tendons of the victim.

Our cats were distant relatives of tigers and lions. What makes them similar is their method of hunting:


    lying in wait,

    The pursuit.

The cat family is divided into 2 groups: big cats and "small-caliber".

Experts believe that the cat was domesticated by the ancient Egyptians. They showed her honor and worshiped in temples. Now you can see it in photographs, in museums, in books, on the Internet.

Our cats help us cope with fatigue, nervous tension. Just petting your furry friend will improve your health and mood.

Anyone who has had a cat knows that these creatures are capable of much... Even magic. And they treat diseases, and put children to sleep, kill snakes, angry dogs they drive away and even detain robbers, and songs are sung. Except they don't tell fairy tales.

Many people believe that cats can predict the weather, earthquakes, and disasters. There are such signs: if a cat curls up into a ball and sleeps with its muzzle buried in its stomach, this means frost or bad weather.

Sleeps with its belly facing up - towards warmth or heat.

Licking the tail means bad wind, licking the paw and washing itself means good weather.

What do you think cats are most afraid of? (Dogs)

And I also thought that cats were afraid of water. And when my mother and I read about cats in a book, it turned out that mustachioed hunters are not afraid of water at all, they swim well, row quickly with their front and hind paws. They are simply afraid of getting wet and getting cold. When wet, a cat's fur loses its thermal properties.

I also learned from the book why a cat needs a mustache. And what do you think?


It turns out that thanks to its whiskers, a cat can navigate and move well in the dark. Therefore, a cat's whiskers cannot be trimmed.

Many people claim that cats always get back on their feet when they fall from a height. Yes, cats are excellent climbers. Thanks to the tail, the falling cat turns around so that it lands confidently on its paws.

Cats are able to find their home, covering distances of many kilometers. This is probably due to her sensitive nose and sensitive ears.

Do you know that the Russian people wrote fairy tales about cats: “The Cat, the Fox and the Rooster”, “Kot Kotofeevich”, “Puss in Boots”, “Turnip”.

I want to warn you that you can’t even kiss your pet, because there are millions of microbes on its tongue.

Project "Cats" Preparatory group

Target: update and supplement children’s knowledge about the pet cat; learn something new and interesting about the cat. Project objectives:- Continue to introduce children to the animal in their immediate environment - the cat; - Through legends, myths, signs, superstitions, works of art meet

children with the origin, lifestyle, habits of a cat.

Expand children's knowledge and horizons about different breeds cats.

To develop in children the desire to reflect their ideas and impressions in productive activities (visual, constructive, writing stories, fairy tales, poems, riddles), role-playing and outdoor games.

Teach the expression of various emotions and the reproduction of individual character traits of a cat.

Foster a love and interest in literature;

Foster a caring and kind attitude towards animals.

Involve parents and children in joint creativity.

Age of participants: 6-7 years old preparatory group kindergarten.

List of participants: the whole group of children.

Implementation period within a month.

Project type: The project is comprehensive in nature - it includes research, creative, educational and practical activities. Relevance of the project

To achieve the goal and implement the tasks set in the project, I conducted a survey of parents on the topic: “Cultivating a love for animals.” Most families in our group do not have pets. Consequently, conditions have not been created for raising and loving animals and communicating with them. It was also found out that children would like to have some kind of pet at home, but due to parental fears about the possibility of the animal harming the child, the children were refused. We should not forget that a pet in a family is a powerful educational factor. The child learns to take care of him, look after him, he develops moral, volitional and labor qualities.

Since not all children have the opportunity to observe an animal (cat) next to them every day, in kindergarten they participate in various activities that help them learn a lot of new and interesting things about the cat.

Preparatory stage


    1. Arouse children's interest in the project object.
  • Form a team, develop a plan.
  1. Encourage parents and children to create together; develop children's creative abilities; create an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding.
  2. Forms of working with children
  1. Tell a legend about a cat (riddle).

“Guys, who do you think this is about? There is always some mystery associated with this animal. Before becoming a pet, this creature suffered hardships, experiencing hunger and cold. Only in the 3rd millennium BC did it appear in a person’s home. In Egypt, these animals protected granaries from rodents and homes from snakes. In Japan, people still give a figurine of a sitting animal with its left paw raised when they wish someone wealth. Buddhists considered them a symbol of beauty and energy. We stroke the fur of our favorite animal and watch with pleasure the amazing grace of its movements, look fascinated into the magical eyes and seem to be waiting for a secret about ourselves. Have you guessed who we are talking about?”

