Reduction of the wings of the nose and whether scars remain.  Reduction of nostrils. The price of perfect appearance

Correction of the wings of the nose, or rhinoplasty, has several indications. Some agree to such an operation out of necessity, while others simply pursue the goal of making their face perfect. In any case, the risks of surgery will be the same. You should not think that surgery to change the shape or size of the wings of the nose is absolutely harmless.

If people for whom rhinoplasty becomes a real salvation. For aesthetic perfection, those who have suffered severe injuries, burns and other types of nasal deformities agree to such a procedure. A deviated nasal septum is considered a rather dangerous phenomenon. This somewhat spoils a person’s appearance and adds a lot of inconvenience to him in the form of sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, frequent headaches and sleep problems. In such a situation, you should not refuse rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty – features of correction of wide wings of the nose

It is worth remembering that, like any other type of surgical intervention, a person may have contraindications for nasal surgery.

Rhinoplasty includes several types of plastic surgery. The doctor can correct the shape of the nose and septum () and tidy up the wings of the nostrils. The latter case is quite common in those patients who do not need treatment, but want to achieve perfect results. appearance. In fact, rhinoplasty can greatly change a person, making his facial features sharper and clearer.

This is what rhinoplasty looks like

It is the wings of the nostrils that are responsible for the “fat nose” effect. Moreover, some have to carry out such a correction due to the uneven location of the cartilage at the base of the wings. This can be a natural pathology or acquired.

Surgery on the wings of the nose plays an important role for many patients. Having corrected their deficiency, they become more relaxed, self-confident, and this greatly changes their life. To determine whether a person needs reduction of the wings of the nose, it is worth contacting a doctor who will draw special lines on the patient’s photo and determine whether surgery is necessary. Special straight lines are drawn on the photograph. If the patient's nasal wings extend beyond the permissible limit, this may be an indication for surgical intervention. In addition, indicators such as the size of the nasal cartilage, thickness skin in this place is the length of the wings themselves.

On video rhinoplasty wings of the nose:

How does the correction happen?

After the specialist approves such a procedure, one of the appropriate methods of action will be selected. There may be several options for surgery on the wings of the nose. This should include reducing the nostrils, narrowing them and restoring tissue on the wings. The latter case is most often prescribed for those who have suffered serious injuries and burns, so the skin and cartilage tissue have been damaged.

This is what the result of rhinoplasty looks like

Reducing and tapering wings are very different from each other. In the first case, only part of the skin is removed, but also cartilage tissue. The second case involves the removal of a certain area of ​​skin, after which a scar remains. It tightens, tightens the rest of the skin, which fits more tightly to the cartilage.

Pros and cons of the operation

Experts claim that it is the wings of the nostrils that are important factor, which is responsible for the perception of the entire human nose as a whole, and sometimes the face. Therefore, when reducing them, it is worth considering that appearance can change greatly. Many people strive for this, so they easily agree to such an operation, but for others it is an opportunity to improve not only their appearance, but also their physical condition.

The nose is very important for a person, as it performs many vital functions. It is involved in breathing, speech formation, helps recognize odors and protect a person from harmful microorganisms.

As for surgery on the wings of the nose, it is considered one of the most harmless, since important areas are not affected. Complications with this type of rhinoplasty occur very rarely. Moreover, many are attracted by the fact that recovery period after changing the shape of the wings of the nose does not exceed 7 days.

Rhinoplasty has many advantages, but we can’t help but mention the disadvantages. For example, if something goes wrong, it will be simply impossible to hide the defect. More open space on human body difficult to find.

The video shows the positive and negative aspects of the operation:

Surgery on the wings of the nose requires the highest skill from the doctor. If a specialist makes a mistake, this can lead to the formation of scars up to five millimeters long. Sometimes they “see through” and become an unpleasant reminder of surgery. Only the work of a good surgeon will not leave traces behind, but it must be taken into account that such masters value their work very highly. Also read, make your nose smaller without surgery.