  1. A team of researchers is formed from children. It is suggested to find out where you can get the information you are interested in (listen to the stories of adults, look at encyclopedias, books and magazines with your parents, study the piggy bank folk wisdom from the library in the group). A plan is being developed that will help answer the question:
  • Collect as much initial information about cats as possible.
  • Conduct a series of observations of the object, a series of educational sessions on this topic.
  • Present the results of the information obtained using drawings, applications, collages.
  1. Creating an exhibition in a group creative works“Cats” (modeling cats from salt dough).
  1. Information sheet for parents about the beginning of the project.
  2. Together with parents, filling the group’s library with books about cats (works of fiction, encyclopedias).
  3. Selection of illustrative, audio and video materials for outdoor, speech and didactic games.
  4. Drawing up notes for thematic lessons in different sections of the program.

Main stage


  1. Continue introducing children to pets; draw children's attention to how the animal moves, its color, behavior in different situations; learn to synthesize previously acquired knowledge and apply it in practice, cultivate a caring attitude towards the cat. 2) Find out as much as possible about cats, their lifestyle, habits; introduce various breeds cats, note their similarities and differences; introduce them to their habitat and habits; 3) Increase the motor activity of children; create a positive emotional atmosphere; develop fine motor skills hands 4) Learn to assemble a picture from parts; among many silhouettes, find two identical ones; give the animal a nickname in accordance with the image; learn to create a descriptive image; make riddles based on existing knowledge. 5) Develop motor skills of the speech-motor apparatus; updating and expanding the dictionary on the topic “Pet-cat”.

6) Improve and expand children’s play ideas and skills; to create a desire to organize role-playing games; teach to develop a plot based on knowledge when perceiving the environment; teach children to agree on a sequence of joint actions; develop emotions that arose during role-playing and plot game actions with characters; encourage the expression of emotions in relation to the game material; develop imagination, thinking, speech.

7) Encourage children to actively help the teacher when composing a story, develop children’s coherent speech, enrich them lexicon. 8) Learn to follow the rules in outdoor games, develop children’s activity in the process of physical activity.

9) Introduce children to signs and superstitions associated with cats, find out them with children true meaning; cultivate curiosity and observation. 10) Introduce children to the values ​​of folk culture: introduce children to signs, proverbs, sayings, teach children to emotionally perceive the content of nursery rhymes; teach to understand their meaning; develop children's active vocabulary.

11) Stimulate the motor activity of children, develop initiative, imagination, creativity; evoke an emotional response; to cultivate the moral and volitional qualities of the child’s personality.

12) Create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in children; generalize and expand children’s knowledge on these topics; learn to synthesize previously acquired knowledge and apply it in practice; develop a caring attitude towards your cat

13) Develop a sense of rhythm and color in children; continue to develop hand-eye coordination; teach children to create an image of a mouse from a wad of paper; develop fine motor skills of the hand; cultivate neatness 14) Arouse children’s interest in creativity and making crafts; introduce children to the technique of modeling from salt dough; develop fine motor skills of the hands; cultivate a sense of mutual assistance.

15) Continue to teach children to analyze the image and recreate it from parts; learn to distinguish shades of mood in painting and use color as a visual means; cultivate perseverance and interest in visual arts.

16) Develop children's horizons; develop memory, creative imagination and oral speech of children; cultivate interest in plot compositions.

Forms of working with children

1) Observation of the cat’s behavior while walking outdoors or indoors

2) View the presentation: “Such different cats.”

3) Conducting physical education minutes “Cat Habits”, “Show the Answer” and finger games.

4) Didactic games and exercises: “Find two identical cats”, “Let’s feed our Murka”, “Come up with a nickname”, “Collect a picture” (puzzles). 5) Word games: “Describe the cat”, “Come up with a riddle about the kitten” 6) Role-playing games: “The kitten is beloved, good, obedient”; “The cat got sick”, “Journey to the world of toys”, “I will turn into...” 7) Reading and retelling of works where one of the characters is a cat: A. Fet. “The cat is singing, his eyes are squinted...”; S. Gorodetsky “Kitten”; N. Nosov “Living Hat”; K. Paustovsky. "Cat Thief"; L. Petrushevskaya. "The Cat Who Could Sing";

8) Listening and singing songs: “We sewed boots for the cat for the holiday” (development of hearing and voice); "Vaska the Cat", music. G. Lobachev, lyrics. N. Frenkel (playing with singing); 9) Development of coherent speech in older preschoolers through learning to compose stories based on a picture and a series of plot pictures.

10) Reading words (animal names), laying out words from cubes, sound-letter analysis, composing and analyzing sentences with these words.

11) Introducing children to signs and superstitions associated with cats. 12) Acquaintance with sayings, proverbs, nursery rhymes about cats. 13) Outdoor games different nations: “Brave Mice”, “Mice and the Cat”, “Cat and Mice”, “Vaska the Cat”, “Cat and Mouse”, “Cat’s House”.

14) Cognitive development “Can you handle animals?”, “Cat relatives.” 15) Application: “Rug for your beloved cat”, “Toys for Murzik”.

16) Modeling from salt dough: “Kitty”

17) Drawing “Cat - a mustachioed tabby” (smiling or sad cat) 18) Funny stories from the life of cats, recorded from the words of parents, or compiled by the children themselves, watching videos.

The final stage

Teamwork. Silhouette applique “Cats on the window”

Project "Our cats"

Middle group "Gulder"

Teachers: Turlubekova G.A.

Kurmangozhina A.M.

Why is our mini-museum dedicated to cats? Because cats have been living next to humans for 5 thousand years. We love these fluffy and graceful creatures very much. Firstly, they benefit humans by destroying rodents, and when we are sad, a cat cheers us up. By stroking the back of this soft and fluffy animal, you only get positive emotions. Oh, how the kids love them!

From an early age, the child becomes acquainted with literary works in which cats are the main characters. Fairy tales, nursery rhymes, songs, riddles.

Our museum has many exhibits, different sizes made from different materials: wood, clay, porcelain, metal, fabric.

Objective of the project:

Formation in children of a humane, emotionally positive, caring attitude towards pets. Involve parents in working on the project.

Project objectives:

1 . To arouse in children an interest in cats, a desire to learn more about the life and habits of cats.

2 . To develop speech, thinking, and creative abilities of preschoolers in the process of familiarizing themselves with the image of a cat in literature and play activities.

3 . Introduce children to the role of cats in human life.


Project participants: middle group children, parents of pupils, group teachers

Project implementation period: mid-term (2 months)

Forms of work: playful, educational, productive, work with parents


Insufficient understanding of cats in children.

Project implementation stages:

Stage I – preparatory

Stage II – basic (practical)

Stage III - final

Stage I – preparatory

1. Determining the level of children’s knowledge about cats.

Discussion of goals and objectives with children and parents.

2. Drawing up a work plan. "Project implementation

through different types activities"

3. Selection of fiction, poetry,

riddles, coloring books.

4. Selection of exhibits for the mini-museum.

Stage II – practical

Introduction into the educational and creative process effective methods and techniques

1. Expanding the horizons of children (Conversations, observations,

watching video clips).

2.Cognitive, creative and productive


3. Introducing children to cats from fairy tales,


Homework for parents:

1. Children with their parents draw a picture on the theme “My favorite cat.”

2.Develop the child’s vocabulary.

3.Memorizing a poem.

4. Looking at illustrations, in books, magazines, photographs of some cat breeds.

5. Bring a photo of the child with


Stage III – final

1. Processing of implementation results


2. Presentation of the project.

3. Release of a baby book. (Kitsonka-

little mouse)

Play activity

Didactic game: “Cat’s birthday”

Cognitive activity


1.Looking at pictures with illustrations - cats.

2. Preparing an outdoor playground for observations and various games. 3.Acquaintance with video material about the life of a cat.

4. Watching the cartoon “Leopold the Cat.”

Conversations with children

Conversations about cats using

guiding questions:

"If I Found a Kitten"


  • Reading the story: “Three Kittens.” V. Suteev.
  • Learning and reading poems about cats.
  • Guessing riddles about animals.
  • View the presentation.

Observing a cat and her kittens

(on the territory of the kindergarten)


  • Unconventional drawing: “Cat”
  • Application: “Balls for a kitten”
  • Modeling: “Bowl for a cat”

( rubber stamp )



Mongrel cat

Interaction with parents

  • Co-creation of children and parents in the design of exhibitions, drawings and crafts.

  • Expand children's horizons about cats. Expand your vocabulary.
  • Improve the subject-development environment: literature, photographs, illustrations, poems, stories.
  • Make the word “museum” familiar and attractive to children.
  • Enrich the mini-museum with various exhibits.
  • To instill in children a caring attitude towards animals. Parents' desire to have pets.

  • class notes
  • baby book
  • illustrations of children's works
  • slides.

Nazarlarynizga Rakhmet!

Thank you for your attention!