How to prepare for plastic surgery to reduce the wings of the nose

Many people believe that such a minor procedure as reduction does not require special preparation. However, we must not forget that such an intervention using anesthesia is still impossible to carry out efficiently if the patient does not comply with certain preoperative instructions.

First of all, doctors try to prepare a person mentally. This can be quite difficult, since some people do not fully understand what they are agreeing to. As a result, after the operation they get a different face, which can be difficult to get used to.

Rhinoplasty of the wings of the nose cannot be prescribed just like that. To do this, the patient will have to undergo many examinations, during which it will be determined whether he has contraindications to such a procedure. Analyzes and others diagnostic methods uses not only plastic surgeon. Basically, otolaryngologists, anesthesiologists and therapists are involved in the preparatory work. After all the necessary examinations and diagnostic procedures, we can talk about whether rhinoplasty is acceptable for a particular patient. In addition, during the preliminary examination, doctors choose best options how to perform the operation.

Here's a video of what you can expect after surgery:

As for the plastic surgeon himself, he usually takes a “before” picture. This allows you to evaluate how the operation went. With help computer program a specialist can also model the patient’s future appearance, which will help the person decide whether he is ready for such changes in his life.

But the list is not only about preliminary examination and psychological preparation. necessary actions which must be done before lying on the operating table. A few weeks before surgery, the patient is advised to stop smoking and using alcoholic drinks. Reception is not allowed medicines, which could alter blood clotting.

Consequences of surgery and postoperative period

The operation that a plastic surgeon can perform on the wings of the nose can be open and closed type. In the first case we are talking about complex problem, when the doctor needs to get the closest possible contact with the tissues being operated on. It is believed that open rhinoplasty provides the most effective results.

In any case, no matter what type of rhinoplasty is used, in the postoperative period the patient will experience severe swelling of the face, or rather the part of it where the incisions were made. This is the most unpleasant part of the procedure. However, the postoperative period passes quickly, and the swelling completely subsides within a couple of weeks.

When changing the shape of the wings of the nose, small incisions are made, so the scars heal quickly. However, for the first few days the patient will have to breathe through the mouth as there will be cotton swabs in the nose. They are needed to eliminate the risks of bleeding and accidental injury. The consequences of nose rhinoplasty are described in more detail.

Of course, any operation is very unpleasant and painful. That's why doctors prescribe painkillers.

A neat, chiseled nose has always been one of the criteria of beauty. Too wide nostrils and the wings of the nose visually weigh down the facial features, depriving it of grace. The scalpel of an experienced surgeon can eliminate this annoying drawback once and for all. Often, a simple operation to reduce the nostrils is enough to change the appearance dramatically.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

Wide or thick nasal wings rarely represent medical problem. They, as a rule, do not interfere with breathing or smell, which cannot be said about facial aesthetics. Often, the nose looks disproportionately large and wide even with a relatively narrow back. Respectively, The main indication for rhinoplasty to reduce nostrils is the patient’s desire. The operation will help in the following situations: enlarged nostrils, which visually make the nose wider, disproportionately long or too thick wings of the nose, deformation of the wings of the nose or their asymmetry.

Contraindications coincide with the restrictions for classical rhinoplasty.

How is the operation performed?

Nostril reduction surgery is a lighter version of rhinoplasty. The doctor makes an incision in the wings of the nose in the area where they connect to the cheek and excises a small area of ​​​​tissue, and then stitches it. After complete healing, the scars in this place are completely invisible. When correcting asymmetry, areas of different sizes are cut out.

This simple intervention can significantly narrow the wings of the nose and reduce the size of the nostrils. At the Beauty Institute, it is performed only under anesthesia in order to relieve the patient of any discomfort. Unlike full-fledged rhinoplasty, this intervention does not require wearing a plaster cast on the bridge of the nose.

IMPORTANT! The lighter version of the operation is not suitable for all patients. In some cases, narrowing the nose and making it more neat and clear can only be done with the help of a full-fledged rhinoplasty.

Rehabilitation after nostril reduction

Since only small areas of the wings of the nose are affected during the operation, the rehabilitation period is faster than recovery after conventional rhinoplasty. In the first days the patient may feel discomfort, often bloody issues from the nose. Tissue swelling persists for about a month, but the main swelling goes away within a week.

The most critical period is the first 2 weeks after rhinoplasty to reduce the size of the nostrils. At this time, the patient is required to avoid situations associated with increased pressure:

  • Physical exercise;
  • Overheating and insolation (bath, sauna, hot bath and shower, solarium, direct Sun rays);
  • Bend over, lifting weights.

During the postoperative period, the doctor will invite the patient to the clinic several times for examination to monitor healing. On average, after 1-2 months all restrictions are completely lifted.

Isolated reduction of the nostrils often provides an effect no worse than classic rhinoplasty. The tip becomes sharper and clearer, the back visually narrows. The choice of a specific operation is made by the surgeon after examination. Take the first step towards transformation, come for a consultation with specialists at the Beauty Institute.

Very often, facial proportions are spoiled by too wide nostrils, and for many people this problem becomes a source of dissatisfaction with their appearance. If you are one of these people, we hasten to please you: modern aesthetic surgery I long ago found a way to correct the shape of the nostrils and called this operation nasal plastic surgery.

What problems does the operation solve?

Rhinoplasty of the wings of the nose is often a stage of general rhinoplasty, but for special indications it is performed separately. So, using this operation you can fix:

  • nostrils that are too wide or narrow;
  • wing length;
  • large wings of the nose;
  • asymmetry of the nostrils;
  • thickness of cartilage and skin on the nostrils;
  • retraction of the nostrils.

The final volume of intervention is determined by the surgeon at face-to-face consultation. In some cases, the doctor may also recommend other types of nose correction.

How is rhinoplasty of the nose wings performed?

At our Institute, all operations begin with initial appointment surgeon During it, an anamnesis is collected and necessary tests. Under no circumstances should you try to hide it from your doctor. important information(for example, the presence of contraindications to surgery), since only with the most complete picture is the success of the operation guaranteed.

Before undergoing rhinoplasty, you will definitely be consulted by an anesthesiologist and surgeon. The first one will find out if you have allergic reactions for certain drugs, and the second will take several photographs and apply preoperative markings.

After the anesthesiologist is satisfied that the administered anesthesia has worked, the team, led by the surgeon, prepares to begin the operation. The technique for performing nasal plastic surgery will depend on the result that the surgeon wants to achieve:

  1. When reducing the wings of the nose, small incisions are made on the sides at the base and excess tissue is removed. After this, the surgeon carefully stitches the edges.
  2. To narrow the nostrils, the surgeon cuts the area of ​​the columella (the skin of the nasal septum) and draws a thread, thus pulling the nasal openings towards each other. Part of the skin that spoils the proportions is excised, after which sutures are applied.
  3. The problem of wing retraction requires restoration of support and is solved by tissue transplantation. Typically, tissue taken from the outside of the ear or from the nasal septum is used.

All operations last on average from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. After all manipulations are completed, the patient is put in a plaster cast, taken out of anesthesia and transported to the ward.

Recovery after correction of the wings of the nose

In most cases, this type of rhinoplasty is tolerated very easily: cases of severe swelling and bruising under the eyes are rare. However, all patients who have undergone this operation must follow the same rules as patients who have undergone more serious types of rhinoplasty:

  • Do not touch the bandage until it is removed;
  • it is necessary to rinse the nasal passages every 1.5-2 hours;
  • Excessive heat exposure (sun, solarium, bath) should be avoided;
  • If possible, you should limit any physical exercise at least the first 2-3 days.

Stitches are removed on day 5-6, postoperative scar noticeable for 1.5-2 months, then it brightens and becomes almost invisible. Swelling that may occur after surgery also goes away within a week after surgery. The nose takes on its final appearance 5-6 months after correction.

Prices for rhinoplasty of the wings of the nose in Moscow

In our institute you can reduce the wings of the nose, as well as perform any other type of correction of the wings. The price is for surgery only! Additional charges:

  • consultations with a surgeon and anesthesiologist;
  • anesthesia;
  • necessary tests;
  • Consumables;
  • being in the ward.

Contraindications for surgery

Rhinoplasty is not possible if the patient has the following health problems:

Attention! All aesthetic plastic surgery and the majority cosmetic procedures strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. We also do not perform surgical interventions on people whose weight exceeds 110 kg.

Despite its complexity, rhinoplasty is a very common procedure. Some people are not satisfied with the shape of their nose, others with its length. Well, some people don’t like the cartilage that forms the nostrils. For such cases, there is rhinoplasty of the wings of the nose, without affecting the bone.

Reduction of the wings of the nose

The huge advantage of this operation is that it does not require intervention in bone tissue. At the same time, reviews prove its unsurpassed effect: facial features become clearer and sharper.

Manipulation can be carried out:

Correction is carried out by excision of mucocutaneous and skin fragments along the contour of the nostrils at the base of the nose. As a result, small scars remain, which become completely invisible after one to two months.

Indications for surgery

Rhinoplasty - reduction of the wings of the nose - is aimed at narrowing this organ and making it more attractive. There may be several reasons for this: congenital defects, consequences of injury, or simply the desire to achieve an ideal appearance.

The main indications for surgical intervention are:

  • wide or narrow nose shape;
  • crooked nostrils, which often appears after severe blows or bruises;
  • nostrils too large;
  • unequal sizes of nostrils.

Features of the procedure

The entire operation lasts about 20 minutes. Depending on the effect that needs to be achieved, the procedure itself differs.

1. The operation to reduce the wings of the nose due to its large size is carried out by making lateral wedge-shaped incisions at the base. After this, the excess part is removed and the edges are sewn together.

2. In order to make the wings narrower, stitches are placed on the skin septum separating the nostrils.

3. In case of wing retraction, cartilage tissue transplantation is necessary. For such purposes, cartilage from the nasal septum or auricle is used.

In modern surgery, computer modeling is performed before rhinoplasty.

Rehabilitation period

If the operation is successful, recovery is quite easy. On the first day, special turundas are inserted into the nostrils. After 5-6 days, the sutures are removed, after which the scars heal completely over time. But it is believed that final recovery occurs after about six months.

In the photo you can see a comparison of the nose before and after surgery.

During rehabilitation period you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  • do not remove the bandage yourself;
  • rinse the nasal passages with a special solution;
  • reduce physical activity;
  • limit exposure to heat.

Side effects and contraindications

Like any surgical intervention, nose surgery cannot guarantee a 100 percent result without any complications. But this happens extremely rarely when the nose is corrected correctly by professional specialists.

Rhinoplasty of the wings of the nose, the photo of which is presented below, shows with the naked eye how not only its width has changed, but also the overall features of the entire face.

Contraindications for surgery:

The price of the procedure varies depending on the complexity of the operation.

In order to reduce the size of the nostrils and wings of the nose, rhinoplasty surgery is prescribed. Rhinoplasty refers to operations that are prescribed for medical and aesthetic reasons. Rhinoplasty has many varieties, and correction of the wings of the nose is done only to improve the appearance of the shape and size of the nostrils.

Rhinoplasty is a complex and common operation. In addition to improving the appearance of the face and the shape of the nose, it is also possible to correct the deformation of the tip of the nose and its septum, too large wings of the nose and the results of injuries.

The surgeon who performs rhinoplasty surgery must be a professional medical specialist. At the appointment, it is important to discuss all the important points of the upcoming operation.

Indications for rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is done under general anesthesia and lasts from half an hour to two hours. Computer modeling is done in advance to give the nostrils and wings of the nose correct form, while taking into account the wishes of the patient.

First, before rhinoplasty, you need to undergo an examination and consultation with a surgeon about:

Various defects of the wings of the nose can be congenital or acquired. Birth defects can occur when the bones of the skull are not formed correctly during fetal development. Acquired defects can occur after injuries or unsuccessful operations.

Wide or long wings of the nose can be seen in people belonging to some races, for example, in the Negroid race.

In each specific case, rhinoplasty is prescribed and performed taking into account various changes and forms of correction, and all operations are individual, without a general standard.

The essence of rhinoplasty surgery is that the surgeon must remove part of the wing if the nose is too wide or long, narrow or widen the nostrils, remove excess skin and cartilage to reduce thickness.

Types of nostril rhinoplasty

The timing of the nostril rhinoplasty operation depends on the required volume of surgical intervention. For example, the nostril correction operation itself takes about half an hour, but full rhinoplasty lasts two hours.

According to the technology of rhinoplasty, there can be the following types:

Also important point is the fact that plastic procedures specifically for the wings of the nose are not often performed as a separate operation; usually it is combined with general rhinoplasty. In consultation with a doctor, it is discussed how much surgery the patient is supposed to undergo.

Stages of rhinoplasty

The first stage is that you need to make small cuts on the sides and wings of the nose. What the result will be depends on the shape of the cut and the depth.

That is, the wings of the nose are reduced without changing the structure internal cavity. To make the nose more closed, the incision must be made along the base, touching the bottom. You can reduce the size of the wings of the nose and nostrils by removing one area in the internal cavity.

In the second stage, excess skin is removed from both sides. It is important here that the surgeon does not remove excess tissue, otherwise the resulting unaesthetic appearance of the nose cannot be corrected.

At the third stage, the skin is joined and cosmetic sutures are applied.

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty

The sutures that are placed during the operation are removed after 6 days. The patient is usually not kept in the hospital; a second appointment and examination by the surgeon should be scheduled seven days after rhinoplasty of the nostrils.

After the operation, tampons are placed in the patient’s nasal passages for a day and over the nose gypsum bandage for fixation. The remaining small scar will go away in a month and a half and will become invisible over time.

Also, after rhinoplasty of the nostrils during rehabilitation, you should not stay in the sun for a long time, lift weights or do heavy work. physical exercise, go to the bathhouse and swimming pool.

Consequences of rhinoplasty of the wings of the nose

Rhinoplasty is a surgical intervention, and there is no guarantee that there will be a 100% result, since the integrity of the skin and cartilage tissue is violated, bleeding, swelling, hematomas, and even bruises may occur.

Also one of negative consequences may be difficult nasal breathing. The complexity of the operation of rhinoplasty of the wings of the nose is that the consequences can be noticed both after a month and after a year. This is due to long recovery tissues and functions of the nose, so that swelling takes a long time to subside.

Causes of complications after surgery:

Sometimes after nostril rhinoplasty, asymmetry of the wings of the nose and nostrils may occur. This may be due to the doctor’s erroneous actions during the operation; the skin was removed unequally from both sides of the nostrils.

If the surgeon noticed this in time, then to eliminate it you need to use tampons during the rehabilitation period. Otherwise you need to do repeat operation, which is allowed only 6 months after the first.

You can evaluate whether the nostrils are different two months after rhinoplasty surgery, after the swelling has gone away.

In rare cases, after rhinoplasty, scars may remain near the nostrils, since the incisions during the operation are small, otherwise the scar will be noticeable. A scar may also remain due to poor skin regeneration or inadequate care for the skin that has undergone surgery.

For quality and positive effect For rhinoplasty operations, you need to choose an experienced and professional surgeon, and discuss in advance all the nuances of correcting the shape of the nose and nostrils.